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The Catholic Church of Sanger and Del Rey


828 O Street Sanger, CA 93657 Masses/Misas: Saturday 5:30 pm; Sbado 7:00 pm; Sunday 7:30 am; Mon-Fri 7:00 am Reconciliation/Confesiones: Thursday/Jueves 6:00 pm-7:00 pm; Saturday/Sbado 2:15 pm & 6:30 pm. Other times, call for an appointment.

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

November 6, 2011
First Reading -- Wisdom is easily discerned by those who love her (Wisdom 6:12-16). Psalm -- My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God (Psalm 63). Second Reading -- Since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have died (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 [13-14]). Gospel -- Stay awake! You know neither the day nor the hour (Matthew 25:1-13). QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK What gifts do I share to making the world a better place? How have my parents, grandparents, or teachers shown me Gods love?

32do Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

6 de noviembre de 2011
Primera lectura -- La sabidura la encuentran los que la buscan (Sabidura 6:12-16). Salmo -- Mi alma est sedienta de ti, oh Seor, mi Dios (Salmo 63 [62]). Segunda lectura -- No se acongojen como los que no tienen esperanza (1 Tesalonicenses 4:13-18 [13-14]). Evangelio -- Las vrgenes necias no estaban preparadas para la llegada del novio (Mateo 25:1-13). PREGUNTAS PARA LA SEMANA: Adultos: Qu dones comparto para hacer el mundo mejor? Nios: Cmo me han demostrado mis padres, abuelos, o maestros el amor de Dios?


12050 E. North Avenue Sanger, CA 93657 Masses/Misas: Espaol Domingo 8:30 am y 1:00 pm English Sunday 10:30 am Bilingual Sunday 5:00 pm


5375 Carmel St. Del Rey Masses/Misas: Sbado 5:30 pm; Sunday 9:30 am; Primer Viernes 5:30 pm Confesiones: Sabads antes de la Misa

21 days before implementation on November 27, 2011

Sesin #7
En esta sesin, exploraremos varios relatos de cenas de la biblia y entonces hablaremos de unos cambios en el relato de la Institucin. Porque es tan importante, queremos comprender los cambios de los textos. El tiempo es plegado como un telescopio mientras omos las palabras que Jess habl sobre el pan y el vino en su ltima cena con sus amigos. Jess tom parte en el ritual de la Pascua muchas veces, pero hizo un cambio significativo en la Ultima Cena. Nos dio su Cuerpo y Sangre, el sacrificio definitivo y la alianza entre Dios y la humanidad. Tambin destacaremos las races bblicas de las palabras de la consagracin. Aunque las palabras sean diferentes, la piedra angular de nuestra fe se queda fuerte: el pan y el vino son transformados en el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. Nuestra aclamacin, cantado en palabras diferentes, todava expresa nuestra afirmacin. Ahora es una oportunidad maravillosa de explorar este misterio profundo central de nuestra fe. Tomemos una mirada fresca y renovemos su significado. Venga y nanse con nosotros! +++++ Hall/Saln 9:00 am-10:30 am (Bilingual) 11:30 am-1:00 pm (Bilingual) Church/Iglesia 2:00 pm-3:30 pm (Spanish) 3:30 pm-5:00 pm (Bilingual)

Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.

Peter Quinto, RCJ, Pastor Philip Puntrello, RCJ Salvatore Ciranni, RCJ Rene Panlasigui, RCJ

Session #7
At this session, we will explore several meal narratives from scripture and then discuss a few changes to the Institution narrative. Because it is so important, well want to understand the text changes. Time is telescoped as we hear the words Jesus spoke over bread and wine at his last meal with his friends. Jesus participated in the Passover ritual many times, but made a significant change at the Last Supper. He gave us his Body and Blood, the ultimate sacrifice and covenant between God and humanity. Well also highlight the scriptural roots of the words of consecration. Even though the words are different, the cornerstone of our faith remains firm: bread and wine are transformed into Christs Body and Blood. Our acclamation, sung in different words, still voices our affirmation. Now is a wonderful opportunity to explore this profound mystery central to our faith. Let us take a fresh look and renew its meaning. Come and join us! Open to all adults who want to get more out of the Eucharistic Liturgy.

Office Address: 828 O Street (PO Box 335) Sanger, CA 93657 Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday 10:00 am-5:00 pm (Closed from 12 noon-1:00 pm) Tel: (559) 875-2025 Fax: (559) 875-2618 Website:

Sunday, November 6 5:00 pm Youth Mass (Cherry & Bethel) 6:00-8:00 pm Life Night (Hall) 6:00-8:00 pm CONFIRMATION SPONSORS MEETING (English) (Church) All Third Year Confirmation Candidates whose sponsors are attending tonights meeting must attend the 5:00 pm Mass together with their sponsors!

32nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME November 1, 2011 EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED If it ever crossed your mind that Jesus was somewhat lacking in a sense of humor, today's Gospel should belie any such notion. Jesus' story of the five wise and five foolish bridesmaids is downright hilarious. The circumstances of the story were surely familiar to Jesus' listeners, just as they are--if we think about it--to us. Weddings never, never start on time. There's always a delay. Buttons pop off at the last minute. Flowers wilt. Cars full of wedding guests get caught in traffic. Soloists contract laryngitis. Brides or grooms or priests show up late! So the only reasonable way to approach a wedding is with a sense of humor, to realize that something probably will go awry, and, when that happens, to smile about it. Jesus tells this funny story to encourage us to be watchful, yes; to be ready, yes. But he doesn't tell it to make us dour and somber. The heavy-hearted tremble, waver, lose sight of their place and purpose, and fall asleep. The lighthearted know that the unexpected will happen--is bound to happen--so they are awake in their place and ready in their purpose when it comes. 32do DOMINGO EN EL TIEMPO ORDINARIO - 1 de noviembre, 2011 ESPERAR LO INESPERADO Si alguna vez se te pas por la mente que a Jess le faltaba un poco del sentido del humor, el Evangelio de hoy destierra esa nocin. La parbola de Jess sobre las cinco jvenes precavidas y las cinco jvenes descuidadas es sumamente chistosa. Las circunstancias de la parbola sin duda resultaban familiares a los que escuchaban a Jess, como lo son para nosotros. Las bodas nunca, nunca comienzan a la hora. Siempre hay un retraso. Botones que se caen al ltimo minuto. Flores que se marchitan. Vehculos llenos de invitados atascados en el trfico. Solistas que contraen laringitis. Novias, novios o sacerdotes que llegan tarde! As que la nica manera razonable de encarar una boda es con buen sentido del humor, conscientes de que algo va a salir mal, y, cuando eso suceda, sonrer. Jess cuenta esta historia chistosa Page 2

para alentarnos a que seamos vigilantes, s; a estar preparados, s. Pero no nos la cuenta para que nos amarguemos y nos ensombrezcamos. Los apesadumbrados tiemblan, titubean, pierden de vista su lugar y propsito, y se quedan dormidos. Los festivos saben que suceder lo inesperado -ms que seguro --as que estn despiertos en su puesto y listos para cumplir su propsito en el acto. MASSES & CONFESSIONS MISAS Y CONFESIONES

5:30 pm+Lala Valdez (Fr. Sal) O 5:30 pm+Jose de Jesus Magallanes (Fr. Philip) DR 6:30 pm-Confessions (Fr. Sal) O 7:00 pm+Juan Martinez (Fr. Peter) O 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, November 13 7:30 am-Pro populo (Fr. Sal) O 8:30 am-Our Lady of Guadalupe (Fr. Philip) B 9:30 am+Mario Morales (Fr. Sal)DR 10:30 am+Daniel Nuez (Fr. Peter) B 1 pm+Alez Fonseca (Fr. Philip) B 5 pm+Nettie Gomez (Fr. Peter) B DAILY LITURGICAL ASSIGNMENTS (Nov.7-11) 6:40 am Morning Prayer: Rosalina P. 7:00 am Lector: Cesar G. Resp. Psalm: Carmen A. EMHC: Betty G. 7:30 am Rosary: Margaret C. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Wis 1:1-7; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Wis 2:23 -- 3:9; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Thursday: Wis 7:22b -- 8:1; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: Wis 13:1-9; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Sab 1:1-7; Lc 17:1-6 Martes: Sab 2:23 -- 3:9; Lc 17:7-10 Mircoles: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Sal 46 (45); 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Jueves: Sab 7:22b-- 8:1; Lc 17:20-25 Viernes: Sab 13:1-9; Lc 17:26-37 Sbado: Sab 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Lc 18:1-8 Domingo: Pro 31:10-13, 19-20, 3031; Sal 128 (127); 1 Tes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time; Daylight Saving Time ends Tuesday: Election Day Wednesday: Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome Thursday: St. Leo the Great Friday: St. Martin of Tours; Veterans Day Saturday: St. Josaphat

O - St. Marys Church on O Street B - St. Marys Church on Bethel Avenue DR - St. Katherines Church in Del Rey PQ - Fr. Peter Quinto, RCJ PP - Fr. Philip Puntrello, RCJ RP - Fr. Rene Panlasigui, RCJ SC - Fr. Sal Ciranni, RCJ

