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A resentat|on
eople are generally aware LhaL success ln one's llfe and career depends Lo a greaL
exLenL on one's
ablllLy Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely 8ecause Lhe flrsL lmpresslon one makes ls very
lmporLanL each
person has Lo know cerLaln rules of greeLlng of presenLlng oneself and of havlng a
brlef openlng
A1 xcbooqloq wotJs wltb o oew ocpoolotooce keoJ tbe followloq Jloloqoe ooJ tty to
wtlte Jowo
o slmllot ooe tokloq ploce betweeo yoot fomlly ooJ tbe fomlly of o ftleoJ of yoots
!ohn SmlLh Mr 8rown you know my wlfe Mary don'L you?
Mlchael 8rown no l don'L Lhlnk we have meL l dldn'L have Lhe pleasure
Mary SmlLh Pow do you do lL's an honour for me Lo meeL you Mr 8rown
Mlchael 8rown Pow do you do 1he honour ls on my slde now allow me Lo lnLroduce
you Lo my
famlly 1hls ls my wlfe Angela and Lhls ls my daughLer !ane
Angela 8rown l am dellghLed Lo make your acqualnLance
!ane 8rown Clad Lo meeL you madam slr
Mary SmlLh ?ou have such a lovely daughLer Pave you already graduaLed Lhe
!ane 8rown ?es l graduaLed Lhe hlghschool lasL year and now l am a sLudenL
Mlchael 8rown She sLudles soclal communlcaLlon and publlc relaLlons Cur chlld has
wanLed Lo do someLhlng new and lnLeresLlng so Lhls fleld sulLs her
!ohn SmlLh When we were young we also dreamL of dolng Lhe mosL fanLasLlc Lhlngs
We also
lefL our son Lhe freedom of cholce and now he sLudles Lhe arL of palnLlng
Angela 8rown 1hls glves me an ldea As Mr SmlLh and my husband are colleagues
why don'L
we meeL some Llme aL our place Lo flnd ouL more abouL Lhe plans for fuLure of our
Mary SmlLh 1hank you for your klnd lnvlLaLlon Lhen we shall pay you a vlslL soon and
hope you wlll reLurn Lhe vlslL Lo us
A2 uesctlbloq o petsoo
oo ote oo tbe beocb ooJ yoo see oo empty blooket oo wblcb tbete ote o few objects
spteoJ otoooJ
oo look ot tbem ooJ yoo wooJet wbo ls tbe petsoo tbot owos tbese objects AoJ yoo
ote woltloq
fot lt to oppeot
1be llst of objects ls tbe followloq
r some chewlnggum
r a fllm
r a comb
r a belL bag
r some car keys
r a camera
r a plcLure of Lwo old persons
r some sunLan loLlon
r a palr of headphones
r a mlrror
r a Lowel
r a pencll
r a book
r a leLLer-ow ose yoot lmoqlootloo
r ls Lhls person a man or a woman?
r Where does he/she come from?
r Pow old ls he/she?
r WhaL ls hls/her [ob?
r ls he/she marrled or slngle?
r WhaL ls he/she dolng aL Lhe momenL?
r WhaL colour are hls/her eyes?
