Sie sind auf Seite 1von 27


1he purpose of Lhls reporL ls Lo furLher expllcaLe Lhe fleldLrlps Laken by Lhe
LnvlronmenLal Sclence class Lo 8all's and nlagara lalls and 8orer's and 1ews lalls AlLhough l
dld noL go on elLher of Lhe fleldLrlps much can be sald abouL Lhem based on class lessons class
dlscusslons fleldLrlp quesLlons and research
1he flrsL Lrlp was Lo 8all's lalls and nlagara lalls 1hls Lrlp encompassed walklng along
Lhe Lake lroquols Shorellne whlch ls Lhe shore of an anclenL glaclal lake lL also encompassed
vlslLlng Lhe CueensLon PelghLs MonumenL ln memory of Ceneral lsaac 8rock a man who dled
ln Lhe baLLle for CueensLon PelghLs ln Lhe war of 1812 explorlng Lhe Welland Canal and
vlslLlng Lhe ChocolaLe llx chocolaLe facLory uurlng Lhls fleldLrlp Lhe class learned abouL
whlrlpools and how Lhe Spanlsh Aero Car was seL up Lo Lravel above Lhe whlrlpools Lhe pros
and cons of hydro elecLrlc power planLs how Lhe lock sysLem ln Welland canal works and
lnLeresLlng lnformaLlon abouL chocolaLe
1he second fleld Lrlp was Lhe 8ockwood fleldLrlp Pere Lhe class vlslLed 8orer's lalls and
1ews lalls uurlng Lhls fleldLrlp parLs of Lhe nlagara LscarpmenL were explored Pere Lhe class
dlscussed splllways Lhe lmpacL of glaclers and Lhe formaLlon of poLholes 1he class learned
abouL Lhe 8ockwood ConservaLlon Area vlslLed WebsLers falls and hlked Lo 8lchardson's Cave
8ased on Lhe dlscusslons ln class boLh fleldLrlps seemed llked masslve amounLs of fun and
because one day on a fleldLrlp ls equlvalenL Lo 1 monLh of ln class learnlng boLh fleldLrlps musL
have been excellenL learnlng experlences

ielu Tiip Questions

Ball's and Niagara Falls Fieldtrip
loke lroquois Sboreline
What ev|dence |s there th|s |ocat|on was the shore of an anc|ent g|ac|a| |ake?

1he evldence LhaL proves LhaL Lhls locaLlon was once
Lhe shore of an anclenL glaclal lake called Lake lroquols
ls Lhe gradual 1013 meLer slope LhaL occurs ln Lhe area
1he gradual slope lndlcaLes LhaL Lhere musL have been a
body of waLer LhaL occupled lL ln addlLlon Lo Lhe slope
Lhere are layers of sedlmenL deposlLs ln Lhe area 1he
Lop layer ls gravel followed by sand Lhen sllL and
flnally clay 1hese
deposlLs are generally
found ln areas near lakes and Lherefore all Lhe evldence
proves LhaL a lake once exlsLs on Lhe area 1he dlagram
above ls a deplcLlon of a lake and demonsLraLes Lhe
gradual slope along Lhe shorellne and Lhe varlous layers
of sedlmenL LhroughouL Lhe area 1he lmage on Lhe lefL
ls a plcLure of Lhe orlglnal locaLlon of Claclal Lake

2 Why |s the N|agara en|nsu|a one of the best areas |n Canada for grow|ng tender

1he nlagara enlnsula ls one of Lhe besL areas ln Canada for growlng Lender frulLs
because of Lhe sandy loam 1he sand allows Lhe waLer Lo draln and Lender frulLs grow
excepLlonally well ln Lhls Lype of soll ln addlLlon Lo Lhls
ferLlle soll a moderaLe cllmaLe exlsLs ln Lhls reglon
1he nlagara LscarpmenL cllff proLecLs Lhe reglon from
any weaLher fronLs As a resulL Lhere are hardly any
exLreme weaLher condlLlons ln Lhls area 1he area ls
also surrounded by Lwo lakes (Lake CnLarlo and Lake
Lrle) and slnce waLer heaLs up and cools down really
slowly Lhe lakes help keep Lhe LemperaLure and
weaLher under conLrol 1he map above lndlcaLes where Lhe nlagara enlnsula ls
locaLed 1he nlagara enlnsula ls Lhe red reglon and as you can see lL ls sandwlched
beLween Lake CnLarlo and Lake Lrle

3 rox|mate|y how |ong ago d|d Lake Iroquo|s ex|st?

Lake lroquols exlsLed approxlmaLely 8 Lhousand Lo 12 Lhousand years ago and was an
enlargemenL of presenL Lake CnLarlo Lake lroquols was approxlmaLely Lwlce as large as
presenL day Lake CnLarlo

ueenston Eeiqbts Honument

4 Who are the best chefs |n the wor|d? What d|d you ||ke and d|s||ke about today's

1he besL chef ln Lhe world ls Mr 8endelro and Lhough l dld noL go on Lhe Lrlp lL was so
nlce of hlm Lo brlng back lefLover food for us Lhe nexL day

S Who |s the ueenston ne|ghts monument ded|cated to? What d|d th|s gent|eman do
to rece|ve such an honor?

