Sie sind auf Seite 1von 17


1 Whlch ls Lhe prlmary goal of communlLy healLh nurslng?

O 1o supporL and supplemenL Lhe efforLs of Lhe medlcal
professlon ln Lhe promoLlon of healLh and prevenLlon of lllness
O 1o enhance the capac|ty of |nd|v|dua|s fam|||es and
commun|t|es to cope w|th the|r hea|th needs
O 1o lncrease Lhe producLlvlLy of Lhe people by provldlng Lhem
wlLh servlces LhaL wlll lncrease Lhelr level of healLh
O 1o conLrlbuLe Lo naLlonal developmenL Lhrough promoLlon of
famlly welfare focuslng parLlcularly on moLhers and chlldren
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale (8) 1o enhance Lhe capaclLy of lndlvlduals
famllles and communlLles Lo cope wlLh Lhelr healLh needs 1o conLrlbuLe Lo
naLlonal developmenL Lhrough promoLlon of famlly welfare focuslng
parLlcularly on moLhers and chlldren

2 - ls a communlLybased pracLlce Whlch besL explalns Lhls sLaLemenL?
O 1he servlce ls provlded ln Lhe naLural envlronmenL of people
O 8 1he nurse has Lo conducL communlLy dlagnosls Lo deLermlne
nurslng needs and problems
O C 1he serv|ces are based on the ava||ab|e resources w|th|n the
O rlorlLy seLLlng ls based on Lhe magnlLude of Lhe healLh
problems ldenLlfled
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale (8) 1he nurse has Lo conducL communlLy
dlagnosls Lo deLermlne nurslng needs and problems ommunlLybased
pracLlce means provldlng care Lo people ln Lhelr own naLural envlronmenLs
Lhe home school and workplace for example

3 opulaLlonfocused nurslng pracLlce requlres whlch of Lhe followlng
O ommunlLy organlzlng
O Nurs|ng process
O ommunlLy dlagnosls
O Lpldemlologlc process
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale () ommunlLy dlagnosls opulaLlonfocused
nurslng care means provldlng care based on Lhe greaLer need of Lhe ma[orlLy
of Lhe populaLlon 1he greaLer need ls ldenLlfled Lhrough communlLy

4 8 1034 ls also known as Lhe CccupaLlonal ealLh cL slde from
number of employees whaL oLher facLor musL be consldered ln deLermlnlng
Lhe occupaLlonal healLh prlvlleges Lo whlch Lhe workers wlll be enLlLled?
O A 1ype of occupat|on agr|cu|tura| commerc|a| |ndustr|a|
O 8 LocaLlon of Lhe workplace ln relaLlon Lo healLh faclllLles
O lasslflcaLlon of Lhe buslness enLerprlse based on neL proflL
O Sex and age composlLlon of employees
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale (8) LocaLlon of Lhe workplace ln relaLlon Lo healLh
faclllLles 8ased on 8 1034 an occupaLlonal nurse musL be employed when
Lhere are 30 Lo 100 employees and Lhe workplace ls more Lhan 1 km away
from Lhe nearesL healLh cenLer

3 buslness flrm musL employ an occupaLlonal healLh nurse when lL has aL
leasL how many employees?
O A 21
O 8 101
O 201
O 301
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale (8) 101 galn Lhls ls based on 8 1034

6 When Lhe occupaLlonal healLh nurse employs ergonomlc prlnclples she ls
performlng whlch of her roles?
O ealLh care provlder
O 8 ealLh educaLor
O ealLh care coordlnaLor
O Lnv|ronmenta| manager
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale LnvlronmenLal manager Lrgonomlcs ls
lmprovlng efflclency of workers by lmprovlng Lhe worker's envlronmenL
Lhrough approprlaLely deslgned furnlLure for example

7 garmenL facLory does noL have an occupaLlonal nurse Who shall provlde
Lhe occupaLlonal healLh needs of Lhe facLory workers?
O CccupaLlonal healLh nurse aL Lhe rovlnclal ealLh Cfflce
O 8 hyslclan employed by Lhe facLory
O C ub||c hea|th nurse of the knU of the|r mun|c|pa||ty
O 8ural sanlLary lnspecLor of Lhe 8D of Lhelr munlclpallLy
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale ubllc healLh nurse of Lhe 8D of Lhelr
munlclpallLy ?ou're rlghL! 1hls quesLlon ls based on 81034
8 ubllc healLh servlces are glven free of charge" ls Lhls sLaLemenL Lrue or
O A 1he statement |s true |t |s the respons|b|||ty of government to
prov|de bas|c serv|ces
O 8 1he sLaLemenL ls false people pay lndlrecLly for publlc healLh
O 1he sLaLemenL may be Lrue or false dependlng on Lhe speclflc
servlce requlred
O 1he sLaLemenL may be Lrue or false dependlng on pollcles of
Lhe governmenL concerned
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale 1he sLaLemenL ls false people pay lndlrecLly
for publlc healLh servlces ommunlLy healLh servlces lncludlng publlc healLh
servlces are prepald servlces Lhough LaxaLlon for example
9 ccordlng Lo LWlnslow whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe goal of ubllc
O lor people Lo aLLaln Lhelr blrLhrlghLs of healLh and longevlLy
O Ior promot|on of hea|th and prevent|on of d|sease
O lor people Lo have access Lo baslc healLh servlces
O lor people Lo be organlzed ln Lhelr healLh efforLs
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale lor people Lo aLLaln Lhelr blrLhrlghLs of healLh
and longevlLy ccordlng Lo Wlnslow all publlc healLh efforLs are for people
Lo reallze Lhelr blrLhrlghLs of healLh and longevlLy
10 We say LhaL a llllplno has aLLalned longevlLy when he ls able Lo reach Lhe
average llfespan of llllplnos WhaL oLher sLaLlsLlc may be used Lo deLermlne
aLLalnmenL of longevlLy?
O gespeclflc morLallLy raLe
O 8 roporLlonaLe morLallLy raLe
O C Swaroop's |ndex
O ase faLallLy raLe
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonaleSwaroop's lndex Swaroop's lndex ls Lhe
percenLage of Lhe deaLhs aged 30 years or older lLs lnverse represenLs Lhe
percenLage of unLlmely deaLhs (Lhose who dled younger Lhan 30 years)
11 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe mosL promlnenL feaLure of publlc healLh
O lL lnvolves provldlng home care Lo slck people who are noL
conflned ln Lhe hosplLal
O 8 Servlces are provlded free of charge Lo people wlLhln Lhe
caLchmenL area
O C 1he pub||c hea|th nurse funct|ons as part of a team prov|d|ng a
pub||c hea|th nurs|ng serv|ces
O ubllc healLh nurslng focuses on prevenLlve noL curaLlve
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonaleubllc healLh nurslng focuses on prevenLlve
noL curaLlve servlces 1he caLchmenL area ln - conslsLs of a resldenLlal
communlLy many of whom are well lndlvlduals who have greaLer need for
prevenLlve raLher Lhan curaLlve servlces
12 ccordlng Lo MargareL SheLland Lhe phllosophy of publlc healLh nurslng
ls based on whlch of Lhe followlng?
O ealLh and longevlLy as blrLhrlghLs
O 8 1he mandaLe of Lhe sLaLe Lo proLecL Lhe blrLhrlghLs of lLs
O ubllc healLh nurslng as a speclallzed fleld of nurslng
O 1he worth and d|gn|ty of man
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale1he worLh and dlgnlLy of man 1hls ls a dlrecL
quoLe from r MargareL SheLland's sLaLemenLs on ubllc ealLh -urslng
13 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe mlsslon of Lhe eparLmenL of ealLh?
O A nea|th for a|| I|||p|nos
O 8 Lnsure Lhe accesslblllLy and quallLy of healLh care
O lmprove Lhe general healLh sLaLus of Lhe populaLlon
O ealLh ln Lhe hands of Lhe llllplno people by Lhe year 2020
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale Lnsure Lhe accesslblllLy and quallLy of healLh
care (none)
14 8eglon lv osplLal ls classlfled as whaL level of faclllLy?
O rlmary
O 8 Secondary
O lnLermedlaLe
O 1ert|ary
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale1erLlary 8eglonal hosplLals are LerLlary faclllLles
because Lhey serve as Lralnlng hosplLals for Lhe reglon
13 Whlch ls Lrue of prlmary faclllLles?
O 1hey are usually governmenLrun
O 8 1helr servlces are provlded on an ouLpaLlenL basls
O 1hey are Lralnlng faclllLles for healLh professlonals
O A commun|ty hosp|ta| |s an examp|e of th|s |eve| of hea|th
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale1helr servlces are provlded on an ouLpaLlenL
basls rlmary faclllLles governmenL and nongovernmenL faclllLles LhaL
provlde baslc ouLpaLlenL servlces
16 Whlch ls an example of Lhe school nurse's healLh care provlder funcLlons?
O 8equesLlng for 8 from Lhe 8D for school enLranL
O 8 onducLlng random classroom lnspecLlon durlng a measles
O C 1ak|ng remed|a| act|on on an acc|dent hazard |n the schoo|
O Cbservlng places ln Lhe school where puplls spend Lhelr free
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonaleonducLlng random classroom lnspecLlon
durlng a measles epldemlc 8andom classroom lnspecLlon ls assessmenL of
puplls/sLudenLs and Leachers for slgns of a healLh problem prevalenL ln Lhe
17 When Lhe nurse deLermlnes wheLher resources were maxlmlzed ln
lmplemenLlng LlgLas 1lgdas she ls evaluaLlng
O LffecLlveness
O 8 Lfflclency
O C Adequacy
O pproprlaLeness
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonaleLfflclency Lfflclency ls deLermlnlng wheLher
Lhe goals were aLLalned aL Lhe leasL posslble cosL
18 ?ou are a new 8S- graduaLe ?ou wanL Lo become a ubllc ealLh
-urse Where wlll you apply?
O eparLmenL of ealLh
O rov|nc|a| nea|th Cff|ce
O 8eglonal ealLh Cfflce
O 8ural ealLh DnlL
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale8ural ealLh DnlL 8 7160 devolved baslc
healLh servlces Lo local governmenL unlLs (LD's ) 1he publlc healLh nurse ls
an employee of Lhe LD
19 8 7160 mandaLes devoluLlon of baslc servlces from Lhe naLlonal
governmenL Lo local governmenL unlLs Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe ma[or
goal of devoluLlon?
O 1o sLrengLhen local governmenL unlLs
O 8 1o allow greaLer auLonomy Lo local governmenL unlLs
O C 1o empower the peop|e and promote the|r se|fre||ance
O 1o make baslc servlces more accesslble Lo Lhe people
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale1o empower Lhe people and promoLe Lhelr
selfrellance eople empowermenL ls Lhe baslc moLlvaLlon behlnd devoluLlon
of baslc servlces Lo LD's
20 Who ls Lhe halrman of Lhe Munlclpal ealLh 8oard?
O A Mayor
O 8 Munlclpal ealLh Cfflcer
O ubllc ealLh -urse
O ny quallfled physlclan
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale Mayor 1he local execuLlve serves as Lhe
chalrman of Lhe Munlclpal ealLh 8oard
21 Whlch level of healLh faclllLy ls Lhe usual polnL of enLry of a cllenL lnLo Lhe
healLh care dellvery sysLem?
O A r|mary
O 8 Secondary
O lnLermedlaLe
O 1erLlary
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale rlmary 1he enLry of a person lnLo Lhe healLh
care dellvery sysLem ls usually Lhrough a consulLaLlon ln ouLpaLlenL servlces
22 1he publlc healLh nurse ls Lhe supervlsor of rural healLh mldwlves Whlch
of Lhe followlng ls a supervlsory funcLlon of Lhe publlc healLh nurse?
O 8eferrlng cases or paLlenLs Lo Lhe mldwlfe
O rov|d|ng techn|ca| gu|dance to the m|dw|fe
O rovldlng nurslng care Lo cases referred by Lhe mldwlfe
O lormulaLlng and lmplemenLlng Lralnlng programs for mldwlves
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonalerovldlng Lechnlcal guldance Lo Lhe mldwlfe
1he nurse provldes Lechnlcal guldance Lo Lhe mldwlfe ln Lhe care of cllenLs
parLlcularly ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of managemenL guldellnes as ln
lnLegraLed ManagemenL of hlldhood lllness
23 Cne of Lhe parLlclpanLs ln a hlloL Lralnlng class asked you Lo whom she
should refer a paLlenL ln labor who develops a compllcaLlon ?ou wlll answer
Lo Lhe
O ubllc ealLh -urse
O kura| nea|th M|dw|fe
O Munlclpal ealLh Cfflcer
O ny of Lhese healLh professlonals
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale Munlclpal ealLh Cfflcer publlc healLh nurse
and rural healLh mldwlfe can provlde care durlng normal chlldblrLh
physlclan should aLLend Lo a woman wlLh a compllcaLlon durlng labor
24 ?ou are Lhe publlc healLh nurse ln a munlclpallLy wlLh a LoLal populaLlon
of abouL 20000 1here are 3 rural healLh mldwlves among Lhe 8D
personnel ow many more mldwlfe lLems wlll Lhe 8D need?
O 1
O 8 2
O 3
O 1he knU does not need any more m|dw|fe |tem
orrecL nswer () 1 8aLlonale Lach rural healLh mldwlfe ls glven a
populaLlon asslgnmenL of abouL 3000
23 lf Lhe 8D needs addlLlonal mldwlfe lLems you wlll submlL Lhe requesL
for addlLlonal mldwlfe lLems for approval Lo Lhe
O A kura| nea|th Un|t
O 8 lsLrlcL ealLh Cfflce
O rovlnclal ealLh Cfflce
O Munlclpal ealLh 8oard
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonaleMunlclpal ealLh 8oard s mandaLed by 8
7160 baslc healLh servlces have been devolved from Lhe naLlonal
governmenL Lo local governmenL unlLs
26 s an epldemlologlsL Lhe nurse ls responslble for reporLlng cases of
noLlflable dlseases WhaL law mandaLes reporLlng of cases of noLlflable
O A Act 3S73
O 8 8 3733
O 8 1034
O 8 1082
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale cL 3373 cL 3373 Lhe Law on 8eporLlng of
ommunlcable lseases enacLed ln 1929 mandaLed Lhe reporLlng of
dlseases llsLed ln Lhe law Lo Lhe nearesL healLh sLaLlon
27 ccordlng Lo lreeman and elnrlch communlLy healLh nurslng ls a
developmenLal servlce Whlch of Lhe followlng besL lllusLraLes Lhls
O A 1he commun|ty hea|th nurse cont|nuous|y deve|ops h|mse|f
persona||y and profess|ona||y
O 8 ealLh educaLlon and communlLy organlzlng are necessary ln
provldlng communlLy healLh servlces
O ommunlLy healLh nurslng ls lnLended prlmarlly for healLh
promoLlon and prevenLlon and LreaLmenL of dlsease
O 1he goal of communlLy healLh nurslng ls Lo provlde nurslng
servlces Lo people ln Lhelr own places of resldence
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale ealLh educaLlon and communlLy organlzlng
are necessary ln provldlng communlLy healLh servlces 1he communlLy healLh
nurse develops Lhe healLh capablllLy of people Lhrough healLh educaLlon and
communlLy organlzlng acLlvlLles
28 Whlch dlsease was declared Lhrough resldenLlal roclamaLlon -o 4 as a
LargeL for eradlcaLlon ln Lhe hlllpplnes?
O A o||omye||t|s
O 8 Measles
O 8ables
O -eonaLal LeLanus
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale Measles resldenLlal roclamaLlon -o 4 ls on
Lhe LlgLas 1lgdas rogram
29 1he publlc healLh nurse ls responslble for presenLlng Lhe munlclpal healLh
sLaLlsLlcs uslng graphs and Lables 1o compare Lhe frequency of Lhe leadlng
causes of morLallLy ln Lhe munlclpallLy whlch graph wlll you prepare?
O Llne
O ar
O le
O ScaLLer dlagram
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale 8ar bar graph ls used Lo presenL comparlson
of values a llne graph for Lrends over Llme or age a ple graph for populaLlon
composlLlon or dlsLrlbuLlon and a scaLLer dlagram for correlaLlon of Lwo
30 Whlch sLep ln communlLy organlzlng lnvolves Lralnlng of poLenLlal leaders
ln Lhe communlLy?
O lnLegraLlon
O 8 ommunlLy organlzaLlon
O ommunlLy sLudy
O Core group format|on
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale ore group formaLlon ln core group
formaLlon Lhe nurse ls able Lo Lransfer Lhe Lechnology of communlLy
organlzlng Lo Lhe poLenLlal or lnformal communlLy leaders Lhrough a Lralnlng
31 ln whlch sLep are plans formulaLed for solvlng communlLy problems?
O MoblllzaLlon
O Commun|ty organ|zat|on
O lollowup/exLenslon
O ore group formaLlon
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale ommunlLy organlzaLlon ommunlLy
organlzaLlon ls Lhe sLep when communlLy assemblles Lake place urlng Lhe
communlLy assembly Lhe people may opL Lo formallze Lhe communlLy
organlzaLlon and make plans for communlLy acLlon Lo resolve a communlLy
healLh problem
32 1he publlc healLh nurse Lakes an acLlve role ln communlLy parLlclpaLlon
WhaL ls Lhe prlmary goal of communlLy organlzlng?
