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Biochemistry Project

Project: Students will create a power point and provide an in class lecture with slide notes for all members of the class. A review sheet, crossword, and post quiz are also needed to demonstrate your learning and the learning of other members of our class. The groups will be assigned one of the six listed topics below. Assigned groups are responsible for all content and must make a conference visit with Mr.Thompson to ensure all pernitent curriculm is covered properly and creatively. A rubric will be discussed during our confernce. Groups of two to three students will be assigned one of the following major topics of study related to the chemisty of living things: 1. The Importnace of Water a. Describe the structure of water. b. Explain how waters polar nature affects its soulubility. c. Discuss the importance of hydrogen bonding and how this relates to cohesion and adhesion. d. Discuss the importance of the capillarity effect (plants). e. Temperature Moderation of water in our enviroment. f. Explain the importance of ice having a lower density than its liquid version. 2. Organic Chemistry a. Explain why carbon forms so many compounds? b. Illustrate at least three ways carbon can bond to form very different shapes which relates to different functions. c. Define functional groups and explain its importance. d. Illustrate the following functional groups: hydroxyl group, amino group, phosphate group, and the carboxyl group. e. Compare a condensation reaction with a hydrolysis reaction. f. What is the energy currency of a cell? Why is the hydrolysis of ATP so critical to living things? 3. Carbohydrates a. What are carbohydrates and how are complex carbohydrates made and broken down? b. Name the bond that holds more complex carbs together. c. Define monosaccharide, disaccharide, and polysaccaride and discuss their importnace in living things. d. What are the three monosacchride isomers? e. Name three dissacharides and how they are made. f. Describe the following three polysaccharides: glycogen, starch, and cellulose.

4. Proteins a. What are proteins? b. What are the monomers of proteins? c. How does the R group of an amino acid influence its structure which will ultimately influence its fuction? d. How are polypeptides made from amino acids? e. What are enzymes and why are they important? f. Describe the lock and key model of enzyme action 5. Lipids a. What are lipids? b. Illutrate and explain the difference between a saturated and unsaturated fatty acid. c. Explain why the two ends of a fatty acid have vey different properies ( hyrophillic vs. hydrophobic). d. What are the three major classes of lipids with examples? e. What is a triglyceride and how can you tell the differnce between a saturated and unsaturated triglyceride by looking at it? f. How do phospholipids differ from triglycerides and where are they found in a cell? g. What are waxes and why are they important? h. What are steroids? Describe some common natural steroids found in humans. 6. Nucleic Acids a. What are nucleic acids? b. What are the monomers of nucleic acids? Illustration. c. What are the three main components of a nucleotide? d. What is the main function of DNA? e. What is the main functionof RNA? f. Describe three differnces between DNA and RNA. g. Describe the central dogma.

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