1he CueensLon PelghLs monumenL ls dedlcaLed Lo a man
named lsaac 8rock uurlng Lhe War of 1812 Lhere was a
ma[or baLLle called Lhe 8aLLle of CueensLon PelghLs where
Lhe unlLed SLaLes was ln a baLLle wlLh Canada and Lhe
8rlLlsh lsaac 8rock was a Ma[or Ceneral from Lhe 8rlLlsh
slde and Lhough Lhe 8rlLlsh won Lhls baLLle lL cosL Lhem
Ceneral lsaac 8rock's llfe 1oday Lhere ls a unlverslLy ln SL
CaLherlne's called 8rock unlverslLy LhaL ls named afLer
hlm 1he plcLure Lo lefL ls of Ceneral lsaac 8rock leadlng a
charge agalnsL Lhe Amerlcans before hls deaLh ln Lhe
8aLLle of CueensLon PelghLs

6 now many hydro e|ectr|c ower |ants are there |n the N|agara Ia||s area?

1here are currenLly nlne hydro elecLrlc power planLs ln
Lhe nlagara lalls area 1here ls also an elghLh one
currenLly belng bullL 1he reason LhaL Lhere are so many
hydroelecLrlc power planLs ln Lhe area ls because hydro
elecLrlc power planLs requlre large amounLs of movlng
waLer Lo produce energy 1hls Lype of energy ls
renewable and relaLlvely lnexpenslve once runnlng 1he
plcLure on Lhe rlghL ls a hydro elecLrlc power planL sLaLlon
ln nlagara lalls and Lhe plcLure below ls a dlagram of how Lhese planLs operaLe As you
can see waLer flows Lhrough Lhe pensLock Lurns a Lurblne whlch Lurns a generaLor
whlch powers a Lransformer and Lransforms Lhe energy lnLo elecLrlclLy 1he waLer ls
Lhen dlscharged

7 What ma[or rob|em has th|s caused that |s |etha| today? |ease be as sec|f|c as you

AlLhough Lhe generaLlon of hydroelecLrlc energy does noL polluLe lL aLLracLs Lhe
developmenL of facLorles around lL because lL ls a cheap form of energy 1hese facLorles
are Lhe ones LhaL polluLe Lhe surroundlng area 1hese facLorles produce wasLe and need
a place Lo dump Lhelr wasLe and because of Lhls Lhere are so many dump slLes ln Lhe
area LhaL are leaklng lnLo Lhe nlagara 8lver 1he nlagara 8lver dralns lnLo Lake CnLarlo
and LhaL ls where our drlnklng waLer comes from Cne of Lhe many chemlcals LhaL ls
leaklng lnLo Lhe nlagara 8lver and Lake CnLarlo ls dloxln and lL ls very harmful Lo
humans 8efore Lhe amounL of dloxln ln Lhe Lake CnLarlo could be measured ln parLs

per Lrllllon now lL ls parLs per bllllon lf dloxln levels ln Lake CnLarlo conLlnue Lo rlse we
may noL be able Lo drlnk from lL

Sponisb Aero Cor

8 What year was th|s un|que attract|on bu||t? now was

|t bu||t?

1hls unlque aLLracLlon was bullL ln Lhe mld1800 1he
cable cars were LransporLed Lo Lhe area by horses
1oday people can go for a rlde a 10 mlnuLe rlde above
Lhe whlrlpools on Lhese cable cars up Lo 33 people can
flL ln one cable car LhaL ls suspended over Lhe waLer by
6 sLrong sLurdy cables 1he rlde ls approxlmaLely one
kllomeLer long 1he plcLure on Lhe rlghL ls of a Spanlsh
aero car Lravelllng above Lhe whlrlpool area

9 What c|ass|f|cat|on are the ra|ds at the Wh|r|oo|? now dee |s the wh|r|oo|?

1he classlflcaLlon of Lhe raplds aL Lhe whlrlpool ls class 6 Some
aLLrlbuLes of a class 6 rapld lnclude whlLewaLer masslve waves rocks
and drops hldden dangers and whlrlpools 1he whlrlpools ln Lhe
nlagara 8lver can reach a depLh of 38 meLers 1he lmage on Lhe rlghL
sorLs porLlons of Lhe nlagara rlver lnLo varlous classes dependlng Lhe
severlLy of Lhe raplds As you can see Lhe 90 degree bends ln Lhe
rlver Lhe whlrlpool areas are labeled as class 6 raplds

Wr|te at |east two h|stor|ca| stor|es that haened |n the wh|r|oo|

a) 1here ls a myLh LhaL a chlld ln a baskeL was dropped ln Lhe nlagara
lalls 8lver 1hey found Lhe chlld allve near Lhe whlrlpools ln Lhe
nlagara 8lver
b) AnoLher sLory ls LhaL a Mald of Lhe MlsL boaL accldenLally Lravelled
Lhrough Lhe level 6 whlrlpool area

be WellonJ Conol

@he We||and cana| |s made u of how many |ocks? now many |ocks
are there |n the ent|re Great Lakes]St Lawrence Seaway system?

1he Welland canal ls made up of 8 locks 1here are 13 locks ln Lhe enLlre CreaL Lakes/ SL
Lawrence Seaway sysLem

2Lx|a|n the rocess of how the |ocks work?