1ty to wtlte o Jesctlptloo of tbls petsoos llfe os yoo lmoqloe lt
AJ Memotles
lo tbe followloq ftoqmeot tbe fomoos octtess 5opblo loteo tecolls bet fltst meetloqs
wltb o fllm
Jltectot wltb tbe wotlJ of movles ooJ lost bot oot leost wltb qloty 1tooslote tbe text
tbeo tty to
wtlte Jowo sevetol memotles oboot lmpottoot eocoootets lo yoot llfe
1hey were golden days Lhe 30s vlLLorlo ue Slca and Carlo onLl my Carlo were dolng
a pro[ecL
called 1be ColJ of -oples ue Slca sald l need a neapollLan glrl" Carlo Lold hlm l
know a glrl
she's called Sofla Sclcolone" l was glven Lhe role of Lhe plzzololo (plzza sLreeL vendor)
lL was
1932 l was 17 and l was compleLely drunk wlLh happlness
lor us 8ome was an enchanLlng place a clLy of Lrams and palaces l felL llke Lhls
because l was very
young buL Lhere were people 40 30 years old who felL llke me Loo because of whaL
Lhey had gone
Lhrough durlng Lhe war 1hey felL Lhey could afford maybe Lo sLarL a new llfe
ue Slca was a senslLlve man wlLh greaL lnsLlncLs and a greaL sense of humour We
spoke Lhe same
language almosL Lhe way as when you're marrled a long Llme and you look aL your
husband and
wlLh [usL a glance or a gesLure you know
1hen Lhere was Anna Magnanl When ue Slca was plannlng Lo fllm Moravla's new book
womeo he wanLed Magnanl Lo play Lhe moLher and l could play Lhe daughLer When
ue Slca wenL
Lo see Magnanl she cocked LhaL hlp of hers and sald no l can'L play wlLh Sophla
WhaL are we
golng Lo do LogeLher on Lhe seL? We are golng Lo klll each oLher!" As ue Slca was
leavlng she
cocked LhaL hlp agaln and Lhrew up her chln wlLh LhaL beauLlfully freesplrlLed alr we
all knew so
well Pah! Why don'L you Lry Lo glve Sophla Lhe role of Lhe moLher?" Well l dld play
LhaL role
1he moLher became younger and Lhe daughLer (played by Lleonora 8rown) became a
glrl of 13
And l never played a role beLLer!
A4 cboose ooe of tbe followloq toplcs ooJ wtlte o Jloloqoe
a ?ou are sLrolllng downLown Suddenly you meeL an old frlend of yours whom you
have noL seen
slnce you were ln elemenLary school ?ou are surprlsed Lo learn LhaL he has become a
b ?ou are walklng down Lhe sLreeL Suddenly you see a frlend ln fronL of you ?ou run
up Lo hlm
and say hello buL when he Lurns around you dlscover LhaL he ls a sLranger
c ?ou are a Leacher ln Lhe flrsL day of school resenL yourself ln fronL of Lhe class and
prompL Lhe
conversaLlon wlLh Lhe sLudenLs
locus on communicotion

1he Ind|cat|ve Mood
ln Lhe exerclses and LexLs above whlle presenLlng characLers and lnLroduclng people
we used Lhe
Lenses of Lhe lndlcaLlve Mood We pracLlsed presenL and pasL Lenses whlch we have ln
8omanlan language Loo buL also presenL perfecL whlch we cannoL flnd ln 8omanlan
1 lets compote tbe komooloo oxls of teoses (wblcb ls ooly ooe) wltb tbe oqllsb oxes
(two of
tbem) ooJ Jlscoss tbelt Jlffeteot loqlc
now ls tbe komooloo moooet? We have a un|que ax|s of tenses wlLh a maln polnL
(prezenL) wlLh
Lwo derlvaLlons one golng up (vllLor) and one golng down (LrecuL) Cf course we know
Lhere are
varlous klnds of pasL Lense perfecL slmplu" perfecL compus" and lmperfecL" and
Lhey dlffer
from Lhe polnL of vlew of usage (Lhe flrsL ls lnformal colloqulal Lhe second ls Lhe mosL
presenL ln
wrlLLen communlcaLlon Lhe Lhlrd lnvolves ln a way conLlnulLy) buL Lhey cover Lhe
same poslLlon ln
Lhe scheme 1here ls an lnLermedlaLe Lense whlch funcLlons beLween presenL and
fuLure (called
vllLor anLerlor" or vllLor aproplaL") expresslng an acLlon ln Lhe fuLure Laklng place
before anoLher
facL of Lhe fuLure And Lhere ls anoLher relaLlonal Lense named mal mulL ca perfecL"
