Sie sind auf Seite 1von 3

Ass|gnment one


1 What shou|d be the format and f|na| form of the store manager's [ob descr|pt|on?
SLore manager's [ob descrlpLlon should lnclude
A !ob Summary
8 8esponslblllLles and uuLles
C AuLhorlLy of lncumbenL
u SLandards of performance
L Worklng condlLlons
l !ob ldenLlflcaLlon
C !ob speclflcaLlons

Is |t pract|ca| to spec|fy standards and procedures |n the body of the [ob descr|pt|on or
shou|d these be kept separate?
lL ls pracLlcal Lo speclfy sLandards and procedures ln Lhe body of Lhe [ob descrlpLlon because
Lhe [ob descrlpLlon should conLaln Lhe sLandards of Lhe company LhaL Lhey expecL Lhe
employees Lo comply wlLh and Lo perform Lhelr responslblllLles and duLles Also Lo lnclude
Lhe procedures and sLandards LhaL are lmporLanL and relevanL for Lhe appllcanLs Lo comply
wlLh llke performance ln Lhe company lL depends on Lhe Lype of [ob under dlscusslon as Lo
whaL Lhe sLandards Lo lnclude
ow shou|d Ienn|fer go about co||ect|ng the |nformat|on requ|red for the standers
procedures and [ob descr|pt|on?
8y conducLlng a [ob analysls for Lhe [ob Lhen llsL Lhe sLandards pollcles and procedures of
Lhe company LhaL Lhe employees do 1hen she should use one or more of Lhe meLhods for
collecLlng lnformaLlon llke lnLervlews quesLlonnalres observaLlon and logs Lo help assess ln
maklng a declslon She can also use quanLlLaLlve Lechnlques for Lhe [ob descrlpLlon llke
poslLlon and funcLlonal [ob analysls
What |n your op|n|on shou|d the store manager's [ob descr|pt|on |ook ||ke and
ln my oplnlon Lhe sLore manager's [ob descrlpLlon should look llke

Iob 1|t|e SLore manager | Company name CarLer Cleanlng Company |
Iob 1ype Manager | LocaLlon xxxxxxx |
D|v|s|on ManagemenL CccupaLlons | non/8esldence SLaLus 8oLh |
Department Cleanlng | 8eporL Lo resldenL(xxxxxxx) |
| Date xxxxxx 26 2011 |

Iob summary
1he sLore manager ls responslble for dlrecLlng all sLore acLlvlLles ln such a way LhaL quallLy
Work ls produced cusLomer relaLlons and sales are maxlmlzed and proflLablllLy ls
malnLalned Lhrough effecLlve conLrol of labor supply and energy cosLs
Summary of essenLlal [ob funcLlons

1he general alm of Lhe sLore manager's duLles and responslblllLles are
A CuallLy conLrol
8 SLore appearance and cleanllness
C CusLomer relaLlons
u 8ookkeeplng and cash managemenL
L CosL conLrol and producLlvlLy
l uamage conLrol
C rlclng
P lnvenLory conLrol
l SpoLLlng and cleanlng
! Machlne malnLenance
k urchaslng
L Lmployee safeLy
M Pazardous wasLe removal
n Puman resource admlnlsLraLlon
C esL conLrol

knowledge skllls and ablllLles
SaLlsfacLory performance ls requlred

1he lncumbenL musL have knowledge ln Lhe followlng areas
A CusLomer servlce
8 AccounLs payable accounLs recelvables
C SLore and moLel managemenL and admlnlsLraLlon

1he lncumbenL musL show Lhe followlng skllls
1 LxcellenL cusLomer servlce and lnLerpersonal skllls
2 LffecLlve verbal and llsLenlng communlcaLlons skllls
3 WrlLLen communlcaLlon and declslon maklng skllls
4 1lme managemenL skllls
3 roblem solvlng skllls

ersona| Attr|butes
1he lncumbenL musL also demonsLraLe Lhe followlng personal aLLrlbuLes are Lo be
O be honesL and LrusLworLhy
O 1o aLLaln all knowledge skllls and aLLlLudes
O 1o have awareness and Lo be senslLlve

Subm|tted by resldenL (!ennlfer CarLer) | Date |
Approved (es]No) | Date |
k | Date |
Compensat|on | Date |

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