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Name: Adrienne Woolbright Date: September 7, 2011 Grade Level/Subject: 3rd grade/ Reading Comprehension Prerequisite Knowledge: Know how to question prior knowledge while reading to understand new material presented to them in their reading. Approximate Time: 15-20 minutes Student Objectives/Student Outcomes: Students will learn what typeface clues are, how to use these clues to read expressively, and how these clues can help them when theyre confused Content Standards: 3 R.L 1CC.3.R.L.1 Key Ideas and Details: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers 3 R.L 7 CC.3.R.L.7 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Explain how specific aspects of a texts illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects of a character or setting) Materials/Resources/Technology: Smart board for PowerPoint presentation, story board not hot enough to see, students writing notebook and pencil Implementation:

Time Opening of lesson: (Objectives, hook, behavior expectations) -Go over my expectations on the rug: Raise hand when answering question, crisscross apple sauce 7 minute opening with hands to ourselves, eyes on me the whole time, bug slips will be given out for good behavior and only one warning will be given before they pull their card -State objectives: Let students know at the end of the lesson I will expect them to be able to draw/ write me a typeface word or phrase and be able to explain to me how typeface words can help readers when they are stuck -Hook: Open with a PowerPoint on the smart board explaining what typeface clues are Define type face as a special way of reflecting the words in a story and the feelings that those words give to readers Show example of typeface Procedures: Include critical thinking questions and accommodations for individual needs -Show student the poster of the poem hot enough to see and ask them just by looking at the poster what they think the poem will be about -Ask them which way they think I should read the poem aloud given their knowledge of driving and the way the picture of the street is drawn -Read the poem using visual clues given by the poster, for example read the word shivering with a quiver in my voice

5 minute

3 minute closing

Summary/Closing: -Ask students what they do when they get stuck while reading? -Explain that by looking at text, pictures, and the way text is written we can figure out a lot about What the author wanted us to feel or understand from the text Student Assessment: -Give students a word on the smart board with a five minute timer to typeface the phrase in their writing notebook

5 minute assessment

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