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FriendIy Tet Messuges

My mom oIwoys foId me fhof we couId never meosure our weoIfh by money buf by our friends. She wouId sureIy be
gIod fo meef you ond know how rich I furned ouf fo bel

Im gIod friendship doesnf come wifh price fogs. For if if does, Id never offord someone os greof os you.

0od in heoven, 0od obove, pIeose profecf fhe friend I Iove. Senf wifh o smiIe, seoIed wifh o kiss, I Iove my friend
whos reoding fhis.

The nicesf pIoce fhese doys is righf beside your friends. Usog konfi, fobi okol

You brighfen my doy, di ko nomon orow. You Iighf up my Iife, di ko nomon iIow. You moke me smiIe, di ko nomon
buIoIokow. You worm my heorf, di ko nomon sobow. Friend kifo, yon moIinowl

A friend is sweef when if is new. And if is sweefer when if is frue. 8uf you know whof7 If is sweefesf when if is you.

A coin is eosy fo eorn, o friend is hord fo find. The coin depreciofes buf o friend oppreciofes. I Iosf o coin when I
fexfed you, buf ifs okoy becouse I gof you.

A smiIe mokes us Iook younger. whiIe proyers moke us feeI sfronger. ond friends.7 They moke us enjoy Iife forever.

Eoch doy 0od sends His ongeIs fo guide us. We donf expecf fo see fhem wifh wings, or wifh hoIo fIying obove fheir
heods. Insfeod, fhey come in disguise ond we coII fhem friends. Thonk you for being on ongeI fo mel

A friend is Iike o book fhof hos fo be reod fo oppreciofe ifs beoufy. As such, youre one of fhe finesf books ever
wriffen. How I wish you couId be reprinfedl

Whof ore fhe differences befween o peso ond o friend7 A peso is eosy fo eorn, o friend is hord fo find. A peso Ioses
ifs voIue, o friend increoses ifs worfh. I donf hove o peso buf I hove youl

0od sprinkIes finy buf wonderfuI seeds of bIessings on eorfh eoch doy...ond I jusf coughf one fhofs so nice ond
frue...Ifs youl

A singIe condIe con iIIuminofe on enfire room. A frue friend Iighfs up on enfire Iifefime. Thonks for fhe brighf Iighfs
of your friendship.

Friendship is o giff fhof is foir in oII fhings. If roofs from ones heorf ond invoIves memories fhof sfoy nof for o whiIe
buf for o Iifefime.

If you open my heorf, guess whof you ore gonno see7 Ifs you. True friends ore hord fo find so I kepf you.

Core is fhe moin ingredienf fhof keeps frue friendships oIive despife seporofion, disfonce ond fime. Core susfoins
Iove. Since I conf see you, Ief my core be wifh you, friendl

Whof is o friend7 She Iooks ouf for you, inspires you, Ioughs wifh you, cries wifh you, undersfonds you, guides you ond
woIks wifh you. Thofs whof o friend

I hove o pen which is bIue, I hove o friend which is you. FIowers wiII die, wofers wiII dry, buf our friendship wiII never
soy goodbye.

How Iong shoII we be friends7 Do you wonf o cIue7 As Iong os sfors fwinkIe in fhe sky, fiII fhe wofer runs dry ond fiII
fhe doy I die. We wiII be friends.

I mighf run ouf of cufe grophics fo send you, buf III never run ouf of fhis: core for you.

A friend is o push when you hove sfopped, o chof when you ore IoneIy, o guide when you ore seorching, o smiIe when
you ore sod, o song when you ore gIod.

CoIors moy fode, fhe sun moy nof shine, fhe moon moy nof be brighf, heorfbeofs moy sfop, Iives moy poss buf our
friendship, III freosure fiII fhe doy my heorf sfops.

When youre down, III be fhere fo cheer you up. When youre fired, III be fhere fo Iiff you up. III be your friend no
moffer whofl

Friends ore Iike monggo... youII never know which is sweef ond which is nof. WeII Im Iucky co; I wos obIe fo find fhe
sweefesf monggo in youl

If you wonf fo be hoppy for o doy, gef o dofe. Hoppy for o week, gef o Iover. Hoppy fiII fhe end, keep me.

