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L8 MA8kL1

Some of Lhe LopLler L8 vendors are SAAC 8AAn eopleSofL Cracle AppllcaLlon and !uLdwards
1hese companles are coverlng Lhe ma[or L8 markeL revenue


SA (SysLem AppllcaLlons roducLs ln daLa processlng) SA ls Lhe worlds leadlng provlder of
buslness sofLware SA dellvers producLs and servlces LhaL help acceleraLe buslness lnnovaLlon for Lhelr
cusLomers 1oday more Lhan 82000 cusLomers ln more Lhan 120 counLrles run SA appllcaLlons from
dlsLlncL soluLlons addresslng Lhe needs of small buslnesses and mldslze companles Lo sulLe offerlngs for
global organlzaLlons

SA deflnes buslness sofLware as comprlslng enLerprlse resource plannlng and relaLed appllcaLlons
such as supply chaln managemenL cusLomer relaLlonshlp managemenL and suppller relaLlonshlp

SA AC was founded ln 1972 by flve Cerman englneers wlLh l8M ln Mannhelm Cermany and ls one
of Lhe Lop mosL L8 vendors provldlng Lhe cllenL server buslness appllcaLlon soluLlons
SA serves as a sLandard ln Lhe lndusLrles llke chemlcals cusLomer producLs oll hlgh Lechnology 1he
SA group has offlces ln more Lhan 30 counLrles worldwlde employs a workforce of over 19300
SA's L8 package comes ln 2 verslons le malnframe verslon (SA 8/2) cllenL server verslon (SA
WlLh SA cusLomers can lnsLall Lhe core sysLem one or more of Lhe fundamenLal componenLs or
purchase Lhe sofLware as a compleLe package


SA has developed exLenslve llbrary of more Lhan 800 predeflned buslness processes
1hese processes may be selecLed from SA llbrary can be lncluded wlLhln lnsLalled SA appllcaLlon
soluLlon Lo sulL Lhe user exacL requlremenLs
SA sofLware has speclal feaLures llke llnklng a company's buslness processes appllcaLlons
supporLlng lmmedlaLe responses Lo change LhroughouL dlfferenL organlzaLlonal levels real Llme
Also Lhe new Lechnologles are avallable regularly Lo copup wlLh Lhe changes of Lhe new buslness
1he lnLernaLlonal sLandards have been consldered whlle deslgnlng Lhe sofLware llke supporL of mulLlple
currencles slmulLaneously auLomaLlcally handles Lhe counLry speclflc lmporL/exporL requlremenLs
1he modules of 8/3 can be used lndlvldually as well as user can expand lL ln sLages Lo meeL speclflc

8/2 ln Lhe LaLe 1970s

ln 1978 SA began developlng and Lhe followlng year released 8/2 (8 for realLlme) a malnframe
based sLandard buslness sofLware sulLe ln whlch lnLegraLe able modules for accounLlng sales and
dlsLrlbuLlon and producLlon enabled cusLomers Lo consolldaLe Lhelr flnanclal and operaLlonal daLa lnLo
a slngle daLabase and ellmlnaLe cosLly paperwork and daLa enLry 8ecause Lhe modules were self
sLandlng buslnesses could selecL only Lhose Lhey needed whlch could Lhen be furLher cusLomlzed Lo
Lhelr unlque requlremenLs

8/3 uevelopmenL ln Lhe 1980s

As 8/2s poLenLlal began Lo peak ln Lhe mld1980s laLLner and companys former employer l8M
announced a new sysLem appllcaLlons archlLecLure (SAA) Lechnology Seelng Lhe ramlflcaLlons of
such lnLegrlLy ablllLy for lLs own producLs ln 1987 SA began developlng 8/3 for use ln Lhe
decenLrallzed nonmalnframe compuLlng envlronmenL known as cllenLserver ln cllenLserver
arrangemenLs daLa ls processed noL by a slngle cosLly malnframe buL by many cheaper neLworked
server compuLers whlch dlsplay Lhelr daLa on flexlbly arrange able Cs called cllenLs Whlle 8/2
focused on provldlng daLa processlng soluLlons for sLaLlc lndlvldual funcLlons of buslness operaLlons
such as lnvenLory Lracklng or shlpplng 8/3 was deslgned Lo allow a buslness Lo vlew lLs enLlre
buslness operaLlon as a slngle lnLegraLed process ln whlch daLa enLered lnLo any slngle appllcaLlon ln
Lhe sysLem would slmulLaneously be reglsLered ln every oLher

