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Scumbags slang

A few orthographic rules of this slang are presented at the bottom of this page, an automatic converter is also available. If you like this page and want
to share it with others on forums or blogs please do not copy more than 10 words with explanations and make sure to include a link to this page.

adv [adnaznana] (\o/): Phonetic rendering of (unambiguously), a word often used

by politicians, especially Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
3 , , ... ( ),
Read it three times, had a beer, but I still dont get it... I need a third (or more beer), clearly...
(Kestas @, 04/2004)

m [adstoj] (\o/): Misspelling of , which means sediment but has gained the colloquial
meaning bullshit, crap (the words carries a notion close to left over, discarded). Sometimes written
, .
! , !
Bullshit. A great idea, but bullshit.
(Ranta May @, 08/2007)

/ expr [A/KZ] (\o/): Short for , (the author rules, the post is
great). Antonym of /.
: ) , /
the book

of Cyrillics

(4everlive @ , 12/2007)

adj [albanskij] (\o/): Although the initial meaning is Albanian, this has come to mean Russian
language in general or the present slang in particular. The origin of this new meaning is the naive
ignorance of an American livejournal user confronted with a script he could not read (Russian).
Eventually he was told to learn Albanian and the sentence is now used as an invitation
to people making mistakes in Russian or in this jargon. Sometimes written .
, =)
(tarkovska @ , 07/2010)



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? expr [APVS] (\o/): Short for ?, which is ?

pronounced with a supposedly Jewish accent. Loosely similar to WUU2 (what are you up to?).
wall66: - ?
-: ?
Wall66: .
wall66: Have you any official sources confirming it?
Zujev-Khalupin: WUU2?
wall66: just wondering.
(, 10/2010)

m [aftar] (\o/): Author, deformation of . Alternate orthography: . The author is usually

the writer of an internet post (in a blog or on a forum).
-, , ,
, .
Author-cusser, if you hear us, to take a running jump, your site is neat, we love you.
(Split @, 01/2007)

expr [afftar t] (\o/): The author rules, one of the highest sign of respect and widely used
appreciative comment. In proper Russian it should read: (i.e. the author sets on fire).
, . . .
(alokejufov @ , 09/2011)

expr [AHZ] (\o/): Acronym for // , usually given as an evasive answer with a varying
level of rudeness depending on the middle word implied.
adj [acckij] (\o/): Derived from hellish. It can convey both the meaning of something
which is good, strong or the opposite meaning of something bad.
, , , ,
5 , ? :
, ? ?
Folks, those who drive children around, please tell if it is possible to have a five years old in the car and drive him to the
dacha without getting a hell of a pain in the ass? What is the practice today: would the fine be expensive? Can they stop you
from driving on?
(Greaff @ , 05/2009)

/ expr [b/p] (\o/): Honestly, no kidding. Short for .

/, , , .
(grisharasputin @ , 10/2009)

m [babrujsk] (\o/): City in Belarus (Mogilev province), which is written that way in Belarusian but
should be spelt with an o in Russian. For some reason this city, as Uryupinsk (), is immensely
popular with internet users, most of whom have probably never been nor will ever be there. It can be
found in following sentences: , !, , .
Two books are usually cited as the source of Bobruysks fame: one excerpt from Ilf and Petrovs
! .
, .
? ? .
? ?
. , .
or Vladimir Sorokins :
? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? , ? , ? ? ?
? ? ? ? , ? ? , ?
? , ? , ? , ? , ?
m [bajan] (\o/): An old hat, i.e. a story which has been told many times before. Used on forums to
mention the post is repeating an older one. Alternative spelling: , , . The initial
meaning of the word is accordion and it is part of a joke that was published over and over again on ( , we buried the mother in law and ripped apart two
accordions, implying great fun in the process). There even is a smiley for this: [:]||||||||||[:] or [:]\/\/\/[:].
, , . ,
, 100%.
(sly2m @ , 09/2011)

f [bljat] (\o/, ): Deformation of .

