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Sagar Luitel

Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Table of Contents
Part 1: Analysis of Your Names ......................................................................... 3
Your First Name(s)...................................................................................................... 5 Your Nickname(s) ....................................................................................................... 6 Your Surname(s)......................................................................................................... 7 Your Combined Name(s) Create Your Destiny ........................................................... 8 Your Business Signature(s)......................................................................................... 8

Part 2: Your Life Purpose or Birthpath is Based on your Birth Date ........... 10
Your Life Purpose / Birthpath .................................................................................... 11 Your Life Phases....................................................................................................... 12

Part 3: Relationships and Compatibility ......................................................... 14 Part 4: Career Selections in Relation to your Life's Purpose ....................... 17 Part 5: Your Current Destiny Created by Your Combined Names................ 20 Part 6: Recommendations ................................................................................ 20
What You Should Do Right Now ............................................................................... 20 Call Us with Your Questions...................................................................................... 22 Want To Know More? Understand What Creates a Balanced Name........................ 23

Part 7: Your Cycle is Based on your Birth Date ............................................. 24

3 Months of Cycle Chart Summaries......................................................................... 26

Part 8: Kabalarian Ethics of Right Thinking ................................................... 32

Society of Kabalarians of Canada

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Dear Sagar: Thank you for ordering your Name Report. Your report is based on the Kabalarian Mathematical Principle. It introduces you to the relationship of your name and your mind, your personality, and the conditions that have shaped your past and will shape your future. You will discover how your life is a direct reflection of the energy of your names and, as you will see, that energy can be measured. Your report will reveal your unique purpose in life (called your birthpath, which is determined from an analysis of your birth date). It will show to what degree your names have allowed the expression of your purpose. What was it that brought you here? Was it that you really, deep down, want to achieve something more worthwhile in life, to find contentment, happiness, and to experience a fulfilling, successful life? The understanding of the relationship of mathematics and language, and your name will start you on a path of selfdiscovery that will change your world. With this knowledge you can become a dynamic force for constructive and successful living, and at the same time, help to enrich the lives of others. For over 80 years, the Kabalarian Philosophy has counseled thousands of people around the world regarding the principles of name and has been the catalyst of constructive change for these people. This Name Report represents a pivotal moment in which your life can change dramatically. You report comprises seven parts: PART 1 Analysis of your Names PART 2 Your Life Purpose or Birthpath is based on your Birth Date PART 3 Relationships and Compatibility PART 4 Career Selections In Relation to your Lifes Purpose PART 5 Your Current Destiny created by your Combined Names PART 6 Recommendations What you should do right now PART 7 Your Cycle based on your Birth Date PART 8 Kabalarian Ethics of Right Thinking We would be happy to discuss your report and answer your questions. Sincerely, The Office Team - Society of Kabalarians

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Part 1: Analysis of Your Names

What is a Name Report? A Name Report is a 25 30 page report all about you! Have you wondered why you think and act as you do, why you attract specific experiences time and time again, why your life shows a specific pattern of eventsdisastrous or successful, why a specific health weakness afflicts you and no one else? There has to be a reason or a cause. It is this principle that the name analysis explains: i.e., the cause of human nature and the principle though which changes can be created. What part of you is the most important: your heart, lungs, legs, eyes, ears, or teeth? We could go on and list every function of the body with the resultant answer that they are all essential parts of the well-functioning body, especially the vital organs. However, it is the invisible energy of mind that is the most important fact and is responsible for the balance and coordination of the body. Your personality, degree of stability, habits, desires, strengths, weaknesses, and state of health are all a result of your thinking or mind. Your mind determines your identity and personality. What then creates your mind? When asked, Who are you? do you not reply with your name? You do not answer when your friends name is called or your sisters or brothers. You only respond to your name. Your name and your mind are one. Name is directly linked to language, for it is only through language that human intelligence can be created. It does not matter what alphabet or means of communication is used. In order to create intelligence, a consistent pattern of symbols must be employed. If language was not taught to a child he or she would never develop intelligence, which illustrates how language is a basic principle or tool for the development of mind. How is language measured? Through mathematicsthe only tool of measurement. Mathematics is the universal measurement for all of life and has both quantitative and qualitative aspects. To illustrate, if you take two apples and three oranges you have five items in quantity, but qualitatively, you have to
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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

describe specific characteristics. So in human nature, mathematics determines the qualities of mind. However it is not quite as simple as the differences in fruits due to the many ramifications of mind. Qualities of human mind are tabulated and measured within a basic principle of 9. Each number from 1 to 9 determines specific qualities of human intelligence, and when applied to name, your personality can be measured. For example: the A is always in the first position and it has the qualities of the 1: i.e., the pioneer, the leader, the individualist. The B is always in the second position and it has the qualities of the 2: i.e., the diplomat, the peacemaker, etc. Each number to 9 has specific qualities of intelligence. It does not matter what language you use, or if the A is called something else, such as Alpha; the consistent use of the position of the letter determines the mathematical quality. This profound yet simple principle can be understood in a step-by-step study. You will learn to understand mind and recognize that there is a pattern in human intelligence and definite reasons for the differences and similarities in human nature. Just as the change of a kaleidoscope brings a new picture, each picture is an outgrowth of the formation before. So the shadings of the mathematical qualities have their individual identity but are influenced by the relationship of each letter in the name to create your individual nature. Human nature is complex, but one who understands the qualitative aspects of mathematics can measure, understand, and change human characteristics. Too many people today suffer physically, mentally, emotionally, and materially all due to lack of understanding and application of the physical and mental laws of life. Yes, proper foods and good physical habits are essential and are the building blocks to a strong, healthy body, but they are not the complete answer. Unfortunately suffering has almost become accepted as a natural part of life. Everyone searches for happiness, health, and understanding. The first step towards this goal is knowing the reasons for your thinking and how it creates your life pattern. Through this personal Name Report you will come to appreciate that you are governed by mental laws which are as influential and immutable as the physical laws of gravity and propulsion. You have, at your fingertips, valuable knowledge

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

that you can integrate into your life and into the environments in which you live to make a world of difference in the success of all your endeavours. In this Name Report, your names are analyzed using the 26-letter English alphabet. However the effect of your names in English may be modified somewhat if, in addition, your name was created from a different alphabet. We would be pleased to discuss this matter with you. Please read this report carefully and advise us if there are any errors in the spelling of your name(s) or date of birth as it will have a definite effect on the accuracy of this report. Middle names do not determine your personality traits and are not analyzed unless you are called by your middle name. If your middle name is a part of your business signature, it would have an overall influence in your business affairs and would be described in the business signature section. Your full legal names will influence the overall conditions in your life.