O 1o educaLe Lhe people regardlng communlLy healLh problems
O 1o mob|||ze the peop|e to reso|ve commun|ty hea|th prob|ems
O 1o maxlmlze Lhe communlLy's resources ln deallng wlLh healLh
O 1o maxlmlze Lhe communlLy's resources ln deallng wlLh healLh
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale 1o maxlmlze Lhe communlLy's resources ln
deallng wlLh healLh problems ommunlLy organlzlng ls a developmenLal
servlce wlLh Lhe goal of developlng Lhe people's selfrellance ln deallng wlLh
communlLy healLh problems 8 and are ob[ecLlves of conLrlbuLory
ob[ecLlves Lo Lhls goal
33 n lndlcaLor of success ln communlLy organlzlng ls when people are able
O arLlclpaLe ln communlLy acLlvlLles for Lhe soluLlon of a
communlLy problem
O 8 lmplemenL acLlvlLles for Lhe soluLlon of Lhe communlLy problem
O lan acLlvlLles for Lhe soluLlon of Lhe communlLy problem
O Ident|fy the hea|th prob|em as a common concern
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale arLlclpaLe ln communlLy acLlvlLles for Lhe
soluLlon of a communlLy problem arLlclpaLlon ln communlLy acLlvlLles ln
resolvlng a communlLy problem may be ln any of Lhe processes menLloned ln
Lhe oLher cholces
34 1erLlary prevenLlon ls needed ln whlch sLage of Lhe naLural hlsLory of
O repaLhogenesls
O 8 aLhogenesls
O rodromal
O 1erm|na|
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale 1ermlnal 1erLlary prevenLlon lnvolves
rehablllLaLlon prevenLlon of permanenL dlsablllLy and dlsablllLy llmlLaLlon
approprlaLe for convalescenLs Lhe dlsabled compllcaLed cases and Lhe
Lermlnally lll (Lhose ln Lhe Lermlnal sLage of a dlsease)
33 lsolaLlon of a chlld wlLh measles belongs Lo whaL level of prevenLlon?
O rlmary
O 8 Secondary
O lnLermedlaLe
O 1ert|ary
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale rlmary 1he purpose of lsolaLlng a cllenL wlLh
a communlcable dlsease ls Lo proLecL Lhose who are noL slck (speclflc dlsease
36 Cn Lhe oLher hand CperaLlon 1lmbang ls _____ prevenLlon
O A r|mary
O 8 Secondary
O lnLermedlaLe
O 1erLlary
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonaleSecondary CperaLlon 1lmbang ls done Lo
ldenLlfy members of Lhe suscepLlble populaLlon who are malnourlshed lLs
purpose ls early dlagnosls and subsequenLly prompL LreaLmenL
37 Whlch Lype of famllynurse conLacL wlll provlde you wlLh Lhe besL
opporLunlLy Lo observe famlly dynamlcs?
O llnlc consulLaLlon
O 8 roup conference
O C nome v|s|t
O WrlLLen communlcaLlon
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale ome vlslL ynamlcs of famlly relaLlonshlps
can besL be observed ln Lhe famlly's naLural envlronmenL whlch ls Lhe home
38 1he Lypology of famlly nurslng problems ls used ln Lhe sLaLemenL of
nurslng dlagnosls ln Lhe care of famllles 1he youngesL chlld of Lhe de los
8eyes famlly has been dlagnosed as menLally reLarded 1hls ls classlfled as a
O ealLh LhreaL
O nea|th def|c|t
O loreseeable crlsls
O SLress polnL
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale ealLh deflclL lallure of a famlly member Lo
develop accordlng Lo whaL ls expecLed as ln menLal reLardaLlon ls a healLh
39 1he de los 8eyes couple have a 6year old chlld enLerlng school for Lhe
flrsL Llme 1he de los 8eyes famlly has a
O ealLh LhreaL
O 8 ealLh deflclL
O loreseeable crlsls
O Stress po|nt
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale loreseeable crlsls LnLry of Lhe 6year old lnLo
school ls an anLlclpaLed perlod of unusual demand on Lhe famlly
40 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls an advanLage of a home vlslL?
O lL allows Lhe nurse Lo provlde nurslng care Lo a greaLer number
of people
O It prov|des an opportun|ty to do f|rst hand appra|sa| of the
home s|tuat|on
O lL allows sharlng of experlences among people wlLh slmllar
healLh problems
O lL develops Lhe famlly's lnlLlaLlve ln provldlng for healLh needs
of lLs members
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale lL provldes an opporLunlLy Lo do flrsL hand
appralsal of Lhe home slLuaLlon holce ls noL correcL slnce a home vlslL
requlres LhaL Lhe nurse spend so much Llme wlLh Lhe famlly holce ls an
advanLage of a group conference whlle cholce ls Lrue of a cllnlc
41 Whlch ls C-188? Lo Lhe prlnclples ln plannlng a home vlslL?
O home vlslL should have a purpose or ob[ecLlve
O 8 1he plan should revolve around famlly healLh needs
O C A home v|s|t shou|d be conducted |n the manner prescr|bed
by the knU
O lannlng of conLlnulng care should lnvolve a responslble famlly
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale home vlslL should be conducLed ln Lhe
manner prescrlbed by Lhe 8D 1he home vlslL plan should be flexlble and
pracLlcal dependlng on facLors such as Lhe famlly's needs and Lhe resources
avallable Lo Lhe nurse and Lhe famlly
42 1he - bag ls an lmporLanL Lool ln provldlng nurslng care durlng a home
vlslL 1he mosL lmporLanL prlnclple of bag Lechnlque sLaLes LhaL lL
O Should save Llme and efforL
O 8 Should mlnlmlze lf noL LoLally prevenL Lhe spread of lnfecLlon
O C Shou|d not overshadow concern for the pat|ent and h|s fam||y
O May be done ln a varleLy of ways dependlng on Lhe home
slLuaLlon eLc
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale Should mlnlmlze lf noL LoLally prevenL Lhe
spread oflnfecLlon 8ag Lechnlque ls performed before and afLer handllng a
cllenL ln Lhe home Lo prevenL Lransmlsslon of lnfecLlon Lo and from Lhe
43 1o malnLaln Lhe cleanllness of Lhe bag and lLs conLenLs whlch of Lhe
followlng musL Lhe nurse do?
O A Wash h|s]her hands before and after prov|d|ng nurs|ng care to
the fam||y members
O 8 ln Lhe care of famlly members as much as posslble use only
arLlcles Laken from Lhe bag
O uL on an apron Lo proLecL her unlform and fold lL wlLh Lhe
rlghL slde ouL before puLLlng lL back lnLo Lhe bag
O L Lhe end of Lhe vlslL fold Lhe llnlng on whlch Lhe bag was
placed ensurlng LhaL Lhe conLamlnaLed slde ls on Lhe ouLslde
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale Wash hls/her hands before and afLer
provldlng nurslng care Lo Lhe famlly members holce 8 goes agalnsL Lhe ldea
of uLlllzlng Lhe famlly's resources whlch ls encouraged ln - holces and
goes agalnsL Lhe prlnclple of asepsls of conflnlng Lhe conLamlnaLed surface
of ob[ecLs
44 1he publlc healLh nurse conducLs a sLudy on Lhe facLors conLrlbuLlng Lo
Lhe hlgh morLallLy raLe due Lo hearL dlsease ln Lhe munlclpallLy where she
works Whlch branch of Lpldemlology does Lhe nurse pracLlce ln Lhls
O A escr|pt|ve
O 8 nalyLlcal
O 1herapeuLlc
O LvaluaLlon
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale nalyLlcal nalyLlcal Lpldemlology ls Lhe sLudy
of facLors or deLermlnanLs affecLlng Lhe paLLerns of occurrence and
dlsLrlbuLlon of dlsease ln a communlLy
43 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls a funcLlon of Lpldemlology?
O ldenLlfylng Lhe dlsease condlLlon based on manlfesLaLlons
presenLed by a cllenL
O eterm|n|ng factors that contr|buted to the occurrence of
pneumon|a |n a 3 year o|d
O eLermlnlng Lhe efflcacy of Lhe anLlbloLlc used ln Lhe LreaLmenL
of Lhe 3 year old cllenL wlLh pneumonla
O LvaluaLlng Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe
lnLegraLed ManagemenL of hlldhood lllness
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale LvaluaLlng Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe lnLegraLed ManagemenL of hlldhood
lllness Lpldemlology ls used ln Lhe assessmenL of a communlLy or evaluaLlon
of lnLervenLlons ln communlLy healLh pracLlce
46 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls an epldemlologlc funcLlon of Lhe nurse durlng
an epldemlc?
O onducLlng assessmenL of suspecLed cases Lo deLecL Lhe
communlcable dlsease
O 8 MonlLorlng Lhe condlLlon of Lhe cases affecLed by Lhe
communlcable dlsease
O C art|c|pat|ng |n the |nvest|gat|on to determ|ne the source of
the ep|dem|c
O 1eachlng Lhe communlLy on prevenLlve measures agalnsL Lhe
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale arLlclpaLlng ln Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon Lo deLermlne
Lhe source of Lhe epldemlc Lpldemlology ls Lhe sLudy of paLLerns of
occurrence and dlsLrlbuLlon of dlsease ln Lhe communlLy as well as Lhe
facLors LhaL affecL dlsease paLLerns 1he purpose of an epldemlologlc
lnvesLlgaLlon ls Lo ldenLlfy Lhe source of an epldemlc le whaL broughL
abouL Lhe epldemlc
47 1he prlmary purpose of conducLlng an epldemlologlc lnvesLlgaLlon ls Lo
O ellneaLe Lhe eLlology of Lhe epldemlc
O 8 Lncourage cooperaLlon and supporL of Lhe communlLy
O ldenLlfy groups who are aL rlsk of conLracLlng Lhe dlsease
O Ident|fy geograph|ca| |ocat|on of cases of the d|sease |n the
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale ellneaLe Lhe eLlology of Lhe epldemlc
ellneaLlng Lhe eLlology of an epldemlc ls ldenLlfylng lLs source
48 Whlch ls a characLerlsLlc of personLoperson propagaLed epldemlcs?
O 1here are more cases of Lhe dlsease Lhan expecLed
O 8 1he dlsease musL necessarlly be LransmlLLed Lhrough a vecLor
O 1he spread of Lhe dlsease can be aLLrlbuLed Lo a common
O 1here |s a gradua| bu||d up of cases before the ep|dem|c
becomes eas||y not|ceab|e
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale 1here ls a gradual bulld up of cases before Lhe
epldemlc becomes easlly noLlceable gradual or lnsldlous onseL of Lhe
epldemlc ls usually observable ln personLoperson propagaLed epldemlcs
49 ln Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon of an epldemlc you compare Lhe presenL frequency
of Lhe dlsease wlLh Lhe usual frequency aL Lhls Llme of Lhe year ln Lhls
communlLy 1hls ls done durlng whlch sLage of Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon?
O LsLabllshlng Lhe epldemlc
O 8 1esLlng Lhe hypoLhesls
O C Iormu|at|on of the hypothes|s
O ppralsal of facLs
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale LsLabllshlng Lhe epldemlc LsLabllshlng Lhe
epldemlc ls deLermlnlng wheLher Lhere ls an epldemlc or noL 1hls ls done by
comparlng Lhe presenL number of cases wlLh Lhe usual number of cases of
Lhe dlsease aL Lhe same Llme of Lhe year as well as esLabllshlng Lhe
relaLedness of Lhe cases of Lhe dlsease
30 1he number of cases of engue fever usually lncreases Lowards Lhe end
of Lhe ralny season 1hls paLLern of occurrence of engue fever ls besL
descrlbed as
O A Lp|dem|c occurrence
O 8 ycllcal varlaLlon
O Sporadlc occurrence
O Secular varlaLlon
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale ycllcal varlaLlon cycllcal varlaLlon ls a
perlodlc flucLuaLlon ln Lhe number of cases of a dlsease ln Lhe communlLy
31 ln Lhe year 1980 Lhe World ealLh CrganlzaLlon declared Lhe hlllpplnes
LogeLher wlLh some oLher counLrles ln Lhe WesLern aclflc 8eglon free" of
whlch dlsease?
O neumonlc plague
O 8 ollomyellLls
O C Sma|| pox
O nLhrax
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale Small pox 1he lasL documenLed case of Small
pox was ln 1977 aL Somalla
32 ln Lhe census of Lhe hlllpplnes ln 1993 Lhere were abouL 33299000
males and abouL 34968000 females WhaL ls Lhe sex raLlo?
O 9906100
O 8 10094100
O C S023
O 4976
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale 10094100 Sex raLlo ls Lhe number of males
for every 100 females ln Lhe populaLlon
33 rlmary ealLh are ls a LoLal approach Lo communlLy developmenL
Whlch of Lhe followlng ls an lndlcaLor of success ln Lhe use of Lhe rlmary
ealLh are approach?
O ealLh servlces are provlded free of charge Lo lndlvlduals and
O 8 Local offlclals are empowered as Lhe ma[or declslon makers ln
maLLers of healLh
O ealLh workers are able Lo provlde care based on ldenLlfled
healLh needs of Lhe people
O nea|th programs are susta|ned accord|ng to the |eve| of
deve|opment of the commun|ty
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonaleealLh programs are susLalned accordlng Lo
Lhe level of developmenL of Lhe communlLy rlmary ealLh are ls essenLlal
healLh care LhaL can be susLalned ln all sLages of developmenL of Lhe
34 SpuLum examlnaLlon ls Lhe ma[or screenlng Lool for pulmonary
Luberculosls llenLs would someLlmes geL false negaLlve resulLs ln Lhls exam
1hls means LhaL Lhe LesL ls noL perfecL ln Lerms of whlch characLerlsLlc of a
dlagnosLlc examlnaLlon?
O LffecLlveness
O 8 Lfflcacy
O SpeclflclLy
O Sens|t|v|ty
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale SenslLlvlLy SenslLlvlLy ls Lhe capaclLy of a
dlagnosLlc examlnaLlon Lo deLecL cases of Lhe dlsease lf a LesL ls 100
senslLlve all Lhe cases LesLed wlll have a poslLlve resulL le Lhere wlll be no
false negaLlve resulLs
33 Dse of approprlaLe Lechnology requlres knowledge of lndlgenous
Lechnology Whlch medlclnal herb ls glven for fever headache and cough?
O Sambong
O 8 1saang gubaL
O kapulko
O Lagund|
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale Lagundl Sambong ls used as a dlureLlc 1saang
gubaL ls used Lo relleve dlarrhea kapulko ls used for lLs anLlfungal properLy
36 WhaL law creaLed Lhe hlllpplne lnsLlLuLe of 1radlLlonal and lLernaLlve
ealLh are?
O A kA 8423
O 8 8 4823
O 8 2483
O 8 3482
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale 8 8423 (none)
37 ln LradlLlonal hlnese medlclne Lhe yleldlng negaLlve and femlnlne force
ls Lermed
O A |n
O 8 ?ang
O Cl
O hal
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale?ln ?ang ls Lhe male domlnaLlng poslLlve and
mascullne force
38 WhaL ls Lhe legal basls for rlmary ealLh are approach ln Lhe
O A A|ma Ata ec|arat|on on nC
O 8 LeLLer of lnsLrucLlon -o 949
O resldenLlal ecree -o 147
O resldenLlal ecree 996
nswer (8) LeLLer of lnsLrucLlon -o 949 LeLLer of lnsLrucLlon 949 was lssued
by Lhen resldenL lerdlnand Marcos dlrecLlng Lhe formerly called MlnlsLry of
ealLh now Lhe eparLmenL of ealLh Lo uLlllze rlmary ealLh are
approach ln plannlng and lmplemenLlng healLh programs
39 Whlch of Lhe followlng demonsLraLes lnLersecLoral llnkages?
O 1woway referral sysLem
O 8 1eam approach
O LndorsemenL done by a mldwlfe Lo anoLher mldwlfe
O Cooperat|on between the nN and pub||c schoo| teacher
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale ooperaLlon beLween Lhe - and publlc
school Leacher lnLersecLoral llnkages refer Lo worklng relaLlonshlps beLween
Lhe healLh secLor and oLher secLors lnvolved ln communlLy developmenL
60 1he munlclpallLy asslgned Lo you has a populaLlon of abouL 20000
LsLlmaLe Lhe number of 14 year old chlldren who wlll be glven 8eLlnol
capsule 200000 lD every 6 monLhs
O 1300
O 8 1800
O C 2000
O 2300
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale2300 8ased on Lhe hlllpplne populaLlon
composlLlon Lo esLlmaLe Lhe number of 14 year old chlldren mulLlply LoLal
populaLlon by 113
61 LsLlmaLe Lhe number of pregnanL women who wlll be glven LeLanus
Loxold durlng an lmmunlzaLlon ouLreach acLlvlLy ln a barangay wlLh a
populaLlon of abouL 1300
O 263
O 300
O 373
O 400
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale 263 1o esLlmaLe Lhe number of pregnanL
women mulLlply Lhe LoLal populaLlon by 33
62 1o descrlbe Lhe sex composlLlon of Lhe populaLlon whlch demographlc
Lool may be used?
O Sex raLlo
O Sex proport|on
O opulaLlon pyramld
O ny of Lhese may be used
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale ny of Lhese may be used Sex raLlo and sex
proporLlon are used Lo deLermlne Lhe sex composlLlon of a populaLlon
populaLlon pyramld ls used Lo presenL Lhe composlLlon of a populaLlon by
age and sex
63 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls a naLallLy raLe?
O A Crude b|rth rate
O 8 -eonaLal morLallLy raLe
O lnfanL morLallLy raLe
O eneral ferLlllLy raLe
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale rude blrLh raLe -aLallLy means blrLh
naLallLy raLe ls a blrLh raLe
64 ?ou are compuLlng Lhe crude deaLh raLe of your munlclpallLy wlLh a LoLal
populaLlon of abouL 18000 for lasL year 1here were 94 deaLhs mong
Lhose who dled 20 dled because of dlseases of Lhe hearL and 32 were aged
30 years or older WhaL ls Lhe crude deaLh raLe?
