Sie sind auf Seite 1von 17

LxecuLlve Summary

1he 1aLa enano ls an elecLrlc verslon of Lhe world's cheapesL car produced ln lndla known as Lhe '1aLa
nano' and Lhls reporL alms Lo look aL and develop a sLraLeglc markeLlng plan for 1aLa on Lhe enano
and/or relaLed markeL offerlngs for Lhe uk markeL also provldlng an analysls on Lhe currenL uk car
markeL and evaluaLlng Lhe markeL uslng varlous markeLlng Lools le Lhe SWC1 AnAL?SlS 1he LS1
AnAL?SlS 1PL C81L8'S llvL lC8CLS eLc whlle also uslng Lhe rlce romoLlon lace and roducL
markeLlng mlx Lo creaLe a nlche ln Lerms of our markeL segmenLaLlon
8esearch shows LhaL Lhe markeL for an elecLrlc car ln Lhe uk ls sLlll of a Llny percenLage buL wlLh Lhe
global recesslon whlch Lhe world ls sLlll recoverlng from coupled wlLh Lhe worlds awareness on a CllmaLe
Change Lhe enano Lhus sLands a greaL chance ln Lhe uk markeL 1he CovernmenL has lnLroduced a 23
subsldy on lug ln Car granL for elecLrlc vehlcles whlch would furLher sLrengLhen Lhe sale of Lhe car ln
uk markeL 1hls granL would be a ma[or key Lo sales as furLher flndlngs reveal LhaL aswell as our currenL
compeLlLors ln Lhe elecLrlc car markeL Lhere would also be new enLranLs Loo whlch needs Lo be
consldered and Lhere prlclng should also be glven a serlous conslderaLlon Cne of our maln rlvals ln Lhe
elecLrlc car markeL aL Lhe Llme of Lhls reporL ls Lhe nlssan 'Leaf' whlch ls sold for 23990 wlLh Lhe
3000 of governmenL lncenLlve LhaL has already been subLracLed from Lhe recommended reLall prlce
(hLLp//wwwnlssancouk/#vehlcles/elecLrlcvehlcles/leaf 02/02/2011) whlle we alm Lo launch Lhe 1aLa
enano for 3832 and wlLh Lhe 23 subsldy Lhe consumer would be paylng around 2887 whlch
would be Lhe cheapesL elecLrlc cars

- 1aLa should commence on producLlon for Lhe uk markeL
- Apply for necessary llcenslng and launch ln Lhe uk markeL
- Showrooms and flagshlps should be seL up ln sLraLeglc locaLlons
- Should LargeL sponsorlng Lhe Clymplc ln Lhe summer of 2012


1 LxecuLlve Summary 1
2 lnLroducLlon 3
3 Mlsslon SLaLemenL 4
4 MarkeLlng AudlLs 3
- LS1 AnAL?SlS


3 MarkeL SegmenLaLlon 8
6 AssumpLlons 11
7 MarkeL Cb[ecLlves 11
8 8udgeL 12
- roducL
- rlce
- romoLlon
- lace

9 3years lorecasL 8udgeL 18
10 lmplemenLaLlon plan 19
11 8LCCMMLnuA1lCn / CCnCLuSlCn / 8LlLLC1lCn 20

12 8eferences 21


1he 1aLa enano ln uk would compeLe ln Lhe SuperMlnl producL class of Lhe car markeL and serve as an
ulLra low carbon car wlLh a very affordable prlce Lag LargeLlng a nlche markeL
1he essence of Lhls ls Lo senslLlze Lhe publlc abouL carbon reducLlon and also provldes a cheaper
moblllLy LhaL can be well afforded by everyone whlle creaLlng sLrong awareness for Lhe 1aLa brand as a
1he success of Lhls pro[ecL however depends on our plannlng and approach Lo Lhe small buL exlsLlng
markeL of elecLrlcs cars already ln Lhe uk wlLh Lhe alm of capLurlng 30 of Lhe markeL share wlLhln Lhe
flrsL 3yrs and esLabllsh a launch pad for Lhe Luropean markeL

