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Rebecca Williams Due 9/26/11 CI 406 C5 Classroom Procedures Assignment Classroom Rules: 1.

Follow directions the first time they are given. 2. Raise your hand and wait to be called on to speak. 3. Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. 4. Eyes front and mouths shut when the teacher is talking. 5. Show respect for the teacher, other students and the classroom at all times.

Consequences for behavioral choices made: I plan to create a card system for students to use. Unlike traditional card systems where students can only move down all day, I will have students start on the middle green card every day. If they are on task or I catch them being good, they will advance their card to blue, then purple if they do something really great. But any off-task, disrespectful, or disruptive behavior will cause a change in the negative direction. Prior to any downward card change will be one warning to correct the behavior. The first move will be to yellow, then red for a worse offense. Students will be in charge of recording any color changes on their behavior log, located in a binder next to the card system. They may move up or down all day, but any

student on red or purple will get a note home in their assignment book/communication log. Added bonus: If every student gets to purple on the same day, the whole class will get an extra ten minute recess or free time, depending on the weather.

Procedures: -Transitioning Anytime we go in the hallway, students know that voices are off, arms are crossed (to prevent touching anything), and there is no touching the walls or others. The expectations are very high as to not disrupt the learning environments around us. In class between subjects, students should transition quickly and quietly to the next activity. They should be flexible and ready to listen for further instructions.

-Entering the Classroom Students will know to enter quietly and say Good morning to the teacher. They will first put their take home folder and assignment books on their desk open to the parent signature. Then students will turn in any homework to the appropriate place for the subject. After putting their backpacks and lunches away, students will return to their desks and either begin the tasks written on the board or read silently before the day starts.

-Dismissal Before the end of the day, students will empty out their mailboxes and put papers in their take-home folder. Students will write down all assignments from the board into their assignment book. Students will have assigned jobs each week, and two are them are active at the end of the day. The chair stacker should stack chairs four high, and the sweeper should use the dust pan to get big messes, pencils, and paper off the floor. All students should take everything home at the end of the day. We will follow school procedures on how to exit school as either car riders, bus riders, or walkers.

-Using the Bathroom Every classroom that Ive both been in and taught in has had an individual bathroom. Procedures for using that have varied, but I like best what I see in my current placement. When a student needs to use the restroom, they raise their hand with their fist making a sign language t. Its a great way to know exactly what the student wants quickly and efficiently. The non-verbal action also eliminates the extra talking. For a class without a bathroom, full-class bathroom trips would be necessary. Lining up students in two lines, one boys and one girls, would help. Since I cannot monitor the boys, bathroom monitors could be a great success. Designating one boy and one girl to be in charge of watching for behavior and hand washing would help the whole process be quicker and get us back to class sooner.

-What to do when students finish their work early The go-to task once a student has finished all their work is to read silently. They could also use extra time wisely to finish other homework that was assigned that day. Students can also complete the to-do list that was already on the board that morning.

-Fire Drills or Weather Alerts Follow safety procedures of the school. Students will be familiar with both plans and where to go. They must follow hallway expectations, especially being silent and walking in a line. Hopefully, students will understand the purpose of these plans and practicing them will help ease the confusion and fear that the loud noises can cause.

-Participating in Class Students should always be actively listening. Focus should be on the lesson or activity. When asked a question, students should be able to show their understanding and answer, within reason. Everyone should be engaged in the lesson and be willing/able to participate.

-Turning in Homework I will have designated trays for certain subjects. Students will know what goes where, and they will be labeled.

-Reporting an Issue with a student Students should be problem solvers and try to dissolve issues on their own. If it really needs to be handled by the

teacher, students can calmly explain what happened. Issues will be resolved quickly and respectfully.

-Asking Questions Students should always raise their hands! Questions are always welcome, but of course some times are inappropriate. A helpful question to remind constant/excessive hand-raisers is Can you problem solve and find the answer yourself?

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