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Describe yourselI.
4 Describe your Iamily?
4 Do you have a large or small Iamily?
4 ow much time do you spend with your Iamily?
4 hat do you like to do together as a Iamily?
4 Do you get along well with your Iamily?
4 Are people in your country generally close to their Iamilies?
4 hat do you do?
4 hat are your responsibilities?
4 ow many hours do you work each day?
4 Do you enjoy your work?
4 Is there some other kind oI work you would rather do?
4 II you could change your job or proIession, what would you do?
4 Describe the process oI getting a job in your country.
4 Describe the company or organization you work Ior.
4 hat is your position?
4 hat do you like about your job?
4 hat do you dislike about your job?
4 Describe your education.
4 hat kind oI school did you go to as a child?
4 Did you go to a co-educational school?
4 hat was your Iavourite subject as a child?
4 ho was your Iavourite teacher?
4 hat is the education system like in your country?
4 Do you think your country has an eIIective education system?
O hat are you studying now?
O hat is your area oI specialization?
4 Describe your hometown.
4 hat`s special about it?
4 here is your hometown located?
4 Is it easy to travel around your hometown?
4 hat is it known Ior?
4 hat do people in your town do?
4 hat are the main industries in your hometown?
4 hat problems Iace your hometown?
4 hat languages are spoken in your hometown?
4 hat are the advantages oI living in your hometown?
4 hat are some problems Iaced by your hometown?
4 Compare your hometown with another city.
4 hat are some environmental problems Iaced by your hometown?
4 hat`s the weather like in your country?
4 Does the weather aIIect your mood?
4 ow do rainy days make you Ieel?
4 hat`s your Iavourite season oI the year?
4 hat do you like to do when it`s hot?
4 hat do you usually do in the winter?
4 ow many seasons does your country have?
4 Describe your home.
4 hat kind oI building do you live in?
4 ow long have you lived there?
4 ave you ever been to a wedding?
4 hose wedding was it?
4 here was it held?
4 hat clothes do people wear?
4 Describe the wedding ceremony.
4 hat sort iI giIts do people buy Ior the bridal couple?
4 hat kind oI clothes did the bride and groom wear?
4 Do you like to travel?
4 hat kind oI places have you visited in your liIe?
4 hich place would you really like to visit? hy?
4 hat`s the best place you`ve ever visited?
4 Do you think computers help society?
4 Do you think computers are bad Ior health?
4 ow do you think computers have changed the world?
4 Do you use the Internet much during the day?
4 hat do you usually do on the Internet?
4 hat are some advantages oI the Internet?
4 hat are some disadvantages?
4 Do people in your country use the Internet a lot?
4 Do you do any shopping on the Internet?
4 Do you send and receive email regularly?
4 ho do you usually communicate with?
4 ow oIten do you check your email?
4 Do you think writing email has strengthened or weakened people`s writing
4 hat are some disadvantages oI email?
4 Describe a Iriend.
4 ow long have you known each other?
4 hat do usually do together?
4 hat do you like the most about him / her?
4 ow oIten do you see each other?
4 Describe a place you like to go.
4 hy is this place special to you?
4 hen did you Iirst visit this place?
4 here is this place located?
4 hat language is spoken here? Do you speak this language?
4 hat do you Ieel about smoking in public places?
4 Do you think smoking should be banned in people`s homes?
4 hat is the attitude toward marriage in your country?
4 Do most young people plan on getting married in your country?
4 hat are some oI the advantages oI marriage?
4 hat are some oI the disadvantages?
4 Is the divorce rate high in your country?
4 Do you think people should be allowed to get divorced?
4 Do you have any hobbies?
4 hat are some oI your hobbies?
4 hen did you Iirst develop tis hobby?
4 hat are some oI the advantages oI having a hobby?
4 ow much time do you spend on your hobby?
4 Do you enjoy watching movies?
4 hat`s your Iavourite Iilm?
4 ho are your Iavourite actors?
4 ow oIten do you watch Iilms?
4 Do you enjoy shopping?
4 ow do you Ieel about shopping?
4 Do you like shopping on the Internet?
4 Do you have any Iavourite stores?
4 hat don`t you like about shopping?
4 hich is the most popular place to shop in your hometown?
4 Do you like sports?
4 Do you enjoy watching sports?
4 Do you enjoy participating in any sports?
4 hich sports are most popular in your country?
4 hat`s your Iavourite sport/
4 hen did you Iirst become interested in sports?
4 ow oIten do you participate in sports?
4 hat equipment do you need Ior your Iavourite sport?
4 hat are some oI your Iavourite Ioods?
4 hat Ioods are popular in your country?
4 hat are some oI the Iamous dishes oI your country?
4 Do you enjoy cooking?
4 hat`s the most important Iestival in your country?
4 ow do people celebrate this Iestival?
4 hat special Iood is associated with this Iestival?
4 hat special activities are associated with this Iestival?
4 hat do you enjoy most about this Iestival?
4 Do you think Iestivals are important Ior a society?
4 Do you watch television a lot?
4 hat do you usually watch on television?
