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The 17th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’06)


Thomas Deckert and Gerhard Fettweis
Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems
Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden

A BSTRACT by the German research project WIGWAM studying a 1 Gbit/s

air interface [4].
For a specific high-throughput wireless local area network sys-
In the next section we summarize the features of WLAN traf-
tem based on OFDM we study the sum rate of multiple access
fic and derive two rate constraints that will be important to our
with time multiplexing or superimposed transmission (TDMA,
analysis. We state in general terms the sum rate maximization
SUP). In allocating resources we consider a minimum gran-
to be solved for each multi-access scheme. In Section III. we
ularity, i. e., size of the smallest unit that a user can be al-
describe the physical layer. Then we carry out the sum rate
lotted. We further assume packet switched traffic with most
maximization for TDMA in Section IV. and for SUP in Sec-
traffic carried by only a few large packets and relatively little
tion V.. We summarize in Section VI. and argue that SUP out-
data carried by a large number of small packets. We show and
performs TDMA in our application.
quantify that given the granularity and traffic constraints the
sum rate may be drastically reduced compared to the uncon-
strained case. This happens whenever mapping (small) packets
to resource units (OFDM symbols) incurs matching losses. As We consider a WLAN where data flows in packets. For
these losses are highest in TDMA, it suffers most. Moreover, such systems it is known from a multitude of measurements,
we show that allowing more users to be active helps to maintain e. g., [7–9], that the traffic is carried by packets of very dis-
a high throughput in SUP only. parate size. Roughly, the packet size distribution can be re-
Our analysis and results apply to scenarios with the de- garded as bi- or tri-modal, i. e., there are only two to three
scribed features where the transmitters know the average chan- typical packet sizes. Also, while the bulk data is carried by
nel statistics, the receiver has perfect channel state information large packets they are few in number compared to much smaller
and the total received power is the same in all schemes. packets which are due to control signaling (e. g., acknowledg-
ments) and low-rate user traffic.
I. I NTRODUCTION We base this work on a slightly simplified packet size distri-
bution with two traffic classes – one to model a stream of large
We consider the multiple access scenario, i. e., multiple users
packets of high rate transmissions that we call the H class, the
want to transmit messages to one common receiver. Many re-
other corresponding to low rate traffic in small packets – the
searchers have considered the capacity of the multiple-access
L class. Now we can characterize the traffic by two typical
scenario (see [1, 5] and references therein). In this work we fo-
packet sizes, SH and SL , and corresponding typical rates, RH
cus on the sum rate for TDMA and for superimposing several
and RL . If ηH , ηL give the fraction of packets in the H and L
user transmissions (SUP) if constraints on the rates (in aver-
class then RH = ηH SH /(T B) and RL = ηL SL /(T B). Here,
age and maximum sense) apply. Superimposing transmissions
T is the total observation time and B is the available band-
is similar to CDMA in that each user uses all the band all the
width. (In a slight misuse of terms by “rate” we mean “spectral
time but without explicitly requiring the spreading operation.
efficiency”, i. e., data rates averaged over T and B measured in
An analogous investigation for the third basic multiple access
bits per complex dimension.) Thus, for the typical ratio of L
technique, (O)FDMA, will be presented elsewhere. The rate
rate to H rate, ρ, we obtain
comparison between OFDMA and TDMA is similar to that of
SUP and TDMA although different effects are at work. RL ηL SL
The rate constraints are motivated by the packet size distri- ρ= = . (1)
bution of the traffic typically carried by the system. For the
multi-antenna case with channel knowledge at the transmitters Inspired by the above cited measurements we consider L pack-
this is the topic of a smart queuing theoretic approach in [2]. ets of size 50 bytes and H packets of size 1500 bytes and ρ to
In this paper we consider the single-antenna case where the be in the 0.1 . . . 0.3 range typically.
transmitters know the channel statistics only. Moreover, we We aim to analyze what effect the parameters ρ, SL and SH
deal with the minimum resource granularity inherent in each have on the overall throughput of the system. In particular,
system, i. e., the minimum amount of data that can be trans- we are interested in how to best exploit the rates offered by
mitted in one transmit opportunity. We consider a particular the physical layer while mapping the traffic to it. The result
wireless local area network (WLAN) system based on orthog- strongly depends on the physical layer itself and on the multi-
onal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) being developed ple access scheme. Thus, we consider a specific OFDM-based

