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Final Exam HDF 313 1. 2. 3. Exam 1 Chapter 1 What are the domains of development?

t? Physical, Cognitive, Emotional and Social What is a Theory? An orderly, integrated, evidence-based set of statements that Describe, explains, and predicts behavior What is discontinuous development? stages that occur fairly suddenly 4. What is continuous development? process of gradually adding more of the same types of skills 5. How did Erik Erikson differ from Freud? He recognized the life span and nature of development 6. Behaviorism focused on. Nurture over Nature 7. Which condition deals with Stimulus-response? Classical conditioning, Pavlov and his dogs, Watson and little albert 8. Which condition deals with reinforces and punishments? Operant conditioning, children learn to do something because of its effects, Skinner and pigeons (rewards) and punishments 9. Which conditioning method deals with modeling? Social theory, Bandera experiment, children were active in research 10. Harlows monkey study showed what about attachment? expanded on imprinting to suggest that attachment are important during there first year of life (critical period) 11. Bronfenbrenner Theory suggests that: series of nested structurescomplex system of relationships, bidirectional (ever-changing system) Chapter 2 12. What is Naturalistic Observation? (systematic observation) in the field or natural environment, where behavior happens 13. What is Structural Observation? (systematic observatioin) laboratory situations set up to evoke behavior of interest 14. What is Event Sampling? (collecting systematic observatioin) observer records all instances of a particular behavior during a specific time period

15. What is psychophysiological methods? Measures the relationship between physiological process and behavior, measures autonomic nervous system (heart rate, blood pressure, etc.) 16. What is Clinical/Case Study Method? information based on ONE child (interviews, observations, scores, psychophysciological measures) Prodigies make-up answers 17. What is ethnography? goals is to understand a culture or social group by living in community 18. What are some limitations? bias results 19. What is reliability? consistency, repeatability of a measure by inter-rater or test-retest 20. What is validity? how accurately the measure captures the characteristics the researcher is trying to study (internal validity and external validity (generalizability)) 21. What is internal validity? study conditions; degree to which condition internal to the design of the study permit an accurate test of the hypothesis 22. Correlations: +1 means a strong positive relationships between the two variables -1 means a strong negative relationship between the two variables Can not infer cause form correlational studies 23. Independent variable manipulated; expected to cause changes in another variable 24. Avoiding Confounding Variables: Random Assignment: sometimes combined with MATCHING participants on key characteristics Chapter 3 25. Genetic Counseling: those with a family history of inherited disorders or diseases 26. Prenatal diagnostic methods: medical procedures that permits detection of problems before birth 27. Fetal Medicine: Surgery 28. Chorion: protective membrane that surrounds the amnion 29. Vernix: waxy that keeps skin from chapping 30. What are teratogens? consumed by mom that can hurt the fetus 31. Social Support is very important: fewer birth complications and labor several hours shorter

32. Oxygen Deprivations (Anoxia) injury to brain, to prevent secondary damage, researchers use head cooling devices and pre-cooled water blankets 33. Epigenetic: Bidirectional environment, behavior, and genes development resulting from ongoing bidirectional exchanges between heredity and all levels of environment Exam 2 Chapter 4 1. Reflexes: as the upper part of the brain matures, reflexes are mostly replaced by voluntary movements 2. Importance of reflexes: absence of reflexes or the presence of them after a particular development time period can be an indicator of some sort of Central Nervous System dysfunction 3. Rooting Reflex: touch a baby in the corner of their mouth and they will turn their head in the direction of the stimulus. Disappears around 3 months 4. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: quit smoking, changing an infants sleeping position and removing a few bedclothes can reduce the incidence of SIDS 5. Interpretation of Cry: adults use cry intensity and context to respond to infant cries, accuracy improves with experience. 6. A baby smiles and a father smiles back at the baby: operant conditioning 7. Increases probability of behavior occurring again reinforcer 8. A baby learns to reach for certain thingsblahblahblah Proximodistal 9. Increasing complex systems of action with each skill.. Dynamic Systems of motor skills 10. Perceptual development doesnt become more and more simple with age 11. Visual cliff tests depth perception Chapter 5 12. Social sex differences: more athletic pressure on boys 13. Hormones are released by: pituitary gland 14. Which lobe is attention, inhibition, impulses, etc.? Frontal Lobe

