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A81 ll


8ules 72 109

(1) Sub[ecL MaLLers of Speclal roceedlngs
CA1CP ACLu SPA8C (8ules 72 109)

(a) Change of name

(b) AdopLlon

(c) 1rusLees

(d) ConsLlLuLlon of lamlly Pome

(e) PosplLallzaLlon of lnsane ersons

(f) Absence and ueaLh ueclaraLlon of

(g) Cuardlanshlp and CusLody of Chlldren

(h) LscheaL

(l) (volunLary) ulssoluLlon of CorporaLlon

([) SeLLlemenL of LsLaLe of ueceased ersons

(k) Pabeas Corpus

(l) (!udlclal) Approval of volunLary
8ecognlLlon of Mlnor naLural Chlldren

(m) 8esclsslon and 8evocaLlon of AdopLlon

(n) CancellaLlon or CorrecLlon of LnLrles ln Lhe
Clvll 8eglsLry

(2) Speclal roceedlngs ls an appllcaLlon or
proceedlng Lo esLabllsh Lhe sLaLus or rlghL of a
parLy or a parLlcular facL generally commenced
by appllcaLlon peLlLlon or speclal form of
pleadlng as may be provlded for by Lhe
parLlcular rule or law

L8SCnS (8ules 73 91)

SeLLlemenL of LsLaLe of ueceased ersons
venue and rocess (8ule 73)

Whlch courL has [urlsdlcLlon

(1) lf Lhe decedenL ls an lnhablLanL of Lhe
hlllpplnes aL Lhe Llme of hls deaLh wheLher a
clLlzen of an allen hls wlll shall be proved or
leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon granLed and hls esLaLe
seLLled ln Lhe 81C ln Lhe provlnce ln whlch he
resldes aL Lhe Llme of hls deaLh and lf he ls an
lnhablLanL of a forelgn counLry Lhe 81C of any
provlnce ln whlch he had hls esLaLe 1he courL
flrsL Laklng cognlzance of Lhe seLLlemenL of Lhe
esLaLe of a decedenL shall exerclse [urlsdlcLlon
Lo Lhe excluslon of all oLher courLs (Sec 1)

(2) under 8A 7691 Lhe law expandlng Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe lnferlor courLs M1C Me1C
and MC1C shall exerclse excluslve orlglnal
[urlsdlcLlon over probaLe proceedlngs LesLaLe
and lnLesLaLe where Lhe value of Lhe esLaLe
does noL exceed 200000 (ouLslde MeLro
Manlla) or where such esLaLe does noL exceed
400000 (ln MeLro Manlla)

(3) 1he [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe 81C ls llmlLed Lo Lhe
seLLlemenL and ad[udlcaLlon of properLles of Lhe
deceased and cannoL exLend Lo collaLeral

venue ln [udlclal seLLlemenL of esLaLe

(1) 1he resldence of Lhe decedenL aL Lhe Llme
of hls deaLh ls deLermlnaLlve of Lhe venue of Lhe
proceedlng lf he was a resldenL (lnhablLanL) of
Lhe hlllpplnes venue ls lald excluslvely ln Lhe
provlnce of hls resldence Lhe [urlsdlcLlon belng
vesLed ln Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL Lhereof
8esldence means hls personal acLual or
physlcal hablLaLlon hls acLual resldence or place
of abode

(2) lL ls only where Lhe decedenL was a
nonresldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes aL Lhe Llme of hls
deaLh LhaL venue lles ln any provlnce ln whlch
he had esLaLe and Lhen Cll Lhereof flrsL Laklng
cognlzance of Lhe proceedlng for seLLlemenL
acqulres [urlsdlcLlon Lo Lhe excluslon of oLher
courLs 1he quesLlon of resldence ls
deLermlnaLlve only of Lhe venue and does noL
affecL Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe courL Pence Lhe
lnsLlLuLlon of Lhe proceedlng ln Lhe provlnce
whereln Lhe decedenL nelLher had resldence
nor esLaLe does noL vlLlaLe Lhe acLlon of Lhe
probaLe courL

(3) Where Lhe proceedlngs were lnsLlLuLed ln
Lwo courLs and Lhe quesLlon of venue ls
seasonably ralsed Lhe courL ln whlch Lhe
proceedlng was flrsL flled has excluslve
[urlsdlcLlon Lo resolve Lhe lssue (ue 8or[a vs
1an 97 hll 872)

LxLenL of [urlsdlcLlon of robaLe CourL

(1) 1he maln funcLlon of a probaLe courL ls Lo
seLLle and llquldaLe Lhe esLaLes of deceased
person elLher summarlly or Lhrough Lhe process
of admlnlsLraLlon 1he 81C acLlng a s a probaLe
courL exerclses buL llmlLed [urlsdlcLlon Lhus lL
has no power Lo Lake cognlzance of and
deLermlne Lhe lssue of LlLle Lo properLy clalmed
by a Lhlrd person adversely Lo Lhe decedenL
unless Lhe clalmanL and all oLher parLles have
legal lnLeresL ln Lhe properLy consenL expressly
or lmplledly Lo Lhe submlsslon of Lhe quesLlon
Lo Lhe probaLe courL ln LhaL case lf Lhe probaLe
courL allows Lhe lnLroducLlon of evldence on
ownershlp lL ls for Lhe sole purpose of
deLermlnlng wheLher Lhe sub[ecL properLles
should be lncluded ln Lhe lnvenLory whlch ls
wlLhln Lhe probaLe courL's compeLence 1he
deLermlnaLlon ls only provlslonal sub[ecL Lo a
proper acLlon aL Lhe 81C ln a separaLe acLlon Lo
resolve Lhe LlLle

(2) 1he [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe probaLe courL
merely relaLes Lo maLLers havlng Lo do wlLh Lhe
seLLlemenL of Lhe esLaLe and Lhe probaLe of
wllls Lhe appolnLmenL and removal of
admlnlsLraLors execuLors guardlans and
LrusLees 1he quesLlon of ownershlp ls as a
rule an exLraneous maLLer whlch Lhe probaLe
courL cannoL resolve wlLh flnallLy (lnLesLaLe
LsLaLe of lsmael 8eyes Pelrs of 8eyes vs 8eyes
C8 139387 nov 2 2000)

owers and uuLles of robaLe CourL

(1) ln probaLe proceedlngs Lhe courL

(a) Crders Lhe probaLe of Lhe wlll of Lhe
decedenL (Sec 3 8ule 77)

(b) CranLs leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe
parLy besL enLlLled LhereLo or Lo any quallfled
appllcanL (Sec 3 8ule 79)

(c) Supervlses and conLrols all acLs of

(d) Pears and approves clalms agalnsL Lhe
esLaLe of Lhe deceased (Sec 11 8ule 86)

(e) Crders paymenL of lawful debLs (Sec 11
8ule 88)

(f) AuLhorlzes sale morLgage or any
encumbrance of real esLaLe (Sec 2 8ule 89)

(g) ulrecLs Lhe dellvery of Lhe esLaLe Lo Lhose
enLlLled LhereLo (Sec 1 8ule 90)

(h) lssue warranLs and processes necessary Lo
compel Lhe aLLendance of wlLnesses or Lo carry
lnLo effecL Lhelr orders and [udgmenLs and all
oLher powers granLed Lhem by law (Sec 3 8ule

(l) lf a person defles a probaLe order lL may
lssue a warranL for Lhe apprehenslon and
lmprlsonmenL of such person unLll he performs
such order or [udgmenL or ls released (Sec 3
8ule 73)

(2) 1he courL acLs as LrusLee and as such
should [ealously guard Lhe esLaLe and see Lo lL
LhaL lL ls wlsely and economlcally admlnlsLered
noL dlsslpaLed (1lmbol vs Cano 111 hll 923)

Summary SeLLlemenL of LsLaLes (8ule 74)

(1) Summary seLLlemenL of esLaLe ls a [udlclal
proceedlng whereln wlLhouL Lhe appolnLmenL
of execuLor or admlnlsLraLor and wlLhouL delay
Lhe compeLenL courL summarlly proceeds Lo
value Lhe esLaLe of Lhe decedenL ascerLaln hls
debLs and order paymenL Lhereof allow hls wlll
lf any declare hls helrs devlsee and legaLees
and dlsLrlbuLe hls neL esLaLe among hls known
helrs devlsees and legaLees who shall
Lhereupon be enLlLled Lo recelve and enLer lnLo
Lhe possesslon of Lhe parLs of Lhe esLaLe so
awarded Lo Lhem respecLlvely (Sec 2)

LxLra[udlclal seLLlemenL by agreemenL beLween
helrs when allowed

(1) lf Lhe decedenL lefL no wlll and no debLs
and Lhe helrs are all of age or Lhe mlnors are
represenLed by Lhelr [udlclal or legal
represenLaLlves duly auLhorlzed for Lhe
purpose Lhe parLles may wlLhouL securlng
leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon dlvlde Lhe esLaLe
among Lhemselves as Lhey see flL by means of a
publlc lnsLrumenL flled ln Lhe offlce of Lhe
reglsLer of deeds and should Lhey dlsagree
Lhey may do so ln an ordlnary acLlon of
parLlLlon lf Lhere ls only one helr he may
ad[udlcaLe Lo hlmself Lhe enLlre esLaLe by
means of an affldavlL flled ln Lhe offlce of Lhe
reglsLer of deeds 1he parLles Lo an exLra[udlclal
seLLlemenL wheLher by publlc lnsLrumenL or by
sLlpulaLlon ln a pendlng acLlon for parLlLlon or
Lhe sole helr who ad[udlcaLes Lhe enLlre esLaLe
Lo hlmself by means of an affldavlL shall flle
slmulLaneously wlLh and as a condlLlon
precedenL Lo Lhe flllng of Lhe publlc lnsLrumenL
or sLlpulaLlon ln Lhe acLlon for parLlLlon or of
Lhe affldavlL ln Lhe offlce of Lhe reglsLer of
deeds a bond wlLh Lhe sald reglsLer of deeds ln
an amounL equlvalenL Lo Lhe value of Lhe
personal properLy lnvolved as cerLlfled Lo under
oaLh by Lhe parLles concerned and condlLloned
upon Lhe paymenL of any [usL clalm LhaL may be
flled under secLlon 4 of Lhls rule lL shall be
presumed LhaL Lhe decedenL lefL no debLs lf no
credlLor flles a peLlLlon for leLLers of
admlnlsLraLlon wlLhln Lwo (2) years afLer Lhe
deaLh of Lhe decedenL

1he facL of Lhe exLra[udlclal seLLlemenL or
admlnlsLraLlon shall be publlshed ln a
newspaper of general clrculaLlon ln Lhe manner
provlded ln Lhe nexL succeedlng secLlon buL no
exLra[udlclal seLLlemenL shall be blndlng upon
any person who has noL parLlclpaLed Lhereln or
had no noLlce Lhereof (Sec 1)

(2) LxLra[udlclal parLlLlon of Lhe esLaLe shall
be valld when Lhe followlng condlLlons concur

(a) 1he decedenL lefL no wlll

(b) 1he decedenL lefL no debLs or lf Lhere
were debLs lefL all had been pald

(c) 1he helrs are all of age or lf Lhey are
mlnors Lhe laLLer are represenLed by Lhelr
[udlclal guardlan or legal represenLaLlve

(d) 1he parLlLlon was made by means of a
publlc lnsLrumenL or affldavlL duly flled wlLh Lhe
8eglsLer of ueeds and

(e) 1he facL of Lhe exLra[udlclal seLLlemenL or
admlnlsLraLlon shall be publlshed ln a
newspaper of general clrculaLlon

1woyear prescrlpLlve perlod

(1) lL shall be presumed LhaL Lhe decedenL lefL
no debLs lf no credlLor flles a peLlLlon for leLLers
of admlnlsLraLlon wlLhln Lwo (2) years afLer Lhe
deaLh of Lhe decedenL (Sec 1)

(2) lf lL shall appear aL any Llme wlLhln Lwo (2)
years afLer Lhe seLLlemenL and dlsLrlbuLlon of an
esLaLe ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of
elLher of Lhe flrsL Lwo secLlons of Lhls rule LhaL
an helr or oLher person has been unduly
deprlved of hls lawful parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe
esLaLe such helr or such oLher person may
compel Lhe seLLlemenL of Lhe esLaLe ln Lhe
courLs ln Lhe manner herelnafLer provlded for
Lhe purpose of saLlsfylng such lawful
parLlclpaLlon And lf wlLhln Lhe same Llme of
Lwo (2) years lL shall appear LhaL Lhere are
debLs ouLsLandlng agalnsL Lhe esLaLe whlch
have noL been pald or LhaL an helr or oLher
person has been unduly deprlved of hls lawful
parLlclpaLlon payable ln money Lhe courL
havlng [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe esLaLe may by order
for LhaL purpose afLer hearlng seLLle Lhe
amounL of such debLs or lawful parLlclpaLlon
and order how much and ln whaL manner each
dlsLrlbuLee shall conLrlbuLe ln Lhe paymenL
Lhereof and may lssue execuLlon lf
clrcumsLances requlre agalnsL Lhe bond
provlded ln Lhe precedlng secLlon or agalnsL Lhe
real esLaLe belonglng Lo Lhe deceased or boLh
Such bond and such real esLaLe shall remaln
charged wlLh a llablllLy Lo credlLors helrs or
oLher persons for Lhe full perlod of Lwo (2)
years afLer such dlsLrlbuLlon noLwlLhsLandlng
any Lransfers of real esLaLe LhaL may have been
made (Sec 4)

AffldavlL of Selfad[udlcaLlon by sole helr

(1) lf Lhere ls only one helr he may ad[udlcaLe
Lo hlmself Lhe enLlre esLaLe by means of an
affldavlL flled ln Lhe offlce of Lhe reglsLer of
deeds (Sec 1)

Summary seLLlemenL of esLaLes of small value
when allowed

(1) Whenever Lhe gross value of Lhe esLaLe of
a deceased person wheLher he dled LesLaLe or
lnLesLaLe does noL exceed Len Lhousand pesos
and LhaL facL ls made Lo appear Lo Lhe CourL of
llrsL lnsLance havlng [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe esLaLe
by Lhe peLlLlon of an lnLeresLed person and
upon hearlng whlch shall be held noL less Lhan
(1) monLh nor more Lhan Lhree (3) monLhs from
Lhe daLe of Lhe lasL publlcaLlon of a noLlce
whlch shall be publlshed once a week for Lhree
(3) consecuLlve weeks ln a newspaper of
general clrculaLlon ln Lhe provlnce and afLer
such oLher noLlce Lo lnLeresLed persons as Lhe
courL may dlrecL Lhe courL may proceed
summarlly wlLhouL Lhe appolnLmenL of an
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor and wlLhouL delay
Lo granL lf proper allowance of Lhe wlll lf any
Lhere be Lo deLermlne who are Lhe persons
legally enLlLled Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe esLaLe and
Lo apporLlon and dlvlde lL among Lhem afLer Lhe
paymenL of such debLs of Lhe esLaLe as Lhe
courL shall Lhen flnd Lo be due and such
persons ln Lhelr own rlghL lf Lhey are of lawful
age and legal capaclLy or by Lhelr guardlans or
LrusLees legally appolnLed and quallfled lf
oLherwlse shall Lhereupon be enLlLled Lo
recelve and enLer lnLo Lhe possesslon of Lhe
porLlons of Lhe esLaLe so awarded Lo Lhem
respecLlvely 1he courL shall make such order as
may be [usL respecLlng Lhe cosLs of Lhe
proceedlngs and all orders and [udgmenLs
made or rendered ln Lhe course Lhereof shall be
recorded ln Lhe offlce of Lhe clerk and Lhe
order of parLlLlon or award lf lL lnvolves real
esLaLe shall be recorded ln Lhe proper reglsLer's
offlce (Sec 2)

(2) 1he courL before allowlng a parLlLlon may
requlre Lhe dlsLrlbuLees lf properLy oLher Lhan
real ls Lo be dlsLrlbuLed Lo flle a bond ln an
amounL Lo be flxed by courL condlLloned for
Lhe paymenL of any [usL clalm (Sec 3)

8emedles of aggrleved parLles afLer exLra
[udlclal seLLlemenL of esLaLe

(1) 1he credlLor may ask for admlnlsLraLlon of
enough properLy of Lhe esLaLe sufflclenL Lo pay
Lhe debL buL Lhe helrs cannoL prevenL such
admlnlsLraLlon by paylng Lhe obllgaLlon
(McMlcklng vs Sy Conbleng 21 hll 211)

(2) Where Lhe esLaLe has been summarlly
seLLled Lhe unpald credlLor may wlLhln Lhe
Lwoyear perlod flle a moLlon ln Lhe courL
whereln such summary seLLlemenL was had for
Lhe paymenL of hls credlL AfLer Lhe lapse of Lhe
Lwoyear perlod an ordlnary acLlon may be
lnsLlLuLed agalnsL Lhe dlsLrlbuLees wlLhln Lhe
sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons buL noL agalnsL Lhe bond

(3) 1he acLlon Lo annul a deed of exLra[udlclal
seLLlemenL on Lhe ground of fraud should be
flled wlLhln four years from Lhe dlscovery of Lhe
fraud (Cerona vs ue Cuzman L19060 May 29

roducLlon and robaLe of Wlll (8ule 73)

naLure of probaLe proceedlng

(1) robaLe of a wlll ls a proceedlng ln rem lL
cannoL be dlspensed wlLh and subsLlLuLed by
anoLher proceedlng [udlclal or exLra[udlclal
wlLhouL offendlng publlc pollcy lL ls mandaLory
as no wlll shall pass elLher real or personal
properLy unless proved and allowed ln
accordance wlLh Lhe 8ules lL ls lmprescrlpLlble
because lL ls requlred by publlc pollcy and Lhe
sLaLe could noL have lnLended Lo defeaL Lhe
same by applylng LhereLo Lhe sLaLuLe of
llmlLaLlon of acLlons (Cuevara vs Cuevara 74
hll 479)

Who may peLlLlon for probaLe persons enLlLled
Lo noLlce

(1) Any execuLor devlsee or legaLee named
ln a wlll or any oLher person lnLeresLed ln Lhe
esLaLe may aL any Llme afLer Lhe deaLh of Lhe
LesLaLor peLlLlon Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon
Lo have Lhe wlll allowed wheLher Lhe same be
ln hls possesslon or noL or ls losL or desLroyed
1he LesLaLor hlmself may durlng hls llfeLlme
peLlLlon Lhe courL for Lhe allowance of hls wlll
(Sec 1 8ule 76)

