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Kinovea 0.8.15 - 2011-05-15. Kinovea is an open source solution that helps you analyze and comment motion in videos.

Use it for sport coaching, performance analysis, podiatrics, animation commentin g, ergonomics engineering and more... System Requirements: -------------------- CPU : 1 Ghz - RAM : 256 MB - Disk Space : 20 MB. - Screen Resolution : 1024x600 pixels. - Software : Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, 7) with .NET framework 2.0 or later. License: -------Please see license.txt for details. In a nutshell: - Source code : GPL v2. - Graphics : CC-BY-SA. - Manual : CC-BY-SA. - Video Tutorials : CC-BY-SA. Communication channels: -------- Blog: - Forum: - Mail: - Bug tracker: - Videos: - Twitter: @Kinovea Changelog: ---------0.8.15 - May 15th 2011 - (r464) - Stable version. Added - Lithuanian, Swedish locale. Updates to Italian, Dutch, Romanian, Tur kish, Greek, Finnish, Portuguese and Spanish. Improved - Help manual update to English, French and Italian. Improved - Capture - Parse URL for inline username:password. Improved - Capture - Improved automatic reconnection mechanism. Fixed - Issue with image size not being properly switched when changing devi ce. 0.8.14 - April 1st 2011 - (r428) - Release candidate version. Added - Capture - Advanced file naming. Added - Capture - Support for network cameras. Improved - Capture - File format preferences. Improved - Capture - Memory buffer preferences. Improved - Capture - Access to device property page. Improved - Capture - Captured video operation from thumbnail (launch, hide, delete). Improved - Toolbar on main window. Improved - Reverse angle function for angle drawings. Improved - Added shortcuts for capture operations. Improved - Shortcuts for Speed and Delay slider primary function is to jump

to next 25%. Fixed - bug 241 - Exported length for line appears as 0. Fixed - Trajectories, chronometers and magnifier were drawn during play even when the option was disabled. Fixed - Change of speed was not always effective. Fixed - SVG files that use percents value relative to viewbox for width and height. 0.8.13 - March 1st 2011 - (r376) - Intermediate version, for testing. Added - Image tool to import images as observational references. Improved - Opacity slider for observational references. Improved - Capture - Selected configuration for the device is saved. Improved - Thumbnails - Image size and analysis data presence are displayed. Fixed - bug 236 - Entry missing in Add/Remove Programs. Fixed - bug 234 - Some camera refuses to switch configuration. Fixed - bug 233 - Crash when opening camera configuration page. 0.8.12 - February 1st 2011 - (r365) - Intermediate version, for testing. Added - Coordinates display and export for cross markers. Improved - Whole image can be dragged even without zoom, when synchronizing and blending. Improved - Capture - Configuration picker for frame size / frame rate. Improved - Updates to Dutch and Italian locales. Improved - Refresh the explorer tree when a file is created through capture or save. Improved - The menu for Observational references is now updated live. Fixed - bug 230 - Speed label too small for some videos. Fixed - bug 228 - Coordinates origin not saved in meta data. Fixed - bug 227 - Crash when using dual export. Fixed - bug 216 - Various UI issues with High Dpi settings in Windows 7. Fixed - bug 183 - Export to spreadsheet does not always work. 0.8.11 - November 1st 2010 - (r347) - Intermediate version, for testing. Added - Delayed display for capture. Improved - Marker for default value on speed slider. Fixed - Flickering when recording live video. Fixed - bug in preference dialog prevented the correct locale to be preselec ted. 0.8.10 - October 1st 2010 - (r332) - Intermediate version, for testing. Added - Circle tool. Added - Total milliseconds time representation. Added - Toast messages for non disruptive information. (pause, zoom change, etc.) Improved - Image numbers as inserts in Overview. Improved - Automatic reconnection in Capture screen. Fixed - m221 - Misalignments of key images when saving video at extreme slow motion. Fixed - m220 - Crash on dual save when merge activated. Fixed - m216 - Missing buttons on Save video dialog on Windows 7 at high DPI . (and some other UI glitches) Fixed - m214 - Misalignement of key images when saving. 0.8.9 - July 1st 2010 - (r309) - Intermediate version, for testing. Added - Capture Screen - frame grabbing and recording. Added - Dual Export for images and videos - to create a composite image or v ideo made from both videos. Added - Rich text edit for key images comments. Improved - Menus icons. Improved - Color picker with more colors and a list of recently choosen ones