(Mcuonald 1999) suggesLed LhaL Lhere are four maln sLeps ln Lhe plannlng process whlch any sLraLeglc
buslness unlL lnLeresLed ln proLecLlng and developlng lLs buslness musL carry ouL
1 Analysls lL musL analyse boLh lLs markeLplace and lLs own poslLlon wlLhln lL relaLlve Lo Lhe
2 Cb[ecLlves lL musL consLrucL from Lhls analysls a reallsLlc seL of quanLlLaLlve markeLlng and flnanclal
ob[ecLlves conslsLenL wlLh Lhose seL by Lhe organlzaLlon
3 SLraLegy lL musL deLermlne Lhe broad sLraLegy whlch wlll accompllsh Lhese ob[ecLlves conformlng Lo
Lhe organlzaLlon's corporaLe sLraLegy
4 1acLlcs lL musL draw LogeLher Lhe analysls Lhe ob[ecLlves and Lhe sLraLegy uslng Lhem as Lhe
foundaLlon for deLalled LacLlcal acLlon plans capable of lmplemenLlng Lhe sLraLegy and achlevlng Lhe
agreed ob[ecLlves
1hls process ls formally expressed ln Lwo markeLlng plans Lhe sLraLeglc markeLlng plan and Lhe LacLlcal
markeLlng plan (Mcuonald 1999 C 320)

ln Lhls reporL all Lhese four plannlng process has been used Lo analyse Lhe uk markeL and mosL
essenLlally ln formulaLlng our sLraLegles and develop a LacLlcal framework for achlevlng Lhese

Mlsslon SLaLemenL

- 8e Lhe mosL admlred mulLlnaLlonal lndlan car company produclng vehlcles LhaL people love Lo
- CreaLe an organlzaLlon LhaL people en[oy worklng for dolng buslness wlLh and lnvesLlng ln

CC8C8A1L SuS1AlnA8lLl1? 8LC81

MA8kL1 Auul1

MarkeLlng AudlL ls Lhe means by whlch a company can undersLand how lL relaLes Lo Lhe envlronmenL ln
whlch lL operaLes lL ls Lhe means by whlch a company can ldenLlfy lLs own sLrengLhs and weaknesses as
Lhey relaLe Lo exLernal opporLunlLles and LhreaLs lL ls Lhus a way of helplng managemenL Lo selecL a
poslLlon ln LhaL envlronmenL based on known facLors (Mcuonald 1999)


18Lnu CLl1lCAL
Lcolrlendly /Carbon ManagemenL/ SusLalnablllLy

Low emlsslon LransporL and supporLlng lnfrasLrucLures ulscourage car and encourage publlc LransporL

uk CllmaLe AcL 2008

- Carbon 8educLlon

- CovernmenL subsldy Lo consumers Plgh vA1

Plgh 8oad 1ax

lncreaslng rlce of luel

ush Lo produce elecLrlc vehlcles eg
elndlca enano

Clobal expanslon sLarLlng wlLh Lurope (80 of group revenue currenLly generaLed ln lndla




8apld developmenL of elecLrlc power Lechnology resulLlng ln lncreased range and reduced recharged

8echarge Lechnology
(Lg lnducLlon)



value for money

AfLer sales servlce/ 8epalr /arLs and accessorles avallablllLy

8aLe of prollferaLlon of recharglng neLwork

8aLe of dlffuslon/number of early adopLers
enano unLesLed ln Lhe uk

llg 11

1he LS1 analysls whlch ls 1he ollLlcal Lconomlcal Soclologlcal and 1echnologlcal facLors has been
used Lo scan Lhe macro facLors of Lhe exLernal envlronmenL and lLs lnfluences on Lhe company and also
Lhe producL ln ldenLlfylng our sLrengLh and also lf Lhere's any key weakness Lo address before Lhe launch
of Lhe producL lnLo Lhe uk markeL as shown ln llg 11 Analyzlng Lhe markeL wlLh Lhe LS1 analysls glves
a clear ldea and vlews of llsL of lssues Lo conslder and enable us Lo develop a good road map Lo our
sLraLegy and LacLlcs 1aklng Lhe currenL pollLlcal cllmaLe lnLo conslderaLlon and how lL affecLs our
producL Lhe CovernmenL provldes a 23 subsldy on buylng an elecLrlc car and also very sLrong on lLs
campalgn for carbon reducLlon whlch ls a global agreemenL wlLh all unlLed naLlons member counLrles Lo
reduce lLs carbon fooLprlnLs



