Sie sind auf Seite 1von 21

1 1he effecLs of pharmaceuLlcal dlspenslng paLLern on consumer sLore paLronage

2 1able Lurnover augmenLaLlon varlables affecLlng Lhe Llme spenL ln dlnlng experlence
3 A comparaLlve sLudy on appllcaLlon of adverLlslng Lhrough cell phone framework among varlous
Lypes of goods and servlces
4 MarkeL enLry sLraLegy ln an emerglng markeL uslng CounLry of Crlgln lnformaLlon
3 lmpacL of brand awareness on consumer/brand loyalLy A sLudy of packages mllk brands
6 CharacLerlsLlcs of cusLomer loyalLy lmpacL of brand lmage or producL characLerlsLlcs/aLLrlbuLes
A sLudy of packaged mllk brands
7 LffecL of selfplacemenL of hablLual buylng producLs on Lhelr sales
8 ueLermlnanLs of consumer buylng behavlor Lhrough mega sLores ln (counLry name)
9 Consumer response Lowards counLry of orlgln (experlmenL) comparlson beLween hlgher
lnvolvemenL and lower lnvolvemenL producLs
10 8elaLlonshlp beLween webslLe aLLrlbuLes and cusLomer saLlsfacLlon A sLudy of Lcommerce
sysLems ln (clLy name)
11 CusLomer uellghL ln banklng
12 1o ldenLlfy servlce quallLy gaps ln banklng secLor A comparaLlve sLudy of local and forelgn banks
13 LffecLs of occupaLlonal sLaLus on women food buylng and cooklng behavlor
14 LffecLs of employee smlllng on cusLomer saLlsfacLlon wlLh Lhe LransacLlon ln banks and cellular
lndusLry of (counLry name)
13 LffecLs of gender on famlly buylng declslon
16 LffecLs of recesslon on consumer buylng behavlor
17 lacLors effecLlng poslLlve and negaLlve word of mouLh ln resLauranL lndusLry
18 1he effecL of brand lmage on consumer LasLe preference
19 1he effecL of recesslon on promoLlonal acLlvlLles
20 1he effecL of recesslon adverLlslng
21 lacLors effecLlng level of lmpulse buylng
22 LffecLs of Lechnology change on lnformaLlon seeklng hablLs of lndlvlduals
23 LffecLs of producL and consumer characLerlsLlcs on free sample Lrall/usage
24 Consumer response Lo uneLhlcal reLaller behavlor
23 8elaLlonshlp beLween consumers lnLernal usage pracLlces and awareness Lo lnLernal adverLlslng
26 LffecLs of consumer response Lo ln sLore promoLlon on brand lmage and purchase lnLenLlon
27 ALLlLude of people ln dlfferenL roles Lowards dlrecL markeLlng
28 1he lmpacL of counLerfelL brands on consumers accepLance of orlglnal brands
29 1he effecLs of producL markeL and organlzaLlonal characLerlsLlcs on markeL research pracLlces
30 A comparaLlve sLudy of sellers and buyers ln markeL accepLablllLy of llcensed sofLware
31 AffecL of decepLlve adverLlslng on consumer loyalLy ln Lelecom secLor
32 lacLor affecLlng educaLlonlsL/sclenLlsL response Lo paLenL reglsLraLlon
33 Consumer awareness and usage of Lbanklng LransacLlons Lhrough moblle phones
34 1he effecLs of adverLlslng research pracLlces on Lhe adverLlslng performance of companles
33 lmpacL of performance commlLmenL on cusLomer's evaluaLlon of producL quallLy
36 8elaLlonshlp beLween packaglng characLerlsLlcs and consumer brand preference
37 8elaLlonshlp beLween markeLlng research cusLomer knowledge and company sales
38 LffecL of producL lnnovaLlveness and Lrlal ablllLy on new producL adopLlon
39 8elaLlonshlp beLween corporaLe lmage and moblle phone adverLlslng
40 Shelf spaclng compeLlLlon A comparaLlve analysls of local and lnLernaLlonal brand
41 llnd Lhe lmpacL of oplnlon leadershlp on consumer buylng declslon wlLh respecL Lo hlgh and low
lnvolvemenL producL caLegorles
42 A consumer declslon maklng model ln Lhe auLomoblle lndusLry of (counLry name)
43 lacLors behlnd brand swlLchlng ln Lhe Lelecom lndusLry
44 Consumer purchase behavlor ln ouLofsLock slLuaLlons aL reLall ouLleLs
43 undersLandlng consumer response Lowards sales promoLlon ln Lhe fasL food lndusLry
46 lacLors lnfluenclng cusLomer saLlsfacLlon ln healLh care servlces
47 lmpacL of congrulLy beLween selfconcepL and brand lmage on brand preference ln Lhe
auLomoblle lndusLry
48 1he lmpacL of brand exLenslon on brand personallLy
49 1he lmpacL of personal lnvolvemenL on sLore brand selecLlon
30 A four dlmenslon approach Lo aLLlLude measuremenL
31 SusLalnable compeLlLlve advanLages ln hosplLal lndusLry
