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Last words as mentioned under Part-2.

This deep understanding mandates for new formatting within the students of inner growth so that a different perceptory window is attributed to it and necessary alteration comes into its place. Today we have introduced you with some new comp rehension about the complex subject of our Ego that in general confined to a sig n of merely inflated self. In the next article we shall go down to the aspects of an Ego where one can experiment alteration and experience a change in ones life t hat leads to more harmony and betterment. Continued According to an ancient wisdom Ego is a necessary portion embedded into our existence the vital purpose that it (ego) serves is to enable the soul exper ience the outside world through a different isness to understand this line in simpl est words; the soul is an eternal spark that is pure in absolute terms and is a mere witness to the world made out of delusion. The ego works as its foremost pr otocol officer in order to dispense all business on its behalf in the world (rep eat made out of delusion).It (Ego) is an active mechanism that works as the oute r wrapping upon the consciousness (soul)and further commands other components li ke mind, chitta, intellect and physical dimensions. The Ego draws its fuel from the eternal spark i.e. soul itself. All fears, joy, unpleasantness, anxiety, hope etc. all are experienced by none other than this em issary of the spark eternal; Ego. The initial exercise before anyone who aspires t o see that his/her decisions in life are not contaminated by this highly complex entity by the name ego is to traverse within during moments of deep contemplation before resolving towards any major issue in ones life. An illustration upon a situation shall render you with a perfect understanding u pon this subject; This illustration serves two purposes at the same time one that it directs an individual to contemplate in accordance with the spirit of this a rticle( the manner to contemplate shall be mentioned at the end of this article) and secondly it highlights a major problems now becoming a common feature aroun d this global village our world. Why does the emotion at heart vanish when two in deep love start living together as their wedded partners? People meet and keep meeting for years and resolve to get married; good that is very good. It should be that way with most... but courts inform that matrimonial disputes far exceed any other kind of property, intellectual rights, criminal o ffenses etc. And... 85% of the disputes are amidst well educated ones those unde rwent love marriage after a prolonged affair and consideration. It is also learn ed that those that were once submitted and prepared for all care and concern for each other then transform into bitterness, acrimony, revengeful and they moot t heir advocates to do worst or draw the most from the opponents. The disputes are increasing and in general it does not come to our common notice... because this is not reported in any media nor courts advertise their statistics but it is a very harsh truth... As a proponent of Love, care and concern i am searching for answers that can avoid this amongst the love birds... You know why? Because love thoughts emanate positive vibes around the vast skies and in turn fuel positivi ty of all kinds... kids, matures, elderly ones, flora and fauna,animal kingdom t hey all benefit out of positive emanations. But when negativity emanates from conflict ridden brains then... all that comes out as the outcome furthers dispute, disharmony and conflict... if we have to ma ke this world a better place then we must ensure that beside the water and air p ollution the pollution of thoughts that breed hatred must end... remember that t wo human beings in love are in fact the custodian and a factory as well; that ca n endlessly nullify the effects of the dark clouds of hatred and conflict at the subtler worlds.

I am working at my end as a trainer... though it was not my main subject but con sidering the bleeding hearts worldwide i believe that bewildered minds, broken h earts can never render good politicians, professionals, teachers or entrepreneur s... to love the entire world may not be an easy affair for all but to love some one you are related with by any norm is certainly possible. When the trees do not exist around one at home due to any reason; then people br ing their essence into small earthen pots and love them... there is a need for t hat in light of love; Secure the love amidst two and the world shall be taken ca re of Now in this above illustration the intensity and concern for the problem itself is acutely grave; yet here its mention is to point out upon the moments of contemp lation that could save several couples from a painful separation that carries so much remorse that travels a long way in their memories. The procedure for this special session of contemplation to trace any scope of co ntamination from if and any malefic light of Ego; Sit down alone at a place other than your own home; a place where there is no sc ope of any disturbance from outside world on if and any count. Inhale gently the speed of inhalation should not touch even the levels where it is noticeable extre mely slow; do the same with the exhalation (the breath that leaves your nostrils ). Allow yourself to immerse into this act for a duration when you experience sl ight relief from all kinds of heaviness at head or heart. Do not question its du ration since it may vary from one to other it can be 20 to 60 minutes After you experience the aforesaid state then recollect the situation that manda tes to tear the relationship built upon fundamentals of love while recollecting i t just ask within with a gentle mood; is my self in any form contaminating the sit uation from its improvement ask yourself this question softly and wait for the re solve to surface Take a serious stock of whatever that surfaces Then repeat the exercise of gentle breathing once again for a duration and momen ts as elaborated before Now this time you gently push a question; Have I done all on my part to save the purest emotion of love amidst- ourselves Now it is time for the last moments of this procedure to check any contamination on the part of Ego that shall run up towards a drastic change for your lives. R epeat the exercise as elaborate earlier and commenced twice. This time push a gentle question; what shall resolve harmony and goodwill in lon gevity? And wait for the truth to surface. This procedure to a large extent can scan and point out the contamination on part on ones own ego remember it does not take care or count for others action. As a rightful aspirant of harmony it shal l attempt to ensure no contamination on your part. The procedure stands the same for any subject before our life here it was merely enjoined to a problem that is tormenting countless hearts where the abode of lov e and love should have existed. Some other time we shall embark upon more aspect s of the layering of this complex but vital subject i.e. Ego. D inesh kumar(Learning under discipline)

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