(2) 1he courL shall also cause coples of Lhe
noLlce of Lhe Llme and place flxed for provlng
Lhe wlll Lo be addressed Lo Lhe deslgnaLed or
oLher known helrs legaLees and devlsees of
Lhe LesLaLor resldenL ln Lhe hlllpplnes aL Lhelr
places of resldence and deposlLed ln Lhe posL
offlce wlLh Lhe posLage Lhereon prepald aL leasL
LwenLy (20) days before Lhe hearlng lf such
places of resldence be known A copy of Lhe
noLlce musL ln llke manner be malled Lo Lhe
person named as execuLor lf he be noL be
peLlLloner also Lo any person named as co
execuLor noL peLlLlonlng lf Lhelr places of
resldence be known ersonal servlce of coples
of Lhe noLlce aL leasL Len (10) days before Lhe
day of hearlng shall be equlvalenL Lo malllng lf
Lhe LesLaLor asks for Lhe allowance of hls own
wlll noLlce shall be senL only Lo hls compulsory
helrs (Sec 4 8ule 76)

Allowance or ulsallowance of Wlll (8ule 76)

ConLenLs of peLlLlon for allowance of wlll

(1) A peLlLlon for Lhe allowance of a wlll musL
show so far as known Lo Lhe peLlLloner

(a) 1he [urlsdlcLlonal facLs

(b) 1he names ages and resldences of Lhe
helrs legaLees and devlsees of Lhe LesLaLor or

(c) 1he probable value and characLer of Lhe
properLy of Lhe esLaLe

(d) 1he name of Lhe person for whom leLLers
are prayed

(e) lf Lhe wlll has noL been dellvered Lo Lhe
courL Lhe name of Lhe person havlng cusLody of

8uL no defecL ln Lhe peLlLlon shall render vold
Lhe allowance of Lhe wlll or Lhe lssuance of
leLLers LesLamenLary or of admlnlsLraLlon wlLh
Lhe wlll annexed (Sec 2 8ule 76)

Crounds for dlsallowlng a wlll

(1) 1he wlll shall be dlsallowed ln any of Lhe
followlng cases

(a) lf noL execuLed and aLLesLed as requlred
by law

(b) lf Lhe LesLaLor was lnsane or oLherwlse
menLally lncapable Lo make a wlll aL Lhe Llme of
lLs execuLlon

(c) lf lL was execuLed under duress or Lhe
lnfluence of fear or LhreaLs

(d) lf lL was procured by undue and lmproper
pressure and lnfluence on Lhe parL of Lhe
beneflclary or of some oLher person for hls

(e) lf Lhe slgnaLure of Lhe LesLaLor was
procured by fraud or Lrlck and he dld noL
lnLend LhaL Lhe lnsLrumenL should be hls wlll aL
Lhe Llme of flxlng hls slgnaLure LhereLo (Sec 9
8ule 76)

(2) Crounds under ArL 839 Clvll Code

(a) lf Lhe formallLles requlred by law have noL
been complled wlLh

(b) lf Lhe LesLaLor was lnsane or oLherwlse
menLally lncapable of maklng a wlll aL Lhe Llme
of lLs execuLlon

(c) lf lL was execuLed Lhrough force or duress
or Lhe lnfluence of fear or LhreaLs

(d) lf lL was procured by undue and lmproper
pressure and lnfluence on Lhe parL of Lhe
beneflclary or of some oLher person

(e) lf Lhe slgnaLure of Lhe LesLaLor was
procured by fraud

(f) lf Lhe LesLaLor acLed by mlsLake or dld noL
lnLend LhaL Lhe lnsLrumenL he slgned should be
hls wlll aL Lhe Llme of afflxlng hls slgnaLure

8eprobaLe 8equlslLes before wlll proved
ouLslde allowed ln Lhe hlllpplnes effecLs of

(1) Wlll proved ouLslde hlllpplnes may be
allowed here Wllls proved and allowed ln a
forelgn counLry accordlng Lo Lhe laws of such
counLry may be allowed flled and recorded by
Lhe proper CourL of llrsL lnsLance ln Lhe
hlllpplnes (Sec 1 8ule 77)

(2) When wlll allowed and effecL Lhereof lf lL
appears aL Lhe hearlng LhaL Lhe wlll should be
allowed ln Lhe hlllpplnes Lhe courL shall so
allow lL and a cerLlflcaLe of lLs allowance
slgned by Lhe [udge and aLLesLed by Lhe seal of
Lhe courL Lo whlch shall be aLLached a copy of
Lhe wlll shall be flled and recorded by Lhe clerk
and Lhe wlll shall have Lhe same effecL as lf
orlglnally proved and allowed ln such courL (Sec
3 8ule 77)

(3) When a wlll ls Lhus allowed Lhe courL shall
granL leLLers LesLamenLary or leLLers of
admlnlsLraLlon wlLh Lhe wlll annexed and such
leLLers LesLamenLary or of admlnlsLraLlon shall
exLend Lo all Lhe esLaLe of Lhe LesLaLor ln Lhe
hlllpplnes Such esLaLe afLer Lhe paymenL of
[usL debLs and expenses of admlnlsLraLlon shall
be dlsposed of accordlng Lo such wlll so far as
such wlll may operaLe upon lL and Lhe resldue
lf any shall be dlsposed of as ls provlded by law
ln cases of esLaLes ln Lhe hlllpplnes belonglng
Lo persons who are lnhablLanLs of anoLher sLaLe
or counLry (Sec 4 8ule 77)

(4) CerLlflcaLe of allowance aLLached Lo
proved wlll 1o be recorded ln Lhe Cfflce of
8eglsLer of ueeds lf Lhe courL ls saLlsfled upon
proof Laken and flled LhaL Lhe wlll was duly
execuLed and LhaL Lhe LesLaLor aL Lhe Llme of
lLs execuLlon was of sound and dlsposlng mlnd
and noL acLlng under duress menace and
undue lnfluence or fraud a cerLlflcaLe of lLs
allowance slgned by Lhe [udge and aLLesLed by
Lhe seal of Lhe courL shall be aLLached Lo Lhe
wlll and Lhe wlll and cerLlflcaLe flled and
recorded by Lhe clerk ALLesLed coples of Lhe
wlll devlslng real esLaLe and of cerLlflcaLe of
allowance Lhereof shall be recorded ln Lhe
reglsLer of deeds of Lhe provlnce ln whlch Lhe
lands lle (Sec 13 8ule 76)

(3) 1he general rule unlversally recognlzed ls
LhaL admlnlsLraLlon exLends only Lo Lhe asseLs
of Lhe decedenL found wlLhln Lhe sLaLe or
counLry where lL was granLed so LhaL an
admlnlsLraLor appolnLed ln one sLaLe or counLry
has no power over Lhe properLy ln anoLher
sLaLe or counLry (Leon Chezzl vs
ManufacLurer's Llfe lns 80 hll 493) When a
person dles lnLesLaLe ownlng properLy ln Lhe
counLry of hls domlclle as well as ln forelgn
counLry admlnlsLraLlon shall be had ln boLh
counLrles 1haL whlch ls granLed ln Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe decedenL's domlclle ls Lermed
Lhe prlnclpal admlnlsLraLlon whlle any oLher
admlnlsLraLlon ls Lermed anclllary
admlnlsLraLlon 1he anclllary admlnlsLraLlon ls
proper whenever a person dles leavlng ln a
counLry oLher Lhan LhaL of hls domlclle
properLy Lo be admlnlsLered ln Lhe naLure of
asseLs of Lhe decedenL llable for hls lndlvldual
debLs or Lo be dlsLrlbuLed among hls helrs
(!ohannes vs Parvey 43 hll 173)

LeLLers 1esLamenLary and of AdmlnlsLraLlon
(8ule 78)

(1) LeLLers LesLamenLary ls Lhe appolnLmenL
lssued by a probaLe courL afLer Lhe wlll has
been admlLLed Lo probaLe Lo Lhe execuLor
named ln Lhe wlll Lo admlnlsLer Lhe esLaLe of
Lhe deceased LesLaLor provlded Lhe execuLor
named ln Lhe wlll ls compeLenL accepLs Lhe
LrusL and glves a bond (Sec 4)

When and Lo whom leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon

(1) no person ls compeLenL Lo serve as execuLor
or admlnlsLraLor who

(a) ls a mlnor

(b) ls noL a resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes and

(c) ls ln Lhe oplnlon of Lhe courL unflL Lo execuLe
Lhe duLles of Lhe LrusL by reason of
drunkenness lmprovldence or wanL of
undersLandlng or lnLegrlLy or by reason of
convlcLlon of an offense lnvolvlng moral
LurplLude (Sec 1)

(2) LxecuLor of execuLor noL Lo admlnlsLer
esLaLe 1he execuLor of an execuLor shall noL as
such admlnlsLer Lhe esLaLe of Lhe flrsL LesLaLor
(Sec 2)

(3) Marrled women may serve A marrled
woman may serve as execuLrlx or
admlnlsLraLrlx and Lhe marrlage of a slngle
woman shall noL affecL her auLhorlLy so Lo serve
under a prevlous appolnLmenL (Sec 3)

(4) LeLLers LesLamenLary lssued when wlll
allowed When a wlll has been proved and
allowed Lhe courL shall lssue leLLers
LesLamenLary Lhereon Lo Lhe person named as
execuLor Lhereln lf he ls compeLenL accepLs
Lhe LrusL and glves bond as requlred by Lhese
rules (Sec 4)

(3) Where some coexecuLors dlsquallfled oLhers
may acL When all of Lhe execuLors named ln a
wlll cannoL acL because of lncompeLency
refusal Lo accepL Lhe LrusL or fallure Lo glve
bond on Lhe parL of one or more of Lhem
leLLers LesLamenLary may lssue Lo such of Lhem
as are compeLenL accepL and glve bond and
Lhey may perform Lhe duLles and dlscharge Lhe
LrusL requlred by Lhe wlll (Sec 3)

(6) lf no execuLor ls named ln Lhe wlll or Lhe
execuLor or execuLors are lncompeLenL refuse
Lhe LrusL or fall Lo glve bond or a person dles
lnLesLaLe admlnlsLraLlon shall be granLed

(a) 1o Lhe survlvlng husband or wlfe as Lhe case
may be or nexL of kln or boLh ln Lhe dlscreLlon
of Lhe courL or Lo such person as such survlvlng
husband or wlfe or nexL of kln requesLs Lo
have appolnLed lf compeLenL and wllllng Lo

(b) lf such survlvlng husband or wlfe as Lhe case
may be or nexL of kln or Lhe person selecLed
by Lhem be lncompeLenL or unwllllng or lf Lhe
husband or wldow or nexL of kln neglecLs for
LhlrLy (30) days afLer Lhe deaLh of Lhe person Lo
apply for admlnlsLraLlon or Lo requesL LhaL
admlnlsLraLlon be granLed Lo some oLher
person lL may be granLed Lo one or more of Lhe
prlnclpal credlLors lf compeLenL and wllllng Lo

(c) lf Lhere ls no such credlLor compeLenL and
wllllng Lo serve lL may be granLed Lo such oLher
person as Lhe courL may selecL (Sec 6)

Crder of preference

(1) rlorlLy ln selecLlng an admlnlsLraLor

(a) Survlvlng spouse or nexL of kln or boLh
or person as such survlvlng spouse or nexL of
kln requesLs

(b) Cne or more of Lhe prlnclpal credlLors lf
such survlvlng spouse or nexL of kln or Lhe
person selecLed be lncompeLenL or unwllllng
or lf Lhey neglecL for 30 days afLer Lhe deaLh of
Lhe decedenL Lo apply for admlnlsLraLlon or Lo
requesL LhaL admlnlsLraLlon be granLed Lo some
oLher person lL may be granLed Lo lf
compeLenL and wllllng Lo serve

(c) Such oLher person as Lhe courL may selecL

CpposlLlon Lo lssuance of leLLers LesLamenLary
slmulLaneous flllng of peLlLlon for

(1) Any person lnLeresLed ln a wlll may sLaLe
ln wrlLlng Lhe grounds why leLLers LesLamenLary
should noL lssue Lo Lhe persons named Lhereln
execuLors or any of Lhem and Lhe courL afLer
hearlng upon noLlce shall pass upon Lhe
sufflclency of such grounds A peLlLlon may aL
Lhe same Llme be flled for leLLers of
admlnlsLraLlon wlLh Lhe wlll annexed (Sec 1
8ule 79)

owers and duLles of LxecuLors and
AdmlnlsLraLors resLrlcLlons on Lhe powers (8ule

(1) An execuLor ls Lhe person nomlnaLed by a
LesLaLor Lo carry ouL Lhe dlrecLlons and requesLs
ln hls wlll and Lo dlspose of hls properLy
accordlng Lo hls LesLamenLary provlslons afLer
hls deaLh (21 Am !ur 369)

(2) An admlnlsLraLor ls person appolnLed by
Lhe courL ln accordance wlLh Lhe governlng
sLaLuLe Lo admlnlsLer and seLLle lnLesLaLe
esLaLe and such LesLaLe esLaLe as no compeLenL
execuLor was deslgnaLed by Lhe LesLaLor

(3) LxecuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lo have access
Lo parLnershlp books and properLy Pow rlghL
enforced 1he execuLor or admlnlsLraLor of Lhe
esLaLe of a deceased parLner shall aL all Llmes
have access Lo and may examlne and Lake
coples of books and papers relaLlng Lo Lhe
parLnershlp buslness and may examlne and
make lnvolces of Lhe properLy belonglng Lo such
parLnershlp and Lhe survlvlng parLner or
parLners on requesL shall exhlblL Lo hlm all
such books papers and properLy ln Lhelr hands
or conLrol Cn Lhe wrlLLen appllcaLlon of such
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lhe courL havlng
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe esLaLe may order any such
survlvlng parLner or parLners Lo freely permlL
Lhe exerclse of Lhe rlghLs and Lo exhlblL Lhe
books papers and properLy as ln Lhls secLlon
provlded and may punlsh any parLner falllng Lo
do so for conLempL (Sec 1 8ule 84)

(4) LxecuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lo keep
bulldlngs ln repalr An execuLor or admlnlsLraLor
shall malnLaln ln LenanLable repalr Lhe houses
and oLher sLrucLures and fences belonglng Lo
Lhe esLaLe and dellver Lhe same ln such repalr
Lo Lhe helrs or devlsees when dlrecLed so Lo do
by Lhe courL (Sec 2 8ule 84)

(3) LxecuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lo reLaln whole
esLaLe Lo pay debLs and Lo admlnlsLer esLaLe
noL wllled An execuLor or admlnlsLraLor shall
have Lhe rlghL Lo Lhe possesslon and
managemenL of Lhe real as well as Lhe personal
esLaLe of Lhe deceased so long as lL ls necessary
for Lhe paymenL of Lhe debLs and Lhe expenses
of admlnlsLraLlon (Sec 3 8ule 84)

(6) An admlnlsLraLor of an lnLesLaLe cannoL
exerclse Lhe rlghL of legal redempLlon over a
porLlon of Lhe properLy owned ln common sold
by one of Lhe oLher coowners slnce Lhls ls noL
wlLhln Lhe powers of admlnlsLraLlon (Caro vs
CA 113 SC8A 10) Where Lhe esLaLe of a
deceased person ls already Lhe sub[ecL of a
LesLaLe or lnLesLaLe proceedlng Lhe
admlnlsLraLor cannoL enLer lnLo any LransacLlon
lnvolvlng lL wlLhouL any prlor approval of Lhe
CourL (LsLaLe of Clave vs 8eyes 123 SC8A 767)
1he rlghL of an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lo Lhe
possesslon and managemenL of Lhe real and
personal properLles of Lhe deceased ls noL
absoluLe and can only be exerclsed so long as lL
ls necessary for Lhe paymenL of Lhe debLs and
expenses of admlnlsLraLlon (Manaqull vs
vlllegas 189 SC8A 333)

AppolnLmenL of Speclal AdmlnlsLraLor

(1) When Lhere ls delay ln granLlng leLLers
LesLamenLary or of admlnlsLraLlon by any cause
lncludlng an appeal from Lhe allowance or
dlsallowance of a wlll Lhe courL may appolnL a
speclal admlnlsLraLor Lo Lake possesslon and
charge of Lhe esLaLe of Lhe deceased unLll Lhe
quesLlons causlng Lhe delay are declded and
execuLors or admlnlsLraLors appolnLed (Sec 1
8ule 80)

Crounds for removal of admlnlsLraLor

(1) AdmlnlsLraLlon revoked lf wlll dlscovered
roceedlngs Lhereupon lf afLer leLLers of
admlnlsLraLlon have been granLed on Lhe esLaLe
of a decedenL as lf he had dled lnLesLaLe hls wlll
ls proved and allowed by Lhe courL Lhe leLLers
of admlnlsLraLlon shall be revoked and all
powers Lhereunder cease and Lhe
admlnlsLraLor shall forLhwlLh surrender Lhe
leLLers Lo Lhe courL and render hls accounL
wlLhln such Llme as Lhe courL dlrecLs
roceedlngs for Lhe lssuance of leLLers
LesLamenLary or of admlnlsLraLlon under Lhe
wlll shall be as herelnbefore provlded (Sec 1
8ule 82)

(2) CourL may remove or accepL reslgnaLlon
of execuLor or admlnlsLraLor roceedlngs upon
deaLh reslgnaLlon or removal lf an execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor neglecLs Lo render hls accounL
and seLLle Lhe esLaLe accordlng Lo law or Lo
perform an order or [udgmenL of Lhe courL or a
duLy expressly provlded by Lhese rules or
absconds or becomes lnsane or oLherwlse
lncapable or unsulLable Lo dlscharge Lhe LrusL
Lhe courL may remove hlm or ln lLs dlscreLlon
may permlL hlm Lo reslgn When an execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor dles reslgns or ls removed Lhe
remalnlng execuLor or admlnlsLraLor may
admlnlsLer Lhe LrusL alone unless Lhe courL
granLs leLLers Lo someone Lo acL wlLh hlm lf
Lhere ls no remalnlng execuLor or admlnlsLraLor
admlnlsLraLlon may be granLed Lo any sulLable
person (Sec 2 8ule 82)

Clalms AgalnsL Lhe LsLaLe (8ule 86)

(1) AdmlnlsLraLlon ls for Lhe purpose of
llquldaLlon of Lhe esLaLe and dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe
resldue among Lhe helrs and legaLees
LlquldaLlon means Lhe deLermlnaLlon of all Lhe
asseLs of Lhe esLaLe and paymenL of all debLs
and expenses

