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alert: this is a g rated room intended for a general audience including minors.

offensive language is not p

alert: let's have fun learning english buddies!

nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ nakalin _.反?/p fon t> ) hap py b ir thd ay t o y ou - ba cdo n- -o

ur ad ora ble te ach er- -- >

lesh_bot: question 1100 [simple lesh trivia]: [country---> adjective] china
subaru_2008: chinese
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ english-me _.反?/p fon t> ) hap py b ir thd ay t o y ou - ba cdo n

--our ad ora ble te ach er- -- >

lesh_bot: way to go! subaru_2008 has correctly answered "chinese". score:
lesh_bot: progress: 1. ledinhcuong_99 (652 pts) 2. singinglark (223 pts) 3. r
oaming_cloud (217 pts)
lesh_bot: question 6168 [simple lesh trivia]: [word stress] new zea-land - w
subaru_2008: zea
mickey_jerry: new
lesh_bot: woohoo! subaru_2008 has correctly answered "zea". score: 35
english-me: zea
mickey_jerry: zea
lesh_bot: question 1060 [simple lesh trivia]: [country---> adjective] holland
(also netherlands) ---->
subaru_2008: hollandian
lesh_bot: hint: d####
english-me: netherlandian
english-me: danish
lesh_bot: hint: #u#c#
english-me: deuch
english-me: dunch
subaru_2008: dunce
tuan_nm: dueck
lesh_bot: hint: #u###
subaru_2008: durce
english-me: dutch
lesh_bot: woohoo! english-me has correctly answered "dutch". score: 44
english-me: omg
lesh_bot: question 8967 [simple lesh trivia]: [homophones]pleas
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ ngoc_diem_131 _.反?/p fon t> ) hap py b ir thd ay t o y ou - ba c

do n- -our ad ora ble te ach er- -- >

english-me: please
lesh_bot: good job! english-me has correctly answered "please". score: 45
lesh_bot: question 62 [simple lesh trivia]: 2. there is the bridge (who/which)
we have to cross.
tuan_nm: which
english-me: which
lesh_bot: wow! tuan_nm has correctly answered "which". score: 49
lesh_bot: question 6598 [simple lesh trivia]: [word stress]: bro-ther
tuan_nm: ther
english-me: bro
tuan_nm: bro
lesh_bot: congratulations! english-me has correctly answered "bro". score:
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ pokakoko _.反?/p fon t> ) hap py b ir thd ay t o y ou - ba cdo n- -

ou r ador abl e teac her -- ->

lesh_bot: question 9844 [simple lesh trivia]: [past participle] spit spat/spit
tuan_nm: spat
english-me: spit
tuan_nm: spit
lesh_bot: fantastic! english-me has correctly answered "spit". score: 47
czary: spat
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ dung_dung211 _.反?/p fon t> ) hap py b ir thd ay t o y ou - ba cd

