Sie sind auf Seite 1von 19

private sub drawpiechart()

dim i as long
with draw1
'graph is a pie chart
.graphtype = dgtpie

'set some properties based on the check boxes

.showlabel = check6.value
.shownumbers = check7.value
.showpercent = check8.value
.showlegend = check9.value
.userndcolor = check10.value

'add the data values

for i = 1 to 5
.adddata "item" + str(i), datavalues(i), colours(i - 1)
next i

'draw the graph

end with
end sub

new chart

' print a msflexgrid control's data across multiple pages

' vertically and horizontally.
private sub printflexgridmultipage(byval flx as msflexgrid, _
byval l_margin as single, byval t_margin as single, _
byval r_margin as single, byval b_margin as single, _
byval page_x as single, byval page_y as single)
dim r as integer
dim page_r as integer

' print the rows.

r = 0
page_r = 0
do while r < flx.rows
' print the next set of rows.
printflexgridrows flx, r, _
l_margin, t_margin, r_margin, b_margin, _
page_x, page_y, page_r
page_r = page_r + 1
end sub

subroutine printflexgridrows prints rows in the flexgrid. if there are too many
columns to fit on a single page, it prints multiple pages arranged horizontally.
it starts at row start_row and leaves start_row pointing to the next row to print
when it is done.
the routine loops through the rows starting with start_row to see how tall they
are and determine how many rows will fit on a page.

next the routine sets c = 0 and calls subroutine printflexgridrowcolumns to print

rows start_row through stop_row, starting at column c. when
printflexgridrowcolumns returns, it sets c to the next column that has not been
printed. subroutine printflexgridrows continues calling printflexgridrowcolumns
until all of the columns have been printed.

' print the horizontal pages for the next set of rows that
' will
' fit on a page vertically. start with row start_row.
' leave start_row pointing to the first row after those
' printed.
private sub printflexgridrows(byval flx as msflexgrid, _
byref start_row as integer, byval l_margin as single, _
byval t_margin as single, byval r_margin as single, _
byval b_margin as single, byval page_x as single, byval _
page_y as single, byval page_r as integer)
dim ymax as single
dim c as integer
dim stop_row as integer
dim page_c as integer

with flxdata
' see which rows will fit on this page.
' start with the first row.
stop_row = start_row
ymax = t_margin + .rowheight(stop_row) + 2 * vgap
if stop_row + 1 >= .rows then exit do
if ymax + .rowheight(stop_row + 1) + 2 * vgap > _
b_margin then exit do
ymax = ymax + .rowheight(stop_row + 1) + 2 * _
stop_row = stop_row + 1

' print horizontal groups of pages.

c = 0
page_c = 0
do while c < .cols
printflexgridrowcolumns flx, start_row, _
stop_row, c, _
l_margin, t_margin, r_margin, b_margin, _
page_x, page_y, page_r, page_c
page_c = page_c + 1
end with

' set start_row and page_r for return.

page_r = page_r + 1
start_row = stop_row + 1
end sub

subroutine printflexgridrowcolumns prints rows start_row through stop_row,

starting at column start_col. first it loops through columns to see how many will
fit on the page. it then prints those rows and columns, and draws lines between
the cells.

' print the horizontal pages for the rows start_row through
' stop_row
' starting with column start_col.
' leave start_col pointing to the first column after those
' printed.
private sub printflexgridrowcolumns(byval flx as _
msflexgrid, byval start_row as integer, byval stop_row _
as integer, byref start_col as integer, byval l_margin _
as single, byval t_margin as single, byval r_margin as _
single, byval b_margin as single, byval page_x as _
single, byval page_y as single, byval page_r as _
integer, byval page_c as integer)
dim xmax as single
dim ymax as single
dim r as integer
dim c as integer
dim stop_col as integer
dim x as single
dim y as single
dim page_txt as string

' print the page number.

page_txt = "page (" & format$(page_r) & ", " & _
format$(page_c) & ")"
printer.currentx = page_x - printer.textwidth(page_txt)
printer.currenty = page_y
printer.print page_txt;
' debug.print page_txt & ": ";

with flxdata
' see which columns will fit on this page.
' start with the first column.
stop_col = start_col
xmax = l_margin + .colwidth(stop_col) + 2 * hgap
if stop_col + 1 >= .cols then exit do
if xmax + .colwidth(stop_col + 1) + 2 * hgap > _
r_margin then exit do
xmax = xmax + .colwidth(stop_col + 1) + 2 * hgap
stop_col = stop_col + 1

' print the cells that fit.

