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MINUTES OF THE TRI CENTER BOOSTER CLUB MEETING Tuesday, November 1, 2011 The meeting was called to order

by Steve Keller at 6:06 p.m. The first order of business was the review and approval of the Agenda. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Agenda was unanimously accepted and approved. Next order of business was the review and approval of the prior Meeting Minutes. Discussions on whether other clubs put minutes on their websites. No copies were available to review, but the majority was in agreement that they wanted to have the Meeting Minutes posted to the website in order to share as much information as possible. Steve will send all previous minutes to Mike and he will post them to the website. The next order of business was the review and approval of the Treasurers report. Gene had no copies to pass out. He gave a verbal update as to current balances and recent transactions. The Booster Club wrote 4 checks to TC for funding requests given to us from Brian. $305 for Dues to the Iowa Girls HS Athletic Unions; $1,258 for medals and letters for letter jackets and certificates; $2,548 for athletic supplies and tape; and $809 for cross country travel and hotel monies for the State Cross Country meet. The current balance in the account is $44,094.00. Gene advised that the volleyball start up money has been re-deposited and that the football money was given to Kelly and it will be used for the start up money for wrestling and basketball. It was discussed that the things we actually fund, like for sending the girls to state, will be recorded and stated in the Minutes. Motion was made to accept verbal treasurers report, seconded and with all in favor unanimously passed. The next order of business was the Presidents Remarks. Steve is trying to put together a Presidents letter to send out to all middle school and high school students families to make them aware of who is on the Board and the direction we are trying to go and what we have done so far. Communication with the parents is important and that letter will be coming out this month. Steve would like us to also look into specifying exactly what we will fund as a Booster Club and looking into the possibility of sports teams raising money by fundraising themselves. In the past it has been stated that the school doesnt like the teams to fundraise; however, we need to try to get an answer on what direction the school wants the teams to go in and what the school will allow the kids to do with regard to fundraising money for their specific sport. Discussions that some think that the intent may be that the school doesnt want the individual kids to sell items but instead possibly let them do group fundraisers like the football team did with the auction. It was stated that the school was already negative in the cross country account and that is why they came to the Booster Club for the spending and hotel money for the girls at state. The question was raised: What about the parents that have kids in nonrevenue raising sports? Are they putting in their sweat equity or helping in the concessions to help the Booster Club raise monies? We need to communicate to everyone what the Booster Club expects out of the non-revenue raising sports parents and get consistency and better communication with the school on what fundraising can be done by each sport. The Booster Club would like to communicate to the point that we can eventually see the school contribute first and the Booster Club pick up what needs to be covered after that.

The next order of business was Old Business. Since the last membership meeting we have elected a Board. We did not elect a VP position at that time. After finding the Bylaws it was stated that the VP position must be elected to the Board. Amy Smith had originally volunteered but withdrew and instead nominated Todd Whitfield for the position of VP. Nomination was entered, seconded and unanimously voted in to appoint Todd as VP. Next item of business was a discussion on our membership guidelines. Todd Whitfield and Amy Smith researched and pulled together information from other booster clubs and after numerous discussions and review these were narrowed down to some specific guidelines after a vote by the Board and the specifics of which were presented and reviewed. The Booster Club does not want to discourage possible members but instead wants to communicate with the parents to grow membership and the scholarship fund. The next item of business was discussion on getting a committee formed for the coordination of the spring Golf outing. Discussions were held on whether we should keep the auction with the golf outing or make it two separate events as well as confirmation that we want to keep this a Booster event. It was preferred that we keep the two events together on one date. Volunteers were taken for the formation of a subcommittee to meet with Brian to get things started and organized. Lori and Gene volunteered and Lori suggested we ask Amy Winger to help out as she has helped in the past. She will contact Amy and ask for her help and assistance. Suggested to put information about the golf tournament and auction in the program advertisements during the winter sports in order to get the information out there. Total income from last years event was almost $14,000 so its an event we want to get organized. Next item of business was the formation of a committee for the Booster Club Scholarship Fund. The scholarship fund is at $556 at this point just from the 50/50 drawings we have had during the Fall sports. We need to establish the guidelines and criteria for the scholarship fund and that is what the committee will establish. Todd Whitfield, Mike Spomer, and Trudy volunteered to research and establish the criteria. Next item of business was a discussion regarding a letter the school received from the IRS regarding our tax exempt status. Gene is going to find out where we are and if we are required to file income tax returns with our 501-c status and will report back to the club. Amy Smith spoke with an individual at the IRS and it was understood that we havent filed for 3 years and a filing would be due by December 15, 2011. Gene will look into it and report back. Next item of business was whether we need to winterize the football concession stand. It was scheduled that at 10 a.m. November 5, 2011 we will meet to winterize the concession stand. Trudy volunteered to be the boys basketball concessions coordinator and Lori volunteered to be the girls basketball concessions coordinator. Tracy Wellman is the wrestling coordinator. Brian is allowing the Booster Club to run the 50/50 at some of the home games and we just need to email him a monthly or seasonal email asking for which home events we would like to have the drawing at and he will respond with his approval or denial of each requested date. Mike Spomer will be emailing him our requests.

Discussion on a possible Fan Appreciation Award and coming up with criteria to give an award to, possibly a plaque that is kept at the school or some other type of award or recognition. Mike Spomer will put together some possible criteria for this and present it at a future meeting. A Motion was made to adjourn, seconded and unanimously approved. There being no further business to come before this meeting, the same was duly adjourned at 7:20 p.m.

Susan Paulson, Secretary

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