, !
Be tolerant, fuck!
(mandavozka @ , 04/2011)

. (I will steal. MP Belousov fuck),

graffiti in Saint-Petersburg (June 2011), . -.
expr [bljapalifsjenahujmudaki] (\o/, ): Expression of exasperation and
anger with the users around. Contraction of , , (damn, go all fuck
yourselves, dickheads) which is sometimes shortened as .
! !
(bruxsa stoker @ , 06/2008)

f [bljat] (\o/, ): Deformation of .

f [bljat] (\o/, ): Deformation of .

, : , ,
. .
Fuck, hand on my heart I can say: no-one, damn, does sites better than we do. Without any concession.
( @ , 04/12/2008)

! (fuck, didnt work out),

Anonymous graffiti
m [bajanist] (\o/): User repeatedly posting old jokes () as though they were new.
, ?
(NotFFirk @, 06/2010)

expr [bugaga] (\o/): Symbolises laughter (ha-ha-ha).

, :
, ,

(, 10/2006)

m [buhar] (\o/): Ironical name for January. Due to the numerous holidays in early January this month
offers many opportunities to drink.
expr [danunah] (\o/): Mark of disbelief, contraction of (well you dont say... that
cannot be).
, ,
? prizm? 9 .
(tryapkina @ , 04/2009)

m [dnivnig] (\o/): Diary or blog, deformation of .

, , !
(krolik-zanuda @ , 06/2006)

v pf [drait] (\o/): To wank, phonetic variant of .

, ,
( @, 12/2010)

m [ebanat] (\o/, ): Idiot, dumbass. See .

. , ,
. , , .
( @ , 09/2011)

expr [pta] (\o/, ): Exclamation of surprise, also written as , , or . Derived

from .
, , .
Jesus, I already wrote in the first comment that I cannot see the picture.
(e981yt @ , 10/2010)

v ipf [abit] (\o/, ): Edit and modify pictures on the computer, often to produce a funny effect. The
verb comes from the ironical Russian nickname for Photoshop , after aphaeresis and
Today well deface a Soviet sports poster.
( @ , 01/2010)

f [est] (\o/): Impressive, awe-inspiring, distortion of (hard, tough). Can also be written as
, , .
! ! ! !
(421431911 @, 05/2009)

expr [ot]


Rules, misspelling of (burns, sets on fire in standard Russian). See also

! (Beslan Putin turns up the heat), Graffiti in Moscow, Klimentovskij per.

(Sept. 2008)
m [zaot] (\o/): Form of praise referring to university exams with two possible results
/ passed failed. Alternative spelling: .
: ,
, ) .
(Red Orm @, 12/2010)

adj [zaotny] (\o/): Very good, neat.

. . .
Brilliant home made action movie about how a teacher moves to a provinical school and things get started. Gothic. Basharov
is the man.
( @ , 05/2009)

expr [ZFB] (\o/): High form of praise for the commented remark. Acronym of , a
transliteration from English (the fucking best).
expr [IMHO] (\o/): Russian transliteration of IMHO (in my humble opinion). Sometimes explained as
the acronym of (meaning loosely I have an opinion which you cannot
, .
I received an SMS from my operator: have three times more contact with your friends. IMHO that would lead to liver
failure, or to my wife kicking me out of the house.
(, 07/2008)

m [inet] (\o/): Internet.

, .
If the notebook is running on battery Internet is flowing without problem. As soon as I plug in the power Internet disconnects.
(vladimir-1990 @, 05/2011)

v ipf [ipat] (\o/, ): Screw, fuck, alternate spelling of .