The 17th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’06)

physical layer as described in [4] that is designed to deliver Both multiple access schemes are considered ideal, i. e.,
high throughput by providing high spectral efficiency. there are no guard intervals or guard sub-carriers necessary,
Currently, in OFDM-based WLANs packets are time- and we assume symbol and frequency synchronous reception
multiplexed though typically via random access methods. For of all users. U users share an available bandwidth B and a
the system laid out in [4] a user with favorable channel condi- transmission (frame) duration T . In TDMA the entire band-
tions may be able to transmit several hundred bytes in a single width is used exclusively by user u ∈ U = {1, . . . , U } for a
OFDM symbol. But as stated before, lots of packets are con- duration µu T , 0 ≤ µu ≤ 1, u µu = 1. In SUP each user is
siderably smaller than that. With stringent latency constraints allocated all of the bandwidth during all of the time where we
a user cannot wait for additional packets in order to aggregate do not require explicitly the usual spreading operation. As we
them. This is especially a concern in an uplink scenario. Then, consider discrete time and frequency, T corresponds to N tem-
the user is not able to exploit the rate offered by the physical poral samples and B to M sub-carriers. The system performs
layer. This motivates the introduction of a maximum requested power control such that the total energy received during time T
rate for a class. We define it to be the rate (more exactly: spec- is constrained. This makes the schemes use the same amount
tral efficiency) that is necessary to transmit a single packet in of resources (duration, bandwidth, energy).
exactly one OFDM symbol, i. e., The transmitters send sequences of symbols from a zero-
mean complex Gaussian alphabet corresponding to code
r̂L = , r̂H = , (2) words. All sequences of a transmitter are equally likely. In line
M M with [4] a sequence is mapped to all of the user’s sub-carriers
where M denotes the number of sub-carriers and r̂L , r̂H rather than to a single sub-carrier. The transmitters do not know
are measured in bits per sub-carrier channel use (abbreviated the instantaneous channel state. Hence they fix their rate and
“bits/dim”). power for the entire transmission.
Summarizing, our objective is to determine what multiple We assume that all users are subject to stringent delay re-
access scheme, TDMA or SUP, has higher throughput in our quirements and thus encounter slow fading; a scenario typi-
system scenario. We define as the throughput the maximum cal of indoor applications like WLANs. Hence, we model the
sum rate, RS , given that the total system energy is constrained channel as being constant during the transmission of one code
and rate restrictions apply. Thus, for each scheme we need to word (block fading). The channel may be frequency selective
solve the optimization problem but we assume frequency-flat fading on each sub-carrier.
The receiver performs optimum maximum likelihood se-
 quence detection on the received signal
RS = max Ru (Θ), (3)
y(n, m) = hu (m)xu (n, m) + v(n, m), (4)
where Ru denotes the rate of user u averaged over T and B u=1
and the optimization is over the vector parameter Θ. Varying
where xu (n, m) is the symbol sent by user u at time n and
Θ is subject to the following constraints:
sub-carrier m, hu (m) is the corresponding channel coefficient
(i) Constant system energy. Equivalently, the signal-to-noise with E[|hu (m)|2 ] = 1 and v(n, m) denotes the complex white
ratios (SNRs) of the users averaged over T and B sum up Gaussian receiver noise. In TDMA for every (n, m) only one
to a constant γS . We call γS the system SNR. of the xu (n, m) is nonzero, and single-user detection suffices.
In SUP joint maximum likelihood decoding (JD) of the {xu }
(ii) Constant typical rate ratio. We aim to guarantee a fixed is optimal but often too complex. Thus we look at successive
ratio of rates for the L and H traffic classes at all times. We decoding with interference cancellation (SIC). The user signals
map these classes to at least one “logical” user per class. are decoded one-by-one with subsequent decoding steps oper-
For the sum rates of L users, RL , and H users, RH , we ating on the received signal with the interference by all preced-
require RL (Θ) = ρRH (Θ). ing users canceled out.
(iii) Maximum requested rates. Corresponding to their typical
packet sizes the L and H users can efficiently exploit an
offered rate only if it is at most equal to the maximum re- In this section we adapt (i)-(iii) to obtain the sum rate perfor-
quested rate, r̂L and r̂H , respectively. Allocating a larger mance of TDMA. We will use this as reference for our discus-
rate to a user would not increase the effective throughput sion of SUP in Section V..
as it just wastes resources (time, bandwidth or energy). In our case it suffices to consider multiplexing U = 2 users
only. This is because
In Sections IV., V. we recast the problem with respect to
TDMA and SUP. • we have two traffic classes that determine the requested
rates (as rate ratio ρ and maximum values r̂L , r̂H ) and
• the users know the average channel statistics only and are
We now introduce the setup of our multiple access system and power controlled such that multi-user diversity cannot be
the channel model. exploited as in [6].
The 17th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’06)