Your First Name(s)

Your most used first name(s) reveals your personalityyour desires, ideals, goals, ambitions, as well as potential health weaknesses.

Your name of Sagar gives you a friendly, congenial personality and causes you to desire activities involving people. You are assertive and independent, yet there are times when you rely upon the support and encouragement of others before making decisions and taking action. You could be drawn into a position of public service, where your straightforward advice could help others overcome challenging conditions in their lives. You can be very obliging, helping others in times of need while neglecting your own duties. You can be very witty and others appreciate your sense of humor. You have difficulty in accepting advice or being told what to do. You like to do things your own way, learning from your own experiences. Although you desire to create harmony with others, you can be obstinate and self-opinionated. Your name does not allow you to express your thoughts as tactfully as you would like.
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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Your tendency to be candid, and at times abrupt, causes misunderstandings. A stubborn quality within you makes it difficult for you to admit a mistake. You relish being made a fuss of, yet you find it difficult to express your appreciation and to reciprocate with words of endearment and expressions of affection. The support of others means a great deal, for you really do not like to stand alone. You tend to develop new interests and skills only as the need arises in your life, rather than being naturally curious and interested in scientific or philosophical studies. It is sometimes difficult for you to muster the interest, initiative, and reasoning ability to concentrate and to think through complex concepts, especially in subjects that do not hold your interest. You learn more through practical applications, experimentation, and observation than through reasoning to think things through. You prefer practical pastimes working with your hands at crafts and hobbies. Also you may enjoy working with children in clubs or service organizations. As a result of your difficulty in coming to decisions, you very often put off taking action until forced to do so. You are not overly systematic and thorough, and do not enjoy handling monotonous tasks or detailed bookwork. Hence, you find it difficult to budget and plan. Many of your great plans do not reach completion. You desire to have the best in life, but sometimes the determination is not within the qualities of this name to get those things through consistent hard work and effort. This name creates conditions that are restricting, preventing you from finding complete success in your endeavors. Health weaknesses of the name center in the fluids of the body: poor circulation, kidney or bladder troubles. Also you could be affected through headaches, weak eyes, or sinus inflammation that is aggravated by stressful living conditions and eating the wrong foods.

Your Nickname(s)
Your name of Kalu creates strong feelings for which there is no proper expression. At times you are motivated more by desires and feelings than by sound logic and reason, and uncontrolled moods are a serious problem. In your thinking, you are technical and systematic to a point, but you are not consistent in your efforts. You can be overly particular in some things that matter to you
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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

personally, and then again lax and indulgent in other ways. Under conditions of emotional stress, you could do things you regret later. It is not your nature to be sympathetic towards others. Indulgence, both physically through the appetites and emotionally through giving vent to strong feelings and desires, could at any time destroy all that means the most to you. In your health, you could suffer through high blood pressure and its related problems as well as breakdowns of the nervous system. This is an extremely discordant name. Although the name of Dusta incorporates qualities of tact and diplomacy, it is not constructive as it tunes you too closely to the more technical, incidental aspects of life, and thus detracts from your vision and depth of mind. The influence of this name inclines you towards laziness and passivity. Your interests are limited to matters that do not require too much effort, physically or mentally. Under this name your imagination is curtailed, and you also experience a lack of selfconfidence. Health weaknesses would be in the fluid functions, and could appear in such problems as prostate trouble, an overweight condition, or poor circulation. The name of Janu has a very restricting influence on your life as it has tended to narrow and limit both your vision and expression considerably. You would, relative to the degree you use this name, have difficulty in association, expecially in situations which call for tact and diplomacy, as you tend to be too blunt and candid in your expression. This influence makes you very single-minded, as well as strong physically, and gives you the ability to concentrate your efforts. You have a confident, pioneering spirit, but unfortunately success and accumulation do not come your way proportionate to your labours. Health weakness here would centre in the senses of the head, stomach, and intestines.

Your Surname(s)
The family name is the influence of your background, your home environment, the strengths and weaknesses, and the hereditary traits.

The surname of Luitel contains many very fine qualities; the members of this family having good business ability as well as an appreciation for the finer things of life--including a high standard of living. Within themselves they feel they should have the very best in material wealth and accumulation. Whereas there are those who attain success through aggressive, self-interested determination to get
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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

what they want, members of this family are inclined to be of a sensitive, reflective, and philosophical nature and have a way of looking completely disinterested in whatever is going on around them, while mentally taking everything in and quickly making a discerning analysis which stands them in good stead when the time comes for action and important decisions. While their quiet, dignified reserve gives an appearance of poise and outward placidity which commands the respect of others and can be an asset in business and in other positions of authority, in both personal and in business associations where they are required to merge with others, they experience misunderstandings and aloneness as they are unable to give of themselves sufficiently in the little ways that are necessary to create congeniality and compatibility. Their sensitivity and reserve gives an impression of aloofness which sets them apart from others, when really they long for understanding and companionship. Often their intentions are misjudged simply because others never come to know their true nature and how they think and feel. In health they suffer through sensitivity in the solar plexus or through heart and lung trouble, if placed in circumstances where they are under stress.

Your Combined Name(s) Create Your Destiny

Your combined names show your desires, long-term ambitions, and accomplishments.

Your combined names of Sagar Luitel tend to draw you into the business world in a leadership role where you organize the efforts of others and handle finances. You attract good opportunities that would allow you to achieve your goals but, of course, success depends on the effort you are willing to put forth. These names do bring financial accumulation to a degree but spoil opportunities for personal fulfilment. Your associations likely have practical, material values and think in terms of money, power, and station. These names could also affect your health in the reproductive organs.

Your Business Signature(s)

Your business signature denotes the degree of your financial success and the type of occupations you are drawn into.

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

To the extent that you use the business signature of Sagar Luitel, it would bring opportunities for success but would demand an aggressive approach. This signature takes you into positions of where you have direction and control of finances and people, but where you work independently. Business activities take a dominant position in your life leaving little time for cultural pursuits.

