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1est 2 Ia|| 2011 SCI 1101 Samp|e 1est Name________________

BE SURE TO PRNT YOUR NAME ON THE FRST PAGE OF THS TEST. Place all answers on the answer grid.
A group oI individuals oI the same species occupying a given area deIines a(n)
a. community
b. ecosystem
c. population
d. biosphere
e. habitat

What distribution pattern is the most common in the natural world?
a. random
b. uniIorm
c. clumped
d. stratiIied or layered
e. bimodal

A(n) ______ ls Lhe Lype of place where lndlvlduals of a specles Lyplcally llve
a lome
b PablLaL
c nlche
d ecosysLem
Which density-dependent Iactor controls the size oI a population?
a. wind velocity
b. light intensity
c. nutrient supply
d. rainIall
e. wave action in an intertidal zone

3 Whlch facLor(s) do not shape communlLy sLrucLure
o c/imote ond topoqrophy
b 4voi/ob/e foods ond resources
c 4doptotions of species in community
d 5pecies interoctions
e 4// of these shope community structure

Which oI the Iollowing countries has established the most extensive Iamily-planning program?
a. United States
b. Brazil
c. China
d. Japan
e. Pakistan

1rue/lalse A Lrue and b false 4 c/ose re/otionship where both species benefit is co//ed symbiosis
An interaction between two species in which one species beneIits and the other species is harmed is
a. mutualism.

b. commensalism.
c. competition.
d. predation.
e. none oI these

9 1rue/lalse A Lrue and b false Jhen two species compete for identico/ resources one wi// be more successfu/
ond wi// eventuo//y e/iminote the other
10 1rue/lalse A Lrue and b false ln blogeography a specles ls deflned as lndlgenous or naLlve Lo a glven reglon
or ecosysLem lf lLs presence ln LhaL reglon ls Lhe resulL of only naLural processes wlLh no human lnLervenLlon
Parasitoids are that are parasitic on insects
a. bacteria
b. insects
c. Iungi
d. protists
e. viruses

Kudzu did well in the southeastern United States because
a. there were Iew herbivores that ate it.
b. there were Iew pathogens to inIect it.
c. there was little competition Irom native organisms.
d. the climate was Iavorable.
e. all oI these
A network oI interactions that involve the cycling oI materials and the Ilow oI energy between a community and its physical environment is
which oI the Iollowing?
a. population
b. community
c. ecosystem
d. biosphere
e. species
A situation in which the birth rate equals the death rate is called
a. an intrinsic limiting Iactor.
b. exponential growth.
c. saturation.
d. zero population growth.
e. geometric growth.

13 Whlch ls Lrue concernlng Lhe Camblan pouched raL?
a 1hey now llve on Crassy key llorlda
b 1hey carry Lhe Monkey ox vlrus
c 1hey are eaLen as bush meaL ln Afrlca (called beef)
d 1hey can be Lralned Lo snlff ouL land mlnes and Luberculosls
e All of Lhe above are Lrue concernlng Lhe organlsm
In biological magniIication,
a. poisons accumulate in the high ends oI Iood chains and webs.
b. there is a tendency Ior an environment to change when organisms Iirst invade.
c. more highly evolved Iorms are able to build large populations under Iavorable conditions.
d. parasites spread rapidly through congested populations.
e. sediments Iill in aquatic environments so that succession will occur iI organisms disturb the aquatic habitat.

Net primary productivity is the
a. rate oI photosynthesis.
b. rate oI energy Ilow.
c. amount oI energy stored in the ecosystem.
d. amount oI energy utilized.
e. amount oI energy stored in the plant tissue in excess oI that used by autotrophs
in respiration.

18 1rue/lalse A Lrue and b false 1he maln reservolr of phosphorous ls LarLh's crusL 1here ls no gaseous
Which oI the Iollowing does NOT cycle through an ecosystem?
a. water
b. carbon
c. energy
d. phosphorus
e. nitrogen
a. converts ammonia into nitrates.
b. reduces nitrates to nitrites.
c. converts nitrogenous compounds into Iree nitrogen.
d. is a synonym Ior nitrogen Iixation.
e. converts nitrates to organic nitrogen.

1 (1rue or false a Lrue and b false) MosL lnLeracLlons are neuLral have no effecL on elLher specles
(1rue or false a Lrue and b false) naLural selecLlon favors paraslLes LhaL klll Lhelr hosL qulckly
Specles LhaL has lefL lLs home range and become esLabllshed elsewhere are called a paraslLolds b endemlcs c exoLlc specles d lnvaslve specles
Close Lo ____ percenL of endangered specles have been negaLlvely affecLed by exoLlc compeLlLors A 0 b 0 c 0 d 30 e 0
3 (1rue or false a Lrue and b false) All Lhe organlsms aL a Lrophlc level are Lhe same number of sLeps away from Lhe energy lnpuL lnLo Lhe sysLem
3 MaLchlng 1he followlng may be used once more Lhan once or noL aL all

a consumer heterotroph c nitrogen cycle d primary producer e cohort ab
reproductive base ac habitat ad cllmax paLLern model ae resource
parLlLlonlng bc symblosls bd communlLy be none of Lhese
Driven by solar energy, water evaporates from the ocean into the atmosphere, moves onto the
land, then back to the ocean.

27. A heterotroph that obtains carbon and energy by feeding on tissues of other organisms.

28. ldea LhaL envlronmenLal facLors ofLen vary ln Lhelr effecLs across a large reglon so sLable
communlLles oLher Lhan Lhe cllmax sLage may also perslsL ln LhaL reglon

9 lndlvlduals of one specles llve near ln or on Lhose of anoLher specles for aL leasL parL of llfe cycle

0 Organism unable to make its own organic compounds; feeds on autotrophs, other
heterotrophs, or organic wastes.

1 Type of autotroph that secures energy directly from the environment and stores some in its

Cf Lwo or more specles LhaL compeLe for Lhe same resource a sharlng of Lhe resource ln dlfferenL
ways or aL dlfferenL Llmes whlch permlLs Lhem Lo coexlsL

Movement of nitrogen from the atmosphere, through the ocean, ocean sediments, soils, and
food webs, then back to the atmosphere.
34. Type of place where a species normally lives.
35. A group of individuals, about the same age, that are being tracked throughout their life

36 40. Complete using this word bank.
a denslLy dependenL b hablLaL c communlLy d dlsLrlbuLlon e denslLy lndependenL ab ecosysLem
ac sodlum ad nlLrogen ae successlon bc none of Lhese
unlform_______________ ls rare ln naLure when lL does occur lL ls usually Lhe resulL of flerce compeLlLlon for llmlLed resources
Lcologlcal ____________ ls Lhe predlcLable developmenLal sequence of specles ln a communlLy
8 _________ loss may be a pbyslcol reducLlon of sulLable places Lo llve as well as a loss of hablLaL due Lo cbemlcol polluLlon
9 A(n) _______________ ls a complex of organlsms lnLeracLlng wlLh one anoLher ooJ wlLh Lhe physlcal envlronmenL
0 Alr polluLanLs lncludlng oxldes of_________ conLrlbuLe Lo soll acldlLy
. The has adapted to extracting burrowing animals by virtue oI an especially long, double-jointed pair
oI legs.
a. Galapagos Hawk b. Sea Eagles c. Keas d. AIrican Harrier Hawk e. none oI these

. The birthplace oI 90 oI the Atlantic hurricanes seems to be in lighting storms over .
a. Spain b. Ethiopia c. Congo d. Algeria e. none oI these
.BE SURE TO PRNT YOUR NAME ON THE FRST PAGE OF THS TEST. Place all answers on the answer grid.

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