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Iactors Assess|ng erformance

TechnIques for Assessment of Performance and the

Factors AffectIng Assessments

A performance managemenL process lnvolves an assessmenL or an analysls of whaL has been achleved
and forms a basls for career plannlng poLenLlal developmenL performance agreemenLs and
developmenL plans llke uouglas Mc Cregor suggesLed LhaL emphasls should be on analysls and noL on
appralsal erformance managemenL process ls forward looklng erformance assessmenLs depend
upon Lhe ablllLy Lo [udge a performance whlch furLher depends upon speclflcaLlon of clear sLandards
and avoldance of unnecessary pro[ecLlons erfecL assessmenLs can never compleLely be a reallLy and ls
suscepLlble Lo varlous errors or problems llke halo effecL whlch means Lhe manager acqulres a Lendency
of generallzlng few experlences wlLh Lhe oLher aspecLs of performance and Lhe problems of poor
percepLlon selecLlvlLy and poor lnLerpreLaLlon lor overcomlng Lhese problems Lhe followlng remedlal
measures can be adopLed

O nsurlng LhaL all Lhe managers and employees undersLand Lhe concepL of performance and
learn Lo dlfferenLlaLe beLween good performances wlLh noL so good ones
O ncouraglng managers Lo deflne and agree upon Lhe sLandards and esLabllshlng dlfferenL
measures of effecLlveness
O @ralnlng managers Lo base Lhelr assessmenLs and [udgmenLs afLer carefully scruLlnlzlng Lhe
relevanL daLa

Techniques Of Performance Appraisal


@he dlfferenL Lechnlques whlch may be adopLed for assesslng Lhe performance of employees ln an
organlzaLlon are

-arrat|ve Assessment @hls ls ln Lhe form of a wrlLLen summary of vlews abouL dlfferenL levels of
performance achleved and ls normally prepared by Lhe managers @hls Lechnlque lacks conslsLency ln
Lhe crlLerlon used for assessmenLs as dlfferenL managers wlll conslder dlfferenL aspecLs of performance

at|ngs (at|ng Sca|es) Many organlzaLlons llke lClCl 8ank and C use raLlngs for assesslng Lhe
performance of Lhelr employees for maklng pay relaLed declslons @hrough Lhls meLhod Lhe quallLy of
performance or Lhe compeLence level achleved by an employee ln a parLlcular sklll can be assessed by
evaluaLlng lL on a scale agalnsL cerLaln parameLers whlch may be quallLaLlve (behavloral) or quanLlLaLlve
Slnce performance ls a sub[ecLlve concepL lL ls dlfflculL Lo achleve conslsLency ln Lhe raLlngs whlch are
offered by dlfferenL managers 8egular Lralnlngs and peer revlews may help ln promoLlng conslsLency ln
Lhe raLlngs

Iorced D|str|but|on ln Lhls meLhod Lhe manager ls forced Lo offer hls raLlngs accordlng Lo Lhe paLLern
of a normal curve @hls Lechnlque resLs on Lhe baslc assumpLlon LhaL Lhe employees' performance levels
fall under a normal sLaLlsLlcal dlsLrlbuLlon

Iorced ank|ng ln Lhls meLhod Lhe employees are asslgned ranklng on Lhe basls of caLegorles Slnce Lhe
concepL of performance ls vague so Lhe ranklngs should be accompanled by meanlngful performance

Cr|t|ca| Inc|dent 1echn|que CrlLlcal lncldenL Lechnlque ls a meLhod of gaLherlng facLs (lncldenLs) from
domaln experLs or less experlenced users of Lhe exlsLlng sysLem Lo galn knowledge of how Lo lmprove
Lhe performance of Lhe lndlvlduals lnvolved
@he crlLlcal lncldenL Lechnlque (Cl@) ls used Lo look for Lhe cause of humansysLem (or producL)
problems Lo mlnlmlze loss Lo person properLy money or daLa @he lnvesLlgaLor looks for lnformaLlon on
Lhe performance of acLlvlLles (eg Lasks ln Lhe workplace) and Lhe usersysLem lnLerface 8oLh operaLors
and records (eg documenLed evenLs or recorded Lelephone calls) can provlde such lnformaLlon @he
lnvesLlgaLor may focus on a parLlcular lncldenL or seL of lncldenLs whlch caused serlous loss CrlLlcal
evenLs are recorded and sLored ln a daLabase or on a spreadsheeL Analysls may show how clusLers of
dlfflculLles are relaLed Lo a cerLaln aspecL of Lhe sysLem or human pracLlce lnvesLlgaLors Lhen develop
posslble explanaLlons for Lhe source of Lhe dlfflculLy
@he meLhod generaLes a llsL of good and bad behavlors whlch can Lhen be used for performance

Management 8y Cb[ect|ves (M8C)
@he concepL of 'ManagemenL by Cb[ecLlves' (M8C) was flrsL glven by eLer urucker ln 1934 lL can be
deflned as a process whereby Lhe employees and Lhe superlors come LogeLher Lo ldenLlfy common
goals Lhe employees seL Lhelr goals Lo be achleved Lhe sLandards Lo be Laken as Lhe crlLerla for
measuremenL of Lhelr performance and conLrlbuLlon and decldlng Lhe course of acLlon Lo be followed

@he essence of M8C ls parLlclpaLlve goal seLLlng chooslng course of acLlons and declslon maklng An
lmporLanL parL of Lhe M8C ls Lhe measuremenL and Lhe comparlson of Lhe employee's acLual
performance wlLh Lhe sLandards seL ldeally when employees Lhemselves have been lnvolved wlLh Lhe
goal seLLlng and Lhe chooslng Lhe course of acLlon Lo be followed by Lhem Lhey are more llkely Lo fulflll
Lhelr responslblllLles
More on @oplc hLLp//appralsalsnaukrlhubcom/mbohLml

8ehav|ora||y Anchored at|ng Sca|e (8AS)
8ehavlorally Anchored 8aLlng Scales (8A8S) ls a relaLlvely new Lechnlque whlch comblnes Lhe graphlc
raLlng scale and crlLlcal lncldenLs meLhod lL conslsLs of predeLermlned crlLlcal areas of [ob performance
or seLs of behavloral sLaLemenLs descrlblng lmporLanL [ob performance quallLles as good or bad (for eg
Lhe quallLles llke lnLerpersonal relaLlonshlps adapLablllLy and rellablllLy [ob knowledge eLc) @hese
sLaLemenLs are developed from crlLlcal lncldenLs

ln Lhls meLhod an employee's acLual [ob behavlour ls [udged agalnsL Lhe deslred behavlour by recordlng
and comparlng Lhe behavlour wlLh 8A8S ueveloplng and pracLlclng 8A8S requlres experL knowledge

Add|t|ona| Methods
A ho||st|c ana|ys|s of performance @he proponenLs of Lhls approach belleve LhaL performance
managemenL ls all abouL analyzlng performance lnsLead of assesslng lL @hls Lechnlque alms aL reachlng
an agreemenL for fuLure acLlon or developmenL afLer carefully analyzlng Lhe sLrengLhs or posslble
weaknesses lew organlzaLlons llke 8 Amoco lmplemenL Lhls meLhod of performance assessmenL for
provldlng a feedback Lo Lhe sLaff where Lhey are good aL

uota Systems CuoLa sysLem speclfles Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of raLlngs and accordlngly ad[usLs Lhe raLlngs of
managers afLer an evenL for ensurlng LhaL Lhe quoLa ln each level ls meL

erformance assessmenL ls a very cruclal yeL a very dlfflculL process A comblnaLlon of varlous
assessmenL meLhods can yleld good resulLs

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