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GIobaI TaIent Track

Assessment No ______________ 8atch Code __________________

Name ______________________ Assoc|ate ID _________________

Max Marks 100 Marks Cbtd _________________

1|me 02 nr 1Sm|n

Genera| Instruct|ons

O A|| uest|ons are Compu|sory
O 1h|s quest|on paper |s d|v|ded |nto 02 parts
4 ect|on A conta|ns 90 uest|on carry 01 mark each
4 ect|on 8 conta|ns 02 uest|on carry 0S mark each
O Ca|cu|ators are not a||owed
O 9|ease ensure the sequence of quest|ons |s to be correct

ect|on A

1 What w||| be the output |f you w||| execute fo||ow|ng C code?

vold maln()


a 0
b 1
c 1
d Carbage
e CompllaLlon Lrror

2 What w||| be the output |f you w||| execute fo||ow|ng C code?

vold maln()


a acbcd

b e
c a
d null
e CompllaLlon Lrror

What w||| be the output |f you w||| execute fo||ow|ng C code?

vold maln()

lnL a1x

lnL sq(lnL num)

8eLurn num*num

a 13
b 16
c 17
d 18
e CompllaLlon Lrror

C++ was or|g|na||y deve|oped by

a nlcolas WlrLh
b uonald knuLh
c 8[arne SLrousLrop
d ken 1hompson

S When a |anguage has capab|||ty to produce a new data type |t |s ca||ed

a LxLenslble
b Cverloaded
c LncapsulaLed
d 8eprehenslble

What |s the t|me to requ|re to |nsert an e|ement |n a stack w|th ||nked |mp|ementat|on

a C(n)
b C(1)
c C(logn)
d C(log)

1|me taken for add|t|on of e|ement |n queue |s

a C(1)
b C(n)
c C(log n)
d none of Lhese

1o de|ete a dynam|ca||y a||ocated array named 'a' the correct statement |s

a deleLe a
b deleLe a0
c deleLe a
d deleLe 0a

9 What w||| be the va|ue of 'a' after the fo||ow|ng code |s executed

# def|ne square (x) x*x

a 3
b 1
c 11
d 10

101he f|ve |tems A 8 C D and L are pushed |n a stack one after the other start|ng from A 1he
stack |s popped four t|mes and each e|ement |s |nserted |n a queue 1hen two e|ements are
de|eted from the queue and pushed back on the stack Now one |tem |s popped from the
stack 1he popped Item |s

a A
b 8
c C
d u

11Cb[ect Cr|ented 1echno|ogy`s use of _________ fac|||tates the reuse of the code and
arch|tecture and |ts __________ feature prov|des systems w|th stab|||ty as a sma|| change |n
requ|rements does not requ|re mass|ve changes |n the system

a LncapsulaLlon lnherlLance
b lnherlLance olymorphlsm
c lnherlLance LncapsulaLlon
d olymorphlsm AbsLracLlon

12UML tands for

a unlque Modelllng Language
b unlfled Modelllng Language
c unlfled Modern Language

d unlfled MasLer Language

1Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng programm|ng techn|que focuses on a|gor|thm

a rocedural Language
b Cb[ecL orlenLed Language
c Cb[ecL based Language
d SLrucLural Language

1___________ prov|de usefu| conceptua| framework

a lnherlLance
b olymorphlsm
c LncapsulaLlon
d none of 1hese

1SWh|ch of the fo||ow|ng |s true

a Class ls an ob[ecL of ob[ecL
b Class ls a meLa class
c Class cannoL have zero lnsLances
d none of Lhese

1Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng |s the correct way to dec|are a f|oat po|nter

a floaL pLr
b floaL *pLr
c *floaL pLr
d none of Lhe above

1What |s the va|ue of "z" |n the be|ow code

|nt z x S y 10 a b 2
z x++ y * b ] a

a 3
b 6
c 10
d 11
e 1

1W|th every use of memory a||ocat|on funct|on what funct|on shou|d be used to re|ease
a||ocated memory wh|ch |s no |onger needed?

a unalloc()
b dropmem()
c dealloc()
d release()

e free()

19Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng |s the correct cho|ce for mov|ng b|ocks of b|nary data that are of
arb|trary s|ze and pos|t|on |n memory?