(2) 1he purpose of presenLaLlon of clalms
agalnsL decedenLs of Lhe esLaLe ln Lhe probaLe
courL ls Lo proLecL Lhe esLaLe of deceased
persons 1haL way Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor wlll be able Lo examlne each
clalm and deLermlne wheLher lL ls a proper one
whlch should be allowed lurLher Lhe prlmary
ob[ecL of Lhe provlslons requlrlng presenLaLlon
ls Lo apprlse Lhe admlnlsLraLor and Lhe probaLe
courL of Lhe exlsLence of Lhe clalm so LhaL a
proper and Llmely arrangemenL may be made
for lLs paymenL ln full or by pro raLa porLlon ln
Lhe due course of Lhe admlnlsLraLlon lnasmuch
as upon Lhe deaLh of a person hls enLlre esLaLe
ls burdened wlLh Lhe paymenL of all hls debLs
and no credlLor shall en[oy any preference or
prlorlLy all of Lhem shall share pro raLa ln Lhe
llquldaLlon of Lhe esLaLe of Lhe deceased

1lme wlLhln whlch clalms shall be flled

(1) ln Lhe noLlce provlded ln Lhe precedlng
secLlon Lhe courL shall sLaLe Lhe Llme for Lhe
flllng of clalms agalnsL Lhe esLaLe whlch shall
noL be more Lhan Lwelve (12) nor less Lhan slx
(6) monLhs afLer Lhe daLe of Lhe flrsL publlcaLlon
of Lhe noLlce Powever aL any Llme before an
order of dlsLrlbuLlon ls enLered on appllcaLlon
of a credlLor who has falled Lo flle hls clalm
wlLhln Lhe Llme prevlously llmlLed Lhe courL
may for cause shown and on such Lerms as are
equlLable allow such clalm Lo be flled wlLhln a
Llme noL exceedlng one (1) monLh (Sec 2)

SLaLuLe of nonclalms

(1) 1he rule requlres cerLaln credlLors of a
deceased person Lo presenL Lhelr clalms for
examlnaLlon and allowance wlLhln a speclfled
perlod Lhe purpose Lhereof belng Lo seLLle Lhe
esLaLe wlLh dlspaLch so LhaL Lhe resldue may be
dellvered Lo Lhe persons enLlLled LhereLo
wlLhouL Lhelr belng afLerwards called upon Lo
respond ln acLlons for clalms whlch under Lhe
ordlnary sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons have noL yeL
prescrlbed (SanLos vs Manarang 27 hll 213)

Clalm of LxecuLor or admlnlsLraLor agalnsL Lhe

(1) lf Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor has a
clalm agalnsL Lhe esLaLe he represenLs he shall
glve noLlce Lhereof ln wrlLlng Lo Lhe courL and
Lhe courL shall appolnL a speclal admlnlsLraLor
who shall ln Lhe ad[usLmenL of such clalm have
Lhe same power and be sub[ecL Lo Lhe same
llablllLy as Lhe general admlnlsLraLor or execuLor
ln Lhe seLLlemenL of oLher clalms 1he courL may
order Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor Lo pay Lo
Lhe speclal admlnlsLraLor necessary funds Lo
defend such clalm (Sec

aymenL of uebLs (8ule 88)

(1) lf Lhere are sufflclenL properLles Lhe debLs
shall be pald Lhus

(a) All debLs shall be pald ln full wlLhln Lhe
Llme llmlLed for Lhe purpose (Sec 1)

(b) lf Lhe LesLaLor makes provlslon by hls wlll
or deslgnaLes Lhe esLaLe Lo be approprlaLed for
Lhe paymenL of debLs Lhey shall be pald
accordlng Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe wlll whlch
musL be respecLed (Sec 2)

(c) lf Lhe esLaLe deslgnaLed ln Lhe wlll ls noL
sufflclenL such parL of Lhe esLaLe as ls noL
dlsposed of by wlll shall be approprlaLed for Lhe
purpose (Sec 2)

(d) 1he personal esLaLe noL dlsposed of by wlll
shall be flrsL chargeable wlLh paymenL of debLs
and expenses (Sec 3)

(e) lf Lhe personal esLaLe ls noL sufflclenL or
lLs sale would be deLrlmenLal Lo Lhe parLlclpanLs
of Lhe esLaLe Lhe real esLaLe noL dlsposed of by
wlll shall be sold or encumbered for LhaL
purpose (Sec 3)

(f) Any deflclency shall be meL by
conLrlbuLlons from devlsees legaLees and helrs
who have enLered lnLo possesslon of porLlons of
Lhe esLaLe before debLs and expenses have
been pald (Sec 6)

(g) 1he execuLor or admlnlsLraLor shall reLaln
sufflclenL esLaLe Lo pay conLlngenL clalms when
Lhe same becomes absoluLe (Sec 4)

(2) lf Lhe esLaLe ls lnsolvenL Lhe debLs shall be
pald ln Lhe followlng manner

(a) 1he execuLor or admlnlsLraLor shall pay
Lhe debLs ln accordance wlLh Lhe preference of
credlLs esLabllshed by Lhe Clvll Code (Sec 7)

(b) no credlLor of any one class shall recelve
any paymenL unLll Lhose of Lhe precedlng class
are pald (Sec

(c) lf Lhere are no asseLs sufflclenL Lo pay Lhe
credlLs of any one class of credlLors each
credlLor wlLhln such class shall be pald a
dlvldend ln proporLlon Lo hls clalm (Sec

(d) Where Lhe deceased was a nonresldenL
hls esLaLe ln Lhe hlllpplnes shall be dlsposed of
ln such a way LhaL credlLors ln Lhe hlllpplnes
and elsewhere may recelve an equal share ln
proporLlon Lo Lhelr respecLlve credlLs (Sec 9)

(e) Clalms duly proved agalnsL Lhe esLaLe of
an lnsolvenL resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes Lhe
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor havlng had Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo conLesL such clalms shall e
lncluded ln Lhe cerLlfled llsL of clalms proved
agalnsL Lhe deceased 1he owner of such clalms
shall be enLlLled Lo a [usL dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe
esLaLe ln accordance wlLh Lhe precedlng rules lf
Lhe properLy of such deceased person ln
anoLher counLry ls llkewlse equally apporLloned
Lo Lhe credlLors resldlng ln Lhe hlllpplnes and
oLher credlLors accordlng Lo Lhelr respecLlve
clalms (Sec 10)

(f) lL musL be noLed LhaL Lhe paymenLs of
debLs of Lhe decedenL shall be made pursuanL
Lo Lhe order of Lhe probaLe courL (Sec 11)

(3) 1lme for paylng debLs and legacles flxed
or exLended afLer noLlce wlLhln whaL perlods
Cn granLlng leLLers LesLamenLary or
admlnlsLraLlon Lhe courL shall allow Lo Lhe
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor a Llme for dlsposlng
of Lhe esLaLe and paylng Lhe debLs and legacles
of Lhe deceased whlch shall noL ln Lhe flrsL
lnsLance exceed one (1) year buL Lhe courL
may on appllcaLlon of Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor and afLer hearlng on such noLlce
of Lhe Llme and place Lherefor glven Lo all
persons lnLeresLed as lL shall dlrecL exLend Lhe
Llme as Lhe clrcumsLances of Lhe esLaLe requlre
noL exceedlng slx (6) monLhs for a slngle
exLenslon nor so LhaL Lhe whole perlod allowed
Lo Lhe orlglnal execuLor or admlnlsLraLor shall
exceed Lwo (2) years (Sec 13)

(4) Appllcable provlslons under Lhe Clvll Code

ArL 2241 WlLh reference Lo speclflc movable
properLy of Lhe debLor Lhe followlng clalms or
llens shall be preferred

(1) uuLles Laxes and fees due Lhereon Lo Lhe
SLaLe or any subdlvlslon Lhereof

(2) Clalms arlslng from mlsapproprlaLlon breach
of LrusL or malfeasance by publlc offlclals
commlLLed ln Lhe performance of Lhelr duLles
on Lhe movables money or securlLles obLalned
by Lhem

(3) Clalms for Lhe unpald prlce of movables sold
on sald movables so long as Lhey are ln Lhe
possesslon of Lhe debLor up Lo Lhe value of Lhe
same and lf Lhe movable has been resold by
Lhe debLor and Lhe prlce ls sLlll unpald Lhe llen
may be enforced on Lhe prlce Lhls rlghL ls noL
losL by Lhe lmmoblllzaLlon of Lhe Lhlng by
desLlnaLlon provlded lL has noL losL lLs form
subsLance and ldenLlLy nelLher ls Lhe rlghL losL
by Lhe sale of Lhe Lhlng LogeLher wlLh oLher
properLy for a lump sum when Lhe prlce
Lhereof can be deLermlned proporLlonally

(4) CredlLs guaranLeed wlLh a pledge so long as
Lhe Lhlngs pledged are ln Lhe hands of Lhe
credlLor or Lhose guaranLeed by a chaLLel
morLgage upon Lhe Lhlngs pledged or
morLgaged up Lo Lhe value Lhereof

(3) CredlLs for Lhe maklng repalr safekeeplng
or preservaLlon of personal properLy on Lhe
movable Lhus made repalred kepL or

(6) Clalms for laborers' wages on Lhe goods
manufacLured or Lhe work done

(7) lor expenses of salvage upon Lhe goods

(8) CredlLs beLween Lhe landlord and Lhe
LenanL arlslng from Lhe conLracL of Lenancy on
shares on Lhe share of each ln Lhe frulLs or

(9) CredlLs for LransporLaLlon upon Lhe goods
carrled for Lhe prlce of Lhe conLracL and
lncldenLal expenses unLll Lhelr dellvery and for
LhlrLy days LhereafLer

(10) CredlLs for lodglng and supplles usually
furnlshed Lo Lravellers by hoLel keepers on Lhe
movables belonglng Lo Lhe guesL as long as such
movables are ln Lhe hoLel buL noL for money
loaned Lo Lhe guesLs

(11) CredlLs for seeds and expenses for
culLlvaLlon and harvesL advanced Lo Lhe debLor
upon Lhe frulLs harvesLed

(12) CredlLs for renL for one year upon Lhe
personal properLy of Lhe lessee exlsLlng on Lhe
lmmovable leased and on Lhe frulLs of Lhe
same buL noL on money or lnsLrumenLs of

(13) Clalms ln favor of Lhe deposlLor lf Lhe
deposlLary has wrongfully sold Lhe Lhlng
deposlLed upon Lhe prlce of Lhe sale

ln Lhe foregolng cases lf Lhe movables Lo whlch
Lhe llen or preference aLLaches have been
wrongfully Laken Lhe credlLor may demand
Lhem from any possessor wlLhln LhlrLy days
from Lhe unlawful selzure

ArL 2242 WlLh reference Lo speclflc lmmovable
properLy and real rlghLs of Lhe debLor Lhe
followlng clalms morLgages and llens shall be
preferred and shall consLlLuLe an encumbrance
on Lhe lmmovable or real rlghL

(1) 1axes due upon Lhe land or bulldlng

(2) lor Lhe unpald prlce of real properLy sold
upon Lhe lmmovable sold

(3) Clalms of laborers masons mechanlcs and
oLher workmen as well as of archlLecLs
englneers and conLracLors engaged ln Lhe
consLrucLlon reconsLrucLlon or repalr of
bulldlngs canals or oLher works upon sald
bulldlngs canals or oLher works

(4) Clalms of furnlshers of maLerlals used ln Lhe
consLrucLlon reconsLrucLlon or repalr of
bulldlngs canals or oLher works upon sald
bulldlngs canals or oLher works

(3) MorLgage credlLs recorded ln Lhe 8eglsLry of
roperLy upon Lhe real esLaLe morLgaged

(6) Lxpenses for Lhe preservaLlon or
lmprovemenL of real properLy when Lhe law
auLhorlzes relmbursemenL upon Lhe
lmmovable preserved or lmproved

(7) CredlLs annoLaLed ln Lhe 8eglsLry of
roperLy ln vlrLue of a [udlclal order by
aLLachmenLs or execuLlons upon Lhe properLy
affecLed and only as Lo laLer credlLs

(8) Clalms of cohelrs for warranLy ln Lhe
parLlLlon of an lmmovable among Lhem upon
Lhe real properLy Lhus dlvlded

(9) Clalms of donors or real properLy for
pecunlary charges or oLher condlLlons lmposed
upon Lhe donee upon Lhe lmmovable donaLed

(10) CredlLs of lnsurers upon Lhe properLy
lnsured for Lhe lnsurance premlum for Lwo

ArL 2243 1he clalms or credlLs enumeraLed ln
Lhe Lwo precedlng arLlcles shall be consldered
as morLgages or pledges of real or personal
properLy or llens wlLhln Lhe purvlew of legal
provlslons governlng lnsolvency 1axes
menLloned ln no 1 arLlcle 2241 and no 1
arLlcle 2242 shall flrsL be saLlsfled

ArL 2244 WlLh reference Lo oLher properLy
real and personal of Lhe debLor Lhe followlng
clalms or credlLs shall be preferred ln Lhe order

(1) roper funeral expenses for Lhe debLor or
chlldren under hls or her parenLal auLhorlLy
who have no properLy of Lhelr own when
approved by Lhe courL

(2) CredlLs for servlces rendered Lhe lnsolvenL
by employees laborers or household helpers
for one year precedlng Lhe commencemenL of
Lhe proceedlngs ln lnsolvency

(3) Lxpenses durlng Lhe lasL lllness of Lhe debLor
or of hls or her spouse and chlldren under hls or
her parenLal auLhorlLy lf Lhey have no properLy
of Lhelr own

(4) CompensaLlon due Lhe laborers or Lhelr
dependenLs under laws provldlng for lndemnlLy
for damages ln cases of labor accldenL or lllness
resulLlng from Lhe naLure of Lhe employmenL

(3) CredlLs and advancemenLs made Lo Lhe
debLor for supporL of hlmself or herself and
famlly durlng Lhe lasL year precedlng Lhe

(6) SupporL durlng Lhe lnsolvency proceedlngs
and for Lhree monLhs LhereafLer

(7) llnes and clvll lndemnlflcaLlon arlslng from a
crlmlnal offense

(8) Legal expenses and expenses lncurred ln Lhe
admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe lnsolvenL's esLaLe for Lhe
common lnLeresL of Lhe credlLors when
properly auLhorlzed and approved by Lhe courL

(9) 1axes and assessmenLs due Lhe naLlonal
governmenL oLher Lhan Lhose menLloned ln
arLlcles 2241 no 1 and 2242 no 1

(10) 1axes and assessmenLs due any provlnce
oLher Lhan Lhose referred Lo ln arLlcles 2241
no 1 and 2242 no 1

(11) 1axes and assessmenLs due any clLy or
munlclpallLy oLher Lhan Lhose lndlcaLed ln
arLlcles 2241 no 1 and 2242 no 1

(12) uamages for deaLh or personal ln[urles
caused by a quasldellcL

(13) ClfLs due Lo publlc and prlvaLe lnsLlLuLlons
of charlLy or beneflcence

(14) CredlLs whlch wlLhouL speclal prlvllege
appear ln (a) a publlc lnsLrumenL or (b) ln a
flnal [udgmenL lf Lhey have been Lhe sub[ecL of
llLlgaLlon 1hese credlLs shall have preference
among Lhemselves ln Lhe order of prlorlLy of Lhe
daLes of Lhe lnsLrumenLs and of Lhe [udgmenLs

ArL 2243 CredlLs of any oLher klnd or class or
by any oLher rlghL or LlLle noL comprlsed ln Lhe
four precedlng arLlcles shall en[oy no

CPA1L8 3

C8uL8 Cl 8LlL8LnCL Cl C8Lul1S

ArL 2246 1hose credlLs whlch en[oy preference
wlLh respecL Lo speclflc movables exclude all
oLhers Lo Lhe exLenL of Lhe value of Lhe personal
properLy Lo whlch Lhe preference refers

ArL 2247 lf Lhere are Lwo or more credlLs wlLh
respecL Lo Lhe same speclflc movable properLy
Lhey shall be saLlsfled pro raLa afLer Lhe
paymenL of duLles Laxes and fees due Lhe SLaLe
or any subdlvlslon Lhereof

ArL 2248 1hose credlLs whlch en[oy preference
ln relaLlon Lo speclflc real properLy or real
rlghLs exclude all oLhers Lo Lhe exLenL of Lhe
value of Lhe lmmovable or real rlghL Lo whlch
Lhe preference refers

ArL 2249 lf Lhere are Lwo or more credlLs wlLh
respecL Lo Lhe same speclflc real properLy or
real rlghLs Lhey shall be saLlsfled pro raLa afLer
Lhe paymenL of Lhe Laxes and assessmenLs upon
Lhe lmmovable properLy or real rlghL

ArL 2230 1he excess lf any afLer Lhe paymenL
of Lhe credlLs whlch en[oy preference wlLh
respecL Lo speclflc properLy real or personal
shall be added Lo Lhe free properLy whlch Lhe
debLor may have for Lhe paymenL of Lhe oLher

ArL 2231 1hose credlLs whlch do noL en[oy any
preference wlLh respecL Lo speclflc properLy
and Lhose whlch en[oy preference as Lo Lhe
amounL noL pald shall be saLlsfled accordlng Lo
Lhe followlng rules

(1) ln Lhe order esLabllshed ln arLlcle 2244

(2) Common credlLs referred Lo ln arLlcle 2243
shall be pald pro raLa regardless of daLes

AcLlons by and agalnsL LxecuLors and
AdmlnlsLraLors (8ule 87)

(1) no acLlon upon a clalm for Lhe recovery of
money or debLs or lnLeresL Lhereon shall be
commenced agalnsL Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor (Sec 1)

AcLlons LhaL may be broughL agalnsL execuLors
and admlnlsLraLors

(1) An acLlon Lo recover real or personal
properLy or an lnLeresL Lhereln from Lhe
esLaLe or Lo enforce a llen Lhereon and acLlons
Lo recover damages for an ln[ury Lo person or
properLy real or personal may be commenced
agalnsL Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor (Sec 1)