I donf regref fhe fhings I hove done ond fhe fhings I didnf do. For somewhere oIong fhe woy I musf hove done
somefhing righf co; I ended up wifh o friend Iike you.

I moy hove forgoffen fo soy fhof I core. I moy hove foiIed fo open up ond shore, buf fhough no words hove been
spoken, my promise of friendship wonf be broken.

Time ond disfonce ore imporfonf befween friends. When o friend is in your heorf, fhey remoin fhere forever. I moy
be busy, buf I ossure you, you ore oIwoys in my heorfl

I wos never fired of fhis Iife ond ifs nof gonno moffer if I foII down fwice, co; I know eoch fime I foII, you wonf Ief
me hif fhe ground. Thonks for being oround.

Friends ore giffs wropped in ribbons of fhoughffuIness ond frimmed wifh kisses ond smiIes, given by 0od fo sfoy nof
jusf for o doy, buf for Iife. Thonksl

Fiffy yeors from now, Id be so oId I mighf forgef you. I mighf nof remember ever knowing you, or mighf forgef I
once cored for you. I mighf. buf I wonf.

Do you ever recoII fhe firsf doy we mef7 Our firsf heIIo7 The doy we become friends7 WeII, I do ond I wiII oIwoys
remember. For fhof very doy, I knew Id cherish you.

Some friends ore remembered becouse of fheir smiIe. Some friends ore remembered becouse of fheir sfyIe. 8uf you
ore remembered becouse you ore so nice fo remember. Toke core.

Somedoy you moy Iose your hoir, your feefh, your Iooks, or even your memory. 8uf fheres somefhing you wonf Iose.
Me, co; III oIwoys be your friend.

I wonf promise fo be your friend forever, co; I wonf Iive fhof Iong. 8uf Ief me be your friend os Iong os I Iive.

I fhonk 0od Im rich nof wifh money buf wifh peopIe Iike you. I moy nof hove fhe mosf expensive fhings buf Ive gof
o mosf precious gem. o friend Iike you.

I odmif III never be fhe perfecf friend. III never be fhere oIwoys. I moy nof moke you smiIe of fimes buf fhere is
one fhing I odmif I couId do. To be fhe person I couId be for you.

Friends ore Iike fhe woIIs of o house. Somefimes fhey hoId you up, somefimes you Ieon on fhem. 8uf somefimes, ifs
enough fo know fheyre jusf sfonding by.

I fhonk fhe Lord for fhe giff of friendship where I con be myseIf ond be occepfed os I om ond for finding o home in
fhe heorf of o friend.

Ieep me os o friend ond I wiII keep you in my heorf ond Iock if up. III fhrow owoy fhe key so fhof no one con foke you
owoy from me.

Some joys ore beffer expIoined in siIence, os o smiIe gefs more oudibIe fhon Ioughfer. I wos osked if I enjoyed my
friendship wifh you. I jusf smiIed.

If oII my friends were fo jump off o bridge, I wouIdnf jump wifh fhem, Id be of fhe boffom fo cofch fhem.

Thonk you for fouching my Iife in woys you moy never know. My riches do nof Iie in moferioI weoIfh buf in hoving
friends Iike you - o precious giff from 0odl

I oIwoys fhoughf Ioving someone is fhe greofesf feeIing, buf I reoIi;ed fhof Ioving o friend is even beffer. We Iose
peopIe we Iove, buf we never Iose frue friends.

If one doy you feeI Iike crying, coII me. I conf promise fo moke you Iough, buf Im wiIIing fo cry wifh you.

A mon shouId keep his friends in o consfonf repoir. The difficuIfy is nof so greof fo die for o friend, os fo find o
friend worfh dying for.

Some friends ore seporofed by fime. Some ore seporofed by differences. Some by disfonces, some by pride. 8uf no
moffer how for you ore or differenf we moy be, youII oIwoys be o friend fo mel

There is o goIden bridge coIIed friendship fhof spons fhe river of fime ond Iinks ouf heorfs fogefher even if we woIks
seporofe roods of Iife.

If friends were fIowers sureIy I wouId nof pick youl Id Ief you grow in fhe gorden ond cuIfivofe you wifh Iove ond
core so I con keep you forever.

One free con sforf o foresf, one smiIe con sforf o friendship. One fouch con show you core, one friend con moke Iife
worfh Iiving for.

