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Exam Name___________________________________ MULTIPLE CHOICE.

Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1)

The nurse is checking peripheral perfusion to a child's extremity following a cardiac catheteriz ation. If there is adequate peripheral circulation , the nurse would find that the extremity:


_______ A)

htio h an, a swi s th a dan p eab a cse l r nt p edo a ars sali es dpe di ss epu nlse s. a

ble dorsalis pedis pulse but an absent posteri or tibial pulse.

is cool, with a D)

capillary refill of greater than 3 seconds.

is warm, with a 2)

capillary refill less than 3 seconds.

The nurse is teaching the parents of a group of cardiac patients. The nurse includes in the informatio n that any child who has undergon e cardiac surgery should:


_______ A)

hse r ave e vral c ew e ee i aks v fol e f lo p ewi r vng o eth p re h su f rg oer r y.

ylactic antibiot ics for any dental, oral, or upper respirat ory tract proced ures.

be restricted from most play activities. D)

not receive routine immunizations. 3)

A child has been admitted to the hospital unit in congestiv e heart failure (CHF). Symptom s related to this admission diagnosis would include:


_______ A)


B) increa sed blood


D) weight loss. 4 )

A toddler has been started on digoxin (lanoxin) for cardiac failure. If the child develops digoxin toxicity, the first sign the nurse might note would be:


_______ A)

lowered blood pressure.

B) nause a and


D) tinnitu s. 5 )

A child is admitted with infective endocardi tis. The nurse is prepared to:


_______ A)

phil a ld s ain s cco i ent s ac tt hiso elat io cn.

t with a lumbar punctur e.

place the child on seizure precautions. D)

start an 6)

intravenous line.

A diagnosis of rheumatic fever is being ruled out for a child. The nurse teaches the parents that the lab test to check for a recent streptoco ccal infection is:


_______ A)

Ctiv a streptol - e n ysin-O r pr ti (ASLO). eot aei cn.

erythrocyte D)

sedimentation rate.

throat culture. 7)

An athletic activity the nurse could recomme nd for a schoolage child with pulmonar y artery hypertens ion is:


_______ A)


B) soccer .

cross-country running.

D) basket ball. 8 )

The nurse finds that an infant has stronger pulses in the upper extremitie s than in the lower extremitie s, and higher blood pressure readings in the arms than in the legs. This could be indicative of what heart defect?


_______ A)

pdu a al act t septal t us ri defect eart neri t os us

coarctation of the aorta D)

transposition of the great vessels 9)

An infant with tetralogy of Fallot is having a hypercyan otic episode (TET spell). Which of the following nursing interventi ons should the nurse implemen t?( Select all that apply.)


_______ A)

A a D blood dnd r for a m a serum pr i op w hemogl nra obin. i no slol t int era r ve no m us oly r as por hde i re nd. e

Administer oxygen. D)

Place the child in knee-chest position. E)

Administer 10)

Benadryl as ordered.

The nurse has admitted a child with a ventricula r septal defect to the unit. An appropriat e nursing diagnosis for this child is:


______ A)

Hrel A elated yate c to the pd u effects oto t of a t dec e conge hrea P nital esed a heart r me i defect m tab n . i olic r asta te.

Impaired Gas to pulmonary congestion secondary to the increased pulmonary blood flow. Exchange related D)

Fluid Volume, 11)

Deficient related to hyperthermia secondary to the congenital heart defect.

The nurse has admitted a child with a cyanotic heart defect. The nurse would expect to find the initial lab result to show a:


______ A)

low platelet count.

B) low


high white blood cell count.

D) high 1


. 2)

A nursing interventi on for a stable infant who has supravent ricular tachycardi a is:


______ A)

a of a ation dintr d of m ave mintrav i noui enous ns n adeno i ami i sine s oda s (Aden t ron t ocard) re r . a(Ca t rda i ron oe). n

preparation for D)


application of ice 13)

to the face.

An infant has been diagnosed with a mild cyanotic heart defect. Surgery to correct the defect will not be performed for at least 2 years. The nurse teaches the parents that a child with a mild cyanotic heart defect should:


______ A)

n giv main oen a norma t ant i l ipy n activit breti t y. ecs.

be placed on bed rest. D)

have a low-grade 14)

fever until the defect is repaired.

The mother of a child with a heart defect is questionin g the nurses about the child's medicatio n. The nurse explains that spironolac tone (Aldacton e) is a diuretic that:


______ A)

btio p tes l n r vascul oof o ar c sod mrelaxa kiu o tion. sm and r wat eer ain bren s al otub r ule ps.

spares potassium. D)

produces rapid 15)


A child has had a heart transplant . The nurse recognize s that postop teaching has been successful when the parents state that the child is on cyclospori ne A to:


______ A)

r eru t em r dcho e ulest a c ero el lev s el.

t hypert ension .

treat infections. D)

prevent rejection


D 2)

B 3)

A 4)

B 5)

D 6)

B 7)

A 8)

C 9)

A, C, D 10)

C 11)

D 12)

D 13)

B 14)

C 15)

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