32 CusLomers evaluaLlon of percelved value of servlce rendered by physlclan consulLanL
33 SLudylng consumer reacLlons Lo Lhe von 8esLorff effecL
34 LffecL of personal and personallLy characLerlsLlcs on sales performance
33 LffecLlveness of uLlllLy blll as promoLlon medlum (a comparaLlve sLudy beLween company and
36 1he revlval of radlo adverLlslng ln (counLry name) A comparaLlve sLudy of adverLlser and
37 1he effecL of corporaLe characLerlsLlc on Lhe cholce of CS8
38 8elaLlonshlp beLween organlzaLlon characLerlsLlc and organlzaLlon response Lo Cray markeL
39 1he effecL of consumer Lravel characLerlsLlc and blllboard characLerlsLlcs on consumer response
Lo blllboard adverLlslng
60 A sLudy of wasLe managemenL and recycllng ln (counLry name)
61 1he effecLs of publlclLy source characLerlsLlcs on consumer bellef
62 1he effecLs of search englne opLlmlzaLlon on markeLlng performance of Lhe companles
63 lmpacL of parenL brand lmage on Lhe brand exLenslon of Lhe flrm
64 lmpacL of nuLrlLlonal labellng on Lhe consumer buylng behavlor
63 lmpacL of celebrlLy endorsemenL and evenL sponsorshlp on prepurchase evaluaLlon
66 lmpacL of communlcaLlon on servlce brand evaluaLlon
67 lacLor affecLlng compulslve buylng behavlor ln credlL card consumer
68 1he effecLs of consumer envlronmenLal consclousness and envlronmenLal frlendllness on brand
69 lacLor lnfluenclng cusLomer reLenLlon ln hoLels
70 1he lmpacL of dlfferenL sales promoLlon LacLlcs on consumer of CSM neLworks ln Lerms of usage
71 LffecL of lnsLore shelf spaclng on purchase lnLenL
72 8ole of ouLdoor adverLlslng ln brlnlng awareness and developlng percepLlon for soclal causes
73 lacLors behlnd use of plasLlc money ln (counLry name) A sLudy of consumer behavlor
74 1o evaluaLe Lhe packaglng varlables and Lhelr lmpacL on consumer preference ln sofL drlnk
73 A sLudy on relaLlonshlp beLween adverLlslng word of mouLh and experlenLlal perspecLlve wlLh
respecL Lo purchase lnLenL
76 1he lmpacL of cusLomer expecLaLlon servlce on gender basls
77 1he lmpacL of fashlon lnvolvemenL and hedonlsLlc consumpLlon Lendency on buylng behavlor
78 lmpacL of mood on brand recall and aLLlLude of brand placemenL ln Lelevlslon program
79 1he effecL of cusLomer relaLlonshlp managemenL on cusLomer reLenLlon
80 1he relaLlonshlp beLween dlnlng aLLrlbuLes cusLomer saLlsfacLlon and cusLomers paLronage
lnLenLlon ln resLauranLs
81 8elaLlonshlp beLween sLore lmage and consumer preferences Lowards sLore brand
82 A sLudy on consumer purchase lnLenLlon wlLh respecL Lo ob[ecLlves aLLrlbuLes and sub[ecLlve
dlmenslons ln reLall ouLleLs
83 Consumer buylng behavlor ln shopplng sLores lmpacL of sLore dlmenslons and demographlcs
84 8rand awareness and brand aLLlLude as Lhe predlcLors of markeL share
83 lmpacL of adverLlslng and prlce senslLlvlLy and consumer buylng behavlor
86 A sLudy on consumer spendlng vla credlL cards
87 llndlng endogenlLy when consumer demographlcs psychographlcs and producL characLerlsLlcs
explalnlng consumer complalnL behavlor
88 LffecLlveness of lnLegraLed markeLlng communlcaLlon wlLh respecL Lo consumer aLLlLude
Lowards brand
89 lnfluence of humor adverLlslng on consumer brand percepLlon
90 An assoclaLlon beLween adverLlslng messages and conLenL and Lhe response of Lhe chlldren
91 An appllcaLlon of Lwo sLage leasL square model for explalnlng adverLlslng as a medlaLor for
aLLlLude and brand cholce
92 1he lmpacL of markeLlng acLlvlLles on Lhe sales of pharmaceuLlcal companles
93 CusLomer relaLlonshlp managemenL and servlces markeLlng ldenLlfylng Lhe source of
compeLlLlve advanLage uslng 88v Lheory
94 1o sLudy Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween managerlal percelved effecLlveness of Leaser campalgns and
lLs sLraLeglc lmplemenLaLlon
93 1o sLudy Lhe effecLs of housewlfe quallLy percepLlon of ready Lo cook meal on Lhelr preference
Lo use
96 1o sLudy Lhe effecLs of offenslve lmages and LesLs on ad recall brand recall and brand lmage
97 1o sLudy Lhe effecLs of brand relevance sLraLegles on brand share and brand sales
98 1o sLudy Lhe effecL of branded lngredlenLs on consumer percepLlon
