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Paper style:-

1.Single choice {20 M}

2.Fill ups { 50 M}

3.Short questions{20 M}

4.Long questions{10 M}

Long questions:-
1) Characters of parietal cells under LM and EM ?


Location: parietal cells (oxyntic cells) are present mainly in the upper half of the gastric glands of stomach (lamina propia).


1) round or pyramidal in shape .

2) centrally placed spherical nucleus,eosinophilic cytoplasm .


The common feature of active secreting cell abundance of mitochondria (eosinophilic).

Deep circular invagination of apical plasma membrane,forming intracellular canaliculus.

Resting stage: large no. of tubulo vascicular structures can be seen in the apical region just below the plasma membrane.

Few microvilli are seen at resting stage .

When stimulated to produce hydro-chloric acid.

Tubulo vesicles fused with cell membrane forming canaliculus and more microvilli

Function: secretes hydro-chloric acid,intrinsic factor.

The active cell secrete kcl in canaliculi.The presence of abundance of mitochondria is especially for metabolic process &
transport of H+ & K+ ions,highly energy consuming.

2)Structures of proximal convoluted tubule under LM & EM?


Location: cortical labyrinth.


1.simple cuboidal epithelium ,2.Acidophilic cytoplasm ,3.No discrete cell margin,4.Brush borders & 5. Longitudinal striations


1.apical canaliculi and vesicles ,2.Numerous lysosomes and mitochondria,3.Many lateral interdigitataions ,4.Microvilli on the
surface ,5.Membrane invaginations and 6.Abundant Na+ - K+ atpase.

Functions: it re-absorb water, glucose, amino acid, proteins, vitamin and inorganic salts etc..It Secretes ammonia and some
metabolic substances.

3)Development of midgut ?


Formation: By the stage of 1 month human embryo,the primitive gut has been delimited into tubular

Foregut,Midgut & Hindgut.

Midgut differentiation: midgut differentiates into future 1/3rd duodenum , jejunum, ileum, caecum, appendix, ascending colon
and 1st 2/3rd of transverse colon.

Deuodenum formation : it is formed from the terminal part of the fore gut cephalic part of midgut

It is C shaped ventrally and rotates to the right.

Midgut loop: by 5th week midgut grows rapidly to form U shaped loop.

It apex connects with yolk sac by way of narrow vitelline duct.

It consists of a cephalic limb and a caudal limb .

By 6th to 8th week midgut loop rotates 90 degrees around an axis,formed by the superior mesenteric artery in a counter
clock-wise direction,moving cephalic limb to right caudal limb to left.

Caecal swelling : a conical dilation of caudal limb forms caecum and appendix.

By 10th week midgut look return to the abdominal cavity simultaneously rotates in a counter clock direction. Moving cephalic
limb to left and caudal limb to right.

Cephalic limb: develop into jejunum and most part into ileum.

Caudal limb: develop into terminal part of ileum, caecum,appendix and 2\3rd of transverse colon.



it is a group or collection of similar cells and their extracellular substance that act together in performance of a particular

Group of cells + Extra-cellular ground substance = Tissue

The 4 types of tissues are 1.connective tissue,2. Skeletal tissue ,3. Muscular tissue and 4. Nervous tissue.


Histology is a branch of science which study the microstructures like cells,tissues,organs and the relationship between the
structure and function of human being.

Embryology is the branch of science that deals with the origin and development of individual organism from one cell (zygote)
to (5-7 x 10 power 12 cells),total 38 weeks.

3)Sacromere :

The part of a myofibril present between 2 consecutive Z-bands is called sacromere.

It is the contraction unit,the basic structural and functional unit of myofibrils of the muscle tissue.

It is made of myosin and actin filaments showing dark and bright bands.

Sacromere helps in muscle contraction.

4)Filtration membrane: [filtration barrier]

It is present in the renal corpuscle.