Saturday, November 5 1:00 pm+Leonardo Marquez Leon (Fr. Sal) O 2:15 pm-Confessions (Fr. Sal) O 5:30 pm+Fidel Leal (Fr. Philip) O 5:30 pm-Misa en espaol (Fr. Sal) DR 6:30 pm-Confessions (Fr. Philip) O 7:00 pm+Candelaria & +Juan Torres (Fr. Peter) O 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, November 6 7:30 am-Pro populo (Fr. Peter) O 8:30 am+Ruby DelaTorre (Fr. Sal) B 9:30 am+Victoriano Alvarado (PP)DR 10:30 am+Knights of Columbus (Fr. Sal) B 1 pm+Dolores Martinez (Fr. Peter) B 5 pm+Catalina Valdez (Fr. Philip) B Monday, November 7 7 am+Felix Lopez (Fr. Peter)O 6 pm-Vsperas (Fr. Peter) B Tuesday, November 8 7 am+Homero Perez (Fr. Peter)O 6 pm-Vsperas (Fr. Peter) B Wednesday, November 9 7 am+Teresa Carrara(Fr. Peter)O 5:30 pm+Daniel Nuez (Fr. Philip)DR 6 pm-Vsperas (Fr. Peter) B Thursday, November 10 7 am+Frank Villalobos(Fr. Peter)O 5 pm+Vsperas y Hora Santa - O Friday, November 11 7 am+Rodrigo Mapula(Fr. Peter)O 5:30 pm-Misa en espaol(Fr. Philip)DR 6 pm-Vsperas (Fr. Peter) B Saturday, November 12 2:15 pm-Confessions (Fr. Philip) O

Send, O Lord, holy apostles into your Church.

LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS Domingo: Trigsimo segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Cambio de hora Martes: Da de Elecciones Mircoles: La Dedicacin de la Baslica de San Juan de Letrn Jueves: San Len Magno Viernes: San Martn de Tours; Da de los Veteranos Sbado: San Josafat +++++ THE HOLY FATHERS NOVEMBER 2011 INTENTIONS General Intention: For the eastern Churches, that their venerable tradition may be known and appreciated as a spiritual treasure for the entire Church. Missionary Intention: That the African continent may find in Christ the strength to fulfill the path of reconciliation and justice, indicated in the second Synod of Bishops for Africa. INTENCIONES DEL SANTO PADRE PARA EL MES DE NOVIEMBRE General: Para que toda la Iglesia estime y reconozca como riqueza espiritual la venerable tradicin de las Iglesias catlicas orientales. Misionera: Para que el continente africano encuentre en Cristo la fuerza para realizar el camino de reconciliacin y justicia sealado por el segundo Snodo de los Obispos de frica. PRAYERS + Have been requested for the intentions of: ORACIONES + Por las intenciones de:

Gonzalez, Elvira Gonzalez, Juanita Gonzalez, Linda Gonzalez, Roy Gonzalez, Ruben Gonzales, Johnny Guardado, Jocelyn Guerra, Benny Hernandez, Josefina Brecenio Hernandez, Maria Elena Ponce Herrera, Paulita Ibarra, Esther Infante, Raymond Infante, Alberto Lacayo, Gabriel Lara, Gustavo Leon, Maegen Lopez, Ruben Lucid, Enrique Magdaleno, Rosalinda Mancilla, Victor Hugo Mancillas, Blanca Martinez, Jeanette Martinez, Daniel Mata, Louis Mata, Monica Merlo, Josephina & Jose Montes, Magdalena Moreno, Aurora Murillo, Isabel Murillo, Hilda Nicacio, Eduardo Padilla, Lydia Pedregon, Raymond Perez, Ric Perez, Robert Perez, Jr., Jennifer Pichardo, Joseph Puente, Sarah Quinn, Joe Resoer, Gina Reyes, Noe Reyna, Estella Rico, Mike Rico, Julian Rocha, Arthur C. Rodriguez, Carlos Rodriguez, Irma Romero, Angelita Ruiz, Ismael Ruiz, Patricia Ruiz, Antonio Salazar, Edward Sandoval, Nellie Scholar, Kellie Smith, Sandy Smith, Genaro Solorzano, Frank Soto, Connie N. Tacata, Gloria Tarango, Elisa Toledo, Lourdes Valeriano, Manuel Vargas, P. J. Vauter, Nick Velasco, Valerie Villagomez, Patricia Villarreal, Roberto Ybarra, Isabel Zavala

STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE CO-RESPONSABILIDAD DE TESORO October 28 & 29 St. Mary $ 2,806.00 St. Katherine 492.00 Total 3,298.00 Church Building Fund 40.00 Bishops Annual Appeal 510.00 SECOND COLLECTION Todays second collection is for the Church Building Fund SEGUNDA COLECTA La segunda colecta es para el Fondo del Mantenimiento de la Iglesia. STEWARDSHIP: IS HE HERE YET? Christians through the ages have hoped that Jesus would return in their lifetime. Jesus himself promised his disciples that he would return, but warned, "But of that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone" (Matthew 24:36). Certain individuals have predicted Christ's return, only to leave people disillusioned and angry. Natural disasters, wars, and tragedies make people wonder if these signal the "end of times." But the question is this: If you were absolutely certain that Jesus would return next week, what would you do that you aren't doing now? Make peace with someone? Let go of grudges and resentment? Tell people how much you love them? Repent of your sins? Do special favors? Pray a lot? Throw a party? Stop holding back and do these now. You can't take possessions to heaven, but you can take your deeds. LIVING STEWARDSHIP NOW What is the most painful burden on your heart? Decide to set it right today. If you cannot make amends in person, share your sorrow with God in confession. BE PREPARED We ought not to be sanguine about anything; the right rule is to hope nothing, to fear nothing, to expect nothing, to be prepared for everything. --John Henry Cardinal Newman