. Improved - Observational References - Support for sub directories, to be ref lected as sub menus. Fixed - m210 - Time Marker Format won't save "Classic + Frame Numbers". Fixed - m207 - Comment box malfunction when attempting to save comments. 0.8.8 - June 1st 2010 - (r282) - Intermediate version, for testing only. Added - Observational References. SVG drawings as motion guides. Improved - Update to FFMpeg libraries. (in their r23012). Improved - Overview feature: implementation of scroll to refine number of im ages directly. Improved - Simplification of the upgrade manager. Improved - Global option for drawings persistence to be always visible by de fault. Improved - Possibility to set the default persistence to 1 frame. Improved - Speed percentage now uses the action timeframe instead of the vid eo timeframe (high-speed cameras). Improved - Spreadsheet export support for Key image time, Lines measures and angles. Improved - Added .f4v, .mts and .gif to the list of known file formats for t he file explorer. Fixed - m195 - Seek issues with ASF file. Fixed - m194 - Basler AVI file can't be opened. (new FFMpeg) Fixed - m192 - Speed measurement does not reflect high-speed camera settings . Fixed - m189 - MOV with watermark can't be read. (new FFMpeg) Fixed - m188 - Trajectory label is not exported on ODF files. Fixed - m185 - Magnifier does not magnify the right part of the image when m irroring. Fixed - m184 - WMV from Windows Movie Maker diaporama can't be read. (new FF Mpeg) Fixed - m165 - WMV files playing incorrectly. (new FFMpeg) Fixed - m164 - Magnifier is not exported on video saving. 0.8.7 - May 7th 2010 - (r257) - Stable version. Improved - Updates to Norwegian, Finnish, Dutch, Turkish, Romanian, German, Italian, Greek, Chinese. Improved - Video save operations are now cancellable. Fixed - m187 - Preferred speed unit is not initially selected when reopening . 0.8.6 - April 3rd 2010 (r235) - Release candidate version. Improved - Updates to Turkish and Italian. Improved - During synchronization, speed change in one video is automaticall y reported on the other. Improved - During synchronization, actions causing a pause on one video also cause one on the other. Improved - Automatic tracking is improved both in speed and robustness. Fixed - m179 - Synchronisation is lost when one video is forced to slow down . Fixed - m178 - Repeat mode is wrong when loading another video in the same s creen. Fixed - m177 - Keyboard shortcuts not working when file open through command line. Fixed - m176 - Key images not visible when saved within a working zone. Fixed - m175 - Crash while opening a video. Fixed - locale was forced to French when no user preferences, instead of the system locale or English if not supported. 0.8.5 - February 28th 2010 (r211) - Intermediate version, for testing only.

Added - Localizations : Finnish, Norwegian, Turkish, Greek and updates to It alian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Romanian. Added - Distance and Speed display option on Tracks. Added - Export Tracks trajectory data to text. Improved - new menu to directly track a point from general right click, out of any Cross marker context. Improved - menu to quickly access the time code format options. Improved - Markers in the frame tracker gutter to see stopwatches and paths. Improved - Measure label on lines can now be moved around. Fixed - m170 : Double click using the Pencil tool causes the configuration d ialog to appear. Fixed - m169 : Saving ends up with an error message, even though the saving was ok. Fixed - m167 : Drag and drop of a file on the Kinovea.exe file or on a short cut does not load the video. Fixed - m166 : Mirror filter was not carried over during sync superposition. Fixed - Key image markers were not updated in Frame Tracker when removing a key image. Fixed - Empty player crashed in 2 screens mode when using keyboard shortcuts with impact on both screens. Fixed - Added .TOD extension to known video file formats. 0.8.4 - November 24th 2009 (r153) - Intermediate version, for testing only. Added - Option to superpose images from each other video during synchronisat ion. Added - Configuration window to set origin of coordinate system for Paths. Added - Image files show up in the Explorer and in the Thumbnails Explorer. Fixed - crash on video loading for some systems. Fixed - sometimes a screen became unstoppable during synchronisation. Fixed - bug that sometimes missed to alert the user when closing screen even if he had added Metadata. Fixed - crash when adding a drawing on image file opened as video. Fixed - bug on StopWatches where the background did not scale up when image size was increased. 0.8.3 - November 11th 2009 (r143) - Intermediate version, for testing only. Added - Options in general Preferences to open files forcing image aspect ra tio and deinterlacing. Fixed - m145 - Crash at startup for Norvegian based systems. Fixed - m147 - Memory leak on deinterlace. 0.8.2 - November 1st 2009 (r139) - Intermediate version, for testing only. Added - Trajectories (Paths) - new "focused" mode where the trajectory is on ly visible around the current frame. Added - Command line arguments handler. Added - Possibility to force the aspect ratio to 16:9 or 4:3 if autodetect i s wrong. Improved - Tracing of unhandled exceptions in an external file. Improved - Cancel button on the "extraction of frames to memory" progress ba r. Improved - Usability and performance enhancements on common frame tracker du ring synchronisation. Fixed - m140 - Exported coordinate system is wrong (on Y) for trajectories. Fixed - m144 - In Dynamic sync, we were using absolute positions instead of positions relative to the working zone. Fixed - When we changed key image title through direct edit, the trajectory KeyframesLabels weren't updated. 0.8.1 - August 9th 2009 - (r117) - Intermediate version, for testing only.