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Part 2: Your Life Purpose or Birthpath is Based on your Birth Date

At birth, with the first breath, a spiritual essence and purpose became a part of you and gave you life, caused your heart to beat, and your systems to work, and activated your physical growth. Your particular date of birth determines your unique core purpose, the reason for your life, and pathway you should follow for ultimate happiness. Whether your birthpath fully expresses depends upon your names, for the names create your personality and are the compelling forces that shape your life. The birthpath is only the potential to be understood and expressed through your mind harmonized to your purpose. Important Note: The calculation of your birthpath in the following section is based on the widely used Gregorian calendar, which is recognized internationally. For births around midnight, the day of birth is always determined according to standard time, and not daylight-saving time, if it is in effect. A birth occurring in the half-hour between midnight and 12:30 am (standard time) is treated as occurring on the previous day. Please contact the office so that we can revise your Name Report if your time of birth was in either of the following periods: Midnight to 12:30 am standard time Midnight to 1:30 am daylight-saving time

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Your Life Purpose / Birthpath

Life Purpose for Your Birth Date: January 3, 1992 The great philosophical minds of the past have left for humanity a depth of understanding of life that lives on through their writings and teachings. You have such a role to play as a philosopher, writer, or theorist. By delving into the mysteries of life and the immutable laws of existence, you could become a teacher who gives to others the principles that will lead to better understanding of human mind and potential, of health and happiness, and of the attainment of success on all levels. Within you is an ability to use the Power of the Word to inspire the best from others, and to bring out their creativity and appreciation for the aesthetic values of life. Your potential includes a natural interest in mathematics, science, philosophy, and all the phenomena and beauties of life. Poetic and literary creativity, or musical and artistic expression could result from your interpretation of nature--the beauty of flowers, the sound of the birds, the wind in the trees, sunrises and sunsets, or gently falling snow. The beauty in life touches your inner quality very deeply. With a name in harmony with your sensitive inner quality, and effort on your part to think about life, you could express great knowledge and beauty of concept orally and through the pen. Time spent alone in the outdoors to appreciate the beauties of nature could provide you with relief from stress and the resultant emotions of moodiness or self-pity, and feelings of being crowded by lifes experiences. Your inspirational inner qualities require creative outlets in such fields as art, music, drama, and composition or outdoor activities. You could develop great powers of concentration, but must guard against over-sensitivity and inner turbulence. Happiness and contentment are to be found in the expression of ones potential in service to others. To live to is give. It is essential that your name is harmonized or balanced to your birthpath in order that you accomplish what you are meant to in life.

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

A name with opposite qualities to the birthpath does not allow the balanced, natural expression and unfoldment of your purpose. It creates many expressions of frustration, unhappiness, and lack of fulfilment which result from desiring one thing but attracting something else. When the name is not in harmony with ones purpose, the result is turbulence, discontentment, and stress.

Your Life Phases

Your birth date is divided into three distinct phases. Your first life phase is determined by the calendar month of birth and covers the personal development period of life, beginning at birth and ending at 27 years of age. Childhood represents the foundation of life upon which should be built discipline, health, intelligence, love, ideals of service, and an appreciation for all humanity. Your second life phase is determined by the day of the month of birth and covers the most active period of time from 27 to 54 years of age and determines the basic group of each person. All people belong to one of three basic groups: practical, social, or inspirational. Your year of birth is the third and last life phase and covers the period of time from 54 to the close of life. It represents the fruition period of life when each person should give back of his or her knowledge of life so others may benefit from the shared experiences. Each period gives an opportunity to unfold a quality which is a component of your birthpath potential as determined by the date of birth. Your First Life Phase From birth to 27 is a time of independence for you to learn the lessons of selfreliance, self-responsibility, and individuality of mind. These qualities build confidence and strength of character preparing you for leadership opportunities. You would feel the urge for freedom to shoulder your own responsibilities, and to learn through your own experiences. You could find it difficult, at times, to merge your efforts with others. A name in harmony with your potential would allow you to develop originality, inventiveness, creativity, and resourcefulness in the practical arts and other fields that capture your interest. Your initiative and motivation for accomplishment provide a constructive example for others. Your

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

loyalty to your friends would be shown more by what you do for them rather than through your self-expression. By cultivating generosity, compassion, and understanding of people, you would control any tendencies to be self-centred and self-opinionated. Your Second Life Phase From 27 to 54 represents a time for expression in inspirational endeavours such as art, music, drama, composition, singing, and public speaking which can uplift and encourage others through creative, intelligent, humorous expression. Generosity is another attribute to be developed during this time in your life. You would be successful in any position in which you could express your cosmopolitan qualities personally, spontaneously, and creatively, free from monotony or limitations. By learning system and order, you would overcome any tendency to scatter your efforts and to leave projects incomplete. Your natural affection for, and caring of, others must find constructive outlets; otherwise, you could be drawn into frivolous emotional encounters and bitter experiences. Your Third Life Phase As your year of birth is the same mathematical quality as your day of birth, you should cultivate the same influence of potential from 54 to the close of life as from 27 to 54. This is the time to expand upon the natural inner qualities of your purpose in order to experience the greater fulfilment of your potential.

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Part 3: Relationships and Compatibility

Groups All people belong to one of three basic groups: practical, social, or inspirational. In the Kabalarian Philosophy we call these groups: water (practical), fire (social), and air (inspirational) groups. You are in the Air Group. The day of the month when one is born determines the group. Each group has a specific role in life and the group signifies the basic nature of the purpose within each person and, as well, indicates the conditions necessary for personal growth. The group is part of the birthpath quality. Whether this quality finds a natural expression depends upon the names used, for the names create the personality of each person and his or her destiny in life. Name is the predominant determining factor in each persons growth and development.

Table of Groups
Group Water Day of Birth 1, 5, 7, 10, 14, 16, 19, 23, 25, 28 Fire 2, 4, 8, 11, 13, 17, 20, 22, 26, 29, 31 Air 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 Each group water, fire, or air express in specific ways. The water group expresses in a matter-of-fact, direct, independent way, and is responsible for establishing the practical understanding of life. Water group members learn through their own efforts in self-education and self-discipline to become leaders sharing with others the benefit of their experiences. They are self-sufficient and creative but have to guard against being self-centred. Those in the water group appreciate the outdoors and find harmony and peace in nature.