CrlLerla/Measurlng examples
CompeLlLlve AdvanLage

- SLrong llnanclal oslLlon

- ulverslfled orLfollo CperaLlng ln dlfferenL markeL segmenL

CrlLerla/Measurlng Lxample
8uslness roducL and uevelopmenL

- lurLher expanslon ln Lhe Lu MarkeL
- lncrease global brand Awareness
- CreaLe proflLable arLnershlp
- lncrease MarkeL Share and Company vales

CrlLerla/Measurlng Lxample
l1 developmenL ldeas lnnovaLlons lnvesLmenLs

- Plgh dependence on lndlan markeL over 80 of revenue
- 8eCharge polnL avallablllLy
- Speed SLablllLy

CrlLerla/Measurlng Lxample
MarkeL uemands / new 1echnologles

- 8lslng rlce of raw maLerlals and componenLs
- Low brand awareness
- uncerLaln raLe of ulffuslon
- noL fully developed supply chaln (cosL lncrease/uncerLalnLles)

llg 12
1he SWC1 AnAL?SlS ldenLlfles Lhe SLrengLh Weakness CpporLunlLles and 1hreaLs Lo Lhe Company and
producL 1he SWC1 analysls ls a sLrucLured approach Lo evaluaLlng Lhe sLraLeglc poslLlon of a buslness
by ldenLlfylng Lhese four key areas (!obber lahy 2009)
1hls analysls provldes a good lnslghL on our sLrengLhs and capablllLles as a company and Lhe opporLunlLy
or beneflL LhaL would be reallsed ln Lerms of Lhe producL and Lhe lmpacL or recepLlon of Lhe producL ln
Lhe markeL eg Lhe cusLomer's percepLlon of Lhe producL ln Lerms of brand awareness We have use Lhe
analysls Lo look aL varlous crlLerla or measurlng examples ln Lhe areas of compeLlLlons and forecasLlng
Lhe opporLunlLles of Lhe uk markeL Cne of Lhe ma[or opporLunlLles Lo be reallsed ln Lhe uk markeL ls
1aLa lncreaslng lLs markeL share and also expandlng lLs brand ln Lhe Lu markeL whlle galnlng a good
global recognlLlon as lllusLraLed on Lhe opporLunlLy grld ln llg 12

MA8kL1 CvL8vlLW SLCMLn1A1lCn

A markeL ls Lhe aggregaLlon of all Lhe alLernaLlve goods or servlces whlch cusLomers regard as belng
capable of saLlsfylng Lhe same cusLomer need (Mcuonald 1999 C 106) 1he enano ls a producL LhaL
alms Lo saLlsfy a nlche markeL ulLlmaLely drlven by lLs ulLra low carbon reducLlon and Lhe key drlver
whlch ls Lhe ulLra low prlce as Lhls would deLermlne our approach Lo Lhe markeL and Lhe cusLomers we
alm Lo LargeL or saLlsfy 1o launch Lhe enano we have use varlous Lools le Lhe LS1 and SWC1 analysls
Lo scan varlous facLors of Lhe markeL envlronmenL Lhus prompLlng Lhe developmenL of Lhe markeL

MarkeL segmenLaLlon accordlng Lo Mcuonald ls a markeL segmenL conslsLs of a group of cusLomers or
consumers who share Lhe same or slmllar needs (Mcuonald 1999 C 111) hence Lhe markeL
segmenLaLlon as shown ln flg 21 ls used Lo ldenLlfy our poLenLlal cusLomers Lhelr needs and how Lo
saLlsfy LhaL

ln creaLlng Lhe markeL segmenLaLlon we have ldenLlfy Lhe followlng

(noLe 1he PlghllghLed are Lhe characLerlsLlcs of our cusLomers)

roducL 1ype (Super Mlnl) (ulLra low Carbon Car)

CusLomers roflle

- uemographlc (1830) (3130) (3163) (63+)

- Cender (Male and lemale)

- LlfesLyle (Slngle) (Couple wlLh no klds) (lamlly) (Slngle arenLs) (ensloner)


- Convenlence (arklng)