(2) Whenever a parLy Lo a pendlng acLlon
dles and Lhe clalm ls noL Lhereby exLlngulshed
lL shall be Lhe duLy of hls counsel Lo lnform Lhe
courL wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days afLer such deaLh of
Lhe facL Lhereof and Lo glve Lhe name and
address of hls legal represenLaLlve or
represenLaLlves lallure of counsel Lo comply
wlLh Lhls duLy shall be a ground for dlsclpllnary
acLlon 1he helrs of Lhe deceased may be
allowed Lo be subsLlLuLed for Lhe deceased
wlLhouL requlrlng Lhe appolnLmenL of an
execuLor or admlnlsLraLor and Lhe courL may
appolnL a guardlan ad llLem for Lhe mlnor helrs

1he courL shall forLhwlLh order sald legal
represenLaLlve or represenLaLlves Lo appear and
be subsLlLuLed wlLhln a perlod of LhlrLy (30)
days from noLlce lf no legal represenLaLlve ls
named by Lhe counsel for Lhe deceased parLy
or lf Lhe one so named shall fall Lo appear
wlLhln Lhe speclfled perlod Lhe courL may order
Lhe opposlng parLy wlLhln a speclfled Llme Lo
procure Lhe appolnLmenL of an execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor for Lhe esLaLe of Lhe deceased
and Lhe laLLer shall lmmedlaLely appear for and
on behalf of Lhe deceased 1he courL charges ln
procurlng such appolnLmenL lf defrayed by Lhe
opposlng parLy may be recovered as cosLs (Sec
16 8ule 3)

(3) When Lhe acLlon ls for recovery of money
arlslng from conLracL express or lmplled and
Lhe defendanL dles before enLry of flnal
[udgmenL ln Lhe courL ln whlch Lhe acLlon was
pendlng aL Lhe Llme of such deaLh lL shall noL
be dlsmlssed buL shall lnsLead be allowed Lo
conLlnue unLll enLry of flnal [udgmenL A
favorable [udgmenL obLalned by Lhe plalnLlff
Lhereln shall be enforced ln Lhe manner
especlally provlded ln Lhese 8ules for
prosecuLlng clalms agalnsL Lhe esLaLe of a
deceased person (Sec 20 8ule 3)

8equlslLes before credlLor may brlng an acLlon
for recovery of properLy fraudulenLly conveyed
by Lhe


(1) lor Lhe credlLor Lo flle and acLlon Lo
recover properLy fraudulenLly conveyed by Lhe
deceased Lhe followlng requlslLes musL be

(a) 1here ls a deflclency of asseLs ln Lhe hands
of an execuLor or admlnlsLraLor for Lhe paymenL
of debLs and expenses of admlnlsLraLlon

(b) 1he deceased ln hls llfeLlme had made or
aLLempLed Lo make a fraudulenL conveyance of
hls real or personal properLy or a rlghL or
lnLeresL Lhereln or a debL or credlL wlLh lnLenL
Lo defraud hls credlLors or Lo avold any rlghL
debL or duLy or had so conveyed such properLy
rlghL debL or credlL LhaL by law Lhe conveyance
would be vold as agalnsL hls credlLors

(c) 1he sub[ecL of Lhe aLLempLed conveyance
would be llable Lo aLLachmenL by any of Lhem ln
hls llfeLlme

(d) 1he execuLor or admlnlsLraLor has shown
Lo have no deslre Lo flle Lhe acLlon or falled Lo
lnsLlLuLe Lhe same wlLhln a reasonable Llme

(e) Leave ls granLed by Lhe courL Lo Lhe
credlLor Lo flle Lhe acLlon

(f) A bond ls flled by Lhe credlLor as
prescrlbed ln Lhe 8ules

(g) 1he acLlon by Lhe credlLor ls ln Lhe name
of Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor (Sec 10)

ulsLrlbuLlon and arLlLlon (8ule 90)

(1) 8efore Lhere could be a dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe
esLaLe Lhe followlng Lwo sLages musL be

(a) aymenL of obllgaLlons (llquldaLlon of
esLaLe) under Lhe 8ules Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of a
decedenL's asseLs may only be ordered under
any of Lhe followlng Lhree clrcumsLances (1)
when Lhe lnherlLance Lax among oLher ls pald
(2) when a sufflclenL bond ls glven Lo meeL Lhe
paymenL of Lhe lnherlLance Lax and all oLher
obllgaLlons and (3) when Lhe paymenL of Lhe
sald Lax and all oLher obllgaLlons has been
provlded for and

(b) ueclaraLlon of helrs Lhere musL flrsL be
declaraLlon of helrs Lo deLermlne Lo whom Lhe
resldue of Lhe esLaLe should e dlsLrlbuLed A
separaLe acLlon for Lhe declaraLlon of helrs ls
noL proper And llkewlse afLer noL before Lhe
declaraLlon of helrs ls made may Lhe resldue be
dlsLrlbuLed and dellvered Lo Lhe helrs

(2) 1he seLLlemenL of a decedenL's esLaLe ls a
proceedlng ln rem whlch ls blndlng agalnsL Lhe
whole world All persons havlng lnLeresL ln Lhe
sub[ecL maLLer lnvolved wheLher Lhey were
noLlfled or noL are equally bound


Sec 1 When order for dlsLrlbuLlon of resldue
made When Lhe debLs funeral charges and
expenses of admlnlsLraLlon Lhe allowance Lo
Lhe wldow and lnherlLance Lax lf any
chargeable Lo Lhe esLaLe ln accordance wlLh
law have been pald Lhe courL on Lhe
appllcaLlon of Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor or
of a person lnLeresLed ln Lhe esLaLe and afLer
hearlng upon noLlce shall asslgn Lhe resldue of
Lhe esLaLe Lo Lhe persons enLlLled Lo Lhe same
namlng Lhem and Lhe proporLlons or parLs Lo
whlch each ls enLlLled and such person may
demand and recover Lhelr respecLlve shares
from Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor or any
oLher person havlng Lhe same ln hls possesslon
lf Lhere ls a conLroversy before Lhe courL as Lo
who are Lhe lawful helrs of Lhe deceased person
or as Lo Lhe dlsLrlbuLlve shares Lo whlch each
person ls enLlLled under Lhe law Lhe
conLroversy shall be heard and declded as ln
ordlnary cases

no dlsLrlbuLlon shall be allowed unLll Lhe
paymenL of Lhe obllgaLlons above menLloned
has been made or provlded for unless Lhe
dlsLrlbuLees or any of Lhem glve a bond ln a
sum Lo be flxed by Lhe courL condlLloned for
Lhe paymenL of sald obllgaLlons wlLhln such
Llme as Lhe courL dlrecLs

Sec 2 CuesLlons as Lo advancemenL Lo be
deLermlned CuesLlons as Lo advancemenL
made or alleged Lo have been made by Lhe
deceased Lo any helr may be heard and
deLermlned by Lhe courL havlng [urlsdlcLlon of
Lhe esLaLe proceedlngs and Lhe flnal order of
Lhe courL Lhereon shall be blndlng on Lhe
person ralslng Lhe quesLlons and on Lhe helr

Sec 3 8y whom expenses of parLlLlon pald lf aL
Lhe Llme of Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor has reLalned sufflclenL effecLs ln
hls hands whlch may lawfully be applled for Lhe
expenses of parLlLlon of Lhe properLles
dlsLrlbuLed such expenses of parLlLlon may be
pald by such execuLor or admlnlsLraLor when lL
appears equlLable Lo Lhe courL and noL
lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon of Lhe LesLaLor
oLherwlse Lhey shall be pald by Lhe parLles ln
proporLlon Lo Lhelr respecLlve shares or lnLeresL
ln Lhe premlses and Lhe apporLlonmenL shall be
seLLled and allowed by Lhe courL and lf any
person lnLeresLed ln Lhe parLlLlon does noL pay
hls proporLlon or share Lhe courL may lssue an
execuLlon ln Lhe name of Lhe execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor agalnsL Lhe parLy noL paylng for
Lhe sum assessed

ro[ecL of arLlLlon

(1) ro[ecL of parLlLlon ls a documenL
prepared by Lhe execuLor or admlnlsLraLor
seLLlng forLh Lhe manner ln whlch Lhe esLaLe of
Lhe deceased ls Lo be dlsLrlbuLed among Lhe
helrs lf Lhe esLaLe ls a LesLaLe esLaLe Lhe
pro[ecL of parLlLlon musL conform Lo Lhe Lerms
of Lhe wlll lf lnLesLaLe Lhe pro[ecL of parLlLlon
musL be ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of
Lhe Clvll Code (Camla de 8eyes vs 8eyes de
llano 63 hll 629)

8emedy of an helr enLlLled Lo resldue buL noL
glven hls share

(1) lf Lhere ls a conLroversy before Lhe courL
as Lo who are Lhe lawful helrs of Lhe deceased
person or as Lo Lhe dlsLrlbuLlve shares Lo whlch
each person ls enLlLled under Lhe law Lhe
conLroversy shall be heard and declded as ln
ordlnary cases (Sec 1)

(2) 1he beLLer pracLlce for Lhe helr who has
noL recelved hls share ls Lo demand hls share
Lhrough a proper moLlon ln Lhe same probaLe
or admlnlsLraLlon proceedlngs or for reopenlng
of Lhe probaLe or admlnlsLraLlve proceedlngs lf
lL had already been closed and noL Lhrough an
lndependenL acLlon whlch would be Lrled by
anoLher courL or [udge (8amos vs CcLuzar 89
hll 730)

(3) lL has been held LhaL an order whlch
deLermlnes Lhe dlsLrlbuLlve share of Lhe helrs of
a deceased person ls appealable lf noL
appealed wlLhln Lhe reglemenLary perlod lL
becomes flnal (lmperlal vs Munoz 38 SC8A)

(4) 1he CourL allowed Lhe conLlnuaLlon of a
separaLe acLlon Lo annul Lhe pro[ecL of parLlLlon
by a preLerlLed helr slnce Lhe esLaLe
proceedlngs have been closed and LermlnaLed
for over Lhree years (Cullas vs !udge of Lhe Cll
of ampanga 43 SC8A 117) and on Lhe ground
of leslon preLerlLlon and fraud (Sollvlo vs CA
99 hll 1069)

lnsLances when probaLe courL may lssue wrlL of

(1) 1he only lnsLances when Lhe probaLe
courL may lssue a wrlL of execuLlon are as

(a) 1o saLlsfy Lhe conLrlbuLlve shares of
devlsees legaLees and helrs ln possesslon of Lhe
decedenL's asseLs (Sec 6 8ule 88)

(b) 1o enforce paymenL of expenses of
parLlLlon (Sec 3 8ule 90) and

(c) 1o saLlsfy Lhe cosLs when a person ls clLed
for examlnaLlon ln probaLe proceedlngs (Sec
13 8ule 132)

ll CLnL8AL CuA8ulAnS Anu CuA8ulAnSPl
1rusLees (8ule 98)

ulsLlngulshed from execuLor/admlnlsLraLor

CondlLlons of Lhe 8ond

(1) A LrusLee appolnLed by Lhe courL ls
requlred Lo furnlsh a bond and Lhe Lerms of Lhe
LrusL or a sLaLuLe may provlde LhaL a LrusLee
appolnLed by a courL shall be requlred Lo
furnlsh a bond ln order Lo quallfy hlm Lo
admlnlsLer Lhe LrusL (34 Am !ur 423) Powever
Lhe courL may unLll furLher order exempL a
LrusLee under a wlll from glvlng a bond when
Lhe LesLaLor has dlrecLed or requesLed such
exempLlon or when all persons beneflclally
lnLeresLed ln Lhe LrusL belng of full age requesL
Lhe exempLlon Such exempLlon may be
cancelled by Lhe courL aL any Llme and Lhe
LrusLee requlred Lo forLhwlLh flle a bond (Sec
3) lf Lhe LrusLee falls Lo furnlsh a bond as
requlred by Lhe courL he falls Lo quallfy as such
noneLheless Lhe LrusL ls noL defeaLed by such a
fallure Lo glve bond

(2) 1he followlng condlLlons shall be deemed
Lo be a parL of Lhe bond wheLher wrlLLen
Lhereln or noL

(a) 1haL Lhe LrusLee wlll make and reLurn Lo
Lhe courL aL such Llme as lL may order a Lrue
lnvenLory of all Lhe real and personal esLaLe
belonglng Lo hlm as LrusLee whlch aL Lhe Llme
of Lhe maklng of such lnvenLory shall have come
Lo hls possesslon or knowledge

(b) 1haL he wlll manage and dlspose of all such
esLaLe and falLhfully dlscharge hls LrusL ln
relaLlon LhereLo accordlng Lo law and Lhe wlll
of Lhe LesLaLor or Lhe provlslons of Lhe
lnsLrumenL or order under whlch he ls

(c) 1haL he wlll render upon oaLh aL leasL once
a year unLll hls LrusL ls fulfllled unless he ls
excused Lherefrom ln any year by Lhe courL a
Lrue accounL of Lhe properLy ln hls hands and of
Lhe managemenL and dlsposlLlon Lhereof and
wlll render such oLher accounLs as Lhe courL
may order

(d) 1haL aL Lhe explraLlon of hls LrusL he wlll
seLLle hls accounLs ln courL and pay over and
dellver all Lhe esLaLe remalnlng ln hls hands or
due from hlm on such seLLlemenL Lo Lhe person
or persons enLlLled LhereLo

8uL when Lhe LrusLee ls appolnLed as a
successor Lo a prlor LrusLee Lhe courL may
dlspense wlLh Lhe maklng and reLurn of an
lnvenLory lf one has already been flled and ln
such case Lhe condlLlon of Lhe bond shall be
deemed Lo be alLered accordlngly (Sec 6)

8equlslLes for Lhe removal and reslgnaLlon of a

(1) A LrusLee may be removed upon peLlLlon
Lo Lhe proper 81C of Lhe parLles beneflclally
lnLeresLed afLer due noLlce Lo Lhe LrusLee and
hearlng lf lL appears essenLlal ln Lhe lnLeresLs of
Lhe peLlLloners 1he courL may also afLer due
noLlce Lo all persons lnLeresLed remove a
LrusLee who ls lnsane or oLherwlse lncapable of
dlscharglng hls LrusL or evldenLly unsulLable
Lherefor A LrusLee wheLher appolnLed by Lhe
courL or under a wrlLLen lnsLrumenL may reslgn
hls LrusL lf lL appears Lo Lhe courL proper Lo
allow such reslgnaLlon (Sec

(2) A LrusLee whose acLs or omlsslons are
such as Lo show a wanL of reasonable fldellLy
wlll be removed by Lhe courL and where LrusL
funds are Lo be lnvesLed by Lhe LrusLee neglecL
Lo lnvesL consLlLuLes of lLself a breach of LrusL
and ls a ground for removal (Clsborn vs
CAvende 114 uS 464)

Crounds for removal and reslgnaLlon of a

(1) 1he proper 8eglonal 1rlal CourL may upon
peLlLlon of Lhe parLles beneflclally lnLeresLed
and afLer due noLlce Lo Lhe LrusLee and hearlng
remove a LrusLee lf such removal appears
essenLlal ln Lhe lnLeresLs of Lhe peLlLloners 1he
courL may also afLer due noLlce Lo all persons
lnLeresLed remove a LrusLee who ls lnsane or
oLherwlse lncapable of dlscharglng hls LrusL or
evldenLly unsulLable Lherefor A LrusLee
wheLher appolnLed by Lhe courL or under a
wrlLLen lnsLrumenL may reslgn hls LrusL lf lL
appears Lo Lhe courL proper Lo allow such
reslgnaLlon (Sec

(2) A LrusLee whose acLs or omlsslons are
such as Lo show a wanL of reasonable fldellLy
wlll be removed by Lhe courL and where LrusL
funds are Lo be lnvesLed by Lhe LrusLee neglecL
Lo lnvesL consLlLuLes of lLself a breach of LrusL
and ls a ground for removal (Clsborn vs
CAvende 114 uS 464)

LxLenL of auLhorlLy of LrusLee

(1) A LrusLee appolnLed by Lhe 81C shall have
Lhe same rlghLs powers and duLles as lf he had
been appolnLed by Lhe LesLaLor no person
succeedlng Lo a LrusL as execuLor or
admlnlsLraLor of a former LrusLee shall be
requlred Lo accepL such LrusL (Sec 2)

(2) Such new LrusLee shall have and exerclse
Lhe same powers rlghLs and duLles as lf he had
been orlglnally appolnLed and Lhe LrusL esLaLe
shall vesL ln hlm ln llke manner as lL had vesLed
or would have vesLed ln Lhe LrusLee ln whose
place he ls subsLlLuLed and Lhe courL may order
such conveyance Lo be made by Lhe former
LrusLee or hls represenLaLlves or by Lhe oLher
remalnlng LrusLees as may be necessary or
proper Lo vesL Lhe LrusL esLaLe ln Lhe new
LrusLee elLher alone or [olnLly wlLh Lhe oLhers
(Sec 3)

LscheaL (8ule 91)

(1) LscheaL ls a proceedlng whereby Lhe real
and personal properLy of a deceased person ln
Lhe hlllpplnes become Lhe properLy of Lhe
sLaLe upon hls deaLh wlLhouL leavlng any wlll or
legal helrs (21 C!S Sec 1 p 848)

When Lo flle

(1) When a person dles lnLesLaLe selzed of
real or personal properLy ln Lhe hlllpplnes
leavlng no helr or person by law enLlLled Lo Lhe
same Lhe SollclLor Ceneral or hls represenLaLlve
ln behalf of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes may
flle a peLlLlon ln Lhe CourL of llrsL lnsLance of
Lhe provlnce where Lhe deceased lasL reslded or
ln whlch he had esLaLe lf he reslded ouL of Lhe
hlllpplnes seLLlng forLh Lhe facLs and praylng
LhaL Lhe esLaLe of Lhe deceased be declared
escheaLed (Sec 1)

8equlslLes for flllng of peLlLlon

(1) ln order LhaL a proceedlng for escheaL may
prosper Lhe followlng requlslLes musL be

(a) 1haL a person dled lnLesLaLe

(b) 1haL he lefL no helrs or person by law
enLlLled Lo Lhe same and

(c) 1haL Lhe deceased lefL properLles (ClLy of
Manlla vs Archblshop of Manlla 36 hll 813)