1hese locks conslsL of a waLerLlghL chamber wlLh gaLes aL elLher end
LhaL allows a vessel Lo be llfLed or lowered from one level Lo anoLher
1he law of gravlLy helps flll and empLy each lock 1o rlse a shlp Lhe
upsLream lock valves are opened and waLer flows ln 1o lower a vessel
Lhe downsLream valves are opened and Lhe waLer flows ouL 1he lmage
Lo Lhe lefL demonsLraLes Lhe parLs of a lock

3What tye of cargo do the sh|s carry |n the cana|? |ease g|ve three exam|es

1he Lype of cargo LhaL shlps generally carry ls bulk cargo such as wheaL lron ore coal
chemlcals and oll

Cbocolote Ii x

4Wh|ch tye of Choco|ate takes the |ongest to g|aze? now |ong does |t take and why?

normally chocolaLe Lakes around 40 mlnuLes Lo glaze Powever a Lype of glaze called
naLural glaze Lakes beLween 2 Lo 3 hours

SWh|ch tye of choco|ate |s the hea|th|est for you? Why?

uark chocolaLe ls Lhe healLhlesL chocolaLe a person can eaL 1hls ls because lL conLalns
73 or more cocoa and usually has no mllk 1hls chocolaLe conLalns anLloxldanLs whlch
help cleanse our bodles from Loxlns

6When d|d the new management start oerat|ng the

1he new managemenL sLarLed operaLlng Lhe esLabllshmenL ln
Aprll 2004 1he lmage on Lhe rlghL ls of Lhe ChocolaLe llx shop


orer s Iolls & ews Iolls

@he N|agara Lscarment What |s the mean|ng of |ts "Internat|ona| S|gn|f|cance"?

1he nlagara LscarpmenL ls a unLSCC blosphere 1here are 6 of Lhese ln Canada and
Lhere are 16 unLSCC slLes ln Canada Worldwlde Lhere are 276 unLSCC slLe unLSCC
sLands for unlLed naLlons LnvlronmenLal SocleLy CulLural CrganlzaLlon

2 now much and what d|rect|on has the escarment moved s|nce |ts creat|on? What |s
the annua| eros|on rate?

1he escarpmenL has moved 300 kllomeLers wesL over Lhe pasL 400 mllllon years and
Lherefore lL moves wesL approxlmaLely 008 cm/year


3 What and how o|d are the most |mortant trees |n the escarment? What |s the o|dest
known tree |n th|s area?

1he mosL lmporLanL Lrees ln Lhe escarpmenL are WhlLe
Cedars 1hey can grow Lo 68 hundred years old 1he oldesL
Lree ln Lhe known area ls 1000 years old 1hese Lrees are
lmporLanL because Lhey are perfecL when lL comes Lo looklng
aL cllmaLe change because Lhey're reslsLanL Lo breaklng
down and fallen Lrees can be preserved for a long Llme 1he
lmage on Lhe rlghL ls a plcLure of a WhlLe Cedar growlng on
Lhe cllff of Lhe nlagara LscarpmenL

4 Lxam|ne the vo|ume of water |n @ews creek and g|ve
oss|b|e ex|anat|ons how @ews Ia||s was created

1ews falls could have been creaLed by a splllway Crlglnally a
creek called Spencer's Creek used Lo
A creek called Logle's Creek

S @ews Ia||s |s comared to what resent modern fa||s of the N|agara Lscarment?
What ev|dence |s there to conf|rm th|s?

1ews lalls ls compared Lo Porseshoe lalls because of lLs slze 1he dlmenslons of boLh
falls are slmllar especlally Lhe wldLh

6 What do the wh|te and b|ue ||nes on the tra|| |nd|cate? |ease be as sec|f|c as you

1he whlLe and blue llnes lndlcaLe Lhe 8ruce Lrall 1he 8ruce Lrall ls
an 800 kllomeLer long Lrall 1he blue llnes are slde Lralls and Lhe
whlLe llnes are Lhe 8ruce Lrall 1he lmage on Lhe rlghL ls of blue
marklngs of Lhe slde Lrall

7 Look|ng south from Dundas eak towards nam||ton g|ve oss|b|e reasons how the cut
|n the escarment was created

1he cuL ln Lhe escarpmenL was creaLed by glaclers 1he welghL of
Lhe glacler musL have creaLed a cuL ln Lhe escarpmenL LhaL
creaLed a valley 1he plcLure Lo Lhe rlghL ls of Lhe valley

8 s the |ce sheet retreated years ago what was formed
at th|s |ocat|on? Why?

As Lhe lce sheeL reLreaLed Lake lroquols was formed ln lLs locaLlon As Lhe glacler began
Lo melL Lhe waLer began Lo occupy Lhe space and as a resulL Lhe anclenL glaclal lake
lroquols had formed

Webster s Iolls

9 What conc|us|ons can you make about the vo|ume of water comared w|th the he|ght
and s|ze of the waterfa||? Suggest causes for the |arge number of bou|ders found
be|ow the fa||s

1he concluslon LhaL can be made abouL Lhe volume of
waLer compared wlLh Lhe helghL and slze of Lhe waLerfall
ls LhaL Lhe volume of waLer LhaL runs over Lhe falls Loday
dld noL creaLe Lhe waLerfall 1he falls experlences boLh
hlgh flow and low flow 1he lmage Lo Lhe lefL
demonsLraLes whaL Lhe falls looks llke when Lhere ls boLh
hlgh and low flow 1he reason Lhere are so many boulders
found below Lhe falls ls LhaL because Lhere ls noL LhaL much waLer Lhere anymore Lhe
waLer level dropped and boulders were exposed

t the bottom of the fa||s descr|be character|st|cs of the ent|re area |ease
|nc|ude the wa||s of the va||ey the fa||s creek and tye of vegetat|on

l dld noL go on Lhe fleldLrlp however based on research Lhe plcLure Lo Lhe
rlghL and whaL l've heard from oLhers Lhe boLLom of Lhe walls was very
rocky and vegeLaLlon would grow beLween Lhe rocks

G|ve reasons why d|fferent |eve|s of eros|on ex|st on "the wa||s of the fa||s"?

ulfferenL levels of eroslon exlsL on Lhe walls of Lhe
falls" because lL ls made up of dlfferenL layers Some
layers are sofL llke shale and erode easlly whlle oLher
layers are hard and Lake Llme Lo erode 1he dlagram
Lo Lhe rlghL ls a schemaLlc secLlon of Lhe dlfferenL
layers of WebsLer's falls ?ou can see LhaL Lhe wall ls
made up of prlmarlly shale sandsLone and

2What |s the |mortant s|gn|f|cance of the f|at area
above the fa||s?

