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Flo/talle tlr42. U.S. Coast Guatd Auxiliary vFC chas. Hague FCRobertReczek DGsPlainet lL 9" tlrR FSGPB Chas. Hague
Our Url: Vol. Xllll - No. 'll - November20'tl


OesPlaines ParkDistrict PrairieLakesCommunwCenter EastThacker, DesPlalnes, lllinois7:30pm 5'15 n,tt***t**t

AGENDA: FlotillaElections!You'reneeded!!


Photoby Adrienne Allen

November 2otl
UPGO]||I G EVENTSI 21 December: Our Eoliday get-together. Come to this meetingat PrairieLakes,and bring good things for the crew at StationWilmette and your fellow Auxiliarists. We will want to shownew CO Devoy someMidwestemhospitalityhere. 8 Janurry 2012: Division ChaDgeofwrtch. We arehostingthis eventat the Club CasaCaf6orr River Road.Thercwill be folks from the other Flotillas and CuardiaN fiom StationVilmett ard other placs. Plusreal good food. Planon attendiog! SNACK SCHEDULE November: Chas. December:Holiday Bash! latlluary2012t 2?'l'! FALL CONFERENCE 2OII By Bob Reczek at I atte$ded three seminars the Division held 14-15October. The first wason Conference, which coveredthe 9' Westem comDuters. Diviiion's web site. Thereis a lot ofinfomation availableto members usingQuick Links. Here you'll find info aboutRoutinSProcedurs and (both Public MemberForms,Intentto Teach Educationand MemberTraining), ClassSchedule listings,Qualification Rqu$t form, the 7029fotm, Thereis also a pagon andAUXOP Requirements. uniforms-what is required what is current. (FYt, are metal badges oncedgainallowedon ballcaps.) This wasfollowed by a classon AUXINFO, and how to get selected data. The last seminarI was on meotoritg new members. altended Hague:lsatinontbe ...And thisfrom Chas. seminar, The infomation herc Communications curent was pretty light, mostly discussing presented a pleasure prowords,but it was well and on 2l to listonto. The moming session Rescue Radio wasvery informativo---tumsod that gefting boat is tricky. the systemsetup on the averagp ltufla RELATIO S DaveTraforoshashadto give up the postofFSOtask excptthat we're thankinghirn }IR, a thankless herefor doing it. we're looking for volunte$anyonewant to be a staffoffrcr? Easyhouts,high pay-..(wait a minute) SHAMELESS BRAGGIiIG DEPT. FC Bob Reczekand Your Editor (Chas)both passd the Auxiliary Pafol classheld at Prai e Lakesin October. With the otherclasses we've taken.we haveboth qualified underlhe Operational Auxiliadst Special0 Progran (AUXOP). YOU CAN TOO! The requirements laid out on the are Auxiliarywebsite, here: 201I hftpJ/cgaux.orsJmembers/auxoD info.php By you taking five diversecourses, can get this prestigiousqualification. CG on Tv By Barry The Weather Channel has a new series that features the Coast Guard unit based in Kodiak, Alaska. It is an elite team that risks their lives in search and rescue missions. The series premiercs November 9 at 9 PM and will continue for the following eight Wedoesdays. Readmoreaboutit at: COAST GUARD OUTLOOK Takea ganderat the CoastGuard Outlook magazine for2012. Not only is thereanarticle aboutthe Auxiliary - "More Than a Classroom" piecesaboutevory regionthe CG but thereare seryes(including Region9, includingstats)ard an Cutter Sewice article on the actionsofthe Reveou duringthe War of 1812.There's alsoa listingof every CoastGuardvesseland aircraii. It's a very informativeyearbook. The electonic versioncan b found at: http://www.defensenedianetwork.corn/p!bl!!4!ie!!!oas! -guard-outlook-2012-edition/ anda real magazine probablybe orderedfrom can FaircountMedia Group 701 North Westshore Blvd. Tampa, 33609 FL. Tel: (888)960-1300 For $ 5.95plus$4.95s&h. They also havea Pa)?al andcredit card ordering systemon the website.


ol{ TRAt{solt:

"Ifvou canread this.I'm not last. Ha!"