Added - Export - "Paused Video" saving method. Video with longer pauses on K ey Images. Improved - Export - Simplified the saving dialog. Improved - Export - Export to Spreadsheets (ODF, Excel, XHTML) now uses user units (time and length). Fixed - m135 - Uncompressed files from VirtualDub cannot be saved again in K inovea. Fixed - m137 - Error on Vista when opening MPG or MOD files. Fixed - Selection wasn't imported to memory when using the in/out buttons. 0.8.0 - July 8th 2009 - (r104) - Intermediate version, for testing only. Added - Explorer - Shortcuts tab. Added - Motion filters - Mosaic mode. Added - Motion filters - Reverse selection (backward playback). Added - Export - Export to OpenOffice calc, MS-Excel, XHTML. Improved - Explorer - Possibility to rename and delete files directly. Improved - Explorer - Thumbnails loop between several images from the video. Improved - Explorer - Thumbnails keep image ratio and are centered. Improved - Playback - CTRL + Up / Down changes speeds by 25% increments. Improved - Playback - New timecode format : classic time + frame number comb ination. Improved - Key Images - Default key image title (timecode) is updated live u ntil the user choose an explicit title. Improved - Key Images - Possibility to change key image title directly witho ut going through the comment window. Improved - Key images - The key images panel stays docked if the user explic itely asked so. Improved - Drawings - Line length display and seal option. Improved - Chronos - Countdown mode. Improved - Preferences - Thumbnail size, explorer tab and splitters position s are saved to prefs. Fixed - m133 - Crash in explorer when "Asus EEE Storage" application is inst alled. Fixed - Explorer - Collapsing a node when a subnode was expanded resulted in automatic re-expanding. Fixed - Explorer - Scrolling while thumbnails were loading caused error in t he thumbnails positions. Fixed - Saving - When saving non analysis mode videos a memory leak could ma ke the RAM peak and computer hang. 0.7.10 - February 4th 2009 - (r55) - Stable version. Fixed - Selection and saving issues on files with B-frames. 0.7.9 - January 23th 2009 - (r39) - Intermediate version, for testing only. Added - Logging system to improve defect fixing. Added - Italian user guide. Added - Undo emulation for Image adjustment menus. Improved - Splash screen now also covers initial language load. Improved - When undoing a 'close screen' command, all its key images and dra wings are revived. Improved - Non square pixels videos are now handled in display and save. Improved - Trajectory now have rounded angles. Improved - Manipulation handles zones increased in size. Fixed - m0109 - A bug could make the application crash at Player initializat ion. Fixed - m0111 - Measured angles show permanently instead of the assigned num ber of frames Fixed - m0108 - Saving a trajectory muxed in the video file could behave imp roperly. Fixed - Status bar update on file list click.