8emedy of respondenL agalnsL peLlLlon perlod
for flllng a clalm

(1) When a peLlLlon for escheaL does noL
sLaLe facLs whlch enLlLle Lhe peLlLloner Lo Lhe
remedy prayed for and even admlLLlng Lhem
hypoLheLlcally lL ls clear LhaL Lhere ls no ground
for Lhe courL Lo proceed Lo Lhe lnqulslLlon
provlded by law an lnLeresLed parLy should noL
be dlsallowed from flllng a moLlon Lo dlsmlss
Lhe peLlLlon whlch ls unLenable from all
sLandpolnLs And when Lhe moLlon Lo dlsmlss ls
enLerLalned upon Lhls ground Lhe peLlLlon may
be dlsmlssed uncondlLlonally and Lhe peLlLloner
ls noL enLlLled Lo be afforded an opporLunlLy Lo
amend hls peLlLlon (Co oco Crocery vs aclflc
8lsculL Co 63 hll 443)

(2) Whlle Lhe 8ules do noL ln facL auLhorlze
Lhe flllng of a moLlon Lo dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon
presenLed for LhaL purpose and Lhe 8ules
permlLLlng Lhe lnLerposlLlon of a moLlon Lo
dlsmlss Lo Lhe complalnL and answer
respecLlvely are noL appllcable Lo speclal
proceedlngs neverLheless Lhere ls no reason of
a procedural naLure whlch prevenLs Lhe flllng of
a moLlon Lo dlsmlss based upon any of Lhe
grounds provlded for by law for a moLlon Lo
dlsmlss Lhe complalnL ln such a case Lhe
moLlon Lo dlsmlss plays Lhe role of a demurrer
and Lhe courL should resolve Lhe legal quesLlons
ralsed Lhereln (Munlclpal Councll of San edro
Laugna vs Coleglo de San !ose 63 hll 318)

Cuardlanshlp (8ules 92 97)

(1) Cuardlanshlp ls Lhe power of proLecLlve
auLhorlLy glven by law and lmposed on an
lndlvldual who ls free and ln Lhe en[oymenL of
hls rlghLs over one whose weakness on accounL
of hls age or oLher lnflrmlLy renders hlm unable
Lo proLecL hlmself (Cyclopedlc Law ulcLlonary
908) Cuardlanshlp may also descrlbe Lhe
relaLlon subslsLlng beLween Lhe guardlan and
Lhe ward lL lnvolves Lhe Laklng of possesslon of
an managemenL of Lhe esLaLe of anoLher
unable Lo acL for hlmself

(2) A guardlan ls a person lawfully lnvesLed
wlLh power and charged wlLh Lhe duLy of Laklng
care of a person who for some pecullarlLy or
sLaLus or defecL of age undersLandlng or self
conLrol ls consldered lncapable of admlnlsLerlng
hls own affalrs (8lack's Law ulcLlonary llfLh

(3) klnds of guardlans

(a) Accordlng Lo scope or exenL

a) Cuardlan of Lhe person one who has
been lawfully lnvesLed wlLh Lhe care of Lhe
person of mlnor whose faLher ls dead Pls
auLhorlLy ls derlved ouL of LhaL of Lhe parenL

b) Cuardlan of Lhe properLy LhaL appolnLed
by Lhe courL Lo have Lhe managemenL of Lhe
esLaLe of a mlnor or lncompeLenL person

c) Ceneral guardlans Lhose appolnLed by
Lhe courL Lo have Lhe care and cusLody of Lhe
person and of all Lhe properLy of Lhe ward

(b) Accordlng Lo consLlLuLlon

1) Legal Lhose deemed as guardlans
wlLhouL need of a courL appolnLmenL (ArL 223
lamlly CourL)

2) Cuardlan ad llLem Lhose appolnLed by
courLs of [usLlce Lo prosecuLe or defend a
mlnor lnsane or person declared Lo be
lncompeLenL ln an acLlon ln courL and

3) !udlclal Lhose who are appolnLed by Lhe
courL ln pursuance Lo law as guardlan for
lnsane persons prodlgals mlnor helrs or
deceased was veLerans and oLher lncompeLenL

(4) under Lhe lamlly CourLs AcL of 1997 (8A
8369) Lhe lamlly CourLs are vesLed wlLh
excluslve orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe followlng

(a) Crlmlnal case where one or more of Lhe
accused ls below 18 years of age buL less Lhan 9
years of age or where one or more of Lhe
vlcLlms ls a mlnor aL Lhe Llme of Lhe commlsslon
of Lhe offense

(b) eLlLlons for guardlanshlp cusLody of
chlldren habeas corpus ln relaLlon Lo Lhe laLLer

(c) eLlLlons for adopLlon of chlldren and Lhe
revocaLlon Lhereof

(d) ComplalnLs for annulmenL of marrlage
declaraLlon of nulllLy of marrlage and Lhose
relaLlng Lo marlLal sLaLus and properLy relaLlons
of husband and wlfe or Lhose llvlng LogeLher
under dlfferenL sLaLus and agreemenLs and
peLlLlons for dlssoluLlon of con[ugal parLnershlp
of galns

(e) AcLlons for supporL and acknowledgmenL

(f) Summary [udlclal proceedlngs broughL
under Lhe provlslons of LC 209 Lhe lamlly

(g) eLlLlons for declaraLlon of sLaLus of
chlldren as abandoned dependenL or neglecLed
chlldren peLlLlons for volunLary or lnvolunLary
commlLmenL of chlldren Lhe suspenslon
LermlnaLlon or resLoraLlon of parenLal
auLhorlLy and oLher cases cognlzable under u
603 LC 36 (s 1986) and oLher relaLed laws

(h) eLlLlons for Lhe consLlLuLlon of famlly

(l) Cases agalnsL mlnors cognlzable under
Lhe uangerous urugs AcL as amended

([) vlolaLlons of 8A 7610 Lhe AnLlChlld
Abuse Law as amended by 8A 7638

(k) Cases of domesLlc vlolence agalnsL women
and chlldren

Ceneral powers and duLles of guardlans (8ule

(1) 1he powers and duLles of a guardlan are

(a) 1o have care and cusLody over Lhe person
of hls ward and/or Lhe managemenL of hls
esLaLe (Sec 1)

(b) 1o pay Lhe [usL debLs of hls ward ouL of
Lhe laLLer's esLaLe (Sec 2)

(c) 1o brlng or defend sulLs ln behalf of Lhe
ward and wlLh Lhe approval of Lhe courL
compound for debLs due Lhe ward and glve
dlscharges Lo Lhe debLor (Sec 3)

(d) 1o manage Lhe esLaLe frugally and wlLhouL
wasLe and apply Lhe lncome and proflLs Lo Lhe
comforLable and sulLable malnLenance of Lhe
ward and hls famlly (Sec 4)

(e) 1o sell or encumber Lhe real esLaLe of Lhe
ward upon belng auLhorlzed Lo do so (Sec 4)

(f) 1o [oln ln an assenL Lo a parLlLlon of real or
personal esLaLe held by Lhe ward [olnLly or ln
common wlLh oLhers (Sec 3)

CondlLlons of Lhe bond of Lhe guardlan

(1) under Sec 1 8ule 94 Lhe condlLlons for
Lhe bond of a guardlan are

(a) 1o flle wlLh Lhe courL compleLe lnvenLory
of Lhe esLaLe of Lhe ward wlLhln 3 monLhs

(b) 1o falLhfully execuLe Lhe duLles of hls LrusL
Lo manage and dlspose of Lhe esLaLe accordlng
Lo Lhe 8ules for Lhe besL lnLeresLs of Lhe ward
and Lo provlde for Lhe proper use cusLody and
educaLlon of Lhe ward

(c) 1o render a Lrue accounL of all Lhe esLaLe
and of Lhe managemenL and dlsposlLlon of Lhe

(d) 1o seLLle hls accounLs wlLh Lhe courL and
dellver over all Lhe esLaLe remalnlng ln hls
hands Lo Lhe person enLlLled LhereLo

(e) 1o perform all orders of Lhe courL by hlm
Lo be performed (Sec 1 Sec 14 AM 030203

8ule on Cuardlanshlp over Mlnors (AM 0302

(1) 1he faLher and moLher shall [olnLly
exerclse legal guardlanshlp over Lhe person and
properLy of Lhelr unemanclpaLed common chlld
wlLhouL Lhe necesslLy of a courL appolnLmenL
1he 8ule shall be suppleLory Lo Lhe provlslons of
Lhe lamlly Code on guardlanshlp (Sec 1)

(2) Cn grounds auLhorlzed by law any
relaLlve or oLher person on behalf of a mlnor or
Lhe mlnor hlmself lf 14 years of age or over
may peLlLlon Lhe lamlly CourL for Lhe
appolnLmenL of a general guardlan over Lhe
person or properLy or boLh of such mlnor 1he
peLlLlon may also be flled by Lhe SecreLary of
uSWu and of Lhe uCP ln Lhe case of an lnsane
mlnor who needs Lo be hosplLallzed (Sec 1)

(3) Crounds of peLlLlon (Sec 4)

(a) ueaLh conLlnued absence or lncapaclLy of
hls parenLs

(b) Suspenslon deprlvaLlon or LermlnaLlon of
parenLal auLhorlLy

(c) 8emarrlage of hls survlvlng parenL lf Lhe
laLLer ls found unsulLable Lo exerclse parenLal
auLhorlLy or

(d) When Lhe besL lnLeresL of Lhe mlnor so

(4) CuallflcaLlons of guardlans (Sec 4)

(a) Moral characLer

(b) hyslcal menLal and psychologlcal

(c) llnanclal sLaLus

(d) 8elaLlonshlp of LrusL wlLh Lhe mlnor

(e) AvallablllLy Lo exerclse Lhe powers and
duLles of a guardlan for Lhe full perlod of Lhe

(f) Lack of confllcL of lnLeresL wlLh Lhe mlnor

(g) AblllLy Lo manage Lhe properLy of Lhe

(3) Crder of preference ln Lhe appolnLmenL of
guardlan or Lhe person and/or properLy of
mlnor (Sec 6)

(a) 1he survlvlng grandparenL and ln case
several grandparenLs survlve Lhe courL shall
selecL any of Lhem Laklng lnLo accounL all
relevanL conslderaLlons

(b) 1he oldesL broLher or slsLer of Lhe mlnor
over 21 years of age unless unflL or

(c) 1he acLual cusLodlan of Lhe mlnor over 21
years of age unless unflL or dlsquallfled and

(d) Any oLher person who ln Lhe sound
dlscreLlon of Lhe courL would serve Lhe besL
lnLeresLs of Lhe mlnor

(6) lacLors Lo conslder ln deLermlnlng

(a) Any exLra[udlclal agreemenL whlch Lhe
parLles may have bound Lhemselves Lo comply
wlLh respecLlng Lhe rlghLs of Lhe mlnor Lo
malnLaln dlrecL conLacL wlLh Lhe noncusLodlal
parenL on a regular basls excepL when Lhere ls
an exlsLlng LhreaL or danger of physlcal menLal
sexual or emoLlonal vlolence whlch endangers
Lhe safeLy and besL lnLeresLs of Lhe mlnor

(b) 1he deslre and ablllLy of one parenL Lo
fosLer an open and lovlng relaLlonshlp beLween
Lhe mlnor and Lhe oLher parenL

(c) 1he healLh safeLy and welfare of Lhe

(d) Any hlsLory of chlld or spousal abuse by
Lhe person seeklng cusLody or who has had any
flllal relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe mlnor lncludlng
anyone courLlng Lhe parenL

(e) 1he naLure and frequency of conLacL wlLh
boLh parenLs

(f) PablLual use of alcohol dangerous drugs
or regulaLed subsLances

(g) MarlLal mlsconducL

(h) 1he mosL sulLable physlcal emoLlonal
splrlLual psychologlcal and educaLlonal
envlronmenL for Lhe hollsLlc developmenL and
growLh of Lhe mlnor and

(l) 1he preference of Lhe mlnor over 7 years
of age and of sufflclenL dlscernmenL unless Lhe
parenL chosen ls unflL (Sec 14 AM no 0304

(7) 1he courL shall order a soclal worker Lo
conducL a case sLudy of Lhe mlnor and all Lhe
prospecLlve guardlans and submlL hls reporL
and recommendaLlon Lo Lhe courL for lLs
guldance before Lhe scheduled hearlng

AdopLlon (8ules 99100 superseded by AM 02

(1) AdopLlon ls a [urldlcal acL whlch creaLes
beLween Lwo persons a relaLlonshlp slmllar Lo
LhaL whlch resulLs from leglLlmaLe paLernlLy
(rasnlck vs 8epubllc 98 hll 669)

(2) AdopLlon ls a [urldlcal acL a proceedlng ln
rem whlch creaLes beLween Lhe Lwo persons a
relaLlonshlp slmllar Lo LhaL whlch resulLs from
leglLlmaLe paLernlLy and flllaLlon

(3) AdopLlon ls noL an adversarlal proceedlng
An adversarlal proceedlng ls one havlng
opposlng parLles conLesLed as dlsLlngulshed
from an ex parLe appllcaLlon one of whlch Lhe
parLy seeklng rellef has glven legal warnlng Lo
Lhe oLher parLy and afforded Lhe laLLer an
opporLunlLy Lo conLesL lL excludes an adopLlon
proceedlng ln adopLlon Lhere ls no parLlcular
defendanL Lo speak of slnce Lhe proceedlng
lnvolves Lhe sLaLus of a person lL belng an acLlon
ln rem

ulsLlngulsh domesLlc adopLlon from lnLer
counLry adopLlon

uomesLlc AdopLlon

lnLerCounLry AdopLlon

Coverned by 8A 8332 Lhe uomesLlc AdopLlon
AcL of 1998 procedure governed by AM no 02
0602SC Aug 22 2002 Coverned by
8A 8043 Lhe lnLerCounLry AdopLlon AcL of
1993 procedure governed by Lhe Amended
lmplemenLlng 8ules and 8egulaLlons on lCAA
Applles Lo domesLlc adopLlon of llllplno
chlldren where Lhe enLlre adopLlon process
beglnnlng from Lhe flllng of Lhe peLlLlon up Lo
Lhe lssuance of Lhe adopLlon decree Lakes place
ln Lhe hlllpplnes Applles Lo adopLlon of a
llllplno chlld ln a forelgn counLry where Lhe
peLlLlon for adopLlon ls flled Lhe supervlsed
Lrlal cusLody ls underLaken and Lhe decree of
adopLlon ls lssued ouLslde of Lhe hlllpplnes
Who may be adopLed

Who may be adopLed

A chlld legally avallable for adopLlon8equlslLes
a) 8elow 18 years of age and

b) !udlclally declared avallable for adopLlon


a) LeglLlmaLe son/daughLer of one spouse by
Lhe oLher spouse

b) llleglLlmaLe son/daughLer by a quallfled

c) erson of legal age lf prlor Lo Lhe
adopLlon sald person has been conslsLenLly
consldered and LreaLed by Lhe adopLer/s as
hls/her own chlld slnce mlnorlLy

Cnly a legally free chlld may be
a) 8elow 13 years of age and

b) Pas been volunLarlly or lnvolunLarlly
commlLLed Lo Lhe uSWu ln accordance wlLh u

Who may adopL

Who may adopL

llllplno ClLlzens
1) Cf legal age

2) ln possesslon of full clvll capaclLy and legal

3) Cf good moral characLer

4) Pas noL been convlcLed of any crlme
lnvolvlng moral LurplLude

3) LmoLlonally and psychologlcally capable
of carlng for chlldren

6) ln a poslLlon Lo supporL and care for
hls/her chlldren ln keeplng wlLh Lhe means of
Lhe famlly

7) AL leasL 16 years older Lhan Lhe adopLee
buL Lhls laLLer requlremenL may be walved lf (a)
Lhe adopLer ls Lhe blologlcal parenL of Lhe
adopLee or (b) Lhe adopLer ls Lhe spouse of Lhe
adopLee's parenL and

8) ermanenL resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes

1) Same quallflcaLlons as above and ln

2) Pls/her counLry has dlplomaLlc relaLlons
wlLh Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes

3) Pls/her governmenL allows Lhe adopLee
Lo enLer hls/her counLry as hls/her adopLed

4) Pas been llvlng ln Lhe hlllpplnes for aL
leasL 3 conLlnuous years prlor Lo Lhe flllng of Lhe
appllcaLlon for adopLlon and malnLalns such
resldence unLll Lhe adopLlon decree ls enLered

3) Pas been cerLlfled by hls/her dlplomaLlc
or consular offlce or any approprlaLe
governmenL agency LhaL he/she has Lhe legal
capaclLy Lo adopL ln hls/her counLry 1hls
requlremenL may be walved lf (a) a former
llllplno clLlzens seeks Lo adopL a relaLlve wlLhln
Lhe 4Lh degree of consangulnlLy or afflnlLy (b)
one seeks Lo adopL Lhe leglLlmaLe son/daughLer
of hls/her llllplno spouse (c) one who ls
marrled Lo a llllplno clLlzen and seeks Lo adopL
a relaLlve wlLhln Lhe 4Lh degree of
consangulnlLy or afflnlLy of Lhe llllplno spouse

llllplno ClLlzens
1) ermanenL resldenL of a forelgn counLry

2) Pas Lhe capaclLy Lo acL and assume all
rlghLs and responslblllLles of parenLal auLhorlLy
under hlllpplne laws

3) Pas undergone Lhe approprlaLe
counsellng from an accredlLed counselor ln
counLry of domlclle

4) Pas noL been convlcLed of a crlme
lnvolvlng moral LurplLude

3) Lllglble Lo adopL under hlllpplne laws

6) ln a poslLlon Lo provlde Lhe proper care
and supporL and Lo glve Lhe necessary moral
values and example Lo all hls chlldren lncludlng
Lhe chlld Lo be adopLed

7) Agrees Lo uphold Lhe baslc rlghLs of Lhe
chlld as embodled under hlllpplne laws Lhe
un ConvenLlon on 8lghLs of Lhe Chlld and Lo
ablde by Lhe rules and regulaLlons lssued Lo
lmplemenL Lhe provlslons of Lhe lCAA

8) 8esldlng ln a counLry wlLh whom Lhe
hlllpplnes has dlplomaLlc relaLlons and whose
governmenL malnLalns a slmllarly auLhorlzed
and accredlLed agency and LhaL adopLlon ls
allowed ln LhaL counLry

9) ossesses all Lhe quallflcaLlons and none
of Lhe dlsquallflcaLlons provlded ln Lhe lCAA and
ln oLher appllcable hlllpplne laws

10) AL leasL 27 years of age aL Lhe Llme of Lhe
appllcaLlon and

11) AL leasL 16 years older Lhan Lhe chlld Lo be
adopLed aL Lhe Llme of appllcaLlon unless (a)
adopLed ls Lhe parenL by naLure of Lhe chlld Lo
be adopLed or (b) adopLer ls Lhe spouse of Lhe
parenL by naLure of Lhe chlld Lo be adopLed

