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Credit-fuelled growth: the increase in the loans for the private sector.

Austerity programmes: is a policy of deficit-cutting, lower spending, and a reduction in the amount of

benefits and public services provided. Income-tax revenues: government income due to taxation. Incumbents: currently holding a specified office. Benefit payments: an allowance paid by the government as for sickness, unemployment, etc., to which a person is entitled under social security or the national insurance scheme. Brain-drain: the loss of skilled intellectual and technical labor through the movement of such labor to more favorable geographic, economic, or professional environments.

Youth left behind: young people are no longer considered in labor and so they cant reach economic and social independence. Full-nest syndrome: young people who remain living at home with parent because they cant find steady work Apprenticeship: learn a trade or occupation, especially as a member of a labor union. Sit out the doldrums: not take part in a general feeling of depression and sadness.

6. Young workers are vulnerable in period of economic crisis because they are inexperienced and lowskilled while employers seek employees with work-experience. 7. Youth unemployment can be seen as a side show because it represents only part of the problem of unemployment due to the global crisis. Actually the unemployment problem concerns all the age groups. 8. Economic consequences: - increased benefit payments. - lost income-tax revenues. Social consequences: - emigration brain drain is one more depressing symptom of a stagnant Economy. -ccrime and drug offences. Personal consequences: - emotional effects a depression and sadness. -pphenomenon of wage scar that means people are demotivated and tend to earn less. -pphenomenon of full-nest syndrome that means young people remain at home with parents because they arent economically independent. 9. In the early 2000s in Japan spread non-regular jobs where pay was low and opportunities for training and career progression few. 10. In Germany students in vocational schools spend half the week working as part-time salaried apprentices for companies for two to four years and then they are signed on the same company.

This article is very eye opening, especially being a high school student. I feel as if competition now is very hard, especially for getting jobs. If you dont have a college degree and even pursue your education further, then the possibilities of getting a decent job is very low. Looking at the graph, youth unemployment has significantly increased from the majority of countries except for Germany, Japan, Netherlands and Switzerland. Its sad for unemployment to effect young people at a age, where they are supposed to begin their lives and start making a living. In addition the article states unemployment is linked with a level of unhappiness that cannot simply be explained by low income. It is also linked to lower life expectancy, higher chances of a heart attack in later life, and suicide. Hopefully as time goes on, these youth unemployment rates will no longer keep rising so the youth dont have to experience this. After all the youth is our future.

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