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1he N|ght Market

One of the most interesting places in Malaysia is the night market. You may visit
and experience the night market yourselves. Both locals and foreigners agree that
the night market is the most common feature in the local society.

The night market begins when the vendors arrive in the late afternoon. More and
more goods laden vans arrive to begin a brisk day of business. Most of the vendors
busily set out to set up their stalls respectively in order to get ready for a brisk day
of business.

The sun gradually sets and the night market picks up momentum. More cars and
vans are arriving. By now, the stalls are neatly and strategically arranged to entice
their customers. There is an assortment of goods sold ranging from food, toys and
clothes, to name a few. A variety of goods is sold at low prices.

Large rainbow-coloured parasols are used to shade the people from rain and shine.
A concoction of blaring music can be heard in the night market background amidst
the constant shouting. It is an amazing kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, smells and

The night market is known as a haven by local `gourmets who can enjoy various
kinds of mouth-watering local cuisine. Still more people arrive, they come from all
walks of life, mingling freely and harmoniously. Crowds are walking up and down in
an endless stream. Some of them are stopping by the stalls and haggling before
making purchases. Little children tag along, amused and excited. Sprinklings of
tourists join in to experience the lifestyle of typical Malaysian folks.

When night falls, lighted lamps brighten up the place, they add gaiety to this
atmosphere, and it is like a funfair. The night wears on and the traffic of people
recedes. Vendors get a chance to rest their weary legs besides bantering with each

By 10.00 pm, all the stalls call it a day. The vendors pack up and close the van
doors. One by one, they leave, leaving behind pieces of papers, plastic bags and
discarded boxes. It us an eyesore! Finally, the night market disappears. The place
becomes quite and still once more.

My Mother
About seventeen years ago, a beautiful young woman, named Kari, was trying to adjust and
understand the purpose of her life. She was a typical adolescent, making mistakes and
hoping each lesson would guide her in the right direction of life. At this time, she was living
in Germany, occupied in the US Army, on and off with a boyfriend, and fighting to keep a
relationship with her family, through letters. It may not seem like an ideal situation, but
everything in life has a purpose, the challenge is discovering it. Unlike most adolescents,
her life was put into perspective very quickly. At the age of nineteen, Kari received results
from a test, which changed her life forever. She was pregnant.

In January 1995, at the age of twenty years old, Kari gave birth to a baby girl. Her life now
revolved around her child, Alexis. She got out of her relationship, got a job, and found a
safe place for the two of them. Now living with her mom and step dad, working as a
papergirl (newspaper delivery person), and fighting for divorce, Kari was struggling. It didnt
matter though; she made the best of it.

When Alexis was two, Kari married her husband, Mike. Together, they got a town home.
Now, with a home and family, it may seem like times were great, but there was still a lot of
life to be learned from. Mike was constantly traveling; in fact, he was in Utah for two years
after they got married. Kari was now raising Alexis, working seven days a week, and
working to keep her marriage healthy. As with everything in her life, Kari took sacrifices and
made it work.

Fourteen years later, looking at this 36 year old, you would never realize the struggles she
has faced in life. She is a beautiful, young, and caring, mother, friend and wife. She lives in
a nice house, takes care of kids, home-schools Alexis and, her husband is home almost
every night. She has many great qualities, but I think the characteristic that makes her the
most unique and genuine person, is her love and creativity. She was, and is, able to take
anything normal and make it enjoyable.

By now you have probably realized, I am Alexis, her daughter. I have a great relationship
with my mom, something many girls, my age, are lacking. In some ways, its like we grew
up together (although twenty years apart), best friends. She has always provided the
loving, but strict mother figure, which I can rely on, in my life. Her creativity brought me
lots of fun times, and cherished memories, throughout my adolescents. Her strong words
and lectures, many she has learned from in the past, bring me wisdom and guidance for the
rest of my life. And her open and loving heart, gives me a safe place to share my emotions.
I never could ask for a better person to spend my memories with, for they wouldnt be the
memories they are, without her.

My Favourite TV programme
The television (TV) is part and parcel of many households. Therefore, watching television is
a culture of todays modern society. It is a favourite past-time of many people, cutting
across the culture, creed, gender and age. I must admit that I too enjoy "sitting glued to
the TV as mum often laments. Since I watch TV whole day long, I dont blame mum.
However, whenever I watch my favourite TV programme she doesnt complain. In fact, she
often sits together to watch it, the `National Geographic.

The National Geographic is a well-known documentary programme, focusing mainly on
the ever-changing world, on Mother Earth and on nature and peoples and creatures that
colour it with. Just the press of a switch and a button and `Hey Presto!, the whole world is
brought before me, for me to savour its beauty and wonders. Personally, I am often awed
and amazed with them.

I like this programme because it is very educational. It is a `window to the world. By
watching it, I can `travel, `explore and `discover the four corners of the world. I have
trekked up the highest peak and conquered Mt. Everest. I have dived down the deepest
trenches. I have walked through the wilderness and be amongst the wild beasts, big and
small. Thus, this programme has helped to expand my horizon and improve my knowledge
and experience. I can proudly say I am no more a `frog in the well.