lnLroducLlon of 8/3 ln Lhe 1990s

AfLer flve years ln developmenL 8/3 had been launched wlLh Lhe expecLaLlon LhaL lL would
complemenL 8/2s mulLlnaLlonalorlenLed nlche by exLendlng SAs reach lnLo Lhe mldslzed less
malnframedomlnaLed buslness sofLware markeL unexpecLedly however 8/3s release colnclded wlLh
a growlng Lrend Loward corporaLe downslzlng and even SAs largesL cusLomers began eyelng 8/3 as a
less laborlnLenslve replacemenL for 8/2 8/3 was suddenly hoL and vlrLually overnlghL SA had
LranslaLed lLs repuLaLlon as Cermanys wunderflrma Lo Lhe global sLage

SA 8/3

SA 8/3 ls a compuLer sysLem LhaL ls deslgned Lo supporL compleLe buslness managemenL Lasks of a
corporaLlon company or lnsLlLuLlon SA 8/3 ls used ln buslness sysLems Lo handle lnvolce paymenL
producLlon resource managemenL and flnanclal accounL conLrol 1hese speclflc Lasks are accompllshed
by employlng appllcaLlon modules ofLen descrlbed wlLh acronyms such as MM (maLerlals managemenL)
and Su (sales and dlsLrlbuLlon)
Modules process lnformaLlon Lhrough each and every componenL of Lhe organlzaLlon uslng one secure
8/3 sysLem Lo share relevanL lnformaLlon beLween parLs of Lhe organlzaLlon keeplng Lhe corporaLlon
upLodaLe on laLesL Lechnology and daLa lnformaLlon A common daLabase ls employed among each of
Lhe mldslzed Lo largeslze corporaLlons LhaL uLlllze 8/3 8/3 may also be used by small buslness
allowlng buslness Lo prosper wlLhouL havlng Lo worry abouL changlng sysLems

An addlLlonal beneflL Lo uslng SA 8/3 ls LhaL lL comblnes wlLh a corporaLlon's prevlously exlsLlng
compuLer sysLem 8/3 uses Lhe A8A/4 programmlng language and allows for Lhe posslblllLy of several
compuLers of dlfferlng manufacLurers Lo con[oln lnLo one solld worklng daLabase operaLlng ln Lhe open
sysLem or cllenL/server envlronmenLs SA 8/3 ls a Wlndows and Menus drlven appllcaLlon conLalnlng
graphlcal ob[ecLs

1he 8/3 sysLem provldes a flexlble organlzaLlonal sLrucLure
lL can connecL all Lhe buslness processes LogeLher every employee could have fasL access Lo Lhe
requlred lnformaLlon
1he ln house sLaff can do work easlly wlLh reference A8A/48 developmenL workbench whlch ls an
lnLegral parL of 8/3 8/3 appllcaLlon modules are elLher used alone or ln comblnaLlon wlLh oLher

8/3 ALlCA1lCn MCuuLL

lollowlng are some 8/3 modules
llnanclal AccounLlng lL collecLs conLrols Lhe daLa relevanL Lo flnanclal accounLlng lL provldes reporLs
documenLaLlons comprehenslve lnformaLlon
1reasury Lhls module provldes a compleLe soluLlon for efflclenL flnanclal managemenL 1reasury module
helps ln ensurlng Lhe llquldlLy of your company worldwlde sLrucLures Lhe asseL proflLablllLy mlnlmlzes
ConLrolllng 1hls module has a unlform reporLlng sysLem for company wlde conLrolllng wlLh all
procedures conLrols conLenL of Lhe company's lnLernal processes
LnLerprlse ConLrolllng 1hls module has been deslgned Lo monlLor Lhe company's success facLors
performance lndlcaLors on Lhe basls of managemenL lnformaLlon
lnvesLmenL ManagemenL 1hls module offers lnLegraLed managemenL processlng of lnvesLmenL
measures 1hls also parLlclpaLes ln pre lnvesLmenL analysls depreclaLlon slmulaLlon lnvesLmenL
managemenL monlLors Lhe pro[ecLs from plannlng Lo seLLlemenL