Thus, the active users of the same traffic class are indistinguish- 6

Effective throughput RS / bits/dim

able and are collectively considered as a “logical” user repre- SUP
senting that class. We denote the user corresponding to the L 5
class by index L and the H class user by index H. U =2
4 U =3
To maximize the sum rate we can adapt the user powers and r̂L → ∞
the duration for which the users are active. With the user SNRs r̂L = 0.67
γL and γH as well as µH = 1 − µL we take the optimization
parameter to be Θ = [γL , γH , µL ]. The energy constraint (i) 2
µL γL + (1 − µL )γH ≤ γS . (5) 1

The average user rates, needed in (3) and (ii), depend on 0

0 5 10 15 20 25
the SNR and relative duration of the user, i. e., RL (Θ) = System SNR γS
RL (γL , µL ), RH (Θ) = RH (γH , 1 − µL ), as
Figure 1: Throughput for varying γS and 1 or 2 L users.
R(γ, µ) = µf (γ, p). (6) RL /RH = 0.2.

Here, f (γ, p) is the maximum rate a single user can achieve For too large γS constraint (9) becomes active. As r̂L < r̂H
with SNR γ during its active time µT . Furthermore, p is the the L user will be restricted first. In this case the power granted
outage probability, i. e., with probability p the user faces a to the L user can be reduced such that its instantaneous rate
channel that does not support the fixed rate f (γ, p) of the user. equals r̂L , and thus γL < γS is fixed with f (γL , p) = r̂L .
More formally, we may write As long as the H user is not restricted itself it may use more
f (γ, p) = arg max {Pr (C(γκ) < r) < p} , (7) power such that γH = (γS − µL γL )/(1 − µL ) > γS . Now the
r maximization of RS depends on µL only and reduces to
where the instantaneous capacity of a single link conditioned 1
RS = max 1+ µL r̂L (10)
on a particular channel state is [3] µL ρ
M γS − µL γL
1  s.t. µL r̂L = ρ (1 − µL ) f ,p .
C(γκ) = log (1 + κ(m)γ) . (8) 1 − µL
M m=1 2
Note that RS according to (10) is based on unequal user SNRs
In (7), (8) κ denotes the M -dimensional channel power vector which is suboptimal for maximizing RS given system SNR γS .
given by κ(m) = |h(m)|2 . Therefore RS < f (γS , p) in this case. According to (10) µL
Finally, we consider condition (iii). An active user gets to should be chosen as large as possible. The rate requirements
transmit at least one OFDM symbol. Without packet aggrega- are met by having the L user transmit most of the time and at
tion the rate r̂ that is necessary to transmit a single packet in low SNR while giving the H user most of the system energy to
just one OFDM symbol is the maximum rate the user can ex- transmit only now and then.
ploit. We call r̂ the maximum requested rate. If the user was Eventually, at some γS∗ the H user will become re-
granted a higher rate it still could not transmit more data (in stricted as well, i. e., with µ∗L solving (10) we have
fact, there may be no more data available). Thus, (iii) can be f ((γS∗ − µ∗L γL )/(1 − µ∗L ), p) = r̂H . At γS∗ the sum rate has
−1 −1
rewritten as achieved its maximum, RS∗ = (1 + ρ)/(r̂H + ρr̂L ). Larger
SNRs will not increase the effective throughput as no additional
f (γL , p) ≤ r̂L , (9) packets can be mapped to the physical layer resources.
f (γH , p) ≤ r̂H .
Example: TDMA throughput for Gbit WLAN system.
Note that by assuming the medium access layer not to do packet For the system in [4] Fig. 1 shows the maximum sum rate of
aggregation we consider the worst case. However, this is rel- TDMA for varying system SNR γS at fixed rate ratio ρ = 0.2.
evant in applications like network-gaming that have stringent With M = 596 sub-carriers as in [4] and packet sizes of
delay constraints such that packet aggregation might be im- 50 and 1500 bytes we have r̂L = 0.67 bits/dim and r̂H =
possible after all. Furthermore, by invoking this assumption 20.13 bits/dim, respectively. The channel is modeled as block
we can clearly separate the physical layer-related effects from fading and frequency selective with an IEEE 802.11n channel
mechanisms of the higher layers. D power delay profile and 100 MHz bandwidth. The outage
Now, given system SNR γS , rate ratio ρ and maximum re- probability is p = 0.01.
quested rates r̂L and r̂H , we can obtain RS based on (3) con- In Fig. 1 the dotted line, denoted r̂L → ∞, shows the uncon-
strained by (5), (ii) and (9). Consider first that (9) is inactive. strained single user reference curve. TDMA follows this curve
Then the maximum sum rate is that of a single user with SNR as long as the maximum rate constraint (9) is inactive, i. e., as
γS , RS = f (γS , p), which is achieved by setting equal the user long as RS (γS ) < r̂L . For larger SNR values the rate loss due
SNRs, γL = γH = γS . This holds regardless of ρ and is a to mismatching small packets to OFDM symbols becomes dra-
consequence of f (γ, p) being concave in γ. matically apparent. The maximum rate achieved if (9) is active
The 17th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’06)