15. Sensitive periods in brain development: naturally occurring environments, orphanages 16. Experience- Expectant Growth: dependent on ordinary experiences 17. What is a secondary sexual characteristic? female breast development 18.orphanage= earlier the better 19. Breastfeeding has more nutritional value than breast milk 20. Emotional Deprivation gH and psychosocial dwarfism 21. Stems from lack of parental love, infants have symptoms similar to marasmus? nonorganic failure to thrive 22. What is a way to take of diarrhea? Oral rehydration therapy and zinc 23. What factors influence time of menacrche? geographical location, SES, family experiences 24. Conceptions of Adolescence: Biological perspective and social perspective 25. Psychological distancing between parents and child are normal during adolescence 26. Early Maturing girls and late maturing boys are unpopular, anxious, attention-seeking 27. Eating disorderstoo low of body weight 28. Biologically determined gay feelings: ages 6-12 29. Texas is 3rd highest 30. Promoting abstinence, research shows: have little or no effect on delaying having sex 31. Who has a high suicide rate? obese, homosexuals and all adolescence (all of the above) Chapter 6 32. A characteristic of Piagets Theory is? stages are invariant- no skipped stages 33. Adaptation refers to.. building schemes through direct interactions with the environment 34. Adaptation, assimilation, and accommodation 35. Disequilibrium means they realize the new information doesnt match their current schemes and create new ones accommodation 36. Internal rearranging and linking of schemes.. organization 37. Circular reactions are.

38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Exam 3 Chapter 8

schemas that infants try to repeat chance motor behaviors again and again Primary circular is centered around own body; secondary circular is due to the surroundings and environment A-Not-B search error- baby still looks at original dropping point Sociodramatic play results in more socially competent with teachers. Make-Believe play increases: social and language skills Egocentrism: failure to distinguish others views Animistic Thinking belief that inanimate objects have lifelike qualities Limits on conservation centration: focus on one aspect and neglect another Achievements of the Concrete Operational Stage: decentration- changes is one area is compensated in another Follow- up research shows that: profoundly affected by cultural conditions Abstract thought To accurately understand death, children must: understand the basics of human biology Vygotskys theory about cognition is due to social interactions with more knowledgeable individuals. Private speech is used more when tasks are difficult Childrens learning takes place withing: Zone of proximal Development Scaffolding (supporting a child in a hard task but directing)


1. animals cannot acquire and produce language skills similar to that of preschoolers Correlational procedure of factor analysis to. identify the mental abilities that cluster together 3. Crystallized Intelligence: skills that depend on accumulated knowledge and experience 4. Gardners multiple intelligence is most consistent with the core knowledge perspective 5. SAT is an amplitude test and multiple choice tests are achievement test 6. Low SES children who attend early prevention programs: are less likely to be placed in special ed. Or held back 7. Test for infants are used as: labeled developmental quotients 8. Head start saves money in the future

9. Intervention must have: parent involvement, education, and support

Chapter 9 10. Grammar is made up of syntax and morphology 11. A kid adding (-ed) to the end of words is using: morphology 12. Chomskys LAD is: innate system that permits children to combine words in to grammar consist, novel utterance 13. Who would have the most advanced vocabulary? outgoing girl 14. Jet will have greater English profiency than Mr. Li 15. Williams Syndrome will: prob. Learn language by capitalizing on there social strengths 16. Deaf children develop language even when they have: homesign: strong support for the nativist perspective of lang. development 17. Deaf toddlers whose parents discouraged manual signing and addressed verbally. spontaneously produced gestural comm.. system 18. Hormone mentioned for implications in social relationships: oxytocin 19. And the nurse: infant-parent intervention conducted in a home 20. Interactionist: inner disposition and environmental influences 21. Talking to a child with pauses and repetition of new words is: child-directed speech 22. Many studies shows that caregivers emotional expression influences.. way strangers lay with an unfamiliar toy, or cross the deep side of the visual cliff. (TRUE) Chapter 10 23. Intensity of reaction: energy level of response 24. Children who are anxious, emotionally reactive with reduced capacity regulating have parents who wait to intervene until she becomes extremely