' debug.print start_row, stop_row, start_col,
' stop_col
y = t_margin
for r = start_row to stop_row
x = l_margin
for c = start_col to stop_col
'(debug) (x, y), 40
'debug.print " (" & x + hgap & ", " & y
' + vgap & ")"
printer.currentx = x + hgap
printer.currenty = y + vgap
printer.print .textmatrix(r, c);
x = x + .colwidth(c) + 2 * hgap
next c
y = y + .rowheight(r) + 2 * vgap
next r

' print a grid.

ymax = y
y = t_margin
for r = start_row to stop_row
'(debug) printer.line (l_margin, y)-step(60,
' 60), , b
printer.line (l_margin, y)-(xmax, y)
y = y + .rowheight(r) + 2 * vgap
next r
printer.line (l_margin, y)-(xmax, y)

x = l_margin
for c = start_col to stop_col
'(debug) printer.line (x, t_margin)-step(60,
' 60), , b
printer.line (x, t_margin)-(x, ymax)
x = x + .colwidth(c) + 2 * hgap
next c
printer.line (x, t_margin)-(x, ymax)
end with

' finish this page.


' set start_col for return.

start_col = stop_col + 1
end sub

private sub command1_click()

dim oxl as object ' excel application

dim obook as object ' excel workbook
dim osheet as object ' excel worksheet
dim ochart as object ' excel chart

dim irow as integer ' index variable for the current row
dim icol as integer ' index variable for the current row

const cnumcols = 10 ' number of points in each series

const cnumrows = 2 ' number of series
redim atemp(1 to cnumrows, 1 to cnumcols)

'start excel and create a new workbook

set oxl = createobject("excel.application")
set obook = oxl.workbooks.add
set osheet = obook.worksheets.item(1)

' insert random data into cells for the two series:
randomize now()
for irow = 1 to cnumrows
for icol = 1 to cnumcols
atemp(irow, icol) = int(rnd * 50) + 1
next icol
next irow
osheet.range("a1").resize(cnumrows, cnumcols).value = atemp

'add a chart object to the first worksheet

set ochart = osheet.chartobjects.add(50, 40, 300, 200).chart
ochart.setsourcedata source:=osheet.range("a1").resize(cnumrows, cnumcols)

' make excel visible:

oxl.visible = true

oxl.usercontrol = true

end sub

dim data() as double

dim i as long
dim rng as range
dim upperleftcell as string
dim numbpoints as long

upperleftcell = activecell.address

numbpoints = 20
redim data(numbpoints - 1)

for i = 0 to numbpoints - 1
data(i) = i + 1
next i

set rng = range(range(upperleftcell), range(upperleftcell).offset(0,

numbpoints _
- 1))
rng.value = data
to insert the data as a column, you need a two-dimensional array. the routine for
a column of data is below. declarations and such not shown are the same as those
shown above.

redim data(numbpoints - 1, 0)

for i = 0 to numbpoints - 1
data(i, 0) = i + 1
next i

set rng = range(range(upperleftcell), range(upperleftcell).offset(numbpoints -

rng.value = data
simple graph
now that we can put an array into a worksheet, let's see how to create a graph.
one of the best ways to learn the excel commands is to use the macro recorder.
select worksheet cells a1 to a20. turn on the macro recording by going to the
menu tools > macro > record new macro. using the chart wizard, make a line chart
from the data. view the macro by pressing alt+f8 and selecting the macro from the
list. click edit.

activechart.charttype = xllinemarkers
activechart.setsourcedata source:=sheets("sheet1").range("a1:a20")
activechart.location where:=xllocationasobject, name:="sheet1"
for more flexibility, set the source of the graph to a variable rather than a
string. use the range of the data on the worksheet. this allows you to change the
graph data in code. in the code below, on the right hand side of the equation, the
term range(upperleftcell) represents the upper left cell, and the term
range(upperleftcell).offset(numbpoints, 0) represents the lower right cell of the
outer range.

set datarange = range(range(upperleftcell), range(upperleftcell)._

offset(numbpoints, 0))
activechart.setsourcedata source:= datarange, plotby:=xlcolumns
setting the graph source this way allows you to create a graph with a variable
number of points for a more general program. this code will place an array of data
in the worksheet and then create a graph regardless of the size of the data or
where the data is placed.

