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1rave|||ng Lxpenses

1 8evlew of LxecuLlve Crder 298 daLed March 23 2004

a llsrL deLermlne Lhe desLlnaLlon (Manlla ls consldered as desLlnaLlon for Lravels beyond MM)
b ueLermlne Llme of arrlval and deparLure aL desLlnaLlon
c Check admln deLalls (are meals and lodglng provlded)
d Check enLlLlemenL
amounL percenL descrlpLlon
40000 30 lodglng
16000 20 lncldenLal
8000 10 breakfasL
8000 10 lunch
8000 10 dlnner
80000 100 1ota|
2 CbservaLlons
a Llme of arrlval and deparLure for mulLlple desLlnaLlons
daLe deparLure arrlval mode fare allow LoLal
11!ul u1l 802 Cabagan 700 AM 330 M Cv 80000 80000
Cbagan San MaLeo
San MaLeo Cauayan
Cuayan Lo 1emp SLaLlon

12!ul Cayauan ulffun 800 AM 630 M Cv 80000 80000
ulffun Cabarroguls
Cabarrogul Solano

13!ul Solano ArlLao 800 AM 900 AM Cv 32000 32000
ArlLao llagan
llagan SLaLlon (u1l 802) 100 M 223 M
1C1AL 192000 192000
b mode of LransporLaLlon ls prlvaLe
daLe deparLure arrlval mode fare allow LoLal
11!ul SLaLlon Lo Manlla 700 AM 330 M pvL 73000 64000 139000
1ermlnal 1emp 8es Laxl 13000 13000
12!ul Slmlnar roper 80000 80000
13!ul 1o 8us SLaLlon 800 M 830 M Laxl 13000 13000
Manlla 1uguegarao 830 M 600 AM pvL 73000 32000 107000

1C1AL 180000 176000 336000
places Lo be vlslLed
places Lo be vlslLed
ayment of Contract of Serv|ce
A 1lme ConslderaLlons
1 llve (3) mlnuLes shall be Lhe mlnlmum Lardlness for compuLaLlon purposes
2 underLlme should be compensaLed wlLh overLlme on same day
3 lor overLlme compuLaLlon
should be supporLed wlLh approved overLlme sllp
acLual work hours shall be consldered for paymenL
Lhe regular dally pay shall be used for Lhe compuLaLlon
provlslons for meal hours should be consldered lf noL reflecLed ln u18(30 mlnuLes)
8 AcLual Work AccompllshmenLs
1 A LemplaLe shall be used deLalllng Lhe acLual work done by Lhe
sLaff and Lhe acLual accompllshmenLs (See sample)
2 1he cerLlflcaLlon of Lhe supervlsor as Lo Lhe saLlsfacLory compleLlon of Lhe CCS
Lasks shall be done below Lhe form
C 8enewal of ConLracL
1 Cne mpnLh before Lhe explraLlon of Lhe CCS conLracL a requesL should be
made for Lhe renewal of Lhe conLracL addressed Lo Lhe 8eglonal ulrecLor
2 Cnce requesL for exLenslon ls appoved ACs Lo prepares Lhe conLracL for
slgnaLure by Lhe 8eglonal ulrecLor
3 lund avallablllLy should always be Lhe AC for provlnclal CCS and Lhe 8udgeL
Cfflcer for 8eglons CCS
u 1ravel 8elmbursemenLs of CCS
1 WlLhln Lhe 8eglon
AcLual LransporLaLlon cosL plus
meals and lodglng noL Lo exceed conLracL raLe and Lhe regulaL Lravel raLes per LC 298
2 CuLslde Lhe 8eglon
8egular Lravel raLes as per LC 298 shall apply
Department of Trade and ndustry-Region 02
Unit: ___________________
Month of __________________
AccompIishment Report
Position Description: __________________________
1.1 Receives all claims for processing number of claims processed
1.2 Attached Checklist on all claims number of claims processed
1.3 Checks Completeness of supporting papers number of claims processed
1.4 Logs claim and assigns ALOBS number number of claims processed
2.1 Updates Masterlist of Suppliers number of suppliers encoded
2.2 Updates Turn-around time monitor number of reports updated
2.3 Prepares ALOBS for budget adjustments number of ALOBS prepared 1
3.1 Checklists for Turn-around Time
3.1.1 Collects Checklist from paid vouchers number of checklist collected
3.1.2 Sorts Checklist according to check number number of checklist collected
3.1.3 Maintains file for used checklists number of checklist collected
3.2 Maintanis file for SARO/SAAN/ABM for the year number of SARO/SAAN/ABM filed
3.3 Maintains file for copies of ALOBS number of alobs filed
3.4 Maintains files for the following reports per year number of reports filed
3.4.1 SAOB - Monthy Statement
3.4.2 SCAOB - Cummulative Quarterly
3.4.3 Annex C - Result of Expended Allotments
3.4.4 Annex A - Detailed Quarterly Report
4.1 Types BR Forms 1601C number of BR Forms typed
4.2 Accomplishes TRAs for the month number of TRAs accomplished
4.3 Accomplishes monthly JEVs for
4.3.1 Cash Receipts Journal number of JEVs prepared
4.3.2 Cash Journal number of JEVs prepared
4.3.3 Cash Disbursement Journal number of JEVs prepared
4.3.4 ChkDJ - Provincial Office number of JEVs prepared
4.3.5 ChkDJ - Regional Office number of JEVs prepared
4.3.6 ChkDJ - Trust Fund number of JEVs prepared
4.3.7 ChkDJ - Batanes Fund number of JEVs prepared
4.3.8 ChkDJ - Accounts Payable number of JEVs prepared
4.4 Assist in the verification of collection reports number of reports verified
4.5 Assist in checking of bank statements(cleared
number of bank statements checked
4.6 Verifies liquidations of Cash Advances number of liquidations verified
5.1 Receives all FAD communications number of documents received
5.2 Assist in the verification of provincial reports number of reports verified
5.3 Prepares documents/reports for mailing number of documents/reports mailed
5.4 Prepares PCF transactions for FAD number of transactions prepared
5.5 Collects HDMF remittance of COS number of COS HDMF members
5.6 Cause the remittance of COS HDMF
number of remittance prepared