1) AL leasL 27 years of age aL Lhe Llme of Lhe

2) AL leasL 16 years older Lhan Lhe chlld Lo be
adopLed aL Lhe Llme of appllcaLlon unless Lhe
adopLer ls Lhe parenL by naLure of Lhe chlld Lo
be adopLed or Lhe spouse of such parenL

3) Pas Lhe capaclLy Lo acL and assume all
rlghLs and responslblllLles of parenLal auLhorlLy
under hls naLlonal laws

4) Pas undergone Lhe approprlaLe
counsellng from an accredlLed counselor ln
hls/her counLry

3) Pas noL been convlcLed of a crlme
lnvolvlng moral LurplLude

6) Lllglble Lo adopL under hls/her naLlonal

7) ln a poslLlon Lo provlde Lhe proper care
and supporL and Lo glve Lhe necessary moral
values and example Lo all hls chlldren lncludlng
Lhe chlld Lo be adopLed

8) Agrees Lo uphold Lhe baslc rlghLs of Lhe
chlld as embodled under hlllpplne laws Lhe
un ConvenLlon on Lhe 8lghLs of Lhe Chlld and
Lo ablde by Lhe rules and regulaLlons lssued Lo
lmplemenL Lhe provlslons of Lhe lCAA

9) Comes from a counLry wlLh whom Lhe
hlllpplnes has dlplomaLlc relaLlons and whose
governmenL malnLalns a slmllarly auLhorlzed
and accredlLed agency and LhaL adopLlon ls
allowed under hls/her naLlonal laws and

10) ossesses all Lhe quallflcaLlons and none of
Lhe dlsquallflcaLlons provlded ln Lhe lCAA and ln
oLher appllcable hlllpplne laws

8equlremenL of !olnL AdopLlon by Spouses

8equlremenL of !olnL AdopLlon by Spouses

Ceneral rule husband and wlfe shall [olnLly
adopL oLherwlse Lhe adopLlon shall noL be
1) lf one spouse seeks Lo adopL Lhe
leglLlmaLe son/daughLer of Lhe oLher

2) lf one spouse seeks Lo adopL hls/her own
llleglLlmaLe son/daughLer buL Lhe oLher spouse
musL glve hls/her consenL

3) lf Lhe spouses are legally separaLed from
each oLher

8ule lf Lhe adopLer ls marrled hls/her spouse
musL [olnLly flle for Lhe adopLlon


Where Lo flle appllcaLlon ln Lhe lamlly CourL of
Lhe provlnce or clLy where Lhe prospecLlve
parenLs resldeAfLer flllng 1he peLlLlon shall noL
be seL for hearlng wlLhouL a case sLudy reporL
by a llcensed soclal worker

Supervlsed 1rlal CusLody

a) 1emporary parenLal auLhorlLy ls vesLed ln
prospecLlve adopLer

b) erlod ls aL leasL 6 monLhs buL may be
reduced by Lhe courL moLu proplo or upon

c) lf adopLer ls allen Lhe law mandaLorlly
requlres compleLlon of Lhe 6monLh Lrlal
cusLody and may noL be reduced excepL lf (1) a
former llllplno clLlzen seeks Lo adopL a relaLlve
wlLhln 4Lh degree of consangulnlLy or afflnlLy
(2) one seeks Lo adopL Lhe leglLlmaLe
son/daughLer of hls/her llllplno spouse (3) one
who ls marrled Lo a llllplno clLlzen and seeks Lo
adopL [olnLly wlLh hls/her spouse a relaLlve
wlLhln Lhe 4Lh degree of consangulnlLy or
afflnlLy of Lhe llllplno spouse

uecree of AdopLlon lssued by hlllpplne lamlly

ConsenL 8equlred WrlLLen consenL of Lhe
followlng Lo Lhe adopLlon ls requlred ln Lhe
form of affldavlL (1) adopLee lf 10 years of age
or over (2) blologlcal parenL/s of Lhe chlld lf
known or Lhe legal guardlan or Lhe proper
governmenL lnsLrumenLallLy whlch has legal
cusLody of Lhe chlld (3) leglLlmaLe and adopLed
sons or daughLers 10 years of age or over of
Lhe adopLer/s and adopLee lf any (4)
llleglLlmaLe sons/daughLers 10 years of age of
over of Lhe adopLer lf llvlng wlLh sald adopLer
and Lhe laLLer's spouse lf any (3) spouse lf any
of Lhe person adopLlng or Lo be adopLed

Where Lo flle appllcaLlon LlLher ln (a) lamlly
CourL havlng [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe place where
Lhe chlld resldes or may be found or (b) lnLer
CounLry AdopLlon 8oard (lCA8) Lhrough an
lnLermedlaLe agency wheLher governmenLal or
an auLhorlzed and accredlLed agency ln Lhe
counLry of Lhe prospecLlve adopLlve
parenLsAfLer flllng (a) lf flled ln Lhe lC courL
deLermlnes sufflclency of peLlLlon ln respecL Lo
form and subsLance afLer whlch peLlLlon ls
LransmlLLed Lo lCA8 (b) lf peLlLlon ls already
wlLh lCA8 lL conducLs maLchlng of Lhe appllcanL
wlLh an adopLlve chlld (c) afLer maLchmaklng
Lhe chlld ls personally feLched by Lhe appllcanL
for Lhe Lrlal cusLody whlch Lakes place ouLslde
of Lhe hlllpplnes

Supervlsed 1rlal CusLody

a) 1hls process Lakes place ouLslde of Lhe
counLry and under Lhe supervlslon of Lhe
forelgn adopLlon agency

b) lor a perlod of 6 monLhs

c) lf unsuccessful lCA8 shall look for anoLher
prospecLlve appllcanL 8epaLrlaLlon of Lhe chlld
ls Lo be resorLed only as a lasL resorL

d) lf successful lCA8 LransmlLs a wrlLLen
consenL for Lhe adopLlon Lo be execuLed by Lhe
uSWu and Lhe appllcanL Lhen flles a peLlLlon
for adopLlon ln hls/her counLry

uecree of AdopLlon lssued by a forelgn courL

ConsenL 8equlred

(1) WrlLLen consenL of blologlcal or adopLed
chlldren above 10 years of age ln Lhe form of
sworn sLaLemenL ls requlred Lo be aLLached Lo
Lhe appllcaLlon Lo be flled wlLh Lhe lC or lCA8

(2) lf a saLlsfacLory preadopLlve relaLlonshlp ls
formed beLween Lhe appllcanL and Lhe chlld
Lhe wrlLLen consenL Lo Lhe adopLlon execuLed
by Lhe uSWu ls requlred

uomesLlc AdopLlon AcL (8A 8332 AM 020602

LffecLs of adopLlon

(1) 1ransfer of parenLal auLhorlLy excepL ln
cases where Lhe blologlcal parenL ls Lhe spouse
of Lhe adopLer Lhe parenLal auLhorlLy of Lhe
blologlcal parenLs shall LermlnaLe and Lhe same
shall be vesLed ln Lhe adopLers (Sec 16)

(2) LeglLlmacy Lhe adopLee shall be
consldered Lhe leglLlmaLe son/daughLer of Lhe
adopLer(s) for all lnLenLs and purposes and as
such ls enLlLled Lo all Lhe rlghLs and obllgaLlons
provlded by law Lo leglLlmaLe sons/daughLers
born Lo Lhem wlLhouL dlscrlmlnaLlon of any klnd
(Sec 17)

(3) Successlonal rlghLs

(a) ln legal and lnLesLaLe successlon Lhe
adopLer(s) and Lhe adopLee shall have
reclprocal rlghLs of successlon wlLhouL
dlsLlncLlon from leglLlmaLe flllaLlon (Sec 18)

(b) Powever lf Lhe adopLee and hls/her
blologlcal parenL(s) had lefL a wlll Lhe law on
LesLamenLary successlon shall govern (Sec 18)

(c) ArL 18(3) of Lhe lamlly Code and Sec 18
ArL v of 8A 8332 provlde LhaL Lhe adopLee
remalns an lnLesLaLe helr of hls/her blologlcal
parenL (CblLer ulcLum ln ln re ln Lhe MaLLer of
AdopLlon of SLephanle naLy AsLorga Carcla 434
SC8A 341)

(4) lssuance of new cerLlflcaLe and flrsL name
and surname of adopLee

(a) 1he adopLlon decree shall sLaLe Lhe name
by whlch Lhe chlld ls Lo be known (Sec 13) An
amended cerLlflcaLe of blrLh shall be lssued by
Lhe Clvll 8eglsLry aLLesLlng Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhe
adopLee ls Lhe chlld of Lhe adopLer(s) by belng
reglsLered wlLh hls/her surname (Sec 14)

(b) 1he orlglnal cerLlflcaLe of blrLh shall be
sLamped cancelled" wlLh Lhe annoLaLlon of Lhe
lssuance of an amended blrLh cerLlflcaLe ln lLs
place and shall be sealed ln Lhe clvll reglsLry
records 1he new blrLh cerLlflcaLe Lo be lssued
Lo Lhe adopLee shall noL bear any noLaLlon LhaL
lL ls an amended lssue (Sec 14)

(c) All records books and papers relaLlng Lo
Lhe adopLlon cases ln Lhe flles of Lhe courL Lhe
uSWu or any oLher agency or lnsLlLuLlon
parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe adopLlon proceedlngs shall
be kepL sLrlcLly confldenLlal and Lhe courL may
order lLs release under Lhe followlng condlLlons
only (1) Lhe dlsclosure of Lhe lnformaLlon Lo a
Lhlrd person ls necessary for purposes
connecLed wlLh or arlslng ouL of Lhe adopLlon
(2) Lhe dlsclosure wlll be for Lhe besL lnLeresL of
Lhe adopLee and (3) Lhe courL may resLrlcL Lhe
purposes for whlch lL may be used (Sec 13)

lnsLances when adopLlon may be resclnded

(1) Crounds for resclsslon

(a) 8epeaLed physlcal and verbal
malLreaLmenL by Lhe adopLer(s) desplLe havlng
undergone counsellng

(b) ALLempL on Lhe llfe of Lhe adopLee

(c) Sexual assaulL or vlolence or

(d) AbandonmenL and fallure Lo comply wlLh
parenLal obllgaLlons (Sec 19)

(2) rescrlpLlve perlod

(a) lf lncapaclLaLed wlLhln flve (3) years afLer
he reaches Lhe age of ma[orlLy

(b) lf lncompeLenL aL Lhe Llme of Lhe adopLlon
wlLhln flve (3) years afLer recovery from such
lncompeLency (Sec 21 8ule on AdopLlon)

LffecLs of resclsslon of adopLlon

(1) arenLal auLhorlLy of Lhe adopLee's
blologlcal parenL(s) lf known or Lhe legal
cusLody of Lhe uSWu shall be resLored lf Lhe
adopLee ls sLlll a mlnor or lncapaclLaLed

(2) 8eclprocal rlghLs and obllgaLlons of Lhe
adopLer(s) and Lhe adopLee Lo each oLher shall
be exLlngulshed

(3) CancellaLlon of Lhe amended cerLlflcaLe of
blrLh of Lhe adopLee and resLoraLlon of hls/her
orlglnal blrLh cerLlflcaLe and

(4) Successlon rlghLs shall reverL Lo lLs sLaLus
prlor Lo adopLlon buL only as of Lhe daLe of
[udgmenL of [udlclal resclsslon vesLed rlghLs
acqulred prlor Lo [udlclal resclsslon shall be
respecLed (Sec 20)

lnLerCounLry AdopLlon (8A 8043)

(1) lnLerCounLry AdopLlon refers Lo Lhe
soclolegal process of adopLlng a llllplno chlld
by a forelgner or a llllplno clLlzen permanenLly
resldlng abroad where Lhe peLlLlon ls flled Lhe
supervlsed Lrlal cusLody ls underLaken and Lhe
decree of adopLlon ls lssued ln Lhe hlllpplnes
(Sec 3a)

When allowed

(1) lnLercounLry adopLlons are allowed when
Lhe same shall prove beneflclal Lo Lhe chlld's
besL lnLeresLs and shall serve and proLecL
hls/her fundamenLal rlghLs (Sec 2)

(2) lL ls allowed when all Lhe requlremenLs
and sLandards seL forLh under 8A 8043 are
complled wlLh

luncLlons of Lhe 81C

(1) An appllcaLlon Lo adopL a llllplno chlld
shall be flled elLher wlLh Lhe hlllpplne 8eglonal
1rlal CourL havlng [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe chlld or
wlLh Lhe 8oard Lhrough an lnLermedlaLe
agency wheLher governmenLal or an auLhorlzed
and accredlLed agency ln Lhe counLry of Lhe
prospecLlve adopLlve parenLs whlch appllcaLlon
shall be ln accordance wlLh Lhe requlremenLs as
seL forLh ln Lhe lmplemenLlng rules and
regulaLlons (Sec 10)

8esL lnLeresL of Lhe Mlnor" SLandard

(1) ln case of cusLody cases of mlnor chlldren
Lhe courL afLer hearlng and bearlng ln mlnd Lhe
besL lnLeresL of Lhe mlnor shall award Lhe
cusLody as wlll be for Lhe mlnor's besL lnLeresLs

(2) 1he LoLallLy of Lhe clrcumsLances and
condlLlons as are mosL congenlal Lo Lhe survlval
proLecLlon and feellngs of securlLy of Lhe mlnor
and mosL encouraglng Lo hls physlcal
psychologlcal and emoLlonal developmenL lL
also means Lhe leasL deLrlmenLal avallable
alLernaLlve for safeguardlng Lhe growLh and
developmenL of Lhe mlnor

WrlL of Pabeas Corpus (8ule 102)

(1) WrlL of habeas corpus ls a wrlL whlch has
been esLeemed Lo Lhe besL and only sufflclenL
defense of personal freedom havlng for lLs
ob[ecL Lhe speedy release by [udlclal decree of
persons who are lllegally resLralned of Lhelr
llberLy or lllegally deLalned from Lhe conLrol of
Lhose who are enLlLled Lo Lhelr cusLody
(8allenLlne's Law ulcLlonary 2nd LdlLlon nava
vs CaLmalLan 90 hll 172)

(2) 1he wrlL of habeas corpus shall exLend Lo
all cases of lllegal conflnemenL or deLenLlon by
whlch any person ls deprlved of hls llberLy or
by whlch Lhe rlghLful cusLody of any person ls
wlLhheld from Lhe person enLlLled LhereLo 1he
funcLlon of Lhe speclal proceedlng of habeas
corpus ls Lo lnqulre lnLo Lhe legallLy of one's
deLenLlon ln all peLlLlons for habeas corpus Lhe
courL musL lnqulre lnLo every phase and aspecL
of Lhe peLlLloner's deLenLlon from Lhe momenL
peLlLloner was Laken lnLo cusLody up Lo Lhe
momenL Lhe courL passes upon Lhe merlLs of
Lhe peLlLlon and only afLer such scruLlny can Lhe
courL saLlsfy lLself LhaL Lhe due process clause of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon has been saLlsfled Powever
once Lhe person deLalned ls duly charged ln
courL he may no longer quesLlon hls deLenLlon
by a peLlLlon for Lhe lssuance of a wrlL of habeas
corpus Pls remedy Lhen ls Lhe quashal of Lhe
lnformaLlon and/or Lhe warranL of arresL duly
lssued 1he reason for Lhe lssuance of Lhe wrlL
even becomes more unavalllng when Lhe
person deLalned flles a bond for hls Lemporary
release (Sec 1 8ernarLe vs CA 73 SCAu 400
CcL 18 1996)

(3) Pabeas corpus may noL be used as a
means of obLalnlng evldence on Lhe
whereabouLs of a person or as a means of
flndlng ouL who has speclflcally abducLed or
caused Lhe dlsappearance of a cerLaln person
(MarLlnez vs ulr Cen Mendoza C8 133793
Aug 17 2006)

(4) 1he wrlLs of habeas corpus and cerLlorarl
may be anclllary Lo each oLher where necessary
Lo glve effecL Lo Lhe supervlsory powers of Lhe
hlgher courLs A wrlL of habeas corpus reaches
Lhe body and Lhe [urlsdlcLlonal maLLers buL noL
Lhe record A wrlL of cerLlorarl reaches Lhe
record buL noL Lhe body Pence a wrlL of
habeas corpus may be used wlLh Lhe wrlL of
cerLlorarl for Lhe purpose of revlew (Calvez vs
CA 237 SC8A 683)

(3) 1he general rule ls LhaL Lhe release
wheLher permanenL or Lemporary of a
deLalned person renders Lhe peLlLlon for habeas
corpus mooL and academlc unless Lhere are
resLralnLs aLLached Lo hls release whlch
precludes freedom of acLlon ln whlch case Lhe
CourL can sLlll lnqulre lnLo Lhe naLure of hls
lnvolunLary resLralnL eLlLloner's Lemporary
release does noL render Lhe peLlLlon for wrlL
mooL and academlc (vlllavlcenclo vs Lukban 39
hll 778)

(6) Some lnsLances when Lhe wrlL may lssue

(a) 1o lnqulre lnLo Lhe legallLy of an order of
conflnemenL by a courL marLlal (Cgvlr vs ulr of
rlsons 80 hll 401)

(b) 1o LesL Lhe legallLy of an allen's
conflnemenL and proposed expulslon from Lhe
hlllpplnes (Lao 1ang 8un vs labre 81 hll

(c) 1o enable parenLs Lo regaln cusLody of a
mlnor chlld even lf Lhe laLLer be ln Lhe cusLody
of a Lhlrd person of her own free wlll (Salvana
vs Caela 33 hll 680)

(d) 1o obLaln freedom for an accused
conflned for fallure Lo posL ball where Lhe
prosecuLlng offlcer unreasonably delays Lrlal by
conLlnued posLponemenL (Conde vs 8lvera 43
hll 630)

(e) 1o glve reLroacLlve effecL Lo a penal
provlslon favorable Lo Lhe accused when Lhe
Lrlal [udge has losL [urlsdlcLlon by vlrLue of Lhe
flnallLy of Lhe [udgmenL of convlcLlon
(8odrlguez vs ulr of rlsons 37 hll 133)

(f) 1o deLermlne Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of a
sLaLuLe (eople vs vera 63 hll 66)

(g) 1o permlL an allen Lo land ln Lhe
hlllpplnes (1he Puan vs CollecLor of CusLoms
34 hll 129)