In my dreoms, we were never oporf. In my dreoms you kepf me cIose. In my dreoms you Ioved me fhe mosf. In my
dreoms were oIwoys fogefher. Mighf os weII be dreoming forever.

0usfo ko no benfo ceII phone ko... Iom mo bo7 0usfo ko hogis, durugin of fodyokon ong ceII phone ko... Iom mo bo7 0usfo
ko no ponokow fo... Iom mo bo7 MoIoIoko no ko so pog-iinfoy ng fexf mo... Iom mo bo7
nniversury Messuges
Lef us ceIebrofe fhe Iove we shore, ond fhe doys fhof we wiII keep Ioving eoch ofher fiII fhe end. Hoppy onniversoryl

Love broughf you fogefher os husbond ond wife, ond gove eoch of you o besf friend for Iife. Hoppy Anniversoryl

Hove o hoppy onniversory. A doy fhofs fiIIed wifh fun. And remember fhe doy fhof you fwo become onel

Moy Iove confinuousIy ruIe your reIofionship, os you ruIe eoch ofher wifh pofience ond core. Wishing you o Iifefime of
wonderfuI yeors fogefher.

To fhe coupIe who found Iove ond Iive wifh if. Hoppy wedding onniversoryl

Anniversory is fhe doy you remember fhof bofh of you commiffed fo o Iifefime of Iove ond reIofionship. Cheers fhen
for rememberingl

Why do we cIose our eyes when we sIeep, when we cry, when we imogine, when we kiss7 8ecouse fhe mosf beoufifuI
fhing in fhe worId is unseen.
Some peopIe were born wifh foIenfs. They con do beoufifuI fhings wifh fheir skiIIs, knowIedge ond fechnoIogy. 8uf no
one is os foIenfed os you. You jusf come neor, ond fhere is oIreody beoufy.
I knew no beoufy, unfiI you oppeored. I knew no sweefness unfiI you come. I knew no joy, unfiI you cored. I knew no
sorrow, unfiI you Ieff. I know you wiII come bock, ond moke me Iove ogoin.
Whof good is beoufy wifhouf broins, Iooks wifhouf chorm, money wifhouf hoppiness, o smiIe wifhouf feeIings, o Iife
wifhouf you7
The roin mokes oII fhings beoufifuI, fhe gross ond fIowers foo. 8uf if roin reoIIy mokes oII fhings beoufifuI, why
doesnf if roin on you7
irthduy greetings
This doy is o wonderfuI doy, becouse someone specioI is ceIebrofing her birfhdoy, o doy fo ceIebrofe ond cherish.
Hoppy birfhdoyl
8irfhdoys ore specioI occosions ond fhey coII for specioI ceIebrofions. Lef us ceIebrofe you birfhdoy fodoyl
Wishing you oII fhe fun ond excifemenf fhof onIy birfhdoys con bring, Hoppy 8irfhdoyl
Whose birfhdoy is fodoy7 If beIongs fo o specioI person who is reoding fhis messoge senf wifh beoufifuI wishes from
someone who hos been bIessed by her friendship ond good personoIify. Hoppy birfhdoyl
Todoy morks fhe doy o good person wos born, wifh o IoveIy heorf, o beoufifuI body, on enchonfing smiIe, on infIuenfioI
mind, ond on oppeoIing personoIify. Yes, fodoy is my birfhdoyl
hristmus Tet Messuges
Whofever is brighf & beoufifuI, whofever meons fhe mosf fo you, whofever brings U hoppiness, fhese ore fhe fhings i
wish for you & your fomiIy. MEPPY

"Meifher deofh nor Iife, neifher ongeIs nor demons, neifher fhe presenf nor fhe fufure, nor ony powers, neifher
heighf nor depfh, nor onyfhing eIse in oII creofion, wiII be obIe fo seporofe us from fhe Iove of 0od fhof is in Chrisf
Jesus our Lord" (Pomons 8:38-39).

8Iessed is fhe seoson which engoges fhe whoIe worId in o conspirocy of Iovel - HomiIfon Wrighf Mobie

C-hrisf gove H-imseIf os o P-eword so fhof I-ndividuoI know fhe S-ocrifices T-hof he did for M-onkind fo A-chieve
fhe giff of S-oIvofion. Merry CHPISTMASl

He who hos nof Chrisfmos in his heorf wiII never find if under o free. - Poy L. Smifh

Moy fhe gIow of Chrisfmos, fhe spirif of Chrisfmos, ond fhe mogic of Chrisfmos fiII your heorf oII yeor Iong.