O 42/1000
O S2]1000
O 63/1000
O 73/1000
nswer (8) 8aLlonale 32/1000 1o compuLe crude deaLh raLe dlvlde LoLal
number of deaLhs (94) by LoLal populaLlon (18000) and mulLlply by 1000
63 knowlng LhaL malnuLrlLlon ls a frequenL communlLy healLh problem you
declded Lo conducL nuLrlLlonal assessmenL WhaL populaLlon ls parLlcularly
suscepLlble Lo proLeln energy malnuLrlLlon (LM)?
O regnanL women and Lhe elderly
O 8 Dnder3 year old chlldren
O 14 year old chlldren
O Schoo| age ch||dren
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale 14 year old chlldren reschoolers are Lhe
mosL suscepLlble Lo LM because Lhey have generally been weaned lso
Lhls ls Lhe populaLlon who unable Lo feed Lhemselves are ofLen Lhe vlcLlms
of poor lnLrafamlllal food dlsLrlbuLlon
66 Whlch sLaLlsLlc can glve Lhe mosL accuraLe reflecLlon of Lhe healLh sLaLus
of a communlLy?
O 14 year old agespeclflc morLallLy raLe
O Infant morta||ty rate
O Swaroop's lndex
O rude deaLh raLe
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale Swaroop's lndex Swaroop's lndex ls Lhe
proporLlon of deaLhs aged 30 years and above 1he hlgher Lhe Swaroop's
lndex of a populaLlon Lhe greaLer Lhe proporLlon of Lhe deaLhs who were
able Lo reach Lhe age of aL leasL 30 years le more people grew old before
Lhey dled
67 ln Lhe pasL year 8arangay had an average populaLlon of 1633 46
bables were born ln LhaL year 2 of whom dled less Lhan 4 weeks afLer Lhey
were born 1here were 4 recorded sLlllblrLhs WhaL ls Lhe neonaLal morLallLy
O A 278]1000
O 8 433/1000
O 869/1000
O 1304/1000
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale 433/1000 1o compuLe for neonaLal morLallLy
raLe dlvlde Lhe number of bables who dled before reachlng Lhe age of 28
days by Lhe LoLal number of llve blrLhs Lhen mulLlply by 1000
68 Whlch sLaLlsLlc besL reflecLs Lhe nuLrlLlonal sLaLus of a populaLlon?
O 14 year old agespeclflc morLallLy raLe
O 8 roporLlonaLe morLallLy raLe
O C Infant morta||ty rate
O Swaroop's lndex
nswer () 14 year old agespeclflc morLallLy raLe Slnce preschoolers are
Lhe mosL suscepLlble Lo Lhe effecLs of malnuLrlLlon a populaLlon wlLh poor
nuLrlLlonal sLaLus wlll mosL llkely have a hlgh 14 year old agespeclflc
morLallLy raLe also known as chlld morLallLy raLe
69 WhaL numeraLor ls used ln compuLlng general ferLlllLy raLe?
O LsLlmaLed mldyear populaLlon
O 8 -umber of reglsLered llve blrLhs
O -umber of pregnancles ln Lhe year
O Number of fema|es of reproduct|ve age
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale -umber of reglsLered llve blrLhs 1o compuLe
for general or LoLal ferLlllLy raLe dlvlde Lhe number of reglsLered llve blrLhs
by Lhe number of females of reproducLlve age (1343 years) Lhen mulLlply by
70 ?ou wlll gaLher daLa for nuLrlLlonal assessmenL of a purok ?ou wlll gaLher
lnformaLlon only from famllles wlLh members who belong Lo Lhe LargeL
populaLlon for LM WhaL meLhod of daLa gaLherlng ls besL for Lhls purpose?
O ensus
O Survey
O 8ecord revlew
O 8evlew of clvll reglsLry
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale Survey survey also called sample survey ls
daLa gaLherlng abouL a sample of Lhe populaLlon
71 ln Lhe conducL of a census Lhe meLhod of populaLlon asslgnmenL based
on Lhe acLual physlcal locaLlon of Lhe people ls Lermed
O e [ure
O e |ocus
O e facLo
O e novo
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale e facLo 1he oLher meLhod of populaLlon
asslgnmenL de [ure ls based on Lhe usual place of resldence of Lhe people
72 1he lleld ealLh Servlces and lnformaLlon SysLem (lSlS) ls Lhe recordlng
and reporLlng sysLem ln publlc healLh care ln Lhe hlllpplnes 1he MonLhly
lleld ealLh Servlce cLlvlLy 8eporL ls a form used ln whlch of Lhe
componenLs of Lhe lSlS?
O 1ally reporL
O Cutput report
O 1argeL/cllenL llsL
O lndlvldual healLh record
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale 1ally reporL Lally reporL ls prepared monLhly
or quarLerly by Lhe 8D personnel and LransmlLLed Lo Lhe rovlnclal ealLh
73 1o monlLor cllenLs reglsLered ln longLerm reglmens such as Lhe MulLl
rug 1herapy whlch componenL wlll be mosL useful?
O 1ally reporL
O 8 CuLpuL reporL
O C 1arget]c||ent ||st
O lndlvldual healLh record
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale 1argeL/cllenL llsL 1he M1 llenL LlsL ls a
record of cllenLs enrolled ln M1 and oLher relevanL daLa such as daLes
when cllenLs collecLed Lhelr monLhly supply of drugs
74 lvll reglsLrles are lmporLanL sources of daLa Whlch law requlres
reglsLraLlon of blrLhs wlLhln 30 days from Lhe occurrence of Lhe blrLh?
O A 6S1
O 8 cL 3373
O 8 3733
O 8 3373
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale 631 631 amended 8 3733
requlrlng Lhe reglsLry of blrLhs wlLhln 30 days from Lhelr occurrence
73 Whlch of Lhe followlng professlonals can slgn Lhe blrLh cerLlflcaLe?
O ubllc healLh nurse
O kura| hea|th m|dw|fe
O Munlclpal healLh offlcer
O ny of Lhese healLh professlonals
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale ny of Lhese healLh professlonals 8 3733
sLaLes LhaL any blrLh aLLendanL may slgn Lhe cerLlflcaLe of llve blrLh
76 Whlch crlLerlon ln prlorlLy seLLlng of healLh problems ls used only ln
communlLy healLh care?
O ModlflablllLy of Lhe problem
O 8 -aLure of Lhe problem presenLed
O C Magn|tude of the hea|th prob|em
O revenLlve poLenLlal of Lhe healLh problem
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale MagnlLude of Lhe healLh problem MagnlLude
of Lhe problem refers Lo Lhe percenLage of Lhe populaLlon affecLed by a
healLh problem 1he oLher cholces are crlLerla consldered ln boLh famlly and
communlLy healLh care
77 1he SenLrong Slgla MovemenL has been launched Lo lmprove healLh
servlce dellvery Whlch of Lhe followlng ls/are Lrue of Lhls movemenL?
O 1hls ls a pro[ecL spearheaded by local governmenL unlLs
O 8 lL ls a basls for lncreaslng fundlng from local governmenL unlLs
O lL encourages healLh cenLers Lo focus on dlsease prevenLlon
and conLrol
O Its ma|n strategy |s cert|f|cat|on of hea|th centers ab|e to
comp|y w|th standards
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale lLs maln sLraLegy ls cerLlflcaLlon of healLh
cenLers able Lo comply wlLh sLandards SenLrong Slgla MovemenL ls a [olnL
pro[ecL of Lhe C and local governmenL unlLs lLs maln sLraLegy ls
cerLlflcaLlon of healLh cenLers LhaL are able Lo comply wlLh sLandards seL by
Lhe C
78 Whlch of Lhe followlng women should be consldered as speclal LargeLs
for famlly plannlng?
O A 1hose who have two ch||dren or more
O 8 1hose wlLh medlcal condlLlons such as anemla
O 1hose younger Lhan 20 years and older Lhan 33 years
O 1hose who [usL had a dellvery wlLhln Lhe pasL 13 monLhs
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale 1hose who [usL had a dellvery wlLhln Lhe pasL
13 monLhs 1he ldeal blrLh spaclng ls aL leasL Lwo years 13 monLhs plus 9
monLhs of pregnancy 2 years
79 lreedom of cholce ls one of Lhe pollcles of Lhe lamlly lannlng rogram
of Lhe hlllpplnes Whlch of Lhe followlng lllusLraLes Lhls prlnclple?
O lnformaLlon dlssemlnaLlon abouL Lhe need for famlly plannlng
O 8 SupporL of research and developmenL ln famlly plannlng
O dequaLe lnformaLlon for couples regardlng Lhe dlfferenL
O Lncouragement of coup|es to take fam||y p|ann|ng as a [o|nt
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonaledequaLe lnformaLlon for couples regardlng
Lhe dlfferenL meLhods 1o enable Lhe couple Lo choose freely among dlfferenL
meLhods of famlly plannlng Lhey musL be glven full lnformaLlon regardlng
Lhe dlfferenL meLhods LhaL are avallable Lo Lhem conslderlng Lhe avallablllLy
of quallLy servlces LhaL can supporL Lhelr cholce
80 woman 6 monLhs pregnanL came Lo Lhe cenLer for consulLaLlon
Whlch of Lhe followlng subsLances ls conLralndlcaLed?
O 1eLanus Loxold
O ket|no| 200000 IU
O lerrous sulfaLe 200 mg
O oLasslum lodaLe 200 mg capsule
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale 8eLlnol 200000 lD 8eLlnol 200000 lD ls a
form of megadose vlLamln 1hls may have a LeraLogenlc effecL
81 urlng prenaLal consulLaLlon a cllenL asked you lf she can have her
dellvery aL home fLer hlsLory Laklng and physlcal examlnaLlon you advlsed
her agalnsL a home dellvery Whlch of Lhe followlng flndlngs dlsquallfles her
for a home dellvery?
O er C8 score ls 33
O She has some pa|mar pa||or
O er blood pressure ls 130/80
O er baby ls ln cephallc presenLaLlon
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonaleer C8 score ls 33 Cnly women wlLh less
Lhan 3 pregnancles are quallfled for a home dellvery lL ls also advlsable for a
prlmlgravlda Lo have dellvery aL a chlldblrLh faclllLy
82 lnadequaLe lnLake by Lhe pregnanL woman of whlch vlLamln may cause
neural Lube defecLs?
O -lacln
O 8 8lboflavln
O C Io||c ac|d
O 1hlamlne
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale lollc acld lL ls esLlmaLed LhaL Lhe lncldence of
neural Lube defecLs can be reduced drasLlcally lf pregnanL women have an
adequaLe lnLake of follc acld
83 ?ou are ln a cllenL's home Lo aLLend Lo a dellvery Whlch of Lhe followlng
wlll you do flrsL?
O SeL up Lhe sLerlle area
O ut on a c|ean gown or apron
O leanse Lhe cllenL's vulva wlLh soap and waLer
O -oLe Lhe lnLerval duraLlon and lnLenslLy of labor conLracLlons
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale-oLe Lhe lnLerval duraLlon and lnLenslLy of
labor conLracLlons ssessmenL of Lhe woman should be done flrsL Lo
deLermlne wheLher she ls havlng Lrue labor and lf so whaL sLage of labor she
ls ln
84 ln preparlng a prlmlgravlda for breasLfeedlng whlch of Lhe followlng wlll
you do?
O 1ell her LhaL lacLaLlon beglns wlLhln a day afLer dellvery
O 8 1each her nlpple sLreLchlng exerclses lf her nlpples are everLed
O C Instruct her to wash her n|pp|es before and after each
O Lxplaln Lo her LhaL puLLlng Lhe baby Lo breasL wlll lessen blood
loss afLer dellvery
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale Lxplaln Lo her LhaL puLLlng Lhe baby Lo breasL
wlll lessen blood loss afLer dellvery Suckllng of Lhe nlpple sLlmulaLes Lhe
release of oxyLocln by Lhe posLerlor plLulLary gland whlch causes uLerlne
conLracLlon LacLaLlon beglns 1 Lo 3 days afLer dellvery -lpple sLreLchlng
exerclses are done when Lhe nlpples are flaL or lnverLed lrequenL washlng
drles up Lhe nlpples maklng Lhem prone Lo Lhe formaLlon of flssures
83 prlmlgravlda ls lnsLrucLed Lo offer her breasL Lo Lhe baby for Lhe flrsL
Llme wlLhln 30 mlnuLes afLer dellvery WhaL ls Lhe purpose of offerlng Lhe
breasL Lhls early?
O 1o lnlLlaLe Lhe occurrence of mllk leLdown
O 8 1o sLlmulaLe mllk producLlon by Lhe mammary aclnl
O 1o make sure LhaL Lhe baby ls able Lo geL Lhe colosLrum
O 1o a||ow the woman to pract|ce breastfeed|ng |n the presence
of the hea|th worker
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale1o sLlmulaLe mllk producLlon by Lhe mammary
aclnl Suckllng of Lhe nlpple sLlmulaLes prolacLln reflex (Lhe release of
prolacLln by Lhe anLerlor plLulLary gland) whlch lnlLlaLes lacLaLlon
86 ln a moLhers' class you dlscuss proper breasLfeedlng Lechnlque Whlch ls
of Lhese ls a slgn LhaL Lhe baby has laLched on" Lo Lhe breasL properly?
O A 1he baby takes sha||ow rap|d sucks
O 8 1he moLher does noL feel nlpple aln
O 1he baby's mouLh ls only parLly open
O Cnly Lhe moLher's nlpple ls lnslde Lhe baby's mouLh
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale 1he moLher does noL feel nlpple aln When
Lhe baby has properly laLched on Lo Lhe breasL he Lakes deep slow sucks hls
mouLh ls wlde open and much of Lhe areola ls lnslde hls mouLh nd you're
rlghL! 1he moLher does noL feel nlpple aln
87 ?ou explaln Lo a breasLfeedlng moLher LhaL breasL mllk ls sufflclenL for all
of Lhe baby's nuLrlenL needs only up Lo ____
O 3 monLhs
O 6 months
O 1 year
O 2 years
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale 6 monLhs fLer 6 monLhs Lhe baby's nuLrlenL
needs especlally Lhe baby's lron requlremenL can no longer be provlded by
moLher's mllk alone
88 WhaL ls glven Lo a woman wlLhln a monLh afLer Lhe dellvery of a baby?
O Malunggay capsule
O 8 lerrous sulfaLe 100 mg C
O C ket|no| 200000 IU 1 capsu|e
O oLasslum lodaLe 200 mg 1 capsule
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale8eLlnol 200000 lD 1 capsule capsule of
8eLlnol 200000 lD ls glven wlLhln 1 monLh afLer dellvery oLasslum lodaLe ls
glven durlng pregnancy malunggay capsule ls noL rouLlnely admlnlsLered
afLer dellvery and ferrous sulfaLe ls Laken for Lwo monLhs afLer dellvery
89 Whlch blologlcal used ln Lxpanded rogram on lmmunlzaLlon (Ll) ls
sLored ln Lhe freezer?
O 1
O 8 1eLanus Loxold
O Measles vacclne
O nepat|t|s vacc|ne
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonaleMeasles vacclne mong Lhe blologlcals used ln
Lhe Lxpanded rogram on lmmunlzaLlon measles vacclne and Cv are hlghly
senslLlve Lo heaL requlrlng sLorage ln Lhe freezer
90 Dnused 8 should be dlscarded how many hours afLer reconsLlLuLlon?
O 2
O 4
O 6
O L Lhe end of Lhe day
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale 4 Whlle Lhe unused porLlon of oLher
blologlcals ln Ll may be glven unLll Lhe end of Lhe day only 8 ls dlscarded
4 hours afLer reconsLlLuLlon 1hls ls why 8 lmmunlzaLlon ls scheduled only
ln Lhe mornlng
91 ln lmmunlzlng school enLranLs wlLh 8 you are noL obllged Lo secure
parenLal consenL 1hls ls because of whlch legal documenL?
O A 996
O 8 8 7846
O resldenLlal roclamaLlon -o 6
O resldenLlal roclamaLlon -o 46
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale 996 resldenLlal ecree 996 enacLed ln
1976 made lmmunlzaLlon ln Lhe Ll compulsory for chlldren under 8 years of
age epaLlLls 8 vacclnaLlon was made compulsory for Lhe same age group by
8 7846
92 Whlch lmmunlzaLlon produces a permanenL scar?
O 1
O Measles vacclnaLlon
O epaLlLls 8 vacclnaLlon
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale 8 8 causes Lhe formaLlon of a superflclal
abscess whlch beglns 2 weeks afLer lmmunlzaLlon 1he abscess heals wlLhouL
LreaLmenL wlLh Lhe formaLlon of a permanenL scar
93 4week old baby was broughL Lo Lhe healLh cenLer for hls flrsL
lmmunlzaLlon Whlch can be glven Lo hlm?
O A 11
O 8 Cv1
O lnfanL 8
O epaLlLls 8 vacclne 1
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonalelnfanL 8 lnfanL 8 may be glven aL blrLh
ll Lhe oLher lmmunlzaLlons menLloned can be glven aL 6 weeks of age
94 ?ou wlll noL glve 1 2 lf Lhe moLher says LhaL Lhe lnfanL had
O A Se|zures a day after 1 1
O 8 lever for 3 days afLer 1 1
O bscess formaLlon afLer 1 1
O Local Lenderness for 3 days afLer 1 1
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale Selzures a day afLer 1 1 Selzures wlLhln 3
days afLer admlnlsLraLlon of 1 ls an lndlcaLlon of hypersenslLlvlLy Lo
perLussls vacclne a componenL of 1 1hls ls consldered a speclflc
conLralndlcaLlon Lo subsequenL doses of 1
93 2monLh old lnfanL was broughL Lo Lhe healLh cenLer for lmmunlzaLlon
urlng assessmenL Lhe lnfanL's LemperaLure reglsLered aL 381 Whlch ls
Lhe besL course of acLlon LhaL you wlll Lake?
