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As long as you can't imagine it, as long as you can't see it, then it is not going to happen for you. Do you keep that vision of victory in front of you? You will produce what you continually see in your mind. Start expecting doors of opportunity to open for you simply because God loves you that much. Find someplace where you can dare to dream big dreams. A place where your faith will be elevated. One idea from God can forever change the course of your life. God is not limited by environment, family background, or present circumstances. God is only limited by our lack of faith. Make up your mind that your going to be the one to set the new standard. Expect that people will want to go out of their way to help you. Learn to speak favor over every area of your life. Become more diligent about speaking it out. Never, ever sell yourself short. Are you focused on your problems or are you focused on your God? You've got to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have what it takes. God didn't make you to be average. The root cause of many social, physical, and emotional problems is simply the fact that people don't like themselves. Learn to be happy with who God made you to be. Stop worrying about everyone else. Your enemy's number one target is in the arena of your thoughts. We will feel exactly the way we think. Actually your circumstances don't have you down, your thoughts about your circumstances have you down. Stop talking to God about how big your mountains are, and start talking to your mountains about how big your God is! The moment you speak something out, you give birth to it. This is a spiritual principle, and it works whether what you are saying is good or bad, positve or negative. If we are bitter and resentful it is because we are allowing ourselves to remain that way. You are not forgiving for their sake, you are forgiving for your sake. Remember, the greater the struggle, the greater the reward. Quit wasting time trying to figure out why something hasn't worked for you or a vision you had never came to pass. You can't unscramble eggs. What's done is done. Let the past, pass. God will keep testing you again and again with the same issue in your life until you pass the test.

God is not looking for ability, He's looking for availability. Quit trying to figure out what everybody can do for you, and start trying to figure out what you can do for somebody else. One of the best things you can do if you're having a problem is to help solve somebody else's problem. If you want your dreams to come to pass, help someone else fulfill their dreams. Somebody needs what you have to share. Somebody needs your smile. Somebody needs your love. Somebody needs your friendship. Somebody needs your encouragement. If you haven't used an item within the past year, give it away! If it's not meeting a need, turn it into a seed. Have an attitude that says, Who can I bless today? rather than How can I get blessed today? What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you. We need to be willing to be interrupted and inconvenienced every once in a while if it means we can help to meet somebody else's need. In your time of need, sow a seed. You may have some obstacles today, but some people would give anything in the world to have your life. The number one thing above everything else the enemy is trying to take from you is your joy. Smile more! People are watching you whether you know it or not. Are you compromising in so-called insignificant areas? One of the main reasons we lose our enthusiasm in life is because we become ungrateful; we take for granted what God has done for us(Joel Osteen). God is a rewarder and loves to reward His children! Often God will send us what we need in a package we don't want. If we honor those who are over us, we receive the reward God gives through their position. We are a people trying to understand Kingdom principles with a democratic mind-set. He who has no honor in his heart for authority is not saved. All authority is of God but it does not say all authority is Godly. So when you are mistreated, especially by someone in authority, you can get very excited because you are being set up for a reward. The bible instructs us to unconditionally submit to authority; however, it does not teach us to unconditionally obey authority. There is only One time the Bible tells us not to obey an authority; and that is when authority tells us to sin. We are to submit(honor) authority, even when we must disobey their command. Submission deals with our attitude, whereas obedience relates to our actions. We are to judge fruit-men's actions-but not their heart motives. To esteem others better than yourself is to honor them. We should ponder, meditate, and prayerfully consider these words in all our life activities and affairs. Why do we find it so easy not to forgive others when God has found it so easy to forgive us?