Prepared by: hereby certify that ____________________ has
satisfactorily accomplished the aboved enumerated
tasks under my direct supervision.
Contract of Service Division Chief
( Signature over printed name) ( Signature over printed name)
4. Accounting Functions
5. Other Functions
# Activities/Key ResuIt Areas Performance Indicator
1. Claims Processing
2. Reports Preparation
3. Records Maintenance
Department of Trade and ndustry-Region 02
Month of JULY 16-31, 2011
AccompIishment Report : MS. MELISSA B. AMURAO
Position Description: HRMA
A AdmlnlsLraLlve Servlces
Al Puman 8esource uevelopmenL
A11 ersonnel MangemenL
A111 AsslsL AC Lo monlLor personnel movemenL on Lhe fleld
onitor personnel on official business
A112 Log Cfflclal 8uslness of ersonnel aL LocaLor CharL
Record Official Business of personnel
A113 1o asslsL ln Lhe assessmenL of appllcanLs for employmenL
Number of applications for employment receives
A12 ersonnel 8ecords
A121 1o compleLe/updaLe and keep personnel lnformaLlon update, maintain 201 files of employee
A122 1o record/posL of C8s / lndex of aymenL
Update individual ndex of payment of employee
A123 1o record/updaLe Leave Card of Lmployees update individual index of leave of employee
A2 Supply and roperLy managemenL
A21 1o procure/canvass supplles canvass supplies
A22 1o sLore/lssue supplles upon requesL number of supplies issued
A23 1o record equlpmenLs (lopLop lcd dlglcam) upon requesL
A24 1o prepare 8lS MonLhly lnvenLory of supplles number of reports prepared
A3 8ecords ManagemenL
A31 Answer hone calls
A32 1o record/flle all lncomlng communlcaLlons number of documents record
A33 1o record ouLgolng communlcaLlons number of documents record
A34 Lo rouLe communlcaLlons properly and prompLly number of documents route
A33 1o classlfy and conducL annual lnvenLory of records
A36 1o age and classlfy records for dlsposlLlon
A37 8ecord CuLgolng Lelephone LongulsLances calls number of longdistance calls recorded
8 CLhers
1 AsslsL 1echnlcal SLaff ln Scannlng of documenLs
2 AsslsL 1echnlcal SLaff ln Lncodlng of reporLs
3 AsslsL 1echnlcal SLaff ln hoLocopylng of uocumenLs number of documents photocopied
Prepared by: hereby certify that s elissa B Amurao has
satisfactorily accomplished the aboved enumerated
tasks under my direct supervision
Ms. MeIissa B. Amurao Sofia I. AImonte
RA Admin Officer
# Activities/Key ResuIt Areas Performance Indicator
Department of Trade and ndustry-Region 02
Month of SEPTEMBER, 2011
AccompIishment Report : MS. LAILANI S. FABRO
Position Description: BN CLERK