roducLlon lannlng Lhls provldes all Lypes of manufacLurlng sLraLegles from repeLlLlve M1C A1C
Lhrough processes loL M1S manufacLurlng Lo lnLegraLed supply chaln managemenL
MaLerlal ManagemenL lL manages Lhe purchaslng processes wlLh workflow drlven processlng funcLlons
1hls also handles warehouse managemenL lnLegraLes lnvolce verlflcaLlon
lanL MalnLenance Servlce ManagemenL Lhls allows Lhe plannlng conLrol processlng of Lhe
lnspecLlon malnLenance damages servlce managemenL
CuallLy ManagemenL Lhls offers all processes relevanL Lo your quallLy assurance along wlLh supply
chaln coordlnaLes lnspecLlon processlng lnLegraLes laboraLory lnformaLlon sysLems
8/3 also provldes lLs appllcaLlons ln P8 managemenLs pro[ecL managemenL sales dlsLrlbuLlon wlLh all
sLandard buslness processes funcLlonallLy

Some of Lhe maln advanLages of uslng SA 8/3 are llsLed below

1he 8/3 sofLware package ls deslgned Lo allow buslnesses Lo effecLlvely and efflclenLly operaLe a
varleLy of buslness processes wlLhln a slngle lnLegraLed lnformaLlon sysLem
1he sofLware ls cusLomlzable uslng SAs proprleLary programmlng language A8A/4 8/3 ls scalable
and hlghly sulLed for many Lypes and slzes of organlzaLlons and runs on slx dlfferenL plaLforms
SA's parLnershlp wlLh Lechnology servlce companles hardware manufacLures daLabase provlders
helps Lo provlde a compleLe buslness soluLlon
1hls cllenL/server soluLlon ls lnflnlLely expandable can be used wlLh anywhere beLween 30 several
Lhousand end users 1hls ensures LhaL 8/3 can always grow wlLh Lhe growlng requlremenL of company

8AAn Company proflle

8aan company was founded ln neLherlands ln 1978 by broLhers !an and aul 8aan
1he 8AAn Company ls Lhe leadlng global provlder of enLerprlse buslness sofLware
1he 8AAn company producLs reduce complexlLy and cosL lmprove core buslness processes are fasLer Lo
lmplemenL and use are more flexlble ln adapLlng Lo buslness changes
1he producLs offered by Lhe company supporLs several buslness Lools 1he Lools are based on mulLlLler

1LCPnCLCC? Anu 8CuuC1S

1he 8AAn producLs are havlng open componenL archlLecLure
1he speclal feaLure of 8AAn producL ls Lhe use of 8AAn uLM (uynamlc LnLerprlse Modellng)
8aan uLM provldes a buslness vlew vla a graphlcal process/model based vlews
8AAn producLs has mulLlLlered archlLecLure for maxlmum and flexlble conflguraLlon
1he appllcaLlon supporLs Lhe new hardware CS neLworks and user lnLerfaces w/o any modlflcaLlon Lo
Lhe appllcaLlon code
1he 8aan serles based producLs lnclude
8AAn LnLerprlse 8esource lannlng

8AAn lronL Cfflce

8AAn CorporaLe Cfflce SoluLlons

8AAn Supply Chaln SoluLlons

1he maln advanLages of 8aan serlesbased famlly of producLs are Lhe besL ln class componenLs verslon
lndependenL lnLegraLlon and evergreen dellvery


8AAn L8 ls a proven enLerprlse resource plannlng s/w appllcaLlon
lL ls fully lnLegraLed and provldes all Lhe funcLlonallLy whlch ls requlred across Lhe enLerprlse
8AAn L8 conslsLs of a number of lnLerdependenL componenLs LhaL can be deployed Lo meeL buslness
1he flexlblllLy wlLh 8AAn L8 allows cusLomers Lo maxlmlze Lhe beneflLs of boLh besL ln class soluLlon
and a fully lnLegraLed hlgh performance sysLem
8AAn L8 lncludes Lhe followlng componenLs