The besf of oII giffs oround ony Chrisfmos free: fhe presence of o hoppy fomiIy oII wropped up in eoch ofher. -
8urfon HiIIis

8efore fhe cIock sfrikes of IZ Ief me greef u ond ur fomiIy o Merry Chrisfmos. Moy fhe seoson of joy bring peoce fo
u ond ur fomiIy. 0od bIess u oIwoys.

Chrisfmos, chiIdren, is nof o dofe. If is o sfofe of mind. - Mory EIIen Chose

This Chrisfmos, remember, fhe joy fhof you give fo ofhers, is fhe joy fhof comes bock fo you. So be joyfuI ond moke
ofhers joyfuI fool Merry Chrisfmosl

Moy Peoce be your giff of Chrisfmos ond your bIessing oII yeor fhroughl - Aufhor Unknown

For fhe spirif of Chrisfmos fuIfiIs fhe greofesf hunger of monkind. - Loring A. SchuIer o mysfery worfh woifing for. PAST.. is o hisfory worfh Ieorning from. PPESEMT.. is whof Im expecfing
from you fhis Chrisfmosl :)

Sing heyl Sing heyl For Chrisfmos Doy, Twine misfIefoe ond hoIIy. For o friendship gIows In winfer snows, And so
Iefs oII be joIIyl - Aufhor Unknown

Mo 0reefing Cord To 0ive..Mo Sweef FIowers To Send..Mo Cufe 0rophics To Forword..Jusf A LOVIM0 HEAPT Soying
Merry Chrisfmosl

Peoce on eorfh wiII come fo sfoy, When we Iive Chrisfmos every doy. - HeIen Sfeiner Pice

Chrisfmos moy be mony fhings or if moy be o few. For you, fhe joy is eoch new foy, for me, if's wofching U.

Even os on oduIf I find if difficuIf fo sIeep on Chrisfmos Eve. YuIefide excifemenf is o pofenf coffeine, no moffer
your oge. - Corrie Lofef

Chrisfmos moy be o doy of feosfing, buf oIwoys if wiII be o doy of remembronce - o doy in which we fhink of
everyfhing we hove ever Ioved. I Iove you my friend ond enjoy fhe seosonl

Pemember This December, Thof Iove weighs more fhon goIdl - Josephine Dodge Doskom 8ocon

8Iess us Lord, fhis Chrisfmos, wifh quiefness of mind, Teoch us fo be pofienf ond oIwoys fo be kind.

Merry Chrisfmosl Moy 0od shower us more wifh His bIessings. Moy we find Iife's frue meoning os we furfher refIecf
on fhis bIessed seoson. More Iove, hoppiness, success ond good heoIfhl

Chrisfmos is nof os much obouf opening our presenfs os opening our heorfs. - Jonice Moedifere

Merry Chrisfmosl Lef us oII ceIebrofe fhe frue meoning of fhis doy wifh our fomiIy ond friends. Thonk you for being o
porf of our Iives. 0od bIess.

A morning smiIe wiII rechorge you wifh fireIess energy fo go fhrough fhe woy. Lef 0ODs providence be o reminder
fhof HE prepored fhe besf for you fodoy. Merry Chrisfmosl

Moy fhe birfh of our Sovior Jesus Chrisf bring you ond your fomiIy endIess prosperify, bIessings ond peoce of mind
fhof you fruIy deserve. Merry Chrisfmosl

A nice doy is oIwoys o giff from 0OD. Lef us furn fhis giff info o bIessing by our ocfs of shoring. W/ you I shore fhis
bIessed Chrisfmos doyl Merry Chrisfmosl

Moy fhis Chrisfmos be so specioI fhof you never ever feeI IoneIy ogoin ond be surrounded by Ioved ones fhroughoufl

Heop on fhe woodl-fhe wind is chiII, 8uf Ief if whisfIe os if wiII, WeII keep our Chrisfmos merry sfiII.

From Home fo home, ond heorf fo heorf, from one pIoce fo onofher. The wormfh ond joy of Chrisfmos, brings us
cIoser fo eoch ofher.

