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1 Activity Monopoly
日期:4 月 25 日
參與人數:10 人(5 人作棋子,5 人擲骰)【其餘人觀戰和做 Task】

海報(由 Oxfam 提供)
紙皮骰 x1
籃球 x5
綠色薄墊 x2
啞鈴 x10
呼拉圈 x5
小繩 x5
大繩 x1
踏櫈 x1
無線咪 x3

時間表: 7/2 提交詳細規則給 Advisor and SA

10/2 提交 confirmed plan 予 SA
10/3 出參賽表格並交給 SA
27/3 與班代表開會
31/3 收回表格
(The sign up form is only to fill in the 1 representative of the class as
the chessman.)

Role of SA: as a safety advisor, benefit the safety of students

How to play:
The way to play the game is nearly the same as in the true game monopoly. But there
is time limit in this game. The time limit will be half an hour. The representatives of
each class will throw the dice and arrive at a board. Each board has a question about
international current news and also the marks of this question. The player will have to
give out the no. of marks of the board as to answer the question. If the player answers
the question wrongly, the marks that they gave out will be taken away but where as if
they answer it correctly, they will get back not just the no. of marks they gave out but
also the no. of marks written on the board. For example, if a player steps on the board
of 30 marks, she will have to give out 30 marks to answer the question, if she answers
it incorrectly, she will not get back her 30 marks but on the other hand, if she answers
it correctly, she will get back the 30 marks she gave out and also another 30 marks as
for a prize. Different kinds of questions will have a different way of answering. The
ways are as follows:
For example :
擲骰(4 步) 中機會格(抽機會卡,並在 30 秒限定時間內完成 task)(附件)

完成 失敗
(多走四步) (扣 20 分)

How to set up:

The boards will be the poster, the poster represents one square. The marks will be
written the poster but not the question as to keep it secret. The poster will be stuck
around one basketball court only. The questions will be about the things that they
learn from GC Week.

Which class have the highest marks will win the competition


F.2 Card Design

題目: 世界公民應有的行為

目的: 反思自己作為世界公民所作的行動,背後的責任

形式:ART HW, everyone hand in one ,in A5size 每班最好的五份會放置在涼衣架

上,然後讓 F.1, F.3 同學投票選出最好的三份作為冠、亞、季軍

時間表:29/3 briefing (class prefect and art subject leader )

3/4 收最好的 25 份作品
6/4 放置在涼衣架上
11/4 早上放投票紙在點名簿中
11/4 下午請班長收回投票紙交給 Lorraine
25/4 閉幕當日發獎項


Budget : $60 for 禮物{過膠 (防霉)未計入 budget}

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 註:請從 1-25 號中選取最好

F.3 & 4 Singing Contest( old song new word )

Theme: poverty
目的 : 以音樂的形式散播自己對貧窮的關心,引起共鳴

每班限時 1 分 30 秒 ( 由音樂開始計時 )
每班至少出 1 team
獎項 : 冠亞季軍各一名, 以及最佳合作獎( 以最高出席的%來計)

分數 備註

如果少於 30%是新詞的
填詞( 包含 meaning) /50

演繹 /40

創意 /10

分數 備註

填詞( 包含 meaning) 含意 /30

美感 /10

邏輯性 10

合共 /50

獎品: 獎狀及樂施叢書( $120 )


企咪 X2
無線咪 x3
choir 咪 x2
projector ,screen , computer

評判 sister But
Ms Au
Ms Pang

顧問: 每班的班主任及 music 老師

Schedule : 10/2 poster , 評分準則,ask for teacher advice

24/2 confirm poster and Form
28/3 briefing (F.3&4 班長),填 form tell them to find the song
4/4 2nd briefing hand in the 新詞,pure music CD ,台型
before 7/4 give them back the CD after cutting
if they cannot find the 譜,find us to help

F.6 攤位設計

Theme : 世界公民的義務
Aim : 把在 GC Week 學到的發揮,作出行動, 作為 lower form 的榜樣

Size : 4 張學生桌
每班所享有的物資 budget $50/calss , board ?

Advisor :班主任&Mr To
10/2 初稿(poster)(Done by 鄭欣愉)
16/2 前徵詢老師的意思
24/2 Confirm poster
5/3 chop 校印
17/3 post Poster
17/3 briefing(tell them to make on duty timetable , proposal ) Lunchtime
31/3 meeting 2 (first proposal and form )
7/4 Second proposal (meeting3), confirm proposal

Mass Programme’s poster :

10/2 ask teacher
17/2 confirm
14/3 校印 24/3 post poster

 F.1 司儀 X2
計分員 X2
場地佈置 X7
(體能項目) 工作人員 X5 籌備工作

 F.2 Card Design 簡介 X5

作品監賞設置 X3
點票人員 X3

 F.3 & 4 Singing Contest 大門人流管制     X 2

上落表演台協助人員 X2
秩序維持 X2

F.6 攤位設計 跟進進度 X5

< 財政預算 >

F.1 :$60

F.2 Card Design :$60

F.3 + F.4 Singing Contest:$120

F.6 攤位設計 :$100 (每班 $50 作佈置攤位之用)

雜費 :$20 (用以支付文具或其他零碎貴用)

合共 :$360

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