for agitated

of the

social events

25. Parental mental health: Child outcomes have been found to differ depending on the sex parent 26. Babies detecting others emotions is emotional contagion 27. Caregivers voice combined with facial expression reassures baby using referencing. 28. Social Referencing: Allows toddlers to compare their own and others assessment of 29. Sympathy: Feelings of concern or sorrow for anothers plight 30. Environmental influences on temperament: nutritional and emotional deprivation 31. self- evaluation strongly influenced by her mothers feedback 32. Shyness in China is due to rapid expansion of a market economy maybe responsible 33. Attachment doesnt depend on hunger satisfaction 34. Crys when mom leaves shows.. separation anxiety 35. Wanders to aunt, back to mom, interacts briefly with uncle, then back is using Secure base 36. Most common attachment is.. secure attachment 37. Strange situation measures.. infants responses to caregivers during reunion 38. Involves prompt, consistent and appropriate responding to infants moderately related to: attachment security 39. Child is afraid of something, parents should allow child to approach it at own pace// show that they shouldnt be 40. Disorganized attachment is.. moms emotional problems and past conflicts allows non-

to mom

signals is

afraid attachment 41. Relationship between temperament and social behavior is influenced by/// way people respond to childs emotional style 42. Parents view their _____ that influential on their children own childhood 43. Infant crys and you pick it up to calm it down while walking and talking is.. interactional synchrony 44. Fathers are viewed as..

playmates, and mothers are caregivers 45. Working models of attachment doesnt become more specified and specific to relationships 46. Factors that affect attachment: quality of child care Exam 4 Chapter 12 1. Around age 2, identification of the self as a physically unique being is called self-recognition 2. notice effects that help them sort out self, other people, and objects 3. provide commentary about mental states, including desires, intentions, beliefs and emotions 4. life story of autobiographical memories are. remembered selves 5. If child thinks dog is in the bathroom not in room is called False-belief task 6. Describing themselves as I am Tommy, I am wearing red. Is development of self-concept 7. Preschoolers tend to make optimistic attributions because they cant distinguish between success and failures. 8. To have mastery-oriented parents must: Emphasize individual progress and self-improvements 9. Highly committed to NOT exploring is identity foreclosure Chapter 13 10. Perspectives on moral development. Biological is prewired emotional reactions 11. Children are active thinkers about social rules and right vs. wrong Cognitive-Development 12. Nonverbal infants shows infants prefer an individual who helps to one who hinders others 13. Inductive discipline is used in positive guidance Inductive discipline helps child notice others feelings 14. Warmth, responsiveness, competence, power is good models of moral behavior 15. The fact that pride, guilt, empathyrequire strong caregiver support shows morality cant be fully explained by its biological foundations 16. Alternatives to punishment: time outs, withdrawing privileges, positive discipline 17. consistent negative outcomes for children parents are wise to refrain from hard discipline

18. With fearless, impulsive children gentle discipline has little impact 19. Harsh punishment models aggression 20. Kohlbergs stages were based on.. social dilemmas 21. A child who is focused on punishment and reinforcements and adheres to authority is in preconventional level 22. a Childs beliefs about how to divide material goods fairly is using development of distributive justice

Chapter 14 23. Toys, cloths, etc. are contributed to one sex is preschool years 24. Masculine characteristics (rationality and assertiveness) and feminine characteristics (sensitive, delicate) 25. Country that holds gender equality high is Sweden 26. David was the boy who received the first reassignment on a genetically and hormonally normal child. didnt like his doctor 27. Fully understanding that biological sex remains the same regardless of hair, etc. gender constancy 28. Difficulty in grasping the permanence of sex is due to cognitive immaturity 29. Both girls and boys say men have high job status 30. assertiveness, leadership and creative use of materials.. modify some classroom activities to require lesser degree of adult structure. 31. A girl who was a tom boy becoming more a lady in highschool. gender intensification 32. approach that explains how environmental pressures and childs cognitions work together to shape gender typing.. gender schemas 33. parents with a boy and girl will most likely use directive speech with daughter and grant their son more autonomy Chapter 15 34. parents are not the sole influences on children development, although they exert a profound impact

35. Which teenager is more likely to use cigs. Alcohol is. high SES male lives in the suburbs 36. a stressful, struggle with financial problems, and physical punishment are low SES and coercive discipline 37. Reason for families having less number if children are mothers working longer ECSE 38. non compulsory = not required 39. Skeels- Skodake interventions have the potential to help childrens outcome 40. Age of children in ECSE 0-3 41. Foundations of ECI: family- centered philosophy, routines-based approach, relationshipbased approach, natural environment 42. Expert of child is the parents

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