on -- our ado rab le tea che r- -->

lesh_bot: question 5445 [simple lesh trivia]: [prepo+form]-- +the job?
subaru_2008: on
subaru_2008: in
english-me: in
subaru_2008: of
tuan_nm: at
lesh_bot: too good! subaru_2008 has correctly answered "on". score: 36
english-me: on
subaru_2008: at
mickey_jerry: of
lesh_bot: question 3881 [simple lesh trivia]: 10.[the plural of nouns] pencil
subaru_2008: pensil
mickey_jerry: pencils
tuan_nm: pemciles
lesh_bot: excellent! mickey_jerry has correctly answered "pencils". score: 3
lesh_bot: question 1791 [simple lesh trivia]: [homophones]piece?
mickey_jerry: peace
lesh_bot: very good! mickey_jerry has correctly answered "peace". score: 4
mickey_jerry: pea
lesh_bot: question 647 [simple lesh trivia]: [country---> adjective] sweden
ngoc_diem_131: swedenede
mickey_jerry: swedens
ngoc_diem_131: wsedenese
czary: sweden
subaru_2008: swedese
lesh_bot: hint: s######
czary: swiss
tuan_nm: sweden
mickey_jerry: swedenes
lesh_bot: hint: #w#d#s#
subaru_2008: swedese
tuan_nm: swedese
mickey_jerry: swedse
subaru_2008: swadese
lesh_bot: hint: ##e#i##
subaru_2008: swedise
czary: swedish
lesh_bot: way to go! czary has correctly answered "swedish". score: 1
lesh_bot: progress: 1. ledinhcuong_99 (652 pt) 2. singinglark (223 pt) 3. ro
aming_cloud (217 pt)
lesh_bot: question 1397 [simple lesh trivia]: 4birds can't burp, so if you fee
d an alka-seltzer tablet to a seagull it will die from the pressure caused by t
he fizzy medicine in its stomach. a) fact b) fiction?
subaru_2008: fact
tuan_nm: fiction
subaru_2008: fiction
lesh_bot: very good! tuan_nm has correctly answered "fiction". score: 50
mickey_jerry: fact
subaru_2008: troi
lesh_bot: question 9214 [simple lesh trivia]: [homophones]tow
mickey_jerry: told
czary: tower
ngoc_diem_131: town
english-me: toe
subaru_2008: thow
lesh_bot: too good! english-me has correctly answered "toe". score: 48
subaru_2008: toe
lesh_bot: question 5924 [simple lesh trivia]: q. snakes primarily rely on?a.
sigh b. sunligh c. smell d. sound
subaru_2008: sigh
subaru_2008: sunligh
ngoc_diem_131: smell
mickey_jerry: smell
lesh_bot: too good! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "smell". score:
subaru_2008: smell
mickey_jerry: sound
lesh_bot: question 3063 [simple lesh trivia]: in water that is 50篎, a pers on
is li kel y to surv ive fo r: a) 2.5 to 3 hr b) 6.5 to 10 hr c) 24 hr ?
mickey_jerry: 3hr
ngoc_diem_131: 24hr
mickey_jerry: 24hr
subaru_2008: 2,5 to 3 hr
czary: 2,5
lesh_bot: hint: 2## t# 3 h#
ngoc_diem_131: 2.5 to 3hr
subaru_2008: 2.5 to 3 hr
mickey_jerry: 2 hr to 3hr
lesh_bot: way to go! subaru_2008 has correctly answered "2.5 to 3 hr". sco
re: 37
lesh_bot: question 1579 [simple lesh trivia]: [word stress]: for-ward?
czary: 2 to 3
tuan_nm: for
ngoc_diem_131: for
lesh_bot: wow! tuan_nm has correctly answered "for". score: 51
mickey_jerry: for
subaru_2008: ward
tuan_nm: ward
ngoc_diem_131: ward
lesh_bot: question 1292 [simple lesh trivia]: what word links these: detecto
r, polish, scrap?
ngoc_diem_131: men
ngoc_diem_131: man
lesh_bot: hint: m####
czary: mean
subaru_2008: meant
tuan_nm: meanr
lesh_bot: hint: #e#a#
tuan_nm: meant
subaru_2008: menar
ngoc_diem_131: menat
ngoc_diem_131: metal
lesh_bot: way to go! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "metal". score:
subaru_2008: metal
lesh_bot: question 9536 [simple lesh trivia]: [ajective +preposition]reply +
ngoc_diem_131: to
lesh_bot: excellent! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "to". score: 43
ngoc_diem_131: in
ngoc_diem_131: on
lesh_bot: question 4961 [simple lesh trivia]: [adjective+preposition]compla
in +out/ +?
ngoc_diem_131: of
lesh_bot: too good! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "of". score: 44
lesh_bot: question 5967 [simple lesh trivia]: q. henry ford tested his first c
ar engine in? a. his garage b. his basement c. his sink d. his bedroom
ngoc_diem_131: his basement
lesh_bot: hint: h## s###
ngoc_diem_131: his sink
lesh_bot: woohoo! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "his sink". score:
lesh_bot: question 249 [simple lesh trivia]: 4.[rewrite the setence using rel
ative clause] she didn't see the snake ## was lying on the ground.
ngoc_diem_131: which
subaru_2008: but
lesh_bot: oh yes! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "which". score: 46
lesh_bot: progress: 1. ledinhcuong_99 (652 pts) 2. singinglark (223 pts) 3. r
oaming_cloud (217 pts)
lesh_bot: question 9961 [simple lesh trivia]: [adjective+preposition](in) ca
pable +
subaru_2008: of
subaru_2008: on
lesh_bot: excellent! subaru_2008 has correctly answered "of". score: 38
ngoc_diem_131: of
lesh_bot: question 3667 [simple lesh trivia]: 10. they ##good at sports.?
ngoc_diem_131: are
lesh_bot: wow! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "are". score: 47
subaru_2008: are
lesh_bot: question 2437 [simple lesh trivia]: the capital of croatia -?
subaru_2008: croatia city