O A Go on w|th the |nfant's |mmun|zat|ons
O 8 lve araceLamol and walL for hls fever Lo subslde
O 8efer Lhe lnfanL Lo Lhe physlclan for furLher assessmenL
O dvlse Lhe lnfanL's moLher Lo brlng hlm back for lmmunlzaLlon
when he ls well
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonaleo on wlLh Lhe lnfanL's lmmunlzaLlons ln Lhe
Ll fever up Lo 383 ls noL a conLralndlcaLlon Lo lmmunlzaLlon Mlld acuLe
resplraLory LracLlnfecLlon slmple dlarrhea and malnuLrlLlon are noL
conLralndlcaLlons elLher
96 pregnanL woman had [usL recelved her 4Lh dose of LeLanus Loxold
SubsequenLly her baby wlll have proLecLlon agalnsL LeLanus for how long?
O 1 year
O 8 3 years
O 10 years
O L|fet|me
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale 1 year 1he baby wlll have passlve naLural
lmmunlLy by placenLal Lransfer of anLlbodles 1he moLher wlll have acLlve
arLlflclal lmmunlLy lasLlng for abouL 10 years 3 doses wlll glve Lhe moLher
llfeLlme proLecLlon
97 4monLh old lnfanL was broughL Lo Lhe healLh cenLer because of cough
er resplraLory raLe ls 42/mlnuLe Dslng Lhe lnLegraLed ManagemenL of hlld
lllness (lMl) guldellnes of assessmenL her breaLhlng ls consldered
O lasL
O 8 Slow
O C Norma|
O lnslgnlflcanL
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale-ormal ln lMl a resplraLory raLe of
30/mlnuLe or more ls fasL breaLhlng for an lnfanL aged 2 Lo 12 monLhs
98 Whlch of Lhe followlng slgns wlll lndlcaLe LhaL a young chlld ls sufferlng
from severe pneumonla?
O yspnea
O 8 Wheezlng
O lasL breaLhlng
O Chest |ndraw|ng
orrecL nswer () 8aLlonale hesL lndrawlng ln lMl chesL lndrawlng ls
used as Lhe poslLlve slgn of dyspnea lndlcaLlng severe pneumonla
99 Dslng lMl guldellnes you classlfy a chlld as havlng severe pneumonla
WhaL ls Lhe besL managemenL for Lhe chlld?
O rescrlbe an anLlbloLlc
O kefer h|m urgent|y to the hosp|ta|
O lnsLrucL Lhe moLher Lo lncrease fluld lnLake
O lnsLrucL Lhe moLher Lo conLlnue breasLfeedlng
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale8efer hlm urgenLly Lo Lhe hosplLal Severe
pneumonla requlres urgenL referral Lo a hosplLal nswers and are
done for a cllenL classlfled as havlng pneumonla
100 3monLh old lnfanL was broughL by hls moLher Lo Lhe healLh cenLer
because of dlarrhea occurrlng 4 Lo 3 Llmes a day ls skln goes back slowly
afLer a skln plnch and hls eyes are sunken Dslng Lhe lMl guldellnes you wlll
classlfy Lhls lnfanL ln whlch caLegory?
O -o slgns of dehydraLlon
O 8 Some dehydraLlon
O C Severe dehydrat|on
O 1he daLa ls lnsufflclenL
orrecL nswer (8) 8aLlonale Some dehydraLlon Dslng Lhe assessmenL
guldellnes of lMl a chlld (2 monLhs Lo 3 years old) wlLh dlarrhea ls classlfled
as havlng SCML L?81lC- lf he shows 2 or more of Lhe followlng slgns
resLless or lrrlLable sunken eyes Lhe skln goes back slow afLer a skln plnch

1 1he cllenL ls belng LreaLed ln Lhe Lmergency eparLmenL for abdomlnal
Lrauma 1he nurse ls preparlng Lhe plan of care for Lhls cllenL Whlch
lnLervenLlon should Lhe nurse lnclude?
O a ssess Lhe reLurned fluld from Lhe perlLoneal lavage
O b a|pate the c||ent for b||atera| femora| pu|ses
O c erform Leopold maneuvers every elghL (8) hours
O d ollecL lnformaLlon on Lhe cllenL's dleLary hlsLory
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale dlagnosLlc perlLoneal lavage ls performed Lo
assess Lhe presence of blood blle and feces from lnLernal bleedlng lnduced
by ln[ury lf any of Lhese are presenL surgery should be consldered Lo explore
Lhe exLenL of damage and repalr of Lhe ln[ury
2 fLer gardenlng Lhe elderly cllenL ls broughL lnLo Lhe Lmergency
eparLmenL complalnlng of cramps headache and weakness 1he nurse
applles Lhe cardlac monlLor and noLes Lachycardla Whlch should Lhe nurse
lnclude ln Lhe assessmenL?
O a eterm|ne |f the c||ent |s exper|enc|ng any th|rst
O b dmlnlsLer 3W lnLravenously aL 230 mL per hour
O c MalnLaln a cool envlronmenL Lo promoLe resL
O d WlLhhold Lhe cllenL's oral lnLake
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he nurse should encourage Lhe cllenL Lo resL
and should malnLaln a cool envlronmenL Lo asslsL Lhe cllenL Lo recover from
heaL exhausLlon 1he elderly are more suscepLlble Lo Lhls condlLlon
3 1he nurse ls worklng ln Lhe Lmergency eparLmenL and ls asslgned a cllenL
who suffered a neardrownlng Whlch expecLed ouLcome should Lhe nurse
lnclude ln Lhe plan of care for Lhls cllenL?
O a MalnLaln cardlac funcLlon lncludlng Lachycardla
O b romoLe a conLlnued decrease ln lung surfacLanL
O c Warm rapldly Lo mlnlmlze Lhe effecLs of hypoLhermla
O d keep the oxygen saturat|on |eve| above 93
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he oxygen level needs Lo be malnLalned
greaLer Lhan 93 1he cllenL needs as much supporL as necessary for Lhls
Mechanlcal venLllaLlon wlLh peak endexplraLory pressure (LL) and hlgh
oxygen levels may be needed Lo achleve Lhls goal
4 1he nurse ls assesslng Lhe cllenL who suffered a neardrownlng evenL
Whlch daLa would requlre lmmedlaLe lnLervenLlon?
O a 1he onseL of plnk froLhy spuLum
O b n oral LemperaLure of 97_l
O c An a|coho| |eve| of 100 mg]dL
O d hearL raLe of 100 beaLs/mln
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he onseL of plnky froLhy spuLum lndlcaLes LhaL
Lhe cllenL ls experlenclng pulmonary edema 1hls needs Lo be LreaLed Lo
prevenL furLher decllne ln Lhls cllenL
3 nurse ls aL Lhe lake when a person experlences a neardrownlng evenL
eople aL Lhe scene remove Lhe vlcLlm from Lhe waLer fLer breaLhlng
whlch should Lhe nurse assess flrsL?
O a osslblllLy of drug use
O b Splnal cord ln[ury
O c Leve| of confus|on
O d mounL of alcohol
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he nurse should assess Lhe vlcLlm for hypoxla
Slgns and sympLoms of hypoxla lnclude confuslon or lrrlLablllLy and
alLeraLlons ln level of consclousness such as leLhargy
6 1he nurse ls preparlng a dlscharge plan for Lhe cllenL admlLLed Lo Lhe
hosplLal wlLh carbon monoxlde polsonlng Whlch lnLervenLlon should Lhe
nurse lnclude ln Lhls plan?
O a keport any b|ack sputum or hypercapn|a
O b ssess for sulcldal LhoughLs or prevlous aLLempLs
O c keep annual physlcals wlLh Lhe healLhcare provlder
O d -oLlfy Lhe healLhcare provlder of any sLrldor or dlzzlness
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale 1he cause of Lhe exposure Lo carbon monoxlde
needs Lo be explored 1he envlronmenL needs Lo be correcLed for Lhe safeLy
of Lhe cllenL prlor Lo dlscharge lf exposure was a resulL of a sulclde aLLempL
Lhe cllenL needs a psychlaLrlc evaluaLlon prlor Lo belng dlscharged
lnLervenLlons Lo prevenL fuLure aLLempLs should be lmplemenLed
7 1he nurse ls worklng Lhe Lrlage poslLlon ln Lhe L Whlch cllenL should be
LreaLed flrsL?
O a A c||ent who has mu|t|p|e |n[ur|es from a motorveh|c|e
O b cllenL complalnlng of eplgasLrlc aln and nausea afLer eaLlng
O c n elderly cllenL who fell and fracLured Lhe lefL femoral neck
O d 1he cllenL sufferlng from a mlgralne headache and nausea
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale ln[urles from a moLorvehlcle accldenL can be
llfe LhreaLenlng 1hls cllenL should be assessed flrsL Lo rule ouL resplraLory
dlfflculLles and hemorrhage rlorlLlzlng nurslng care ls based on dlfferenL
crlLerla when ln Lhe Lmergency eparLmenL 1rlaglng cllenL LreaLmenL ls
based on rapld classlflcaLlon of Lhe cllenL's problem 1he nurse assesses Lhe
cllenL for Lhe level of aculLy of Lhe presenLlng problem
8 1he nurse ls provldlng dlscharge Leachlng for Lhe cllenL wlLh lnLermaxlllary
wlrlng afLer a fracLure of Lhe mandlble Whlch sLaLemenL by Lhe cllenL would
lndlcaLe Lo Lhe nurse LhaL Leachlng has been effecLlve?
O a Iced a|coho||c dr|nks may be consumed by us|ng a straw
O b Cnly one (1) food lLem should be consumed aL one (1) Llme
O c arbonaLed sodas should be llmlLed Lo Lwo (2) dally
O d 1eeLh can be brushed afLer Lenderness and swelllng subslde
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale yglene ls helpful ln heallng 1he mouLh should
be rlnsed and an lrrlgaLlon devlce should be used frequenLly enLle brushlng
and rlnslng Lhe mouLh afLer each meal and aL bedLlme can begln afLer
swelllng and Lenderness subslde
9 1he nurse ls Leachlng Lhe cllenL home care lnsLrucLlons for a relmplanLed
flnger afLer a LraumaLlc ampuLaLlon Whlch lnformaLlon should Lhe nurse
O a erform rangeofmoLlon exerclses weekly
O b Smoklng may be resumed lf lL does noL causlng nausea
O c rotect the f|nger and be carefu| not to re|n[ure the f|nger
O d n elevaLed LemperaLure ls Lhe only reason Lo call Lhe
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he cllenL should Lake exLra care Lo prevenL Lhe
flnger from ln[ury 1he perlpheral nerves LhaL proLecL Lhe flnger can Lake
monLhs Lo regeneraLe
10 1he L nurse ls carlng for a cllenL dlagnosed wlLh frosLblLe of Lhe feeL
Whlch lnLervenLlon should Lhe nurse lmplemenL?
O a Massage Lhe feeL vlgorously
O b Soak the feet |n warm water
O c pply a heaLlng pad Lo feeL
O d pply peLroleum [elly Lo Lhe feeL
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale Soaklng feeL ln a warm baLh of 107_l causes
rapld conLlnuous rewarmlng
11 sLudenL reporLs Lo Lhe school nurse wlLh complalnLs of sLlnglng and
burnlng aL Lhe slLe of a wasp sLrlng Whlch lnLervenLlon should Lhe nurse
O a Grasp the st|nger and pu|| |t out
O b pply a warm molsL soak Lo Lhe area
O c leanse Lhe slLe wlLh alcohol
O d pply an lce pack Lo Lhe slLe
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he nurse should apply an lce pack Lo Lhe slLe
1he cold wlll decrease Lhe blood flow and sensaLlon 1he lce should be
applled lnLermlLLenLly
12 1he L nurse ls carlng for a cllenL who has had a bee sLlng Whlch
lnLervenLlon should Lhe nurse lmplemenL?
O a lnsLrucL Lhe cllenL Lo wear a medlcal ldenLlflcaLlon braceleL
O b pply corLlcosLerold cream Lo Lhe slLe Lo prevenL anaphylaxls
O c Adm|n|ster ep|nephr|ne 110000 |ntravenous|y every three (3)
O d 1each Lhe cllenL Lo avold aLLracLlng lnsecLs by wearlng brlghL
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale llenLs who have severe reacLlons Lo lnsecL
sLlngs should wear ldenLlfylng braceleLs Lo provlde lnformaLlon lf Lhe cllenL ls
unconsclous Lhe braceleL can alerL Lhe healLhcare provlder so LhaL
LreaLmenL can be sLarLed
13 1he nurse worklng ln Lhe L has a cllenL wlLh bladder Lrauma and a
fracLured pelvls occurrlng as a resulL of a moLorvehlcle accldenL Whlch
should be lncluded ln Lhls cllenL's assessmenL?
O a MonlLor Lhe serum creaLlne klnase level
O b lnserL a suprapublc caLheLer
O c Note the amount and co|or of the ur|ne
O d LlsLen for advenLlLlous breaLh sounds
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he amounL and color of urlne would asslsL wlLh
dlagnoslng Lhe exLenL of ln[ury olor would lndlcaLe Lhe presence of blood
1he amounL would lndlcaLe wheLher Lhe urlne ls conLalned LhroughouL Lhe
paLhway from bladder Lo urlnary meaLus
14 1he school nurse ls carlng for Lhe chlld wlLh a bleedlng laceraLlon Whlch
lnLervenLlon should Lhe nurse lmplemenL Lo prevenL compllcaLlons?
O a lean wlLh sallne soluLlon
O b App|y a t|ght band bandage
O c ebrlde Lhe edges bllaLerally
O d dmlnlsLer oral anLlbloLlcs Lo Lhe chlld
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he laceraLlon should be cleaned well Lo
prevenLlnfecLlon sLerlle sallne soluLlon or waLer should be used small
amounL of bleedlng from Lhe wound cleans Lhe bacLerla from Lhe laceraLlon
13 1he nurse worklng ln Lhe L recelves a cllenL lnvolved ln a moLorvehlcle
accldenL 1he nurse noLes a large hemaLoma on Lhe rlghL flank Whlch
lnLervenLlon should Lhe nurse lmplemenL flrsL?
O a lnserL an lndwelllng urlnary caLheLer
O b 1ake the v|ta| s|gns every 1S m|nutes
O c MonlLor Lhe skln Lurgor every hour
O d dmlnlsLer an asplrln an analgeslc
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale vlLal slgns should be Laken frequenLly Lo assess
for coverL bleedlng 1he hemaLoma ln Lhe flank area may lndlcaLe Lhe
presence of Lrauma Lo Lhe kldney 8ecause of Lhe large amounL of blood flow
Lhrough Lhe kldney hemorrhage ls a hlgh rlsk
16 Whlch expecLed ouLcome would be approprlaLe for Lhe nurse Lo lnclude
ln Lhe plan of care for Lhe cllenL dlagnosed wlLh ureLeral Lrauma from a
gunshoL ln[ury?
O a 1he cllenL wlll have an absence of aln
O b 1he cllenL wlll drlnk 2000 mL of waLer
O c 1he cllenL wlll eaL a hlghproLeln dleL
O d 1he c||ent w||| ma|nta|n an output of 30 mL]hr
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale urlne ouLpuL of 30 mL/hour lndlcaLes Lhe
Llssues are belng adequaLely perfused and ls an lndlcaLor of kldney
17 Whlch nurslng dlagnosls would be approprlaLe for Lhe cllenL experlenclng
O a lnfecLlon of Lhe renal LracL
O b Ineffect|ve t|ssue perfus|on
O c lLeraLlon ln skln lnLegrlLy
O d lLeraLlon ln LemperaLure
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale 8leedlng resulLs ln an lmpalrmenL of Llssue
perfuslon 8ecause of Lhe large amounL of blood flow Lhrough Lhe renal
sysLem bleedlng ls a ma[or problem
18 1he nurse ls conducLlng an lnLervlew wlLh Lhe cllenL ln Lhe L for a
laceraLlon Whlch lnformaLlon ls mosL lmporLanL for Lhe nurse Lo obLaln?
O a 1he date of the c||ent's |ast tetanus |n[ect|on
O b 1he name of Lhe cllenL's regular healLhcare provlder
O c 1he daLes of Lhe cllenL's hosplLal admlsslons
O d 1he person who provldes splrlLual supporL durlng sLress
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale ny cllenL who has noL had a LeLanus ln[ecLlon
wlLhln flve (3) years wlll need Lo recelve an ln[ecLlon as prophylaxls
19 1he nurse worklng ln an ouLpaLlenL cllnlc ls carlng for a cllenL who ls
experlenclng an eplsLaxls Whlch lnLervenLlon should Lhe nurse lmplemenL
O a 1each Lhe cllenL Lo keep Lhe nose clear by blowlng forcefully
O b no|d the nose w|th thumb and f|nger for 1S m|nutes
O c ave Lhe cllenL slL wlLh Lhe head LllLed back and hold a Llssue
O d dmlnlsLer sllver nlLraLe a cauLerlzlng agenL wlLh a packlng
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale MosL nosebleeds wlll sLop afLer applylng
pressure on Lhe nose beLween Lhumb and lndex flnger for 13 mlnuLes
20 1he cllenL wlLh a LemperaLure of 94_l ls belng LreaLed ln Lhe L Whlch
lnLervenLlon should Lhe nurse lmplemenL LhaL wlll dlrecLly elevaLe Lhe cllenL's
O a 8emove Lhe cllenL's cloLhlng
O b |ace a warm a|r b|anket over the c||ent
O c ave Lhe cllenL change lnLo a hosplLal gown
O d 8alse Lhe LemperaLure ln Lhe room
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale 1he warm alr blankeL blows warm alr over Lhe
cllenL and ls an acLlve warmlng meLhod
21 1he L nurse ls carlng for Lhe cllenL who has Laken an overdose of
cocalne Whlch lnLervenLlon should Lhe nurse delegaLe Lo Lhe unllcensed
asslsLlve personnel?
