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Oracle Apps ERP Practice

Interview Questionnaire
Oracle Apps Technical

July 2003

GE Internal
Oracle Apps ERP Practice
SL No Q & A (General Section)
1. Tell me about yourself and the projects you have worked on ?
2. What kind of work did you do at your company ?
3. Which modules are your strength ?
4. What business was the client co: in ?
5. How many sites and how many countries ?
6. How do you rate your functional capabilities?
7. Describe the challenges you faced in your last implementation and the solutions.
8. What are the projects you have worked on and what have you liked?
9. What were the steps during you went through the analysis ?
10. What were the gaps you found ?
11. What implementation methodology you followed in your last implementation.
12. What is your level of proficiency in different modules

Technical Questions

1. For how long have you been working on Oracle Apps?

2. Did you get training in ERP?
3. Rate yourself on scale of 1 to 10 where 10 being highest reports pl/sql forms
4. Reports - what did you set in report to be able to print the report in pre-printed
stationery ?©
5. What did you set in report to generate report in Character Mode ?Is there anything
in report properties or data model etc ?
6. What are the common problems you faced while doing report ?
7. Why does frequency error come ?
8. How do you rectify it ?
9. What is flex and confine mode ?
10. How do you create a new field in the layout ? How do you get into the repeating
frame ? What changes do you make in the property of that field ?
11. How many groups are needed in Matrix report ?
12. Did you do any Matrix report in Oracle Apps ?
13. What are Report ? the disadvantages of Matrix
14. How many types of reports are there ?
15. Did you do any drill down report ?
16. Can you create a table from report ? If yes then how ?
17. What is a placeholder column ?
18. What are the triggers in report and their sequence of firing ?
19. How do you design a report so that it takes less time to run ? whether you have
less number of queries or more ?
20. What is an anonymous Block ? How do you use it ?
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Oracle Apps ERP Practice
21. What is the difference between Union and Union All? Eg. Table A has 1,2,3, and
Table B has 1,2,3,4,5 what will be the output in both cases ?
22. What is the difference between Open Form, New Form and Call form ? What is the
difference in terms of database ?
23. If I make changes to the detail form and say commit , will the master form data
also get committed ?
24. What are the transactions in Inventory ?
25. Did you use OE_Query in Order Entry ?
26. Can a 'record type' parameter be passed in concurrent program which is having a
27. What is Outer Join ? On which side should (+) be put ?
28. How to disable an Index ?
29. What are the types of exception ? give eg 30. How do you call
raise_application_error ? give syntax
31. How do you call a concurrent program from a PL/SQL code ? give syntax of
32. How do you use Format trigger ? A- to diplay or not to display . Can it be used in
anyother way ? No
33. What is anchoring ? Have you used it ?
34. Item No is their in Item Flexfield. How can you display it your report ?
35. What are the Validation Types in a Value Set ?What is NONE type and What is
TABLE type ?
36. In TABLE type Value Set 3 things are there Value,Value ID and Meaning ? which of
them is important ?
37. In printer driver what do you mean by escape sequence ? (this was related to my
report page length,width, number of chars in a line etc) What is there at the Unix side
? there will be .prt file .
38. Did you try to print the logo in your report ?
29. What is a difference between Procedure in Forms and Stored Procedure in
Database ? which one you recommed to use ?
30. Can you create a library file in forms ?
31. Did you create any bitmap report ?
32. How to register a form ? create a function and lnkto .fmx . the put this function to
submenu and that submenu to menu . Then this menu is attached to what ?
responsibility. And Responsibility is attached to ? User . User is attached to what ?
33. How is Oracle apps handling the security ?
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Oracle Apps ERP Practice
34. What is Multi- Org ? Tell its heirarchy ? where is currency defined ? How do you
call it in report ?©
35. What is the difference between _ALL table and other ?
36. Which are the Modules which are Multi Org ?
37. What is Lexical Parameter ?
38. Can complete query be passed as lexical parameter in the report ?
39. What is Mutating table ? why do we get error..they gave an eg. They have table A.
now they have written a pre-insert trigger on A for each row.. in that we say select
count(*) from A;.. Is this mutation error. Yes/No. How to recitfy it ?
40. How do you encrypt your code ? Thru Unix ? Wrap command.
41. How do you debug your PL/SQL code, report and form? I will try to display info at
each step.
42. Even if your PL/SQL is correctly coded no errors.
then also you are not able to see any output ? why set serveroutput on.
43. What are backgroup processes ?
44. What is PL?SQL table ? What are the max columns you can have in the table ?
45. We have got a stored function eg. func_A . If we say , select func_A from dual; will
it run ?