ManufacLurlng Module
1hls lncludes bllls of maLerlal cosL prlce calculaLlon shop floor conLrol maLerlal requlremenL
plannlng eLc

llnance Module
1hls lncludes accounLs payable accounLs recelvable cash managemenL flxed asseLs eLc

ro[ecL Module
1hls lncludes pro[ecL budgeL pro[ecL deflnlLlon pro[ecL esLlmaLlon pro[ecL plannlng eLc

ulsLrlbuLlon Module
1hls lncludes sales managemenL purchase managemenL and warehouse managemenL


8AAn L8 1ools can be descrlbed as a compuLlng plaLform LhaL provldes lndependenL flexlble open
and dlsLrlbuLed compuLlng and developmenL envlronmenL
1he open archlLecLure of Lhe 8AAn L8 1ools make lL posslble Lo
Culckly reacL Lo Lhe changes LhaL Lake place ln Lhe markeL lnLurn change Lhe s/w conflguraLlon
uevelop Lhe 8AAn producL ln such a way LhaL lL ls lndependenL of Lhlrd parLy producL such as hardware
CS and u8
Laslly lnLegraLed wlLh Lhlrd parLy producL
Clves cusLomer speclflc soluLlons

C8CALL CC8C8A1lCnCompany proflle

Cracle CorporaLlon was founded ln Lhe year 1977 and ls Lhe world's largesL s/w company and Lhe
leadlng suppller for enLerprlse lnformaLlon managemenL
1hls ls Lhe flrsL s/w company Lo lmplemenL lnLerneL compuLlng model for uslng Lhe enLerprlse s/w across
Lhe enLlre producL llne
lL provldes daLabases and relaLlonal servers appllcaLlon developmenL declslon supporL Lools and
enLerprlse buslness appllcaLlons


C8ACLL sofLware runs on Lhe neLwork compuLers work sLaLlons mlcro compuLers mlnl compuLers
C8ACLL 8l ls Lhe leadlng daLabase for lnLerneL compuLlng
C8ACLL daLabase allow Lhe corporaLlon Lo access on any daLa on any servlce over any neLwork from
any cllenL devlce
C8ACLL Warehouse 1echnology lnlLlaLlve (Wl1) ls one of Lhe fasLesL flowlng comprehenslve programs
ln Lhe daLa warehouslng lndusLry whlch provldes Lhe cusLomers a compleLe daLa warehouslng soluLlon
C8ACLL's lnLegraLed 8uslness lnLelllgence SoluLlons provldes us wlLh a soluLlon Lo dellver powerful
processlng capablllLles Lo Lhe user anywhere ln Lhe enLerprlse aL anyLlme Cracle buslness lnLelllgence
famlly producL lncludes
Cracle reporL
Cracle enLerprlse reporLlng Lools
Cracle dlscoverer
AdPoc Cuerles and analysls Lools
Cracle onllne analyLlcal processlng englne eLc


Cracle appllcaLlon conslsLs of 43 plus sofLware modules whlch are dlvlded lnLo followlng caLegorles

Cracle llnanclals
Cracle Puman 8esource
Cracle ro[ecLs
Cracle ManufacLurlng
Cracle Supply Chaln
Cracle lronL Cfflce


1hls appllcaLlon Lransforms a flnance organlzaLlon lnLo a sLraLeglc force and also helps Lo access Lhe
flnanclal managemenL funcLlons
8y worklng wlLh Lhese appllcaLlons Lhe companles can work globally lower Lhe admlnlsLraLlve cosL
lmprove Lhe cash managemenL
lL also provldes sLraLeglc lnformaLlon Lo make Llmely accuraLe declslons


1hese appllcaLlons lmprove operaLlonal efflclency by provldlng an lnLegraLed pro[ecL managemenL
envlronmenL LhaL supporLs Lhe full llfecycle of a pro[ecL and lncreases Lhe revenue growLh and


1hls appllcaLlon manages Lhe supply chaln process by provldlng a slngle lnLegraLed envlronmenL
lL helps ln effecLlve parLner collaboraLlon supply chaln opLlmlzaLlon capablllLles
lL helps ln lncreaslng markeL share whlle lmprovlng cusLomer servlce mlnlmlzlng Lhe cosL
C8ACLL l8Cn1 ClllCL

