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Q 105,316 ========== package; import*; import

*; Q 21,124 ======== interface Reloadable { public void reload90; } class Edot { public void Edit(){} } interface Displayable extends Reloadable { public void display(); } Q113.244 ============ import java.util.*; public class NumberNames { private HashMap<String,Integer> map= new HashMap<String,Integer>(); public void put(String name, int value) { map.put(name,value); } public Set<String> getNames() { for(String aaa:map.keySet()) System.out.println(map.get(aaa)); return map.keySet(); }

public static void main(String[] ars) { NumberNames nn=new NumberNames(); nn.put("10",4); nn.put("11",14); nn.put("12",24); nn.put("13",34); nn.put("14",44); nn.put("15",54); nn.put("6",64); System.out.println(nn.getNames()); } } Q 106 ========= import java.util.*; class A{} class B extends A{} public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { List<A> listA=new LinkedList<A>(); List<B> listB=new LinkedList<B>(); List<Object> listO=new LinkedList<Object>(); m1(listA); m1(listB); //m1(listO); m2(listA); //m2(listB); m2(listO); } public static void m1(List<? extends A> list){} public static void m2(List<A> list){}

Q 42,177 ========: BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("in")); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("o ut"))); Q 49,335 =========: (temp=buffReader.readLine())!=null (IOException e){ Q 7,195 ========== import java.util.*; public class X { public static void main(String[] args) { //ArrayList<String> x1=new ArrayList<String>(); //foo(x1); //ArrayList<Object> x2=new ArrayList<String>(); //foo(x2); ArrayList<Object> x3=new ArrayList<Object>(); foo(x3); ArrayList x4=new ArrayList(); foo(x4); } public static void foo(List<Object> list) { }

} Q 6,238 ========= import java.util.*; public class NumberNames1 { public void takeList(List<? extends String> list) { //list.add("foo"); list=new ArrayList<String>(); //list=new ArrayList<Object>(); String s=list.get(0); Object o=list; } } Q 12 ========: class Alpha { public void foo(String... args) { System.out.println("Alpha:foo"); } public void bar(String a) { System.out.println("Alpha:bar"); } } public class Beta extends Alpha { public void foo(String a) {

System.out.println("Beta:foo"); } public void bar(String a) { System.out.println("Beta:bar"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Alpha a=new Beta(); Beta b=(Beta)a;"test");"test");"test");"test"); } } o/p Alpha:foo Beta:foo Beta:bar Beta:bar Q15 ===== enum Element { EARTH,WIND,FIRE{ public String info(){ return "Hot"; } }; public String info() { return "element"; } }

Q20 ======= package com.sun.cert; import java.util.*; public class AddressBook { ArrayList entries; } Q52 ===== class A has name A class B has name A

Q 287,305 ========= public private public public public public Q 246 ====== import java.util.*; public class TestGen { public static void main(String[] args) {

List<String> list = new LinkedList<String>(); list.add("one"); list.add("two"); System.out.println(list.get(0).length()); } } Q243 ======= import java.util.*; public class TestGen1 { public void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<Dog> list = new ArrayList<Dog>(); takeList(list); } //public void takeList(ArrayList list){} // compiles //public void tkeList(ArrayList<Animal> list){} //public void takeList(ArrayList<? extends Animal> list){} // compiles //public void takeList(ArrayList<?> list){} // compiles //public void tkeList(ArrayList<Object> list){}

} class Animal{} class Dog extends Animal{}

QUESTION # 187,248 ==================== public class MyInt implements Comparable { ------

} public int CompareTo(Object o) { ---return i-i2.i; } EXPLANATION: sort() method in Collections class uses ompareTo() method of Comparable int erface. so we have to override that compareTo() method. since the o/p shoul d be in ascending order, i-i2.i is returned. QUESTION # 143 =============== protected Single() { } static Single create() { -- } QUESTION # 5 ============= public class Gen<T> { private T object; public Gen(T object) { this.object=object; } public T getObject() { return object; } Q;42 =========== BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("in")); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("o ut"))); } Q91,180