The wise long term leaders are the ones who continually pass the credit for his or her success to those who serve them. The only time your decisions should override your wife's desire is when you're certain it's the best option for her, the family, or the kingdom of God. Otherwise, always prefer her desires to yours. We are to value, esteem, respect, and reverence Him above anyone or anything. It is unwise to honor dishonorable behavior or beliefs contrary to the doctrine of Christ. If we do, we become partaker of their sin(John Bevere) The Bible says you learn contentment through time and testing. It doesn't sneak up on you. It doesn't descend upon you out of the clear blue. Make a mental list of things that annoy you and consider how you might handle them when you encounter them again. A crabby Christian is an oxymoron. Nothing can quench the flame of joy more quickly than anger. Obedience carries a positive meaning, it's something we "love" to do. We get so caught up in what we don't have that we fail to recognize what we do. We get so uptight about what we haven't accomplished that we forget all about the great things God has enabled us to do. The purer your life becomes, the more you draw people to God-it's appealing. Lots of people make lots of promises about lots of things...but not one of those people is infallible, unchangeable, or all-powerful. And not one of them can love you with the blazing, eternal love of the One who formed and created you for Himself(Bill Ritchie). Poverty is a curse. It's a condition of the soul, not of the pocketbook. What is your five year plan? Why are you making money(Joe McGee)? What you are determines the world in which you live, so as you change, your world changes also. Practice being peaceful. Throw your heart over the bar and your body will follow. I caution you no to take the attitude that you are in a situation in which nobody has ever been before. There is no such situation. In your mind you have decided that here is an obstacle which will cause you difficulty. The power to overcome this obstacle is in your mind. The last five minutes before going to sleep are of extraordinary importance for in that brief period the mind is most receptive to suggestion. It tends to absorb the last ideas that are entertained in waking consciousness. Go out of your way to talk optimistaclly about everything.

Still another important factor in getting people to like you is to practice building up the ego of other persons. Whomever you help to build up and become a better, stronger, finer person will give you his undying devotion. Build up as many people as you can. Do it unselfishly. Learn to remember names. Practice liking people until you learn to do so genuinely. Never miss an opportunity an opportunity to say a word of congratulations upon anyones achievement, or express sympathy in sorrow or disappointment. Give strength to people and they will give affection to you. Motivation is like nutrition. It must be taken daily and in healthy doses to keep it going. It is the mark of a sophisticated person to dissemble, not to reveal outwardly, the inner fears and troubles which afflict him(Norman Vincent Peale). If God has called you to lead, you are pursuing a wonderful but difficult life. Leaders are people who do the right thing; managers are people who do things right. Leadership is not about gaining control; it is about releasing control to people who share a common vision of the future and are united in their pursuit of that vision. Many of our most effective leaders have been quite unpopular because their primary focus is to cause people and circumstances to change-and people hate to change, even when it's in their best interests. If you want to be a leader, make sure you can handle confrontation and rejection; it is almost an inevitable side effect of leadership. People dont follow titles, they follow leaders. Gods vision is a leaders oxygen. Never let a person's weakness get in the way of his strength. Leaders don't complain about their situation, they change it(George Barna). God is not running the world. God is running the church. Satan is running the world system. You have enough faith. You do not need any more of it, you just need to know what to do with it. We have all been dealt the same measure of faith. God is no respector of persons. Because when you say that God is going to do something, you have denied that He has already done it. You have to understand that. It is a sin to continually eat wrong. It is a sin to be overweight. So if I believe that I have it, then I cannot ask for it again. Because if I ask for it again, I am saying by my asking, I must not have it. Just pray that you already have it(Frederick KC Price). Everybody's favorite subject is themselves.