+++++ + For all those who are serving in the military + Por el personal militar

Maria Acosta, Joey Almeraz, Cora Alvarado, Francisca Alvarado, Margaret Alvarez, Michelle Azpiraz, Dalvin Baker, Henry Banuelos, Jose Antonio Becerril, J. J. Benavides, Jose Calavera, Nathan Cantu, Ofelia Castellanos, Angie Castillo, Daniel Cerda, Albert Cisneros, Kendra Constance, Lupe Cortz, Hilda De Anda, Santos De La Fuente, Dolly Dodson, Joey Franco, Amber Frausto, Raymundo Frausto, Ronnie & Nicole Gallardo, Joe Galvan, Mike Galvan, Angelica Gandara, Brianna Garcia, Miguel Garcia Jr, Jackie Gardner, Christi Garza, Cindy

Joe Aguilera, Gilbert Avila, Benedict Balagtas, Bill, Daniel Campos, Juan Carlos Campos, Johnathan Cardiel, Jonathan Chacon, Joe Contreras, David De La O, Eloisa Delgado, Martin Ellison, Mark Roy Espinoza, Maribel Fernandez, Amy Fidalgo, Seth Fidalgo, Rudy Flores, Tanya Florian, Stewart Fowler, Kimberli Fuentes, Cole Herron, Karisa Garza, Manuel Garza Jr., Patrick Garza, Aaron Gonzalez, John Guerra, Joseph Hernandez, Salvador Hernandez, Rolando Iglesias, Iban Marin, Craig Mulligan, Gabriel Nieto, Christopher Ohano, Michael Ortega, Celerino Pealoza, Michael Anthony Perez, Javier Saenz, Sofia Sanchez Silva, Jesse Sandoval, Tom Siquieros, Donald Sombat, Michael Teel, Rafael Torres, Michael P. Tortorete, Matthew Valdez, Fernando Zapata ***To all whose loved one is in the military, please call the rectory (8752025). Care packages will be sent to them from Sanger if you provide us their address.

Enva, Seor, apstoles santos a tu Iglesia

Pgina 3

CO-RESPONSABILIDAD: YA LLEG L? Los cristianos de todas las pocas han abrigado la esperanza de que Jess volviera durante la vida terrenal de ellos. El mismo Jess prometi a sus discpulos que regresara, pero les advirti: "Por lo que se refiere a ese Da y cundo vendr, nadie lo sabe, ni siquiera los ngeles de Dios, sino solamente el Padre" (Mateo 24:36). Algunas personas han predicho la segunda venida de Cristo y lo nico que han conseguido es desilusionar y enojar a muchos. Los desastres naturales, las guerras y tragedias hacen que la gente se pregunte si son sos los signos del "final de los tiempos". Pero la pregunta a hacernos es sta: Si supiera que Jess vendra de nuevo la semana prxima, hara algo diferente a lo que estoy haciendo ahora? Hara las paces con alguien? Abandonara mis rencores y resentimientos? Le dira a las personas cunto las amo? Me arrepentira de mis pecados? Hara favores especiales? Rezara mucho? Dara una fiesta? Pues no esperes ms y haz estas cosas ahora. Tus bienes no te los puedes llevar al cielo, pero s tus buenas obras. LA CO-RESPONSABILIDAD VIVIDA AHORA Por qu se angustia ms tu corazn? Decdete a poner las cosas en orden hoy. Si no puedes enmendar las cosas en persona, comparte tu contricin con Dios en la confesin.

Revised Roman Missal

Session #8:
The Communion and Concluding Rites
The final session in our study of the Mass and revised translation is about the Communion and Concluding Rites. Although the Lords Prayer has not changed, well review its meaning. There are some changes to the priests prayer that follows it; well explore the reasons for these changes. Through discussion, well uncover how we have encountered signs of peace in our lives, both within and outside church. Well also discuss the Lamb of God, which continues the theme of forgiveness and echoes John the Baptists wonder when he first saw Jesus at the Jordan River. Well discuss the nature of systemic sin described here, distinguished from the personal sin addressed in the Confiteor. Then well see the scriptural basis for the assemblys response: Lord, I am not worthy . . . . The Concluding Rite sends us forth to be Christ-like at our jobs and at school, with our families and friends, and with strangers. We will explore what it means to be sent from Mass into the world. Our time together will conclude with a review of what weve learned about the revised translation and about the Mass. Come and join us!