A 8CCLSSlnC Cl 8n8
1 lnLervlewlng of cllenLs and guldance ln fllllng up of 8n forms
number of clients interviewed
48 48
2 8ecelve/Lncodlng lnformaLlon of AppllcaLlon forms
Number of BNR applications received
48 48
3 rocess/ record/lssue of 8n8 CerLlflcaLes
number of BNR Certificate process/recorded and issued
48 48
4 Arranglng sorLed 8n8 CerLlflcaLes for LransmlLLal orlglnal
number of BNR certificate sorted
48 48
Lo owner dupllcLes Lo u1lCfflce
3 reparaLlon of ueposlLs sllp of of 8n8 collecLlon for deposlLs Lo L8 nmber of deposits slip prepared 3 3
6 repare ulrecLorles of 8n reglsLranLs per munlclpallLy and per secLor number of BNR Directories per municipality prepared 136 136
7 reparaLlon 8n8 reporLs submlLLed Lo u1l802 CCA 8C1 8l8 number of BNR reports submitted 136 136
8 rocess/lssue of 8n AvCC number of BN AVCO processed and issued 11 11
8 C1PL8S
1 repare/record AccredlLaLlon and llre LxLlngulsher CerLlflcaLe
number of accreditation and fire extinguisher certificate
2 repare/record Sales promoLlon permlL number number of sales promotion with permit prepared 0
3 AsslsL 1echnlcal SLaff ln encodlng reporLs
Prepared b hereby certify that MS. LALAN S. FABRO has
satisfactorily accomplished the aboved enumerated
tasks under my direct supervision.
Ms. LaiIani S. Fabro HENRY O. CONEL Jr.
BN Clerk Division Chief
@@ Activities/Key ResuIt Areas Performance Indicator
Department of Trade and ndustry-Region 02
Month of OCTOBER, 2011
AccompIishment Report : MS. LAILANI S. FABRO
Position Description: BN CLERK