1he lmporLanL slgnlflcance of Lhe flaL area above Lhe
falls ls LhaL lL ls a splllway lf a person was Lo sLand on
lL ln Lhe pasL Lhey'd be under aL leasL 60 feeL of
waLer 1hls Lells us how lmmense Lhe waLerfall musL
have been aL one polnL ln Llme

3@he Sencer gorge |s determ|ned to be three k||ometers |n |ength and the |ce sheet
retreated arox|mate|y years ago Ca|cu|ate the recess|on rate for the
waterfa|| that carved the gorge @he answer must be g|ven |n cent|meters er year

1he recesslon raLe for Lhe waLerfall LhaL carved Lhe gorge ls 30 cenLlmeLer per year


ockwooJ Conservotion Areo

Lxam|ne the ent|re kockwood m||| s|te area and g|ve character|st|cs wh|ch made th|s
s|te an exce||ent cho|ce for a m|||?

1he 8ockwood mlll slLe area ls an excellenL cholce for a mlll because lL ls locaLed beslde
Lhe waLer Many mllls are operaLed by Lhe use of waLer and Lherefore a source of waLer
ls essenLlal for any waLer powered mlll 1he lmage below demonsLraLes Lhe Lhree ways
waLer powered mllls can operaLe 1he waLer source can come from below as deplcLed
from Lhe flrsL plcLure 1hls Lype of mlll ls generally used when Lhere ls a rlver or sLream
runnlng Lhrough Lhe waLer wheel 1he second plcLure ls where Lhe waLer ls poured from
above Lhe waLer wheel and Lhe Lhlrd ls when waLer ls supplled Lo Lhe mlddle of Lhe

2 @he N|agara Lscarment |s art of wh|ch geo|og|ca| feature and t|me er|od? What |s
the age of the rocks?

1he nlagara LscarpmenL ls a parL of Lhe Mlchlgan basln lL ls a parL of Lhe Sllurlan Llme
perlod 1he Sllurlan Llme perlod Look place abouL 443 Lo 417 mllllon years ago 1he
oldesL rocks found ln Lhe escarpmenL are from Lhls Llme perlod 1he plcLure below
demonsLraLes where Lhe nlagara LscarpmenL ls on Lhe Mlchlgan 8asln and Lype of rock
found Lhere As you can see lL ls comprlsed of Sllurlan and Crdovlclan rock

3 Wh|ch two ma|n rocesses a|tered the aearance of the escarment? |ease ex|a|n
|n deta||

1wo maln processes LhaL alLered Lhe appearance of Lhe escarpmenL

a) Claclers 23 000 years ago Lhe enLlre escarpmenL was covered
by Lhe Wlsconsln ClaclaLlon As Lhls glacler moved across
Canada lL desLroyed everyLhlng ln lLs paLh and reshaped Lhe
land When Lhe cllmaLe changed and warmed up Lhe glaclers
began Lo melL and break whlch furLher reshaped Lhe land 1he
waLer from Lhe melLed glaclers began flowlng over Lhe nlagara
LscarpmenL 1he lmage Lo Lhe rlghL ls of Lhe Wlsconsln glaclaLlon
as lL Look over Canada

b) WaLer (lluvlal) lL ls belleved LhaL Lhe enLlre escarpmenL was once covered by
anclenL seas rlch wlLh planL and anlmal llfe 1he rlvers LhaL flowed lnLo Lhe seas
carrled along sand and clay wlLh lL 1he sand and clay sedlmenL deposlLs compressed
aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe ocean floor and sLarLed creaLlng new land masses As Lhe seas
reLreaLed Lhe new land masses were exposes leavlng whaL we have Loday 8lvers
and sLreams sLarLed carvlng Lhe land mass creaLlng Lhe escarpmenL

4 Lxam|ne the |andscae |n th|s area descr|be |t |n terms of co|or he|ght attern and
vegetat|on |ease be as sec|f|c as you can

S Us|ng d|agrams and notes ex|a|n how "k|chardson's cave" was formed

6 What |s the obscure br|ck structure to the |eft of the cave used for?

1he obscure brlck sLrucLure Lo Lhe lefL of Lhe cave ls klln klln ls used Lo make llmesLone
brlcks LlmesLone brlcks are used Lo make houses

7 What |s the |mortant s|gn|f|cance of the |arge |es |n the ground near k|chardson's

1he lmporLanL slgnlflcance of Lhe large plpes ln Lhe ground near 8lchardson's cave ls
LhaL Lhe unlverslLy of WaLerloo was drllllng Lhere Lo flnd ouL where Lhe waLer flow was
golng and whlle Lhey were dolng Lhls Lhey dlscovered huge caves ln Lhe area

8 Lst|mate the d|mens|ons of "Dev||'s We||" and draw a crosssect|on

uevll's well ls approxlmaLely 13 meLers long and 6 meLers wlde

9 s you wa|k a|ong the boardwa|k you w||| not|ce a regu|ar feature Name descr|be and
sketch an exam|e of th|s feature nyothes|ze how |t was formed and why |t |s above
the Lramosa k|ver