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

The fire group has the lesson of responsibility, the lesson of association, working for and with others, coinciding viewpoints and educating and organizing others. Those in the fire group often learn through the fire of experience until they base their decisions on definite principles and are not swayed by others. They are not highly inspirational, as they seek proof through fact and logic. The air group is here to contribute through self-expression and creative, artistic achievement. Air group members have the potential to develop universal understanding to lead the minds of others into progressive, constructive channels of thought and creativity. Being idealistic and inspirational, they should express affection and generosity. Since they feel deeply about the welfare of humanity, they can be over-emotional, temperamental, and unrealistic if not living the higher side of their nature. Compatibility People born into the same group can experience a natural kinship, especially if their names have relative mathematical qualities. They tend to observe life from a similar perspective, think and feel in a similar way, and enjoy similar activities. However, discord in the name can distort the natural compatibility of people in the same group. Therefore, if you are married to or associating with someone born into a different group, an opportunity awaits you to gain an understanding of life from another perspective. Being in different groups need not spoil long-term happiness, especially when each person strives to appreciate and understand the viewpoints and the challenges that face the other person. As you can appreciate, there are many factors to consider in creating close compatibility. Creating co-operation and understanding between people is one of lifes many challenges, yet necessary in generating harmony and fulfilment. You are in the:

Air Group

In business associations, friendships, and marriage, you will find the most congeniality with those who are also in the air group. Air group members have an ability to reach people through the power of the word. They should develop vision and service to humanity. There is a naturally buoyant, enthusiastic zest for life in these people with a desire to lead and motivate others to a better way of
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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

life. In order to guard against impulsiveness and intolerance, they need to think more about the practical side of their ideas and plans. Merging with the Other Groups Air group members find it easier to merge with people in the fire group than with those in the water group. Because the keynote of people in the fire group is blending with others, they find it easier than do the members of the other two groups to set aside their own wishes and respond to the inclinations of others. Both the fire and air groups benefit from close friendships from which they draw support and motivation. Those in the air group tend to be idealistic and visionary, while those in the water group are realistic and practical, and thus they do not see things from the same perspective. Therefore, without clear understanding of the reasons that create the differences, friction may result in close association.

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Part 4: Career Selections in Relation to your Life's Purpose

The opportunity to choose and develop a career relative to the qualities of your inner nature is an important aspect to consider in the overall happiness and success of your life. If the wisdom of the Kabalarian Philosophy were known and understood, all children would be named in harmony with their birthpaths. Since the time of birth denotes the quality and potentialities of the power of life seeded within each person, the names given would contain qualities that allow the birthpath expression through the developing personality. Parents would know how to educate and guide their children with greater understanding. The names used lead to particular vocations and avocations that may or may not be relative to the inner potential. It is the name that determines destiny through the quality of mind, the cause for ones path in life. Comparison between the name and the birthpath will reveal the degree of harmony or discord that has resulted, as well as the degree of satisfaction and contentment experienced in work. It may not be practical to change your occupation. You may have already invested years in education or accumulated experience in a specific field. If this is the case, we suggest that you consider pursuing personal projects, such as hobbies, natural to your intrinsic qualities. The freedom and personal satisfaction gained would help to lessen any unhappiness and frustration created by your present occupation, and may even change or enhance your work performance, because you will be happier and more relaxed. You may also consider building upon your existing vocation to assume other responsibilities more in keeping with the natural expression of your birthpath. If you decide to work toward a career change, consider the importance of a change of name and understand the mental qualities required to handle the new occupation. Investigate the particulars of the vocation under review and the education that may be required. Then plan the steps carefully. This is where our telephone support services can assist you. The following are only a few suggestions of work environments in which you could find fulfilment and success for your birthpath purpose:

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Career List Look for opportunities in whatever occupation you are in to add new perspectives and depth to your tasks, to find freedom to think about the deeper aspects of life, and where you are not in stressful situations.
Business Real Estate Appraiser Insurance Adjuster Realtor Editor Fashion/Image Consultant Communications Reporter/Columnist Author Journalist Design Artist Commercial Photographer Illustrator Creative Inventor Florist Fashion Designer Graphic Illustrator Interior Designer Landscape Designer Display Designer Entertainment Actor/Actress Musician Composer/Arranger Writer, Humourist Poet Education Teacher Professor Historian Services Ecologist Horticulturalist Naturopath Veterinarian Curator

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Whether you are drawn into any of these occupations is dependent upon the degree of harmony between your name and birthpath.

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Part 5: Your Current Destiny Created by Your Combined Names

Your names have many fine qualities and have allowed a certain degree of accomplishment and success; however, there are definite drawbacks that will interfere with your long-term personal happiness and fulfillment. Your combined names create the overall destiny of your life. These are the conditions that will continually occur (despite your best efforts) and will create limitations in the success you could achieve with a balanced name and destiny. The combined names of Sagar Luitel draw you into positions where you have direction and control of material values and finances and will have settled and secure conditions with financial stability. However the weaknesses in your individual names may offset this to some degree and not allow the complete success you could experience.

Part 6: Recommendations
What You Should Do Right Now
The above conditions will persist in your life as long as you continue to use your current names. Establishing a Balanced Name right now is essential to overcoming the limitations found in your present names. The future of your life will take a new direction! Our comprehensive Balanced Name Recommendation service will help you select a new name that is harmonized to your lifes purpose so that you can enjoy a happier, more contented, and satisfying life. Why? Because you will start to change once you start using a Balanced Name. You will experience greater stability and relaxation, a happier disposition, greater confidence, and your creative talents will soar. Others will begin to notice a big difference in you! What a Balanced Name will do for you A Balanced Name has the potential to permit the full expression of your birthpath or purpose in life. Just as a painter, given a full palette of colours from which to choose can create all the subtle shades of colour in a painting, with your new name, you can draw from the many strengths to create constructive changes in your life. Living and expressing your intrinsic qualities brings greater happiness, peace of mind, and success into your life. A Balanced Name will: Enhance Strengths A Balanced Name creates mental strengths. You will not lose any of your current positive characteristics, qualities, and abilities. In fact, a Balanced Name will enhance your already established strengths.
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Society of Kabalarians of Canada

Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Channel Your Purpose Like grafting a beautiful rose stem on to a robust rootstock to produce a better rose, the new name will allow you to channel your purpose in life (measured from your birth date) into new outlets that will bring greater accomplishment, fulfillment, and contentment into your life. Create Greater Success A Balanced Name will create greater stability and success in your financial affairs and projects. Diminish Weaknesses Through the use of a Balanced Name weaknesses inherent in your current names will diminish. If your current names create lack of confidence, you will grow past this weakness as you become more confident by using your Balanced Name. If your present names create discontent, you will lose this weakness and become happier. If your names create an over-emotional nature, you will move past this weakness as you gain greater stability and selfdiscipline. You will become happier, healthier, and more successful.