A 8CCLSSlnC Cl 8n8
1 lnLervlewlng of cllenLs and guldance ln fllllng up of 8n forms
number of clients interviewed
2 8ecelve/Lncodlng lnformaLlon of AppllcaLlon forms
Number of BNR applications received
3 rocess/ record/lssue of 8n8 CerLlflcaLes
number of BNR Certificate process/recorded and issued
4 Arranglng sorLed 8n8 CerLlflcaLes for LransmlLLal orlglnal
number of BNR certificate sorted
Lo owner dupllcLes Lo u1lCfflce
3 reparaLlon of ueposlLs sllp of of 8n8 collecLlon for deposlLs Lo L8 number of deposits slip prepared 8
6 repare ulrecLorles of 8n reglsLranLs per munlclpallLy and per secLor number of BNR Directories per municipality prepared 141
7 reparaLlon 8n8 reporLs submlLLed Lo u1l802 CCA 8C1 8l8 number of BNR reports submitted 141
8 rocess/lssue of 8n AvCC number of BN AVCO processed and issued 9
8 C1PL8S
1 repare/record AccredlLaLlon and llre LxLlngulsher CerLlflcaLe
number of accreditation and fire extinguisher certificate
2 repare/record Sales promoLlon permlL number number of sales promotion with permit prepared
3 AsslsL 1echnlcal SLaff ln encodlng reporLs
Prepared b hereby certify that MS. LALAN S. FABRO has
satisfactorily accomplished the aboved enumerated
tasks under my direct supervision.
Ms. LaiIani S. Fabro HENRY O. CONEL Jr.
BN Clerk Division Chief
# Activities/Key ResuIt Areas Performance Indicator
Department of Trade and ndustry-Region 02
Month of JULY - SEPTEMBER, 2011
AccompIishment Report : MS. LAILANI S. FABRO
Position Description: BN CLERK
01-15 01-15 01-15 16-30
A 8CCLSSlnC Cl 8n8
1 lnLervlewlng of cllenLs and guldance ln fllllng up of 8n forms
number of clients interviewed 106 97 111 96 88 48 346
2 8ecelve/Lncodlng lnformaLlon of AppllcaLlon forms
Number of BNR applications received 106 97 111 96 88 48 346
3 rocess/ record/lssue of 8n8 CerLlflcaLes
number of BNR Certificate process/recorded and issued 106 97 111 96 88 48 346
4 Arranglng sorLed 8n8 CerLlflcaLes for LransmlLLal orlglnal
number of BNR certificate sorted 106 97 111 96 88 48 346
Lo owner dupllcLes Lo u1lCfflce
3 reparaLlon of ueposlLs sllp of of 8n8 collecLlon for deposlLs Lo L8 nmber of deposits slip prepared 4 4 6 3 3 3 23
6 repare ulrecLorles of 8n reglsLranLs per munlclpallLy and per secLor number of BNR Directories per municipality prepared 203 207 136 346
7 reparaLlon 8n8 reporLs submlLLed Lo u1l802 CCA 8C1 8l8 number of BNR reports submitted 203 207 136 346
8 rocess/lssue of 8n AvCC number of BN AVCO processed and issued 6 11 17
8 C1PL8S
1 repare/record AccredlLaLlon and llre LxLlngulsher CerLlflcaLe
number of accreditation and fire extinguisher certificate
2 repare/record Sales promoLlon permlL number number of sales promotion with permit prepared 5 4 3 7 4 23
3 AsslsL 1echnlcal SLaff ln encodlng reporLs
Prepared b hereby certify that MS. LALAN S. FABRO has
satisfactorily accomplished the aboved enumerated
tasks under my direct supervision.
Ms. LaiIani S. Fabro HENRY O. CONEL Jr.
BN Clerk Division Chief
1C1AL Activities/Key ResuIt Areas Performance Indicator
Department of Trade and ndustry-Region 02
Unit/Province: sabela Provincial Office
For the period JuIy 16-31, 2011
IndividuaI Work AccompIishment: Mr: Anthony M. Gauani_
COS - UtiIity Worker
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1.1 Sweeeping and Mopping
1.1 BNR Area daily
1.2 CWTRG, BDD, FAD area daily
1.3 Conference Room daily
1.4 PDs room daily
2.1 Dusting daily
2.2 Wash with Glass Cleaner twice a month
3.1 Comfort Room of PD twice a day
3.2 Comfort Room of Ladies twice a day
3.3. Comfort Room of Men twice a day
3.4. General Cleaning of CRs once a week
4.1 Watering of Plants daily
4.2. Dusting of Furnitures and Fixtures daily
4.3. Deposits BNR Collections daily
4.4. Photocopying of Documents
Prepared by: hereby certify that Mr. Anthony M. Gauani
has satisfactorily accomplished the aboved
enumerated tasks.
Mr. Anthony M. Gauani Sofia I. AImonte
Utility Worker Admin. Officer .
3. Cleaning of Comfort Rooms
4. Other Tasks
# Activities/Key ResuIt Areas Frequency/ ScheduIe
1. Cleaning of Floors
2. Cleaning of Windows and Doors
Mea|s and Snacks (kepresentat|on Lxpense)
A Culdellnes
1 C1S and unl1 MeeLlngs are noL allowed for purposes of clalms for paymenL of meals and snacks
2 1he sLandard form for Lhe ALLendance SheeL should be used
3 ALLached a copy of Lhe rogram/Agenda SheeL
4 1argeL arLlclpanLs should be llsLed
3 ALLached explanaLlon lf acLual parLlclpanLs ls lower Lhan Lhe LargeL parLlclpanLs
6 Do not f||| the Attendance Sheet w|th non part|c|pants [ust to comp|ete the number of pax
7 1he regular requlremenLs under CheckllsL #lA Sl003 shall apply
Supp||es Serv|ces and Mater|a|s urchases
A Culdellnes
1 urchase 8equesLs should be submlLLed aL leasL Lwo (2) weeks before Lhe acLlvlLy
or befre lL ls needed
2 Clve speclflcaLlons of Lhe lLems Lo be purchased wlLhouL sLaLlng 88Anu names
3 non consummable supplles properLles and equlpmenLs should be supporLed
wlLh A8L AcknowledgemenL 8ecelpL for LqulpmenL
4 Cnly regular SLaff should be lssued Lhe equlpmenLs or properLles purchased
3 All deLalls ln Lhe 8 C and lnspecLlon 8eporLs should be properly fllledup
Lo deLermlne Lurnaround Llme
6 1urn around Llme for Lhe process shoud be 3 days maxlmum
7 urchases should be made from duly accredlLed suppllers based on Lhe
suppllers accredlLaLlon process belng done
rofess|ona| Iees] nonorar|um
A Culdellnes
1 SubmlL a copy of Lhe proposal
2 lnvlLaLlon LeLLers
3 AccepLance or MCu
4 8esume/roflle of Lhe Speaker
3 CerLlflcaLe of CompleLlon of Lhe Servlce
8 Applcable raLes
1 Should be prearranged ln Lhe roposal
2 Maxlmum ls Lhe raLe of rofessor lv aL SC 29
C As Lo 1axablllLy
1 ersons
2 CorporaLlons su[ecL Lo flnal Lax and LW1

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