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Managing People Scenario 1 Positively impacting personal behavior It seems evident that Abdulla was not lacking motivation;

n; he was one of the most efficient team members. It is his individual behavior that is in question here since there is a sudden change in his expected work efficiency. Individual behavior is an individuals general conduct and likely response for a given stimulus or external environment and therefore caused. According to Maslows needs hierarchy, if the basic levels of needs such as safety & security at workplace are not met, then the top pyramid levels of motivation would not be realized. This drop is also explained by Herzberg hygiene theory which states that in order for the motivation factors (intrinsic) to work; all the work hygiene factors such as coworker relationships & work conditions must be achieved. As Abdullas leader, I would try to determine the real source of his issue by calling him to a one-on-one meeting and actively listen to his concern whether its work related or not and try to offer relevant advice and solution. This would help mutual trust and therefore realign him back to team efforts and develop his leadership by leading with good example. I would then highlight importance of his role in the team and illustrate the positive impact; on personal and team level; of completing the task in hand. Finally, I would highlight to him the importance of separating work from personal issues and indicate that the reason I decided to park his abrasive tone since it wasnt good time to confront him. Therefore, after identifying the cause of Abdullas work dissatisfaction, and showing consideration, offering advice/ solution and mentoring, I would be able to get him back to even better than before. Managing People Scenario 2 Fixing a dysfunctional team One of the biggest challenges facing managers in the workplace today is adapting to new team settings quickly, building cohesive teams and demonstrating strong, effective leadership. A series of steps need to be accomplished to transform this dysfunctional group to an effective team passing through the different team building stages; forming, storming, norming and finally to a performing team. Firstly, I need to define plan of how to fix the team by actively listening to team members issues and identifying root issues affecting them such as accountability avoidance, trust and commitment. To overcome factors hindering team cohesiveness, I would apply common personality tests and share the results with them. The results will help team members build on their strengths and address their weaknesses and promote team bonding. Secondly I would then revisit & modify if necessary our department common goals using active participation and from all team members and relate its fit in our overall corporate mission, vision and goals. This gets the individuals to understand their role and will not only know they are accountable for their individual performance, but for the teams performance as well. I would then concentrate on small steps to rectify issues that are both critical and urgent that give sense of team achievement once accomplished to raise their morale. Therefore, all leaders need to develop situational leadership and apply, effective team building strategies mentioned above to and plan for continuous positive change to ensure sustainable team performance.

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