a memcpy()
b memseL()
c sLrncpy()
d sLrcpy()
e memmove()

20What |s the va|ue of x |n th|s code

|nt x 2 * + * S

b 6
c 6
d 30
e 70

21|nt var1
If var|ab|e has been dec|ared w|th f||e scope as above can |t safe|y be accessed
g|oba||y from another f||e

a ?es lL can be referenced Lhrough Lhe reglsLer speclfler
b no lL would have Lo been lnlLlally declared as a sLaLlc varlable
c ?es lL can be referenced Lhrough Lhe exLern speclfler
d ?es lL can be referenced Lhrough Lhe publlsh speclfler
e no lL would need Lo have been lnlLlally declared uslng Lhe global keyword

22t|me_t t
Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng statements w||| proper|y |n|t|a||ze the var|ab|e t w|th the current
t|me from the samp|e above?

a L clock()
b Llme(L)
c L cLlme()
d L localLlme()
e none of Lhe above

2Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng w||| dec|are a po|nter to an |nteger at address 0 k 200 |n memory?

a lnL *x *x 0 x 00
b lnL *x 0 x 00
c lnL *x *0 x 00
d lnL *x 0 x 00
e lnL *x (0 x00)

2In a C express|on how |s a |og|ca||y AND represented?

a [[
b | |
c Anu
e Anu

2SWh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng w||| read a character from keyboard and stored |n a var|ab|e c?

a c geLc()
b geLc( c)
c c geLchar(sLdln)
d geLchar( c)
e c geLchar()

2Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng C operators |s r|ght Assoc|at|ve?


2Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng pr|ntf() format spec|f|ers |nd|cates to pr|nt a doub|e va|ue |n dec|ma|
notat|on |eft a||gned |n a 0character f|e|d to four () d|g|ts of prec|s|on?

a 0e
b 0e
c 0f
d 0f
e #0f

2char txt20 "ne||o Wor|d0"
now many bytes are a||ocated for def|n|t|on above?

a 11
b 1
c 1
d 0
e 1

29Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng var|ab|e names |s not va||d?

a go_carL
b golL
c season

d run
e _whaL

0Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng statements a||ocates enough space to ho|d an array of 10 |ntegers
that are |n|t|a||zed to 0?

a lnL *pLr (lnL *) malloc (10 slzeof(lnL))
b lnL *pLr (lnL *) calloc (10 slzeof(lnL))
c lnL *pLr (lnL *) alloc (10 slzeof(lnL))
d lnL *pLr (lnL *) calloc (10* slzeof(lnL))
e lnL *pLr (lnL *) malloc(10*slzeof(lnL))

1When app||ed to a var|ab|e what does the unary "" operator y|e|d?

a varlable value
b varlable 8lnary form
c varlable Address
d varlable formaL
e varlable 8lfhL value

2Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng |s not a va||d |dent|f|er?

a _ldenL
b auLo
c blgnumber
d g77
e peace_ful_ln_space

W|ch one of the fo||ow|ng |s not a va||d Ident|f|er?

a __S
b 1__
c __1
d __
e S__

Wh|ch one the fo||ow|ng |s the r|ght method for open|ng a read on|y ACII f||e?

a flleCpen(fllenm"r")
b flleCpen(fllenm"ra")
c flleCpen(fllenm"read")
d fCpen(fllenm"read")
e fCpen(fllenm"r")

SWhat number |s equ|va|ent to e?

a 000
b 00

c 0
d 000
e 000

What w||| be the va|ue of x?

|nt x 011 | | 0 k 10

b 1
c 19
d 3
e 7

A constructor |s ca||ed whenever

a A ob[ecL ls declared
b An ob[ecL ls used
c A class ls declared
d A class ls used

8y defau|t member of a C++ c|ass are

a rlvaLe
b ubllc
c roLecLed
d none of Lhe above

91he f|rst step |n the systems deve|opment ||fe cyc|e (DLC)

a Analysls
b ueslgn
c roblem / CpporLunlLy ldenLlflcaLlon
d uevelopmenL and uocumenLaLlon