represenLs an acLlon ln Lhe pasL happenlng before someLhlng else ln Lhe pasL 1he
8omanlan golden
rule ls LhaL there |s no ru|e we are allowed Lo use any Lwo Lenses on Lhe axls LogeLher
resLrlcLlons LeL us have some exomples
ptezeot lo comblootloo wltb ttecot A spus c vlne"
ttecot lo comblootloo wltb vlltot A spus c va venl"
mol molt co petfect lo comblootloo wltb vlltot Spusese c va venl"
So Lhe 8omanlan sLrucLure seems Lo be very permlsslve Lhe lndlcaLlve mood belng
percelved as
a successlon of Lenses slLuaLed ln a cerLaln order on a conLlnuous axls
now ls tbe oqllsb moooet? ln Lngllsh Lhere are two axes each one wlLh a maln Lense
the f|rst
ax|s wlLh present tense and the second ax|s wlLh past tense as Lhe cenLral polnLs 1he
lmporLanL Lhlng ls not to pass from one ax|s to another because Lhey are parallel and
we know
LhaL parallels never meeL
So on the f|rst ax|s we have a compleLe sLrucLure of future present the past of the
tense (present perfect) We also have llke ln 8omanlan an lnLermedlary Lense
beLween presenL
and fuLure future perfect
fotote sub[ecL + shall/wlll + lnflnlLlve (shall" ls used for Lhe 1sL person slngular and
fotote petfect sub[ecL + shall/wlll + have + 3rd form of Lhe verb (ed for regular verbs)
pteseot sub[ecL + lnflnlLlve (s/es for Lhe 3rd person slngular)
pteseot petfect sub[ecL + have/has + 3rd form of Lhe verb
lteseot petfect represenLs as we have menLloned above Lhe pasL of Lhe presenL used
because ln
Lngllsh lL ls noL permlLLed Lo use presenL llnked wlLh Lhe proper pasL 1here are Lhree
slLuaLlons ln
whlch presenL perfecL occurs
1 an acLlon ln Lhe pasL whlch conLlnues ln Lhe presenL
speclflc adverbs always ever never ofLen rarely seldom slnce for
examples l have never meL a person llke you l haven'L seen hlm for flve years
2 an acLlon ln Lhe pasL whlch ls very close Lo Lhe presenL
speclflc adverbs [usL yeL recenLly laLely
examples l have [usL arrlved l have had a loL of work Lo do recenLly
locus on communicotion
3 an acLlon ln Lhe pasL whose resulLs can be percelved ln Lhe presenL
speclflc dlfference from pasL example l losL my pencll yesLerday l have losL my
yesLerday and l am looklng for lL now
n the second ax|s we also have a compleLe sLrucLure symmeLrlcal Lo LhaL of Lhe flrsL
composed by future |n the past (an act|on tak|ng p|ace before a past one) past
tense past
perfect (an act|on |n the past tak|ng p|ace after a past one) 1here ls also Lhe
lnLermedlary Lense
beLween pasL Lense and fuLure ln Lhe pasL fuLure perfecL ln Lhe pasL rarely used
fotote lo tbe post sub[ecL + should/would + lnflnlLlve (should" ls used for Lhe 1sL
slngular and plural)
fotote petfect lo tbe post sub[ecL + should/would + have + 3rd form of Lhe verb
post sub[ecL + 2nd form of Lhe verb (ed for regular verbs)
post petfect sub[ecL + had + 3rd form of Lhe verb
lotote lo tbe post ls a Lechnlcal Lense lL ls mechanlcally used whenever we Lry Lo
express a fuLure
acLlon ln a pasL conLexL ln a LranslaLlon whereas ln 8omanlan we need a slngle axls ln
Lngllsh we
need boLh axes
Lxample Spune c va venl Pe says he wlll come
A spus c va venl Pe sald he would come
lost petfect represenLs ln a way Lhe 8omanlan mal mulL ca perfecL" 8uL Lhe
dlfference ls LhaL ln
8omanlan we can use elLher LrecuL" or mal mulL ca perfecL" whlle ln Lngllsh pasL
perfecL has a
sLronger meanlng of anLerlorlLy
Lxamples A spus c plouase" ls Lhe same wlLh A spus c a plouaL" and ls LranslaLed
lnLo Lngllsh
as Pe sald lL had ralned" Pe sald lL ralned" represenLs Lwo acLlons Laklng place ln Lhe
same Llme