Not convinced? Read the many questions we have been asked on taking this step: Change of Name Questions or you may want to read testimonials of the benefits people have gained from a change to a Balanced Name. Types of Names We Recommend In your Balanced Name Recommendation report we look at your current names to see if we can make a modification (if possible) to your present names as well as giving you many other Balanced Name choices. In the Balanced Name Recommendation your name choices are a compilation of common names, spelling modifications of common names, and other unique and different names. If you require a Balanced Name from a specific cultural background we will work with you to create your Balanced Name around this request. For families ordering Balanced Name Recommendations we will work with you so each family member can use the same last name.

This Service Includes:

Balanced Name recommendations: choice of 30 to 50 first names choice of 30 to 50 last names

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

as well as spelling modifications and alterations of current names where possible

Signature recommendations best business signatures to ensure stability and success in your business projects and affairs best personal signatures

Analysis of the Balanced Names recommended for you 2 months of on-going consultation support to help you through the process of establishing a Balanced Name including: assistance in choosing names from the recommended lists working with you until you find the name that you are comfortable with advice on how best to establish your new balanced names

Balanced Name Certificate issued from our office after you have confirmed your selection of names 3-month Cycle Chart (based on your date of birth) to take you to the next level of high-powered time management planning For more information on our Balanced Name Recommendation Service, click here:

Call Us with Your Questions

We are pleased to be of assistance to help you understand even more about your names and birth date and the conditions in your life. We would be happy to talk with you about any aspect of your Name Report. Regular office hours are from Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Pacific Time. 866-489-1188 toll-free from anywhere in North America 604-263-9551 for international locations or in the local Vancouver, BC area If you are unavailable by telephone, please send your questions to: and we will be happy to assist you.

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Want To Know More? Understand What Creates a Balanced Name

The study program, Life Analysis Training, will empower you with the knowledge of how mathematics, language, name, and mind are related and why you are who you are. You will learn the reasons for your life experiences. Your success in understanding these principles will give you the knowledge: As a parent, to positively guide the true direction of your children As an executive, to motivate your team to outstanding performance As a person, to make a profound difference in your thinking and experiences As a friend, family member, and co-worker, to help people achieve, happier, more meaningful lives through a greater understanding of the power of name

You will help yourself and others by integrating your new-found knowledge in the environments where you live and thrive to create harmony and contentment in living. The online Life Analysis Training program includes extensive lesson materials, audio recordings, workbook, and personal tutor-support services. Click the link below to find out more:

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Part 7: Your Cycle is Based on your Birth Date

How do you acquire the skills needed to thrive in your personal and business life, to achieve your goals of self-improvement, career advancement, and personal happiness and to stop the stress that leaves you pressured, frazzled, and frustrated? The answer lies in a better understanding of time, and better yet, how your date of birth creates your personal cycle within time and reveals the best way to guide the many decisions you make. You already are aware of cyclesday and night, the changing seasons, the ebb and flow of tides, the phases of the moon, the rotation of the earth around the sun, and many more. Each cycle phase brings changing conditions that can be understood. Your thoughts, feelings, and actions are influenced by your personal cycle and in knowing the nature of your cycle, you are better able to plan, act, and make decisions confidently and at the right time to ensure success. You have to know the quality of your day. Will your efforts succeed today? Or is this a day to further technical matters, to buy and sell profitably, or to set up important appointments? In following the natural cyclic forces within time, you will minimize the stress, get the job completed, and have time to create greater balance and harmony in your life. Overview of Cycles Cycles unfold in nine-year, nine-month, and nine-day cycles. The cycles are not the same for everyone at the same time, but each person must pass through the same sequence of cycles. When you learn to create in complete harmony with the cyclic conditions of each passing day, then you will know the best time to start an undertaking and how to follow it through to ensure complete success. Not working with the cycleseither consciously or unconsciouslymeans working harder and, though there seems to be progress, suddenly finding that your efforts are not rewarded. Days, months, or perhaps years of effort can be wasted; or you partially succeed in one aspect of life and fail in others, and then wonder why. 9 Phases of Cycles Your birth date discloses that you are in a 9-cycle year of a 9 year cycle phase. The chart below reveals, briefly, the natural unfoldment of the rhythms of cycles and how you can make use of these qualities in the various cycles from 1 to 9.

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Birthdate: January 3, 1992


The 1-cycle is the starting point of a new 9-year era when new ambitions, new activities should be sown and cultivated carefully over the following cycles. It is a time to make changes in ones thinking, a time to work hard. Action is the keynote. In this cycle, there is little to show for efforts expended. In the 2-cycle, progress is made through association with others, a time to think about and benefit from the ideas of others. Do not consider this wasted time to further relations with. The 3-cycle represents self-expressiongetting oneself known. It brings some promising conditions and it is the time to draw upon what has been learned from others and from ones own thoughts to further the growth of ideas and activities. The 3-cycle can close with a disappointment if we are overly optimistic. The 4-cycle represents the testing of activities which were started in the 1-cycle and the time to strengthen the foundation of efforts by attending to technical details. It represents a time for caution, a time to work hard, and the time to systematize efforts, to exercise patience and optimism. The 5-cycle represents the opportunity for expansion of activities, new action to be taken, a time for new experiences, education, travel, and change supported by the strong foundation built in the 4cycle. Make necessary changes to further your ambitions. The 6-cycle represents putting our affairs in order in preparation for the fruitionpaying bills, settling accounts, taking on responsibilities, and making decisions. A necessary step of consolidation after the rapid growth of the previous cyclerearrangement of affairs and settling indebtedness, if necessary. The 7-cycle represents a time of reflection, to attach to our activities thoughtful consideration of the ideals and goals in mind when we first started. If possible, withdraw from activity to think into the deeper things in life, enjoy nature to find peace and relaxation. The 8-cycle represents the harvest of effortsthe time when tangible results of thinking and efforts are forthcoming. Rewards are commensurate with efforts to this point. Work to bring accomplishments to a successful conclusion. The 9-cycle is the time to plan for the coming new cycle, conditions are indefinite. Do not start anything new now. You are more emotional this year so avoid friction.
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Society of Kabalarians of Canada

Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

3 Months of Cycle Chart Summaries

The following pages contain a condensed 3-month cycle summary for you. The complete Cycle Chart has extensive information and greater detail than the sample provided. It gives you key information on understanding the potential that lies within time. You will find your chart invaluable in planning your efforts and actions to bring your goals and aspirations into reality. Sagar Luitel: 9-Cycle Year for Calendar Year of 2011 (based on your birth date) This is the closing year of a nine-year cycle and conditions will be rather indefinite and worrying. You will reap whatever you have sown over the past eight years. It is the year when you should reflect over the past and extract a seed from your experiences to sow in the new cycle, which begins in the following year. Do not start anything of an important nature, invest in any enterprise, or make important changes this year because conditions are not favourable to such undertakings, any more than December would be a good month to sow seeds into the ground. This is your year to make plans for the future, but wait until your new cycle to put them into action. During this year you will feel more emotional and more easily influenced than usual. You should put forth effort to control your temper and your emotions. Be careful in your associations and guard against doing anything that could create friction and losses in associations. This is a year when someone could come into or go out of your life. If single, you could meet someone who could have a vital influence in your life. A married person must be careful to handle personal problems intelligently and not follow the dictates of emotion, or trouble will ensue. Guard speech and moods to prevent friction in close associations. This is not an accumulative year. Plan carefully for action and change in the following year. Keep cheerful under all conditions and look to the following years for more settled and progressive conditions when you should make a start in something that it is your desire to accomplish. Your plans are very important because whatever you start next year should be carried through for the next nine years.

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October (9 year - 3 month)

October At A Glance 2011

This month will start out with great promise and you will be tempted to undertake something of importance to materialize in the latter half of the month. Do not be misled by over-optimism, for unless you can complete all undertakings by the 18th you can expect a disappointment and conditions will not materialize as you anticipated. Conditions become more disappointing and adverse after the 18th as the month advances. Do not start any new undertakings, assume more financial responsibilities, or plan any important undertakings to materialize after the middle of the month. Retrench and look forward to December for more active conditions. Control your emotions during this month or there will be friction in close associations. Guard against hasty speech and judgment and think over all problems carefully before taking action.

October calendar dates of:

1-10-19-28 (4/7 cycle day) 6-15-24 (9/3 cycle day)
Your nervous system will be over-sensitive, especially during the first half of the day. The afternoon is more settled and more can be accomplished. These are not good days for congenial associations, but you should attend to technical detail work that requires system and concentration. Guard your emotions. Do not depend upon promises, for they will not materialize successfully in the latter part of the day. Be careful in associations or there could be a disappointment. You should accomplish all that you can during the morning which is the best for active accomplishment. These days are not accumulative.


(5/8 cycle day)


(1/4 cycle day)

You should push your affairs and undertakings to a successful conclusion. Conditions are progressive, active, and accumulative. Collect outstanding money. Much can be accomplished to realize your ambitions. Remember the first half of the month is the best for active accomplishment.

Retrench and attend to technical detail work. Do not allow the influence of others to stampede you into any new undertakings. Guard personal safety against any slight accidents to the head on the 25th. Do that monotonous job you have been putting off.


(2/5 cycle day)


(6/9 cycle day)

There are decisions to make, yet conditions are such that you feel very unsettled mentally and things are very indefinite. Problems in close associations will require a decision. You should plan carefully but defer action. Guard your emotions to avoid friction. Conditions are intensely procreative. Plan accordingly. Expenses are heavy.

These are active days. Push your affairs, make new contacts, and open up new channels. These are exceptionally good days for change and travel during the first half of the month. As much as possible make new contacts in associations. Think carefully before you act, for you are inclined to be too impulsive.


(3/6 cycle day)


(7/1 cycle day)

These are very active and progressive days and much can be accomplished. Start whatever that it is your ambition to do. The forces of nature are with you for constructive progress. Do your part and put forth effort to accomplish.


(8/2 cycle day)

You should meet and mix more. Further your interests through congenial associations and diplomacy. There could be some accumulative conditions come to you through associations, an unexpected surprise perhaps, on the 14th. These are good days and much can be accomplished, although you are inclined to procrastinate.

Expenses are very heavy. Indebtedness must be settled. Put your affairs in order and make decisions, not forgetting the conditions of the month. Avoid arguments in the latter half of the day as conditions are inclined to bring a disappointment in personal affairs and associations. "Pay out" is the slogan. There is something working under the surface that should manifest itself on the following day.

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November (9 year - 4 month)

November At A Glance 2011

This is a very adverse month. Do not start anything of importance, be very careful in associations, and attend only to minor detail work in your affairs, leaving important matters until next month. Avoid travel, exercise care in personal safety, and do not expect to materialize your ambitions this month. It cannot be done. Anything started at this time would eventually disappoint you. Retrench. Anything of an unfortunate nature that could occur would do so this month if you are not careful in your actions. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Watch the conditions of the daily chart and follow advice. Control your impatience and look forward to more active conditions in December. Do not be drawn into arguments or disturbing issues, as conditions would go against you. Guard your speech and actions and avoid friction in associations. Conditions are adverse regarding the affections this month. This is not an accumulative or progressive month but a test period when you are being tested from all angles. Be patient and always put forth great effort to be constructive and you will be rewarded with better conditions in the very near future.

November calendar dates of:

1-10-19-28 (5/9 cycle day)
There are very disturbing influences in all your affairs. There is such an urge for action, yet everything is indefinite and unsettled so that it is impossible for you to accomplish. Make plans, leaving positive action until the latter half of the day. Beware of bitter experiences caused through an uncontrolled emotional nature. Conditions are not accumulative. Retrench and attend only to minor detail work of an unimportant nature. Put forth real effort to avoid any friction in associations. Remember that silence is sometimes golden. Do not enter into any propositions. Relax and rest.