Sesin #8 Los Ritos de Comunin y Conclusin

La sesin final en nuestro estudio de la Misa y la traduccin revisada es acerca de los ritos de Comunin y Conclusin. Aunque el Padrenuestro no haya cambiado, revisaremos su significado. Hay algunos cambios a la oracin del sacerdote que sigue; exploraremos las razones para estos cambios. Destaparemos cmo nos hemos encontrado con signos de la paz en nuestras vidas, dentro y afuera de la iglesia. Tambin platicaremos sobre el Cordero de Dios, que contina el tema del perdn y resuena la maravilla del Juan Bautista cuando vio primero a Jess en el Ro de Jordn. Platicaremos la naturaleza de pecado sistmico descrito aqu, al comparacin del pecado personal dirigido en el Confiteor. Entonces veremos la base bblica para la respuesta de la asamblea: "Seor, yo no soy digno. . . ." El Rito Final nos emite a ser a imagen de Cristo en nuestros trabajos y al colegio, con nuestras familias y amigos, y con extranjeros. Exploraremos lo que significa para ser enviado de la Masa en el mundo. Nuestro tiempo concluir juntos con una revisin de lo que hemos aprendido acerca de la traduccin revisada y acerca de la Masa. Venga y nanos! Wednesday, November 9 Mircoles, 9 de noveiembre 4:30-6:00 pm 7:00-8:30 pm Sunday, November 13 Domingo, 13 de noviembre 9:00 am-10:30 am (Bilingual) 11:30 am-1:00 pm (Bilingual) 2:00 pm-3:30 pm (Spanish) 3:30 pm-5:00 pm (Bilingual) OPEN TO ALL PARISHIONERS. ALL PARENTS/SPONSORS OF FAITH FORMATION STUDENTS MUST ATTEND THIS SESSION. PARA TODOS LOS FELIGRESES. LOS PADRES Y PADRINOS DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DEBEN ASISTIR A ESTA SESIN.

Confirmation News
Session 1Journey with the Spirit During the week, our young people who are preparing to celebrate Confirmation will be reflecting on the promise of their Baptism and the Sacraments of Initiation. Join them by reflecting on the effect belonging to the Church has on your daily life. CONFIRMATION SPONSOR ORIENTATION ENGLISH MEETING-English November 6, Sunday, 6-8 pm This is a mandatory meeting with Fr. Peter for Confirmation Year 3 sponsors. The meeting will be in the church after the 5:00 pm Mass. Sponsors and their candidates must attend together the said Mass. Page 4 Sesin 1Viaje con el Espritu Durante esta semana, nuestros jvenes que se preparan para celebrar la Confirmacin van a reflexionar sobre el compromiso de su Bautismo y los Sacramentos de Iniciacin. nanse con ellos reflexionando en el efecto en tu vida diaria la pertenencia a la Iglesia. REUNIN CON LOS PADRINOS DE CONFIRMACIN (espaol) 13 de noviembre, domingo, 6-8pm Es una reunin obligatoria con el Padre Peter para los padrinos de confirmacin. La reunin comienza con la Santa Misa a las 5:00 pm, y continua en el saln de las 6:00 a 8:00 pm. Para preguntas, llamar 875-6340.

