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CS 1412-002 Project 2: Maximum 20 Points Covers: Chapters 6-10 and 13 Pseudocodes Due 10/13, beginning of lecture UML Designs

Due 10/18, beginning of lecture Source Codes Due 10/19, 3 a.m. Background: There is a course being taken by 128 students across 8 sections. Each section has exactly 16 students. In addition, there are 2 instructors who each oversee 4 sections. A 100-question multiple choice test is being given across all 8 sections. Each test question has 5 possible answers. Also, to reduce cheating, there are 4 different versions of the exam which are distributed evenly across all sections (i.e. each section has exactly 4 students taking one version of the exam). These exams will be graded against the keys dependent on which version of the exam was taken. Instructions: Construct a program containing at least the following 5 classes along with at least the following class variables and functions: Class Exam[4] key[100] numberRightOverall[100] numberRightPerSection[2][4][100] Exam() examWrite() Class Student[2][4][16] keyNumber = studentNumber % 4 answers[100] totalCorrect grade

Student() studentWrite() Class Instructor[2] overallCorrect[4] overallCorrectPerSection[4][4] instructorWrite() Class Course numberRightOverall[4][100] numberRightVersion[4] Course() courseWrite()

In addition, the *Write methods (courseWrite, instructorWrite, et al) will write information to output files. The constructors for Exam will randomly generate their keys for all answers before any Student constructors are executed. When a constructor for Student is executed, a students answers will be produced via the random number generator. Each students grade is as follows after rounding: grade >= 90: A 80 <= grade < 90: 70 <= grade < 80: 60 <= grade < 70: Otherwise: In addition: For the remainder of this course, unless instructed otherwise, UML diagrams (starting in Chapter 9) to represent the classes and its characteristics will also be drawn along with the pseudocode.


Also, in order to write to files, parts of Chapter 13 will be taught before any pseudocodes are due. Writing to files in C++ is relatively similar to writing to the console and I should be able to easily show that. Also, design the C++ source code and header files for the project separate from the main code. There should be at least 2 .cpp files and at least 1 .h file. Pseudocodes will be due on 10/13 by the beginning of the lecture. Ensure you have a spare copy for your use between the 13th and the 19th. UML designs will be due on 10/18 by the beginning of the lecture. All user-generated .cpp files, .h files, and special instructions are due in the BlackBoard Assignment Drop Box by 3 a.m. on the 19th. No projects will be accepted after 3 a.m. on the 20th. NOTE: Special instructions are any details needed to either successfully compile or understand why a requirement has not been met.

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