FORM-Family-Occupation-Recreation-Message Notice what's right with people. If you applaud their strengths, they get stronger. Set a goal to perform in an area you haven't been performing in. Cultivate an attitude of warmth toward people all the time. When you agree with someone, say so. When you don't, don't. When speaking to a group, pay attention to the individuals People like those who agree with them a lot more then they like those who don't. Don't disagree with them unless you absolutely have to. Listening is the primary skill that endears you to people. A good listener is going to win out over a good talker every time. Ask interested questions. Don't interrupt or change the subject. The easiest way to persuade people is to help them get what they want. So don't talk to people about what you think is good until you find out what they think is good. Listen for when they say things like "The problem is..." or "I wish we could..." The best way to gain credibility with people is by using someone else's. What they say always carries more weight than what you say. People rarely doubt a third party quote, but they will doubt you. If you will help people make the small decisions, the big ones will take care of themselves. Ask "Yes" questions. Ask "which" questions not "yes" or "no". Expect a "yes" but if they rebut say "If I could help you around that, you would be interested wouldn't you?" Smile more. Be generous with your praise. Be constantly on the alert for somebody to praise and something to praise them for. If your always sarcastic you will never be trusted when your sincere. Find something very specific. Make it a game. Always be on the lookout for good things to comment on. You will start realizing how much goodness is really out there to see. Look for opportunities to thank people. How do you answer people when they ask you what you do for a living?(Dexter Yager) If you are nervous, be thankful. Don't hold it back. Turn it on. Let your nerves work for you. If fist-pounding is what you need to arouse yourself inside, then I am overwhelmingly for it. When I force myself to act enthusiastic, I soon feel enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is, by far, the biggest single factor in successful selling. Enthusiasm is by far the highest paid quality on earth, probably because it is one of the rarest; yet, it is one of the most contagious. Without it your sales talk is dead. To become enthusiastic, act enthusiastic. Force yourself if you have to. Without records, we have no way of knowing what we are doing wrong. I can get more inspiration out of studying my own records, than anything I read in a magazine.

Selling is the easiest job in the world if you work it hard-but the hardest job in the world if you try to work it easy. Before I could ever hope to make good in anything, I would have to overcome this timidity and fear of talking to strangers. All leaders and successful men have courage and self-confidence and are able to express themselves convincingly. Finally I got it through my head that I must take more time for planning. The business of selling all narrows down to one thing, seeing the people. Take more time to think and do things in the order of their importance. Keep focusing on what people want and keep selling them why they need to buy it. Simply keep asking questions with which the objectors have to agree. Keep asking questions until the answers add up to just one conclusion-a sound conclusion based on facts. Their is no difference between an audience of 400 and an audience of 1. Never try to cover too many issues; don't obscure the main issue. People don't like to be sold, they like to buy. Do you mean the price, or do yo mean the cost? Price is what you pay now, the cost it what you pay later. Know your competitors and praise your competitors. "I am in a position to do for you what no other living person can do for you." "If you were my own brother id say to you what im about to say." Say "you" and "yours" not "me" and "I" Make the idea theirs. Don't talk too much. Listen until you find out what they need and then sell it to them. The prospect himself doesn't always realize what his vital need is. Ask "why" when they say whatever rebuttal they give you until they understand their answers don't add up. 40% of the time people dont give you the real reason why they won't buy. Good listeners are rare. Always let them do most of the talking at first. This is the secret to popularity. "That's amazing! Tell me more about..." I will speak ill of no man-and speak all the good I know of everybody. Know the success stories of the people you have helped and they are as close as your telephone. Make note of peoples birthday, childrens names, ambitions, hobbies, dream. Encourage young men. Help a man see how he can be a success in life. Try to get a man to tell you what his greatest ambition in life is.

Have you ever noticed that the breaks seem to go with the fellow who has a sincere, enthusiastic smile, and so frequently against the fellow who goes around looking dissatisfied, disgruntled and glum? Give every living soul you meet the best smile you ever smiled. It is just as important to play position for the next shot in selling, as it is in billiards. Never fail to show appreciation for a lead. Report results whether good or bad. Your greatest asset you have is the number of strikeouts you have had since your last hit. Your just that much closer to a hit. Cultivate a little the don't-care habit.; don't worry about what people may think. This will endear you to others and make you liked and loved by others. In this world we either discipline ourselves, or we are disciplined by the world. Nobody will remember the times you struck out in the early innings if you hit a homerun with the bases loaded in the 9th. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the conquest of it(Frank Bettger) "So if we could help you achieve these dreams quicker you would be excited right?" "What have you always wanted to do but never could?"(Bert Gulick)

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