ngoc_diem_131: ask god

lesh_bot: hint: z#####
ngoc_diem_131: zealand
ngoc_diem_131: zoatia
lesh_bot: hint: #a#r#b
english-me: zagreb
lesh_bot: oh yes! english-me has correctly answered "zagreb". score: 49
lesh_bot: question 8786 [simple lesh trivia]: 4. when i was five, i ## . (not/
can/to swim)
english-me: zagrab
ngoc_diem_131: can
czary: can
subaru_2008: will not
ngoc_diem_131: can not swim
subaru_2008: can not swim
lesh_bot: hint: c#### n## s###
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ superbu_dn_cia1 _.反?/p fon t> ) hap py b ir thd ay t o y ou - b

ac don -- our ado rab le tea che r- -->

english-me: could noy swim
subaru_2008: could not swim
lesh_bot: way to go! subaru_2008 has correctly answered "could not swim".
score: 39
aokamoto1820: hi all
czary: wasnt
english-me: could not swim
ngoc_diem_131: hi
lesh_bot: question 7224 [simple lesh trivia]: [vocabulary-"n" words_nathan]
a quick, short sleep is called a ###?
aokamoto1820: long time no see1!!!!
ngoc_diem_131: nap
english-me: nap
lesh_bot: woohoo! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "nap". score: 48
lesh_bot: question 9254 [simple lesh trivia]: [homophones]berth
english-me: a nap
ngoc_diem_131: birth
lesh_bot: oh yes! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "birth". score: 49
english-me: birth
lesh_bot: question 3132 [simple lesh trivia]: q. the largest continent is? a.
asia b. australia c. america d. africa?
aokamoto1820: nath, are you here??
subaru_2008: asia
lesh_bot: woohoo! subaru_2008 has correctly answered "asia". score: 40
ngoc_diem_131: africa
ngoc_diem_131: asia
subaru_2008: amerrica
lesh_bot: question 4057 [simple lesh trivia]: 6. we have been somewhere/a
nywhere near london.?
english-me: asia
subaru_2008: somewhere
lesh_bot: excellent! subaru_2008 has correctly answered "somewhere". sco
re: 41
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ kat_123 _.反?/p fon t> ) hap py b ir thd ay t o y ou - ba cdo n- -o

ur ad ora ble te ach er- -- >

lesh_bot: question 3949 [simple lesh trivia]: 3. my birthday is (on/in/at) ma
ngoc_diem_131: on
ngoc_diem_131: in
lesh_bot: congratulations! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "in". sco
re: 50
subaru_2008: on
czary: on
lesh_bot: question 4273 [simple lesh trivia]: his jokes made us laugh/to lau
ngoc_diem_131: laugh
subaru_2008: laugh
lesh_bot: woohoo! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "laugh". score: 5
subaru_2008: laughing
lesh_bot: progress: 1. ledinhcuong_99 (652 pts) 2. singinglark (223 pts) 3. r
oaming_cloud (217 pts)
lesh_bot: question 3305 [simple lesh trivia]: q. a catholic baptism includes?
a. an exorcism b. bishop's participation c. immersion in water d. speaking i
n tongues?
czary: lauhing
subaru_2008: troi
aokamoto1820: long time no see all
subaru_2008: an exorcism
ngoc_diem_131: speaking in tongues
lesh_bot: very good! subaru_2008 has correctly answered "an exorcism". sc
ore: 42
lesh_bot: question 6210 [simple lesh trivia]: [word stress]zim-bab-we
subaru_2008: zim
ngoc_diem_131: zim
subaru_2008: bab
lesh_bot: too good! subaru_2008 has correctly answered "bab". score: 43
ngoc_diem_131: bad
english-me: zim
lesh_bot: question 4893 [simple lesh trivia]: [past participle] lead led?
subaru_2008: led
ngoc_diem_131: lad
lesh_bot: oh yes! subaru_2008 has correctly answered "led". score: 44
ngoc_diem_131: led
lesh_bot: question 3495 [simple lesh trivia]: (adv) yearly?
ngoc_diem_131: year
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ borch_520 _.反?/p fon t> ) hap py b ir thd ay t o y ou - ba cdo n-

