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UNIVERSITY OF CEBU - BANILAD College of Nursing DRUG STUDY Patients Name: ___________________________________________________ Age: ____ Hospital No.

_________________ Room No. ________ Impression/Diagnosis: ____________________________________AttendingPhysician(s):______________________________________________ Allergy to: _____________________________________________________________ Generic & Brand Name Generic: furosemide (frusemide) Dose, Strength & Formulation Ordered: Indication/Mechanisms of Drug Actions Indications: > acute pulmonary edema, edema, heart failure and chronic renal impairment, hypertension, hypercalcemia. Adverse/Side Effects Drug Interaction Nursing Responsibilities ASSESSMENT: 1. Assess pts condition before starting therapy and regularly thereafter. 2. Monitor and record uterine contractions, heart rate, blood pressure, intrauterine pressure, FHR, and blood loss every 15 mins. 3. Be alert for adverse reactions and drug interactions. 1. To indicate baseline data and monitor drugs effectiveness. 2. To determine how much dosage is to be given. *advice pt to stand slowly to prevent dizziness, not to drink alcohol, and to minimize strenuous exercise in hot water. *instruct pt to report ringing in ears, severe abdominal pain, or sore throat and fever because they may indicate toxicity. Rationale Client Teaching

Timing: Brand: lasix Duration:

Other forms:

Adverse Reaction: dizziness, fever, headache, paresthesia, restlessness, vertigo, weakness. CV: orthostatic hypotension, thrombophlebitis (with I.V use), volume depletion, dehydration. EENT: blurred or yellow Mechanism of Action: vision, transient deafness. chemical effect: GI: abdominal inhibits sodium and discomfort, anorexia, chloride reabsorption constipation, diarrhea, at proximal and distal nausea, pancreatitis, tubules and ascending vomiting. GU: azotemia, loop of henle. frequent urination, Therapeutic effect: nocturia, oliguria, promotes water and polyuria. Hematologic: sodium excretion. agranulocytosis, anemia, aplastic anemia, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia. Hepatic: hepatic dysfunction. Metabolic:

3. To establish proper precautionary measures and management for possible adverse effects of the drug.

asymptomatic hyperuricemia; fluid and electrolyte imbalances, including dilutional hyponatremia, hypocalcemia, and hypomagnesemia; glucose intolerance; hyperglycemia; hypochloremic alkalosis; hypokalemia. Musculoskeletal: muscle spasm. Skin: dermatitis, photosensitivity, purpura. Other: gout, transient pain at I.M injection site.

4. Monitor fluid intake & output Antidiuretic effect may lead to fluid over load, seizures & coma. 5. Assess pts & familys knowledge of drug therapy.

4. To promote cooperation during the nursing care.

*tell pt to check w/ prescriber before taking OTC drugs or herbal remedies.

5. Provides information from w/c pt/fam can make informed choices.

NURSING DIAGNOSIS: Interaction: *risk for deficient Drug-drug. fluid volume R/T Aminoglycoside postpartum bleeding. antibiotics, cisplatin: may *excessive fluid potentiate ototoxicity. volume R/T drugUse together cautiously. induced. Amphotericin B, Antidiuretic effect. cortecosteriods, *deficient corticotrophin: may knowledge R/T drug increase risk of therapy. hypokalemia. Monitor potassium level closely. Antidiabetics: may decrease hypoglycemic effects. Monitor glucose level.

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