Fixed - Configuration dialog box are relocated to center of screen if curren t mouse location make them go outside screen. 0.7.8 - December 18th 2008 - (r24) - Intermediate version, for testing only. Added - Direct Zoom. Added - Trajectories suggestions with template matching. Added - Label Follows and Arrow Follows mode for trajectories. Added - Specification of the capture fps for high speed cameras. Improved - Video size is not forced to be multiple of 4. Improved - Drawings can not be moved outside screen anymore. Improved - Shift + Left arrow on first image moves backwards to the end. Improved - Explorer configuration is now saved in settings. Improved - Hand and cross custom cursor. Improved - Warning dialog box if key images data not saved. Improved - F11 toggles stretch mode. Improved - Keyboard navigation (TAB) on most dialogs. Fixed - Launch issue on some configs. Fixed - ColorProfile.xml removed on uninstall. Fixed - Closing configuration windows with the red cross does a Cancel. Removed - PDF Export. 0.7.7 - November 24th 2008 - Intermediate version, for testing only. Added - Persistence of drawings. ( =Fading in/out) + Related configurations dialogs + "Go to key image" menu. Added - Drawings color & style preconfiguration window. (=right click before drawing) Added - Markers for key frames in the navigation bar. Improved - Pencil tool is kept active when changing frames. + Escape returns to the hand tool. Improved - Pencil line now has rounded caps. Improved - Pencil tool cursor is now a colored circle. Improved - Pencil tool style picker has more size options. Improved - Pencil width and font size (chronos and texts) now scales with im age. Improved - Grids, chronos and Trajectories now exported on video and diapora ma. Improved - Configurations dialogs now opens at mouse location instead of cen ter of screen. Fixed - Trajectory color is now taken from its parent cross maker, not from default cross marker color. 0.7.6 - November 11th 2008 - Stable version. Added - Deinterlace option to remove comb artifacts. Fixed - Crash when adding a drawing while playing. Fixed - Crash when closing a screen while synchronizing two videos. Fixed - Crash when openning a blank screen after having synchronized two vid eos. 0.7.5 - November 2nd 2008 - Intermediate version, for testing only. Added - Polish Localization. Added - Reimplemented the 3D Grid with Homography Matrix. Now called 'Perspe ctive Grid'. Added - Grids shows on images exports. Added - Double click on drawing goes to their configuration dialog. Added - Font size of Text Drawings configurable. Added - Undo/Redo on Chronometers Add/Delete/Modify and on Trajectory Delete . Added - Magnifier zones blocked at image borders. Added - Ergonomics timeformats now have 3 significant digits. Fixed - If the video has several streams we take the one with most frames in

it. Fixed - Crash on zero sized Angles. 0.7.4 - October 20th 2008 - Intermediate version, for testing only. Added - German localization. Added - Portuguese localization. Added - Changing Drawings color / style after setup. Added - Chronometers added to color profile. Added - Changing color and font size of chronometers after setup. Added - Associating of a label with each chronometer. Added - Chronometer value takes time format into account. Added - Import/Export XML for Chronos and Trajectories. Added - Image export is now at current display size. Added - Chronometers and Trajectories flushed on Image Export. Fixed - Can now manipulate Drawings when a grid or plane is shown. Fixed - Memory leak in thumbnail panel. Fixed - Exported single image takes time format into account. Fixed - default bitrate increased if not conclusive. Fixed - Crash hapenned when mouse moved while placing a chronometer. Fixed - Diaporama Export. Fixed - Some FLV made the whole app crash. 0.7.3 - October 2nd 2008 - Intermediate version, for testing only. Added - File thumbnails on right pane. Added - Trajectory tool (Manual tracking). Added - Chronometer tool. Added - Magnifier mode. Added - Width of line and pencil tool, arrows endings for lines. Added - German and Spanish locale. Fixed - .mod files were not recognised in file explorer. Fixed - Drawing moved to a different location. Fixed - File Explorer now starts at Desktop level. 0.7.2 - July 14th 2008 - Stable version. Added - User Preferences. Added - Mousewheel to browse video. Added - Ability to change time markers. Added - Dutch locale. Fixed - Dynamic Synchronization. Fixed - Windows Vista 64 Bits. 0.7.1 - May - 30th 2008 - Intermediate version, for testing only. Fixed - Windows Vista 64 Bits. 0.7.0 - May 3rd 2008 - Intermediate version, for testing only. Added - Key Images (Add, browse, comments, etc.) Added - Drawings on Key Images (Line, angle, text, etc.) Added - Export / Import Key Images data between videos. Added - Save Working Zone as new video file. Added - 3D Plane. Grids interactivity. Added - Export analysis to PDF. Improved - Use hundredth instead of frame numbers for timecode. Added - Various export options for images. 0.6.3 - March 12th 2008 - Hotfix release. Added - Display of ChangeLog within the Update Dialog box. Fixed - Bug when running Windows Vista without admin rights. Fixed - Kinovea logo is now under LAL (Licence Art Libre) license. 0.6.2 - March 08th 2008.

First public release.

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