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Homework Written Assignment. There will be a Written Homework Assignment due on the day of each examination.

There will be questions for each class and the answers should address each quest ion, minimum two pages typed, double-spaced for all questions. It is expected t hat each question will be discussed thoroughly using complete sentences. SESSIONS ONE & TWO Reading Assignment: Chapter 1 PART ONE Introduction to Human Resource Management and the Environment Chapter 01: Human Resource Management 1. Define the term human resource management. 2. Describe the strategic importance of human resource management (HRM) act ivities performed in organizations. 3. Explain what career opportunities are available in the HRM field. 4. Discuss the role that specialists and operating managers play in perform ing HRM activities. 5. List the main objectives pursued by HRM units in organizations. Chapter 1 Questions 1. Explain how action-oriented HRM departments differ from people-oriented HRM departments. 2. Many organizations have had a difficult time adopting a strategic perspective toward HRM. Why? 3. Identify five HRM criteria or components that can be used to measure organiz ational effectiveness or ineffectiveness. Grievance rate is an example. 4. Identify five contributions that HRM makes to organizational effectiveness. Helping the organization reach its goals is an example. 5. Name three benefits that companies attribute to telecommuting. 6. Human Resource Management (HRM) consists of numerous activities. Name at lea st five of them. 7. Name two factors that contributed to the development of personnel department s. 8. What is the primary reason that operating managers, such as supervisors, dep artment heads, and vice presidents, are involved in HRM activities? 9. When is the conflict between HR employees and operating managers most pressi ng? SESSIONS THREE Reading Assignment: Chapter 2 Chapter 02: A Strategic Management Approach to Human Resource Management 1. Describe how an ARDM model can be used to organize, examine, and solve " people problems". 2. Explain the difference between external and internal environmental force s that affect HRM problems. 3. Discuss the role that HRM can play in accomplishing an organization's st rategic plan. 4. Identifyhow HRM activities contribute to a firm's productivity Chapter 2 Questions 1. Identify five HRM activities, policies, or programs that are influenced by fe deral regulations. 2. What are the educational and behavioral factors that an HR manager must consi der when staffing a division in a new geographic location? 3. Third-world nations are the most difficult to work in. Why? 4. Which of these work-life balance programs would most appeal to you today, and why? What about 10 years from now? a. Child care at or near the worksite b. Sick care for children and employees

c. On-site summer camp d. Concierge services to assist with a wide variety of errands, from dry cleanin g to making dinner reservations e. Flexible work schedule 5. Identify at least three issues that telecommuting raises for HRM. 6. The ARDM model includes four specific steps to be taken by managers. What are they? 7. Why does regulation encourage simplistic thinking on complicated issues? 8. Many economists define institutions that are neither governmental nor profitoriented as the third sector. Identify three types of institutions that would be classified as third sector. 9. How can competitors learn about a firm's HRM policies? 10. What does symbolic egalitarianism mean? 11. Identify two benefits of paying wages than are higher than required by the m arket. 12. Name a method by which an organization can give employees an ownership inter est in the organization. 13. What are the four stages of product development? 14. What types of employees are considered contingent workers? SESSIONS FOUR & FIVE Reading Assignment: Chapter 3 Chapter 03: Equal Employment Opportunity: Legal Aspects of Human Resource Manage ment 1. Determine three major reasons why equal employment opportunity (EEO) pro grams have evolved. 2. Describe two major criteria used to determine EEO and affirmative action compliance or noncompliance. 3. Explain what is meant by the term discrimination. 4. List the enforcement agencies responsible for administering Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, Executive Order 11246, and the Americans with Disabilitie s Act. 5. Outline how an organization can implement an affirmative action program. Chapter 3 Questions 1. List five adverse employment actions that may be considered retaliatory. 2. What is quid pro quo harassment? 3. Plaintiffs may defend the termination of protected employees with legitimat e reasons, such as poor performance. However, employees may overcome this defens e. How? 4. What are two of the economic reasons that companies give for not hiring olde r workers? 5. Identify at least three advantages of hiring older workers. 6. What are the four stages of an EEOC investigation into charges of discrimina tion? 7. Once a final court decision is reached in a Title VII case, it can provide dr astic remedies. List 5 possible remedies. SESSIONS SIX Reading Assignment: Chapter 4 Chapter 04: Global Human Resource Management 1. Describe the drivers behind globalization in the early 21st century. 2. Discuss the role that culture plays in determining the effective use of human resource management practices in a global organization.