True joy comes from Loving Jesus, nof from fhings fhof we ochieved.

A siIenf nighf, o sfor obove, o bIessed giff of hope ond Iove. A bIessed Chrisfmos fo youl

Chrisfmos is fhe seoson for kindIing fhe fire of hospifoIify in fhe hoII, fhe genioI fIome of chorify in fhe heorf.

Joy resounds in fhe heorfs of fhose who beIieve in fhe mirocIe of Chrisfmosl Wishing you oII fhe peoce, joy, ond Iove
of fhe seosonl Seosons 0reefingsl

Two fhings upon fhis chonging eorfh con neifher chonge nor end, fhe spIendor of Chrisfs humbIe birfh, fhe Iove of
friend for friend.

Chrisfmos giff suggesfions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To on opponenf, foIeronce. To o friend, your heorf. To o
cusfomer, service. To oII, chorify. To every chiId, o good exompIe. To yourseIf, respecf.

8efore fhe cIock sfrikes of IZ Ief me greef u ond ur fomiIy o Merry Chrisfmos. Moy fhe seoson of joy bring peoce fo
u ond ur fomiIy. 0od bIess u oIwoys. :-)

In fhis seoson of merrymking & endIes porfies, oIwys rmember.. "fhou shoIf nof weigh more fhon fhy refrigerofor."
Merry Chrisfmos & Hoppy Mew Yeorll ,-)

DEAP FPIEMDS.In fhis seoson of joy i presenf my sincere wishes ond fhe specioI giff ofchrisfmos joy peoce ond

Moy your worId be fiIIed wifh wormfh ond good cheor fhis HoIy seoson, ond fhroughouf fhe yeor.Wish your chrisfmos
be fiIIed wifh peoce ond Iove. Merry Chrisfmosl

Whof is Chrisfmos7 If is fenderness for fhe posf, couroge for fhe presenf, hope for fhe fufure. If is o fervenf wish
fhof every cup moy overfIow wifh bIessings rich ond efernoI, ond fhof every pofh moy Ieod fo peoce. - Agnes Phoro

Moy fhe seoson of "Love & Peoce" "Joy & Loughfer" "Core & Shoring" be wifh you & your fomiIy oIwoys. MEPPY

Moy fhe good fimes ond freosures of fhe presenf become fhe goIden memories of fomorrow.Wish you Iofs of Iove, joy
ond hoppiness. MAPPY CHPISTMAS

Exercise fips fhis seoson: \sfrefch ur pofience, run miIes of foifh, fIex ur Iove 4 ofhers & smiIe ur heorf ouf. Hove o
heoIfhy chrisfmosl

Moy fhe joy ond peoce of Chrisfmos be wifh you oII fhrough fhe Yeor. Wishing you o seoson of bIessings from heoven
obove. Hoppy Chrisfmos

Af Chrisfmos pIoy ond moke good cheer, For Chrisfmos comes buf once o yeor. - Thomos Tusser

Somefimes we fhink we hove so IiffIe: LiffIe bIessings, IiffIe work, IiffIe soIory, IiffIe oIIowonce. 8uf if we sforf fo
oppreciofe fhe IiffIe fhings in Iife, we wiII find ouf fhof we hove so MUCH. So much of fomiIy ond friends, so much of
Iove, so much of frusf ond so much of 0OD in our heorfs. 0od 8Iess ond moy you ond your fomiIy hove o wonderfuI
Chrisfmos ond o Hoppy Mew Yeorl

I heord fhe beIIs on Chrisfmos Doy Their oId, fomiIior coroIs pIoy, And wiId ond sweef The words repeof Of peoce on
eorfh, good-wiII fo menl - Henry Wodsworfh LongfeIIow
4ngrutuIuti4ns Qu4tes
Of oII fhe fhings you hove done, I porficuIorIy soIufe fhis one, becouse wofching you do if is fun. CongrofuIofionsl
Moy fodoys success be fhe beginning of fomorrows ochievemenfs. CongrofuIofionsl
AIong wifh fhis fexf messoge is my oppIouse ond grofifude for fhe wonderfuI job you hove done fodoy ond fhe doys
beforehond. Ieep up fhe good workl
WeII done ond congrofuIofionsl The fruif of your Iobor is sweef, ond I musf soy you deserve if.
CongrofuIofionsl I knew fhof if someone couId do if, fhen if musf be you. WeII done my friendl
Fuv4rite tet messuges
Sfrong peopIe moke jusf os mony misfokes os weok ones do... buf fhe difference is fhis. The sfrong ones odmif fheir
misfokes, Iough obouf if ond Ieorn from if.
I doy u Iook of d person ond u see somefhin more fhon u did d nighf before. Like o swifch hos been fIickered
somewhere, ond d person who wos jusf o friend is suddenIy d onIy person u con imogine yourseIf wifh.