99 1o sLudy Lhe effecLs of sales man personallLy on brand lmage and brand sales aL varlous sLages
of brand llfe cycle

1 roducL sLraLegles of prlvaLe llfe lnsurance companles
2 A sLudy on why companles should go for ouLsourclng
3 LffecLlveness of adverLlslng on real esLaLe secLor
4 SLudy on consumer expecLaLlons and percepLlons Lowards consumer loans
3 Workers aLLrlLlon raLe aL hoLel lndusLry ls lncreaslng SLudy regardlng Lhls lssue
6 ALLrlLlon raLes aL dlfferenL secLors
7 LffecLlveness and scope of employee referrals ln Lhe process of LalenL sourclng
8 SLudy of Lralnlng needs across dlfferenL lndusLrles
9 SLudy on creaLlon of luxury brand
10 SLraLegles used Lo bulld successful lnLerneL based cusLomer servlces
11 Measurlng Lhe effecLlveness of reLall banklng of a naLlonallsed bank compared Lo a MnC
12 Consplcuous consumpLlon
13 SLudy of awareness and accepLlblllLy of uvC wlndows and door sysLems
14 CpporLunlLles of llnanclng Lhe nAnCs ln 8angalore
13 Changlng Lrends ln lMCC lndusLry ln lndla
16 A sLudy of besL P8 pracLlces ln servlce lndusLry
17 lundamenLal analysls of lndlan Lelecom companles
18 SLudy of consumer behavlour ln auLomoblle lndusLry
19 cusLomer buylng behavlour Lowards lnsurance producLs
20 romoLlon sLraLegles followed ln lnsurance secLor
21 SLudy on changlng consumer preference Lowards organlsed reLalllng from unorganlsed reLalllng
22 sLudy on lmpacL of adverLlslng ln 828 markeLlng
23 ulsLrlbuLlon neLwork general lnsurance lndusLry
24 A sLudy on dlsLrlbuLlon channels ln alumlnlum lndusLry
23 SLudy on sLraLegles for promoLlng reLallers brands
26 SLudy of operaLlons markeLlng of chemlcal goods ln SSl
27 1he lmpacL of Lax on elecLronlc goods producLs (lndusLrlal markeLlng)
28 Merchandlslng key accounL managemenL ln apparel exporLs
29 LffecL of markeLlng ln moblllzaLlon ln 8C segmenL
30 MarkeLlng ln lMCC secLor
31 LmarkeLlng of flnanclal servlces 8elaLlonshlp approach
32 undersLandlng cross culLural llLeracy ln lnLernaLlonal buslness
33 1he sLudy of operaLlons markeLlng of lndlan harmaceuLlcal lndusLry
34 lmpacL of promoLlonal acLlvlLles aL mall on consumers behavlour aL shopplng malls
33 A sLudy on lndlan pharmaceuLlcal lndusLry
36 Managlng of luxury brands
37 vlablllLy of Mlcro lnsurance ln lndlan scenarlo
38 erformance evaluaLlon of lnlLlal publlc offers ln lndla
39 rocess of underwrlLlng and valuaLlon of llfe lnsurance
40 8lsk managemenL ln forelgn exchange
41 AsseL llablllLles managemenL ln lndlan banks
42 orLfollo consLrucLlon uslng fundamenLal analysls
43 orLfollo managemenL and how lL has helped lncrease effecLlve lnvesLmenL
44 lnvesLmenL banklng (lln) (reLall banklng ln lndla)
43 8lsk managemenL ln lndlan banks
46 A comparaLlve analysls Lowards resLrucLurlng of Lhe shared servlces unlL of LMC2
47 L8 lmplemenLaLlon sLraLegles (sysLems)
48 MeasuremenL of flnanclal efflclency
49 lundamenLal analysls of flnanclal secLor
30 lundamenLal analysls of lnsurance secLor
31 SLudy on human resource cosLlng
32 AsseL llablllLy managemenL of llfe lnsurance companles
33 8asel ll
34 8ecrulLmenLs
33 analysls of aLLrlLlon ln l1 and l1LS secLor
36 Workllfe balance ln l1 secLor
37 lncldence of llleglLlmaLe power lLs lmpacL on effecLlveness of odd lnlLlaLlves
38 lmplemenLaLlon effecLlveness of compeLence managemenL
39 people lssues ln mergers and acqulslLlons
60 performance managemenL
61 8esL pracLlces ln Lhe fleld of P8
62 SLudy of Lhe onllne muslc lndusLry wrL markeLlng ln Lhe lndlan conLexL
63 luLure and buslness poLenLlal of gamlng lndusLry ln lndla
64 !ob deslgn model of moLlvaLlon
63 8ole of emoLlonal saLlsfacLlon ln servlce encounLers reLall secLor
66 SLudy on facLors lnfluenclng adapLablllLy usablllLy of consumer elecLronlcs
67 luLure of consumer durables perLalnlng Lo sLandard brands own brands of reLaller llke (nexL
68 SLudy of consumer behavlour relaLed Lo dlfferenL soap brands ln 8angalore
69 lmpacL of small car segmenL on Lwowheeler lndusLry
70 lnfluence of brandlng on consumer purchaslng behavlour
71 Analysls of facLors lnfluenclng ln selecLlon of moblle servlce provlders ln nC8