Contact Fr. Rene Panlasigui, RCJ for information on Vocations: 618-0257

Know Your Faith/Conozca Tu Fe

Q: A Christian friend of mine says that the Bible contains no references to purgatory. What is the basis for the Catholic Churchs teaching about this? Why do Catholics pray for the dead? A: In 2 Maccabees 12:38-46, Judas Maccabee orders that sacrifices be offered in the Temple in Jerusalem for slain Jewish soldiers who had worn pagan amulets (good-luck charms). Some people have seen this story as biblical justification for the teaching on purgatory. That certainly overstates the authors intention. If, however, those Jewish soldiers did something wrong by wearing pagan amulets, why offer sacrifices on their behalf? The two Books of Maccabees are probably not in your friends Bible because they were originally written in Greek. During Jesus lifetime, some Jewish people regarded these books as inspired by God. About 60 years after Jesus death, however, rabbis at Jamnia in Palestine drew up the list (canon) of the Scriptures used by Jewish people to this day. That shorter list includes only works composed in Hebrew, excluding the two Books of Maccabees, five other books and parts of the Books of Daniel and Esther. For centuries, Eastern and Western Christians accepted as inspired the longer list. When Martin Luther translated the Bible, he used the shorter list. Sometimes, these seven books are printed in Protestant Bibles as Deutero-canonical or Apocrypha. The New Testament and early Christian writings offer some evidence for purgatory. In 2 Timothy 1:18, St. Paul prays for Onesiphorus, who has died. The earliest mention of prayers for the dead in public Christian worship is by the writer Tertullian in 211 A.D. The question of purgatory and praying for the dead was a major issue between Catholics and Protestants in the 16th century. The Council of Trents 1563 decree about purgatory reaffirmed its existence and the usefulness of prayers for the deceased, yet it cautioned against a certain kind of curiosity or superstition... about it. ORAR PARA LOS DIFUNTOS La Biblia nos ensea que es una obra santa y piadosa orar por los difuntos. Obra santa y piadosa es orar por los muertos. Por eso mand hacer un sacrificio expiatorio a favor de los muertos, para que se queden liberados del pecado (2 Macabeos 12:46). De este sacrificio expiatorio por los difuntos nos habla tambin San Pablo: De no ser as, a qu viene el bautismo por los muertos? Si los muertos no resucitan en manera alguna, por qu bautizarse por ellos? (1 Cor. 15:29). Este bautismo de que habla San Pablo tiene el mismo significado del bautismo de que hablaba Jess cuando hablaba del bautismo de su crucifixin, quiere decir, sacrificio, penitencia por los muertos, hacer sacrificios expiatorios que les ayudan a los difuntos. Sin la existencia del Purgatorio, estos sacrificios y estas oraciones por los difuntos de que habla la Biblia, seran vanos. Como la mayor parte de los protestantes no creen en esto, por eso dicen que es vano orar por los difuntos, que no se puede orar por su hijo o esposo fallecido y por eso sus funerales son una pantomima, puramente sentimental, porque dicen que no vale la pena orar por los muertos, y por lo tanto en sus funerales no rezan por el difunto, solo acompaan a los familiares y les ayudan en su pena. En la iglesia Catlica se piensa como dice la Biblia, que es una obra santa y piadosa orar por los difuntos y que se deben ofrecer sacrificios expiatorios por los muertos, y por eso es que los funerales son algo con sentido, para orar por el fallecido, para acompaar y aliviar el dolor de los familiares. Tambin se cree que se puede y debe pedir a los fallecidos en el Seor que oren por nosotros, porque si ellos son justos y estn con Cristo, su oracin es poderosa. Las lgrimas se secan, las rosas se marchitan, las oraciones son el mejor regalo a los difuntos. Concdeles, Seor, el descanso eterno. Y brille sobre ellos la luz perpetua. Que descansen en paz. As sea. Page 5

The Roman Catholic teaching on purgatory reflects its understanding of the communion of saints. We are connected to the saints in heaven, the saints-in-waiting in purgatory and other believers here on earth. Prayers for the deceased are not a means of buying their way out of purgatory. The Catholic Churchs teaching about purgatory (Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1030-32) says that all sin, unfortunately, has a life of its own and may have bad effects even after the sinner repents. Sincere repentance includes a desire to repair the damage done by ones sins. That may or may not be complete before the person dies. When the world ends at the Final Judgment, there will be only two possibilities: heaven and hell. We who celebrate Jesus Resurrection over sin and death look forward to sharing in that victory, and we pray that our beloved dead may do the same. +++++ The whole month of November is a time to visit the cemetery and to pray for our loved ones who need still need our prayer and sacrifices as they prepare to meet the Lord face to face. Pick up today a free prayer brochure for visiting the cemetery. You may also a write the name of your deceased loved one in our Book of Remembrance which is at the entrance of the church. Any donation you want to offer may be placed in the donation box in any of the shrines inside the church to help with the payment of these beautiful candles.

Visit us at Donate online.