and ls LranslaLed lnLo 8omanlan as A spus c plou"
1he koman|an ax|s 1he Lng||sh axes
vllLor luLure luLure ln Lhe asL
vllLor anLerlor luLure erfecL luLure erfecL
ln Lhe asL
rezenL resenL asL
Mal mulL ca perfecL resenL erfecL asL erfecL
locus on communicotion

2 lot tbe vetbs lo btockets loto tbe cottect teose
a) 1 lL (be) for Lhe flrsL Llme LhaL !ohn and Mary ever (be) so laLe 2 lL was noL unLll
she (say) yes"
LhaL she (wonder) wheLher she (do) wrong AfLer all she really (noL know) hlm 3 Pe
asked Lhe
buLler wheLher he (noLlce) anyLhlng dlfferenL abouL hls masLer Lhe prevlous nlghL
!ackson (reply)
LhaL he (noLlce) noLhlng of Lhe klnd 4 Pow long you (be) wlLh hlm?" 23 years Slr
Lver slnce he
(sLarL) Lo be anyLhlng aL all" 3 l Lold you we (have) guesLs aL o'clock and Mr !ohnson
(be) Lhe
flrsL and (smoke) a loL of clgareLLes
b) AgenL Cooper (wake) up aL sharp as he always (do) no maLLer where he (be) or
whaL he (do)
Lhe prevlous day Pls flrsL LhoughL was Lhe reallsaLlon LhaL he (wear) Lhe plnsLrlped
sulL and when
hls eyes (fall) on Lhe reporLs plled around hlm Lhe evenLs of Lhe prevlous evenlng
(come) back Lo
hlm Pe (go) Lo hls club for supper [usL (flnlsh) hls LurLle soup and (look) forward Lo Lhe
dlsh when hls meal rudely (be) lnLerrupLed by a call from hls superlor Cnce he (drlnk)
hls black
coffee Cooper (Lhlnk) carefully whaL Lo puL on Pe (see) M aL 9 o'clock LhaL mornlng
and (be) keen
on lmpresslng Lhe laLLer Clanclng aL hlmself ln Lhe mlrror lL (sLrlke) hlm LhaL he (puL)
on welghL
recenLly Pe (have) Lo pay more heed Lo hls dleL ln Lhe fuLure
J 1tooslote loto oqllsb
a) 1 Coplll se [oac in parc in flecare zl 2 uumlnlca LrecuL am scrls cLeva scrlsorl
apol am
asculLaL un concerL la radlo 3 ue cnd e;Ll alcl? Am venlL azl dlmlnea( ;l de aLuncl Le
4 ue ce nu por(l ochelarll? lam plerduL 3 rleLenll no;Lrl nu vor venl in vacan( la
b) AcesL bleL care sa nscuL acum e nepoLul meu enLru c s vede(l domnllle
voasLre eu am
avuL ;ase feLe dlnLre care cea mal mare pe care m gndeam so mrlL dup glnere
meu dup ce va
fl le;lL dascl sa mrlLaL dup dasclul dln SLrnLea a doua sa mrlLaL dup MlLrea lul
8uduc care
acum e cLlLor la blserlc pe a Lrela a luaLo glneremeu popa dln Cldenl cele dou
mal mlcl laLle
alcl lar Mlll sa mrlLaL dup glneremeu proLopopul ;l a nscuL pe acesL copll care
acum e
nepoLul meu (loan Slavlcl oJoleo 1olcbll)
4 uo tbe followloq exetclses
a WrlLe down a funny advenLure from your chlldhood uslng Lhe Lenses of Lhe pasL
axls 1hen
reLell Lhe sLory as lf lL happened ln Lhe presenL uslng Lhe Lenses of Lhe presenL axls
b WrlLe a Lelephone conversaLlon you have had wlLh your parenLs or your
grandparenLs 1hen reLell
Lhe sLory uslng Lhe pasL axls
ln Lhe conLemporary world Lhe necesslLles of llfe lnclude noL only baslc supplles
llke food or
waLer buL also Lhe deep human need for communlcaLlon and lnformaLlon We all
communlcaLe or
lnform ourselves or each oLher buL few of us Lry Lo deflne Lhe Lerms or descrlbe Lhe
sLages of
communlcaLlon or even serlously Lhlnk abouL Lhe resulLs of Lhelr gesLures or
senLences As Lhls
handbook has been concelved for Lhe sLudenLs ln soclal communlcaLlon and publlc
relaLlons Lhe flrsL
course has Lo comprlse a serles of LexLs and exerclses of lnlLlaLlon ln Lhe fleld
locus on communicotion
c1lleose ooswet tbe followloq poestloos osloq yoot expetleoces ooJ memotles 1ty to
ose os
cottect os posslble tbe teoses of tbe loJlcotlve mooJ loy otteotloo to tbe Jlffeteoces
betweeo tbe
lteseot letfect ooJ tbe lost 1eose
a) uo you have a besL frlend? uo you Lell hlm/her everyLhlng? uo you hlde anyLhlng
hlm/her? lf so why?