As you walk along Lhe boardwalk you
wlll noLlce poLholes 1hese poLholes are
baslcally holes ln Lhe rock wlLh a splral
shape lnslde 1hese poLholes were
formed above Lhe Lramosa 8lver
oLholes form ln areas where Lhere are
masslve amounLs of waLer and
whlrlpools 1he whlrlpools splral rocks
lnLro clrcles and Lhe rocks baslcally acL
llke sand paper and carve a splral lnLo
Lhe land 1he lmage on Lhe rlghL ls an
example of several poLholes

Cont|nue a|ong the boardwa|k unt|| you reach the |arge |s|and||ke feature at the end
of the boardwa|k Cons|der the |andscae you have [ust wa|ked through now was th|s
area formed |n the ast and resent? @ake a |ook at the foss||s embedded on the wa||
and draw any two

As you walk along Lhe boardwalk you wlll noLlce plnnacle reef lnnacle reef ls a marlne
reef whlch formed aL Lhe edge of Lhe Mlchlgan basln because LhaL area was a shallow
sea Lhere 1he cllmaLe aL LhaL Llme was LemperaLe whlch provlded perfecL condlLlons
for Lhe reef Lo grow 1hls ls because Lhe reef formed whlle Lhe Mlchlgan basln was souLh
of Lhe equaLor 1oday Lhls reef does noL erode because Lhe coral ls very hard 1wo
fosslls LhaL are on Lhe wall are Lhe 8ugose Coral lossll and 8rachlopods 8elow you wlll
flnd Lhelr plcLures 1he lmage on Lhe rlghL ls Lhe 8ugose Coral lossll and Lhe lmage on
Lhe lefL ls a 8rachlopod

Why |s there so much rock exosed |n the Conservat|on rea?

1here ls so much rock exposed ln Lhe ConservaLlon Area because ln Lhe pasL Lhe enLlre
area was covered ln waLer and Lherefore Lhere was no soll 1oday all of Lhose bodles of
waLer have reLreaLed exposlng Lhe rock LhaL lL once covered

2Near the beach area of the conservat|on there |s a |ake cover|ng a |arge sect|on of the
conservat|on area What |s the |ake cover|ng?

1he lake ls coverlng 200 poLholes All of Lhese poLholes were formed Lhe same way as
prevlously menLloned 8ocks LhaL move fasL ln splral moLlons carved Lhese poLholes lnLo
Lhe earLh Cnce Lhls lake drles up or reLreaLs all 200 poLholes wlll be exposed and vlslble
for everyone Lo see

iampton Simulation
ear Une
8UDGL@ ICk @nL Lk 4 MILLICN DCLLkS (54 %
nvironmento/ Prob/em 8 1he 1onnery
1oxlc dyes from an old leaLher Lannery are belng empLled lnLo a local creek 1he proposed
soluLlons lnclude a Lax break Lo Lhe Lannery so LhaL Lhey can buy Lhe equlpmenL necessary Lo
deal wlLh Lhe polluLlon and secondly seL up a conLlnual monlLorlng sysLem Lo check on levels of
polluLlon from Lhe Lannery
CCS@ 5 6
1he problems wlLh Lhe mosL damaglng envlronmenLal effecLs should be addressed
lmmedlaLely Accordlng Lo me Lhe Loxlc dyes belng empLled lnLo a local creek from an old
leaLher Lannery ls a prlme problem 1hls pro[ecL ls falrly lnexpenslve ln comparlson Lo Lhe oLher
pro[ecLs and Lherefore lL leaves room for enough money Lo underLake oLher pro[ecLs wlLhln
Lhls flrsL year 1he followlng are merely Lhree reasons why Lhls pro[ecL should be Lhe flrsL Lo be
dealL wlLh
When Lhe Loxlc dyes enLer Lhe waLer Lhey conLamlnaLe Lhe waLer desLroylng Lhe
ecosysLem of all of Lhe organlsm lnhablLlng Lhe creek Slnce creeks ulLlmaLely run off lnLo larger
bodles of waLer llke rlvers and lakes Lhere ls Lhe posslblllLy of Lhe Loxlns from Lhe Lannery
conLamlnaLlng a much larger source desLroylng even more wlldllfe lf Lhe concenLraLlon of
Lhese Loxlc chemlcals geLs Loo hlgh dead zones could be creaLed

1he lmage on Lhe rlghL ls of CredlL 8lver 1hls ls

a ma[or rlver ln 8rampLon and as you can see from Lhe
plcLure a loL of creeks merge lnLo Lhls rlver 1hls rlver
ulLlmaLely flows ouL Lo Lake CnLarlo whlch ls where
we geL our drlnklng waLer lf Lhe level of polluLanLs ln
Lake CnLarlo lncreases Lhe waLer ln Lhe lake may soon become undrlnkable and Lhls could
become a provlnclal or naLlonwlde problem
We are all aware of Lhe ouLcome of whaL happened ln Woburn MassachuseLLs wlLh Lhe clvll
acLlon case A company ln Lhe area was dumplng chemlcals lnLo a local rlver and as a resulL
many of Lhe Lownspeople were developlng lllnesses llke leukemla 1hls occurred because Lhe
chemlcals seeped lnLo Lhe ground waLer and goL lnLo people's drlnklng waLer lf Lhls was Lo
occur ln 8rampLon Lhe consequences would be caLasLrophlc lL ls compleLely lrresponslble and
uneLhlcal Lo knowlngly play wlLh Lhe healLh of 8rampLon's clLlzens We are aware of Lhe
consequences and should work Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe problem
Lnv|ronmenta| rob|em C @he C|ty Inc|nerator