(1/5 cycle day)


(6/1 cycle day)

You can accomplish a great deal both in business and in personal affairs. Start necessary undertakings, remembering the general conditions of the whole month. Make decisions and act upon them. Expenses are heavy. Make new contacts.

Make necessary changes. These are good days for travel and for active undertakings. Start anything that it is your ambition to accomplish, in a minor way, remembering the adverse conditions of the month in general. Be constructive and progressive. Your efforts will bear fruit later on. Do not expect rewards now.


(2/6 cycle day)


(7/2 cycle day)

These are days for congenial associations, although the morning is unsettled and hard on your nervous system. Seek to bring about a beneficial settlement through diplomatic channels. The afternoon is the best time for accomplishment, being more settled, accumulative, and congenial.

Settle indebtedness and make decisions. Put your affairs in order. Conditions are not accumulative, but much can be accomplished in rearranging affairs and putting your house in order.


(3/7 cycle day)


(8/3 cycle day)

Conditions are unsettled and hard on your nervous system. At times they appear promising and at others, disappointing. If possible, seek peace of mind and relaxation out in nature.

Conditions are exceptionally good during the morning. Try to materialize all your undertakings by noon as the day could close with a disappointment. Be careful during the afternoon and do not expect to accomplish much beyond only ordinary undertakings.


(4/8 cycle day)

Conditions are good in business affairs, but under the surface in close associations there are some disturbing and unsettling influences. Avoid friction and control the emotions. Be careful in all dealings. Do not trust to verbal promises.


(9/4 cycle day)

Conditions are very adverse. Be careful in all things. Do not rely upon your own judgment, but neither trust others. Avoid travel and change.

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December (9 year - 5 month)

December At A Glance 2011

After the challenging conditions of last month this month of December should seem exceptionally active and progressive. This month closes an old nine-year cycle, the past year of which has been very emotional and indefinite. You are fortunate in the fact that the coming year brings new and very active conditions into your life, for it is the beginning of a new nine-year cycle. This month should bring you the opportunity to make many new contacts and, if interested in business, you should seek new prospects and channels through which you can broaden out in your undertakings to accomplish your ambitions. This is a good month for any minor changes, or for travel. Put forth effort in all of your undertakings but do not be disappointed if you do not accomplish a lot. The month of February in the coming year will bring more positive conditions and allow you to accomplish. This is not an accumulative month, but an active one. It is an educational period when you should attempt to learn and to contact new experience.

December calendar dates of:

1-10-19-28 (6/2 cycle day) 5-14-23 (1/6 cycle day)
Conditions are not conducive to active efforts, but much can be accomplished through diplomacy and tact, through the influence of others. Seek their assistance. Make social calls and seek prospects in business through social channels. Expenses may be slightly heavy. These are good days to entertain. There are important decisions to make and some indebtedness to settle. These are good days to force issues and to put your affairs in order or to refinance or rectify any mistakes made in business affairs. Pay out, expenses are heavy but much can be done.


(2/7 cycle day)


(7/3 cycle day)

These days are promising but unsettling and disappointing. During the evening you must guard against disappointments, for things will not turn out as they appeared they would do during the morning. Remain friendly but conservative and non-committal.

Put forth effort to bring about beneficial settlements in anything that has been pending. Attend to correspondence. You are sensitive and easily hurt. Avoid friction. Be diplomatic.


(3/8 cycle day)


(8/4 cycle day)

Try to accomplish all that you possibly can along lines of technical detail work of an unimportant nature. Do not try to force issues in anything of importance. There are some adverse conditions in financial affairs. Be careful in all dealings. Do not buy, sell, or invest. Guard personal safety. Avoid arguments and friction. Be patient.

Collect outstanding money and negotiate settlements in business affairs and financial matters. Things should come your way with less effort. These are good days to take profits or to sell anything of value, but not to reinvest. Accomplish all you can before noon.


(4/9 cycle day)


(9/5 cycle day)

Conditions are very unsettled and adverse, causing you to be too emotional. Guard your speech and actions and avoid friction. Defer all important action. Retrench and rest as much as possible.

Conditions are active and much can be accomplished, but you are your own worst enemy, for you are over-impulsive. Weigh all problems carefully before you act, and be careful to control your moods and speech to avoid friction in associations. Conditions are unsettled under the surface spoiling accomplishment. This has its reaction on your nervous system. Put forth effort to offset it constructively.


(5/1 cycle day)

These are the most active and progressive days of this active month. Do not let grass grow under your feet. Put forth active effort to sow seeds of ambition, seek new prospects, and broaden out in your affairs. Do not waste time. Your future success depends upon the efforts you put forth on these active days.

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January (1 year - 4/5 month)

Sagar Luitel: 1 Cycle Year for Calendar Year of 2012

This is the starting point of a new nine-year era in your life. It is a vital year for you because it symbolizes the sowing time of your cycle. It is the period when you should sow seeds of ambition to cultivate carefully for the coming six years in order to produce beneficial rewards for your labours during the harvest period of this nine-year cycle. Remember the natural law, As you sow, so shall you reap. The following eight years depend, to a large extent, upon the constructive effort that you put forth in harmony with the cycles during this year. Conditions should be very active for you. You should let action be your keynote, especially during the active months of this year, as shown through the chart. You should leave no stone unturned in your efforts to establish yourself in whatever it is your ambition to do. Make important changes, introduce new ideas, seek new contacts and business prospects, and work hard to further your interests in every possible way. Remember that you will gain from life according to the effort you put forth. This year will aid your activities, but do not sit down and expect the active year to bring circumstances and opportunities to you. You will feel a greater desire for independence because it is the natural period to assert your individuality. Be watchful of your expression as you will tend to be direct and outspoken. Be moderate in the use of sugars and starchy foods, because during this year any poisons in the bloodstream or over-sensitivity of the nervous system are apt to affect the senses of your head, such as your vision, or your teeth, or sinuses in some way.

