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“My Servant and My Witness”

Acts 26:15-18

We have been called to be a Servant and a Witness for Jesus Christ.

Understanding what these words mean is very important so that we can fulfill our
mission given to us by God.

I pray at the end of this service you will see that the LORD has chosen each one
of us to be the instruments in revealing His Kingdom.

Let’s start by reviewing what is going on in verse 1-14

1. Agrippa is in town.
2. Festus shares the case.
3. Agrippa is interested and will hear the case.
4. Paul shares his life before he met Christ.
5. Paul shares his experience on the road to Damascus.

Acts 26:15-18

Paul question the voice

1. Jesus replies.
2. Get up I have work for you.

Paul is commission with two things

1. To be a servant.
2. To be a witness.

What does it mean to be a Servant?

Jesus has given us some great example, of servant hood through his life. He
became less that we would be given the right to stand before God himself.

John 20:1-17

Jesus washes the feet of the disciples (slaves)

1. Peter refuses.
2. Peter misses the heart of God.
3. I’m here so that you will see how much God loves you.

How many times do we miss the heart of God as servants?

1. I am here to help you now I get him.
2. God wants to show you he hears you.

Jesus is teaching Peter the true heart of a servant.

MATTHEW 20:20-28

James and John let us sit at your sides

1. To be a leader you need to be a servant.
2. I came to serve not to be served.
3. I will give my life in service to you.

Jesus put aside his rights, so that we would be made right before the Father.
And by doing so brought Glory to God.

Are we living a life that is self-centered or others-centered?

Are we people that is cling on to our rights or do we have the attitude of Jesus.

Philippians 2:5-8

Are we doing the I, I, and the Me, Me.

Story of a couple.


People who serve so that others will enjoy the Lord, the heart of a servant are
centered on others.

Second commission be my Witness

What does He mean? Share how you met Jesus; share how you experience His
power in our life.

Is it necessary? YES!!

Mark 16:15

He did say think about it and He said tell, everyone, everywhere.

Psalms 107:2

Satan and his demons.

2 Kings 7:9

We have found true life in Jesus and we need to share this.

Romans 10:14

Gang the only way people can be save is by hearing and believing the good
news that Jesus is Lord. That is where we come in.

I’m too young in the Lord, I don’t know enough to speak for Jesus.

John 9

Story of the blind man/what Paul.

Every Christian has the privilege and responsibility to share Jesus.

Every Christian is an ambassador of Christ

2 Corinthians 5:18-21

God has left you and me with the responsibility of sharing the His kingdom with
all mankind.

Is that serious or what the world’s salvation lay in our hands.

Verse 18

Five things happen to Paul when he became a Christian and these five things
happen to us. What are they?

1. Our eyes were open to the truth.

2. We have turned from darkness to light.
3. We have turned from the power of satan to the power of the living God.
4. We are forgiven, blameless before God the Father.
5. We have received an inheritance among those set apart for God. A
chosen people.

How many of you are rejoicing hearing this?

How many of you will agree that there is a whole lot of people that still need to
receive this?

Gang it is through your service and your witness that people will hear and see

We are given the great task of revealing the kingdom of God to mankind.


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