IMPORTANT NEWS FOR ALL ONGOING FAITH FORMATION, FIRST COMMUNION, PRE-CONFIRMATION & CONFIRMATION FAMILIES Parents are no longer allowed to just drop off there children for their class. Parents and their children are expected to be in the parish hall for the opening prayer, and the reading of the Sunday Gospel. The children then go to their respective classes, while parents/sponsors stay in the hall for the adult faith formation. Anyone who cannot stay for these sessions must inform Fr. Peter of their reasons. Any parent who is not attending Mass with their children for no valid reason will be asked to reconsider why they want their children to be in Faith Formation classes. IMPORTANTE NOTICIA PARA LAS FAMILIAS DE LA FORMACIN RELIGIOSA, PRIMERA COMUNIN, PRE-CONFIRMACIN Y CONFIRMACIN Los padres ya no son permitidos a slo dejar sus nios para su clase. Los padres y sus hijos deben estar en el saln parroquial para la oracin de apertura, y para la lectura del Evangelio del domingo. Los nios y la juventud entonces van a sus respectivas clases, mientras que los padres/padrinos permanecen en el saln para la formacin de fe para los adultos. Los que no pueden permanecer para estas sesiones deben informar al Padre Peter de sus razones. Los padres que no asisten a la Misa con su hijos por cualquiera razn deben considerar por qu ellos desean que su hijos continan a asistir a estas clases. SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING Monday, November 7 All NEW CATECHISTS are reminded of the Safe Environment Training to be held this Monday from 6:00 pm in the Faith Formation Center, Room 1. FAITH LIKE A CHILD RETREAT November 19, Saturday Open to all 6th, 7th & 8th graders, whether registered for Faith Formation or not. The retreat will be from 8 am to 5 pm here at St. Marys. Parents, please encourage your children to attend this retreat. Parishioners are invited to help with the snacks. Pgina 6 SOCIEDAD GUADALUPANA 6 de noviembre, domingo Les avisamos a todos los miembros que vamos a tener la junta mensual despus de la Misa del 8:30 am en el Ciranni Center en la calle O. El Segundo domingo de cada mes, invitamos a los que quieren ser miembros. Bienvenidos. El retiro de la Sociedad Guadalupana fue un buen xito. Gracias a la Madre Reyna y a todos que ayudaron y asistieron. THANK YOUS -To all who helped and participated at our Annual All Saints Eve celebration, especially those who stayed to help clean up at the end, and the youth and parents who helped with the games for the children, those who donated candies and canned goods, and those who brought snacks for everyone to enjoy. May God bless you all. MUCHSIMAS GRACIAS -a los que ayudaron y participaron a la celebracin de la Vspera de Todos los Santos el lunes pasado, especialmente a los que se quedaron para ayudar a limpiar el saln despus de la fiesta, a los jvenes y a los padres que ayudaron con los juegos, a los que donaron los dulces y comida enlatada, y los que trajeron merienda para el provecho de todos. Que Dios los bendiga. TU PUEDES AYUDAR TU MATRIMONIO! Habr un retiro Retrouvaille en espaol para parejas con problemas matrimoniales el 11 a 13 de noviembre. Contactar a Lupe y Maria Arredondo, 935-1424, o a Ross y Sandy Fuentes, 347-9373. DAY OF RETREAT FOR YOUNG SINGLE WOMEN November 12, Saturday All young single women ages 18-35 are invited to a Day of Retreat with the Sister Disciples of the Divine Master at their convent on 3700 N. Cornelia Avenue in Fresno, on November 12 from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. For registrations, call Sr. Tiziana at 275-9978. Please bring your sacklunch, notebook and a pen. Donations are accepted. VOCATION DISCERNMENT MEETING - Nov. 19, Saturday Is God calling you to consider a life of service as a priest or religious? Are you seeking a better and more meaningful life? Any man who is 17+ years old is invited to attend a gathering for men who want to discern where it is God may be calling them to serve him. The next Discernment Group Meeting will be held from 23:30 pm at the Pastoral Center of the Diocese of Fresno, which is located at 1550 N. Fresno St. There will be signs pointing you to the right room. Please bring your copy of the Bible and an open heart! For more information, contact: Fr. Dan Avila, Vocations Office, 488-7424 or GRUPO DE DISCERNIMIENTO VOCACIONAL (Espaol) 19 de noviembre, 2011 Est Dios llamndote a considerar una vida de servicio como sacerdote o religioso? Ests buscando una vida mejor y ms significativa? Cualquier hombre que tiene 17 o ms aos de edad est invitado a asistir a una reunin para los hombres que quieren discernir el llamado de Dios para servirle. La reunin del Grupo de Discernimiento se llevar a cabo el 19 de noviembre, de las 2:00 a 3:30 pm, en el Centro Pastoral de la Dicesis de Fresno, que est ubicado en 1550 N. Fresno St. Llegando all encontrarn seales que lo llevan a la sala propia. Se les pide que traigan su copia de la Biblia y un corazn abierto. Para ms informacin contactar a: Pbro. Daniel Avila, Oficina de Vocaciones, 488-7424, o vocations@dioceseoffresno. org HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE 2011 Nov. 19, Saturday, 8 am-5 pm St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Churchs Silver Angels Senior Ministry cordially invites you to their Holiday Boutique 2011 at their social hall on Maroa Avenue, one block south of Bullard in Fresno. Featuring jewelry, art, baked goods, holiday gift baskets, holiday gifts and decor, soy candles, baby items, books, and a White Elephant table. For questions, call the ministries office at 439-0124, ext. 105.

Favor de llamar al P. Rene Panlasigui para preguntas sobre las Vocaciones: 618-0257

PRAYER FOR A NEW BISHOP Almighty God, send your Holy Spirit to guide those who will advise the Holy Father in the selection of the next Bishop of the Diocese of Fresno. May he have the zeal of Saint Paul, the priestly gifts of Saint John Vianney, the wisdom of a loving father and brother, and most of all, the heart of your Son, Jesus. We ask that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us, and Saint Therese, our patroness, join us in this prayer, which we make through Christ, our Lord. Amen. SENIOR CITIZENS THANKSGIVING LUNCHEON November 20, Sunday Call 875-6340 if you wish to donation turkey or other food items. MARIAN PRAYER PROGRAM The Knights of Columbus Central Chapter has the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe at various locations. The image is scheduled at the following locations: Nov. 3-13 Nov. 16-20 Nov. 21-30 Dec. 1-9 Dec. 10-17 Dec. 19-27 St. Anthony of Padua, Fresno St. Paul Newman Center, Fresno St. Johns Cathedral St. Mary, Sanger Bakersfield Kerman