I also enjoy watching the National Geographic because it is entertaining, interesting and
stimulating. I never imagined that such an educational programme can be very enjoyable. I
get a chance to enjoy the kaleidoscope of sights, sounds and colours of the world and its
different peoples, all in the comfort of my own home.

In addition to that, this programme is of very high quality and it is produced by a team of
experts, all are authorities in their own field of interest. The photographic footage is
extremely breath-taking and inspiring. Besides, the narration is very accurate, informative,
vivid and descriptive. Thus, I have never felt restless, distracted or bored watching this

The National Geographic is my favourite programme as it has helped me to `grow and
`mature. I have watched it since I was a seven-year-old innocent child. Now, I am more
sensitive and aware of the world and Mother Earth. I learn to be more appreciative of
Mother Earth and its beauty and wonders. I am more concern about the preservation and
conservation of the world not only now but also for posterity. In short, the National
Geographic has converted me into a more responsible citizen of the world and a caretaker of
Mother Earth.

It is a touching and heart-warming TV programme and I will not hesitate to recommend it to
others so that they too have a chance to savour amazing moments and appreciate and care
for the one and only world we live in.

Feeling thankful is how I feel now. The greatest present to receive is the sense of content
and gratitude that I feel. No matter how much I earn or the value of properties I owe,
without sharing, how life can be?

Few years back when I was in school, my mind was set on money and branded items. No
matter how badly life has for me, nothing can bring me further away from my set-mind.
From many hardships, I struggle for a presence, a name, a status. I need to let people
know what I have and what I can achieve.

As time passes and sky is unlimited, people change so do I. I turn to God. I turn to my
family. I turn to my faith. Nothing can make me feel more content than myself. I need to
satisfy my own need before I make my way to the world. Love, Peace and Happiness are
what I believe now. As I mention earlier on, faith is the tool for all lives. Imagine a world
without faith? How can one trust someone or something? Take for an example a relation
between two sexes. Both need to gain the trust and belief before embarking a journey
together. Its a journey of understanding as well as respect. Nothing can bring two down
with the concrete tools both have.

No matter how much money is flowing in my bank accounts or how many properties waiting
in my list, as long as I dont feel content with myself, nothing would. All these are material
visions that count only for a short period of happiness. I want a long lasting happiness. A
happiness that can be shared by everyone even passer-by.

I turn my life to myself, family and GOD. It revolves with them. Not that Im a 100%
believer in God but somehow or another, it smooths my daily life whenever I trust on
something. I believe what comes around goes around in life. Why one should feels
frustrated and irritated when aim is not reached? Why? Ask yourself deep in your heart? Is
it worth the temper-rush? The best way to do is to look at the problem with a smile on your
face and a relax heart. Turn back and dont let your anger out from your box. Think
appreciation that mistakes are made and told to you. All you need to do: CHANGE.

It is as simple as ABC.

In life, if only one can recognize the significant of Trust, Understanding, Faith and Love our
world is in its greatest condition.

1ter all, it isn't that bad
She looked so beautiful that morning. As I shifted my hands through her gorgeous hair, I kissed her. "Take
care, darling. Gotcha go to work, I said, in my peculiar Australian and European mixed accent. After waving
at my wife, I got into my black Brabus S350, "sitting in my porch, growling. "Good day, Sir, wished Mr.
Baskaran, my personal driver, as he started to drive the growling beast, ready to unleash its mighty
horsepower. As I leaned back in the posh leather seat, the 30 inch widescreen LCD screen started to unfold
in front of me. It resumed the episode of "House, I was watching yesterday.

But no matter how I tried, I couldnt enjoy the sarcasm of Hugh Laurie as I was too preoccupied with what
happened at work yesterday. Being a CEO of a multimillion dollar company like Google does equate to a life
full of stress and tension. The only consolation I got was, the security analyst, who melted my heart and
made me go on a cloud nine, Julie became mine. Her smile made me euphoric, her eyes made me drool; her
voice sent a tingling sensation down my spine, which I longed for, every minute, every second.

"Mr. Mahen, we have arrived, Sir, announced Baskaran as he opened the door and led me into the giant
headquarters of the world-renowned Google Inc. As I made my way through, dozens of smiling faces wished
me a good morning. But, the morning wasnt good. The thought of what I did yesterday was running all over
my mind.

Hssh! the air-conditioner hummed as I went into my cabin. The most luxurious in the building. The CEO
room was finished with fine oak wood, enriched with blinds which are controlled automatically, a foosball
table and yes, a state-of-the-art computer system.

Slowly, I sat and took out the files. The figures were big and scary, some eight digits and some nine. If it
happened, I have no idea how Im going to pay the foreign investors and even worse, my staff! I need a
solution, one which can solve this problem once and for all. Trying to think as hard as I could, I closed my
eyes. Just as I was trying to visualize some ideas, there was a knock on the door. It was hard.