72 lmpacL of nAnC on Lwo wheeler lndusLry
73 SLudy and analysls of markeL poLenLlal of vC wlndows and doors
74 Moblle banklng
73 ConsolldaLlon mergers ln banks of lndla
76 CredlL appralsal process ln banks
77 Consumer behavlour Lowards publlc secLor and prlvaLe secLor banks
78 A sLudy of efflclency ln banks
79 Analysls of sales promoLlons ablllLy Lo prompL brand
80 A sLudy on Lhe consumer elecLronlcs lndusLry ln lndla
81 Measurlng effecLlveness of dlsplay sysLem for chocolaLe ln reLall
82 Chooslng reLall locaLlons for shopplng ln lndla (reLall lndusLry)
83 SLudy on lmpacL of web 20 Lechnologles on 828 markeLlng
84 lundamenLal analysls of prlnLlng secLor
83 lnLegraLed markeLlng communlcaLlons (lMC)
86 Analysls of Lhe role of ouLdoor adverLlslng and esLabllshlng sLraLegles for managlng space medla
87 Consumer percepLlon of MCommerce
88 A sLudy of cusLomer percepLlon of servlce quallLy dlmenslon ln lnsurance lndusLry
89 lacLors affecLlng real esLaLe markeLs ln 8angalore
90 SLudy on medlcal Lourlsm and growLh of healLh care secLor
91 lnnovaLlons ln markeLlng ln elecLronlc and l1 companles
92 ercepLual mapplng of Lwowheeler lndusLry
93 SLudy on percepLlon of cusLomers on muLual fund adverLlsemenL
94 lmpacL of l1/l1LS growLh on real esLaLe lndusLry
93 CusLomer percepLlon of onllne purchases ln 8angalore
96 1he fuLure of buslness lnLelllgence wlnloss analyLlcs
97 1he sLudy of cusLomer servlce ln reLall secLor an l1 perspecLlve
98 conLrlbuLlon of l1 secLor (SA)
99 LoglsLlcs 8lnk managemenL
100 An analysls of exLernal Commerclal 8orrowlng of corporaLes
101 AnalyLlcal sLudy on Lhe volLallLy of securlLles Lraded on 8SL sensex
102 SLudy on prlvaLe equlLy lnvesLmenL by lnvesLmenL banklng lndusLry
103 A comprehenslve sLudy on 8Ll1s (8eal LsLaLe lnvesLmenL 1rusLs) Lhelr lmpacL on
lndlan caplLal markeLs
104 valuaLlon Lo deLermlne Lhe falr value of a sLock
103 ComparaLlve sLudy of luls and llls ln Lhe lndlan conLexL
106 8lsk managemenL Lhrough derlvaLlves
107 lnvesLors declslon maklng paLLern for llfe lnsurance producLs (deslgnlng of pollcles
108 A sLudy on LransacLlon cosLlng ln pro[ecL appralsal and loan processlng
109 valuaLlon of carbon credlLs
110 CompeLency of mlddle level managers deslgnlng Lhe Lralnlng programs wlLh speclal
ref Lo banklng secLors
111 lundamenLal analysls on real esLaLe secLor
112 llnanclng ln SML secLor
113 WealLh managemenL
114 8lsk managemenL ln banklng
113 orLfollo ConsLrucLlon of uebL LqulLy
116 A sLudy Lo undersLand Lhe Lralnlng and developmenL pracLlces followed ln lL lLes
117 lmpacL of cusLomer relaLlonshlp managemenL (crm) on communlcaLlon lndusLry
118 CusLomer percepLlon of onllne purchases ln bangalore
119 A sLudy on 'ready Lo eaL' food lndusLry and comparaLlve analysls of 'ready Lo eaL'
food producLs of lLc foods and mLr foods
120 SusLalnablllLy of shlpplng buslness ln lndla an analysls
121 lmporLance of publlc relaLlons ln mlnlng lndusLry
122 CredlL appralsal and rlsk analysls aL banks
123 A sLudy of employee percepLlons abouL Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe measures
adapLed by lL companles wlLh respecL Lo workllfe balance
124 Analysls of framework for launchlng and bulldlng luxury brands ln auLomoblle
123 A sLudy on assesslng Lhe facLors leadlng Lo Lhe purchase of blkes and
comparaLlve analysls of urban and seml urban buylng behavlour
126 leaslblllLy of lnvesLmenL ln sLock broklng flrms"
127 A sLudy on emarkeLlng of flnanclal servlces relaLlonshlp approach
128 Consumers percepLlon Lowards branded [ewellery a sLudy
129 Assesslng Lhe poLenLlals of lnsurance porLfollo aL dlfferenL sLages of llfe
130 A sLudy on lmpacL of web 20 Lechnologles on b2b markeLlng
131 lmporLance of lnsurance Lo consumers
132 A sLudy on Lhe measuremenL of flnanclal efflclency ln flnanclal servlces secLor
133 undersLandlng Lhe cross culLural needs of mnc bpo's ln lndla
134 1he sLudy of cusLomer percepLlons Lowards ayurvedlc healLh spas
133 lnvesLors declslon maklng paLLern for llfe lnsurance producLs
136 A sLudy on Lhe percepLual mapplng of four wheeler brands
137 A sLudy on facLors lnfluenclng adapLablllLy usablllLy of consumer elecLronlcs