ORACIN PARA UN NUEVO OBISPO Dios todopoderoso, enva tu Espritu Santo para guiar a los que aconsejarn al Santo Padre en la seleccin del prximo Obispo de la Dicesis de Fresno. Que l tenga el afn de San Pablo, los dones sacerdotales de San Juan Vianney, la sabidura de un padre y hermano amoroso, y sobre todo, el corazn de tu Hijo, Jess. Que la bienaventurada Virgen Mara interceda por nosotros, y que la Santa Teresa del Nio Jess, nuestra patrona, nos una en esta oracin, que hacemos por Cristo, nuestro Seor. Amn. viaje para cuatro personas a la Casa de Formacin guido por el P. Antonio Carlucci. El Sorteo ser el 3 de Diciembre. Favor de llamar a Juan Lomeli para comprar el boleto (8759429, 349-2851) o a Martha Lomeli (278-0252). RIGHT TO LIFE OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA proudly presents "Let it Shine," their 23rd Annual Christmas Dinner Auction with honorary chairperson Msgr. Myron Cotta. Please join them Friday, December 2 at 5:30 pm at the Fresno Convention Center. It's the perfect place to start (and finish) your Christmas shopping! Your support helps Right to Life promote the sanctity of human life in Central California and across our nation. Tickets are just $65.00 per person. For more information, please call (559) 229-2229. YOU CAN HELP YOUR MARRIAGE! Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples through times of trouble, disillusionment, and misery in their marriages. There is HOPE for your marriage. For confidential information about and/or to register for the next weekend retreat, please call 1-800-470-2230 or visit the website at You may also contact 324-7149, 323-8215.


Sunday/Domingo Nov. 6

9:00 am Family Faith Formation Formacin de Fe de la Familia 11:30 am Family Faith Formation Formacin de Fe de la Familia 2:00 pm Formacin de Fe de la Familia 3:30 pm Family Faith Formation Formacin de Fe de la Familia 6:00 pm Confirmation Sponsors (Church) 6:00 pm Life Night (Hall)
Monday/Lunes Nov. 7

10:00 am Adult Choir (every 1st/3rd Monday) 5:30 pm Hope Sanger (Ciranni Center) 6:30 pm Capacitacin de Animadores (Del Rey) 6:00 pm Safe Environment Training for New Catechists (FFC#1) 7:00 pm AA Meeting (FFC #5) 7:00 pm Ensayo del Coro de 8:30 am (FFC8)
Tuesday/Martes Nov. 8

10:00 am Divina Voluntad (Ciranni Center) 5:00 pm Legion of Mary (Seminary)892-3031 6:00 pm Padres y Madres Orantes (capilla) 6:30 pm ICF (Ciranni Center)
Wednesday/Miercoles Nov. 9

4:30 pm Family Faith Formation Formacin de Fe de la Familia 7:00 pm Family Faith Formation Formacin de Fe de la Familia 7:00 pm Grupo de Oracin (Del Rey) 7:00 pm Grupo de Biblia (Ciranni Ctr)
Thursday/Jueves Nov. 10

ROGATIONIST FUNDRAISER The Rogationist Fathers have a drawing to visit their Formation House in Tonal, Jalisco Mexico. The 1st prize is a trip for four to the Rogationist Formation House with a guided tour by Fr. Antonio Carlucci. Drawing will be held on Dec. 3, 2011. Contact Juan Lomeli to get your ticket today (875-9429, 3492851) or Martha Lomeli (278-0252). SORTEO ROGACIONISTA Los Padres Rogacionistas les invitan a participar en un sorteo y visitar la Casa de Formacin en Tonal, Jalisco Mexico. El primer premio ser un

5:00 pm Hora Santa (Calle O) 6:00 pm Silent Adoration (O Street) 6:30 pm Capacitacin de catequistas (Del Rey) 7:00 pm English Adoration (O Street) 7:00 pm RCIA Precatechumenate (FFC #7) 7:00 pm RCIA Catechumenate (FFC #4) 7:00 pm Echoes of Faith (FFC #1) 7:00 pm Ensayo del Coro de 1:00 pm (FFC5)
Friday/Viernes Nov. 11

5:30 pm Ensayo del coro (Del Rey) 6:00 pm Prctica de lectores (Del Rey) 7:00 pm Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial (saln)
Saturday/Sabado Nov. 12

8:00 am First Reconciliation Family Retreat for Older Children (Hall-Church) Retiro de Primera Reconciliacin para los Jvenes (Saln-Iglesia) 9:00 am Catecumenado en espaol (FFC) 3:30 pm Catequesis para Nios y Padres DR (Del Rey)
Pgina 7

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