3. Identify critical HRM issues faced by multinational and global organizat ions when they conduct business in the international marketplace. Chapter 4 Questions 1. Identify five human resource challenges that multinational corporations face today. 2. What kinds of things can a company do to motivate employees to take and do w ell in overseas assignments? 3. According to the text, prospective managers should prepare satisfactory answ ers to a number of questions before going on an overseas assignment. List five o f those questions. 4. What was the purpose of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977? 5. List three of the seven Sullivan Principles. 6. Would you be open to an overseas assignment? If not, why? If so, what difficu lties would you expect to encounter when making the transition? For example, hav ing your mail forwarded. 7. What are the three sources of employees for an international organization? 8. What does using a geocentric orientation to HRM mean? 9. What is the single greatest HR challenge facing any globally oriented corpora tion? 10. What is the biggest HRM mistake that unsuccessful global organizations make? SESSION SEVEN EXAMINATION # 1,Chapters 1-4. HW Due: Chapters 1-4 Questuions SESSION EIGHT Reading Assignment: Chapter 5 PART TWO Acquiring Human Resources Chapter 05: Human Resource Planning and Alignment 1. Discuss the importance of human resources planning in organizations and describe the critical linkages that exist between strategic planning and human r esources planning. 2. Describe how managers forecast demand for and analyze the supply of empl oyees in the organization. 3. List four forecasting techniques that are used in human resource plannin g. 4. Define the terms skills inventory, succession planning, and replacement chart. 5. Identify reasons why a computerized human resource planning system could be useful to an organization. Chapter 5 Questions 1. Concern over a single individual's ability to provide accurate estimates led to the development of the Delphi technique. Explain what the Delphi technique i s and how it works. 2. One group-based judgment forecasting method is called the nominal group techn ique. Explain how it works. 2. Name at least ten things that are commonly included in a skills inventory. 3. A skills inventory typically is divided into three segments, one of which is "Data summarizing the employee's past." What four sub-categories (types of info rmation) would be included in this segment? 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two principal methods of gat hering data: the questionnaire and the interview. 5. A skills inventory often includes data that focus on the future. What would y ou enter as your personal career goals for one year and five years? 6. It is generally agreed that HR planning involves four distinct phases or sta ges, the first being situation analysis or environmental scanning. What are the

next three stages? 7. How might senior executives be enticed to delay retirement? SESSION NINE Reading Assignment: Chapter 6 Chapter 06: Job Analysis and Design 1. Define the terms job analysis, job description, and job specification. 2. Illustrate the uses that job analysis information can have in an organiz ation's HRM. 3. Describe four methods used to collect job analysis information. 4. Interpret job codes and information found in the Dictionary of Occupatio nal Titles. 5. List the five core job dimensions used in job enrichment programs. 6. Compare the strengths and weaknesses of the mechanistic and motivational approaches to job design. 7. Describe briefly how job descriptions are changing as the nature of jobs has changed. Chapter 6 Questions 1. If you were offered a choice of job sharing, flextime, telecommuting, or reg ular hours, which would you choose, and why? 2. Give three examples of the types of questions a job analyst should ask when s tudying a specific job. 3. List the six steps in the job analysis process. 4. Identify three things that a good job analysis must provide if it is to be vi ewed favorably in court. 5. What is the difference between job oriented analysis and work-oriented analys is? 6. Explain the three steps of a multi-method job analysis. 7. The latest version of the management position description questionnaire (MPDQ ) is divided into 15 sections in order to reduce the time it takes to complete t he questionnaire and to help with the interpretation of responses. Identify at l east 10 of the sections. 8. Identify two major problems with the Position Analysis Questionnaire. 9. Although there is no standard format for a job description, almost all well-w ritten, useful descriptions will include these components: (1) Job title, (2) Su mmary, (3) Equipment, (4) Environment, (5) Activities. Explain what information should be contained in each section. 10. Interviews are difficult to standardize for three reasons. What are they? 11. What does KSAO stand for? 12. What are essential skills? 13. What is job sharing? SESSION TEN & ELEVEN Reading Assignment: Chapter 7 Chapter 07: Recruitment 1. Discuss how to develop an effective recruiting program for an organizati on. 2. Describe the recruiting process: who does it, how recruiters do it, and where they find recruits. 3. Define what is meant by a realistic job preview. 4. Identify typical flaws that college students find in recruiters. 5. Discuss different strategies that organizations might use to recruit blu e-collar, white-collar, managerial, technical, and professional applicants. Chapter 7 Questions 1. Identify five sources of information from which the Bureau of Labor Statist ics generates verified counts of fatal work injuries.