DesPlaines park district / Coast Guard Auxiliary classes Spring 2012 P&ddlesportsAmericr This courseis designed give the novice canoistor kayakerthe basicsafetyinformation to needed havefim on the water. Topics include: to o Know Your Paddleceft - partsof a canoeandkayak;rmderstanding paddlecraftcharacteristics suchasbasict)?es, lengtis andweights; . BeforeYou Get Underway- knowing your paddlecraft'scapacityandhow to file a float plan. . OperatingYour Boat Safely- ho\ry enterard exit a canoeor kayak to safely;sharingthe watenmyswith others;the U. S. Aids to Navigation System r The Legal Requiremellts ofBoating-regishation, requted equipment. . Boating emergencies... Whatto Do, dealingwith weatherandhypothermia MinlMax4112. U.S. CoastGuardAuxiliary Instructors Saturday, April 28,20128:3G-12:30.R/NR $30.00

NEWI PersonalWatercraft Safety

The U.S. CoastGuard Auxilfary'sPersonal Watelcraf coulseis a basic,two-hour V/alercraftor introductionto the safetyissuesinvolved whenoperatinga Personal "Jetski". if.xt, Personalvaterqaf Rider's Handbook, The purposeofthe couse andits associated is to teachtbat PWCSareboatsandthat their skippershavelegal responsibilities. Safe and the NauticalRulesof the Roadwill be discussed. Operatingrequiroments completethe courseandexamare awardedceiificates and Individualswho successfully cards. ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQAIREDI MinlMax 4/12. U.S. CoastGuardAuxiliary Instructors R.NR $30.00 Mayl2, 20129:00--11:00. Saturday, by of NOTE: Because its brcvity, this cowse is not approved the National Associationof StateBoating Law Administrators(NASBLA) nol is it apFovedby most of the states which requirefoma.l inslructionin orderto operatea boat(the Auxiliary's Boatins for S4bly, cowse is moreappropriate meetinglegal rcquirements). To rcgister,contactthe DesPlainesParkDistrict LeisureCeder, Des 2222Birch Street. Plaines,IL60018 may be mailedirq droppedoff or Registration Faxed 847-391-5707 to On line rcgisaationat www.dsplainesparks.ore

UNITED STATESCOASTGUARDAUXILIARY '19 Flotilla 39-02,(gthWR) Monthly meeting, Oclober 2011 '19:50 ATTENDEES: Barry Jacobson, Robert Reczek, JimDavy EdSiegel Ginny Haase ceorgeSchmidt RonTragasz None GUESTS: MEIIIBER TRAINING: Siegel training Program Ed did on Visitor RBS (COWwillbeheldonJan8, 2012at Club DIVISION lllEETlNGREPORT:Change Watch of Casa Thisis a great Fellowship for youandspouse meet Cafe, N River DesPlaines. 353 Rd, time to other guests. members Division andourinvited 39 in operators DalePolaklookirEfor Coastie STAFFREPORTS: reviewed approved. Financa:RonTragasz Financas and Accountis in balance $4209.24. havenot Daid theirdues. Several members - 1429.70 Information Svc: BobReczek-YTD201Ihoursasof9/13/1I - ol-Jan 13-Sep I 201 OTIIER STATS to
MT Sessions 8 for t hrs Public Affairs l0B Speeches/Talks I 10J COMREL 26 10K OtherPA 9 lol- Pubs/Member Comm 6 VSC'S Civen 101 Passed 26 Maline Dealer Visits Public Education ClassSessions 20 ClassHouN 22 for 2 hrs for l4l hrs for 32hls for 34 hrs 74

ilatedals: Jerry Warych-No Reporl received * received MemberTraining: BarryJacobson No Report - Boalcrewunderway hours: G Haase26.6,R. Reczek 33.6 Operatons: BobReczek - No Report Public Affaks: BarryJacobson received * ChasHague Pqblicatlons: in Park Public Education: Chas.Hague AboutBoating Safelyclasswill be posted DesPlaines District Spectrum. HR to Schmidt. HumanRssources:DaveTraforos Returned materials George 4 16; ProgramVisitor: Ed Seigel- RBSMsits: B. Jacobson, C. Hague,10;E. Siegel, C. S; VesselExam: Jim Davy-VSC'S: B. Jacobson,3S; Hague,16;E. Seigel, G. Schmidt,2T;j. R. M. Flotilla total=110 Davy,5; Reeek, 14;E. R. Tragasz,5; Schlachter,0. 9IqE!I9!IESS: AUXPATclassesare being held at our Flotillalocation. We have a total of 18 including formermember Robinson. Bll attending, is Schmidt andMikeSchlachter, commiltee Flotilla for elec{ions George Nominating Rosemontwifl host NationalMarineMfg.Associationboat show 25-29 January2412. NEWBUSINESS:

Al{A@: None 9p9dg!s!!: brought treats. Meeting adjourned Ginny 2030.

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