, , .
The hump is very nice, shes a well built girl, its very comfortable to screw her. Yana obviously fucks not without pleasure
although it is also clear that she does not loose her mind and remains decent.
( @, 06/2010)

v ipf [ipacca] (\o/, ): Deformed spelling of (slang verb for intercourse or some tedious
. :
, 50, -. ,
-, .
I was quite disappointed after a visit to this hooker yesterday. Reasons: the age had been noticeably reduced, actually she
was no younger than 50, all used up. Why did I stay and not leave straight away? I was too lazy to drag myself somewhere
else, and I wanted to fuck, of course.
( @, 12/2009)

expr [ispactula] (\o/): ROFL, deformation of (from under the chair), implying that
the person writing fell of his chair from laughing. Form of praise for the comments or posts above.
* * , , !...
*ROFL* the question is of course interesting, rhetorical!...
(AlyonaSL @, 02/2009)

expr [ja] (\o/): I, phonetic spelling of .

, . .
(podolianka @ , 08/2011)

m [jad] (\o/): Poison, deformed spelling of . Usually used in the sentence (drink poison) to
underline ones disagreement with the opinion of somebody else (who should therefore rather leave this
vale of tear voluntarily).

Poyson: general name for mind-cooling drinks made from dioxytrichlormethylbottomsupethylenpropylenmumblejumbleorange.

f [jeplja] (\o/, ): Sex, intercourse, alternate spelling of .

- , ( ,
, ).
Some may not like that the French letter is put on manually (I dont give a damn, its even faster which means there is more
time for shagging).
( @, 06/2010)

expr [jopta] (\o/): Exclamation of surprise, also written as , or . Derived from

: ? , , @ .
I get a call: So where are you? Damn, I say, I already sorted that fuck out and am on my way.
( @, 08/2007)

m [juh] (\o/): South (), this word is particularly amusing because it is actually spelt backwards.
Gives a second meaning to the harmless sentence:
In autumn all birds fly south / go to hell.

Crimean camping (Sept. 2011),
expr [kagdila] (\o/): Deformation of ? (How do you do?).
: , ?
: (
: ?
: !
: ) , ))
: ?
: )
: . .
. .
(, 05/2007)

m [kament] (\o/): Comment, message posted on a blog or a forum as a reply to the lead post. Correct
Russian term: .
_ , ,
In the community reading_recommendation I got flamed for having written in a comment, that I do not like War and
(trollwinter @ , 05/2010)

/ expr [KG/AM] (\o/): Dismissive comment on a post, stands for , (the

text is bullshit and the author an arse).
! ? ...
, . .?
(yurik408 @, 04/2011)

m [kriatiff] (\o/): Post, message of some supposed or real creative value (poetry, literature...).
Derived from . Alternate spelling: , .
, , ! :-)
(clapcommander @ , 10/2010)

expr [kton(i)t] (\o/): Contraction of - (someone, anybody). Alternate spelling: .

? , ...
Anybody wants to go to Magadan? They say they have awesome sawmills...
( @

m [lytdybr] (\o/): Russian rendering of the Latin letters that one gets when typing in Cyrillic
on a Russian/English keyboard with the keyboard toggled to English (i.e. lytdybr).
, ,
: , , , ,
, , , ,

m [mosk] (\o/): Brain, derived from . Also written .

: ,
VV: , ,
: .
(, 06/2010)

m [muhosransk] (\o/): Fictional country side settlement far off modern times and civilisation.
, .
Mukhosransk is any city on the Russian territory outside the Moscow ring road.
(, 2010)

expr [nah] (\o/): Short for .

If they delete this section as well Ill get the fuck out of this forum.
(Swet @, 04/2007)

expr [niasilil] (\o/): I could not read it all, a comment usually posted after long and tedious posts.
Deformation of . The reason why a post has not been read entirely can be explained in detail.
, =) ,
(zhvipoistsuvs @ , 10/2010)

expr [niasilil patamuta mnoga bukaf] (\o/): tl;dr (too long; didnt
read), I could not read it all too many letters.
-, Contradeum, , .
- .
( @, 12/2009)

expr [niasilil patamuta stihi] (\o/): I couldnt read it because its poetry.
expr [niasilil patamuto vajna i mir] (\o/): I could not read it because
it is as long as war and peace (by Count Leo Tolstoy).