0now many steps are |n the program deve|opment ||fe cyc|e (DLC)

b 3
c 6
d 10

1now many steps are |n the program deve|opment ||fe cyc|e (9DLC)

b 3
c 6
d 10

2_________ des|gn and |mp|ement database structures

a rogrammers
b ro[ecL managers
c 1echnlcal WrlLers
d uaLabase AdmlnlsLraLors

1echn|ca| Wr|ters genera||y prov|de the ________ for the new system

a rograms
b neLworks
c Analysls
d uocumenLaLlon

Debugg|ng |s

a CreaLlng program code
b llndlng and correcLlng errors ln Lhe program code
c ldenLlfylng Lhe Lask Lo be compuLerlzed
d CreaLlng Lhe algorlLhm

S1he prob|em statement shou|d |nc|ude a|| of the fo||ow|ng LkCL91

a lnpuL
b ouLpuL
c processlng
d sLorage

1he _________ determ|nes whether the pro[ect shou|d go forward

a leaslblllLy assessmenL
b CpporLunlLy ldenLlflcaLlon
c SysLem evaluaLlon
d rogram speclflcaLlon

What does the abbrev|at|on D8M stands for

a uaLabase manlpulaLlon sofLware
b uaLa borrowlng and movemenL sofLware
c uaLabase managemenL sysLems
d ulglLal base mapplng sysLem

A row |n database |s ca||ed

a uomaln
b 1uple
c uegree

d none of Lhe above

9tack |s based on _____ techn|que

a lllC
b LllC
c LlLC
d none of Lhese

S0ueue |s based on ______ techn|que

a lllC
b LllC
c llLC
d none of Lhese

S1Does the data type of a|| |tem |n UNICN |s same

a 1rue
b lalse

S2We can mod|fy the po|nters "source"as we|| as "target"

a 1rue
b lalse
S1he ACII code of '0' (zero) |s

a 8u
d 0011 1000

SNumbers are stored and transm|tted |ns|de a computer |n

a 8lnary form
b ASCll Code form
c ueclmal form
d Alphanumerlc form

SSWh|ch of the fo||ow|ng |s a group of one or more attr|butes that un|que|y |dent|f|es a row?

a key
b ueLermlnanL
c 1uple
d 8elaLlon

SA re|at|on |s cons|dered as


a Column
b 1 u 1able
c u 1able
d u 1able

SA funct|on dependency |s a re|at|onsh|p between or among

a Lables
b rows
c relaLlons
d aLLrlbuLes

SIf attr|bute A and 8 determ|ne attr|bute C then |t |s a|so true that

a A C
b 8 C
c ( A 8 ) ls a composlLe deLermlnanL
d C ls s deLermlnanL

S9A re|at|on |n th|s form |s free of a|| mod|f|cat|ons anoma||es

a llrsL normal lorm
b Second normal lorm
c 1hlrd normal lorm
d uomaln /key normal lorm
0Lvery t|me attr|bute A appears |t |s matched w|th the same va|ue of attr|bute 8 but not the
same va|ue of attr|bute C 1herefore It |s true that

a A 8
b A C
c A (8 C)
d (8 C) A

1kow |s synonymous w|th the term

a 8ecord
b 8elaLlon
c Column
d lleld

2A re|at|on |s |n SNI when mu|t|va|ued dependenc|es are |so|ated |n the|r own re|at|on

a 1rue
b lalse

1he on|y reason for ex|stence of re|at|ons |s to store |nstances of funct|ona| dependenc|es

a 1rue

b lalse

G|ven the funct|ona| dependency k k |s ca||ed the determ|nant

a 1rue
b lalse

SA re|at|on |n 8oyceCodd Norma| Iorm (8CNI) |f every determ|nant |s a compos|te key

a 1rue
b lalse

A funct|ona| dependency |s a|ways an equat|on

a 1rue
b lalse

8y Defau|t members of C ] C++ are

a publlc
b prlvaLe
c lnLernal
d proLecLed
e none of Lhe Above

A re|at|onsh|p between the |nstances of s|ng|e ent|ty type |s ca||ed ____________ re|at|onsh|p

a 8lnary
b 1ernary
c rlmary
d unary
e 1erLlary

9tor|ng a separate copy of database at mu|t|p|e |ocat|ons |s

a uaLa 8epllcaLlon
b orlzonLal arLlLlonlng
c verLlcal arLlLlonlng
d orlzonLal and verLlcal arLlLlonlng