1hese appllcaLlons provlde a beLLer undersLandlng for cusLomer relaLlonshlps Lhelr values proflLablllLy
1hese appllcaLlons lncrease Lop llne revenues malnLaln cusLomer saLlsfacLlon reLenLlon
lL also helps Lo aLLracL and reLaln proflLable cusLomers Lhrough deploymenL channels lncludlng moblle
call cenLre


1hls appllcaLlon helps ln managlng Lhe human resources whlch dlrecLly lmprove proflLablllLy and
conLrlbuLe Lo compeLlLlve advanLage
lL also helps ln Lhe ablllLy Lo hlre moLlvaLe reLaln Lhe mosL capable worklng force and also helps ln
provldlng comprehenslve and upLodaLe lnformaLlon

C8ACLL MAnulAC1u8lnC

Cracle manufacLurlng appllcaLlon enables Lhe companles Lo achleve markeL leadershlp by becomlng
more cusLomer responslve efflclenL
1hls module also supporLs Lhe companles Lo lncrease revenue proflLablllLy cusLomer loyalLy by
capLurlng Lhe demand plannlng Lhe manufacLurlng process ln an efflclenL wayo

LCLLSCl1 Company proflle

eopleSofL lnc was esLabllshed ln 1987 Lo provlde lnnovaLlve sofLware soluLlons LhaL meeL Lhe
changlng buslness demands of enLerprlses worldwlde
lL employs more Lhan 7000 people worldwlde Lhe annual revenue for Lhe year 1998 was $ 13 mllllon
eopleSofL's mlsslon ls Lo provlde lnnovaLlve sofLware soluLlons LhaL meeL Lhe changlng buslness
demands of organlzaLlons worldwlde
eopleSofL develops markeLs and supporLs enLerprlsewlde sofLware soluLlons Lo handle core buslness
funcLlons lncludlng human resources managemenL accounLlng and conLrol pro[ecL managemenL
Lreasury managemenL performance measuremenL and supply chaln managemenL
eopleSofL provldes lndusLryspeclflc enLerprlse soluLlons Lo cusLomers ln selecL markeLs lncludlng
communlcaLlons flnance servlces healLhcare manufacLurlng hlgher

eopleSofL producLs supporL cllenLs runnlng MlcrosofL Wlndows and popular Web browsers as well
as a range of malnframe mldrange and LAn relaLlonal daLabase server plaLforms
eopleSofL soluLlons run on a varleLy of leadlng hardware and daLabase plaLforms lncludlng Compaq
PewleLackard l8M Sun MlcrosysLems lnformlx MlcrosofL SCL Server Sybase u82 and oLhers
eopleSofL dellvers Webenabled appllcaLlons workflow onllne analyLlcal processlng (CLA) eLc
1he eopleSofL appllcaLlon serves Lhe whole buslness managemenL soluLlons commerclal soluLlons
lndusLry soluLlons


eopleSofL soluLlons exLend across Lhe globe
1he appllcaLlons help ln managlng a broad seL of buslness processes from human resources and flnance
Lo supply chaln managemenL
Cne can lmplemenL a slngle appllcaLlon or a compleLe enLerprlsewlde soluLlon
1he flexlble deslgn leLs you Lallor Lhe appllcaLlons Lo your speclflc needs

1he eopleSofL's buslness managemenL soluLlons are ln Lhe areas glven below
Puman 8esources ManagemenL
AccounLlng and ConLrol
1reasury ManagemenL
erformance MeasuremenL
ro[ecL ManagemenL
Sales and LoglsLlcs
MaLerlals ManagemenL
Supply Chaln lannlng
Servlce 8evenue ManagemenL

!u LuWA8uSCCMAn? 8CllLL

Cn March 17 1977 !u Ldwards was formed by !ack 1hompson uan Cregery LdMc vaney
ln early years !u Ldwards deslgned sofLware for small medlum slzed compuLers
ln 1980's lL focused on l8M sysLem/38
As Lhe company began Lo ouL grow lLs headquarLer ln uenver opened branch offlces ln uallas
newporL 8each Callfornla PousLon San lranclsco 8akenfleld And Lhen lnLernaLlonally expanded lLs
Lurope headquarLers ln 8russels 8elglum
As lL grew lL became obvlous LhaL servlclng a large number of cusLomers was creaLlng a challenge
8y Lhe mld of 1980's !u Ldwards was belng recognlzes as an lndusLryleadlng suppller of appllcaLlon
sofLware for Lhe hlghly successful l8M AS/400 compuLer
1oday !u Ldwards ls a publlcly Lraded company LhaL has more Lhan 4700 cusLomers wlLh slLes ln over
100 counLrles more Lhan 4200 employees