"Sorry to interrupt Sir, but heres your cup of special Jamaican brewed mocha cappuccino, mumbled Sarah
Lane, my personal assistant cum secretary. Still thinking hard, I brought the porcelain cup closer to my
mouth. There was a code on the cup. It read `CBSGOOGLEV2. Just as I started to take a sip, suddenly the
missing pieces of the jigsaw in my mind came together. YES! Ive got it! It was all because of the `V2 code
on the cup. If it wasnt for that code, I wouldnt have got it.

I immediately called my chief programming officer, Mr. Karl Benzer. A sore looking, depressed, fat, belly-
buttoned guy entered my cabin. "Take that look off your face at once, I exclaimed. "Ive found the solution
to our problem! I shouted happily.

As though my words were words of some sorcerers magic, the sore look disappeared. His teeth started to
show and he was desperate to know further. I poured the whole thing. "Benzer, settle down and Ill tell
you. "Initially, as you know, we were facing a losing battle with those scoundrels who stole our new
unreleased software, Gamma Google. If it went into the pirates hand, we would be bankrupt........ . As I
was talking, Benzer interrupted me. "But sir that is what we were discussing the whole day long yesterday.
Tell me how you are going to overcome it, blattered my impatient staff.

"Its like this. Theyve stolen Gamma Google which wasnt ready and for testing purposes, I secretly added a
command which would allow the software to self-destruct no matter wherever it is in the world. How silly of
me to forget about that, I explained contentedly to Karl. "Wow! Its a huge relieve to hear that, sir. I will
start working on executing the command strings youve put in, said Karl.

That evening, I left early. I wanted to take my wife to an exclusive, select restaurant as a treat. I hit the
pause button of the LCD TV and I called my wife to inform her about the good news while I was in the
Brabus. Later, I resumed watching and yes, it was that sarcastic doctors show being screened. Hey, who
said being a CEO of a multimillion dollar company like Google equate to a life full of stress and tension? After
all, it isnt that bad.
Malaysia a Unique Country
Malaysia is a multiracial country. Malaysia has a population of 23.27 million consisting of 61 percent
Malays, 30 percent Chinese, 8 percent Indians and 1 percent of other ethnic groups. Malaysia is
unique because of its diversity of races, religions and cultures, the stability of the country and many
places of interests. Besides, there are many international achievements which are the pride of our

Diversity of races, religions and cultures is a significant characteristic of our nation. Malaysia is a
multiracial country with a rich cultural heritage. Unique to Malaysia is the 'Open House' concept where
during the various cultural and religious festival like Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Gawai
Day and others, friends and families and even strangers would visit the homes of those who are
celebrating the festival, to wish them well and enjoy the feast prepared by the hosts. Although the
visitors may be from different races, they still can tolerate with each other and live under the same
roof where they celebrate the festival together. This will help to strengthen the ties among

Moreover, the stability and peacefulness of Malaysia is also a uniqueness of us. We live harmoniously
in a country where there are no wars and conflicts among Malaysians. War is dreadful and it may
deteriorate humans' lives. We are fortunate that our country is safe and runs off the war. So, people
can live safely here. Somehow, Malaysia is a paradise for those Iraqis or Pakistanis. Besides, our
country is freed from natural disasters such as earthquakes. Earthquakes may bring death and destroy
many buildings. Therefore, Malaysia is unique because of the stability and peaceful environment.

On top of that, there are many places of interests in country such as beaches, islands and rain forest.
Malaysia's rain forest is considered as the oldest in the world. The diverse species of animals and plant
life continue to excite a great deal of scientific research. Many believe that some undiscovered plant
may hold cures to many currently incurable human diseases. There are many islands in our country
such as Pulau Langkawi, Pulau Redang, Pulau Ketam and many others. Pulau Langkawi has a lot of
historitical informations. Those who are in favour of history can go there to explore the history of that
place. All the beaches in those islands are beautiful. The sand is soft and white. The accommodation is
well-established and that makes those islands ideal places to visit.

Following this, there are also international achievements of our country. Those achievements include
the existence of Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), Formula One (F1) racing circuit and the
Petronas Twin Towers. KLIA is unique because it has all that is needed for business, entertainment
and relaxation within its boundaries. The airport is part and parcel of the Multimedia Super Corridor
where high technology industries are being actively developed. Nevertheless, there is a Formula One
Race Track near the airport, so foreign car racing enthusiasts from all over the world can come for a
visit to gather here. Besides that, Petronas Twin Towers which is a building that soars 452 metres into
the sky is once upon a time, the tallest building in the world and yet it is a national pride to the people
of Malaysia.

In short, Malaysia is unique that it has diversity of races, religions and cultures, a stable and peaceful
environment, places of interest and some internal achievements. Those are important characteristic of
our nation. It is rich of cultural heritage; it would be worth to play a visit here.

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