Filtration membrane include..,1. the fenestrated endothelium of glomerular capillary.., 2. a fused basal lamina produced by
both endothelial cells and podocytes, and 3. the slit membrane between inter-digitating pedicels of podocytes .

Glomerular basement acts as a physical filter.

In diseases such as diabetes mellitus ,the glomeruar filter alters and becomes more permeable to proteins.

This membrance is believed to be the filtration barrier that seperates the urinary space & blood in capillaries.


it is an early stage in the development of ovum.

morula enters uterine cavity for forming blastula.

It consists of hollow sphere of cells enclosing a cavity blastocele.

Zona pellucida disappear.

The cells of inner layer becomes inner cell mass(or) embryoblast.

The cells of outer layer becomes outer cell mass(or)trophoblast.

6)Blood brain barrier:

Blood brain barrier is a functional barrier blood barrier can protect CNS by passage of some substance such as antibiotics
and chemical and bacterial toxic matter from the blood to nerve tissue.

Including junctions which provide continuity between the endothelial cells of these capillaries represent the main structural
component of the barrier.

Astrocytes of CNS forms blood brain barriers.

7)Liver lobule

It is basic structural unit of liver.

it is polygonal in shape.

the parenchyma of the liver is divided by connective tissue into great no. ofpolygonal structures namely hepatic lobules.

A hepatic lobule contains a large central vein .

Hepatocytes are radially arranged around the central vein forming many hepatocyte cords.

There are liver sinusoids in between hepatic cords containing kupffer cells .

There are portal areas at corners of hepatic lobules composed of connective containing inter lobular arteriole, venule,
lymphatic vessel and duct.

There is a space of disse between endothelial cells and hepatocytes.

8)Portal space:

portal space is present at the corners of hepatic lobules .

Human liver contains 3-6 portal spaces per lobule.each lobule contains a branch of portal vein,a branch of hepatic artery, a
duct (part of bile duct system),lymphatic vessels. all this structures are embedded in sheath of connective tissue.

Portal space is composed of connective tissue.

9)Small intestine villis:

These are finger like long out growths of the mucosa (epithelium + lamina), projecting into the lumen of small intestine.

In duodenum they are leaf shaped , gradually assuming finger shape as they reach the ileum.

Between villi,there are openings of intestinal glands(or) glands of liberkuhn.

The epithelium of villi is continuous with that of gland.

Villi increases the surface of intestinal lining in which absorption occurs,so intensely.

10)Structure of oesophageus under LMS:

It is covered by non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.

It has 4 layers:-1.Mucosa ,2.submucosa ,3.muscularis , 4.adventitia/serosa.

1. Mucosa:- It is covered by stratified squamous non kertinised epithelium.lamina propria having mucous
2. Sub-mucosa:- There are mucous secreting glands , the oesophageal glands in the submucosa.

3. Muscularis:- At the distal end the muscular layer consists of only smooth muscle cells, in the mid portion
mixture of skeltal and smooth muscle cells ,at the proximal end only smooth muscle cells.

4. Adventitia/serosa:- Only peritoneal cavity is covered by serosa,the rest is covered by layer of loose
connective tissue.

11.Splenic sinusoid:-

It is present in red pulp.

they are long rod endothelial cells.

gaps are preaent between the adjacent cells.

no basement membrance.

these are rounded by reticular fibers.

Its function is in the lumen of sinusoids, lymphocytes are incorpoted into blood.

12.tri-lamellar germ disc:-

It is present in the embryo.

Its formation is:-the 2 layered embryo becomes 3 layered embryo by the formation of mesoderm by a process of cell
migration called gastrulation.


13.Blood air barrier:-

It is epithelial cell.

fused basal laminae.

endothelial cell.

Thickness-- 0.1 to 1.5 mm


Synapses are the sites of functional contact between neurons (or) between neurons & other effector cells (muscle & gland

Most synpases are chemical in nature which transmit information by releasing neuro-transmitters,during signalling process.
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