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Shareo|nt Cn||ne Cverv|ew

MlcrosofL ShareolnL Cnllne provldes you a unlque opporLunlLy Lo share your skllls develop cusLom
slLes and soluLlons or flnd lnformaLlon wlLhouL seLLlng up ShareolnL ln your organlzaLlon's daLa cenLer
ShareolnL Cnllne runs ShareolnL as a cloud servlce 8uslness leaders may selecL ShareolnL Cnllne
confldenLly as lL offers hlgh avallablllLy slmpler managemenL and broad securlLy for lmprovlng

ShareolnL Cnllne has Lhe capablllLy Lo supporL everyone ln an organlzaLlon lL seLs you free from
purchaslng servers or deploymenLs and makes lL easler for you Lo esLabllsh a newly acqulred buslness
whlle helplng your employees Lo be able Lo work LogeLher ln a beLLer way

8esldes offerlng a famlllar and conslsLenL user experlence lL enables you Lo confldenLly work wlLh
renowned lnLerfaces and appllcaLlons ?ou don'L need Lo lmprove your exlsLlng skllls Lo work wlLh
ShareolnL lL ls posslble Lo work offllne by uslng MlcrosofL ShareolnL Workspace for accesslng ?our
ShareolnL Cnllne documenL reposlLorles

Why w||| you need Shareo|nt Cn||ne Serv|ce?
ShareolnL Cnllne offers some ouLofLhebox capablllLles helplng you Lo work wlLh your Leam or
conLenL ?ou can cusLomlze Lhese capablllLles for addresslng parLlcular buslness essenLlals ShareolnL
Cnllne offers a flexlble webbased soluLlon wlLh Lools and servlces for managlng lnformaLlon and
slmulLaneously collaboraLlng wlLh your colleagues

CollaboraLe on pro[ecLs share a common workspace wlLh enLerprlse workers sLore publlsh or vlew
documenL from dlsparaLe sources effecLlvely flnd Lhe requlred lnformaLlon manage workflows and
secure daLa by conLrolllng user access lnslde your corporaLe envlronmenL as well as remoLely

O @he new coauLhorlng feaLure of ShareolnL Cnllne allows you or your Leam workers Lo work on
Word documenLs or presenLaLlons aL Lhe same Llme
O ShareolnL Workspace 2010 allow you Lo work ln an offllne mode wlLh ShareolnL slLes
llbrarles llsLs and synchronlze Lhe modlflcaLlons once connecLed Lo Lhe enLerprlse neLwork
O lmproved Wlkls Leam slLes documenL llbrarles and calendars allow you Lo work more efflclenLly
wlLh your Leam workers
O ?ou can flnd lnformaLlon and help oLhers Lo flnd useful lnformaLlon and experLlse
O My SlLes help you Lo lmprove lnLeracLlon amongsL experLs and your colleagues
O ShareolnL Cnllne Lools and servlces enable you and your Leam members Lo manage malnLaln
dlsLrlbuLe and share lnformaLlon effecLlvely ln Lhe besL posslble manner on Llme ?ou can
admlnlsLer lmporLanL pro[ecLs by documenL and meeLlng workspaces

ShareolnL Cnllne allows you Lo creaLe and manage cusLom Leam slLes and pro[ecL focused slLes
O ach ShareolnL Cnllne user ls provlded wlLh 300M8 of sLorage capaclLy lL ls shared among your
enLerprlse workers lor example lf your organlzaLlon has 1000 employees you wlll be provlded
300C8 of sLorage ShareolnL Cnllne sLorage can be purchased ln C8 lncremenLs whlch are
charged monLhly
?ou or your enLerprlse workers are allowed Lo allocaLe Lhe avallable sLorage space over mulLlple
slLe collecLlons Cenerally slLe collecLlons are based on deparLmenLal llmlLaLlons
SlLes wlLhln a slLe collecLlon share gallerles for LemplaLes conLenL Lypes and Web arLs Sub
slLes can lnherlL permlsslons and navlgaLlon sLrucLure from Lhelr parenL slLe buL Lhese can also
be speclfled and managed lndependenLly ln ShareolnL Cnllne

O MlcrosofL Cfflce and ShareolnL Cnllne now work LogeLher ln qulLe an lmproved way lf you are
onllne or aL a shared C you wlll be able Lo work wlLh your documenLs as Cfflce Web Apps allow
you Lo do so now you can access your documenLs on your browser your moblle or C lf you
have an lnLerneL access MlcrosofL Cfflce 2010 offers some new funcLlonallLy whlch
lnLeroperaLes wlLh ShareolnL Cnllne Lhese are as follows