- erformance

- SLaLus

- Low rlce

- Low Carbon looLprlnL

- ComforL

urchase Cccaslons (Self 8uy) (Lmergency) (8ouLlne)

urchase 8ehavlour (8rand Loyal) (8rand SwlLchlng) (lnnovaLors)

usage (Peavy) (LlghL) (Cccaslonally) (Lveryday)

ercepLlon 8ellefs (lavourable) (unfavourable)

- ConservaLlves
- 1rendseLLers
- SophlsLlcaLes
- Creen Consclous

- 8eserved
- LxLroverL
- lnLroverL
- asslve
- Aggresslve

Soclo Lconomlc (Worklng Class) (Lower Mlddle Class) (upper Mlddle Class)

Ceographlc (norLh) (SouLh) (urban) (8ural)

1he Lable below provldes a clear lllusLraLlon Lo Lhe Lypes of cusLomers or consumers we are focuslng on


llg 21

1he markeL segmenLaLlon provldes a crlLlcal and analyLlc vlew of Lhe producL Lhe markeL and Lhe
LargeLed cusLomer wlLh Lhe help of Lhe Lable above 1hls ls essenLlal as lL has helped us ln creaLlng
cusLomers who exhlblLs common requlremenLs ln Lhe markeL AlLhough LhaL ls noL Lo say LhaL Lhere
won'L be cusLomers for Lhe producL ln Lhe segmenLs LhaL are noL hlghllghLed


- 1A1A MoLors can fund Lhe producL launch and markeLlng plan
- Launch ln uk ln sprlng 2012
- ManufacLured ln norway uslng exlsLlng producL planL
- 8esL avallable baLLery ln Lerms of range and recharge Llme
- CosL of baLLerles wlll fall slgnlflcanLly wlLhln Lhe nexL year
- assed all Lu safeLy sLandards (nCA 1LS1)
- We have lndenLlfled Lhe LargeL markeL segmenL Lhrough markeL research
- 1here wlll be dlrecL compeLlLlon wlLhln 3years
- CovernmenL pollcy wlll be lncreaslngly favourable Lowards 'Creen' cars eg consumer
subsldles Lax breaks
- 1he CovernmenL wlll supporL Lhe esLabllshmenL of a naLlonal 'pluglnplaces' recharglng
lnfrasLrucLure scheme
- CongesLlon charges wlll be exLended Lo more uk clLles ln Lhe near fuLure

MA8kL1lnC C8!LC1lvLS

- new producL for exlsLlng new markeL
- CapLure markeL share of 30 over Lhe flrsL 3 years of supermlnl and ulLralow carbon new car
markeL segmenLs before new enLranLs
- LsLabllsh favorable brand lmage
- LsLabllsh launch pad for Luropean markeL
- Achleve Lhrough rapld peneLraLlon/bulld ob[ecLlve

llg 31

As menLloned earller ln our markeL segmenLaLlon wlLh Lhe ulLralow prlce and ulLra low prlce scheme
our sLraLegy ls Lo approach Lhe markeL wlLh a rapld peneLraLlon because Lhe enano ls a new producL
developmenL for 1aLa creaLed for an exlsLlng markeL

Mcuonalds furLher wenL on Lo deflne budgeLlng as revenue and cosLs assoclaLed wlLh forecasLs
(Mcuonalds 1999) As wlLh every buslness plan budgeLlng ls a very vlLal Lool ln forecasLlng and plannlng
of any lmplemenLaLlon

ln Lhls reporL we use Lhe four 's of markeLlng mlx roducL rlce romoLlon and lace Lo help us creaLe
or forecasL a reallsLlc LargeL and plans Lowards our launch daLe whlch as earller menLlon ln Lhe
assumpLlons ls Lhe sprlng of 2012

roducL conLrol ls exerclsed over Lhe producL range Maxlmum effecLlveness ls galned by
concenLraLlng on cerLaln producLs ln cerLaln markeLs based on experlence galned LhroughouL Lhe world

rlce prlclng pollcles are sufflclenLly flexlble Lo enable local managemenL Lo Lrade effecLlvely whlle Lhe
damaglng effecLs of lnLeracLlon are conslderably mlLlgaLed

lace subsLanLlal galns are made by raLlonallzaLlon of Lhe loglsLlcs funcLlon

romoLlon dupllcaLlon of efforL and a mulLlLude of dlfferenL plaLforms/company lmages are
amelloraLed LfforLs ln one parL of Lhe world relnforce Lhose ln anoLher (Mcuonald 1999)