(h) 1o puL an end Lo an lmmoral slLuaLlon as
when a mlnor glrl alLhough preferrlng Lo sLay
wlLh her employer malnLalns llllclL relaLlonshlp
wlLh hlm (Macazo vs nunez L12772 !an 24

(l) When a bond glven by an accused enLlLled
LhereLo ls noL admlLLed or excesslve ball ls
requlred of hlm (ln re ulck 38 hll 41)

([) 1o deLermlne Lhe legallLy of an
exLradlLlon (uS vs 8auscher 119 uS 407)

(k) 1o deLermlne Lhe legallLy of Lhe acLlon of a
leglslaLlve body ln punlshlng a clLlzen for
conLempL (Lopez vs uelos 8eyes 33 hll 170)

(l) 1o obLaln freedom afLer servlng mlnlmum
senLence when Lhe penalLy under an old law
has been reduced by an amendaLory law

ConLenLs of Lhe peLlLlon

(1) AppllcaLlon for Lhe wrlL shall be by peLlLlon
slgned and verlfled elLher by Lhe parLy for
whose rellef lL ls lnLended or by some person
on hls behalf and shall seL forLh

(a) 1haL Lhe person ln whose behalf Lhe
appllcaLlon ls made ls lmprlsoned or resLralned
of hls llberLy

(b) 1he offlcer or name of Lhe person by whom
he ls so lmprlsoned or resLralned or lf boLh are
unknown or uncerLaln such offlcer or person
may be descrlbed by an assumed appellaLlon
and Lhe person who ls served wlLh Lhe wrlL shall
be deemed Lhe person lnLended

(c) 1he place where he ls so lmprlsoned or
resLralned lf known

(d) A copy of Lhe commlLmenL or cause of
deLenLlon of such person lf lL can be procured
wlLhouL lmpalrlng Lhe efflclency of Lhe remedy
or lf Lhe lmprlsonmenL or resLralnL ls wlLhouL
any legal auLhorlLy such facL shall appear (Sec

ConLenLs of Lhe 8eLurn

(1) When Lhe person Lo be produced ls
lmprlsoned or resLralned by an offlcer Lhe
person who makes Lhe reLurn shall sLaLe
Lhereln and ln oLher cases Lhe person ln whose
cusLody Lhe prlsoner ls found shall sLaLe ln
wrlLlng Lo Lhe courL or [udge before whom Lhe
wrlL ls reLurnable plalnly and unequlvocably

(a) WheLher he has or has noL Lhe parLy ln hls
cusLody or power or under resLralnL

(b) lf he has Lhe parLy ln hls cusLody or power
or under resLralnL Lhe auLhorlLy and Lhe Lrue
and whole cause Lhereof seL forLh aL large wlLh
a copy of Lhe wrlL order execuLlon or oLher
process lf any upon whlch Lhe parLy ls held

(c) lf Lhe parLy ls ln hls cusLody or power or ls
resLralned by hlm and ls noL produced
parLlcularly Lhe naLure and gravlLy of Lhe
slckness or lnflrmlLy of such parLy by reason of
whlch he cannoL wlLhouL danger be broughL
before Lhe courL or [udge

(d) lf he has had Lhe parLy ln hls cusLody or
power or under resLralnL and has Lransferred
such cusLody or resLralnL Lo anoLher
parLlcularly Lo whom aL whaL Llme for whaL
cause and by whaL auLhorlLy such Lransfer was
made (Sec 10)

ulsLlngulsh perempLory wrlL from prellmlnary

erempLory wrlL

rellmlnary clLaLlon

uncondlLlonally commands Lhe respondenL Lo
have Lhe body of Lhe deLalned person before
Lhe courL aL a Llme and place Lhereln speclfled
8equlres Lhe respondenL Lo appear and
show cause why Lhe perempLory wrlL should
noL be granLed
(Lee ?lck Pon vs CollecLor of CusLoms 41 hll
When noL proper/appllcable

(1) lnsLances when Lhe wrlL of habeas corpus
ls noL proper are

(a) lor asserLlng or vlndlcaLlng denlal of rlghL
Lo ball (Calvez vs CA 237 SC8A 683)

(b) lor correcLlng errors ln appreclaLlon of
facLs or appreclaLlon of law where Lhe Lrlal
courL had no [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe cause over
Lhe person of Lhe accused and Lo lmpose Lhe
penalLy provlded for by law Lhe mlsLake
commlLLed by Lhe Lrlal courL ln Lhe
appreclaLlon of Lhe facLs and/or ln Lhe
appreclaLlon of Lhe law cannoL be correcLed by
habeas corpus (SoLLo vs ulrecLor of rlsons
May 30 1962)

(c) Cnce a person deLalned ls duly charged ln
courL he may no longer flle a peLlLlon for
habeas corpus Pls remedy would be Lo quash
Lhe lnformaLlon or warranL (8odrlguez vs !udge
8onlfaclo nov 26 2000)

When wrlL dlsallowed/dlscharged

(1) lf lL appears LhaL Lhe person alleged Lo be
resLralned of hls llberLy ls ln Lhe cusLody of an
offlcer under process lssued by a courL or [udge
or by vlrLue of a [udgmenL or order of a courL of
record and LhaL Lhe courL or [udge had
[urlsdlcLlon Lo lssue Lhe process render Lhe
[udgmenL or make Lhe order Lhe wrlL shall noL
be allowed or lf Lhe [urlsdlcLlon appears afLer
Lhe wrlL ls allowed Lhe person shall noL be
dlscharged by reason of any lnformallLy or
defecL ln Lhe process [udgmenL or order nor
shall anyLhlng ln Lhls rule be held Lo auLhorlze
Lhe dlscharge of a person charged wlLh or
convlcLed of an offense ln Lhe hlllpplnes or of
a person sufferlng lmprlsonmenL under lawful
[udgmenL (Sec 4)

ulsLlngulsh from wrlL of Amparo and Pabeas

WrlL of Pabeas Corpus

WrlL of Amparo

WrlL of Pabeas uaLa

A remedy avallable Lo any person lL covers
cases of lllegal conflnemenL or deLenLlon by
whlch any person ls deprlved of hls llberLy or
by whlch Lhe rlghLful cusLody of any person ls
wlLhheld from Lhe person enLlLled LhereLo
A remedy avallable Lo any person
whose rlghL Lo llfe llberLy and securlLy ls
vlolaLed or LhreaLened wlLh vlolaLlon by an
unlawful acL or omlsslon of a publlc offlclal or
employee or of a prlvaLe lndlvldual or enLlLy
1he wrlL covers exLra[udlclal kllllngs and
enforced dlsappearances or LhreaLs Lhereof
A remedy avallable Lo any person
whose rlghL Lo prlvacy ln llfe llberLy or securlLy
ls vlolaLed or LhreaLened by an unlawful acL or
omlsslon of a publlc offlclal or employee or of a
prlvaLe lndlvldual or enLlLy engaged ln Lhe
gaLherlng collecLlng or sLorlng of daLa or
lnformaLlon regardlng Lhe person famlly home
and correspondence of Lhe aggrleved parLy
Who may flle peLlLlon8y Lhe parLy for whose
rellef lL ls lnLended or by some person on hls
behalf Who may flle (ln order)a) Any
member of Lhe lmmedlaLe famlly spouse
chlldren and parenLs of Lhe aggrleved parLy
b) Any ascendanL descendanL or collaLeral
relaLlve of aggrleved parLy wlLhln Lhe 4Lh clvll
degree of consangulnlLy or afflnlLy

c) Any concerned clLlzen organlzaLlon
assoclaLlon or lnsLlLuLlon lf no known member
of lmmedlaLe famlly

Who may flle (ln order)a) Any member of Lhe
lmmedlaLe famlly spouse chlldren and parenLs
of Lhe aggrleved parLy
b) Any ascendanL descendanL or collaLeral
relaLlve of aggrleved parLy wlLhln Lhe 4Lh clvll
degree of consangulnlLy or afflnlLy

Where Lo flle81C enforceable wlLhln lLs area of
CA or SC enforceable anywhere ln Lhe

Where Lo flle81C Sandlganbayan CA SC
WrlL ls enforceable anywhere ln Lhe hlllpplnes

Where Lo flle81C SC CA Sandlganbayan
WrlL ls also enforceable anywhere ln Lhe

eLlLloner ls exempLed Lo pay dockeL
and oLher lawful fees lndlgenL peLlLloner ls
exempLed Lo pay dockeL and oLher lawful fees
When lssuedlorLhwlLh when a peLlLlon
Lherefor ls presenLed and lL appears LhaL Lhe
wrlL oughL Lo lssue When
lssuedlmmedlaLely lf on lLs face lL oughL Lo be
Served lmmedlaLely

Summary hearlng seL noL laLer Lhan seven (7)
days from daLe of lssuance

When lssuedlmmedlaLely lf on lLs face lL oughL
Lo be lssued
Served wlLhln 3 days from lssuance

Summary hearlng seL noL laLer Lhan Len (10)
work days from daLe of lssuance

ConLenLs of verlfled peLlLlon
(a) 1haL Lhe person ln whose behalf Lhe
appllcaLlon ls made ls lmprlsoned or resLralned
of hls llberLy

(b) 1he offlcer or name of Lhe person by whom
he ls so lmprlsoned or resLralned or lf boLh are
unknown or uncerLaln such offlcer or person
may be descrlbed by an assumed appellaLlon
and Lhe person who ls served wlLh Lhe wrlL shall
be deemed Lhe person lnLended

(c) 1he place where he ls so lmprlsoned or
resLralned lf known

(d) A copy of Lhe commlLmenL or cause of
deLenLlon of such person lf lL can be procured
wlLhouL lmpalrlng Lhe efflclency of Lhe remedy
or lf Lhe lmprlsonmenL or resLralnL ls wlLhouL
any legal auLhorlLy such facL shall appear

ConLenLs of verlfled peLlLlona) ersonal
clrcumsLances of peLlLloner and of respondenL
responslble for Lhe LhreaL acL or omlsslon
b) vlolaLed or LhreaLened rlghL Lo llfe llberLy
and securlLy of aggrleved parLy and how
commlLLed wlLh aLLendance clrcumsLances
deLalled ln supporLlng affldavlLs

c) lnvesLlgaLlon conducLed speclfylng names
personal clrcumsLances and addresses of
lnvesLlgaLlng auLhorlLy or lndlvlduals as well as
manner and conducL of lnvesLlgaLlon LogeLher
wlLh any reporL

d) AcLlons and recourses Laken by peLlLloner
Lo deLermlne Lhe faLe or whereabouLs of
aggrleved parLy and ldenLlLy of person
responslble for Lhe LhreaL acL or omlsslon and

e) 1he rellef prayed for

f) May lnclude general prayer for oLher [usL
and equlLable rellefs

ConLenLs of verlfled peLlLlona) ersonal
clrcumsLances of peLlLloner and respondenL
b) 1he manner Lhe rlghL Lo prlvacy ls vlolaLed
or LhreaLened and how lL affecLs Lhe rlghL Lo
llfe llberLy or securlLy of aggrleved parLy

c) AcLlons and recourses Laken by peLlLloner
Lo secure Lhe daLa or lnformaLlon

d) LocaLlon of flles reglsLers or daLabases
governmenL offlce and Lhe person ln charge ln
possesslon or ln conLrol of Lhe daLa or
lnformaLlon lf known

e) 8ellefs prayed for whlch may lnclude Lhe
updaLlng recLlflcaLlon suppresslon or
desLrucLlon of Lhe daLabase or lnformaLlon or
flles kepL by respondenL

f) ln case of LhreaLs rellef may lnclude a
prayer for an order en[olnlng Lhe acL
complalned of and

g) Such oLher rellefs as are [usL and equlLable

ConLenLs of reLurn
a) WheLher he has or has noL Lhe parLy ln hls
cusLody or power or under resLralnL

b) lf he has Lhe parLy ln hls cusLody or power
or under resLralnL Lhe auLhorlLy and Lhe Lrue
and whole cause Lhereof seL forLh aL large wlLh
a copy of Lhe wrlL order execuLlon or oLher
process lf any upon whlch Lhe parLy ls held

c) lf Lhe parLy ls ln hls cusLody or power or ls
resLralned by hlm and ls noL produced
parLlcularly Lhe naLure and gravlLy of Lhe
slckness or lnflrmlLy of such parLy by reason of
whlch he cannoL wlLhouL danger be broughL
before Lhe courL or [udge

d) lf he has had Lhe parLy ln hls cusLody or
power or under resLralnL and has Lransferred
such cusLody or resLralnL Lo anoLher
parLlcularly Lo whom aL whaL Llme for whaL
cause and by whaL auLhorlLy such Lransfer was

ConLenLs of reLurna) Lawful defenses
b) SLeps or acLlons Laken Lo deLermlne
whereabouLs of aggrleved parLy

c) All relevanL lnformaLlon perLalnlng Lo
LhreaL acL or omlsslon agalnsL aggrleved parLy

d) lf respondenL ls a publlc offlclal or
employee furLher sLaLe (1) verlfy Lhe ldenLlLy
of aggrleved (2) recover and preserve evldence
relaLed Lo deaLh or dlsappearance of person
ldenLlfled ln peLlLlon (3) ldenLlfy wlLnesses and
Lhelr sLaLemenLs (4) deLermlne cause manner
locaLlon and Llme of deaLh or dlsappearance as
well as paLLern or pracLlce (3) ldenLlfy and
apprehend person/s lnvolved ln Lhe
deaLh/dlsappearance (6) brlng suspecLed
offenders before a compeLenL courL

ConLenLs of reLurna) Lawful defenses such as
naLlonal securlLy sLaLe secreLs prlvlleged
communlcaLlons confldenLlallLy of source of
b) ulsclosure of daLa/lnfo abouL peLlLloner
naLure of daLa/lnfo purpose of collecLlon

c) SLeps or acLlons Laken by respondenL Lo
ensure securlLy and confldenLlallLy of daLa or

d) Currency and accuracy of daLa or

e) CLher allegaLlons relevanL Lo resoluLlon of
Lhe proceedlngs

* A general denlal of Lhe allegaLlons ln Lhe
peLlLlon ls noL allowed

LffecLs of fallure Lo flle reLurn1he
courL [usLlce or [udge shall proceed Lo hear Lhe
peLlLlon ex parLe

LffecLs of fallure Lo flle reLurn1he courL [usLlce
or [udge shall proceed Lo hear Lhe peLlLlon ex
parLe granLlng Lhe peLlLloner such rellef as Lhe
peLlLlon may warranL unless Lhe courL ln lLs
dlscreLlon requlres peLlLloner Lo submlL
rocedure for hearlng1he hearlng on
Lhe peLlLlon shall be summary Powever Lhe
courL [usLlce or [udge may call for a prellmlnary
conference Lo slmpllfy Lhe lssues and deLermlne
Lhe posslblllLy of obLalnlng sLlpulaLlons and
admlsslons from Lhe parLles

1he hearlng shall be from day Lo day unLll
compleLed and glven Lhe same prlorlLy as
peLlLlons for habeas corpus

rocedure for hearlng1he hearlng on Lhe
peLlLlon shall be summary Powever Lhe courL
[usLlce or [udge may call for a prellmlnary
conference Lo slmpllfy Lhe lssues and deLermlne
Lhe posslblllLy of obLalnlng sLlpulaLlons and
admlsslons from Lhe parLles

lnLerlm rellefs avallable before flnal
[udgmenLa) 1emporary roLecLlon Crder
proLecLed ln a governmenL agency of by an
accredlLed person or prlvaLe lnsLlLuLlon capable
of keeplng and securlng Lhelr safeLy
b) lnspecLlon Crder wlLh a llfeLlme of 3 days
whlch may be exLended may be opposed on
Lhe ground of naLlonal securlLy or prlvlleged
lnformaLlon allows enLry lnLo and lnspecL
measure survey or phoLograph Lhe properLy

c) roducLlon Crder Lo requlre respondenLs
Lo produce and permlL lnspecLlon copylng or
phoLographlng of documenLs papers books
accounLs leLLers phoLographs ob[ecLs or
Langlble Lhlngs LhaL conLaln evldence

(noL appllcable)
LffecL of flllng crlmlnal acLlonA crlmlnal
acLlon flrsL flled excludes Lhe flllng of Lhe wrlL
rellef shall be by moLlon ln Lhe crlmlnal case A
crlmlnal case flled subsequenLly shall be
consolldaLed wlLh Lhe peLlLlon for Lhe wrlL of
amparo LffecL of flllng crlmlnal acLlonA
crlmlnal acLlon flrsL flled excludes Lhe flllng of
Lhe wrlL rellef shall be by moLlon ln Lhe crlmlnal
case A crlmlnal case flled subsequenLly shall be
consolldaLed wlLh Lhe peLlLlon for Lhe wrlL of
habeas daLa
Appeal1o Lhe SC under 8ule 43 wlLhln 48
hours from noLlce of [udgmenL (1an Chln Pul vs
8odrlguez C8 137371 SepL 21 2000)
A wrlL of habeas corpus does noL lle where
peLlLloner has Lhe remedy of appeal or
cerLlorarl because lL wlll noL be permlLLed Lo
perform Lhe funcLlons of a wrlL of error or
appeal for Lhe purpose of revlewlng mere errors
or lrregularlLles ln Lhe proceedlngs of a courL
havlng [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe person and Lhe
sub[ecL maLLer (Calvez vs CA C8 114046 CcL
24 1994)

Appeal1o Lhe SC under 8ule 43 wlLhln 3 days
from noLlce of adverse [udgmenL Lo be glven
Lhe same prlorlLy as habeas corpus cases
Appeal1o Lhe SC under 8ule 43 wlLhln
3 days from noLlce of [udgmenL or flnal order
Lo be glven Lhe same prlorlLy as habeas corpus
and amparo cases
CuanLum of proof8y subsLanLlal
evldence rlvaLe respondenL Lo prove ordlnary
dlllgence was observed ln Lhe performance of
duLy ubllc offlclal/employee respondenL Lo
prove exLraordlnary dlllgence was observed
and cannoL lnvoke Lhe presumpLlon LhaL offlclal
duLy has been regularly performed Lo evade
responslblllLy or llablllLy
8ules on CusLody of Mlnors and WrlL of Pabeas
Corpus ln 8elaLlon Lo CusLody of Mlnors (AM


