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SMB3 Engine Basic Map Screen Tutorial

Create a new room that is 270 X 270 and make it persistant

Enable View 0 and set the following variables:

Left=0, Top=48

W=256, H=224

X=0, Y=0

Hbor=115, Vbor=100

Hsp= -1, Vsp= -1

No follow object
1. Draw a border around the view area using Map Scenary Objects to keep
MapMario from going outside of the room.

2. Place the MapStart object where you want MapMario to appear when you
begin the map and where he will re-pop if he dies from a level.

3. Add the following code to the creation code of the room:

(where TestMap is the name of this room so that Mario will return to this room
when he dies)
4. Next Add some Terrain to setup your path structure

5. You may add Some MapPoints to Make Mario stop at Forks in the path where
there is not going to be a level icon or terrain to stop MapMario.

6. Now add some MapLevel Icons (for regular levels not fortresses)
7. Now in the creation code of the room you will need to set a few variables to the
MapLevel icons. Its best to use the ID numbers of each MapLevel Icon to set its
variables. You can get its ID Number by hovering the mouse over the icon in the
room editor and it will appear down ont the status bar.

You can setup each MapLevel Icon by adding the following code to the room’s
creation code.

With (instance_id)

instance_id represents the instance number of the MapLevel that you wish to
set the destination of.

sprite_index is used for choosing the Map Level icon for the instance. Default is

Room is where you put the room name for the destination. Just using the word
"room" will just make it so nothing happens when Mario is on the icon with the
player pressing enter.

Instant_entry can be set to either true or false. If it is set to true, the player will
automatically enter the level upon contact with the Map Level icon.

Blocking is used to make it that Mario cannot pass a Map Level icon without
completing it first. The default is false for most MapLevel object except for the
MapFortress object, which is set to true by default.
8. Now add a Fortress and a MapLock to the map.

The MapFortress object has all of the variables that MapLevel Icons have that
must be set plus 2 additional variables that may be set. They are Destroylock
and mylock.

Destroylock Setting this to True will destroy an object on the MapScreen

which is set by using the mylock variable, usually this is a MapLock but you can
get creative with it if you’d like.

For example, in the engine demo:


mylock is set to 114649 which is the ID number of the instance of the MapLock
on the MapScreen. So when the fortress is destroyed, the lock is destroyed as
9. Now add 2 MapPipes to the Map.

MapPipes have 2 variables that can be set, Roomdestination and Pipe_exit.

Roomdestination is used just like any MapLevel object to set the room you wish
Mario to travel to when enter is pressed while standing on it. If it is not set to a
room name, the pipe won’t send Mario to another room. Instead he will be sent to
another location in the same room by using the pipe_exit variable.

Pipe_exit is set to an object’s ID number (usually another MapPipe) that Mario

will be teleported to when enter is pressed while Mario is standing on the

Set the Pipe_exit variable of each MapPipe to each other’s instance_id in the
creation code of the room. Now they will act as teleporters when enter is
pressed while Mario is standing on one of them.
10. Now add a HammerBro or BoomarangBro object to the map. The
HammerBro object acts just like a MapLevel icon except that it is animated and
has instant_entry=true by default. You can set its roomdestination variable
the same way you would a MapLevel icon and when MapMario collides with the
HammerBro, he will be instantly sent to that room.

**At this point you should be able to make a map whatever way you want it.
When Mario dies, he will return to the Map and when a level is completed with a
level goal, he will return to the map as well.

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