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January (1 year - 4/5 month)

January At A Glance 2012

January is a month when you are inclined to be at variance with everything. You have great urges to take action and to make a change, as conditions cause you to feel very restless and discontented. You must direct these restless urges into constructive channels, or otherwise the month will end with conditions very adverse to you. This month is a foundation period, a time for accomplishment along technical lines in undertakings that require attention to detail and hard work. It is not a period in which to expect accumulation. Although you have an intense urge for action, travel, and change, do not undertake any major move or change until after the 23rd at least. Attend to technical detail work and exercise great care in personal safety and in all business dealings, if you wish to avoid bitter experiences this month. Be very careful to avoid accidents in transportation throughout this month; take care when crossing the street, etc. You are inclined at this time to be thoughtless in action. At all times guard your speech to avoid friction.

January calendar dates of:

1-10-19-28 (5/9 cycle day) 5-14-23 (9/4 cycle day)
You must plan for the future but defer action until the following days. Protect your health in every way and avoid irritations in close association. Try to relax, as you are inclined to be irritable and turbulent. On these days guard against adverse conditions in every form. Be patient and careful. Do not undertake anything of importance. Control your speech and actions, for remember that you are more discordant and liable to bitter experiences than on any other dates during the month.


(6/1 cycle day)

These are very active and constructive days. Start new ventures; put your plans into action. Action should be your keynote. These days are the beginning of new nine-day cycles. Sow your seeds of ambition wisely and start things for which you will reap rewards on your accumulative days.


(1/5 cycle day)

Although the general conditions of the month are of a testing nature, take advantage of these active days for necessary changes or travel, and to begin anything of a minor nature or further what is already started. Be progressive.


(7/2 cycle day)


(2/6 cycle day)

You are very reflective, negative, and passive during the forenoons. After midday you should further your affairs through social contacts and congenial associations. Meet and mix. Conscientiously put forth effort to understand your fellow man and to be diplomatic and tactful. You may feel very sensitive. Do not worry; it will pass.

Conditions are rather passive. You may have decisions to make in social affairs. Rearrange your financial matters and settle indebtedness.


(3/7 cycle day)


(8/3 cycle day)

The morning is progressive and accumulative and much can be accomplished in financial affairs, but the afternoon closes with a disappointment. Complete all undertakings before noon. In your undertakings, further and make more secure whatever you started two days ago.

Circumstances are unsettled and not particularly good for important undertakings, but there is a short period around midday when you can accomplish things, and conditions are accumulative. You are highly sensitive and must guard your feelings. Conditions are indefinite.


(4/8 cycle day)

These days show some adverse conditions in personal affairs. Be careful in business dealings. These are the best days of this non-accumulative month for collecting money owing to you.

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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Part 8: Kabalarian Ethics of Right Thinking

The Kabalarian Philosophy was founded in 1930 by Mr. Alfred J. Parker. His lifes ideal was to bring an understanding of the basic universal principles of life down to a practical theory, applicable and of benefit to all people. This Name Report is dedicated to that ideal. May your Name Report assist you in making positive, progressive changes in your life. The Kabalarian Ethics of Right Thinking, reproduced below, stress the importance of language and the power and energy behind the word. Its powerful influence creates and moulds, not only your life, but the lives of everyone. Language is a tool for good if we understand its power and far-reaching effects in our lives and in the creation of what we hope and strive for. The ethics represents guidelines for personal growth and achievement. Appreciate and respect the Power of the Word (speech); never misuse this power by swearing, vulgarity, lying and deceit, falsifying anothers statement, or destroying the reputation of others. Strive to govern moods and habits so as to create peace and happiness within your own mind and to share that peace and happiness with others through happy, constructive thoughts, through little acts of generosity and service, and through seeing good and God in others. Acts of giving never go unrewarded. Always endeavor to develop an open mind, giving credit to others for mental effort even though they may not as yet have discovered the true light of wisdom. Stand in awe at the threshold of wisdom in humbleness and in deep respect. Remember that wisdom expressed through you is not of your creation but always was. Your endeavor to fit and balance your mind to your higher consciousness of wisdom is your sacred duty and not optional. Only through constant striving to eliminate bad or negative thoughts and habits can your mind feel justly proud to be a sacred part of Divine Consciousness. Mistakes sometimes occur a mistake is not evil it may occur through wrong evaluation or sometimes through over-anxiousness, or comparison, or undue optimism. A first mistake may be classified as an error in judgment if a lesson is learned from the experience; if not, then it is a conscious mistake upon a negative plane of mind, and serious and punishable through the law of reaction and your conscious realization that you deliberately created your own test and must now find the solution.
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Name Report for: Sagar Luitel

Birthdate: January 3, 1992

Kill out ego and false pride. Never take the know-it-all attitude, for to do so is to kill out natural incentive and progress. Remember that your mind is the greatest instrument in the universe. As you think, so are you, because the nature of your thoughts indicates the plane of mind to which you are tuned; thus, your thinking and you are one. If you did but realize the power of your own mind for good or for destructiveness, you would check every thought and utterance. Do not say wrong or hurtful things for fun or to build up your own importance. Remember false pride comes before a fall. Never negate your thoughts and ideas; never say "can't" or depreciate your ability to equal or better the performances of others. What others have done, you can do, and do better, but do not say so; prove it in greater application than others, for only by effort and application shall your works be known. Never make idle and boastful statements; say only that which is logical and truthful. Learn to know when to speak, and always express your thoughts in a refined and dignified way so as to leave the best impression. Be systematic, proceed step by step, and learn to finish the things you start. Never make a promise that you cannot, or do not, intend to carry out; thus will you always speak truth. Align yourself always upon the side of justice, truth, and honesty. Do not meet others upon the plane of anger, wrongdoing, or thoughtlessness. Always use the power of analysis, particularly when in doubt. Never attempt to alibi that which you know is wrong. Keep your mind always upon a constructive plane of thinking. Remember, your sins will always find you out. Always seek an ideal, an objective, and the proper method of application. Create a refined and individual personality, a happy and generous one. Develop clean and tidy habits, body cleanliness, and a clean mind. Be conservative, yet creative, in your dress. Avoid showiness in dress and loudness in speech. Make others want to pattern themselves after you: that is a well deserved compliment, and indicates adherence to Kabalarian Ethics of Right Thinking. Alfred J. Parker Founder, Kabalarian Philosophy

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