A clLy lnclneraLor ls emlLLlng smoke and noxlous odours 1he soluLlon ls Lhe lnsLallaLlon of new
burners wlLh llmlLed recycllng of glass and alumlnum

CCS@ 522
8ecause Lhere ls $29 400 000 lefL afLer Lhe compleLlng Lhe prevlous pro[ecL a pro[ecL
LhaL could saLlsfy Lhe remalnlng money had Lo be chosen A loL of opLlons were sLlll lefL
however Lhls seemed of key lmporLance from Lhe problems ones remalnlng 1hls ls because

smoke and noxlous odours are a LhreaL Lo boLh human safeLy and Lhe envlronmenL 1he
followlng are Lhree reasons why Lhls problem should Lhe one of flrsL few Lo be addressed
1hls problem should be addressed flrsL and foremosL because lL ls currenLly occurrlng
As you read Lhls proposal lL ls emlLLlng smoke ouL lnLo alr and polluLlng our envlronmenL 1he
Loxlns golng lnLo Lhe alr harm Lhe envlronmenL by conLrlbuLlng Lo greenhouse gas emlsslons
Creenhouse gas emlsslons ulLlmaLely speed up of Lhe process of global warmlng
1he smoke and noxlous odours are noL only a LhreaL Lo Lhe envlronmenL buL also Lo human
wellbelng Accordlng Lo PealLh Canada Lhls Lype of alr polluLlon causes a varleLy of resplraLory
cardlovascular and lung dlseases 8rampLon's currenL alr quallLy lndex ls noL so greaL already
1he plcLure below was acqulred from Lhe PealLh Canada webslLe and Lells us LhaL 8rampLon's
alr quallLy ls currenLly aL moderaLe
rlsk lf more smoke and polluLanLs
are released lnLo Lhe alr our alr
quallLy healLh lndex can worsen
and Lhe clLlzens wlll have Lo suffer
A flnal reason why Lhls
problem should be combaLed ls LhaL Lhe new burners wlll be much more eco frlendly Lhan Lhe
currenL slLuaLlon lL encourages recycllng and so noL only wlll alr polluLlon decrease buL lL wlll
decrease Lhe amounL of wasLes needed Lo run Lhe lnclneraLor All ln all Lhls ls a greaL pro[ecL Lo
Lake on wlLhln Lhe flrsL year

AMCun1 Cl MCnL? LLl1 CvL8 lC8 nLx1 ?LA8 $7 400 000

ear Two
8UDGL@ ICk @nL Lk 547 4
nvironmento/ Prob/em l 1oxic chemico/ uump
Cn Lhe ouLsklrLs of Lhe clLy ls a llLLle Loxlc chemlcal dump
whlch has noL yeL leaked polsons lnLo Lhe underground
waLer supply 1he chemlcal sLorage drums musL be dug up
and shlpped Lo a new dlsposal slLe
CCS@ 532
AlLhough Lhls Loxlc chemlcal dump ls on Lhe ouLsklrLs of Lhe clLy and lL has noL yeL
leaked we musL noL dlsregard Lhe facL LhaL lL ls ln facL Loxlc Lxposure Lo Loxlc subsLances ls
faLal for noL [usL humans buL any llvlng organlsm and Lherefore lL ls lmperlal Lo end Lhls lssue
before lL becomes a problem 1he followlng are Lhree reasons why Lhls lssue musL be combaLed
wlLhln Lhe second year
!usL because Lhls dump slLe hasn'L leaked yeL does noL mean LhaL lL wlll noL leak ln Lhe
near fuLure As a munlclpal governmenL lL ls our responslblllLy Lo Lake care of Lhe clLy and Lhe
clLlzens LhaL lnhablL lL 8y addresslng Lhls lssue we ellmlnaLe any chance or posslblllLy of
polsonlng Lhe clLlzens of 8rampLon
We musL noL forgeL LhaL Lhe blrds flsh anlmals and wlldllfe are also clLlzens LhaL
lnhablL 8rampLon and we musL also make lL our efforL Lo proLecL Lhem lf Loxlc chemlcals from
Lhls dump slLe seep lnLo Lhe ground Lhey wlll also polson Lhe wlldllfe LhaL flourlsh ln Lhe

LasLly lf Lhls problem ls noL addressed now lL can prove Lo be even more expenslve ln
Lhe fuLure lf Lhe area has Lo be closed off llke Love Canal 8rampLon wlll lose a loL of land area
and Lhe cosL for cleanup wlll be far greaLer Lhan Lhe cosL we face now for LransporLlng Lhe
drums Lo a new dlsposal slLe
nvironmento/ Prob/em n Municipo/ Pier ond worehouse Overrun with kots
An aged munlclpal pler and a warehouse are eyesores and are overrun wlLh raLs 1he pler musL
be replaced and Lhe warehouse converLed lnLo a new waLerfronL shopplng cenLer
CCS@ 54
ln order for a clLy Lo malnLaln lLself Lhey musL be reLroflLLed" 1hls ls a Lerm LhaL urban
planners use Lo call feaLures LhaL are updaLed or changed ConverLlng Lhe warehouse lnLo a
mall and replaclng Lhe pler have lmmense beneflLs 1he followlng are reasons why Lhls problem
should be addressed
llrsLly raLs spread dlseases 8aLs are rodenLs LhaL are known for carrylng harmful
vlruses and dlseases much llke mosqulLoes lf Lhey are noL LermlnaLed from Lhe clLy Lhen Lhe
ouLcome could be caLasLrophlc We are all aware of Lhe ouLcome of LasLer lsland and one of
Lhe ma[or conLrlbuLors Lo Lhe demlse of Lhe LasLer lslanders was dlseases spread by raLs lf Lhls
lssue ls noL addressed Lhen Lhe raL populaLlon wlll conLlnue Lo lncrease and wlll soon geL ouL of
hand maklng us vulnerable Lo experlenclng anoLher epldemlc
Secondly converLlng Lhe old warehouse lnLo a shopplng cenLer can prove Lo be very
economlcally beneflclal Lo Lhe clLy noL only wlll lL provlde numerous employmenL openlngs for

