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"You Can Make A Difference!

Joshua 23:1-14
Those people are the unsung HERO’S of our lives. God gave them a task to do their
response was yes and because of that our life’s are changed.

You have something to do; something that God has called you to. Someone’s faith
depends on your obedience to God’s call. Amen

Joshua 23:1-3
Joshua calls the leaders
1. Joshua is an old man now and has called the leaders of the nation of Israel to tell
them something. What is that?
a. To let them know he has reached in age.
b. To remind them to remember their God.
c. To share his heart of the God they serve.
d. And to make sure that they hear what he is saying.
2. Joshua knew he couldn’t speak to the whole nation so he spoke to the leaders.
a. We can not speak to the whole world, but we can speak to family and friends
that surround us.
3. Joshua wasn’t bragging of his accomplishments although he had a lot to brag
a. Everything single thing that happen, happened because God fought for us.
b. Glory to God, Bless the name of the LORD. It was all about the Lord being

Joshua 23:4-5
Continue to conquer the lands
1. As a nation Israel has broken down the military forces of the land of Canaan.
2. The land has been divided, now each of you (tribe) needs to take the rest of the
land as God promised.
a. Jesus has conquered the army of hell.
b. Now we need to conquer the rest of the land.
3. We have an inheritance and we need to claim it.
a. We are identifying as Sons and Daughters of God. 1 Jn 3:2
b. We are given the power of the Holy Spirit to continue to conquer the land/this
life. Acts 2

Galatians 3:27-29
We are immersed in Jesus, in a sense we are clothed with Jesus Christ. This is the
baptism Paul is talking about.

Joshua 23:6-8
Be strong and remain in ME
1. We need to be strong and courageous as we be obedient.
a. Following Jesus isn’t for just anyone. (Timid)
b. You, we are called to obey all that is written in the word of God. Not just
what we like.
c. We are in not get caught up in legalism becoming religious or to lack
moral discipline.

satan will use either or to keeps us from doing what God has called us to do.

2. Don’t even mention the names of those false gods of that land.
a. Sometimes we like to study on other doctrines.
3. Put all your focus on the LORD your God.

Joshua 23:9-13
You will cause a thousand to flee.
1. When we make ourselves available, God gives us the ability.
2. God will use what we have to fill the need we could not fill, God will use who
you are to make you who you could never become.

Isaiah 6:8
Then said I, Here am I; send me.

How many of you have heard the call and has never said, Send me?

Abided in Me and I will protect you.

1. God has fought the battles for the Israelites and won their fight.
2. Gang Jesus has fought our battles against the accuser and has won our battles.

Psalms 18:2
The Lord will always protect you no one or thing will win against you.

3. Remember to always love the Lord.

Jude 1:21
James 1:27 tells us to keep ourselves clear of the worlds corruption. (Little stuff, small
lies, small kind words.)

Things start off real subtle but one day we look back and we wonder how could I have
walked away for the Lord.

Joshua 23:14
Search your hearts and know that God is God
1. Go ahead reflect if there is a time where God did not keep His promise.
2. God will not lie it’s not His nature.

Hebrews 6:18
Joshua made a difference because he heard the LORD”S call, and replied I will go.
Kimo made a difference because he heard the voice of the LORD and he answered with, I
will go, because of that answer today we can see a bunch of people life’s impacted with
the love of Jesus.

Has God called you?

If your heart today is to listen to what God told you what every that may be salvation, to
start in a ministry, to love with a different heart. If today you plan to answer “Yes LORD
I will go, here I am I want you to change the title at the top.

Take the title “You Can Make A Difference” to I Can/Will Make a Difference.

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