upperleftcell = "a1"
numbpoints = 50
' put the data on the active sheet (one column)
set datarange = range(range(upperleftcell), range(upperleftcell)._
offset(numbpoints-1, 0))
datarange.value = data

sheetname =

with activechart
.hastitle = true
.charttitle.characters.text = "my chart"
.charttype = xllinemarkers
.setsourcedata source:=datarange, plotby:=xlcolumns
.location where:=xllocationasobject, name:=sheetname
end with

private sub drawlinegraph()

dim i as long
with draw1
'graph is a line graph
.graphtype = dgtline

'set the origin and axes

.originy = 150
.yaxisnegative = 100
.ytop = 50
.ygrad = 10
.xtop = 11
.xgrad = 1

'set some properties based on the check boxes

if check11 then
.linewidth = 2
.linewidth = 1
end if
if check12 then
.pointsize = 4
.pointstyle = dgpsdot
.pointsize = 0
end if
.showline = check13.value
.showgrid = check14.value
.showlegend = check15.value

'this option replaces the x-axis values with the values

'of the months array
if check16 then
.usexaxislabels = true
for i = 0 to 11
.addxvalue i, months(i)
next i
.usexaxislabels = false
end if

'add the data points

for i = 0 to 11
.addpoint i, line1values(i), vbred, "line 1"
.addpoint i, line2values(i), vbblue, "line 2"
next i

'draw the graph

end with
end sub

random number generator

sub normno()

dim iteration as variant

dim mean as variant
dim sd as variant
dim alpha as variant
dim i as long

iteration = range("c4").value
mean = range("c5").value
sd = range("c6").value
alpha = range("c3").value
redim arr(iteration) as single

for i = 1 to iteration
arr(i) = gauss * sd + mean
cells(6, 6) = i
next i

call sort(iteration, arr)

cells(3, 6) = arr(alpha / 2 * iteration)
cells(4, 6) = arr((1 - alpha / 2) * iteration)
call hist(iteration, 20, arr(1), arr(iteration), arr)

end sub

'* return random numbers from standard normal distribution *

function gauss()

dim fac as double, r as double, v1 as double, v2 as double

10 v1 = 2 * rnd - 1
v2 = 2 * rnd - 1
r = v1 ^ 2 + v2 ^ 2
if (r >= 1) then goto 10
fac = sqr(-2 * log(r) / r)
gauss = v2 * fac

end function

'* sort the numbers generated

sub sort(n as variant, arr() as single)

dim temp as double

dim i as long
dim j as long

for j = 2 to n
temp = arr(j)
for i = j - 1 to 1 step -1
if (arr(i) <= temp) then goto 10
arr(i + 1) = arr(i)
next i
i = 0
10 arr(i + 1) = temp
next j

end sub

'* construct historgram distribution

sub hist(n as variant, m as long, start as single, right as single, arr() as


dim i as long, j as long, find as long

dim length as double
redim breaks(m) as single
redim freq(m) as single

for i = 1 to m
freq(i) = 0
next i

length = (right - start) / m

for i = 1 to m
breaks(i) = start + length * i
next i

for i = 1 to n
if (arr(i) <= breaks(1)) then freq(1) = freq(1) + 1
if (arr(i) >= breaks(m - 1)) then freq(m) = freq(m) + 1
for j = 2 to m - 1
if (arr(i) > breaks(j - 1) and arr(i) <= breaks(j)) then freq(j) =
freq(j) + 1
next j
next i

for i = 1 to m
cells(i + 2, 8) = breaks(i)
cells(i + 2, 9) = freq(i)
next i

end sub


dim oexcel as object

dim obook as object
dim osheet as object

'start a new workbook in excel

set oexcel = createobject("excel.application")
set obook = oexcel.workbooks.add

'add data to cells of the first worksheet in the new workbook

set osheet = obook.worksheets(1)
osheet.range("a1").value = "last name"
osheet.range("b1").value = "first name"
osheet.range("a1:b1").font.bold = true
osheet.range("a2").value = "doe"
osheet.range("b2").value = "john"

'save the workbook and quit excel

obook.saveas "c:\book1.xls"