Lhe clLlzens buL lL wlll promoLe economlc growLh and wlll brlng ln lncreased Lax revenue for Lhe
clLy 1hls money can be furLher used Lo combaL more envlronmenLal problems ln Lhe fuLure
LasLly converLlng Lhe warehouse lnLo a mall and replaclng Lhe pler wlll enhance Lhe
overall beauLy of Lhe clLy 1hls space LhaL ls currenLly belng unused wlll have an opporLunlLy Lo
be used Cverall Lhere ls a loL Lo galn from followlng Lhrough wlLh Lhls pro[ecL
AMCun1 Cl MCnL? LLl1 CvL8 lC8 nLx1 ?LA8 $1 400 000

ear Tbree
8UDGL@ ICk @nL Lk 54 4
nvironmento/ Prob/em 6
Cld clLy owned publlc works Lrucks are nolsy and uneconomlcal 1he
Lrucks musL be replaced wlLh new quleLer and more energyefflclenL
CCS@ 57
ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes cars and Lrucks emlL 7 mllllon Lons of CC2 emlsslons a day Canada
ls probably noL so far behlnd 8eplaclng Lhe old Lrucks wlLh more energy efflclenL Lrucks can
prove Lo have many poslLlve resulLs for Lhe clLy of 8rampLon 1he followlng are Lhree reasons
why Lhls problem should be addressed
llrsLly Lhls change would drasLlcally reduce nolse polluLlon and make Lhe resldenLs of
Lhe clLy much happler Slnce Lrucks generally Lravel long dlsLances Lhrough hlghways LhaL cuL
Lhrough foresLs Lhe decrease ln nolse polluLlons wlll also beneflL any anlmals LhaL llve ln Lhe
Secondly energy efflclenL Lrucks can be noLhlng buL good for Lhe envlronmenL 8y
swlLchlng Lo Lhese Lrucks we are seLLlng an example for oLher clLles Lo parLlclpaLe ln belng
envlronmenLally frlendly 8y uslng energy efflclenL Lrucks we are savlng energy for fuLure
generaLlons whlle polluLlng Lhe alr less
llnally swlLchlng Lo energy efflclenL Lrucks ls much more economlcally beneflclal Lhan
Lhe currenL Lrucks 1hese Lrucks wlll use less gas CurrenL gas prlces are a problem for

everybody and aL Lhe raLe LhaL Lhey're lncreaslng our besL beL for savlng money ln Lerms of
LransporLaLlon ls swlLchlng Lo Lhese Lrucks
nvironmento/ Prob/em l 1he 5ewoqe uisposo/ P/ont
1he sewage dlsposal planL ls ouLdaLed and overloaded
Some sewage empLles lnLo Lhe local rlver and polluLes
Lhe beaches LxlsLlng sewage faclllLles musL be
expanded Lo meeL larger demands
CCS@ 53 4
Sewage belng empLled lnLo naLural bodles of waLer ls a serlous problem 1hls problem
musL be addressed for Lhe followlng reasons
llrsLly anyLhlng LhaL was noL ln Lhe naLural bodles of waLer Lo begln wlLh should noL be
Lhere now lL ls wrong for sewage Lo be empLylng ouL Lhere and for us Lo slL back and waLch
1here ls a loL of marlne llfe flushlng ln Lhese waLers and why should Lhey llve ln our wasLe? A loL
of our wasLe ls Loxlc Lo Lhese organlsms and could poLenLlally klll Lhem 1hls wlll resulL ln a loss
of blodlverslLy whlch ulLlmaLely hurLs us humans
As menLloned earller rlvers furLher empLy lnLo Lakes and we geL our drlnklng waLer
from Lhere uo we really wanL Lo drlnk waLer LhaL we have conLamlnaLed ourselves? ln addlLlon
Lo Lhls we could poLenLlally be creaLlng dead zones ln our Lake 8y lnvesLlng ln Lhls lnlLlaLlve
we are decreaslng polluLlon LhaL wlll ralse Lhe sLandard of our healLh and Lhe planeL's healLh
LasLly lL ls essenLlal for any clLy Lo have up Lo daLe faclllLles lf Lhls problem ls noL
addressed now lL wlll have Lo be addressed laLer Lo accommodaLe some space for Lhe sewage

wasLe Lxpandlng Lhe faclllLles ls lnevlLable because Lhe producLlon of sewage wasLe wlll never
nvironmento/ Prob/em l 1he 4bondoned loctory
1he clLy has acqulred a rundown abandoned facLory because Lhe
owners falled Lo pay Lhelr Laxes 1hls eyesore ls near Lhe clLy hall
1he facLory should be Lorn down and converLed lnLo a park
CCS@ 57
1hls year afLer compleLlng Lhe Lwo prevlous pro[ecL Lhere ls $11 000 000 lefL Lo work
wlLh lrom Lhe remalnlng problems Lhe abandoned facLory ls Lhe only one LhaL can be flxed
wlLh Lhls lump sum Powever solvlng Lhls problem has many beneflLs 1he followlng are Lhree
reasons why Lhls facLory should be converLed lnLo a park
llrsLly lL ls currenLly belng of no use lL ls unslghLly and serves no purpose lf lL was
converLed lnLo a park lL would be accesslble Lo Lhe publlc and would become one more green
space for Lhe clLy 8ecause lL ls locaLed so close Lo clLy hall havlng a park Lhere would speak for
Lhe clLy and represenL lL as an envlronmenLally frlendly Lown
Secondly a park would requlre Lhe planLlng of numerous Lrees whlch would noL only
cleanse Lhe alr buL provlde oxygen Lo us humans 1he park would also provlde home Lo many
anlmals such as squlrrels lnsecLs and blrds All ln all Lhe park serves a much useful purpose
Lhan Lhe currenL abandoned facLory does