138 A comparaLlve sLudy Lowards resLrucLurlng of Lhe shared servlces unlL of emc2
139 valuaLlon of lssue prlces of lndlan lpos and Lhe lmpacL of mlsvaluaLlon on lLs
performance" a sLudy
140 oLenLlal for prlvaLe equlLy lnvesLmenLs by lnvesLmenL banks a sLudy
141 An analysls of agrlreLalllng and lLs repuLaLlon among farmers ln karnaLaka"
142 An analysls of posslble sLraLegles for successful lnLerneL based cusLomer
143 Measurlng effecLlveness of dlsplay sysLem for chocolaLe ln reLall
144 ldenLlfylng Lhe crlLerla for hr ouLsourclng and lLs appllcaLlon ln lL secLor
143 lmpacL of promoLlonal acLlvlLles on consumers behavlour aL reLall ouLleLs
146 A sLudy of LransacLlon cosLlng ln pro[ecL appralsal and loan processlng ln banks
and flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons
147 Analyslng Lhe scope of adverLlslng ln real esLaLe secLor ln lndla
148 A sLudy on besL hr pracLlces ln Lhe lL and lLes lndusLry
149 Cross culLural Lralnlng for sofLware professlonals
130 A sLudy on fundamenLal analysls of non banklng flnanclal companles
131 A sLudy on moblle banklng ln lndlan banklng lndusLry
132 erformance evaluaLlon of muLual funds ln lndla and lLs awareness among Lhe
133 1he relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe prlce and Lhe demand for alumlnlum producLs
134 A sLudy on fundamenLal analysls of llfe lnsurance secLor
133 resenL and fuLure poLenLlal of users genraLed conLenL and lLs role ln onllne
136 A sLudy on cusLomer saLlsfacLlon ln banklng secLor
137 CusLomer percepLlon Lowards mulLlspeclalLy hosplLals ln bangalore
138 A sLudy on economlc value added (eva) of lndlan companles and lLs lmpacL on
lnvesLor declslon maklng
139 A sLudy on Lhe percepLual mapplng of Lwowheeler lndusLry
160 A sLudy on rlsk managemenL uslng derlvaLlves
161 lnvesLors percepLlon abouL lnvesLmenL ln real esLaLe lnvesLmenL LrusLs a sLudy
162 8eLall ouLleL mapplng of reLall sLores and shopplng malls
163 lmpacL of buylng facLors on Lhe sales of chemlcal goods
164 A sLudy on Lhe percepLlon of Lhe poLenLlal cusLomers Lowards elecLrlc cars
163 A sLudy of consumer behavlour Lowards llfe lnsurance producLs ln bangalore
166 A sLudy of LalenL acqulslLlon managemenL ln apparel lndusLry
167 A comparlLlve sLudy beLween dlglLal prlnLlng and offseL prlnLlng
168 Analysls of Lhe effecLlveness of brandlng on luxury producLs
169 A sLudy of lmplemenLaLlon effecLlveness of compeLence managemenL
170 A sLudy on changlng lmporLance of varlous medla vehlcles of adverLlslng
171 A sLudy of hr cosLlng as a funcLlon of Lhe cosLs of varlous hr funcLlons"
172 SLudy of facLors whlch lnfluence Lhe locaLlon of reLall ouLleL
173 A comparaLlve sLudy on cusLomer's percepLlon Lowards credlL cards offered by
naLlonallsed banks and mnc banks
174 A sLudy on Lhe effecLlveness of uslng banks as a channel for selllng llfe lnsurance
173 A sLudy on cross sales of sequenLlally ordered producLs ln Lhe consumer banklng
176 AssessmenL of performance of publlc secLor banks under camels framework
177 A sLudy of buyer behavlor Lowards afLersalesservlce of elecLronlc producLs"
178 lmpacL of bank mergers on performance of banksa sLudy"
179 SLudy on sofLware as a servlce (saas) appllcaLlon
180 LffecL of blg box reLall chalns on small buslness
181 Measurlng Lhe quallLy of servlce ln Lhe flnanclal servlces secLor wlLh respecL Lo
car flnanclng
182 An analysls of mergers and acqulslLlons ln Lhe lndlan banklng lndusLry
183 AsseL llablllLles managemenL ln lndlan banks
184 A markeL sLudy of onlda home appllances ln comparlslon wlLh oLher brands ln
183 An analysls of consumer behavlour ln upgradlng Lo consplcuous goods ln
branded apparels
186 orLfollo consLrucLlon uslng fundamenLal analysls
187 SLudy of consumer behavlour relaLed Lo dlfferenL baLhlng soap brands ln
188 A sLudy on Lhe hr lssues ln mergers and acqulslLlons ln Lhe banklng secLor
189 A feaslblllLy sLudy on Lhe consumer's percepLlon Lowards elecLronlc movlng
messages" (ouLdoor medla adverLlslng lndusLry)
190 CusLomer percepLlon Lowards forelgn reLallers enLerlng lndla"