(2) dim oexcel as object

dim obook as object
dim osheet as object

'start a new workbook in excel

set oexcel = createobject("excel.application")
set obook = oexcel.workbooks.add

'create an array with 3 columns and 100 rows

dim dataarray(1 to 100, 1 to 3) as variant
dim r as integer
for r = 1 to 100
dataarray(r, 1) = "ord" & format(r, "0000")
dataarray(r, 2) = rnd() * 1000
dataarray(r, 3) = dataarray(r, 2) * 0.7

'add headers to the worksheet on row 1

set osheet = obook.worksheets(1)
osheet.range("a1:c1").value = array("order id", "amount", "tax")

'transfer the array to the worksheet starting at cell a2

osheet.range("a2").resize(100, 3).value = dataarray

'save the workbook and quit excel

obook.saveas "c:\book1.xls"

'create a recordset from all the records in the orders table
dim snwind as string
dim conn as new adodb.connection
dim rs as adodb.recordset
snwind = _
"c:\program files\microsoft office\office\samples\northwind.mdb" "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & _
snwind & ";"
conn.cursorlocation = aduseclient
set rs = conn.execute("orders", , adcmdtable)

'create a new workbook in excel

dim oexcel as object
dim obook as object
dim osheet as object
set oexcel = createobject("excel.application")
set obook = oexcel.workbooks.add
set osheet = obook.worksheets(1)

'transfer the data to excel

osheet.range("a1").copyfromrecordset rs
'save the workbook and quit excel
obook.saveas "c:\book1.xls"

'close the connection


'create a new workbook in excel
dim oexcel as object
dim obook as object
dim osheet as object
set oexcel = createobject("excel.application")
set obook = oexcel.workbooks.add
set osheet = obook.worksheets(1)

'create the querytable

dim snwind as string
snwind = _
"c:\program files\microsoft office\office\samples\northwind.mdb"
dim oqrytable as object
set oqrytable = osheet.querytables.add( _
"oledb;provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & _
snwind & ";", osheet.range("a1"), "select * from orders")
oqrytable.refreshstyle = xlinsertentirerows
oqrytable.refresh false

'save the workbook and quit excel

obook.saveas "c:\book1.xls"

(5) 'copy a string to the clipboard

dim sdata as string
sdata = "firstname" & vbtab & "lastname" & vbtab & "birthdate" & vbcr _
& "bill" & vbtab & "brown" & vbtab & "2/5/85" & vbcr _
& "joe" & vbtab & "thomas" & vbtab & "1/1/91"

clipboard.settext sdata

'create a new workbook in excel

dim oexcel as object
dim obook as object
set oexcel = createobject("excel.application")
set obook = oexcel.workbooks.add

'paste the data


'save the workbook and quit excel

obook.saveas "c:\book1.xls"
'create a recordset from all the records in the orders table
dim snwind as string
dim conn as new adodb.connection
dim rs as adodb.recordset
dim sdata as string
snwind = _
"c:\program files\microsoft office\office\samples\northwind.mdb" "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & _
snwind & ";"
conn.cursorlocation = aduseclient
set rs = conn.execute("orders", , adcmdtable)

'save the recordset as a tab-delimited file

sdata = rs.getstring(adclipstring, , vbtab, vbcr, vbnullstring)
open "c:\test.txt" for output as #1
print #1, sdata
close #1

'close the connection


'open the new text file in excel

shell "c:\program files\microsoft office\office\excel.exe " & _
chr(34) & "c:\test.txt" & chr(34), vbmaximizedfocus

'create a new instance of excel
dim oexcel as object
dim obook as object
dim osheet as object
set oexcel = createobject("excel.application")

'open the text file

set obook ="c:\test.txt")

'save as excel workbook and quit excel

obook.saveas "c:\book1.xls", xlworkbooknormal

'create a new connection object for book1.xls
dim conn as new adodb.connection "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;" & _
"data source=c:\book1.xls;extended properties=excel 8.0;"
conn.execute "insert into mytable (firstname, lastname)" & _
" values ('bill', 'brown')"
conn.execute "insert into mytable (firstname, lastname)" & _
" values ('joe', 'thomas')"

'initiate a dde communication with excel
text1.linkmode = 0
text1.linktopic = "excel|mybook.xls"
text1.linkitem = "r1c1:r2c3"
text1.linkmode = 1
'poke the text in text1 to the r1c1:r2c3 in mybook.xls
text1.text = "one" & vbtab & "two" & vbtab & "three" & vbcr & _
"four" & vbtab & "five" & vbtab & "six"