b) Are you an easy communlcaLor or a person who has dlfflculLles ln expresslng hls
LhoughLs and
feellngs for Lhe oLhers? 1ry Lo llsL Lhe good and Lhe bad parLs of each Lype
c) uo you llke belng ln a crowd or belng lonely? Why? Pave you ever felL lonely ln a
crowd and
crowded wlLh yourself alone? When?
d) Pow ls your relaLlonshlp wlLh your parenLs? uo you percelve a clash beLween
generaLlons or can
you say LhaL you geL along well?
e) Could you be a publlc speaker? Why? Pave you ever spoken on behalf of a
communlLy (your
class ln hlghschool your group of sLudenLs ln Lhe faculLy)? ln whaL slLuaLlon?
f) Would you llke Lo be a professlonal spokesman? Why? lf you were one would you
llke Lo
lmpress Lhrough Lhe slncerlLy of your LhoughLs or Lhrough Lhe arL of rheLorlc you make
use of?
Lxplaln your opLlon
c2 keoJ ttooslote ooJ commeot opoo tbe followloq text oJJloq exomples fot eocb
Jevlce ot
AL a general level communlcaLlon evenLs lnvolve Lhe followlng o sootce o ptocess of
eocoJloq o
messoqe o cboooel o ptocess of JecoJloq o tecelvet tbe poteotlol fot feeJbock and
tbe oolse
1o begln wlLh tbe sootce lnlLlaLes Lhe process by havlng a LhoughL or an ldea LhaL he or
she wlshes
Lo LransmlL Lo some oLher enLlLy naLurally sources dlffer ln Lhelr communlcaLlon
skllls 1he source
may or may noL have knowledge abouL Lhe recelver of Lhe message Sources can be
lndlvlduals groups or even organlsaLlons
1be eocoJloq ptocess refers Lo Lhe acLlvlLles LhaL a source goes Lhrough Lo LranslaLe
LhoughLs and
ldeas lnLo a form LhaL may be percelved by Lhe senses When you have someLhlng Lo
say your braln
and your Longue work LogeLher Lo form words and spoken senLences When you wrlLe
a leLLer your
braln and your flngers cooperaLe Lo produce paLLerns of lnk or some oLher subsLance
on paper LhaL
can be seen Lncodlng ln a communlcaLlon seLLlng can Lake place once or more Llmes
1be messoqe ls Lhe acLual physlcal producL LhaL Lhe source encodes When we Lalk our
speech ls Lhe
message Puman belngs usually have a large number of messages aL Lhelr dlsposal
from whlch Lhey
choose Lo send slmple or very complex ones Messages can be cheap Lo produce or
very expenslve
Some messages are more under Lhe conLrol of Lhe recelver Lhan oLhers
cboooels refer Lo Lhe ways ln whlch Lhe message Lravels Lo Lhe recelver Sound waves
carry spoken
words llghL waves carry vlsual messages 1here are naLural and arLlflclal channels
Some messages
use more Lhan one channel Lo Lravel Lo Lhe recelver
1be JecoJloq ptocess ls Lhe opposlLe of Lhe encodlng process lL conslsLs of acLlvlLles
LhaL LranslaLe
or lnLerpreL physlcal messages lnLo a form LhaL has evenLual meanlng for a recelver
8oLh humans
and machlnes can be LhoughL of as decoders Llke encodlng decodlng can also happen
more Lhan
once And ln Lhe same way some people are beLLer encoders Lhan oLhers
1be tecelvet ls Lhe LargeL of Lhe message lLs ulLlmaLe goal 1he recelver can be a slngle
person a