191 ComparaLlve sLudy of Lwo quanLlLaLlve models used ln porLfollo managemenL
192 A sLudy on fuLure poLenLlal of gamlng lndusLry ln lndla
193 valuaLlon of carbon credlLs
194 CrowLh poLenLlal of power secLor ln lndlaa sLudy"
193 orLfollo consLrucLlon of debL equlLy
196 A sLudy on consumer's percepLlon on mlcro lnsurance schemes
197 1he facLors affecLlng and enhanclng Lhe brand equlLy of mulLlnaLlonal
corporaLlons ln lndla
198 SLudy on Lhe managemenL of surplus funds ln banks
199 A sLudy on consumer percepLlon Lowards servlce quallLy of lnLerneL banklng"
200 Analyslng Lhe problems of aLLrlLlon ln darshanl hoLels
201 lmpacL of small car lnLroducLlon on Lwo wheeler lndusLry"
202 A sLudy of Lhe effecLlveness of sLress managemenL Lechnlques used ln lL / lLes
secLor ln bangalore
203 SLudy on consumer behavlor wlLh speclal refence Lo preference of brands ln
cellular phones
204 lmpacL of quoLaremoval on garmenL lndusLry ln lndla
203 A sLudy of aLLrlbuLes ln accepLlng speclalLy pharmaceuLlcal producLs among
medlcal pracLlLloners
206 A sLudy on sLraLegles for opLlmlzlng Lhe compeLency of mlddle level managers
wlLh reference Lo bank secLors
207 Analysls of facLors lnfluenclng ln selecLlon of ma[or gsm servlce provlders ln ncr
208 A sLudy on fundamenLal analysls of real esLaLe secLor
209 1he lmpacL of flnanclal derlvaLlves hedge funds on Lhe lndlan caplLal markeL
210 A sLudy on asseL llablllLy managemenL of lnsurance companles
211 lmpacL of budgeL 2008 on Lhe lnvesLmenL paLLern of salarled lndlvldualsa sLudy
212 LffecLs of negaLlve word of mouLh communlcaLlon on brand equlLy
213 A sLudy on Lhe effecLs of basel ll ln lndla flnanclal secLor and also on global
214 A sLudy on moLlvaLlonal slgnlflcance of varlous reward and recognlLlon programs
213 A sLudy on lmpacL of servlce quallLy on cusLomer saLlsfacLlon ln lnsurance
lndusLry" cusLomer perspecLlve
216 An analysls of Lhe exlsLlng [ob deslgn meLhod for moLlvaLlon of Lhe employees
217 SLudy of awareness and accepLlblllLy of upvc wlndows and door sysLems
218 A sLudy on Lhe lmpacL of loyalLy programs on consumer purchase behavlor and
219 Consumer behavlour Lowards publlc secLor and prlvaLe secLor banks
220 SLudy on changlng consumer preference Lowards organlsed reLalllng from un
organlsed reLalllng
221 A survey of markeL poLenLlal of upvc wlndows and doors ln bangalore clLy
222 lmpacL of lL/lLes growLh on real esLaLe lndusLry
223 A sLudy on consumers percepLlon Lowards luxury car segmenL
224 LffecLlveness of ecrm ln lnsurance lndusLry by moblle servlce"
223 Scenarlo of real esLaLe wlLh speclal reference Lo commerclal and resldenLlal
226 A sLudy on rlsk managemenL ln banklng secLor ln lndla
227 SLudy on consumer percepLlon of organlzed reLallng ln lndla
228 A sLudy of efflclency of banks ln lndla
229 A sLudy on scope and effecLlveness of employee referrals ln Lhe real esLaLe
secLor ln lndla
230 A sLudy on Lhe expecLaLlons of bpo organlzaLlons from suppllers
231 A sLudy on Lhe lmpacL of medlcal Lourlsm on healLh care secLor ln lndla
232 Analysls of aLLrlLlon raLe of lL and lLes companles
233 A sLudy on effecLlveness of onllne soclal neLworks and user percepLlon
234 8ecreaLlng A Merchandlse ManagemenL aradlgm Louls hllllppe
233 ueveloplng A CommunlcaLlon SLraLegy lor Cycle 8rand AgarbaLhl AL AdfacLors
8 vL LLd
236 MarkeL Mapplng lor Samsung roducLs A uealers Survey
237 Consumer 8ehavlour 1owards LlecLronlc SecurlLy SoluLlons Analysls Cf
CompeLlLlve SLrengLh MarkeL vlslblLllLy Cf 1aLa Peoneywell SecurlLy SoluLlons ln
8angalore ClLy
238 SLudy Cf 1ralnlng needs Cf Lmployees Cf lorLls PealLhcare LLd ueslgn
1ralnlng Schedules
239 A SLudy Cn 8lsk 1olerance Cf 1he lndlvlduals WlLh 8especL 1o 1helr Age
240 CompensaLlon SLudy ln 8eal LsLaLe lndusLry
241 An CrganlzaLlonal SLudy Cf 1aLa ConsulLancy Servlces MarkeL 8esearch lor
8C CpporLunlLles ln uS And uk MarkeLs
242 1o undersLand And LsLlmaLe 1he oLenLlal Cf CosmeLlc Channel lor almollve
AromaLherapy 8ange Cf roducLs
243 8rand ercepLlon Cf Samsung A uealers Survey ln Pyederabad karnaLaka
244 CrganlzaLlonal SLudy lndusLry 8esearch Cn 1elecom (8aslc)