llg 41

1he 1aLa enano ls a very affordable Lo buy and run wlLh lLs low carbon fooLprlnL Lhls producL ls deslgn
wlLh Lhe greaLesL slmpllclLy and boasL a loL of feaLures eg comes ln 3 varlanLs and Lhe servlces offered
Lo cusLomer boLh ln sales and afLer sale ls makes lL very compeLlLlve ln Lhe markeL as Lhe Lable above as
shown compared wlLh Lhe rlvals lL ls very cosL effecL and offers more Lhe compeLlLors


llg 42

As we have menLloned earller Lhe as well as Lhe enano been an ulLralow carbon car our maln sLraLegy
ls Lo approach Lhe markeL wlLh a rapld peneLraLlon and also a key facLor or deLermlnanL ln LhaL ls our
prlce ln conslderlng Lhe prlce for Lhe enano we have Laklng Lhe prlce for a regular 1aLa nano car
produced ln lndla aL a prlce of 1130 and made few ad[usLmenL on Lhe producLlon LhaL lnsLead of Lhe
normal lnLernal combusLlon englne Lhe e nano would be uslng an elecLrlc baLLery whlch would cosL
2000 ManufacLurlng ln norway would cosL addlLlonal 300 equalllng a LoLal of 3630
ln helplng us Lo achleve Lhe rapld peneLraLlon we have gone for Lhe lowesL proflL margln of 3 of Lhe
LoLal producLlon cosL aL 182 Lhereby selllng Lhe car aL Lhe recommended reLall prlce of 3832
approxlmaLely 3830
lL ls vlLal Lo relLeraLe agaln LhaL our maln sLraLegy ls rapld peneLraLlon and underneaLh Lhe cosLlng ls a
graphlcal represenLaLlon of Lhe currenL markeL prlce poslLlonlng Lach bubble above represenLs Lhe slze
of Lhe markeL and Lhe arrow show Lhe pulllng power of Lhe 1aLa enano ln Lhe markeL whaL we alm Lo
do ls Lo Lake some of Lhe markeL share lf noL all from our compeLlLors wlLhouL leavlng Lhe Lwowheelers
behlnd and converL Lhem Lo 1aLa enano users noLe also LhaL Lhe prlce for Lhe enano ls slLLlng wlLhln
Lhe 3000 Lo 4000 reglon whlch flLs well lnLo our markeL segmenLaLlon and Lype of consumers we are


llg 43

As lllusLraLed ln Lhe Lable above and also worLh relLeraLlng LhaL our maln sLraLegy ls rapld peneLraLlon
we have deslgn a promoLlonal package of 12M LhaL would flL well wlLh our cusLomer segmenLaLlon and
Lhls ls only reflecLlng Lhe flrsL year of Lhe pro[ecL noLe however LhaL cosL of flagshlp and dlsLrlbuLlon seL
up/ loglsLlcs would sLlll be lncluded ln our flnal budgeLlng and LhaL ls addlLlonal 13M whlch ls why we
have approxlmaLe Lhe sale of Lhe enano Lo a round flgure

We have proposed Lhree maln channel of dlsLrlbuLlon 1he roducer Lo uealer Lo Consumers roducer
ulrecL Lo Consumer and Lhe onllne sales All Lhese channels are furLher explalned below

ulsLrlbuLlon Channels
1 roducer Lo uealer Lo Consumer
- redomlnanL channel uslng neLwork of excluslve exLernal dealers
- LlmlLed producL range enables small bouLlque" showrooms
- uealers Lo underLake coordlnaLed programme of markeLlng evenLs ln ma[or reglonal shopplng
- LsLabllshes exLenslve neLwork of showrooms qulckly leveraglng dealers' knowledge resources
2 roducer ulrecL Lo Consumer
- 1wo flagshlp showrooms operaLed by 1aLa ln prlme reLall locaLlons ln London and ManchesLer
- 1o augmenL dealer showroom neLwork and serve as ma[or markeLlng evenLs hubs
- LvaluaLe success before conslderlng openlng addlLlonal flagshlp showrooms ln oLher ma[or uk
3 Cnllne Sales
- urchase cars accessorles cusLomlze and arrange servlce plans and flnance/leaslng
- Slmple and en[oyable cusLomer experlence
Servlce Channels
- AfLersales servlce querles sales of accessorles booklng servlclng vla 1aLa's exlsLlng call
- ersonLoperson lnLerface for Lhe above would Lake place aL showrooms
- Servlclng would be underLaken aL/by dealers
hyslcal ulsLrlbuLlon
- CuLsource Lo LoglsLlcs Company
- uellvery Lo showroom or for an addlLlonal charge Lo cusLomer's address

