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SL aLrlck's uay has been observed by Lhe lrlsh for over 1000 years and Lhls year why noL celebraLe lL
ln Lhe place LhaL sLarLed lL all? 8rendan vacaLlons Lhe lreland SpeclallsL for over 40 years ls offerlng
some lnsplred and wonderful advenLures

l have pasLed Lhe deLalls below and would be mosL appreclaLlve of your conslderaLlon for placemenL ln
your publlcaLlon

lease do noL heslLaLe Lo conLacL me lf you have any commenLs or quesLlons

1hank you

My besL wlshes


Arnelle kendall
vlce resldenL of ubllc 8elaLlons
1he 1ravel CorporaLlon
110 LasL ALlanLlc Avenue
uelray 8each llorlda 33444
1elephone (361) 3300830
Lmall arnellekendall[Lravcorpusacom

November 2011 6ontact Arne||e Kenda||
www.brendanvacat| Te|ephone: (51} 330-0850
Ema||: akenda||brendanvacat|


SL aLrlck's uay has been observed by Lhe lrlsh for over 1000 years and Lhls year why noL celebraLe lL
ln Lhe place LhaL sLarLed lL all? 8rendan vacaLlons Lhe lreland SpeclallsL for over 40 years ls offerlng
some lnsplred and wonderful advenLures lrom shamrocks Lo shenanlgans soak up Lhe exclLemenL ln
lreland durlng SL aLrlck's uay on one of 8rendan's unlque and personal CusLomlzed vacaLlons or a one
ofaklnd excluslve Culded vacaLlons Whlchever you choose 8rendan vacaLlons wlll always focus on
1aklng ?ou ersonally"

Colng Lo lreland wlLh 8rendan ls llke sLaylng wlLh famlly l can'L lmaglne a beLLer way Lo spend SL
aLrlck's uay Lhan ln Lhe counLry where lL began" says nlco Zenner resldenL of 8rendan vacaLlons
"8rendan has lLs own offlce and sLaff ln lreland so we are able Lo offer unparalleled experlences and
personally Lake care of our guesLs All our 1ravel ulrecLors are excluslvely employed by 8rendan and
because Lhey are lrlsh Lhey know lreland llke no one else

8ook now and spend SL aLrlck's uay ln lreland wlLh one of Lhese greaL vacaLlons

Ir|sh Iaunt6 days lmmerse yourself ln lreland from Lhe anclenL archlLecLure and a llLerary
pub crawl ln Dub||n Lo Lhe kock of Cashe| and 8|arney Cast|e Lhls Culded vacaLlon ls sure Lo
please Wlnd around Lo 1he k|ng of kerry and 1orc Waterfa|| cross Lhe Shannon Lstuary Lo Lhe
C||ffs of Moher and even vlslL a worklng farm! rlced from $780 land only based on double
occupancy ueparL from uublln on March 14
and 18

G||mpse of Ire|and9 days AwalLlng you on Lhls Culded vacaLlon ls St atr|ck's Cathedra| ln
Dub||n SLrokesLown ark Pouse esLaLe and museum and ky|emore Abbey ln Connemara!
WaLch Lhe sunseL over Ga|way 8ay and vlslL Calway CaLhedral the C||ffs of Moher 8|arney
Cast|e the Waterford Crysta| Centre 1he k|ng of kerry and much more rlced from $1423
land only based on double occupancy ueparL from uublln on March 11

Loca||y nosted Vacat|ons lor Lravelers seeklng a semllndependenL vacaLlon feaLurlng local hosL
servlce ln each clLy a Locally PosLed vacaLlon offers a cholce of Lrlp lengLh hoLels and slghLseelng as
well as rall LransporLaLlon beLween each clLy and prlvaLe alrporL Lransfers LhroughouL Pere ls a sample
Locally PosLed vacaLlon ln lreland