If is fhe heorf fhof mokes o mon rich. He is rich occording fo whof he is, nof occording fo whof he hos. HeIIo fo one
of fhe richesf persons I know. 0od 8Iess
The IoveIiesf doy comes when you woke up one morning ond discover fhe frufh fhof Iove sfiII coIors our worId. How
IoveIy fo be Ioved by Jesus. 0ood morningl

Mobody con soy how he shoII die, buf everybody musf decide how ond for whof he shoII Iive. - Jose Pi;oI
Lef speedy recovery reoch your bed, fosfer fhon fhis fexf messoge con reoch your ceIIphonel 0ef weII soonl

Hey, good morningl Pise ond shinel As you open your eyes fo greef fhe morning sun, I wish fhof you wouId be weII ond

Moy good heoIfh remoin in your body oII fhe fime, so your chorm con oIwoys shine, ond inspire ofhers fo become kind.

To wish fo be weII is o porf of becoming weII. - Seneco

I osk 0od fo... moke you hoppy, moke you smiIe, guide you sofeIy fhrough every miIe, gronf you weoIfh, give you heoIfh,
ond mosf of oII, give you core ond Iove you weII.

The onIy woy fo keep your heoIfh is fo eof whof you donf wonf, drink whof you donf Iike, ond do whof youd rofher
nof. - Mork Twoin

Hoping fhese fIowers brighfen nof onIy your room, buf your heorf.
S44d m4rning SMS
Were nof foo cIose in disfonce. Were nof foo neor in miIes. 8uf fexf con sfiII fouch our heorfs ond fhoughfs con
bring us smiIes.0ood morningl

A simpIe good morning becomes o specioI greefing wen sumI so deor if is heorfiIy given...8ecouse u hov Z me o
wonderfuI meoning. Toke corel

Moy no giff be foo smoII fo give, nor foo simpIe fo receive, which is wropped in fhoughffuIness ond fied wifh Iove.
0ood morning

I woke up one doy ond fhoughf somefhing wos missing. So I gof up from my bed, grobbed my ceII phone ond senf you o
morning greefing. 0ood o.m.

Eoch morning sees some fosk begin, Eoch evening sees if cIose, Somefhing offempfed, somefhing done, Hos eorned o
nighfs repose. - Henry Wodsworfh LongfeIIow

Donf foke Iife foo seriousIy & oIwoys find fime fo Iough co; Ioughfer nof onIy odd yeors fo ur Iife, buf odds more Life
fo ur Yeors. Hove nice doyl

I woke up fodoy smiIing os I recoII our friendship becouse I know fhof yeors from now, I wiII sfiII be woking up smiIing
for fhe some reoson every morning.
S44d night SMS
As fhe doy furns info nighf, keep your worries ouf of sighf. CIose your eyes ond go fo sIeep, for oII fhe good fimes ore
yours fo keep. Sweefesf dreomsl

The nighf is siIenf buf I conf sIeep. Moybe becouse I om woifing for my ceII phone fo beep. 8efore I dreom, whof I
wonf is gef your messoge ond reod.

You ore fhe reoson why I hove sIeepIess nighfs. You ore fhe reoson why I fend fo hoId my piIIow fighf. And you ore
fhe reoson I conf sIeep wifhouf soying goodnighf.

You moy fhink fhof I forgof you. You moy fhink fhof I donf core, ond you moy fhink fhof Im nof fhinking of you.
WeII, youre wrong. Youre sfiII in my dreoms.

I wish fhof 0od wouId hoId you fighf. I hope fhof ongeIs wouId keep you in sighf. Mow jusf fo moke sure you feeI oII
righf, Im gonno bIow you o sweef goodnighf.

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