========== public boolean doesFileExist(String []dirs,String filename) { String path=""; for(String dir:dirs) { //path=dir; //-------->WONT COMPILE //path=path.getFile(filename); path=path+File.separator+dir; //path=path+getSubdirectory(dir); } System.out.println(path); File file = new File(path,filename); return file.exists(); } } Q # 87 ========= Pi is approximately 3.141593 and E is approximately true Q 139,288 =========== Dog is-a animal Forest has-a Tree Rectangle has-a side Java Book is-a Programming book Ans for 217 ============ public void bar(int x,int y){} public int bar(String x){ return 1;}

public void bar(int x){} Ans for 223,327 ============= public class TesTwo extends Thread { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { TesTwo t=new TesTwo(); t.start();; t.join(); t.doIt(); } public void run() { System.out.println(" Run. "); } public void doIt() { System.out.println(" Doit. "); } } QUESTION # 220,323 ================= public class Flags2 { private boolean isReady = false; public synchronized void produce() { isReady=true; notifyAll(); } public synchronized void consume() { while(!isReady)

{ try { wait(); }catch(Exception ex){} } isReady=false;//I THINK WE MUST PLACE "false" HERE....if we place "true " then wait() method is never invoked again (isReday's value is always true) } } Ans for #147,222 =============== started ran interrupting ended (no more output) question 5,353: =========== public class Gen<T> { private T object; public Gen(T object) { this.object=object; } public T getObject() { return object; } question 6,238 =============== public void takeList(List<? extends String> list) { //list.add("foo"); list=new ArrayList<String>(); // compiles //list=new ArrayList<Object>();

String s=list.get(0); // compiles Object o=list; // compiles } Qustion: 7 ============== import java.util.*; public class X { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<String> x1=new ArrayList<String>(); -- compiles foo(x1); -- fails ArrayList<Object> x2=new ArrayList<String>(); -- fails foo(x2); -- fails ArrayList<Object> x3=new ArrayList<Object>(); -- compiles foo(x3); -- compiles ArrayList x4=new ArrayList(); -- compiles foo(x4); -- compiles } public static void foo(List<Object> list) { } }

question 15: ============ enum Element { EARTH,WIND,FIRE{ public String info(){ return "Hot"; }

}; public String info() { return "element"; } } question 20: ============== package com.sun.cert; import java.util.*; public class AddressBook { ArrayList entries; } question 21: ============ interface Reloadable { public void reload(); } class Edit { public void Edit(){} } interface Displayable extends Reloadable { public void display(); }

question 37 ============ for(int x : y)

question 49,335 =============== (temp=buffReader.readLine())!=null (IOException e){ question 12: =============== Alpha:foo Beta:foo Beta:bar Beta:bar question 52 =============== class A has name A class B has name A question 251,336 ============= import* public class ReadFile{ public static void main(String argv[]){ try{ File x1 = new File("MyText.txt"); FileReader x2 = new FileReader(x1); BufferedReader x4 = new BufferedReader(x2); String x3 = null; while((x3 = x4.readLine()) != null){ System.out.println(x3); }x4.close(); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } } question 329,151 ================

run() --->java.lang.Thread wait() --->java.lang.Object notify() --->java.lang.Object sleep() --->java.lang.Thread start() --->java.lang.Thread join() --->java.lang.Thread Q200,313 ============ public int update(int quantity, int adjust){ quantity=quantity + adjust; return quantity; } public void callUpdate(){ int quant=100; quant=update(quant,320); system.out.println("quant="+quant;) } Q-308 ============= public class Doubler { public static int doubleMe(int h) { return h*2; } public class Holder { int amount=10; public void doubleAmount(amount);}


=============== java.util.SortedSet->>>>>defines base methods fr an ordered set.. import java.util.Arrays->>>>>provide array manipulation utilities.. import java.util.Iterator-->>>>>>defines methods fr leniar access to a collect ion... java.util.TreeSet->>>>> provide concrete implementaion of an ordered set.. java.util.Collection->>>>>defines base methods for all collection object

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