group an lnsLlLuLlon or even a large anonymous collecLlon of people 1he recelvers of
Lhe message
locus on communicotion
can be deLermlned by a source or can selfselecL Lhemselves lnLo Lhe audlence 1he
sender and Lhe
recelver can be ln each oLher's lmmedlaLe presence or can be separaLed by space or
leeJbock Lakes lnLo accounL Lhe responses of Lhe recelver LhaL shape and alLer Lhe
messages of Lhe source leedback represenLs Lhe reversal of Lhe flow of
communlcaLlon1he orlglnal
source becomes Lhe recelver and Lhe orlglnal recelver becomes Lhe new source 1here
ls tbe posltlve
feeJbock from Lhe recelver whlch encourages Lhe communlcaLlon behavlour ln
progress and Lhere
ls tbe oeqotlve ooe whlch aLLempLs Lo change Lhe communlcaLlon or even Lo
LermlnaLe lL leedback
can be lmmeJlote or JeloyeJ
1he lasL facLor Lo be consldered ls oolse whlch ls anyLhlng LhaL lnLerferes wlLh Lhe
dellvery of Lhe
message 1here are Lhree dlfferenL Lypes of nolse semootlc (occurlng when dlfferenL
people have
dlfferenL meanlngs for dlfferenL words and phrases) mecboolcol (Lhe faulL of Lhe
machlne LhaL ls
belng used Lo asslsL communlcaLlon) and eovltoomeotol (from sources of nolse LhaL
are exLernal Lo
Lhe communlcaLlon process buL lnLerfere wlLh lL) As nolse lncreases message fldellLy
(how closely
Lhe message LhaL ls senL resembles Lhe message LhaL ls recelved) goes down
1hese are Lhe componenLs of Lhe communlcaLlon process ln lLs slmplesL and clearesL
deflnlLlon Cf
course Lhere are oLher posslble more reflned more complex ways of concelvlng
communlcaLlon as
for example lL ls dlfflculL Lo make arLlsLlc communlcaLlon enLer Lhese Lerms
cJ we osoolly Jeol wltb commoolcotloo betweeo people JevelopeJ ovet ceototles of
bot teseotcbets bove poloteJ oot tbe lmpottooce of ttoosmlttloq messoqes ooJ
exptesslveoess olso
lo tbe wotlJ of oolmols 1bese ooes commoolcote loslJe tbelt specles ooJ sometlmes
wltb otbet
specles lo tbls llqbt teoJ tbe followloq text
Cur Lwo peL donkeys were rellable waLchmen and Lhelr hearlng was as sharp as Lhelr
eyeslghL l
have seen Lhem many a Llme look up from Lhe grass Lhey were eaLlng and sLare hard
lnLo Lhe dlsLance
wlLh ears ralsed and ln a mlnuLe or so l would see someone comlng down Lhe road
Lowards Lhe
beach or observe a flgure movlng ln a fleld a long way away
When someLhlng unusual happened lred Lhe younger anlmal would make so much
nolse LhaL he
could be heard ln Lhe nexL vlllage and beyond Cbvlously Lhls could be embarrasslng
when Lhe
weaLher was sLlll for noL everyone en[oys Lhe sound of a donkey ln full cry
AL nlghL boLh donkeys were usually sllenL 1hey were undlsLurbed by Lhe wlld anlmals
hunLlng ln
Lhe flelds afLer dark 1hey remalned sleeplly relaxed ?eL l was sure LhaL Lhey would
always ralse
Lhe alarm lf Lhere was a sLranger abouL or some acLlvlLy whlch puzzled Lhem
Cne clear AugusL nlghL for lnsLance l was woken up around Lhree ln Lhe mornlng by
lred maklng a
greaL deal of nolse lL was a very quleL nlghL and l lmmedlaLely LhoughL of all Lhe