O a LvaluaLe Lhe alrway and breaLhlng
O b MonlLor Lhe raLe of lnLravenous flulds
O c |ace the card|ac mon|tor on the c||ent
O d ssess Lhe vlLal slgns every 13 mlnuLes
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale Dnllcensed asslsLlve personnel who have been
Lralned can aLLach Lhe cardlac monlLor Lo Lhe cllenLs
22 1he cllenL has been broughL Lo Lhe L by ambulance followlng a moLor
vehlcle accldenL and has suffered a chesL ln[ury Whlch lnLervenLlon should
Lhe nurse lmplemenL flrsL?
O a Start a |arge bore |ntravenous access
O b pply Lhe cardlac monlLor Lo Lhe cllenL
O c ssess Lhe cllenL's alrway and breaLhlng
O d ssess Lhe cardlac rhyLhm on Lhe monlLor
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale ssesslng Lhe cllenL's alrway and resplraLlons
has Lhe hlghesL prlorlLy rlorlLlzlng care can be based on Maslow's lerarchy
of -eeds or Lhe merlcan earL ssoclaLlon's 8 s" lrway and
resplraLlons are flrsL
23 1he L nurse ls compleLlng Lhe lnlLlal assessmenL on a cllenL who
becomes unresponslve Whlch lnLervenLlon should Lhe nurse lmplemenL
O a ssess Lhe raLe and slLe of Lhe lnLravenous fluld
O b dmlnlsLer an ampoule of sodlum blcarbonaLe
O c lnLerpreL Lhe rhyLhm shown on Lhe monlLor
O d repare to card|overt the c||ent |nto s|nus rhythm
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he rhyLhm on Lhe monlLor should be
assessmenL Many cllenLs who become unresponslve have a leLhal rhyLhm
LhaL requlres deflbrlllaLlon lmmedlaLely
24 1he emergency deparLmenL nurse knows Lhe cllenL dlagnosed wlLh acuLe
gasLroenLerlLls undersLands Lhe dlscharge Leachlng when Lhe cllenL makes
whlch sLaLemenL?
O a l wlll probably have some leg cramps whlle l have
O b l should decrease my fluld lnLake unLll Lhe dlarrhea subsldes"
O c "I shou|d re|ntroduce so||d foods very s|ow|y |nto my d|et#
O d l should only drlnk boLLled waLer unLll Lhe abdomlnal cramplng
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 8elnLroduclng solld foods slowly ln small
amounLs wlll allow Lhe bowel Lo resL and Lhe mucosa Lo reLurn Lo healLh
afLer acuLe gasLroenLerlLls sLaLes
23 1he cllenL presenLs Lo Lhe emergency deparLmenL experlenclng frequenL
waLery bloody sLools afLer eaLlng some undercooked meaL aL a fasL food
resLauranL Whlch lnLervenLlon should be lmplemenLed flrsL?
O a rov|de the c||ent w|th a spec|men co||ect|on hat to co||ect a
stoo| samp|e
O b lnlLlaLe anLlbloLlc Lherapy lnLravenously
O c ave Lhe laboraLory draw a compleLe blood counL
O d dmlnlsLer Lhe anLldlarrheal medlcaLlon LomoLll
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1hls cllenL may have developed
an lnfecLlon from Lhe undercooked meaL 1he nurse should Lry Lo geL a
speclmen for Lhe laboraLory Lo analyze and for Lhe nurse Lo be able Lo assess
1he cllenL's complalnL of bloody dlarrhea" needs Lo be lnvesLlgaLed by Lhe
nurse who should observe Lhe amounL color and characLerlsLlcs of Lhe
26 1he emergency room nurse admlLs a chlld who experlenced a selzure aL
school 1he faLher commenLs LhaL Lhls ls Lhe flrsL occurrence and denles any
famlly hlsLory of epllepsy WhaL ls Lhe besL response by Lhe nurse?
O a o noL worry Lpllepsy can be LreaLed wlLh medlcaLlons
O b1he selzure may or may noL mean your chlld has epllepsy
O cSlnce Lhls was Lhe flrsL convulslon lL may noL happen agaln
O dLong term treatment w||| prevent future se|zures
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale 1here are many posslble causes for a chlldhood
selzure 1hese lnclude fever cenLral nervous sysLem condlLlons Lrauma
meLabollc alLeraLlons and ldlopaLhlc (unknown)
27 nurse undersLands LhaL whlch of Lhe followlng ls a correcL guldellne for
adulL cardlopulmonary resusclLaLlon (8) for a healLh care provlder?
O a Cne breaLh should be glven for every flve compresslons
O b 1wo breaths shou|d be g|ven for every 1S compress|ons
O c lnlLlally Lwo qulck breaLhs should be glven as rapldly as
O d Lach rescue breaLh should be glven over 1 second and should
produce vlslble chesL rlse
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale ln adulL 8 each rescue breaLh should be
glven over 1 second and should produce a vlslble chesL rlse Lxcesslve
venLllaLlon (Loo many breaLhs per mlnuLe or breaLhs LhaL are Loo large or
forceful) may be harmful and should noL be performed ealLh care provlders
should employ a 302 compresslonLovenLllaLlon raLlo for Lhe adulL vlcLlm
28 nurse aLLempLs Lo relleve an alrway obsLrucLlon on a 3yearold
consclous chlld 1he nurse performs Lhls maneuver by placlng hls or her
hands beLween Lhe
O a roln and Lhe abdomen
O b Dmblllcus and Lhe groln
O c Lower abdomen and Lhe chesL
O d Umb|||cus and the x|pho|d process
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1o perform Lhe elmllch maneuver on a chlld
Lhe rescuer sLands behlnd Lhe vlcLlm and places Lhe arms dlrecLly under Lhe
vlcLlms axlllae and around Lhe vlcLlm 1he rescuer places Lhe Lhumb slde of
one flsL agalnsL Lhe vlcLlms abdomen ln Lhe mldllne sllghLly above Lhe
umblllcus and well below Lhe Llp of Lhe xlphold process 1he rescuer grasps
Lhe flsL wlLh Lhe oLher hand and dellvers up Lo flve LhrusLs Cne musL Lake
care noL Lo Louch Lhe xlphold process or Lhe lower marglns of Lhe rlb cage
because force applled Lo Lhese sLrucLures may damage lnLernal organs
29 nurse ls performlng cardlopulmonary resusclLaLlon (8) on a 7year
old chlld 1he nurse dellvers how many breaLhs per mlnuLe Lo Lhe chlld?
O a 6
O b 8
O c 10
O d 20
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale ln a chlld beLween Lhe ages of 1 and 8 years 12
Lo 20 breaLhs per mlnuLe are dellvered
30 nurse ls performlng cardlopulmonary resusclLaLlon (8) on an lnfanL
When performlng chesL compresslons Lhe nurse undersLands LhaL Lhe
compresslon raLe ls aL leasL
O a 60 Llmes per mlnuLe
O b 80 Llmes per mlnuLe
O c 100 t|mes per m|nute
O d 160 Llmes per mlnuLe
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale ln an lnfanL Lhe raLe of chesL compresslons ls aL
leasL 100 Llmes per mlnuLe
31 nurslng lnsLrucLor Leaches a group of sLudenLs abouL baslc llfe supporL
(8LS) 1he lnsLrucLor asks a sLudenL Lo ldenLlfy Lhe mosL approprlaLe locaLlon
Lo assess Lhe pulse of an lnfanL younger Lhan 1year of age Whlch of Lhe
followlng lf sLaLed by Lhe sLudenL would lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe sLudenL
undersLands Lhe approprlaLe assessmenL procedure?
O a 8adlal
O b Carot|d
O c 8rachlal
O d opllLeal
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1o assess a pulse ln an lnfanL (younger Lhan 1
year of age) Lhe pulse ls checked aL Lhe brachlal or femoral arLery 1he
lnfanLs relaLlvely shorL faL neck makes alpaLlon of Lhe caroLld arLery
dlfflculL 1he popllLeal and radlal pulses are also dlfflculL Lo palpaLe ln an
32 nurse ls Leachlng cardlopulmonary resusclLaLlon (8) Lo a group of
nurslng sLudenLs 1he nurse asks a sLudenL Lo descrlbe Lhe reason why bllnd
flnger sweeps are avolded ln lnfanLs 1he nurse deLermlnes LhaL Lhe sLudenL
undersLands Lhls reason lf Lhe sLudenL makes whlch sLaLemenL?
O a 1he ob[ecL may have been swallowed"
O b 1he lnfanL may blLe down on Lhe flnger"
O c 1he mouLh ls Loo small Lo see Lhe ob[ecL"
O d "1he ob[ect may be forced back farther |nto the throat#
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 8llnd flnger sweeps are noL recommended for
lnfanLs and chlldren because of Lhe rlsk of forclng Lhe ob[ecL farLher down
lnLo Lhe alrway
33 nurse ls performlng cardlopulmonary resusclLaLlon (8) on an adulL
cllenL 1he nurse undersLands LhaL when performlng chesL compresslons one
should depress Lhe sLernum
O a Lo 1 lnch
O b Z Lo lnch
O c 1x to 2 |nches
O d 2Z Lo 3 lnches
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale When performlng cardlopulmonary
resusclLaLlon (8) on an adulL cllenL Lhe sLernum ls depressed 1Z Lo 2
lnches CpLlons 1 and 2 ldenLlfy compresslon depLhs LhaL would be
lneffecLlve ln an adulL
34 nurslng lnsLrucLor asks a nurslng sLudenL Lo descrlbe Lhe procedure for
performlng Lhe elmllch maneuver on an unconsclous pregnanL woman aL 8
monLhs gesLaLlon 1he sLudenL descrlbes Lhe procedure correcLly lf Lhe
sLudenL sLaLes LhaL she or he wlll
O a lace Lhe hands ln Lhe pelvls Lo perform Lhe LhrusLs
O b erform abdom|na| thrusts unt|| the ob[ect |s d|s|odged
O c erform lefL laLeral abdomlnal LhrusLs unLll Lhe ob[ecL
O d lace a rolled blankeL under Lhe rlghL abdomlnal flank and hlp
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1o perform Lhe elmllch maneuver on an
unconsclous woman ln an advanced sLage of pregnancy place Lhe woman on
her back lace a wedge such as a plllow or rolled blankeL under Lhe rlghL
abdomlnal flank and hlp Lo dlsplace Lhe uLerus Lo Lhe lefL slde of Lhe
33 1he nurse ls Leachlng cardlopulmonary resusclLaLlon Lo group
ofcommunlLy members 1he nurse Lells Lhe group LhaL when performlng
chesL compresslons on chlldren and lnfanLs Lhe sLernum should
O a 1Z Lo 2 lnches
O b 2Z Lo 3 lnches
O c x to x the depth of the chest
O d eep enough Lo make a flnger lmpresslon
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale When performlng cardlopulmonary
resusclLaLlon (8) on lnfanLs and chlldren Lhe sLernum ls depressed one
Lhlrd Lo one half Lhe depLh of Lhe sLernum
36 nurse ls Leachlng adulL cardlopulmonary resusclLaLlon (8) guldellnes
Lo a group of laypeople 1he nurse Lells Lhe group LhaL how many chesL
compresslons are dellvered wlLh every Lwo rescue breaLhs?
O a 10
O b 1S
O c 20
O d 30
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale When performlng cardlopulmonary
resusclLaLlon (8) on adulLs Lhe raLlo of chesL compresslons Lo breaLhs ls
37 nurse on Lhe day shlfL walks lnLo a cllenLs room and flnds Lhe cllenL
unresponslve 1he cllenL ls noL breaLhlng and does noL have a pulse and Lhe
nurse lmmedlaLely calls ouL for help 1he nexL nurslng acLlon ls whlch of Lhe
O a Cpen Lhe alrway
O b lve Lhe cllenL oxygen
O c Start chest compress|ons
O d venLllaLe wlLh a mouLhLomask devlce
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he nexL nurslng acLlon would be Lo open Lhe
alrwayvenLllaLlon cannoL be lnlLlaLed unless Lhe alrway ls opened hesL
compresslons are sLarLed afLer openlng Lhe alrway and lnlLlaLlng venLllaLlon
Cxygen may be helpful aL some polnL buL Lhe alrway ls opened flrsL
38 nurse wlLnesses a nelghbors husband susLaln a fall from Lhe roof of hls
house 1he nurse rushes Lo Lhe vlcLlm and deLermlnes Lhe need Lo open Lhe
alrway 1he nurse opens Lhe alrway ln Lhls vlcLlm by uslng whlch meLhod?
O a llexed poslLlon
O b ead LllLchln llfL
O c Iaw thrust maneuver
O d Modlfled head LllLchln llfL
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale lf a neck ln[ury ls suspecLed Lhe [aw LhrusL
maneuver ls used Lo open Lhe alrway 1he head LllLchln llfL maneuver
produces hyperexLenslon of Lhe neck and could cause compllcaLlons lf a neck
ln[ury ls presenL flexed poslLlon ls an lnapproprlaLe poslLlon for openlng
Lhe alrway
39 1he cllenL ls broughL lnLo Lhe emergency room ln venLrlcular flbrlllaLlon
(vl) 1he advanced cardlac llfe supporL (LS) nurse prepares Lo deflbrlllaLe
by placlng conducLlve gel pads on whlch parL of Lhe chesL?
O a 1he upper and lower halves of Lhe sLernum
O b 1he r|ght of the sternum [ust be|ow the c|av|c|e and to the
|eft of the precord|um
O c 1he rlghL shoulder and Lhe back of Lhe lefL shoulder
O d arallel beLween Lhe umblllcus and Lhe rlghL nlpple
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale 1he LS nurse would place one gel pad Lo Lhe
rlghL of Lhe sLernum [usL below Lhe clavlcle and Lhe oLher gel pad Lo Lhe lefL
of Lhe precordlum 1he nurse would Lhen place Lhe elecLrode paddles over
Lhe pads
40 1he communlLy healLh nurse ls worklng wlLh dlsasLer rellef ln a local
communlLy followlng a hurrlcane LhaL rulned many homes ln Lhe communlLy
1he nurse ls worklng Lo flnd houslng for Lhe survlvors and ls organlzlng
counsellng servlces 1he nurses acLlons represenL whlch Lype of level of
O a rlmary
O b Secondary
O c 1ert|ary
O d lourLh
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1erLlary prevenLlon lnvolves Lhe reducLlon of
Lhe amounL and degree of dlsablllLy ln[ury and damage followlng a crlsls
rlmary prevenLlon means keeplng Lhe crlsls from occurrlng and secondary
prevenLlon focuses on reduclng Lhe lnLenslLy and duraLlon of Lhe crlsls durlng
Lhe crlsls lLself 1here ls no known fourLh care prevenLlon level
41 cllenL broughL Lo Lhe emergency room ls dead on arrlval (C) 1he
famlly of Lhe cllenL Lells Lhe physlclan LhaL Lhe cllenL had a Lermlnal cancer
1he emergency room physlclan examlnes Lhe cllenL and asks Lhe nurse Lo
conLacL Lhe medlcal examlner regardlng an auLopsy 1he famlly of Lhe cllenL
Lells Lhe nurse LhaL Lhey do noL wanL an auLopsy performed Whlch of Lhe
followlng responses Lo Lhe famlly ls approprlaLe?
O a lL ls requlred by federal law Why donL we Lalk abouL lL and
why donL you Lell me why you donL wanL Lhe auLopsy done?"