Question and Answers

1.What are the various version of Oracle Apps you have worked on?
Ans : 10.7 SC,10.7 NCA,11.0,11.5.x
2.Overview of AR Autoinvoice Interface (Interface Tables and API used )
Ans : ra_interface_lines_all, API – Autoinvoice master program
3. What do you mean by multi-org ?
4. What is the procedure used in pl/sql procedures to set up multi-org in SQL
session ?
Ans – dbms_application_info.set_client_info(org_id)
5. If you have one company in USA and one in UK will you use different set of books ?
Ans – No, functional currency is diff
6. If you have one company in France and one in Germany using the same currency
will you use different set of books ?
Ans – No, same SOB
7. If these companies have different calendar can you use the same set of books ?
Ans- No whenever calendar changes diff SOB should be used
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GE Internal
Oracle Apps ERP Practice
8. Define the hierarchy of organizations i.e relationships between business groups,
SOB, OU, legal entities, inventory org.
Ans – Business Group  SOB  Legal Entity  Operating Unit  Inventory Org
9. From which profile value will you get the value of org_id ?
Ans - $Profile$.org_id
10. How do you write to a file from a PL/SQL block ?
Ans – utl_file.fopen, utl_file.put_line, utl_file.fflush, utl_file.fclose
11. How will you write into an Oracle Applications output file from a PL/SQL procedure
Ans – Eg. Use fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output ,'Invalid SOB_ID');
12. What is an anonymous block ?
13. What is an exception ? How do you raise user defined exceptions ?
Ans – An error/exceptional condition in a program, can raise user defined exceptions
14. How do you use the tkprof utility ?
15. What are the types of optimizers ? Which optimizer is used in Oracle 8I ?
Ans Rule based/Cost based optimizers , In 8I – cost based optimizer
16. While writing a query how can you suppress the use of indexes ?
Write any filter in the where clause in the column on which the index is based –
Eg write : where emp_id > 0 or where emp_id is not null
17. What should be the order of tables while writing the where clause ? i.e. what
steps would you take keeping tuning in mind ?
Tables with highest data first, with least data last, parsing from bottom to top.
18. What is the difference between primary key and unique key ?
19. Can unique key / primary keys have not null values ?
Ans - No
20. If you have to create a custom procedure in apps, where will you do it ? Who will
be the owner of the procedure, how will apps schema execute it ?
Ans – Create in custom schema, custom schema is the owner, give grant execute to
apps and create a synonym of the procedure in apps schema
21. In forms, what do you mean by libraries ? Do libraries need to be compiled ?
Ans – Libraries are a device to centalise common code. Yes they need to be compiled
before they can be attached in a form.
22. What do you mean by object groups ?
Ans - Object groups are used to define common properties.
23. What are the different types of master-detail relationships ?
Ans – Cascading, Isolated, Non-isolated
24. What are the different types of block co-ordinations ?
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Oracle Apps ERP Practice
Ans - Immediate
25. Where will you write customized code in the report triggers ?
26. How will you register a form/report/concurrent program ?
27. What are the different types of documents in PO ?
Ans PO, Requisitions, Quotations, RFQs
28. What are the different types of purchase orders ?
Ans Standard, Planned, Blanket, Contract
29. What is the difference between standard and planned PO ?
Ans – Standard PO is a one time purchase
30. Are the shipments defined in a blanket PO?
Ans No, defined in the releases against each blanket PO
31. What are the different types of PO and invoice matching ?
Ans 2,3,4 way matching
32. How will you handle returned items in purchasing ?
33. What types of customizations have you done in the standard PO form ?
34. What are the different interface programs in PO ? Name the interface tables.
Ans - Open Requisitions interface, PO Documents open interface, Receiving open
35. Which API is used to import orders ? Name the interface tables. How will you
know which orders have failed to be imported ? Which is the corresponding flag in the
Ans – In 11.0.3 Import Orders interface, SO_HEADERS_INTERFACE,
36. What output will you get if you write ‘ select x from dual ‘;
Ans – You will get an error, x has to be put in quotes
37. What output will you get if you write ‘ select 1 from dual ‘;
Ans Output - 1
38. Can org_id be taken as a parameter in a report, how will you define it ?
Yes, default parameter – use value set – select org_id from financial system
parameters or read from profile options
39. What customizations have you done in inventory module ?
40. Name a report which you have customized ? What had to be customized in it ?
41. What are the interface tables for customer loading ?

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Oracle Apps ERP Practice
42. What function will you use to read profile values in forms ?
Ans – Not sure of exact name of function – fnd_application.get_profile
43. In which directory will you keep the custom forms ?
Ans Create custom directory under appl top and keep forms under eg xxcus/forms/US
44. Where are the Oracle Apps forms source codes and fmx kept?
Ans Source codes kept in $AU_TOP/forms /US directory, fmx kept in individual
modules eg. $PO_TOP/forms /US directory
45. Where is the template form kept ?
Ans in $AU_TOP/forms /US directory
46. How do you generate forms in Unix ?
Ans Keep form in $XXCUS_TOP/forms/US directory.
f60gen <form name>.fmb apps/apps
chmod 755 *.fmx
47. What do you mean by record groups ? Where do you use dynamic record groups ?
Ans When you need to show a list of values which will be created dynamically at
forms runtime, you create record groups which holds the query.
48.How will you create a record group dynamically ?
Ans – Not exactly sure but most probably use inbuilt form function – create_group
from query.

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GE Internal

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