0A d|str|buted database has wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng advantages over a centra||zed database

a SofLware CosL
b SofLware ComplexlLy
c Slow 8esponse
d Modular CrowLh

1Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng |s not one of the stages |n the evo|ut|on of d|str|buted D8M?

a unlL of Work
b 8emoLe unlL of Work
c ulsLrlbuLed unlL of Work
d ulsLrlbuLed 8equesL

2kedundancy |s m|n|m|zed w|th a computer based database approach

a 1rue
b lalse

1he re|at|ona| mode| database concept |s proposed |n 190s and 190s

a 1rue
b lalse

In the software test|ng process when |s va||dat|on test|ng performed

a AfLer Codlng
b AfLer unlL 1esLlng
c AfLer Module 1esLlng
d AfLer lnLegraLlon 1esLlng

S1he ma|n goa| ua||ty Assurance |s

a SeL Codlng SLandards
b lmprove SofLware pro[ecL ManagemenL
c 8educe Lhe Lechnlcal and programmaLlc rlsks ln developlng Lhe sofLware
d Speclfy correcLlve acLlons

Wh|ch funct|on |s used to re|ease the a||ocated memory space?

a deallocaLe()
b release()
c free()
d drop()
e empLy()

What |s the ACII va|ue of "Lnter" key

a 11
b 1
c 1
d 1
e 13

9roduct ua||ty |s def|ned as


a uellverlng a producL wlLh correcL requlremenLs
b uellverlng a producL uslng correcL developmenL procedures
c uellverlng a producL whlch ls developed lLeraLlvely
d uellverlng a producL uslng hlgh quallLy procedures

9Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng |s not a part of oftware ua||ty Assurance 9|an

a 8eference uocumenLs
b ConflguraLlon AcLlon
c Suppller ConLrol
d CusLomer ConLrol

0Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng |s not usua||y present |n a techn|ca| rev|ew

a user
b CuallLy Lnglneer
c 1he programmlng Lools suppller
d SpeclallsL wlLh knowledge of appllcaLlon

11he or|g|na| ACII codes

a Were 7 blLs
b 8 blLs
c 8epresenLed 36 characLers
d 8epresenLed 17 characLers

21he b|t b|nary number "0111" represents

a 13
b 7
c 7
d 1

1he dec|ma| number 12 may be represented by

a 1111 11118
b 1000 00008
c LL
d 0111 1111

9o|nt out error |n the fo||ow|ng code

typedef struct

|nt data
NCDL91k ||nk


a Lrror ln *nCuL18
b Lrror Lypedef cannoL be used unLll lL ls deflned
c no Lrror
d none of Lhe Above

SWhat w||| be the output of the fo||ow|ng program

#|nc|ude std|oh
|nt ma|n()

typedef |nt LCNG
f|oat c 0
c b
b + a
return 0

a 7 68000000
b 7000000 68
c 68000000 7000000
d 68 7000000

What w||| be the output of the fo||ow|ng program

#|nc|ude std|oh
typedef struct error |nt warn|ng err except|on LkkCk
|nt ma|n()

LkkCk e
eerr 1
return 0

a 0
b 1
d Lrror

In the fo||ow|ng code what |s '9'?

typedef char *charp
const charp 9


a ls a consLanL
b ls a characLer consLanL
c ls characLer Lype
d none of Above

What |s the resu|t of 1 2

b 8
d 0

9What |s the fu|| form of IA?

a lnLegraLlon Scale ArchlLechLure
b lndusLry SLandard ArchlLechLure
c lndus SLanford AcusLlc
d lndlan Servlce AssessmenL

90Wh|ch of the fo||ow|ng |s the feature of tack?

a All operaLlons are aL one end
b lL cannoL reuse lLs memory
c All elemenLs are of dlfferenL Lypes
d Any elemenLs can be Accessed from lL dlrecLly

ect|on 8

1 Wr|te a 9rogram to pr|nt the fo||ow|ng structure

* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *

2 Wr|te the d|fference between abstract funct|ons and v|rtua| funct|ons w|th examp|e as per

*** 1nL LND ***

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