O b 1he declslon ls made by Lhe medlcal examlner"
O c "I w||| contact the med|ca| exam|ner regard|ng your request#
O d n auLopsy ls mandaLory for any cllenL who ls C"
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale n auLopsy ls requlred by sLaLe law ln cerLaln
clrcumsLances lncludlng Lhe sudden deaLh of a cllenL and a deaLh LhaL occurs
under susplclous clrcumsLances cllenL may have provlded oral or wrlLLen
lnsLrucLlons regardlng an auLopsy followlng deaLh lf an auLopsy ls noL
requlred by law Lhese oral or wrlLLen requesLs wlll be granLed lf no oral or
wrlLLen lnsLrucLlons were provlded sLaLe law deLermlnes who has Lhe
auLhorlLy Lo consenL for an auLopsy MosL ofLen Lhe declslon resLs wlLh Lhe
survlvlng relaLlve or nexL of kln
42 cllenL comes Lo Lhe emergency room followlng an assaulL and ls
exLremely aglLaLed Lrembllng and hypervenLllaLlng 1he approprlaLe lnlLlal
nurslng acLlon would be Lo
O a Lncourage Lhe cllenL Lo dlscuss Lhe assaulL
O b |ace the c||ent |n a qu|et room a|one to decrease st|mu|at|on
O c 8emaln wlLh Lhe cllenL unLll Lhe anxleLy decreases
O d 8egln Lo Leach relaxaLlon Lechnlques
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1hls cllenL ls ln a severe sLaLe of anxleLy When
a cllenL ls ln a severe or panlc sLaLe of anxleLy lL ls crlLlcal for Lhe nurse Lo
remaln wlLh Lhe cllenL rocesslng Lhe anxleLy aL Lhls polnL wlll furLher
lncrease Lhe cllenLs level of anxleLy 1he cllenL ln a severe sLaLe of anxleLy
would noL be able Lo learn relaxaLlon Lechnlques
43 cllenL arrlves ln Lhe emergency room ln a crlsls sLaLe 1he cllenL
demonsLraLes slgns of profound anxleLy and ls unable Lo focus on anyLhlng
buL Lhe ob[ecL of Lhe crlsls and Lhe lmpacL on self 1he lnlLlal nurslng
assessmenL would focus on
O a 1he ob[ecL of Lhe crlsls
O b 1he presence of supporL sysLems
O c 1he phys|ca| cond|t|on of the c||ent
O d 1he cllenLs coplng mechanlsms
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he lnlLlal nurslng assessmenL of a cllenL ln a
crlsls sLaLe ls Lo evaluaLe Lhe physlcal condlLlon of Lhe cllenL Lhe poLenLlal for
selfharm and Lhe poLenLlal for harm Lo oLhers Cnce Lhls has been
deLermlned and approprlaLe lnLervenLlons have been lnlLlaLed Lhe nurse
would Lhen proceed wlLh Lhe menLal healLh lnLervlew
44 cllenL presenLs Lo Lhe emergency deparLmenL wlLh upper
gasLrolnLesLlnal (l) bleedlng and ls ln moderaLe dlsLress ln plannlng care
whlch nurslng acLlon would be Lhe flrsL prlorlLy for Lhls cllenL?
O a 1horough lnvesLlgaLlon of preclplLaLlng evenLs
O b lnserLlon of a nasogasLrlc Lube and emaLesL of emesls
O c ompleLe abdomlnal examlnaLlon
O d Assessment of v|ta| s|gns
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he prlorlLy nurslng acLlon ls Lo assess Lhe vlLal
slgns 1hls would lndlcaLe Lhe amounL of blood loss LhaL has occurred and
also provldes a basellne by whlch Lo monlLor Lhe progress of LreaLmenL 1he
cllenL may noL be able Lo provlde sub[ecLlve daLa unLll Lhe lmmedlaLe
physlcal needs are meL lLhough an abdomlnal examlnaLlon and an
assessmenL of Lhe preclplLaLlng evenLs may be necessary Lhese acLlons are
noL Lhe prlorlLy
43 cllenL ls belng seen ln Lhe Lmergency 8oom dlagnosls of ongesLlve
earL lallure ls made Dpon ausculLaLlng Lhe cllenLs lungs Lhe nurse hears
crackllng sounds bllaLerally aL Lhe bases ln documenLlng Lhese flndlngs Lhe
nurse would sLaLe LhaL whlch of Lhe followlng was heard
O a 8honchl
O b Wheez|ng
O c 8ales
O d LelecLasls
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale s rales are abnormal lung sounds whlch are
descrlbed as crackllng ln naLure 8honchl are also advenLlLlous buL are
characLerlzed by sonorous dry coarse sounds whlch may clear lf paLlenL
coughs someLlmes called gurgles Wheezes are hlgh plLched sounds whlch
are conLlnuous and can be ausculLaLed durlng boLh lnsplraLlon and
explraLlon secondary Lo narrowed alr passages LelecLasls refers Lo elLher
lncompleLe expanslon or collapse of alr passages buL ls noL ln and of lLself a
breaLh sound
46 homeless lndlvldual ls broughL Lo Lhe Lmergency 8oom afLer havlng
been ouL ln subfreezlng LemperaLures for Lhree Lo four days 1he Loes of Lhe
paLlenLs rlghL fooL appear hard and cold wlLh moLLllng and are unresponslve
Lo Louch Whlch of Lhe followlng would noL be lncluded ln Lhe lnlLlal
managemenL of Lhls paLlenL by Lhe Lmergency 8oom nurse?
O a 8ewarm Lhe exLremlLy wlLh conLrolled and rapld rewarmlng
unLll Lhe ln[ured parL flushes
O b Wrap Lhe affecLed exLremlLy ln a blankeL and apply molsL heaL
O c |ace ster||e gauze between the affected d|g|ts
O d LlevaLe Lhe affecLed exLremlLy
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale 1hls paLlenL ls sufferlng from frosLblLe due Lo
prolonged exposure Lo subfreezlng LemperaLures wlLhouL proper proLecLlon
lrosLblLe ls a condlLlon ln whlch Lhere ls Lrauma Lo Lhe Llssues wlLhouL acLual
freezlng of Llssue flulds Lxposed areas of Lhe body such as hands feeL
earlobes eLc are all sub[ecL Lo Lhls 1he affecLed parL becomes hard cold
and ls noL senslLlve Lo Louch and moLLled blulshwhlLe ln color 1he alm of
nurslng care ls Lo resLore normal LemperaLure and clrculaLlon Lo Lhe parL
47 paLlenL ls broughL Lo Lhe sychlaLrlc Lmergency 8oom by Lhe pollce for
LhreaLenlng nelghbors Lo blow up Lhelr car for sLeallng hls secreL formula
1he paLlenL ls very aglLaLed and paranold e ls dlagnosed wlLh aranold
Schlzophrenla 1he docLor orders aldol for Lhls paLlenL over 1horazlne
O a aldol works fasLer ln vlolenL paLlenLs
O b na|do| has |ess s|de effects than 1horaz|ne
O c aldol ls less sedaLlng Lhan 1horazlne
O d aldol ls more sedaLlng Lhan 1horazlne
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale aldol ls good wlLh paranold paLlenLs because lL
ls less sedaLlng very sedaLlng medlcaLlons Lend Lo lncrease susplclons of Lhe
paLlenL LhaL Lhe sLaffs are ouL Lo hurL or polson Lhem
48 chlld ln Lhe Lmergency 8oom ls dlagnosed wlLh an acuLe eplsode of
roup (cuLe laryngoLracheo bronchlLls) urlng Lhe lnlLlal assessmenL
whlch of Lhe followlng flndlng would Lhe nurse expecL Lo flnd?
O a lffuse explraLory wheezlng
O b Insp|ratory str|dor w|th a brassy cough
O c ecreased aeraLlon ln lung flelds
O d Shallow resplraLlons
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale roup ls an upper alrway obsLrucLlon and Lhe
slgns and sympLoms are because of dlfflculLy geLLlng alr pasL Lhe upper
alrway Wheezlng ls found wlLh sLhma decreased aeraLlon ln lung flelds ls
found wlLh neumonla Shallow resplraLlons are unllkely Lhe chlld may
exhlblL reLracLlons buL noL shallow resplraLlons
49 Whlch of Lhe followlng flndlngs ls Lhe besL lndlcaLlon LhaL fluld
replacemenL for Lhe cllenL wlLh hypovolemlc shock ls adequaLe?
O a Ur|ne output greater than 30m|]hr
O b 8esplraLory raLe of 21 breaLhs/mlnuLe
O c lasLollc blood pressure greaLer Lhan 90 mmhg
O d SysLollc blood pressure greaLer Lhan 110 mmhg
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale Drlne ouLpuL provldes Lhe mosL senslLlve
lndlcaLlon of Lhe cllenL's response Lo Lherapy for hypovolemlc shock Drlne
ouLpuL should be conslsLenLly greaLer Lhan 30 Lo 33 mL/hr
30 paLlenL presenLs aL Lhe emergency room wlLh a dull consLanL
flank alnsuggesLlve of renal calcull pproprlaLe dlscharge Leachlng from Lhe
paLlenL would lnclude
O a malnLaln regular exerclse paLLern
O b |ncrease f|u|d |ntake to ma|nta|n ur|ne output
O c decrease fluld lnLake Lo prevenL movemenL of calcull
O d Lake vlLamln and calclum supplemenLs Lo lncrease urlne
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale lluld 2000 cc or more wlll be needed Lo help
flush Lhe sLone ouL of Lhe renal sysLem ll urlne should be passed Lhrough a
sLralner as Lo collecL Lhe sLone for examlnaLlon whlch may have dleLlng
lmpllcaLlons for Lhe paLlenL
31 paLlenL ls ln Lhe L8 afLer a car crash demonsLraLlng paradoxlcal chesL
wall moLlon chesL xray shows fracLures of rlbs 26 1he 8- wlll expecL Lhe
paLlenL Lo be LreaLed wlLh
O a oxygen Lherapy and observaLlon
O b cont|nuous pos|t|ve a|rway pressure by mask
O c mechanlcal venLllaLlon wlLh LL
O d lmmedlaLe LracheoLomy
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale flall chesL ls LreaLed wlLh LL Lo spllnL Lhe
fracLured rlbs from Lhe lnslde opLlons 1 and 2 are noL aggresslve enough as
Lhe paradoxlcal moLlon from mulLlple conLlguous fracLured rlbs (flall
segmenL) wlll qulckly wear Lhe paLlenL ouL opLlon 4 would be used for an
obsLrucLed alrway posslbly for severe faclal fracLures
32 Whlch of Lhe followlng ln[urles lf demonsLraLed by Lhe paLlenL enLerlng
Lhe Lmergency 8oom would Lake hlghesL prlorlLy?
O a Cpen leg fracLure
O b Cpen head |n[ury
O c SLabblng Lo Lhe chesL
O d 1raumaLlc ampuLaLlon of Lhumb
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale Cnly a few condlLlons such as obsLrucLed
alrway or a sucklng chesL wound Lake precedence of conLrol of hemorrhage
SLabblng Lo Lhe chesL generally resulLs ln a sucklng chesL wound LhaL can
resulL ln lung collapse and medlasLlnal shlfL causlng deaLh
33 1he nurse Leaches Lhe paLlenL ln Lhe emergency room who has suffered
an ankle spraln Lo
O a Use co|d app||cat|ons to the spra|n dur|ng the f|rst 2448
O b LxpecL dlsablllLy Lo decrease wlLhln flrsL 24 hours of ln[ury
O c LxpecL aln Lo decrease wlLhln 3 hours afLer ln[ury
O d 8egln progresslve passlve and acLlve range of moLlon exerclses
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale old appllcaLlons are belleved Lo produce
vasoconsLrlcLlon and reduce edema 1he dlsablllLy and paln are anLlclpaLed
Lo lncrease durlng Lhe flrsL 23 hours afLer ln[ury rogresslve passlve and
acLlve exerclses may begln ln 23 days accordlng Lo Lhe docLor's
recommendaLlon spraln ls a LraumaLlc ln[ury Lo Lhe Lendons muscles or
llgamenLs around a [olnL characLerlzed by paln swelllng and dlscoloraLlon of
Lhe skln over Lhe [olnL 1he duraLlon and severlLy of Lhe sympLoms vary wlLh
Lhe exLenL of damage Lo Lhe supporLlng Llssues 1reaLmenL requlres supporL
resL and alLernaLlng cold and heaL xray plcLures are ofLen lndlcaLed Lo be
cerLaln LhaL no fracLure has occurred
34 !ane Love a 33yearold gravlda lll para ll aL 23 weeks' gesLaLlon ls seen
ln Lhe emergency room wlLh palnless brlghL red vaglnal bleedlng !ane
reporLs LhaL she has been feellng Llred and has noLlced ankle swelllng ln Lhe
evenlng LaboraLory LesLs reveal a hemoglobln level of 113 g/dL fLer
evaluaLlng Lhe slLuaLlon Lhe nurse deLermlnes LhaL !ane ls aL rlsk for placenLa
prevla based on whlch of Lhe followlng daLa?
O a nemla
O b Ldema
O c a|n|ess vag|na| b|eed|ng
O d laLlgue
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale lacenLa revla ls a dlsorder where Lhe placenLa
lmplanLs ln Lhe lower uLerlne segmenL causlng palnless bleedlng ln Lhe Lhlrd
LrlmesLer of pregnancy Lhe bleedlng resulLs from Learlng of Lhe placenLal vllll
from Lhe uLerlne wall as Lhe lower uLerlne segmenL conLracLs and dllaLes lL
can be sllghL or profuse brlghL red palnless bleedlng abdomen sofL
nonLender and relaxes beLween conLracLlons
33 Mellssa SmlLh came Lo Lhe emergency room ln Lhe lasL week before her
esLlmaLed daLe of conflnemenL complalnlng of headaches blurred vlslon
and vomlLlng SuspecLlng advanced l Lhe nurse would besL respond Lo
Mary's complalnLs wlLh whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs?
O a "1he doctor probab|y w||| want to adm|t you for observat|on#
O b 1he docLor probably wlll order bed resL aL home"
O c 1hese are really dangerous slgns"
O d 1he docLor wlll prescrlbe some medlclne for you"
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale l ls regnancy lnduced yperLenslon and ls a
hyperLenslve dlsorder of pregnancy developlng afLer 20 weeks' gesLaLlon
and characLerlzed by edema hyperLenslon and proLelnurla (preclampsla and
eclampsla) 1he cause ls unknown 1he paLlenL wlLh advanced l needs resL
and home ls Lhe besL place Lo geL lL osplLallzaLlon would noL be necessary
ln Lhls slLuaLlon MedlcaLlon ls noL lndlcaLed
36 When assesslng a paLlenL ln Lhe emergency room whose membranes
have rupLured Lhe nurse noLes LhaL Lhe fluld ls a greenlsh color WhaL ls Lhe
cause of Lhls greenlsh coloraLlon?
O a 8lood
O b Mecon|um
O c ydramnlos
O d apuL
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale reenlsh amnloLlc fluld passed by a feLus ln a
cephallc (head) presenLaLlon may lndlcaLe feLal dlsLress feLus ln Lhe breech
presenLaLlon wlll pass meconlum due Lo compresslon on Lhe lnLesLlnal LracL
37 ln Lhe emergency room Lhe cllenL has a feLus ln verLex presenLaLlon
membranes have [usL rupLured and Lhere ls posslble feLal dlsLress WhaL
nurslng lnLervenLlon should recelve Lhe hlghesL prlorlLy?
O a Assess Ink
O b all Lhe physlclan
O c ssess maLernal vlLal slgns
O d ssess maLernal emoLlonal sLaLus
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he feLal hearL raLe (l8) should be assessed
lmmedlaLely followlng rupLured membranes lv flulds sLarLed noLaLlons of
Llme color of fluld feLal sLaLus should be recorded vlLal slgns admlL Lo labor
and dellvery
38 1he hlghesL prlorlLy for Lhe nurse ln carlng for a cllenL LhaL has had a car
accldenL and has [usL been broughL lnLo Lhe emergency room ls
O a Immed|ate assessment of AC
O b unL for a room for Lhls cllenL
O c vold worsenlng any ln[urles LhaL have been caused by Lhe car
O d lmmedlaLely noLlfylng Lhe pollce deparLmenL
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he lmmedlaLe assessmenL of 8 (lrway
8reaLhlng and lrculaLlon) ls Lhe hlghesL prlorlLy ln Lhls slLuaLlon lf Lhe cllenL
ls havlng dlfflculLy wlLh a clear alrway or breaLhlng problems Lhls assessmenL
ls flrsL
39 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs ls Lrue abouL leadpolsonlng?
O a 1he ch||d suffer|ng from acute |ead |ntox|cat|on presents a
med|ca| emergency
O b lL ls hard Lo deLecL slnce lead ls normally presenL ln Lhe blood
O c lL ls a sllenL dlsease because Lhere are no warnlng slgns or
chronlc sympLoms
O d -one of Lhe above
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale Loxlc condlLlon caused by lngesLlon or
lnhalaLlon of lead or lead compounds Lhe acuLe form of lnLoxlcaLlon ls
characLerlzed by a burnlng sensaLlon ln Lhe mouLh and esophagus collc
consLlpaLlon or dlarrhea menLal dlsLurbances and paralysls of Lhe
exLremlLles followed ln severe cases by convulslons and muscular collapse lf
lngesLed LreaLmenL commences wlLh gasLrlc lavage wlLh magneslum or
sodlum sulfaLe fluld Lherapy followed by chelaLlon wlLh lM ln[ecLlon of
calclum dlsodlum edenLaLe or for severe cases 8rlLlsh anLllewlslLe
LncephalopaLhy musL be anLlclpaLed ln chlldren wlLh lead polsonlng
60 WhaL emergency lnLervenLlon may be necessary for Lhe posLoperaLlve
LhyroldecLomy paLlenL experlenclng hemorrhage?
O a lnLravenous calclum
O b Cra| a|rway |nsert|on
O c 1racheosLomy
O d lnLravenous Lhyrold hormone
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale emorrhage ln Lhe posLoperaLlve
LhyroldecLomy paLlenL may cause compresslon of Lhe Lrachea necesslLaLlng
emergency LracheosLomy Lo malnLaln an alrway LhyroldecLomyLhe
surglcal removal of Lhe Lhyrold gland performed for collold golLer Lumors or
hyperLhyroldlsm LhaL does noL respond Lo lodlne Lherapy and anLlLhyrold
drugs ll buL 3 Lo 10 percenL of Lhe gland ls removed regrowLh usually
beglns shorLly afLer surgery and Lhyrold funcLlon may reLurn Lo normal lor
cancer of Lhe Lhyrold Lhe enLlre gland ls removed along wlLh surroundlng
sLrucLures from neck Lo collarbone ln a radlcal neck dlssecLlon 8efore
surgery Lhe basal meLabollsm raLe ls lowered Lo normal by glvlng lodlne and
anLlLhyrold drugs lf a Lumor ls presenL a frozen secLlon of Lhe affecLed Llssue
ls examlned by a paLhologlsL lf mallgnanL cells are found mosL of Lhe enLlre
gland ls removed fLer surgery Lhe paLlenL ls mosL comforLable ln seml
lowler's poslLlon wlLh conLlnuous mlsL lnhalaLlon admlnlsLered Lo llquefy
oral secreLlons Cral sucLlonlng may be necessary LracheoLomy seL and
oxygen are kepL ln Lhe room osLoperaLlvely Lhe paLlenL ls observed for
slgns of hemorrhage resplraLory dlfflculLy caused by edema of Lhe gloLLls
Lhe muscular LwlLchlng of LeLany from accldenLal removal of a paraLhyrold
gland and Lhyrold sLorm
61 cllenL presenLs ln Lhe emergency deparLmenL wlLh fever 102l malalse
and a producLlve cough Whlch of Lhe followlng should be done flrsL?