4 ow many hours oI television do you usually watch?
4 hat are the most popular shows in your country?
4 hat kind oI shows do you like to watch?
4 hat are some advantages oI television?
4 hat are someoI the disadvantages oI television?
4 hat did you last watch on television?
4 hy do you think certain TV shows are so popular?
4 hich places would you recommend to a visitor to your country?
4 Do a lot oI tourists visit your country?
4 hat do they usually do there?
4 ow has tourism changed your country?
4 Is your country expensive Ior most tourists?
4 hat are some Iamous landmarks in your country?
4 Describe your daily routine.
4 hat do you usually do?
4 hat do you do on the weekend?
4 hat is you typical weekday like?
4 Does your liIe change much Irom week to week?
4 Do you have any Iree time during the week?
4 hich country are you Irom?
4 here is this country located?
4 hich part oI the country do most people live in?
4 hat are the main industries in your country?
4 Is it easy to travel around your country?
4 hat type oI clothes do you like to wear?
4 hat kind oI clothes do people in your country usually wear?
4 ow important is Iashion to you?
4 hat kind oI clothes do you dislike?
4 Do you think people behave diIIerently in diIIerent kinds oI clothes?
4 hat kind oI clothes do people wear to work in your country?
4 Are clothes expensive in your country?
4 Do you like going out or staying at home?
4 hat do you like to do when you go out?
4 ow oIten do you go out?
4 Do people in your country go our a lot?
4 ow and where do people in your country usually socialize?
4 hat kind oI entertainment is popular in your country?
4 Do you enjoy playing any games?
4 hat kind oI games do you play?
4 Do you think adults should play games?
4 hat do children learn Irom games?
4 hat kind oI games did you play when you were a child?
4 hat games are popular in your country today?
4 hat kind oI games were popular when you were young?
4 Do you think mental games like chess are good Ior you?
4 Do you have a Iavourite colour?
4 hat are your country`s colours?
4 Do you think colours aIIect our moods?
4 Can you learn anything about a person Irom the colours he / she likes?
4 Do you like the same colours now as you did when you were a child?
4 Do you like music?
4 hat kind oI music do you like?
4 hen do you usually listen to music?
4 hat kind oI music did you like when you were younger?
4 hat kind oI music is popular in your country?
4 Do you play any musical instruments?
4 Do you wish you could play any musical instruments?
4 hich is your Iavourite instrument?
Sample IELTS Speaking Topic 1:
Describe a game or sport you enfoy playing.
You should say:
4 hat kind oI sport it is
4 ho you play it with
4 here you play it
4 and explain why you enjoy playing it
Sample IELTS Speaking Response:
I enjoy playing various kinds oI brain games online. There are a number oI diIIerent
websites I visit on a regular basis in order to play these games by myselI. The objective
oI the games is to exercise diIIerent areas oI your brain so that you preserve and enhance
your memory and also expand and develop your brain capacity.
The games are oI various kinds. Some enable you to practice your verbal skills. Others
test logical reasoning, spatial skills and visual memory. I can keep track oI my scores, so
that each time I play, my goal is to do better than in the past to outdo myselI, so to
speak. In addition, iI I want, I can compare my scores to others who play online. This
aspect is intriguing, but Irankly it doesn't interest me much. I don&'t regard this as a
competition with anyone else. It is something I do simply to sharpen my mental abilities
and improve myselI.
In Iact, one oI my Iavorite games is supposed to be the best Ior brain Iitness. It involves
solving a number oI simple math problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division as quickly as possible. I really hope these games will enable me to preserve my
intellect and my memory into old age.
Sample IELTS Speaking Response:
The person in my Iamily I really like and also love is my mother. She is a very special
person and I cannot imagine what I would be without her.
Physically, my mother is petite. She is only about 5 Ieet tall, and weighs about 110
pounds. She has Iine, black hair and a Iair complexion. One thing people oIten notice is
that my mother always takes pride in her appearance. Even now, at the age oI 80, my
mother is a well dressed, well-groomed and elegant woman, with her Iine choice oI
clothes and matching accessories, jewelry and shoes.
Intellectually, my mother always loves learning. Even aIter her busy day, she won't go to
bed without reading the newspaper. She was one oI the Iew members oI her Iamily that
completed university. She also has many creative and cultural interests such as literature,
music and dance. Through her own enjoyment, she passed on this love oI culture to all
her children, including me.
Emotionally, my mother has a heart oI gold. All her liIe, she has been ready, willing and
able to help anyone who needs anything, with a smile on her Iace. She is oI the old
school - she remembers to wish Iriends and relatives on their birthdays and anniversaries,
she attends their weddings, dinners and parties, and she visits them when they're hurt,
unwell or in mourning. In Iact, my mother has always been a kind soul and people oI all
ages love her as soon as they meet her. I think this is because she is good-hearted Irom
her core, and her authenticity is what everyone relates to. She has taught me the meaning
oI being compassionate, loving, kind, helpIul, supportive and so much more. In Iact,
thanks to the unconditional love oI both my wonderIul parents, I Ieel I've been truly
blessed in this liIetime.

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