Dub||n k|||arney8 Days leaLurlng Lwo lconlc lrlsh desLlnaLlons Lhls vacaLlon offerlng
feaLures a hoponhopoff Lour of uublln whlle enLerLalnlng guldes Lake you Lo see famous slLes
such as Dub||n Cast|e 1r|n|ty Co||ege and Lhe Gu|nness Storehouse and many more (enLrance
fees noL lncluded) Admlre Lhe scenery on a beauLlful Lraln rlde (lncluded) Lo klllarney Admlre
Lhe breaLhLaklng scenery of ma[esLlc landscapes and crashlng seas along Lhe famous k|ng of
kerry on a gulded coach Lour 1he nexL day en[oy a full free day Lo explore klllarney erhaps
head ouL by coach Lo Lhe rugged ulngle enlnsula Lo admlre Lhe specLacular coasLllne play a
round of golf aL one of Lhe nearby courses or [oln a local gulde for a walklng Lour showlng off Lhe
hlghllghLs of klllarney (noL lncluded) rlced from $1039 land only based on double occupancy

Also for SL aLrlck's uay 8rendan ls offerlng Lhls greaL deal on a llmlLedLlme speclal LhaL wlll have you
ln Lhe mlddle of all Lhe acLlon ln uublln

SL aLrlck's uay ln lreland Cnce |n a ||fet|me tr|p from 537S* per person

?our CusLomlzed vacaLlon lncludes
O neway prlvaLe alrporL Lransfer Lo PoLel
O 4nlghL sLay aL Lhe 4sLar cenLrally locaLed 8urllngLon PoLel wlLh dally breakfasL
O uublln ClLy Pop n/Pop ff ClLy 1our (noL avallable on SaLurday March 17Lh)
O 1lckeL Lo Lhe lconlc Culnness SLorehouse uubllns Lop aLLracLlon
O All PoLel Laxes
O 1ravel musL be begln ln uublln on March 14 13 or 16Lh (musL leave norLh Amerlca
one day earller)
Ior more |nformat|on on any of these great 8rendan Vacat|ons p|ease ca|| 8rendan Vacat|ons at 1
(800) 4218446 or v|s|t www8rendanVacat|onscom for comp|ete deta||s

About 8rendan Vacat|ons
8rendan vacaLlons Lhe lreland SpeclallsL ls a leadlng uS Lour operaLor offerlng a wlde selecLlon of
Culded CusLomlzed Locally PosLed and Croup Lravel opLlons LsLabllshed ln 1969 and Lrue Lo lLs lrlsh
rooLs and LradlLlons Lhe companys porLfollo now lncludes over 800 packages and 10000 hoLels ln
lreland Lhe uk Lurope LasLern Lurope and Lhe 8alkans 8ussla Asla AusLralla new Zealand 1ahlLl ll[l
Mexlco SouLh and CenLral Amerlca WlLh hlgh quallLy producLs frlendly servlce and compeLlLlve prlclng
8rendan vacaLlons belleves ln 1aklng ?ou ersonally" offerlng memorable experlences for every cllenL

PeadquarLered ln Los Angeles 8rendan vacaLlons ls a respecLed brand of 1he 1ravel CorporaLlon and
employs over 100 Lravel professlonals A saLelllLe offlce ln lreland conLracLs producL and manages
lnbound Lrafflc for crulse llnes lncenLlve houses meeLlng planners and Lour operaLors 8rendan
vacaLlons ls a foundlng member of uS1A and oLher professlonal afflllaLlons lnclude AS1A A1A SSn
and n1A CS1#208430320

1erms Cond|t|ons
*rlce ls per person land only based on double occupancy AdverLlsed package valld for Lravel on March 14
March 13 or March 16 2012 PoLel Laxes and servlce charges are lncluded uublln Pop n/Pop ff Lour ls
avallable on SaLurday March 17Lh upgrades and addons avallable romoLlon cannoL be booked onllne nce
paymenL ls recelved cancellaLlon penalLles apply ffer valld on new booklngs only 8aLes sub[ecL Lo avallablllLy
seasonal surcharges blackouL daLes may apply AddlLlonal resLrlcLlons may apply noL valld for groups

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