O a dmlnlsLer Lhe prescrlbed anLlbloLlc
O b CbLaln a spuLum culLure
O c Adm|n|ster acetam|nophen to |ower fever
O d 1each cllenL Lhe lmporLance of hand washlng
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale nLlbloLlcs may affecL Lhe ouLcome of Lhe
culLure fever wlll conLlnue Lo be presenL unLll Lhe bacLerla are ellmlnaLed
maklng admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe anLlbloLlc a prlorlLy
62 Lhree year old ls broughL Lo Lhe emergency room for vaglnal dlscharge
Dpon assessmenL Lhe nurse noLes Lhe chlld ls cooperaLlve unlnhlblLed wlLh
Lhe exam presenLs wlLh enlarged vaglnal and recLal orlflces mulLlple brulslng
of Lhe perlneum and has purulenL yellow dlscharge on her panLles lurLher
lnspecLlon reveals mulLlple scraLches and brulses ln varlous sLages of heallng
and unusual round open leslons LhaL are susplclous for clgareLLe burns 1he
docLor dlagnoses urlnary LracL lnfecLlon and orders an anLlbloLlc 1he nurse
O a all anoLher physlclan Lo examlne Lhe chlld
O b ocument the f|nd|ngs |nform the phys|c|an and report the
|nc|dent to author|t|es
O c all securlLy personnel and have Lhe chlld removed from Lhe
careglver lmmedlaLely
O d onfronL Lhe careglver and have her/hlm arresLed
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale n lnLerdlsclpllnary approach ls besL ln
managemenL of pedlaLrlc abuse 1he M's fallure Lo recognlze Lhe
slgns/sympLoms of abuse musL be quesLloned owever Lhe chlld's safeLy
requlres ouLslde evaluaLlon and probable removal from Lhe presenL
envlronmenL Local clvll auLhorlLles (pollce chlld proLecLlve agencles and so
on) wlll asslsL Lhe nurse ln ensurlng Lhe chlld ls proLecLed from furLher
physlcal harm ln a slLuaLlon as descrlbed Lhe nurse may wanL Lo ellclL Lhe
supporL and asslsLance of Lhe deparLmenL's or hosplLal supervlsor 1he
susplclon of abuse ls a reporLable lncldenL by law and Lhe nurse ls mandaLed
Lo comply
63 cllenL wlLh a fracLured wrlsL has a plasLer casL placed on lL ln Lhe
emergency room Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs by a cllenL lndlcaLes
adequaLe selfcare?
O a lf my wrlsL lLches l'll puL a coaL hanger lnslde Lo scraLch lL"
O b l'll Lake a shorL shower whlle l have Lhe casL"
O c "I w||| report swe|||ng of my hand to the doctor#
O d lf Lhe casL breaks l'll wrap Lape around lL"
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale Swelllng of Lhe hand should be reporLed Lo Lhe
docLor as lL may lndlcaLe a developlng compllcaLlon coaL hanger should
noL be lnserLed lnslde a casL as lL could cause a scraLch LhaL could become
lnfecLed plasLer casL ls noL waLerproof so a shorL shower" cannoL be
Laken unless Lhe casL ls wrapped ln a barrler of plasLlc wrap lf Lhe casL ls
damaged ln any way Lhe healLhcare provlder needs Lo be noLlfled
64 Whlch of Lhe followlng Lerms ls used Lo descrlbe mlnor ln[urles or
lllnesses requlrlng flrsLald level of managemenL?
O a 1rlage
O b Urgent
O c LmergenL
O d lmmedlaLe
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale DrgenL lndlvlduals who requlre flrsL ald buL
noL lmmedlaLe LreaLmenL fasL LracL or urgenL care areas have been
developed because Lhese care envlronmenLs are less expenslve LreaLmenL
areas persons LreaLed ln Lhese areas requlre less Llme wlLh healLh care sLaff
because of Lhe naLure of Lhe slgns/sympLoms
63 When fleld Lrlage has occurred and Lhe paLlenL ls admlLLed Lo Lhe L wlLh
a yellow Lag Lhe L nurse recognlzes LhaL Lhe Lag lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe paLlenL
requlres whlch Lype of care?
O a LmergenL
O b Immed|ate
O c DrgenL
O d sychologlcal supporL
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale lmmedlaLe yellow Lag from fleld Lrlage
lndlcaLes Lhe paLlenL has a nonacuLe nonllfeLhreaLenlng ln[ury or lllness
requlrlng aLLenLlon and managemenL wlLhouL slgnlflcanL delay 1hese vlcLlms
can walL for LransporLaLlon afLer Lhey recelve lnlLlal emergency LreaLmenL
1hey lnclude vlcLlms wlLh lmmoblllzed closed fracLures sofLLlssue ln[urles
wlLhouL hemorrhage and burn less Lhan 40 percenL of Lhe body
66 When Lhe paLlenL arrlves aL Lhe emergency room and ls unconsclous
whlch of Lhe followlng acLlons by Lhe nurse ls mosL lmporLanL regardlng
obLalnlng consenL Lo examlne and LreaL?
O a sk Lhe physlclan Lo slgn Lhe consenL form
O b Contact the nearest re|at|ve
O c Seek a courL order from LreaLmenL
O d ocumenL Lhe paLlenL's crlLlcal sLaLus ln hls or her medlcal
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale lLhough Lhe consenL Lo examlne and LreaL ls
requlred lf Lhe paLlenL ls unconsclous and broughL Lo Lhe L wlLhouL famlly
or frlends Lhe lnformaLlon ls documenLed and LreaLmenL ls noL delayed
1lme Lracklng of paLlenLs recordlng of Lhe sLaLus of Lhe cllenL are essenLlal
areas fro Lhe nurse Lo seL as flrsL goal Larly lnLervenLlon ls Lhe key Lo
67 n Lmergency eparLmenL nurse ls preparlng Lo assess a male cllenL who
reporLed belng sexually abused by a woman 1he nurse's besL response
would be
O a ?ou are Loo sLrong Lo be abused by a woman"
O b WhaL dld you do Lo provoke Lhe woman?"
O c "|ease descr|be what happened#
O d ls your preference heLerosexual homosexual or blsexual?"
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale SocleLy assumes LhaL men have Lhe ablllLy Lo
defend Lhemselves and are able Lo handle any unwanLed aLLack 1he male
sexual abuse vlcLlm may percelve LhaL helplng professlonals ofLen do noL
belleve Lhe assaulL occurred be fearful of quesLlons abouL hls sexuallLy or
may be unable Lo explaln why he dld noL ward off Lhe aLLack 1he nurse
needs Lo approach Lhe slLuaLlon ln a calm supporLlve manner
68 n Lmergency eparLmenL nurse ls carlng for a cllenL who reporLed belng
raped 1he nurse's prlorlLy acLlon would be
O a ompleLe Lhe mandaLory reporLlng form
O b -oLlfy Lhe local rape crlsls cenLer
O c MalnLaln chaln of command" of all physlcal evldence
O d Ident|fy and treat a|| c||ent phys|ca| |n[ur|es
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 8ased upon Maslow's hlerarchy physlcal
ln[urles are always LreaLed flrsL 1he oLher acLlons may be Laken buL are
secondary Lo meeLlng physlologlcal needs
69 When famlly members arrlve aL Lhe L and are lnformed LhaL a famlly
member has dled Lhe nurse responds wlLh whlch of Lhe followlng acLlons?
O a Cffer Lo obLaln a physlclan order for sedaLlon
O b volunLeer deLalls of Lhe evenL leadlng Lo Lhe deaLh
O c lnform Lhe famlly member LhaL Lhe paLlenL has passed on"
O d Show acceptance of the deceased's body by touch|ng when
the fam||y members v|ew the body
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he nurse should have communlcaLlon skllls Lo
help Lhe famlly members wlLh Lhe grlevlng process remalnlng calm and
supporLlve of Lhe famlly ls very lmporLanL conLacL wlLh Lhe famlly ls cruclal
Lhe famlly should be able Lo vlew Lhe body lf deslred When Lhe nurse
Louches Lhe body lL glves Lhe famlly permlsslon" Lo Louch Lhe body also
and may help Lhe famlly Lo lnLegraLe Lhe loss
70 1he slngle mosL lmporLanL facLor ln deLermlnlng survlval from cardlac
arresL ls
O a -lLroglycerln admlnlsLraLlon
O b 1ralnlng mlddleaged and older people ln 1
O c Lar|y Ck
O d Larly deflbrlllaLlon
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale Larly deflbrlllaLlon ls Lhe slngle mosL lmporLanL
facLor ln deLermlnlng survlval from Lhe cardlac arresL lf Lhe Llme from Lhe
call ls recelved Lo Lhe arrlval of Lhe deflbrlllaLor ls longer Lhan 8 mlnuLes
vlrLually no one survlves cardlac arresL
71 When Lhe nurse suspecLs LhaL Lhe aged paLlenL admlLLed Lo Lhe
Lmergency 8oom wlLh areas of skln hemorrhage aL varlous sLages of
resoluLlon may be a vlcLlm of malLreaLmenL whlch of Lhe followlng quesLlons
ls phrased approprlaLely?
O a Who has been hlLLlng you?"
O b Where dld you geL Lhose brulses?"
O c "nas anyone fa||ed to he|p you take care of yourse|f when you
needed he|p?#
O d o you have a balance problem?"
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale CuesLlons musL be openended nonaccusaLory
and nonconfronLaLlonal 1he nurse encourages Lhe paLlenL Lo conflde ln hlm
or her and lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe nurse ls ln a poslLlon Lo proLecL Lhe paLlenL's
72 When an unconsclous cllenL ls admlLLed Lo Lhe Lmergency 8oom wlLh
known polsonlng and Lhe nurse ls asslsLlng wlLh gasLrlc lavage Lhe nurse
O a laces Lhe paLlenL ln a lefL laLeral poslLlon wlLh Lhe head
elevaLed 30 degrees
O b lnsLllls Lhe anLldoLe and Lhen asplraLes gasLrlc conLenLs
O c lnforms Lhe consclous paLlenL LhaL an endoLracheal Lube musL
be placed prlor Lo lavage
O d Lubr|cates the tube w|th a waterso|ub|e |ubr|cant
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he paLlenL's head ls lowered 13 degrees and
gasLrlc conLenLs are asplraLed and senL for analysls prlor Lo lnsLlllaLlon of any
subsLance 1he unconsclous paLlenL wlll undergo endoLracheal lnLubaLlon
and ollbased lubrlcanLs musL noL be used polson ls any subsLance LhaL can
harm Lhe body someLlmes serlously enough Lo creaLe a medlcal emergency
olsons lnLerfere wlLh buL do noL enhance Lhe normal blochemlcal
processes ln Lhe body olsons damage Lhe body by desLroylng skln and oLher
Llssues oversLlmulaLlng or depresslng Lhe cenLral nervous sysLem and
dlsplaclng oxygen on Lhe hemoglobln lL ls lmporLanL Lo flnd ouL Lhe rouLe
Lype and Llme of Lhe polsonlng
73 Mrs Dpham ls belng admlLLed Lo Lhe hosplLal from Lhe emergency room
LonlghL She wlll have emergenL orLhopedlc surgery for a hlp fracLure flrsL
Lhlng ln Lhe mornlng When should dlscharge plannlng begln?
O a urlng Lhe dlscharge planner's rounds afLer Lhe surgery
O b At the t|me of adm|ss|on
O c Cnly afLer her needs can be assessed posLoperaLlvely
O d L Lhe Llme of dlscharge
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale lannlng for dlscharge beglns durlng Lhe
admlsslon assessmenL based on anLlclpaLed dlscharge and selfcare needs
74 ?ou are Lhe emergency room nurse on duLy when a young man ls
admlLLed from an auLo accldenL wlLh masslve head ln[urles and admlLLed Lo
Lhe lD ?ou know LhaL lf he ls [udged Lo be braln dead and organ donaLlon ls
O a 1he famlly wlll noL be charged for Lhe cosL of organ donaLlon
O b Crgan donaLlon wlll dlsflgure Lhe donor and wlll poLenLlally
alLer Lhe funeral arrangemenLs
O c 1he famlly wlll noL be asked for organ donaLlon because of Lhe
masslve head ln[urles
O d n|s name and persona| |nformat|on w||| be g|ven to the organ
rec|p|ent so that there can be commun|cat|on after the
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1here are no charges Lo Lhe famlly or donor's
esLaLe for organ donaLlon Crgan donaLlon does noL dlsflgure Lhe donor and
funeral arrangemenLs such as open caskeLs do noL have Lo be alLered
because of Lhe donaLlon CfLen famllles of paLlenLs wlLh masslve head
ln[urles who become braln dead are glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo donaLe organs
because Lhe oLher organs are sLlll funcLlonal 1he donor's lnformaLlon ls
confldenLlal and noL communlcaLed Lo Lhe reclplenL under normal
73 ?our L8 paLlenL ls a 10 year old wlLh conLuslons LhaL may have been
lnfllcLed by a careglver s a nurse advocaLe faclllLaLlng Lhe paLlenL's care
you would do all of Lhe followlng excepL
O a ldenLlfy and documenL Lhe paLlenL's condlLlon
O b 1e|| the mother
O c lollow your faclllLy proLocol for mandaLory reporLlng of
susplclon of chlld abuse
O d lscuss your flndlngs wlLh Lhe physlclan ln charge
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale ln lnsLances of suspecLed chlld abuse Lhe nurse
advocaLe has a responslblllLy Lo Lhe paLlenL Lo convey Lhe concern verbally Lo
Lhe physlclan ln wrlLlng Lhrough compleLe facLual documenLaLlon and by
followlng Lhe faclllLy's proLocol for processlng of such a susplclon
76 ?ou are worklng ln Lhe emergency room when a paLlenL ls admlLLed wlLh
rlghLslded weakness and swallowlng dlfflculLy 1he physlclan speclallsL who
may be expecLed Lo evaluaLe Lhls paLlenL would be
O a Neuro|og|st
O b asLroenLerologlsL
O c hyslaLrlsL
O d ulmonologlsL
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale neurologlsL would evaluaLe Lhls paLlenL for a
posslble v gasLroenLerologlsL works wlLh paLlenLs wlLh dlgesLlve
problems a physlaLrlsL works wlLh paLlenLs wlLh rehablllLaLlon needs and a
pulmonologlsL would work wlLh paLlenLs wlLh resplraLory problems
77 ?our L8 paLlenL ls a 10yearold wlLh conLuslons whlch may have been
lnfllcLed by a careglver s a nurse advocaLe Lo faclllLaLe Lhe paLlenL's care
you would do all of Lhe followlng excepL
O a ldenLlfy and documenL Lhe paLlenL's condlLlon
O b 1e|| the mother
O c lollow your faclllLy proLocol for mandaLory reporLlng of
susplclon of chlld abuse
O d lscuss your flndlngs wlLh Lhe physlclan ln charge
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale ln lnsLances of suspecLed chlld abuse Lhe nurse
advocaLe has a responslblllLy Lo Lhe paLlenL Lo convey Lhe concern verbally Lo
Lhe physlclan ln wrlLlng Lhrough compleLe facLual documenLaLlon and by
followlng Lhe faclllLy's proLocol for processlng of such a susplclon
78 cllenL was Laken Lo Lhe emergency afLer a car accldenL 1he cllenL was
loslng a loL of blood WhaL are Lhe advanLages of Lhe use of crysLallolds
versus collolds when Lhere ls an acuLe blood loss?