'execute commands to select cell a1 (same as r1c1) and change the font
text1.linkexecute "[select(""r1c1"")]"
text1.linkexecute "[""times new roman"",""bold"",10)]"

'terminate the dde communication

text1.linkmode = 0

class randomtest {

public static void main (string args[]) {

int[] ndigits = new int[10];

double x;
int n;

random myrandom = new random();

// initialize the array

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ndigits[i] = 0;

// test the random number generator a whole lot

for (long i=0; i < 100000; i++) {
// generate a new random number between 0 and 9
x = myrandom.nextdouble() * 10.0;
n = (int) x;
//count the digits in the random number

// print the results

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
system.out.println(i+": " + ndigits[i]);
below is one possible output

from this program. if you run it your results should be slightly different. after
all this is supposed to be random. these results are pretty much what you would
expect from a reasonably random generator. if you have a fast cpu and some time to
spare, try bringing the number of tests up to a billion or so, and see if the
counts for the different digits get any closer to each other.

dim appexcel as new excel.application

dim xldoc as excel.workbook
dim xlsheet as excel.worksheet
dim objchart as chartobject
dim xlseries as seriescollection

dim strname() as string

dim strxaxis as string

dim strsql as string

dim intheight as integer

strsql = "select * from db_table "

set xldoc = appexcel.workbooks.add

set xlsheet = xldoc.worksheets(1)

set m_rsdata = new adodb.recordset

with m_rsdata
.open strsql, oradb
redim strname(.fields.count) as string
'this gives titles in a down fashion.
'to go across, one must go b1,c1,d1 for which i do not have a loop
for iloop=1 to .fields.count-1
xlsheet.range("b" & .fields(iloop).name & ).cells=.fields(iloop).name
next iloop

intheight = 5
while not .eof
xlsheet.range("b" & intheight).cells =
format$(.fields("some_date"), "ddd mmm d")
xlsheet.range("c" & intheight).cells = .fields(1) & " "
xlsheet.range("d" & intheight).cells = .fields(1) & " "
xlsheet.range("e" & intheight).cells = .fields(1) & " "
xlsheet.range("f" & intheight).cells = .fields(1) & " "
xlsheet.range("z" & intheight).cells = .fields(1) & " "
intheight = intheight + 1
end with

' add a chartobject to the worksheet:

set objchart = xlsheet.chartobjects.add(100, 100, 500, 200)

' insert named ranges:

strtmprange = "r5c3:r" & format$(intheight - 1) & "c3"
xlsheet.parent.names.add "range1", "=sheet1!" & strtmprange
strname(1) = "=sheet1!r3c3"

strtmprange = "r5c4:r" & format$(intheight - 1) & "c4"

xlsheet.parent.names.add "range2", "=sheet1!" & strtmprange
strname(2) = "=sheet1!r3c4"

'start the series collection

set xlseries = objchart.chart.seriescollection

for icount = 1 to 2 'the number of named ranges (which should be the number of
xlseries.add "range" & icount
xlseries.item(icount).name = strname(icount)
next icount

set m_rsdata = nothing

exit sub

private sub msflexgrid1_dblclick()

gridedit asc(" ")
end sub

private sub msflexgrid1_keypress(keyascii as integer)

gridedit keyascii
end sub

sub gridedit(keyascii as integer)

'use correct font
text1.fontname = msflexgrid1.fontname
text1.fontsize = msflexgrid1.fontsize
select case keyascii
case 0 to asc(" ")
text1 = msflexgrid1
text1.selstart = 1000
case else
text1 = chr(keyascii)
text1.selstart = 1
end select
'position the edit box
text1.left = msflexgrid1.cellleft + msflexgrid1.left = msflexgrid1.celltop +
text1.width = msflexgrid1.cellwidth
text1.height = msflexgrid1.cellheight
text1.visible = true
end sub

private sub msflexgrid1_leavecell()

if text1.visible then
msflexgrid1 = text1
text1.visible = false
end if
end sub

private sub msflexgrid1_gotfocus()

if text1.visible then
msflexgrid1 = text1
text1.visible = false
end if
end sub

private sub text1_keydown(keycode as integer, shift as integer)

select case keycode
case vbkeyescape
text1.visible = false
case vbkeyreturn
case vbkeydown
if msflexgrid1.row < msflexgrid1.rows - 1 then
msflexgrid1.row = msflexgrid1.row + 1
end if
case vbkeyup
if msflexgrid1.row > msflexgrid1.fixedrows then
msflexgrid1.row = msflexgrid1.row - 1
end if
end select
end sub

private sub text1_keypress(keyascii as integer)

