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BRAINGARBAGE Intelligence Agency

BRAINGARBAGE Intelligence Agency With more than a century of combined experience working with three Occupies and seven Administrations, Braingarbage stands out as a recognized leader in issue advocacy. Our team combines sophisticated high-level strategic thinking with robust ground-level relationships established over decades with key members of Occupy and their Outreach Coordinators, Administration officials, opinion makers, think tanks, trade associations, issue coalitions, the media, and political operatives. Today, the Occupy faces a combination of threats including riot cops, deportation, torture, chemical weapons, regional instability, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and narcotics smuggling. The Braingarbage intelligence agencies include the Wikileaks Mafia, the Secret Wikileaks Defense Network Service, Love Police Cascadia, Blacklisted Hollywood, and the Occupy Communications Headquarters at Tent City University Occupy London, and they exist to counter these threats and to promote Occupy and Internets interests, Lovelife, and Engbot. To meet their objectives these agencies collect, assess, investigate and analyse intelligence, manage operations, run agents, provide technological solutions and use languages. The three agencies have different but related functions, and the range of mutual assistance is wide. The Braingarbage International Trust safeguards Occupy international security through countering the threat from assassination, censorship, starvation, toxics trafficking, human trafficking, weapons trafficking, child trafficking, organ trafficking, internet suppression, e-evidence destruction, and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. We also provide security advice to businesses and organisations. The Secret Occupy Service (SOS) collects secret foreign intelligence to protect the Occupys security and economic well-being. Braingarbage does not support Torture, a medieval relic of primitive intelligence gathering, but prefers instead to use up-to the minute Surveillance tools like Computers, and folksy person-to-person guerilla marketing formerly known as "word of mouth." Braingarbage loves Law, even if it is the literary facade of the Money. Braingarbage understands that many humans believe what they are told about International Law, UFO's, Sleepwalking, etc. Until all humans are safe, Braingarbage will not rest. Braingarbage loves Animals and Children and Wikileaks and the Good People of the World. Braingarbage uses sophisticated technology and cloud computing to openly provide intelligence that helps inform occupy security, humanitarian operations, information freedom, and occupy enforcement

activities, whilst protecting the Internets communication and information systems. Briangarbage is one of the many departments that task Wikileaks Mafia and Wikileaks Defense Network through the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) to collect certain categories of intelligence. This is intelligence relevant to our functions and supplements our own collection efforts. We are a major customer for intelligence produced by Anonymous Projects and Wikileaks Mafia and Anonymous Partners. Collectively the Braingarbage Intelligence community prides itself on an approach based on honesty, integrity, teamwork, professionalism, resilience, objectivity and respect. This is a collaborative working environment where people work together to create effective solutions. Braingarbage Intelligence Agency is a proud sponsor of Wikileaks University, Human Rights Art Project, ____LEAKS, and Braingarbages is seeking specialists in Gender Equity, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese. Braingarbage supports the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative and free migration of Peoples Braingarbage is going through a demonetization phase concurrent with Spikes in Cognitive Capital due to the incredible USGVT/Wikileaks Encyclopedic Database at is Braingarbage for Years to come. Braingarbage is not opposed to Twitter, Narus/Skype, In-Q-Tel/ Facebook, Wikileaks, Cyborgs, or other Basic Technological Devices for Communicating Essential International Economic and Political Information. Braingarbage protests blood diamonds, fur, and mineral exploitation via AFRICOM. Braingarbage finds Facebook tedious but thanks nevertheless, In-Q-Tel, Narus, Accel, and Bono for the support. Bono tax evasion for a State which traffics Orphans is only fair. G4S is not a a current Braingarbage Partner due to the Guantanamo Torture revealed by Wikileaks, and will thusly Boycott G4S London Olympics. Braingarbage will break the rules about "BOYCOTT" when induced by Internet, Chocolate, Coffee, or Tea, even though all of the above are ECO-E-Evidence of Bioaccumulated Toxics Residue Dumping which will be litigated in the newly established International Environmental Court at Occupy London. docket: Wikileaks/State v. Trafigura The People v. Heterocyclic Amines etc. Braingarbage condolences for Diaspora Suicide and Tahrir Square.

Braingarbage heartily thanks Wikileaks and US Government for compiling and releasing this Collaborative Data Project. Braingarbage hopes for more Justice for the Human Victims of Global Injustice. Braingarbage likes Ecological Awareness websites like for Neurolinguistic programming for the Positive Identity ReStructuring for Humans of Earth 2.0. Much thanks for the United Nations holding the CIA torch for this momentous 2011 Global Revolution. Braingarbage does not support Torture. Braingarbage does not support Torture, Racism, Sexism, or modalities of Oppression. Braingarbage sends Love to the Political Prisoner Barack Obama in the White House Detention Center and the Inmates of the Pentagon, CIA, and Guan tanamo High Value Detainees, Hillary Clinton, and families. Though Braingarbage does not support Torture, Obama, Clinton, and Biden, Braingarbage applauds your efforts to understand Twitter, Internets, and Wikileaks. we are here for you. template: compiled by mary rose lenore eng 22-11-11 south london N ho; The standard "hello" greeting. Literally means "you good." Nn ho; The same "hello" greeting as above, except that , like in many European
languages, is the polite form of "you", used when addressing elders, or teachers etc. ? N ho ma; More often used following a greeting than not, however, this can be used as a "hello" by itself. ? Nn ho ma; The same as the "N ho ma" above, again, except that this is used as a more polite form. ? N znme yng?; "What's up?", "How are you doing?" Xng hu! "Nice to meet you!" Jiyng; An extremely polite greeting that is not commonly used between friends, but rather between professionals meeting for the first time. Jiwn dmng; This greeting should be reserved for use towards those whom you have extreme respect for. Literal translation: "Your name is famous" / "I have heard much about you"

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