llnally Lhe park requlres much less malnLenance Lhan Lhe currenL facLory does lL does
noL need Lo be Laken care of as much as Lhe facLory and Lhe publlc wlll prove Lo be an excellenL
place for Lhe resldenLs Lo hang ouL"
AMCun1 Cl MCnL? LLl1 CvL8 lC8 nLx1 ?LA8 $4 000 000

ear Four
8UDGL@ ICk @nL Lk 544
nvironmento/ Prob/em 4 Noise from on xpresswoy
nolse from an expressway ls dlsLurblng local resldenLs 1he proposed soluLlon ls Lhe lnsLallaLlon
of a sound barrler ln Lhe form of a Lhree meLer hlgh concreLe wall along Lhe expressway
1hls problem was saved unLll Lhe end because lL dld noL seem llke such a blg concern
Powever Lhere are many pros Lo havlng lL flxed 1he followlng are Lhree reasons ln favor of
flxlng Lhls problem
llrsLly flxlng Lhls problem wlll keep local resldenLs happy abouL noL havlng Lo deal wlLh
nolse polluLlon and wlll allow Lhe resldenLs Lo llve ln peace and serenlLy lL wlll make Lhem feel
llke Lhelr Lax money ls deflnlLely golng Lowards creaLlng a beLLer clLy llfe for Lhem and Lhey wlll
be happler wlLh Lhe clLy for meeLlng Lhelr needs
Secondly lL wlll prevenL people from movlng away from Lhe clLy because of Lhe nolse
polluLlon A loL of people may have problems sleeplng because of Lhe nolse from Lhe
expressway and Lhls change wlll ellmlnaLe LhaL problem
LasLly bulldlng a Lhree meLer hlgh concreLe wall wlll also ensure LhaL anlmals do noL flnd
Lhemselves walklng lnLo Lhe mlddle of Lhe expressway and wlll ensure LhaL Lhey are safe and
away from any human developmenL LhaL could geL Lhem kllled

nvironmento/ Prob/em u Noise Po//uti on from 4ircroft ot 4irport

lnLense nolse ls belng produced by alrcrafL uslng a munlclpal alrporL 1he soluLlon ls Lhe
consLrucLlon of a new and lmproved runway
CCS@ 524
1hls ls Lhe lasL pro[ecL LhaL ls ln Lhe budgeL LhaL l belleve should be solved lL ls lefL for
Lhe end because lL ls noL harmful Lo anybody or Lo Lhe envlronmenL Powever flxlng lL would
resulL ln beneflLs for Lhe clLy of 8rampLon
1hls pro[ecL was saved unLll Lhe end because lf lL dld noL geL flxed lL would noL be a
ma[or problem 1he worsL LhaL can happen ls LhaL people would geL annoyed of Lhe nolse and
begln Lo move away 1o avold Lhls and Lo allow for furLher resldenLlal developmenL Lo occur
around Lhe alrporL Lhls pro[ecL needs Lo be lnvesLed ln
Secondly a beLLer runway wlll add Lo Lhe lnfrasLrucLure Lo our clLy and make lL more
developed Lvery clLy musL have someLhlng Lo show off and be proud of
llnally by changlng Lhe runway 8rampLon ls glvlng LourlsLs a smooLh welcome and a
wonderful flrsL lmpresslon 1hls may resulL ln frequenL reLurnlng LourlsLs whlch could greaLly
help ouL economy
AMCun1 Cl MCnL? LLl1 CvL8 lC8 nLx1 ?LA8 $4 300 000

Not Cbosen

nvironmento/ Prob/em lunkyord fi/ /ed with cors

An ugly [unkyard fllled wlLh cars occuples Lhe clLyowned land nexL Lo a new houslng
developmenL 1he soluLlon ls Lo bulld a Lhree meLer hlgh solld fence around Lhe yard Lo hlde lL
from vlew
CCS@ 5S 4
1hls pro[ecL was noL chosen because Lhe soluLlon does noL exacLly ellmlnaLe Lhe problem lL
slmply covers lL up 8y bulldlng a fence around Lhe [unkyard Lhe only Lhlng LhaL ls belng
accompllshed ls LhaL people don'L have Lo look aL an unslghLly slLe Colng Lhrough wlLh Lhls
pro[ecL acLually has more cons Lhan pros because lL dlscourages recycllng CurrenLly a loL of
people musL vlslL Lhe [unkyard Lo reuse old maLerlal 8y puLLlng up a fence around Lhe area Lhe
clLy ls cuLLlng off access Lo Lhe [unkyard lf Lhe [unk yard ls a paln because lL ls Loo close Lo a
resldenLlal area Lhe soluLlon of movlng lL Lo Lhe ouLsklrLs of Lhe clLy should be consldered

1here ls so much LhaL occurs ln naLure LhaL mosL people are compleLely unaware of 1hls
fleldLrlp reporL demonsLraLes merely a fracLlon of really occurs ln Lhe real world 1he lmmense
power of glaclers and Lhe

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