-our ado rab le tea che r- -->

subaru_2008: year
ngoc_diem_131: yearly
english-me: yearly
czary: year
lesh_bot: hint: a#######
ngoc_diem_131: annual
english-me: annually
lesh_bot: fantastic! english-me has correctly answered "annually". score: 5
ngoc_diem_131: omg
lesh_bot: question 276 [simple lesh trivia]: 5. the flowers ## grow in the g
arden are beautiful.
english-me: lol
ngoc_diem_131: are
czary: is
english-me: are
ngoc_diem_131: was
czary: are
ngoc_diem_131: which
lesh_bot: congratulations! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "which".
score: 52
subaru_2008: were
english-me: which
english-me: that
lesh_bot: question 5181 [simple lesh trivia]: [antonyms] odd?
subaru_2008: add
english-me: evan
english-me: even
lesh_bot: congratulations! english-me has correctly answered "even". scor
e: 51
subaru_2008: od
subaru_2008: even
lesh_bot: question 5328 [simple lesh trivia]: [prepo+form]-- +way of?
subaru_2008: on
subaru_2008: to
subaru_2008: in
english-me: on
subaru_2008: at
ngoc_diem_131: at
subaru_2008: by
lesh_bot: woohoo! subaru_2008 has correctly answered "by". score: 45
subaru_2008: of
english-me: at
ngoc_diem_131: over
english-me: of
lesh_bot: question 2193 [simple lesh trivia]: [homophones]calender?
english-me: calendar
lesh_bot: too good! english-me has correctly answered "calendar". score: 5
lesh_bot: question 4166 [simple lesh trivia]: 1. this is the station (when/wh
ere/why) emily met james.?
ngoc_diem_131: where
lesh_bot: congratulations! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "where".
score: 53
english-me: whre
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ doanhavan_14111991 _.反?/p fon t> ) hap py b ir thd ay t o y o

u - ba cdon- -our ad ora ble te ach er- -- >

lesh_bot: question 3625 [simple lesh trivia]: if i (find) your ring, i (give) it
back to you.?
ngoc_diem_131: find will give
lesh_bot: oh yes! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "find will give". sc
ore: 54
lesh_bot: progress: 1. ledinhcuong_99 (652 pts) 2. singinglark (223 pts) 3. r
oaming_cloud (217 pts)
lesh_bot: question 5248 [simple lesh trivia]: 10) don't be late for x/ the sc
english-me: find will give
subaru_2008: x
ngoc_diem_131: x
lesh_bot: good job! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "x". score: 55
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ pokakoko _.反?/p fon t> ) hap py b ir thd ay t o y ou - ba cdo n- -

ou r ador abl e teac her -- ->

subaru_2008: troi
lesh_bot: question 383 [simple lesh trivia]: -the commander gave an ### t
alk to his men (encouraged /encouraging /encouragement / encouragingly)
tuan_nm: bye room
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ langhanh _.反?/p fon t> ) hap py b ir thd ay t o y ou - ba cdo n- -