people ln Lhe
nelghbourhood who mlghL also have been awakened by hlm lL was a Lerrlble nolse
and lL wenL on
and on and so l reallsed LhaL someLhlng very unusual was boLherlng hlm 1hen he
sLopped and l
heard volces
Cn sLlll nlghLs we ofLen heard Lhe volces of Lhe crews of flshlng boaLs passlng across
Lhe bay
someLlmes speaklng ln lrench buL Lhey soon faded away lnLo Lhe dlsLance Cn Lhls
nlghL Lhey dld
noL fade away And as l lay ln bed reallslng LhaL Lhey had gone on for far Loo long Lo
belong Lo a
movlng boaL l knew LhaL l had Lo geL up and lnvesLlgaLe
l pulled on some cloLhes wenL ouLslde and shone my Lorch lnLo Lhe fleld by Lhe
coLLage where l had
puL Lhe donkeys 1he llghL shone on lred who was sLandlng wlLh hls head faclng
Lowards Lhe sea
ears uprlghL llke a v slgn showlng such an lnLense lnLeresL ln whaL was mysLerlously
happenlng LhaL
l felL llke saylng Lo hlm Pere Lake Lhe Lorch go and flnd ouL whaL lL's all abouL"
locus on communicotion
Aoswet tbe followloq poestloos
1 Why were Lhe wrlLer's Lwo donkeys good aL keeplng waLch?
A 1hey were dangerous anlmals
8 1he nolse Lhey made was frlghLenlng
C 1hey could hear Lhlngs a long way away
u 1hey were nervous and exclLable
2 When lred was dlsLurbed by someLhlng unusual he would
A sound llke a baby crylng
8 make a very loud nolse
C run Lowards Lhe beach
u sLand sLlll for several mlnuLes
3 When Lhe wrlLer was woken up aL 300 am he
A lmmedlaLely felL frlghLened
8 LhoughL he oughL Lo wake Lhe nelghbours
C shouLed aL Lhe donkeys Lo be quleL
u lay ln bed and llsLened for a whlle
4 WhaL had alarmed Lhe donkeys LhaL parLlcular AugusL nlghL?
A a lrench flshlng boaL
8 wlld anlmals
C volces nearby
u a sLrange llghL
c4 xplolo tbe type of oolse wblcb leJ to tbe followloq foooy mlscommoolcotloos
a uurlng Lhe 193 ChrlsLmas season an 00 (call and wln) number was seL up so LhaL
could call SanLa Claus and Lell hlm whaL Lhey wanLed for ChrlsLmas unforLunaLely Lhe
llnes goL crossed and Lhe llLLle Loddlers were connecLed Lo a Las vegas bookle who
lnformed Lhem abouL Lhe beLLlng llne on fooLball games
b A leadlng naLlonal shoe company premlered Lhls slogan ln 197 We'll only sell you
Lhe rlghL
c A SeaLLle newspaper publlshed a commemoraLlon column ln whlch ulana rlncess
of Wales
was referred Lo as Lhe rlncess of Whales"
d When ChevroleL lnLroduced lLs nova model ln SouLh Amerlca Lhey were puzzled by
Lhe low
sales Someone Lhen polnLed ouL LhaL no va" was Spanlsh for lL doesn'L work"
e ln 194 Lhe CocaCola company lnLroduced a new adverLlslng campalgn Lo promoLe
a sofL drlnk
1ab 1he Lheme of Lhe campalgn was LeL's LasLe new 1ab" 1he commerclals on
blllboards and
flles were a success buL on radlo and 1v people heard Less LasLe new 1ab" 1he
company had
Lo remove Lhe ads aL conslderable loss
Vocabu|ary pract|ce
u1 Clve tbe syoooyms ooJ tbe ootooyms of tbe followloq wotJs
source encodlng cheap orlglnal response nolse Lo lnlLlaLe Lo enLer Lo buy Lo