O a ollolds help sLop bleedlng
O b rysLallolds lower blood pressure rapldly
O c rysLallolds wlll ralse Lhe blood pressure rapldly
O d Co||o|ds rep|ace packed ce||s
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale rysLallolds do noL lnLerfere wlLh Lype and
crossmaLch of blood 1hey ralse Lhe blood pressure rapldly however Lhe
blood pressure wlll remaln elevaLed longer wlLh collolds Lhan wlLh
crysLallolds collolds provlde proLeln and fluld for Lhe body and prevenL shock
and promoLe wound heallng crysLallold ls helpful ln esLabllshlng renal
funcLlon lL resLores exLracellular blood volume and replaces sodlum chlorlde
79 ll of Lhe followlng can cause cardlovascular emergencles wheLher
dlrecLly or lndlrecLly excepL
O a Changes |n the |nner wa||s of arter|es
O b roblems wlLh Lhe hearL's elecLrlcal funcLlon
O c roblems wlLh Lhe hearL's mechanlcal funcLlon
O d ompllcaLlons LhaL resulL from cardlovascular surgery
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he ma[orlLy of cardlovascular emergencles are
noL a resulL of compllcaLlons of cardlovascular surgery lnsLead Lhey are a
resulL of changes ln Lhe lnner walls of arLerles or problems wlLh Lhe hearL's
elecLrlcal and mechanlcal funcLlons
80 1he prlmary cause of an emergency ln mosL cardlacrelaLed medlcal
emergencles ls due Lo
O a keduced b|ood f|ow to the myocard|um
O b ardlac arresL
O c Loss of consclousness
O d 8reaLhlng dlfflculLy
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale nglna pecLorls means llLerally a paln ln Lhe
chesL a paroxysmal Lhoraclc paln caused mosL ofLen by myocardlal anoxla as
a resulL of aLherosclerosls of Lhe coronary arLerles 1he paln usually radlaLes
down Lhe lnner aspecL or Lhe lefL arm and ls frequenLly accompanled by a
feellng of suffocaLlon and lmpendlng deaLh LLacks of anglna pecLorls are
ofLen relaLed Lo exerLlon emoLlonal sLress and exposure Lo lnLense cold 1he
paln may be relleved by resL and vasodllaLaLlon of Lhe coronary arLerles by
medlcaLlon such as nlLroglycerln
81 cllenL goes Lo Lhe Lmergency eparLmenL wlLh reporL of chesL palns
shorLness of breaLh and exLreme anxleLy earL dlsease ls ruled ouL and Lhe
cllenL ls dlagnosed wlLh havlng a panlc aLLack When revlewlng Lhe cllenL's
charL Lhe nurse noLes LhaL Lhe cllenL has vlslLed Lhe Lmergency eparLmenL
wlLh slmllar problems Lhree Llmes ln Lhe pasL year 1he nurse dlscusses Lhe
panlc aLLacks wlLh Lhe cllenL 1he cllenL admlLs Lo havlng many panlc aLLacks
and asks for help 1he nurse recommends
O a A psych|atr|c consu|t and adm|ss|on to an acute care fac|||ty
O b 1he cllenL goes Lo a menLal healLh cllnlc for ouLpaLlenL care
O c 1he cllenL [olns a supporL group wlLh people wlLh slmllar
O d 1he cllenL enLers a resldenLlal program where Lhe envlronmenL
ls less sLressful
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he ma[orlLy of cardlovascular emergencles are
noL a resulL of compllcaLlons of cardlovascular surgery lnsLead Lhey are a
resulL of changes ln Lhe lnner walls of arLerles or problems wlLh Lhe hearL's
elecLrlcal and mechanlcal funcLlons
82 L 1100 M Mr rlnce ls broughL Lo Lhe unlL from Lhe emergency room
for admlsslon Lylng on Lhe LransporL carL he ls complalnlng of severe nausea
and ls dry heavlng lnLo an emesls basln ls wlfe and son are wlLh hlm WhaL
would be Lhe mosL approprlaLe acLlon for Lhe nurse Lo Lake aL Lhls Llme?
O a elp geL Mr rlnce ln bed and orlenL hlm Lo Lhe bed conLrols
O b elp geL Mr rlnce lnLo bed and begln Lo flll ouL Lhe deLalled
admlsslon assessmenL form
O c sk hlm wheLher he has valuables for Lhe safe
O d ne|p get Mr r|nce |n bed proper|y pos|t|oned for comfort
and beg|n focused abdom|na| assessment target|ng h|s
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he reason an emergency occurs ln mosL
cardlacrelaLed medlcal emergencles ls due Lo reduced blood flow Lo Lhe
myocardlum 1hls may ln Lurn cause cardlac arresL loss of consclousness or
breaLhlng dlfflculLy
83 When lnlLlaLlng care for a cllenL ln Lhe emergency deparLmenL wlLh an
esLlmaLed blood loss of 3 l from a chaln saw ln[ury for whlch facLor should
Lhe nurse assess flrsL?
O a nypovo|em|a
O b aln
O c lmpalred cognlLlon
O d erlpheral paresLheslas
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale ypovolemla ls a poLenLlally llfe LhreaLenlng
condlLlon whlch can resulL from hemorrhage 8ecause lL can lead Lo shock
and ls poLenLlally llfe LhreaLenlng lL ls Lhe prlorlLy assessmenL because
lmmedlaLe lnLervenLlon ls needed aln level ls lmporLanL buL noL a llfe
LhreaLenlng lssue lmpalred cognlLlon and perlpheral paresLheslas are noL
84 Cn assesslng a cllenL broughL lnLo emergency followlng a moLor vehlcle
accldenL Lhe nurse noLes LhaL an area of Lhe laLeral rlghL chesL bulges on
explraLlon and appears Lo be sucked ln on lnsplraLlon Whlch problem should
Lhe nurse suspecL?
O a I|a|| chest
O b LelecLasls
O c neumonla
O d emoLhorax
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale llall chesL occurs when mulLlple conLlguous rlbs
are fracLured ln more Lhan one place resulLlng ln freefloaLlng rlb pleces 1hls
freefloaLlng secLlon ls pulled ln durlng lnsplraLlon and bulges ouLward durlng
explraLlon (paradoxlcal movemenL) lmpedlng boLh lnLake and ouLflow of alr
from Lhe lungs aradoxlcal movemenL does noL occur wlLh aLelecLasls
pneumonla or hemoLhorax WlLh aLelecLasls Lhere are decreased breaLh
sounds over Lhe affecLed area WlLh a large hemoLhorax decreased chesL
movemenL on Lhe affecLed slde and decreased or absenL breaLh sounds
83 nurse ln an Lmergency eparLmenL (L) ls carlng for a cllenL who has
been drlnklng alcohol everyday for Lhe pasL 10 days 1he cllenL ls drowsy has
slurred speech and lacks coordlnaLlon s Lhe cllenL experlences alcohol
wlLhdrawal whlch poLenLlal slde effecL concerns Lhe nurse mosL?
O a nxleLy
O b ypoglycemla
O c LsophaglLls
O d e||r|um tremens
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he nurse monlLors Lhe cllenL closely and ls
mosL concerned abouL dellrlum LremensLhe mosL severe manlfesLaLlon of
alcohol wlLhdrawal ellrlum Lremens (1) ls characLerlzed by anxleLy
unconLrollable fear Lremor lrrlLablllLy aglLaLlon halluclnaLlons and
lnsomnla 1hls condlLlon ls llfeLhreaLenlng and requlres lmmedlaLe
86 n emergency room nurse ls carlng for a chlld dlagnosed wlLh eplgloLLlLls
ssesslng Lhe chlld Lhe nurse monlLors for whlch lndlcaLlon LhaL Lhe chlld
may be experlenclng alrway obsLrucLlon?
O a 1he chlld exhlblLs nasal flarlng and bradycardla
O b 1he ch||d |s |ean|ng forward w|th the ch|n thrust out
O c 1he chlld has a lowgrade fever and complalns of a sore LhroaL
O d 1he chlld ls leanlng backward supporLlng hlm or herself wlLh
Lhe hands and arms
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale llnlcal manlfesLaLlons suggesLlve of alrway
obsLrucLlon lnclude Lrlpod poslLlonlng (leanlng forward whlle supporLed by
arms chln LhrusL ouL mouLh open) nasal flarlng Lachycardla a hlgh fever
and a sore LhroaL
87 1he cllenL dlagnosed wlLh sepLlcemla ls recelvlng a broadspecLrum
anLlbloLlc Whlch laboraLory daLa requlre Lhe nurse Lo noLlfy Lhe healLhcare
O a 1he c||ent's potass|um |eve| |s 38 mLq]L
O b 1he urlne culLure lndlcaLes hlgh senslLlvlLy Lo Lhe anLlbloLlc
O c 1he cllenL's pulse oxlmeLer readlng ls 94
O d 1he culLure and senslLlvlLy ls reslsLanL Lo Lhe cllenL's anLlbloLlc
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale senslLlvlLy reporL LhaL lndlcaLes a reslsLance
Lo Lhe anLlbloLlc belng glven lndlcaLes Lhe medlcaLlon Lhe cllenL ls recelvlng ls
noL approprlaLe for Lhe LreaLmenL of Lhe lnfecLlous organlsm and Lhe
needs Lo be noLlfled so LhaL Lhe anLlbloLlc can be changed
88 1he cllenL dlagnosed wlLh sepLlc shock has hypoLenslon decreased urlne
ouLpuL and cool pale skln Whlch phase of sepLlc shock ls Lhe cllenL
O a 1he hypodynam|c phase
O b 1he compensaLory phase
O c 1he hyperdynamlc phase
O d 1he progresslve phase
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he hypodynamlc phase ls Lhe lasL and
lrreverslble phase of sepLlc shock characLerlzed by low cardlac ouLpuL wlLh
vasoconsLrlcLlon lL reflecLs Lhe body's efforL Lo compensaLe for hypovolemla
caused by Lhe loss of lnLravascular volume Lhrough Lhe caplllarles
89 1he female cllenL presenLs Lo Lhe emergency deparLmenL wlLh faclal
laceraLlons and conLuslons 1he spouse wlll noL leave Lhe room durlng Lhe
assessmenL lnLervlew Whlch lnLervenLlon should be Lhe nurse's flrsL acLlon?
O a all Lhe securlLy guard Lo escorL Lhe spouse away
O b |scuss the |n[ur|es wh||e the spouse |s |n the room
O c 1ell Lhe spouse LhaL Lhe pollce wlll wanL Lo Lalk Lo hlm
O d LscorL Lhe cllenL Lo Lhe baLhroom for a urlne speclmen
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 8y escorLlng Lhe cllenL Lo a baLhroom for any
reason Lhe nurse can geL Lhe cllenL Lo a safe area ouL of Lhe hearlng of Lhe
spouse 1hls ls Lhe mosL lnnocuous way Lo geL Lhe cllenL alone
90 1he elderly male cllenL ls admlLLed Lo Lhe medlcal unlL wlLh a dlagnosls of
senlle demenLla 1he cllenL ls 74 lnches Lall and welghs 343 kg 1he cllenL
llves wlLh hls son and daughLerlnlaw boLh of whom work ouLslde Lhe
house Whlch referral would be Lhe mosL lmporLanL for Lhe nurse Lo
O a dulL roLecLlve Servlces
O b Soc|a| worker
O c Medlcare ombudsman
O d leLlLlan
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale 1he nurse should arrange for Lhe soclal worker
Lo see Lhe cllenL and famlly Lo deLermlne lf some arrangemenLs could be
made Lo provlde for Lhe cllenL's safeLy and for Lhe cllenL Lo be provlded wlLh
nuLrlLlous meals whlle Lhe adulL chlldren are aL work longLerm care
faclllLy or adulL day care may be needed
91 Whlch sLaLemenL explalns Lhe sclenLlflc raLlonale for havlng emergency
sucLlon equlpmenL avallable durlng resusclLaLlon efforLs?
O a asLrlc dlsLenLlon can occur as a resulL of venLllaLlon
O b lL ls needed Lo asslsL when lnLubaLlng Lhe cllenL
O c 1h|s equ|pment w||| ensure a patent a|rway
O d lL keeps Lhe vomlLus away from Lhe healLhcare provlder
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale asLrlc dlsLenLlon occurs from overvenLllaLlng
cllenLs When compresslons are performed Lhe pressure wlll cause vomlLlng
LhaL could be asplraLed lnLo Lhe lungs
92 Whlch equlpmenL musL be lmmedlaLely broughL Lo Lhe cllenL's bedslde
when a code ls called for a cllenL who has experlenced a cardlac arresL?
O a venLllaLor
O b A crash cart
O c gurney
O d orLable oxygen
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale 1he crash carL ls Lhe moblle unlL LhaL has Lhe
deflbrlllaLor and all Lhe medlcaLlons and supplles needed Lo conducL a code
93 1he nurslng admlnlsLraLor responds Lo a code slLuaLlon When assesslng
Lhe slLuaLlon whlch role musL Lhe admlnlsLraLor ensure ls performed for
legal purposes and conLlnulLy of care of Lhe cllenL?
O a person ls venLllaLlng wlLh an ambu bag
O b person ls performlng chesL compresslons correcLly
O c person ls admlnlsLerlng medlcaLlons as ordered
O d A person |s keep|ng an accurate record of the code
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he charL ls a legal documenL and Lhe code
musL be documenLed ln Lhe charL and provlde lnformaLlon LhaL may be
needed ln Lhe lnLenslve care unlL
94 Whlch slLuaLlon would warranL Lhe nurse obLalnlng lnformaLlon from a
maLerlal safeLy daLa sheeL (MSS)?
O a 1he cusLodlan spllled a chemlcal solvenL ln Lhe hallway
O b A v|s|tor s||pped and fe|| on the f|oor that had [ust been
O c boLLle of anLlneoplasLlc agenL broke on Lhe cllenL's floor
O d 1he nurse was sLuck wlLh a conLamlnaLed needle ln Lhe cllenL's
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he MSS provldes chemlcal lnformaLlon
regardlng speclflc agenLs healLh lnformaLlon and splll lnformaLlon for a
varleLy of chemlcals lL ls requlred for every chemlcal LhaL ls found ln Lhe
93 1he Lrlage nurse has placed a dlsasLer Lag on Lhe cllenL Whlch acLlon
would warranL lmmedlaLe lnLervenLlon by Lhe nurse?
O a 1he nurse documenLs Lhe Lag number ln Lhe dlsasLer log
O b 1he un||censed nurs|ng ass|stant documents v|ta| s|gns on the
O c 1he healLhcare provlder removes Lhe Lag Lo examlne Lhe llmb
O d 1he L- securely aLLaches Lhe Lag Lo Lhe cllenL's fooL
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he Lag should never be removed from Lhe
cllenL unLll Lhe dlsasLer ls over or Lhe cllenL ls admlLLed and Lhe Lag becomes
a parL of Lhe cllenL's record 1he needs Lo be lnformed lmmedlaLely of
Lhe acLlon
96 1he faLher of a chlld broughL Lo Lhe emergency deparLmenL ls yelllng aL
Lhe sLaff and obvlously lnLoxlcaLed Whlch approach should Lhe nurse Lake
wlLh Lhe faLher?
O a 1a|k to the father |n a ca|m and |ow vo|ce
O b 1ell Lhe faLher Lo walL ln Lhe walLlng room
O c -oLlfy Lhe chlld's moLher Lo come Lo Lhe L
O d all Lhe pollce deparLmenL Lo come and arresL hlm
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1hls wlll help dlffuse Lhe escalaLlng slLuaLlon
and aLLempL Lo keep Lhe faLher calm
97 1he male cllenL was found ln a parked car wlLh Lhe moLor runnlng 1he
paramedlcs broughL Lhe cllenL Lo Lhe L ln Lhe L Lhe cllenL complalns of a
headache nausea and dlzzlness and ls noL able Lo Lell Lhe L nurse hls name
or address Cn assessmenL Lhe nurse noLes Lhe buccal mucosa ls a cherryred
color Whlch should Lhe nurse lmplemenL flrsL?
O a Check the c||ent's oxygenat|on |eve| w|th a pu|se ox|meter
O b pply oxygen vla nasal cannula aL 100
O c CbLaln a psychlaLrlc consulL Lo deLermlne lf Lhls was a sulclde
O d repare Lhe cllenL for Lransfer Lo a faclllLy wlLh a hyperbarlc
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale 1hese are slgns and sympLoms of carbon
monoxlde polsonlng SympLoms lnclude skln color from a cherry red Lo
cyanoLlc and pale headache muscular weakness palplLaLlons dlzzlness and
confuslon and can progress rapldly Lo coma and deaLh Cxygen should be
admlnlsLered 100 aL hyperbarlc or aLmospherlc pressures Lo reverse
hypoxla and acceleraLe ellmlnaLlon of Lhe carbon monoxlde
98 vaL of chemlcals spllled onLo Lhe cllenL Whlch acLlon should Lhe
occupaLlonal healLh nurse lmplemenL flrsL?
O a nave the c||ent stand under a shower wh||e remov|ng a||
O b heck Lhe MaLerlal SafeLy aLa SheeLs for Lhe anLldoLe
O c dmlnlsLer oxygen by nasal cannula
O d ollecL a sample of Lhe chemlcals ln Lhe vaL for analysls
orrecL nswer 8aLlonale 1he skln should be lmmedlaLely drenched wlLh
waLer from a hose or shower consLanL sLream of waLer ls applled 1lme
should noL be losL by removlng Lhe cloLhes and Lhen proceedlng Lo rlnslng
wlLh waLer lf Lhe person has a dry powder form of whlLe phosphorus or lye
lL ls brushed off and Lhen Lhe cllenL ls placed under Lhe shower
99 1he cllenL presenLs Lo Lhe L wlLh acuLe vomlLlng afLer eaLlng aL a fasL
food resLauranL 1here has noL been any dlarrhea 1he nurse suspecLs
boLullsm polsonlng Whlch nurslng problem ls Lhe hlghesL prlorlLy for Lhls
O a I|u|d vo|ume |oss
O b 8lsk for resplraLory paralysls
O c bdomlnal paln
O d nxleLy
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale llenLs wlLh boLullsm are aL rlsk for resplraLory
paralysls and Lhls ls Lhe prlorlLy problem
100 1he nurse ls dlscharglng a cllenL dlagnosed wlLh accldenLal carbon
monoxlde polsonlng Whlch sLaLemenL made by Lhe cllenL lndlcaLes Lhe need
for furLher Leachlng?
O a l should lnsLall carbon monoxlde deLecLors ln my home"
O b "nav|ng a natura| br|ghtred co|or to my ||ps |s good#
O c ?ou cannoL smell carbon monoxlde so lL can be dlfflculL Lo
O d l should have my furnace checked for leaks before Lurnlng lL
orrecL nswer 8 8aLlonale 1he llps should be plnk noL brlghL red or blue
1hls lndlcaLes a saLuraLlon of Lhe hemoglobln wlLh carbon monoxlde 1hls
cllenL needs more lnsLrucLlon

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