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Notes to I|nanc|a| Statements

ear ended December 31 2010

1 Genera| Informat|on

uoka anama SA (Lhe company") was lncorporaLed under Lhe laws of Lhe republlc of
anama on lebruary 272008and operaLes ln Lhe republlc of anama lLs maln buslness acLlvlLy
ls based on sales and renLal of consLrucLlon equlpmenL and acceserles

1he Company ls member of a group of Companles wlLh common shareholders managemenL
wlch enLer lnLo cerLaln LransacLlons among Lhem 1he accompanylng flnanclal sLaLemenLs Lhus
necessarlly reflecL Lhe degree of afflllaLlon under wlch Lhe Company operaLes uoka anama
SA ls 100 owned by uoka CmbP

1he flnanclal sLaLemenLs were auLhorlzed for lssuance by Companys ManagemenL on lebruary

2 Summary of s|gn|f|cant account|ng po||c|es

1he mosL lmporLanL sLandards and pollcles are Lhe followlng

(a) Statement of comp||ance

1he flnanclal sLaLemenLs of uoka anama SA (1PL Company") have been prepared ln
accordance wlLh lnLernaLlonal flnanclal reporLlng sLandards (ll8S) and lLs lnLerpreLaLlons
adopLed by Lhe lnLernaLlonal accounLlng sLandards board (lAS8")

(b) New Internat|ona| I|nanc|a| keport|ng Standards (IIkS) and |nterpretat|ons |ssued that
are not |n effect

As of Lhe daLe of Lhe flnanclal sLaLemenLs Lhere are new sLandards modlflcaLlons and
sLandards lnLerpreLaLlons whlch are noL effecLlve for Lhe year ended on uecember 312010
Lherefore Lhese changes have noL beeL applled ln Lhe preparaLlon of Lhese flnanclal
sLaLemenLs 1he new sLandards modlflcaLlons and sLandards lnLerpreLaLlons are deLalled

O lAS 12 lncome 1axes ueferred Lax LffecLlve for annual perlods beglnnlng on or afLer
8ecovery of under lylng asseLs !anuary 12012
O lAS 24 8elaLed arLy ulsclosures LffecLlve for annual perlods beglnnlng on or afLer
(amendmenL) !anuary 12011
O lAS 32 llnanclal lnsLrumenLs LffecLlve for annual perlods beglnnlng on or afLer
resenLaLlon ClasslflcaLlon of 8lghL lebruary 12010
lssues (amendmenL)
O ll8S 9 llnanclal lnsLrumenLs LffecLlve for annual perlods beglnnlng on or afLer
ClasslflcaLlons and MeasuremenL !anuary 12013

Notes to I|nanc|a| Statements
ear ended December 31 2010

2 Summary of s|gn|f|cant account|ng po||c|es (cont|nued)

(b) New Internat|ona| I|nanc|a| keport|ng Standars (IIkS) and |nterpretat|ons |ssued that are
not |n effect (cont|nued)

O ll8lC 14 prepaymenLs of a mlnlmum LffecLlve for annual perlods beglnnlng on or
lundlng requlremenL (amendmenL) afLer !anuary 12011
O ll8lC 19 LxLlngulshlng llnanclal LffecLlve for annual perlods beglnnlng on or as
LlablllLles wlLh LqulLy lnsLrumenLs of !uly 12010
O ll8S 1 llrsLLlme AdopLlon of LffecLlve for annual perlods beglnnlng on or
lnLernaLlonal llnanclal 8eporLlng afLer [uly 12010 or !anuary 12011
SLandards (amendmenL)
O ll8S 3 8uslness comblnaLlons LffecLlve for annual perlods beglnnlng on or
(amendmenL) afLer !uly 12010 or !anuary 12011
O ll8S 7 llnanclal lnsLrumenLs LffecLlve for annual perlods beglnnlng on or
ulsclosures (amendmenL) afLer !uly 12010 or !anuary 12011
O lAS 1 resenLaLlon of llnanclal LffecLlve for annual perlods beglnnlng on or
SLaLemenLs (amendmenL) afLer !uly 12010 or !anuary 12011
O lAS 27 ConsolldaLed and SeparaLe LffecLlve for annual perlods beglnnlng on or
llnanclal sLaLemenLs (amendmenL) afLer !uly 12010 or !anuary 12011
O lAS 34 lnLerlm llnanclal 8eporLlng LffecLlve for annual perlods beglnnlng on or
(amendmenL) afLer !uly 12010 or !anuary 12011
O ll8lC 13 CusLom loyalLy rogrammes LffecLlve for annual perlods beglnnlng on or
(amendmenL) afLer !uly 12010 or !anuary 12011

1he admlnlsLraLlon conslders LhaL Lhe adopLlon of Lhose sLandards and lnLerpreLaLlons LhaL may be
appllcable ln Lhe fuLure perlods shall have no slgnlflcanL effecL on Lhe flnanclal sLaLemenLs of Lhe
lnlLlal appllcaLlon perlod

(c) 8as|s of presentat|on

1he flnanclal sLaLemenLs have been prepared on Lhe hlsLorlcal cosL basls 1he flnanclal
sLaLemenL are expressed ln uS uollars ($) moneLary unlL of Lhe unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca
whlsh ls aL par and freely exchangeable wlLh Lhe 8alboa (8/) Lhe moneLary unlL of Lhe
8epubllc of anama

(d) Account|ng Lst|mate

1he preparaLlon of flnanclal sLaLemenLs ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe lnLernaLlonal llnanclal
8eporLlng sLandards requlres managemenL Lo make [udgmenLs esLlmaLes and assumpLlons
1haL affecL Lhe reporLed amounLs of asseLs and llablllLles and dlsclosure of conLlngenL asseL
and llablllLles aL Lhe daLe of Lhe flnanclal sLaLemenLs and Lhe reporLed amounLs of revenues
and expenses durlng Lhe reporLed perlod 1he esLlmaLes and assoclaLed assumpLlons are
based on hlsLorlcal experlence and varlous oLher facLors LhaL are belleved Lo be reasonable
under Lhe clrcumsLances Lhe resulLs of whlch form Lhe basls of maklng Lhe [udgmenLs abouL
carrylng values of asseLs and llablllLles LhaL are noL readlly apparenL from oLher sources
AcLual resulLs could dlffer from Lhose esLlmaLes


Notes to I|nanc|a| Statements
ear ended December 31 2010

2 Summary of s|gn|f|cant account|ng po||c|es (cont|nued)

(d) Account|ng Lst|mates (cont|nued)

1he esLlmaLes and underlylng assumpLlons are revlewed on an ongolng basls
8evlslons Lo accounLhlng esLlmaLes are recognlzed ln Lhe perlod ln whlch Lhe esLlmaLe
ls revlsed lf Lhe revlslon affecLs only LhaL perlod or ln Lhe perlod of Lhe revlslon affecLs
boLh currenL and fuLure perlods

(e) Cash

lL Lhe comprlses cash balances and checklng accounLs deposlLs

(f) Accounts rece|vab|e

1rade and oLher recelvables LhaL are flxed or deLermlnable paymenLs and noL quoLed
ln an acLlve markeL are classlfled as recelvables 8ecelvables are measured aL
amorLlzed cosL uslng Lhe effecLlve lnLeresL meLhod less any lmpalrmenL

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