2. Identify five things that are closely tied to accidents in the workplace. Fo r example, boredom and poor lighting. 3. What are the four characteristics of employees who are likely to be accident repeaters? decrease in occupational illnesses and injuries. What are they? 4. Before being granted full authority for its occupational safety and health p rograms, a state must go through three steps. What are they? 5. Identify five factors that are contributing to the sharp rise in the cost of health benefits. 6. Identify three lifestyle changes that a preventive or wellness program encour ages employees to make. 7. What are the steps in the Coors wellness program's six-step model of behavio ral change? 8. Coors identified what it considered 12 key elements of a successful wellness program. List all of them. 9. Explain the difference between a safety hazard and a health hazard. 10. List five of the basic elements of a good ergonomics program. 11. Two factors have contributed to the decrease in occupational illnesses and i njuries. What are they? 12. Identify five physical symptoms commonly linked to poor air or environmenta l quality. SESSION TWELVE & THIRTEEN Reading Assignment: Chapter 8 Chapter 08: Selection 1. Define the steps in the selection process. 2. List what selection criteria are available and how they can be used to m ake selection more effective. 3. Describe how to use selection tools such as interviews and biodata more effectively. 4. Compare the different types of validity content, construct, and criteria-rel ated. 5. Discuss the value of controversial selection methods such as drug testin g and integrity testing in light of current organizational and social environmen ts. Chapter 8 Questions 1.How is the scoring system developed for a weighted application blank? 2. What does employment "at will" mean? 3. What is the difference between the Behavioral Description Interview (BDI) and the Situational Interview (SI)? 4. Assume that you are applying for a job that you really want. If asked "What's your greatest weakness?" what will you say? 5. Identify three things upon which the choice of an employee selection test wil l be based. 6. Most good-faith drug testing programs will be legally acceptable if the organ ization has taken four steps. What are they? 7. Employment interviews vary along at least two important dimensions, the first being how structured the interview is. What is the second dimension? 8. When is it acceptable to use a physical examination to screen out unqualified applicants? SESSION FOURTEEN EXAMINATION # 2,Chapters 5-8.

HW Due: Chapters 5-8 Questions SESSION FIFTEEN Reading Assignment: Chapter 9 PART THREE Rewarding Human Resources Chapter 09: Performance Evaluation and Management 1. Define the terms performance management and performance evaluation. 2. Discuss various types of rating errors that can occur in performance eva luation programs. 3. Compare the advantages of various performance evaluation techniques. 4. Discuss the 360-degree feedback system's potential strengths and problem s. 5. Describe the process of feedback review and the skills required for it. Chapter 9 Questions 1.W. Edwards Deming believed that performance appraisal systems and formats were flawed and inaccurate. Identify at six of the reasons that he cited for this be lief. 2. Identify the six steps required to develop a systematic evaluation system tha t will provide accurate and reliable data. 3. Why should employees not be evaluated on or near a single calendar date? 4. Explain how a 360-degree feedback system works. \ 5. Identify at least five pitfalls or problems that have been identified with t he management by objective evaluation system. 6. Inadequate training of raters can lead to a series of problems in completing performance evaluations. List five of the potential problems. 7. What is the difference between halo error and true halo? SESSION SIXTEEN & SEVENTEEN Reading Assignment: Chapter 10 Chapter 10: Compensation: An Overview 1. Define compensation and differentiate among direct financial compensatio n, indirect financial compensation, and nonfinancial rewards. 2. Describe the strategic importance of human resource management (HRM) act ivities performed in organizations. 3. Explain how compensation systems relate to employees' motivation, produc tivity, and satisfaction. 4. Explain how external factors (labor markets, the economy, the government , and unions) and internal factors (size and age of the organization, labor budg et, and who is involved in pay decisions) relate to a firm's compensation policy . 5. Discuss how pay surveys help managers create efficient and equitable pay systems. 6. Describe the job evaluation process. Chapter 10 1. Patton suggests that in a compensation plan there are seven criteria for effe ctiveness. The first is that compensation should be adequate. What are the remai ning six criteria? 2. In what ways do unions have an effect on an organization's employees, regardl ess of whether or not the organization is unionized? 3. Identify five ways that an organization can acquire competitive salary inform ation. 4. According to the text, the best surveys have ten characteristics. Identify fi

ve of them.