243 CrganlzaLlonal SLudy Cf !k Ansell LLd And ueslgnlng 1he 8uslness roposal Cf
vendlng Machlne lnsLallaLlons
246 A SLudy Cf ueveloplng A CommunlcaLlon SLraLegy lor ueccan AvlaLlon AL
AdfacLors 8 vL LLd
247 ldeLlflcaLlon Cf 1ralnlng uevelopmenL needs
248 ueslgnlng 1he Llnk lor Careers 8ecrulLmenL lor 1he flzer lndla WebslLe
249 ulsLrlbuLors ercepLlon 1owards ASMs Sales LxecuLlves 1he CocaCola
230 MarkeL 8esearch 1o SLudy 1he SecurlLy needs Cf l1 SecLor
231 Level Cf Lmployees SaLlsfacLlon
232 MarkeL 8esearch 1o SLudy 1he SecurlLy needs Cf l1LS SecLor
233 SLudy Cf Sole roprleLorshlp 8uslness SecLors ln 8angalore
234 lundamenLals Cf SLock 8roklng
233 Worklng aLLern Cf 1he varlous 8roklng llrms Comparlslon Cf lCuS SecurlLles
LLd WlLh 1he CLher 8roklng llrms
236 An CrganlzaLlonal SLudy Cf ComparaLlve Analysls Cf 1he Servlces rovlded 8y
rlmus 1elecommunlcaLlons lndla LLd And 1helr CompeLlLor vSnL
237 CrganlzaLlon SLudy And A SLudy Cn Lmployee MoLlvaLlon
238 An CrganlzaLlonal SLudy And undersLandlng 1he LffecLlvenss Cf Launchlng Cf
klneLlc Zlng 80
239 An CrganlsaLlon SLudy ComparaLlve Analysls Cf rlmus And lLs CompeLlLor
260 CrganlzaLlonal SLudy An lnslghL lnLo Puman 8esource ManagemenL
261 Consumer 8ehavlour 1owards LlecLronlc SecurlLy SoluLlons Analysls Cf
CompeLlLlve SLrenghL MarkeL vlslblLllLy Cf 1aLa Peoneywell SecurlLy SoluLlons ln
8angalore ClLy
262 An CrganlsaLlonal SLudy And MarkeL 8esearch 1o undersLand CusLomers 8uylng
8ehavlour CompeLlLor undersLnadlng And 1aLa Ponewell 8rand vlslblllLy ln 1he
263 A SLudy Cn ueploymenL Cf lnformaLlon 1echnology ln LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons
264 A Sudy Cn CusLomer 8uylng 8ehavlour Cf LlecLronlc SecurlLy SysLems ln
8anklng SecLor
263 A SLudy Cf !ob SaLlsfacLlon Cf Lmployees AL Alr ueccan
266 uealer ercepLlon SLudy Was ConducLed ln 8angalore lL lncludes AvallablllLy Cf
roducLs Cf varlous 8rands 1helr Servlce Sales uemand And CompallnL SLaLus
267 CrganlzaLlonal SLrucLure Cf 1he SupporL luncLlon ueparLmenL Cf 1he MldSlze l1
268 !ob uescrlpLlon !ob SpeclallzaLlon lo 1he Manager Cf All 1he ueparLmenLs
269 CrganlzaLlonal SLudy And Analysls Cf 8lsk lacLors AffecLlng 1he LqulLy Share
value Cf lClCl 8ank
270 A SLudy Cn !ob SaLlsfacLlon Level AL 8lrla Super CemneL PoLgl
271 ComparaLlve SLudy Cf Llfe lnsurance lans Cf Leadlng vL lnsurance Companles
272 A ComparaLlve SLudy Cf karnaLaka And kerala Consumers 8uylng 8ehavlour
1owards 8randed CloLh ln 8angalore ClLy
273 CrganlsaLlon SLudy Cf SMC 8loLech LLd Consumer Awareness 1owards
AvallablllLy Cf vL8Ml ComposL ln 1he MarkeL
274 A SLudy Cn ueploymenL Cf lnformaLlon 1echnology ln LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons
273 An CrganlsaLlonal SLudy Cn SLock Poldlng CorporaLlon Cf lndla LLd
ConsLrucLlon Cf orLfollo
276 CrganlsaLlonal SLudy Consumer SaLlsfacLlon 1owards nandlnl Mllk
277 An CrganlsaLlonal SLudy A SLudy Cn rospecLlve / CusLomer ercepLlon
1owards Alr ueccan
278 CrganlsaLlonal SLudy Analysls Cf Worklng CaplLal Cash ManagemenL
279 An CrganlsaLlonal SLudy Cn Cholamandalam ulsLrlbuLlon Servlces LLd
280 LvaluaLlon Cf erformance Appralsal SysLem
281 A SLudy Cf rospecLlve / CusLomer ercepLlon 1owards C A M S
282 CrganlsaLlon SLudy And lLs llnanclal Analysls
283 CrganlsaLlonal SLudy And 1echnlcal Analysls Cf LqulLles
284 8uyers 8ehavlour 1owards LlecLronlc SecurlLy SysLems ln PosplLals And PoLels
WlLh 8eference 1o 1he MarkeLlng ueparLmenL
283 CrganlsaLlonal SLudy And Cvervlew Cf 1ralnlng And lnducLlon rogram AL l1C
PoLel Wlndsor SheraLon 1owers
286 lnfluence Cf Women Cn 1he 8uylng 8ehavlour Cf Men lor Louls hlllppe
287 A ComparaLlve SLudy Cf l1ec WlLh CLher l1 1ralnlng lnsLlLuLes ln Lucknow
288 1he 8esL racLlces ln 1he PoLel lndusLry ln ConLexL 1o 1he Leela alace
289 CrganlsaLlonal CllmaLe Survey AL nous lnfosysLems
290 A SLudy Cn Merchandlse And 8eLall Share Cf 1lmex WaLches ln uelhl 8eglon
291 resenL Level And luLure rospecLs Cf 8anklng 8uslness
292 CrganlsaLlonal SLudy And uevelopmenL Cf 8ecrulLmenL Model
293 A ComparaLlve SLudy Cf 1amlllan AndharlLe Consumers 8uylng 8ehavlour