Effective throughput RS / bits/dim 5 5

r̂L → ∞
4 4
r̂L → ∞

RL / bits/dim
3 3
2 2
1 U =2 1 r̂L = 0.67
U =3
U =4
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Rate ratio ρ = RL /RH RH / bits/dim
Figure 2: Throughput for varying rate ratio RL /RH and one to Figure 3: Two user rate regions for SUP and TDMA uncon-
three L users. γS = 20 dB and r̂L = 0.67. strained by (iii). γS = 20 dB.

instantaneous rate region is [2]

in both users is RS∗ = 3.45 bits/dim which is attained for SNRs
beyond practical relevance. We will return to the remaining 
curves in later sections. Rπ (γ, {κu }) = R ∈ R+  ∀u ∈ U : Rπ(u) ≤
Fig. 2 shows RS for fixed γS = 20 dB and varying ρ. As    
π(U ) π(U )
is intuitively clear the rate loss becomes more severe the larger  
the rate ratio, i. e., the relative number of small packets, gets. C γj κj , 1 − C  γj κj , 1 . (12)
The huge gap between the single-user reference and TDMA j=π(u) j=π(u+1)
motivates considering another multiple access scheme. and the outage rate region with outage probability p is
Cπ (γ) = R ∈ RU 
+ Pr (R ∈ Rπ (γ,{κu })) ≥ 1−p . (13)
V. S UPERIMPOSED T RANSMISSION User π(1) is decoded in the presence of all other users. Con-
sequently, it should transmit at a rate sufficiently lower than
We now turn to SUP which makes possible simultaneous trans- its single-user capacity to make up for the additional interfer-
mission of several users. This, in turn, reduces the number ence. User π(U ) is decoded lastly. If all previous decoding
of bits a user can transmit per OFDM symbol compared to stages are successful it will experience single-user conditions
TDMA. Therefore the maximum rate constraints (iii) become and may transmit at rates up to its single-user capacity. Con-
less stringent and we should see an increased sum rate com- sequently, we choose π such that lower rate users are decoded
pared to TDMA. Again, we begin by adapting the constraints before higher rate users. In our study we are concerned with
to SUP before analyzing the sum rate. RL < RH (ρ < 1) and so the H user is decoded last.
As in SUP a user is allocated entire OFDM symbols the max- Before we continue we determine how many users should
imum rate constraint (iii) appears as stringent as in TDMA. be considered. To that end Fig. 3 shows the two user rate
However, as each user is transmitting all the time the energy region (13) for γS = 20 dB and the parameters used in Sec-
constraint becomes tion IV.. Observe that the rate region is concave. Our sys-
 tem does not perform time multiplexing between rate vectors.
γu ≤ γS (11) Therefore we do not apply the convex hull operation to this rate
u=1 region to achieve the convex capacity region. This assumption
is rooted in our constraint (ii) which asks for a constant rate
which implies that in all non-trivial cases the SNR of user u ratio at all times. While this is suboptimal with respect to the
is less than γS . Consequently, its instantaneous rate is smaller maximum sum rate the loss is obviously limited (see dashed
than that of a single user unconstrained by (iii) which in turn curve).
relaxes (iii). Given a system energy constraint adding more The reason for the concavity of the rate region is the fol-
users reduces the power of a single user and further eases (iii). lowing: As the transmitters do not know the channels exactly
Thus, in contrast to TDMA, considering more than two users outage events occur, i. e., decoding may fail in some SIC stage
may be beneficial. i. This will leave interference due to user π(i) in the system
To obtain the user rates we have to account for mutual depen- which affects decoding in all following stages. In particular,
dencies of the users due to interference. Thus we collectively decoding in some stage j > i may fail as well and more-
determine the rates of all users by obtaining the rate region first. over, it may fail only because stage i failed. Thus, in contrast
As argued in Section III. we use SIC at the receiver. Users are to systems with perfect channel information at the transmit-
decoded in order π = [π(1), . . . , π(U )] which is a permuta- ters ([10]), SIC does not achieve capacity, and its rate region
tion of [1, . . . , U ]. Given decoding order and channel states the without time multiplexing between rate vectors is concave.
The 17th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC’06)