5. What are the three characteristics of the typical minimum wage worker? 6. What was the intended purpose of the Equal Pay Act of 1963? 7. What are the four elements that are used to establish the equality of positio ns? 8. Why did early economists feel that wages should be kept at a subsistence leve l? 9. Why do some managers believe that paying higher wages and salaries is the bes t policy in the long term? 10. Why do most job evaluation plans use the point system? 11. A factor comparison scale is used to compare five universal job factors. Ide ntify these five factors. SESSION EIGHTEEN Reading Assignment: Chapter 11 Chapter 11: Compensation: Methods and Policies 1. Understand how individual pay is determined. 2. Define variable pay and discuss the various incentive programs that can be used in such a system. 3. Explain why merit pay may cause employees to compete rather than coopera te. 4. Compare the various gainsharing systems (Lincoln Electric plan, Scanlon plan, Rucker plan, ImproShare, business plan, gainsharing, winsharing, and spot gainsharing). 5. Recognize the significant changes in and learn to differentiate among th ese innovations: skill-based, knowledge-based, credential-based, and feedback, a nd competency-based pay. 6. Describe such pay issues as secrecy, security, and compression. Chapter 11 Questions 1. Explain the difference between a wage and a salary.

2. Identify four of the six elements that are essential for a successful suggest ion system. 3. Identify at least five things that contribute to the failure of some gainshar ing plans. 4. The design of a feedback pay system must conform to four principles. What are they? 5. Pay is usually adjusted upward through four types of increases. What are they ? 6. Rewarding the best performers with the largest pay is suppose to be a powerfu l motivator. However, this premise has two flawed assumptions. What are they? 7. Organization-wide incentive payments are usually based on the net profit that is generated in one of two ways. What are these ways? SESSION NINETEEN & TWENTY Reading Assignment: Chapter 12 Chapter 12: Employee Benefits and Services 1. Define indirect financial compensation 2. Explain why organizations provide benefits and services to employees 3. Differentiate between mandated and voluntary benefits 4. Describe the various types of benefits and services offered by most Amer ican companies 5. Explain how to manage an effective benefits program Chapter 12 Questions 1. Identify four changes that are being considered in order to control the future costs of the Social Security system. 2. Why are worker's compensation costs growing faster than health care insu

rance costs? 3. Direct costs of managing workers' disability claims include such things as medical leave, short- and long-term disability premiums, disability pensions, workers' compensation, and miscellaneous accident insurance costs. Identify fiv e of the hidden costs that are associated with these disability claims. 4. How does a sick-leave bank work? 5. Identify five problems that are often created for an employer when an em ployee is responsible for providing elder care to a friend or family member. 6. There are three basic strategies for benefits: Pacesetter, comparable be nefits, and minimum benefits. Explain each strategy. 7. Why do union negotiators prefer specific benefits, rather than comprehensive major medical coverage? 8. Identify the four steps that must be followed to manage benefit plans effecti vely. SESSION TWENTY-ONE EXAMINATION # 3, Chapters 9-12. HW Due: Chapters 9-12 Questions Course Grading: Grading Scale based on 100 points: A equal to or greater than 96 A- equal to or greater than 91 B+ equal to or greater than 88 B equal to or greater than 85 B- equal to or greater than 81 C+ equal to or greater than 78 C equal to or greater than 75 C- equal to or greater than 71 D+ equal to or greater than 68 D equal to or greater than 64 D- equal to or greater than 60 F below 60% Reading Assignments and Homework All students are responsible for completing the assigned reading and homework pr oblems by the day it is due for class discussion. The homework will be collecte d in class. Late submissions will result in the loss of one letter grade per da y. No homework assignments may be submitted after the next class for the previo us meeting. Reading the text and completing homework assignments in a timely ma nner is very important to successfully learning the material. Three examinations will be administered during the semester. These four evalua tive criteria are weighed as follows: Homework Written Assignments 25% Examination # 1, Chapters 1-4 25% Examination # 2, Chapters 5-8 25% Examination # 3, Chapters 9-12 25% Class Participation and Attendance The most important course requirement is regular attendance because each class b uilds upon the material covered in the previous meeting. It is expected that st udents will arrive on time and remain for the entire class. Also, students cann ot participate in class discussion if not present. Therefore, more than two abs ences will result in a lower full grade. Four absences, for any reason will res ult in the student receiving an F in the class. Students should not take the course f they anticipate missing classes and/or if there will be a need to be late for

class. Attendance will be checked each class meeting. Students that arrive 30 minutes or more after the beginning of class will be regarded as absent. Students missing a class are responsible for the material covered. It is sugges ted that if students will be late or miss a class that the instructor should be informed. However, this does not mean that an absence will be excused which wil l be at the discretion of the instructor. The student may be requested to submi t the appropriate documentation. This is a demanding course and students are encouraged to discuss the assigned c hapters and problems in class. This discussion involves both asking questions r egarding the text material and problems and working extremely hard during the se mester. Read the chapters and prepare each written homework assignment before c lass. The four examinations will consist of multiple choice, each equally weigh ted. Only under unusual circumstances will a make-up exam be allowed.

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