WlLh MlcrosofL Cfflce 8acksLage vlew you may creaLe save and documenLs lnspecL
Lhem for hldden meLadaLa or for personal lnfo and do a loL more uocumenL
managemenL can become really wlLh Lhls funcLlon
?ou can broadcasL your sllde shows Lo oLher people ln oLher locaLlons even lf Lhey
do noL have owerolnL lnsLalled aL Lhelr place
WlLh CoauLhorlng capablllLy mulLlple employees can edlL Lhe documenL aL Lhe
same Llme wheLher Lhey are resldlng aL dlfferenL locaLlons @hese enLerprlse
members can also communlcaLe dlrecLly from wlLhln Lhelr deskLop appllcaLlon
AlerLs are senL Lo your enLerprlse workers Lo keep Lhem lnformed when any
modlflcaLlons are made Lo documenLs and llsL lLems @hese alerLs are senL on Lhelr
ShareolnL slLes whlch lnform Lhem of Lhe changes made Lo documenLs or llsLs

Access 2010 xcel 2010 Word 2010 lnfoaLh 2010 CuLlook 2010 owerolnL 2010
ShareolnL ueslgner 2010 ShareolnL Workspace 2010 and MlcrosofL vlslo 2010 are MlcrosofL
Cfflce ShareolnL programs LhaL can be used wlLh ShareolnL Cnllne
CuLlook 2010 along wlLh ShareolnL Cnllne allows a read/wrlLe access on ShareolnL Cnllne
lLems lncludlng calendars Lasks dlscusslons conLacLs and documenLs lL allows synchronlzaLlon
for offllne supporL of documenLs llbrarles and llsLs ?ou can check ouL ShareolnL slLe
documenLs when ln offllne mode ?ou can rollup calendar and Lask vlews across mulLlple llsLs
and slLes

O uaLa loss ls prevenLed as backups are performed every 12 hours and reLalned for 14 days

apab|||t|es of Shareo|nt Cn||ne
CapablllLles of ShareolnL Cnllne lnclude

O ommun|t|es @hls opLlon of ShareolnL Cnllne lncludes My SlLes Wlkls and 8logs ConLenL
@agglng and Worklng @ogeLher opLlons @hrough CommunlLles you can use lmproved
collaboraLlon Lools and are able Lo manage Lhem on a slngle plaLform

O ompos|tes WlLh composlLes ShareolnL Cnllne offers Lools and componenLs LhaL allow you Lo
develop soluLlons lnsLanLly for your buslness LhaL besL maLches wlLh your speclflc buslness
needs Sandbox SoluLlons Sharlng vlewlng vlslo ulagrams CreaLlon of lorms uslng lnfoaLh
2010 Workflow deslgn are some of Lhe Lools lncluded ln composlLes

O ontent ConLenL managemenL feaLures of ShareolnL Cnllne allow you Lo manage Lhe conLenL
and edlLlng Lhrough Cfflce Web Apps uocumenL seL managemenL along wlLh meLadaLa
managemenL @hese feaLures make lL easy Lo search Lhrough large llsL of flles and unlque
documenL lds whlch makes lL easy Lo Lrack documenLs LhaL are based on Lhe human readable

O ns|ghts ShareolnL Cnllne lnslghLs allow you Lo geL an access Lo compleLe lnformaLlon avallable
on spreadsheeLs and ln daLabases Lhrough uaLa vlsuallzaLlon and vlslo Servlces

O Search Searchlng oLher colleagues or employees ln ShareolnL has become really easy and fasL
Lhrough Lhe means of ConLexLual search honeLlc search and eople and xperLlse search ?ou
can vlew Lhe documenLs wlLh ln Lhe web browser once Lhe search has been compleLed

O S|tes @he slLe opLlon ln ShareolnL Cnllne slLes opLlon allows you Lo share documenLs wlLh
colleagues manage pro[ecLs wlLh parLners and publlsh lnformaLlon securlLy for lnLernal or
exLernal use WlLh ShareolnL Cnllne AdmlnlsLraLlon you can creaLe or deleLe slLes manage
meLadaLa asslgn permlsslons Lo Lhe slLes change or modlfy sLorage quoLa modlfy user proflles
and do a loL more

Shareo|nt Cn||ne for Cff|ce 36S
Cfflce 363 brlngs LogeLher ShareolnL Cnllne xchange Cnllne Lync Cnllne and Cfflce deskLop
sofLware as a cloud servlce for all small mld and large organlzaLlons Cfflce 363 provldes slmple cloud
based managemenL Lools ln a slngle locaLlon MlcrosofL has slmpllfled Lhe avallablllLy of ShareolnL Lo
small buslnesses Lhrough ShareolnL Cnllne wlLh Cfflce 363

WlLh xchange onllne and Lync onllne Cfflce 363 provldes a hosLed communlcaLlon lnfrasLrucLure
llexlble deploymenL and llcenslng capablllLles and crossplaLform devlce access offered by Cfflce 363
helps your buslness Lo keep up wlLh an lmproved global envlronmenL

uthor 8|o k|chard 1y|er

8lchard @yler ls a leadlng Lechnology consulLanL who has been provldlng Lechnology consulLlng servlces
Lo organlzaLlons LhroughouL Lhe uSA @he auLhor also speclallzes ln provldlng ShareolnL soluLlons
mall rlchardLyler32[gmallcom
WebslLe hLLp//wwwxavorcom/lndexphp/whaLwedo/soluLlons/xavorsharepolnL2010mlgraLor

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