(ossain @ , 11/2006)

expr [niibacco] (\o/, ): Introductory request for some kindness or indulgence towards the
following comment (dont get mad right away but...). Also written as .
adv [nipadeccki] (\o/): Seriously, deformation of - (not childishly).
, ! !
In short the bloke shat himself seriously! Fucking awesome!
( @, 01/2009)

adj [olbanskij] (\o/): See .

LexxUnder: 1- ... , , ,
(, 06/2007)

m [offtop] (\o/): Off topic, borrowed from the English expression. Written in Cyrillic
seems to be a diminutive (with the - ending) and was therefore shortened to a more serious looking
, .
(One X @, 09/2009)

expr [patamuta] (\o/): Because (as an answer without more explanation). Deformation of
with a supposedly funny Caucasian accent.
f [pelotka] (\o/): Female genitalia, by extension women in general. From .
( @, 06/2010)

expr [pelotka britaja] (\o/): Good, attractive (shaved pussy).

( @ live internet, 03/2007)

expr [pelotka ne britaja] (\o/): Bad, uninteresting (lit. unshaved pussy).

. , .
The bird in the Ukrainian beeline add wears no trousers. Epic fail, unshaved beaver.

m [pervonah] (\o/): Dismissive name for users competing to post the first comment in blogs or
, .
, , .
, . ,
: , !. ,
: !. ,

expr [pervy nah] (\o/): Typical first comment to any post, underscoring that the author is the
first. Probably a contraction of , (Im first, screw you).
adv [pesdato] (\o/): Good, great, brilliant. Corrupted spelling of .
. . , --, ?
, .
(zapitaya @ , 11/2007)

expr [pey eo] (\o/): Form of praise ( write more). Alternate spelling:
, , .
expr [plakal] (\o/): (I) cried meaning I laughed to tears. Here the deformation is a return to prerevolution spelling with a final (apparently this is also used to convey the impression of a funny
sounding foreign accent). Current orthography should be .
... :)
(Vitaly @ twitter, 05/2010)

m [poh] (\o/): Dont give a fuck, short for .

m [poh] (\o/): Dont give a fuck, short for .

m [preved] (\o/): Deformation of (hi) and most prominent word of the Russian internet slang
known as ( meaning scumbag, but being used in an ironical but positive way). It
is characterised by a deformed orthography and used by youths on forums. The term is taken from
a watercolour work by John Lurie (Bear Surprise) in which a brown bear shouts surprise at a couple
having intercourse in the wild. The Russian translation gained huge popularity and the bear is now the
icon of this slang. The sentence is rather popular and a greeting between speakers/writers
of the jargon. The corresponding smilies, symbolising the bear, are: Y, \o/.
expr [runimagu] (\o/): Sign of amused appreciation, deformation of (I cannot
stop myself from laughing).
. .
(anavina @ , 04/2009)

m [sekas] (\o/): Sex, deformation of the word .

, . , .
I went to meet Kira based on her pictures, we met on Raskova street, the sex was marvelous.
( @, 11/2008)

m [sotona] (\o/): Derived from (Satan), this word has a positive meaning, it implies a
devilishly good individual. In a comment, it can be strengthened with the adjective .
the author is a hell of good one.