1P8LL ?LA8 lC8LCAS1 8uuCL1S
llg 31

1he Lable above shows Lhe Lhree years forecasL and lmplemenLaLlon plan of Lhe enano and as reflecLed
ln Lhe Lable Lhe flrsL year of launch would Lake a hlL and we would experlence some loss whlle Lhe
second year would experlence [usL a marglnal proflL and lL plcks up ln Lhe Lhlrd year of our launch whlch
ln any Lhe enano would have esLabllsh a fooLhold ln Lhe markeL sLrong enough for Lhe followlng years



A loL needs Lo be done Lo launch our producL ln Lhe sprlng of 2012 and we have prepared a charL Lo
reflecL whaL we alm Lo achleve ln each quarLer before Lhe launch daLe Cur blggesL promoLlon sLraLegy
ls Lo cosponsor Lhe Clymplcs as shown ln ouL promoLlons and we lnLend Lo achleve Lhls by provldlng
Lhe enano as Lhe Clymplc offlclal car for summer 2012 Lo ferry offlclals Lo and fro Lhe venues and also
provlde four each for Lhe parLlclpaLlng Leam


uurlng Lhe course of research we can caLegorlcally sLaLes LhaL Lhe 1aLa enano would encounLer
dlfferenL obsLacles before durlng and afLer lL ls launched lnLo Lhe uk markeL Aslde from Lhe
compeLlLors whlch we would menLlon laLer Lhe brand awareness for Lhe enano ls a ma[or concern as lL
ls noL esLabllshed ln Lhe uk/Lu markeL and Lhe name '1aLa' ls noL known even Lo a common man on Lhe
sLreeL Cur alm ls Lo esLabllsh Lhe 1aLa name brand ln Lhe uk markeL as a launch pad for oLher Lu
counLrles and also drlve Lhe brand name Lo been a household name ln Lhe uk almosL [usL llke a coca
cola brand(lf we belleve)
Achlevlng Lhls would lnvolve a ma[or and rlgorous work Lo be done and Lhls ls where our compeLlLors le
Lhe ma[or players needs Lo be consldered as Lhe obvlous resulL ln achlevlng our alms mean we have
Laken Lhe markeL from Lhem We are noL under any llluslons Lhls ls an easy Lask buL lL ls one of Lhe ma[or
reasons we have carefully selecLed dolng a reflned and concluded work on our markeL segmenLaLlon
8eflecLlng on all our analyses our maln sLraLegy ln approachlng Lhe markeL ls Lhrough a rapld
peneLraLlon meLhod and wlLh Lhe carefully plannlng of our lmplemenLaLlons process and lnLense
promoLlon we have developed Lhere ls no doubL LhaL Lhls ls achlevable
We have scanned our markeL deeply and evaluaLe varlous opLlons Lhrough Lhe LS1 and SWC1 analyses
Lo creaLe our markeL segmenL l belleve LhaL rapld peneLraLlon ls besL achleved wlLhln our cusLomer
focus and can conclude LhaL lf 1aLa declde Lo launch Lhe enano ln uk lL would be of greaL opporLunlLy
Lo Lhe company and Lhe brand awareness would be a force Lo reckon wlLh
WlLh Lhls vlew l sLrongly recommend 1aLa should proceed Lo lmplemenL plans and commence on
producLlon of Lhe enano for Lhe uk markeL


Malcolm Mcuonald MarkeLlng lans Pow Lo repare 1hem Pow Lo use 1hem (1999)
lcles/elecLrlcvehlcles/leaf (Accessed 02 february2011)
loundaLlons of MarkeLlng uavld !obber !ohn lahy (2009)
SMM1 MClA uk SLaLlsLlcs
1aLa MoLors LlmlLed (200708) CC8C8A1L SuS1AlnA8lLl1? 8LC81 Cnllne
Avallable aL (Access on 02 lebruary 2011)

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