'noise suppression
if keyascii = vbkeyreturn then keyascii = 0
end sub

dim intindex1 as integer

dim lngmax as long
dim lngmin as long
dim dblvalues(0 to 19) as double
dim lngwidth as long
dim dblx as double
for intindex1 = 1 to 19
load lblbar(intindex1)
with lblbar(intindex1 - 1)
lblbar(intindex1).top = .top + .height
end with
next intindex1
for dblx = 1 to 20
intindex1 = dblx - 1
dblvalues(intindex1) = dblx ^ 2
if dblvalues(intindex1) < lngmin then lngmin =
next dblx
lngwidth = lblbar(0).width
for intindex1 = 0 to 19
' solve w/w = (x-min)/(max-min)
lblbar(intindex1).width = (dblvalues(intindex1) - lngmin) /
(lngmax - lngmin) * lngwidth
lblbar(intindex1).visible = true
next intindex1
end sub

curve in picture

option explicit

private sub command1_click()

form1.scalemode = 1 'twip
dim xcent as integer, ycent as integer
dim x as double, y as double
xcent = 3000: ycent = 2400
circle (xcent, ycent), 200
form1.drawwidth = 2
for x = -1500 to 1500 step 10
y = int((x * x) * 0.001) - 800
pset (xcent + x, ycent - y), rgb(0, 200, 0)
pset (xcent + x, ycent + y), rgb(0, 200, 0)
next x

currentx = 3000
currenty = 100
print "y"
currentx = 5800
currenty = 2400
print "x"

end sub

if msflexgrid1.mouserow = 0 or msflexgrid1.mousecol = 0 then
text4.visible = false
exit sub

text4.visible = false = + msflexgrid1.celltop
text4.left = msflexgrid1.left + msflexgrid1.cellleft
text4.width = msflexgrid1.cellwidth
text4.height = msflexgrid1.cellheight
text4.text = msflexgrid1.text
text4.visible = true

end if

msflexgrid1.text = text4.text

if msflexgrid2.mouserow = 0 or msflexgrid2.mousecol = 0 then

text1.visible = false
exit sub

text1.visible = false = + msflexgrid2.celltop
text1.left = msflexgrid2.left + msflexgrid2.cellleft
text1.width = msflexgrid2.cellwidth
text1.height = msflexgrid2.cellheight
text1.text = msflexgrid2.text
text1.visible = true

end if

msflexgrid2.text = text1.text

private sub command2_click()

form1.scalemode = 1 'twip
dim xcent as integer, ycent as integer
dim x as double, y as double, pi as double
pi = 4 * atn(1)
xcent = 3000: ycent = 2400

form1.drawwidth = 2
for x = -1500 to 1500 step 10
y = (sin(x * pi / 1500)) * 2000
'print y
pset (xcent + x, ycent - y), rgb(0, 200, 0)
pset (xcent + x + (x / 2), ycent + y), rgb(200, 0, 0)
next x

line (3000, 100)-(3000, 5800)

line (100, 2400)-(5800, 2400)

currentx = 3100
currenty = 100

print "y"
currentx = 5800
currenty = 2400
print "x"

end sub


dim t as single
dim x0 as single
dim y0 as single
dim x1 as single
dim y1 as single

t = 0#
x1 = x(t, pt0.x, pt1.x, pt2.x, pt3.x)
y1 = y(t, pt0.y, pt1.y, pt2.y, pt3.y)
t = t + dt
do while t < 1#
x0 = x1
y0 = y1
x1 = x(t, pt0.x, pt1.x, pt2.x, pt3.x)
y1 = y(t, pt0.y, pt1.y, pt2.y, pt3.y)
pic.line (x0, y0)-(x1, y1)
t = t + dt

' connect to the final point.

t = 1#
x0 = x1
y0 = y1
x1 = x(t, pt0.x, pt1.x, pt2.x, pt3.x)
y1 = y(t, pt0.y, pt1.y, pt2.y, pt3.y)
pic.line (x0, y0)-(x1, y1)
end sub

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