, expr [spasiba padrail] (\o/): Standard comment to a post of erotic content (text or
picture), often positive but also ironical. Deformation of , .
m [sra]


Discussion, usually referring to discussion threads in blogs, ripe with abuse and

m [stopicot] (\o/): Loads, a lot. Deformation of (hundred five hundred).

n [scuko] (\o/): Corrupted spelling of .
. , .
(, 02/2007)

expr [ubejsibjaapstenu] (\o/): Negative assessment of the author of a post, who is invited
to kill himself against a wall in proper Russian .
, /,
, ...
(weidener @ , 12/2010)

m [uos] (\o/): Sign of thrilling surprise, from .

leepshec: ... ...
(, 12/2007)

m [urjupinsk] (\o/): Russian city of the Volgograd Region, which name is widely used as a
synonym for deepest province, untouched by modern times (some people even ignore it is a real city and
think of it as a fictional place). Its popularity is comparable only to that of Bobruysk.
m [uasneg] (\o/): Participant, derived from .
, , .
, .
Another participant in the discussion on the contrary suggests to remove Rosa and keep Luxemburg. Therefore we will not
remove anything and leave it as it is.
(pavel_petukhov @ , 03/2010)

expr [figassje] (\o/): Show of incredulity. Short for , it can sometimes be written
... , -, .
Blimey... this morning I looged onto my favourite site, and there was bugger all, not a site.
(tokyo-number-13 @ , 03/2009)

f pl [fortoki] (\o/): Russian name for Windows (means in fact just that small window panes).
() m [fotoop(a)] (\o/): Ironical nickname of Photoshop ( arse).
, , ?
Why the fuck did I delete the old photoshop and download the new one, when the new one does not fucking work?
( @, 10/2010)

expr [fpestu] (\o/): Deformation of .

( @ , 08/2008)

expr [ftemu] (\o/): Form of praise and approval, deformation of .

(Arver @, 01/2009)

v ipf [ftykat] (\o/): 1. To read. Logically a reader is called ;

. : ,
(, 05/2007)

2. to get it, to understand.

f [fublja]


Thingy, useless item, whatchamacallit. Contraction of the expletive , (urgh,

, ,
So where can a normal Tajik person munch a cat, rat, dog exquiste thingumajig kebab?
(andryukha @ , 11/2010)

() expr [her s nim (s nej)] (\o/): The hell with him (with her).
. . . ,
It did not work out for me. I shant, then. Fuck it. No point in trying a second time since I did not succeed the first time.
( , , )

expr [HZ] (\o/): Short form of .

, . ,
! .
Rather not my type, but I had a serious boner. So serious that he did not drop in the shower! Why she turned me on that way
fuck knows. Its a question to ask Freud to get explanations.
( @, 11/2008)

, ?
LiS: ... ...
(, 01/2008)

expr [hujasse] (\o/, ): Sign of surprise, contraction of .

, , : .
( & @, 04/2011)

expr [y] (\o/): Symbolises laughter, the letter is often repeated to underline the intensity of laughs (...).
The letter is sometimes used as a short form for the English acronym lol (laughing out loud), as it looks
quite similar.
How can you explain DNS zone settings to a client when his ICQ status is Im a fabulous moron lol?
(, 05/2007)

v ipf [juzat] (\o/): To use, borrowed from the English verb.

(, 03/2007)

m [juzver] (\o/): User (computer slang). Pejorative name mixing the English user and Russian
(wild animal).
(, 08/2007)

This slang appeared with the development of electronic communication means (IRCs, chats, blogs,
forums, SMS ) and is mostly a written slang popular amongst younger Internet users. It bases on
colloquial Russian and plays on the orthography of words, partly simplifying them according to
phonetics ( becomes ), by merging two or more words into one () but also
complicating them on purpose ( becomes ). The terms that are specific to the slang are mostly
borrowed from English ( from comment), with few exceptions (such as ). In this slang
words ending in -a are often turned into neutral terms (with a final -o). To convert a standard text into
something close to this slang, click here
Some rules behind scumbags slang:
Standard Russian



- at the end of a word

-, -

- at the end of a verb

-, -, -, -

, unstressed

, unstressed

, unstressed


, unstressed

, unstressed

, stressed

, stressed

, final or followed by a

, ,

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1997-2011 Charles Boutler

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