ou r ador abl e teac her -- ->

tuan_nm: hi
subaru_2008: encouragement
ngoc_diem_131: encouragemenr
lesh_bot: hint: e##########
english-me: encouraging
lesh_bot: very good! english-me has correctly answered "encouraging". sco
re: 53
lesh_bot: question 4854 [simple lesh trivia]: [past participle] fall fell?
ngoc_diem_131: fell
english-me: fallen
lesh_bot: woohoo! english-me has correctly answered "fallen". score: 54
lesh_bot: question 8962 [simple lesh trivia]: [homophones]pistil
ngoc_diem_131: peatal
english-me: pastil
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ thefeebleboy _.反?/p fon t> ) hap py b ir thd ay t o y ou - ba cd

on -- our ado rab le tea che r- -->

lesh_bot: hint: p#####
ngoc_diem_131: pestil
lesh_bot: hint: #i#t#l
ngoc_diem_131: pixtil
english-me: pistol
lesh_bot: way to go! english-me has correctly answered "pistol". score: 55
ngoc_diem_131: good job
lesh_bot: question 9365 [simple lesh trivia]: [plural form] ranch
english-me: ty
english-me: ranches
lesh_bot: fantastic! english-me has correctly answered "ranches". score: 5
ngoc_diem_131: ranches
lesh_bot: question 2804 [simple lesh trivia]: a bird that is the symboy of pe
english-me: dove
ngoc_diem_131: pigeon
lesh_bot: congratulations! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "pigeon".
score: 56
lesh_bot: question 5033 [simple lesh trivia]: [direct/indirect speech]this aft
english-me: pigeon
ngoc_diem_131: that afternoon
lesh_bot: congratulations! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "that aft
ernoon". score: 57
english-me: that afternoon
lesh_bot: question 1032 [simple lesh trivia]: [country---> adjective] namibi
a ---->
ngoc_diem_131: namibian
lesh_bot: excellent! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "namibian". sco
re: 58
english-me: namibi
lesh_bot: question 2912 [simple lesh trivia]: a musical instrument made of
skin stretched over a circular frame, played by hitting it with your hand or a
lesh_bot: hint: d###
nathanvn: welcome _(痐?_ s00ma_1 _.反?/p fon t> ) hap py b ir thd ay t o y ou - ba cdo n- -o

ur ad ora ble te ach er- -- >

english-me: dump
ngoc_diem_131: drum
lesh_bot: excellent! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "drum". score:
lesh_bot: question 4710 [simple lesh trivia]: [ajective +preposition]similar
english-me: drum**
ngoc_diem_131: as
english-me: to
lesh_bot: wow! english-me has correctly answered "to". score: 57
ngoc_diem_131: in
english-me: for
lesh_bot: progress: 1. ledinhcuong_99 (652 pts) 2. singinglark (223 pts) 3. r
oaming_cloud (217 pts)
lesh_bot: question 2005 [simple lesh trivia]: [homophones]bouy?
ngoc_diem_131: buy
alert: upgrade now -- get unlimited video all the time!
ngoc_diem_131: boy
lesh_bot: wow! ngoc_diem_131 has correctly answered "boy". score: 60
english-me: boy
lesh_bot: question 10066 [simple lesh trivia]: [direct/indirect speech]the da
y after tomorrow/
lesh_bot: hint: t## d### l####
lesh_bot: hint: #w# #a#s l#t#r
ngoc_diem_131: the days later
english-me: the days later
lesh_bot: hint: ##o #a## #a#e#
doanhavan_14111991: chi ngoc diem choi trivia kinh qua
ngoc_diem_131: hi` hi`
lesh_bot: question 10066 skipped! the answer is: two days later
ngoc_diem_131: two days later
english-me: two days later
ngoc_diem_131: o<g
lesh_bot: question 3346 [simple lesh trivia]: something that you wear to co
ver your feet, made of leather or some other strong material?
ngoc_diem_131: stock
english-me: shoe
english-me: shoes
lesh_bot: hint: s####
lesh_bot: excellent! english-me has correctly answered "shoes". score: 58
lesh_bot: question 3413 [simple lesh trivia]: planes can fly (high) than bird
english-me: higher
lesh_bot: congratulations! english-me has correctly answered "higher". sco
re: 59
lesh_bot: question 5893 [simple lesh trivia]: q. the pointer on a sundial is c
alled a? a. gnomon b. time point c. hand d. dulcet

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