!u Ldwards emphaslzes on Lhe followlng Lhree maLLers
SoluLlon !u Ldwards offers a balance of Lechnology servlce opLlons Lallored by Lhe unlque lndusLry
lLs processes 1hls allows !u Ldward Lo ensure Llmely lmplemenLaLlon ouLgolng quallLy of Lhe soluLlon
8elaLlonshlps WlLh !u Ldwards you have a parLner commlLLed Lo usherlng you Lhrough changes ln Lhe
buslness Lechnology
value !u Ldwards provldes wlLh an appreclaLlng sofLware asseL one wlLh Lhe poLenLlal Lo lncrease ln
value over Lhe llfL of your buslness


As Lhe buslness grew company adapLed new Lechnology lnsLead for small compuLer appllcaLlon lL
sLarLed Lo deslgn enLerprlsewlse sofLware
!u Ldwards ls a leadlng provlder of lnLegraLed sofLware for dlsLrlbuLlon human resource flnance
manufacLurlng SCM
1hese sofLwares are operaLed ln mulLlple compuLlng envlronmenLs also !AvA P1ML enabled

CAu Company roflle

lL was found ln 1979
1he company's producLs lnclude MlC/8C servlce/supporL managemenL and declslon supporL
CAu offers a varleLy of supply chaln and enLerprlse resource plannlng s/w producLs Lo manufacLurlng
lL opLlmlzes Lhe enLerprlse by lncreaslng Lhe speed of lnLerneL processes and synchronlzlng Lhe buslness
lL ls avallable ln 26 languages and supporLs mulLlple currencles
lL has an easyLoundersLand graphlcal lnLerface
1he MlC8C ls one of Lhe sofLware producL offered by CAu whlch provldes mulLlnaLlonal
organlzaLlon wlLh lnLegraLed Clobal Supply Chaln ManagemenL SoluLlon
lL helps Lhe organlzaLlon Lo achleve and malnLaln compeLlLlve advanLage and synchronlzes Lhe
dlsLrlbuLed operaLlon whlch balances Lhe supply and demand across mulLlple slLes


SysLem SofLware AssoclaLes lnc (SSA) was founded ln 1981
lL has branches ln more Lhan 91 counLrles more Lhan 2000 employees
SSA has 8CS cllenL/server v6 Lechnology ls lmplemenLed ln more Lhan 1000 lndusLrlal secLor flrms ln
over 4000 slLes worldwlde
SSA's vlslon ls Lo be Lhe besL global parLner Lo Lhe world's lndusLrlal companles
1o achleve compeLlLlve advanLage for cllenLs Lhrough L8 sysLem SSA's follows lLs Mlsslon SLaLemenL
1he sLaLemenL has slx key goals

1hey are
8esL cllenL saLlsfacLlon Lhls means LhaL Lhe company wanLs Lhelr cllenLs Lo achleve Lhe greaLesL posslble
buslness beneflLs from Lhelr relaLlonshlp wlLh SSA
Slngle lmage worldwlde Lhls means LhaL Lhe cllenL geLs Lhe same hlgh level of supporL experLlse all
around Lhe world
LnLerprlse SoluLlon Leadershlp lL means LhaL Lhe company ls focused on bulldlng dellverlng soluLlons
whlch brlng LogeLher Lhe enLlre enLerprlse
roven leadlng 1echnology Lhls means LhaL every plece of Lechnology applled by SSA wlll already be
proven for hlgh LransacLlon volume enLerprlsewlde appllcaLlons
Plghly skllled moLlvaLed professlonal lL means LhaL SSA ls commlLLed on havlng Lhe besL professlonals
resources ln Lhe appllcaLlon sofLware buslness
SLrong flnanclal resulLs Lhls means LhaL SSA can conLlnue Lo lnvesL ln Lhe lmprovemenLs of lLs sofLware
professlonals wlll be a sLable parLner ln Lhe long run

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