1owards 8randed CloLhes ln 8angalore ClLy
294 A SLudy Cn lnvesLor reference 1o lnvesLmenLs
293 ConsLrucLlng An lnvesLmenL Model lor lnvesLors
296 leaslblllLy SLudy Cf Servlced AparLmenLs ln 8angalore
297 8evlewlng 1he CredlL LlmlL Cf CusLomers
298 CrganlsaLlonal SLudy Cf Aslan CL8C lnformaLlon 1echnology LLd 8esearch Cn
lndlan SLeel lndusLry
299 SWC1 Analysls of ur 8eddys LaboraLorels (xenura)
300 An CrganlzaLlonal SLudy Cn rospecLlve / CusLomer ercepLlon 1owards Al8
301 An CrganlzaLlonal SLudy AssessmenL Cf SaLlsfacLlon Levels Cf 1he CusLomers
302 undersLandlng 1he CuallLles ALLrlbuLes Cf A Medlcal 8epresenLaLlve 1hrough
uocLors Medlcal 8epresenLaLlves
303 CrganlsaLlonal SLudy 1echnlcal Analysls Cf SLocks
304 CrganlsaLlon SuLdy And ro[ecL Cn ConLracLs ln lndlan Alrllnes
303 A Sudyon ueploymenL Cf lnformaLlon 1echnology ln LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons
306 Analysls Cf Pome Loans WlLh 8efernce 1o PulC'
307 A sLudy on lnvenLory ManagemenL ln lndusLrles
308 erformance SLudy Cf SelfLmployed SecLors
309 CrganlsaLlonal SLudy !ob SaLlsfacLlon Cf 1he Lmployee
310 Comparlson 8eLween Samsung And CLher Consumer uurable 8rands
311 undersLandlng 1he LffecLlveness Cf Launchlng Cf klneLlc Zlng 80
312 A SLudy Cf undersLandlng 1ralnlng aLLerns ln ulfferenL lndusLrles
313 A 8eLall Survey Cn 1he CarmenL WaLch lndusLry WlLh arLlcular Lmphasls Cn
Allen Solly 1lLan
314 Analysls Cf MuLual lunds
313 lnvesLmenL Advlsory Servlces Analysls Cf MuLual lunds
316 lormulaLlon Cf SLandard CperaLlng rocedures lor AdmlnlsLraLlon ueparLmenL
317 CompeLlLlve Analysls Cf AlrLel Compared 1o CLher Serlce rovlders
318 CrganlsaLlonal SLudey Cn Llken lnLernaLlonal lndla vL LLd
319 A SLudy Cn rospecLlve / CusLomer ercepLlon 1owards Alr ueccan
320 CrganlsaLlon SLudy Cf varlous ueparLmenLs And Make Cr 8y ueclslon
321 A SLudy Cn 8uylng 8ehavlour Cf CusLomer Cf LlecLronlc SecurlLy SysLems ln
lndusLrlal SecLor
322 erformance Appralsal
323 An CrganlsaLlon SLudy AL vS1 1lllers 1racLors LLd
324 !ob SaLlsfacLlon WlLh 8eference 1o P8 ueparLmenL
323 A SLudy Cn ueploymenL Cf lnformaLln 1echnology ln LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons
326 CrganlsaLlonal SLudy MarkeLlng SLraLegles Cf CSl1
327 CrganlsaLlonal SLudy And LvaluaLlon Cf 1he Puman 8esource ollcles
racLlces AL klCCL
328 CrganlsaLlonal SLrucLure CusLomer roflllng lor lndlan Alrllnes
329 CrganlsaLlonal SLudy knowledge Cf erformance Appralsal SysLem lLs
LffecLlveness ln k11M
330 Consumer SaLlsfacLlon 1owards MCl LLd roducLs
331 lnLernal CusLomer SaLlsfacLlon WlLh 8eference 1o 1he P8 ueparLmenL
332 CrganlsaLlon SLudy
333 A SLudy Cn CusLomer ercepLlon 1owards C A M S ln 1he ClLy LlmlLs Cf
8angalore SouLh 8eglon
334 A SLudy Cn LngagemenL Cf Casual Labours 8angalore
333 labrlc WasLage 8educLlon lmprovlng roducLlvlLy
336 An CrganlsaLlonal SLudy And MarkeL 8esearch 1o undersLand CusLomers 8uylng
8ehavlour CompeLlLor undersLandlng And 1aLa Ponewell 8rand vlslblllLy ln 1he
337 CrganlsaLlon SLudy Cf 8haraL LlecLronlcs LLd
338 An CrganlsaLlon SLudy And A SLudy Cn ercepLlonof eople ln norLh 8angalore
1owards Culf AuLhorlzed Mechanlcs Servlces (CAMS)
339 8lsk ManagemenL ln uerlvaLlves
340 1he SLudy Cf 8ecrulLmenL racLlces
341 CrganlsaLlonal SLudy SLudy Cn SklLL MAlnC racLlce ln Small arLs
Machlnery ulvlslon Cf klrloskar 1oyoda 1exLlle Machlnery
342 An CrganlsaLlon SLudy And A ComparaLlve SLudy Cf 1he SaLlsfacLlon Level Cf
rlmus And Slfy
343 A comparlLlve sLudy of varlous orLfollo ManagemenL servlces offered
344 An CrganlsaLlonal SLudy Cf lCuS SecurlLles LLd And Worklng aLLern Cf varlous 8roklng llrms
343 A ComparaLlve Analysls Cf lCuS SecurlLles LLd WlLh CLher 8roklng llrms
346 ComparaLlve SLudy Cn enslon lans Cf Leadlng rlvaLe lnsurance Companles
347 An CrganlsaLlonal SLudy And A SLudy Cn ersonallLy 1ralLs Cf LxecuLlves
348 CrganlsaLlonal CllmaLe SLudy
349 undersLandlng 1he LffecLlveness Cf Launchlng Cf klneLlc Zlng 80
330 Survey Cn lnLraneL
331 roflllng Cf CusLomers lor LapLops ln Small Medlum Scale LnLerprlses

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