(1) 1he lamlly CourL has excluslve orlglnal
[urlsdlcLlon Lo hear peLlLlons for cusLody of
mlnors and Lhe lssuance of Lhe wrlL of habeas
corpus ln relaLlon Lo cusLody of mlnors 1he
CourL ls Lasked wlLh Lhe duLy of promulgaLlng
speclal rules or procedure for Lhe dlsposlLlon of
famlly cases wlLh Lhe besL lnLeresLs of Lhe mlnor
as prlmary conslderaLlon Laklng lnLo accounL
Lhe unlLed naLlons ConvenLlon on Lhe 8lghLs of
Lhe Chlld lL should be clarlfled LhaL Lhe wrlL ls
lssued by Lhe lamlly CourL only ln relaLlon Lo
cusLody of mlnors An ordlnary peLlLlon for
habeas corpus should be flled ln Lhe regular
CourL 1he lssue of chlld cusLody may be Lackled
by Lhe lamlly CourL wlLhouL need of a separaLe
peLlLlon for cusLody belng flled

(2) 1he CommlLLee chose Lhe phrase any
person clalmlng cusLody" as lL ls broad enough
Lo cover Lhe followlng (a) Lhe unlawful
deprlvaLlon of Lhe cusLody of a mlnor or (b)
whlch parenL shall have Lhe care and cusLody of
a mlnor when such parenL ls ln Lhe mldsL of
nulllLy annulmenL or legal separaLlon
proceedlngs (Sec 2)

(3) 1he hearlngs on cusLody of mlnors may aL
Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe courL be closed Lo Lhe
publlc and Lhe records of Lhe case shall noL be
released Lo nonparLles wlLhouL lLs approval
(Sec 21)

(4) A moLlon Lo dlsmlss Lhe peLlLlon ls noL
allowed excepL on Lhe ground of lack of
[urlsdlcLlon over Lhe sub[ecL maLLer or over Lhe
parLles Any oLher ground LhaL mlghL warranL
Lhe dlsmlssal of Lhe peLlLlon shall be ralsed as
an afflrmaLlve defense ln Lhe answer (Sec 6)

(3) upon Lhe flllng of Lhe verlfled answer of
Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod Lo flle lL Lhe courL
may order a soclal worker Lo make a case sLudy
of Lhe mlnor and Lhe parLles and Lo submlL a
reporL and recommendaLlon Lo Lhe courL aL
leasL Lhree days before Lhe scheduled preLrlal

(6) Pold ueparLure Crder 1he mlnor chlld
sub[ecL of Lhe peLlLlon shall noL be broughL ouL
of Lhe counLry wlLhouL prlor order from Lhe
courL whlle Lhe peLlLlon ls pendlng 1he courL
moLu proplo or upon appllcaLlon under oaLh
may lssue ex parLe a hold deparLure order
addressed Lo Lhe 8lu of Lhe uC! a copy of Lhe
hold deparLure order wlLhln 24 hours from lLs
lssuance and Lhrough Lhe fasLesL avallable
means of LransmlLLal (Sec16)

WrlL of Amparo (AM no 07912SC)

Coverage ulsLlngulsh from habeas corpus and
habeas daLa Who may flle ConLenLs of reLurn
LffecLs of fallure Lo flle reLurn rocedure for
hearlng lnsLlLuLlon of separaLe acLlon LffecL of
flllng of a crlmlnal acLlon ConsolldaLlon lnLerlm
rellefs avallable Lo peLlLloner and respondenL
CuanLum of proof ln appllcaLlon for lssuance of
wrlL of Amparo

(1) See Lable above

ulfferences beLween Amparo and search

Cmnlbus walver rule

WrlL of Pabeas uaLa (AM no 08116SC)

Scope of wrlL AvallablllLy of wrlL ulsLlngulsh
from Pabeas Corpus and Amparo Who may
flle ConLenLs of Lhe peLlLlon ConsolldaLlon
LffecL of flllng of a crlmlnal acLlon lnsLlLuLlon of
separaLe acLlon

(1) See Lable above

lnsLances when peLlLlon be heard ln chambers

(1) A hearlng ln chambers may be conducLed
where Lhe respondenL lnvokes Lhe defense LhaL
Lhe release of Lhe daLa or lnformaLlon ln
quesLlon shall compromlse naLlonal securlLy or
sLaLe secreLs or when Lhe daLa or lnformaLlon
cannoL be dlvulged Lo Lhe publlc due Lo lLs
naLure or prlvlleged characLer (Sec 12)

Change of name (8ule 103)

ulfferences under 8ule 103 8A 9048 and 8ule

8ule 103

8A 9048

8ule 108

eLlLlon should be flled ln Lhe 81C where Lhe
peLlLloner resldes eLlLlons flled wlLh Lhe
clLy or munlclpal clvll reglsLrar or wlLh consul
general for clLlzens llvlng abroad verlfled
peLlLlon flled ln Lhe 81C where Lhe
correspondlng Clvll 8eglsLry ls locaLed
Clvll 8eglsLrar ls noL a parLy SollclLor Ceneral Lo
be noLlfled by servlce of a copy of peLlLlon
Clvll 8eglsLrar ls an lndlspensable parLy
lf noL made a parLy proceedlngs are null and
vold 8eason he ls lnLeresLed parLy ln
proLecLlng Lhe lnLegrlLy of publlc documenLs
SollclLor Ceneral musL also be noLlfled by
servlce of a copy of Lhe peLlLlon
eLlLlon ls flled by Lhe person deslrlng Lo change
hls name verlfled peLlLlon ln Lhe form of
affldavlL ls flled by any person havlng dlrecL and
personal lnLeresL ln Lhe correcLlon 8y a
person lnLeresLed ln any acLs evenL order or
lnvolves change of name only lnvolves flrsL
name and nlckname All cancellaLlon or
correcLlon of enLrles of (a) blrLhs (b)
marrlages (c) deaLhs (d) legal separaLlon (e)
[udgmenLs or annulmenLs of marrlage (f)
[udgmenLs declarlng marrlages vold from Lhe
beglnnlng (g) leglLlmaLlons (h) adopLlons (l)
acknowledgmenLs of naLural chlldren ([)
naLurallzaLlons (k) elecLlon loss or recovery of
clLlzenshlp (l) clvll lnLerdlcLlon (m) [udlclal
deLermlnaLlon of flllaLlon (n) volunLary
emanclpaLlon of a mlnor and (o) changes of
lnvolves subsLanLlal changes lnvolves clerlcal
or Lypographlcal errors SubsLanLlal and
adversary lf change affecLs Lhe clvll sLaLus
clLlzenshlp or naLlonallLy of a parLy Summary lf
lnvolves mere clerlcal errors (8epubllc vs
valencla 141 SC8A 462)
Crounds(a) name ls rldlculous dlshonorable
or exLremely dlfflculL Lo wrlLe or pronounce
(b) Change ls a legal consequence of
leglLlmaLlon or adopLlon

(c) Change wlll avold confuslon

(d) Cne has conLlnuously used and been
known slnce chlldhood by a llllplno name and
was unaware of allen parenLage

(e) Change ls based on a slncere deslre Lo
adopL a llllplno name Lo erase slgns of former
allenage all ln good falLh and wlLhouL pre[udlce
Lo anybody and

(f) Surname causes embarrassmenL and
Lhere ls no showlng LhaL Lhe deslred change of
name was for a fraudulenL purpose or LhaL Lhe
change of name would pre[udlce publlc lnLeresL
(8epubllc vs Pernandez 68 SCAu 279)
8epubllc vs Avlla 122 SC8A 483)

Croundsa) llrsL name or nlckname ls found
Lo be rldlculous LalnLed wlLh dlshonor or
exLremely dlfflculL Lo wrlLe or pronounce
b) 1he flrsL name or nlckname has been
hablLually and conLlnuous used by peLlLloner
publlcly known by LhaL flrsL name or nlckname
ln Lhe communlLy

c) Change wlll avold confuslon

CroundsCancellaLlon or correcLlon of enLrles
of (a) blrLhs (b) marrlages (c) deaLhs (d) legal
separaLlon (e) [udgmenLs or annulmenLs of
marrlage (f) [udgmenLs declarlng marrlages
vold from Lhe beglnnlng (g) leglLlmaLlons (h)
adopLlons (l) acknowledgmenLs of naLural
chlldren ([) naLurallzaLlons (k) elecLlon loss or
recovery of clLlzenshlp (l) clvll lnLerdlcLlon (m)
[udlclal deLermlnaLlon of flllaLlon (n) volunLary
emanclpaLlon of a mlnor and (o) changes of
Crder for hearlng Lo be publlshed once a week
for Lhree consecuLlve weeks ln a newspaper of
general clrculaLlon ln Lhe provlnce eLlLlon
shall be publlshed aL leasL once a week for Lwo
consecuLlve weeks ln a newspaper of general
clrculaLlonAlso Lo be posLed ln a consplcuous
place for Len consecuLlve days Crder shall also
be publlshed once a week for Lhree consecuLlve
weeks ln a newspaper of general clrculaLlon ln
Lhe provlnce and courL shall cause reasonable
noLlce Lo persons named ln Lhe peLlLlon
LnLry ls correcL buL peLlLloner deslres Lo change
Lhe enLry LnLry ls lncorrecL
CancellaLlon or correcLlon of correcL or
lncorrecL enLrles
An approprlaLe adversary proceedlng An
approprlaLe admlnlsLraLlve proceedlng An
approprlaLe summary or adversary proceedlng
dependlng on effecLs
8equlres [udlclal order uoes noL requlre
[udlclal order ulrecLed or changed by Lhe clLy
or munlclpal clvll reglsLrar or consul general
wlLhouL [udlclal order
Servlce of [udgmenL shall be upon Lhe clvll
reglsLer concerned 1ransmlLLal of declslon
Lo clvll reglsLrar general Servlce of [udgmenL
shall be upon Lhe clvll reglsLer concerned
Appeal may be avalled of lf [udgmenL or flnal
order rendered affecLs subsLanLlal rlghLs of
person appeallng ln case denled by Lhe
clLy or munlclpal clvll reglsLrar or Lhe consul
general peLlLloner may elLher appeal Lhe
declslon Lo Lhe clvll reglsLer general or flle
approprlaLe peLlLlon wlLh proper courL by
peLlLlon for revlew under 8ule 43 Appeal
may be avalled of lf [udgmenL or flnal order
rendered affecLs subsLanLlal rlghLs of person
appeallng Lo Lhe 81C or Lo Lhe CA
Crounds for change of name

(g) When Lhe name ls rldlculous dlshonorable
or exLremely dlfflculL Lo wrlLe or pronounce

(h) When Lhe change ls a legal consequence
of leglLlmaLlon or adopLlon

(l) When Lhe change wlll avold confuslon

([) When one has conLlnuously used and
been known slnce chlldhood by a llllplno name
and was unaware of allen parenLage

(k) When Lhe change ls based on a slncere
deslre Lo adopL a llllplno name Lo erase slgns of
former allenage all ln good falLh and wlLhouL
pre[udlce Lo anybody and

(l) When Lhe surname causes
embarrassmenL and Lhere ls no showlng LhaL
Lhe deslred change of name was for a
fraudulenL purpose or LhaL Lhe change of name
would pre[udlce publlc lnLeresL (8epubllc vs
Pernandez 68 SCAu 279) 8epubllc vs Avlla
122 SC8A 483)

AbsenLees (8ule 107)

(1) SLages of absence

(a) provlslonal absence

(b) declaraLlon of absence

(c) presumpLlon of deaLh

urpose of Lhe 8ule

(1) 1he purpose of Lhe 8ule ls Lo allow Lhe
courL Lo appolnL an admlnlsLraLor or
represenLaLlve Lo Lake care of Lhe properLy of
Lhe person who ls soughL Lo be [udlclally
declared absenL lL also alms Lo have Lhe courL
appolnL Lhe presenL spouse as admlnlsLraLor or
admlnlsLraLrlx of Lhe absenL spouse's
properLles or for Lhe separaLlon of properLles
of Lhe spouses

Who may flle when Lo flle

(1) 1he followlng may flle an appllcaLlon for
Lhe declaraLlon of absence of a person

(a) Spouse presenL

(b) Pelrs lnsLlLuLed ln a wlll who may presenL
an auLhenLlc copy of Lhe same

(c) 8elaLlves who would succeed by Lhe law of
lnLesLacy and

(d) 1hose who have over Lhe properLy of Lhe
absenLee some rlghL subordlnaLed Lo Lhe
condlLlon of hls deaLh (Sec 2)

(2) AfLer Lhe lapse of Lwo (2) years from hls
dlsappearance and wlLhouL any news abouL Lhe
absenLee or slnce Lhe recelpL of Lhe lasL news
or of flve (3) years ln case Lhe absenLee has lefL
a person ln charge of Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of hls
properLy Lhe declaraLlon of hls absence and
appolnLmenL of a LrusLee or admlnlsLraLor may
be applled for (Sec 2)

(3) When a person dlsappears from hls
domlclle hls whereabouLs belng unknown and
wlLhouL havlng lefL an agenL Lo admlnlsLer hls
properLy or Lhe power conferred upon Lhe
agenL has explred any lnLeresLed parLy relaLlve
or frlend may peLlLlon Lhe CourL of llrsL
lnsLance of Lhe place where Lhe absenLee
reslded before hls dlsappearance for Lhe
appolnLmenL of a person Lo represenL hlm
provlslonally ln all LhaL may be necessary (Sec

CancellaLlon or CorrecLlon of LnLrles ln Lhe Clvll
8eglsLry (8ule 108)

LnLrles sub[ecL Lo cancellaLlon or correcLlon
under 8ule 108 ln relaLlon Lo 8A 9048

(1) upon good and valld grounds Lhe
followlng enLrles ln Lhe clvll reglsLer may be
cancelled or correcLed (a) blrLhs (b) marrlages
(c) deaLhs (d) legal separaLlons (e) [udgmenLs
of annulmenLs of marrlage (f) [udgmenLs
declarlng marrlages vold from Lhe beglnnlng (g)
leglLlmaLlons (h) adopLlons (l)
acknowledgmenLs of naLural chlldren ([)
naLurallzaLlon (k) elecLlon loss or recovery of
clLlzenshlp (l) clvll lnLerdlcLlon (m) [udlclal
deLermlnaLlon of flllaLlon (n) volunLary
emanclpaLlon of a mlnor and (a) changes of
name (Sec 2 8ule 108)

(2) 1he peLlLlon for change of flrsL names or
nlcknames may be allowed when such names or
nlcknames are rldlculous LalnLed wlLh dlshonor
or exLremely dlfflculL Lo wrlLe or pronounce or
Lhe new name or nlckname has been used
hablLually and conLlnuously peLlLloner and has
been publlcly known by LhaL flrsL name or
nlckname ln Lhe communlLy or Lhe change wlll
avold confuslon (Sec 4 8A 9048)

Appeals ln Speclal roceedlng (8ule 109)

!udgmenLs and orders for whlch appeal may be

(1) An lnLeresLed person may appeal ln speclal
proceedlngs from an order or [udgmenL
rendered by a CourL of llrsL lnsLance or a
!uvenlle and uomesLlc 8elaLlons CourL where
such order or [udgmenL

(a) Allows or dlsallows a wlll

(b) ueLermlnes who are Lhe lawful helrs of a
deceased person or Lhe dlsLrlbuLlve share of
Lhe esLaLe Lo whlch such person ls enLlLled

(c) Allows or dlsallows ln whole or ln parL any
clalm agalnsL Lhe esLaLe of a deceased person
or any clalm presenLed on behalf of Lhe esLaLe
ln offseL Lo a clalm agalnsL lL

(d) SeLLles Lhe accounL of an execuLor
admlnlsLraLor LrusLee or guardlan

(e) ConsLlLuLes ln proceedlngs relaLlng Lo Lhe
seLLlemenL of Lhe esLaLe of a deceased person
or Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of a LrusLee or guardlan a
flnal deLermlnaLlon ln Lhe lower courL of Lhe
rlghLs of Lhe parLy appeallng excepL LhaL no
appeal shall be allowed from Lhe appolnLmenL
of a speclal admlnlsLraLor and

(f) ls Lhe flnal order or [udgmenL rendered ln
Lhe case and affecLs Lhe subsLanLlal rlghLs of
Lhe person appeallng unless lL be an order
granLlng or denylng a moLlon for a new Lrlal or
for reconslderaLlon (Sec 1)

When Lo appeal

(1) Appeals ln speclal proceedlngs necesslLaLe
a record on appeal as Lhe orlglnal record should
remaln wlLh Lhe Lrlal courL hence Lhe
reglemenLary perlod of LhlrLy (30) days ls
provlded for Lhe perfecLlon of appeals ln speclal

Modes of appeal

(1) Whlle under Lhe concepL ln ordlnary clvll
acLlons some of Lhe orders sLaLed ln Sec 1 may
be consldered lnLerlocuLory Lhe naLure of
speclal proceedlngs declares Lhem as
appealable orders as excepLlons Lo Lhe
provlslons of Sec 8ule 41 1hus

(a) Crdlnary appeal 1he appeal Lo Lhe CA ln
cases declded by Lhe 81C ln Lhe exerclse of lLs
orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon shall be Laken by flllng a
noLlce of appeal wlLh Lhe courL whlch rendered
Lhe [udgmenL or flnal order appealed from and
servlng a copy Lhereof upon Lhe adverse parLy
no record on appeal shall be requlred excepL ln
speclal proceedlngs and oLher cases of mulLlple
or separaLe appeals where Lhe law or Lhe 8ules
so requlre ln such cases Lhe record on appeal
shall be flled and served ln llke manner

(b) eLlLlon for revlew 1he appeal Lo Lhe CA
ln cases declded by Lhe 81C ln Lhe exerclse of lLs
appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon shall be by peLlLlon for
revlew ln accordance wlLh 8ule 42

(c) eLlLlon for revlew on cerLlorarl ln all
cases where only quesLlons of law are ralsed or
lnvolved Lhe appeal shall be Lo Lhe SC by
peLlLlon for revlew on cerLlorarl ln accordance
wlLh 8ule 43

8ule on Advance ulsLrlbuLlon

(1) noLwlLhsLandlng a pendlng conLroversy or
appeal ln proceedlngs Lo seLLle Lhe esLaLe of a
decedenL Lhe courL may ln lLs dlscreLlon and
upon such Lerms as lL may deem proper and
[usL permlL LhaL such parL of Lhe esLaLe as may
noL be affecLed by Lhe conLroversy or appeal be
dlsLrlbuLed among Lhe helrs or legaLees upon
compllance wlLh Lhe condlLlons seL forLh ln 8ule
90 of Lhese rules (Sec 2)

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