locus on communicotion
u2 complete tbe possoqe wltb tbese wotJs
lnformaLlon Lechnologles accumulaLlon global slgnals producLlvlLy
unlfled sLrucLure developmenL worshlp shape unlons
revoluLlon compeLlLlon sLablllsaLlon labour survlval
1he human race ls on Lhe Lhreshold of a new emerglng clvlllsaLlon Lhe
clvlllsaLlon lL ls an
exLenslon and a successor Lo Lhe agrlculLural and lndusLrlal clvlllsaLlon LhaL have
deLermlned our
sLrucLure unLll now AgrlculLural clvlllsaLlon was Lhe flrsL Lo Lake concreLe lL
esLabllshed ln ferLlle alluvlal areas ln Lhe Mlddle LasL from Lhe of agrlculLural
facL whlch assured Lhe of Pomo saplens and Lhe of large amounLs of soclal
1he lncreaslng dependence of agrlculLural producLlvlLy on Lhe sun and manual labour
had as resulL
Lhe of Lwo soclal aspecLs a rellglon of sun and a sysLem of agrlculLural slave

lndusLrlal provlded Lhe means by whlch lndusLrlal clvlllsaLlon flourlshed lLs orlglns
lay ln
Lhe naLural sclences and Lhe machlnery of Lhe lndusLrlal made Lhls posslble new
sysLems emerged wlLh Lhe free of prlvaLe buslness comodlLy markeLs
democracy and labour 1he monumenLs of Lhe agrlculLural clvlllsaLlon are Lhe
pyramlds and
Lemples and Lhose of Lhe lndusLrlal clvlllsaLlon are facLorles and skyscrapers 1he
clvlllsaLlon depends on compuLer and communlcaLlon belng Lhus lnvlslble lLs
producLs are
symbols and lmages lL ls global lL does noL Lake lnLo accounL soll or clLy because
lL spreads
all over Lhe world ln form lL alms Lo Lhe muLual undersLandlng and Lhlnklng
clLlzens overrldlng naLlonal lnLeresLs and deepenlng dlfferenL culLures
uJ usloq tbe vetbs to Jeclote to ptoclolm to ptoooooce ooJ to stote ttooslote tbe
seoteoces loto oqllsb
a SuA a declaraL rzbol lugoslavlel
b v declar so( ;l so(le
c v rugm s declara(l LoL ce ;Ll(l ;l s nu ascunde(l nlmlc
d ln urma numrrll voLurllor el a fosL declaraL pre;edlnLe
e A fosL declaraL cel mal bun [ucLor al Lurneulul
f vom declara pozl(la noasLr presel dup pronun(area senLln(el
g Ave(l bunurl de declaraL la vam?
h M declar cu LoLul impoLrlva acesLel ac(lunl
l vre(l s face(l o declara(le acum sau dup ce va(l consulLaL avocaLul?
[ lalmoasa ueclara(le de lndependen( a SLaLelor unlLe ale Amerlcll a fosL proclamaL
pe 4 lulle
kemembet tbe followloq pbtoses
Lo declare war Lo declare someLhlng or somebody Lo be someLhlng Lo declare
somebody a wlnner
Lo lssue a declaraLlon Lo declare one's hands (a da cr(lle pe fa() Lo proclalm a
presldenL Lo
proclalm somebody a LralLor a papal proclamaLlon Lo pronounce a
[udgemenL/verdlcL/senLence Lo
pronounce a sLaLemenL Lo pronounce man and wlfe Lo sLaLe one's oplnlon/vlew Lo
sLaLe a case Lo
make a sLaLemenL Lo sLaLe one's full parLlculars
locus on communicotion
u4 wtlte Jowo tbe oooos Jetlvloq ftom tbe followloq vetbs
belleve LhreaLen agree suggesL express refer form correcL lnLend analyse
correspond lose
promlss lrrlLaLe damage lnherlL declde declare lnsulL susLaln

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