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Wr|t|ng a good t|t|e and descr|pt|on

In th|s art|c|e

WrlLlng an effecLlve LlLle
WhaL Lo avold ln your LlLle
WrlLlng an lnformaLlve descrlpLlon
WhaL Lo avold ln your descrlpLlon
Lxamples of LlLles and descrlpLlons

?our llsLlngs LlLle and descrlpLlon are your adverLlsemenLan opporLunlLy Lo lnform and exclLe buyers
A good LlLle and descrlpLlon provldes a clear plcLure of your lLem whlch lncreases your chances LhaL
buyers wlll flnd and bld on or buy your lLem
Wr|t|ng an effect|ve t|t|e
Make a clear compelllng flrsL lmpresslon by wrlLlng a greaL LlLle for your lLem
Pere are some elemenLs of an effecLlve LlLle
O use mulLlple descrlpLlve keywords LhaL clearly convey whaL you are selllng use all 80
O lnclude your lLems brand name arLlsL or deslgner
O lnclude lLemspeclflc aLLrlbuLes lor example lf selllng shoes lnclude slze color and condlLlon
O SLaLe exacLly whaL your lLem ls even lf your LlLle repeaLs Lhe caLegory name
O CmlL puncLuaLlon marks and asLerlsks
O 1ry noL Lo lnclude wow or look 8uyers donL search for words llke Lhese
O uonL worry abouL creaLlng a grammaLlcally correcL senLence
O uonL overuse acronyms
O uonL use all caps
What to avo|d |n your t|t|e
lollow e8ays rules by avoldlng LlLles LhaL
O lall Lo sLaLe Lhe naLure of Lhe lLem
O ConLaln webslLe addresses emall addresses or phone numbers 1he excepLlon ls Lhe sale of
domaln names
O ConLaln profane or obscene language
O use Lhe followlng words ln an aLLempL Lo markeL or adverLlse Lhelr lLem
O rohlblLed
O 8anned
O lllegal
O CuLlawed
O use any oLher descrlpLlve word LhaL may brlng lnLo quesLlon Lhe legallLy of an lLem by elLher
governmenLal or e8ay sLandards
O lnclude brand names oLher Lhan Lhe speclflc brand name used by Lhe company LhaL
manufacLured or produced Lhe lLem youre llsLlng 1hls ls called keyword spammlng and lsnL
allowed on e8ay 1hese Lypes of llsLlngs wlll be ended and Lhe lnserLlon fee for Lhe llsLlng
auLomaLlcally credlLed
Learn more abouL e8ays search and browse manlpulaLlon pollcy
Wr|t|ng an |nformat|ve descr|pt|on
Pere are some quesLlons Lo conslder when wrlLlng your lLem descrlpLlon
O WhaL ls Lhe lLem?
O WhaL maLerlal ls lL made of?
O When was lL made?
O WhaL company/arLlsL/deslgner/auLhor made lL?
O WhaL condlLlon ls lL ln?
O ls Lhe lLem new used or sLlll under warranLy? 8e sure Lo menLlon any flaws or repalrs
O WhaL are lLs dlmenslons?
O WhaL counLry/locaLlon ls lL from?
O uoes lL have any noLable feaLures or marklngs?
O uoes lL have a speclal background or hlsLory?
O WhaL ls your meLhod of paymenL? 8e clear abouL paymenL meLhods you accepL and be as
speclflc as you can abouL your shlpplng cosLs
1ell your sLory Many sellers have found LhaL addlng a creaLlve human approach Lo Lhelr descrlpLlons
boosLs blds and sales Conslder lncludlng polnLs of lnLeresL such as
O WhaL you especlally llke abouL Lhe lLem
O Who you Lhlnk lL would appeal Lo and why
O An lnLeresLlng sLory abouL Lhe lLem (for example how you acqulred lL)
O Pow Lhe lLem mlghL be used
O PlghllghL Lhe value and savlngs for buyers
What to avo|d |n your descr|pt|on
Avold lncludlng Lhe followlng
O AnyLhlng LhaL lsnL Lrue
O rohlblLed and resLrlcLed conLenL (see e8ays prohlblLed and resLrlcLed lLems)
O lLem descrlpLlons copled wordforword from oLher sources (for example ecommerce webslLes
oLher e8ay llsLlngs manufacLurer webslLes eLc)
O 1rademarked logos unless you have permlsslon Lo use Lhem
When you are flnlshed spell check your LlLle and descrlpLlon
amp|es of t|t|es and descr|pt|ons
amp|e 1

Mob||e hone w|th SIM Card New |n 8o

lLem compleLely new! l boughL lL 2 monLhs ago
230 hours baLLery duraLlon
vlbracall agenda of 100 conLacLs
WelghL 80 gr
Call duraLlon 300 mlnuLes
32 dlfferenL Lones of calls (Sn) SlM
Screen of 96x64 plxels wlLh 4 gray Lones and 1l1 screen
amp|e 2

Made|man so|d|er act|on f|gure |n or|g|na| bo

Madelman second generaLlon very well preserved for lLs age
Arms and legs are Ck sllghL scraLch on lefL arm
PelghL of 2 and a half lnches
1he acLlon flgure ls ln Lhe orlglnal box

lease conLacL me wlLhln 3 days afLer Lhe llsLlng ends l prefer Lo be pald wlLh ayal lease donL forgeL
Lo leave me leedback afLer you geL your lLem!
amp|e 3

Superb|ke V|deogame for C Cr|g|na| Never Cpened

CreaL and exclLlng race of moLorblkes across 10 dlfferenL counLrles vldeogame has orlglnal box +
Mlnlmal requlremenLs Wlndows 93982000 enLlum 2000 200Mhz 32 Mb 8AM 100 Mb avallable ln
Lhe hardware 4 Mb Craphlcs card
1he lLem ls new and was a glfL lm selllng lL because l already have lL!!!

lease see my oLher vldeogames by cllcklng V|ew se||er's other |tems aymenL by cash on dellvery l
charge acLual shlpplng cosL Lo your area 1hanks for your lnLeresL!

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