Note from Fig. 3 that RS is largest if either RL or RH are While with U = 2 it is impossible to improve RS by increas-
zero. This implies that to maximize RS as few users as possi- ing γS , in contrast to TDMA adding more users can be benefi-
ble should transmit with their largest possible rate. Due to con- cial. We add more L users as that user class limits performance.
straint (ii) there must be at least two. Due to (iii) it may make Then, as evident from Fig. 1 the throughput increases further
sense to allow more users to transmit. We will see that for our with increasing γS > γS∗ . Moreover, Fig. 2 demonstrates that
practical system design of interest the L user class reaches its adding more users helps maintaining a large throughput even
maximum rates (iii) sooner than the H user class and will limit with high rate ratio ρ. However, note that the throughput with
the system performance. If that happens we may add more L U > 2 users never exceeds that with U − 1, confirming that as
users. Thus, we discuss the case of U users among which ex- few users as possible should transmit.
actly one is an H user and U − 1 users are L users. If U > 2
then at least U − 2 L users transmit with their maximum rate of VI. C ONCLUSION
r̂L and one L user may transmit at a rate smaller than r̂L . This
We have investigated the achievable sum rate of TDMA and
L user will be decoded first and before the remaining L users
SUP under system energy and rate constraints. The constraints
whose exact decoding order is irrelevant.
on rate ratio and maximum requested rates have been obtained
Now we can rewrite the sum rate maximization problem as
from an abstraction of measured packet size distributions. We
U put a particular emphasis on WLAN systems as in [4]. For
RS (ρ) = max max Ru (Θ), (14) these we found that the need of every such system to transmit
Θ R∈Cπ (γ)
u=1 a large number of small packets severely limits the throughput
of conventional time-multiplexing based multiple access if the
the rate ratio constraint (ii) as
number of bits that must be transmitted in one OFDM symbol
 gets large. On the other hand, with otherwise unchanged pa-
Ru (Θ) = ρR1 (Θ) (15) rameters, SUP reduces the number of bits that one user must
u=2 transmit in one OFDM symbol and the throughput is much in-
creased over TDMA.
and the maximum rate constraint (iii) as
r̂H u = 1
Ru (Θ) ≤ , (16)
r̂L u ∈ {2, . . . , U } This research was supported by the German Ministry of Ed-
ucation and Research within the project Wireless Gigabit with
where user 1 is considered the H user and the remaining users Advanced Multimedia Support (WIGWAM) under grant 01 BU
the L users. Note that here Ru is a constant rate rather than a 370.
quantity averaged over time as in TDMA. Thus, the maximum
rate user u needs to transmit a single packet in one OFDM sym- R EFERENCES
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