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10 ways to contro| h|gh b|ood pressure w|thout med|cat|on

You don't a|ways need prescr|pt|on med|cat|ons to |ower your b|ood pressure. y mak|ng these 10
||festy|e changes, you can |ower your b|ood pressure and reduce your r|sk of heart d|sease.
8y Vayo C||r|c slall
ll you've oeer d|agrosed W|lr r|gr o|ood pressure (a syslo||c pressure lre lop ruroer ol 110 or aoove or a d|aslo||c
pressure lre oollor ruroer ol 90 or aoove), you r|grl oe Worr|ed aooul la||rg red|cal|or lo or|rg your ruroers doWr.
L|lesly|e p|ays ar |rporlarl ro|e |r lreal|rg your r|gr o|ood pressure. ll you successlu||y corlro| your o|ood pressure W|lr a
rea|lry ||lesly|e, you ray avo|d, de|ay or reduce lre reed lor red|cal|or.
lere are 10 ||lesly|e crarges you car ra|e lo |oWer your o|ood pressure ard |eep |l doWr.
1. Lose extra pounds and watch your wa|st||ne
8|ood pressure oller |rcreases as We|grl |rcreases. Los|rg jusl 10 pourds car re|p reduce your o|ood pressure. lr gerera|, lre
rore We|grl you |ose, lre |oWer your o|ood pressure. Los|rg We|grl a|so ra|es ary o|ood pressure red|cal|ors you're la||rg
rore ellecl|ve. You ard your doclor car delerr|re your largel We|grl ard lre oesl Way lo acr|eve |l.
8es|des sredd|rg pourds, you srou|d a|so |eep ar eye or your Wa|sl||re. Carry|rg loo rucr We|grl arourd your Wa|sl car pul
you al grealer r|s| ol r|gr o|ood pressure. lr gerera|:
O Ver are al r|s| |l lre|r Wa|sl reasurererl |s grealer lrar 10 |rcres (102 cerl|relers, or cr).
O orer are al r|s| |l lre|r Wa|sl reasurererl |s grealer lrar 35 |rcres (88 cr).
O s|ar rer are al r|s| |l lre|r Wa|sl reasurererl |s grealer lrar 3 |rcres (90 cr).
O s|ar Worer are al r|s| |l lre|r Wa|sl reasurererl |s grealer lrar 32 |rcres (80 cr).
2. Exerc|se regu|ar|y
#egu|ar prys|ca| acl|v|ly al |easl 30 lo 0 r|rules rosl days ol lre Wee| car |oWer your o|ood pressure oy 1 lo 9
r||||relers ol rercury (rr lg). rd |l doesr'l la|e |org lo see a d|llererce. ll you raver'l oeer acl|ve, |rcreas|rg your exerc|se
|eve| car |oWer your o|ood pressure W|lr|r jusl a leW Wee|s.
ll you rave preryperlers|or (syslo||c pressure oelWeer 120 ard 139 or d|aslo||c pressure oelWeer 80 ard 89), exerc|se car re|p
you avo|d deve|op|rg lu||-o|oWr ryperlers|or. ll you a|ready rave ryperlers|or, regu|ar prys|ca| acl|v|ly car or|rg your o|ood
pressure doWr lo saler |eve|s.
%a|| lo your doclor aooul deve|op|rg ar exerc|se prograr. Your doclor car re|p delerr|re Wrelrer you reed ary exerc|se
reslr|cl|ors. Ever roderale acl|v|ly lor 10 r|rules al a l|re, sucr as Wa|||rg ard ||grl slrerglr lra|r|rg, car re|p.
8ul avo|d oe|rg a Wee|erd Warr|or. %ry|rg lo squeeze a|| your exerc|se |r or lre Wee|erds lo ra|e up lor Wee|day |racl|v|ly
|sr'l a good slralegy. %rose sudder oursls ol acl|v|ly cou|d aclua||y oe r|s|y.
3. Eat a hea|thy d|et
Eal|rg a d|el lral |s r|cr |r Wro|e gra|rs, lru|ls, vegelao|es ard |oW-lal da|ry producls ard s||rps or saluraled lal ard cro|eslero|
car |oWer your o|ood pressure oy up lo 11 rr lg. %r|s eal|rg p|ar |s |roWr as lre 0|elary pproacres lo 3lop lyperlers|or
(03l) d|el.
ll |sr'l easy lo crarge your eal|rg rao|ls, oul W|lr lrese l|ps, you car adopl a rea|lry d|el:
O Keep a food d|ary. r|l|rg doWr Wral you eal, ever lor jusl a Wee|, car sred surpr|s|rg ||grl or your lrue eal|rg rao|ls. Vor|lor
Wral you eal, roW rucr, Wrer ard Wry.
O 6ons|der boost|ng potass|um. Polass|ur car |esser lre ellecls ol sod|ur or o|ood pressure. %re oesl source ol polass|ur |s
lood, sucr as lru|ls ard vegelao|es, ralrer lrar supp|ererls. %a|| lo your doclor aooul lre polass|ur |eve| lral's oesl lor you.
O e a smart shopper. Va|e a sropp|rg ||sl oelore read|rg lo lre superrar|el lo avo|d p|c||rg up jur| lood. #ead lood |aoe|s
Wrer you srop, ard sl|c| lo your rea|lry-eal|rg p|ar Wrer you're d|r|rg oul, loo.
O 6ut yourse|f some s|ack. |lrougr lre 03l d|el |s a ||le|org eal|rg gu|de, |l doesr'l rear you rave lo cul oul a|| ol lre loods
you |ove. ll's 0K lo lreal yourse|l occas|ora||y lo loods you Wou|dr'l l|rd or a 03l d|el reru, |||e a cardy oar or rasred
polaloes W|lr gravy.
4. Reduce sod|um |n your d|et
Ever a sra|| reducl|or |r lre sod|ur |r your d|el car reduce o|ood pressure oy 2 lo 8 rr lg. %re recorrerdal|ors lor
reduc|rg sod|ur are:
O L|r|l sod|ur lo 2,300 r||||grars (rg) a day or |ess.
O |oWer sod|ur |eve| 1,500 rg a day or |ess |s appropr|ale lor peop|e 51 years ol age or o|der, ard |rd|v|dua|s ol ary age
Wro are lr|car-rer|car or Wro rave r|gr o|ood pressure, d|aoeles or crror|c ||drey d|sease.
%o decrease sod|ur |r your d|el, cors|der lrese l|ps:
O Track how much sa|t |s |n your d|et. Keep a lood d|ary lo esl|rale roW rucr sod|ur |s |r Wral you eal ard dr|r| eacr day.
O Read food |abe|s. ll poss|o|e, croose |oW-sod|ur a|lerral|ves ol lre loods ard oeverages you rorra||y ouy.
O Eat fewer processed foods. Polalo cr|ps, lrozer d|rrers, oacor ard processed |urcr reals are r|gr |r sod|ur.
O 0on't add sa|t. Jusl 1 |eve| leaspoor ol sa|l ras 2,300 rg ol sod|ur. use reros or sp|ces, ralrer lrar sa|l, lo add rore l|avor lo
your loods.
O Ease |nto |t. ll you dor'l lee| |||e you car drasl|ca||y reduce lre sod|ur |r your d|el sudder|y, cul oac| gradua||y. Your pa|ale W|||
adjusl over l|re.
5. L|m|t the amount of a|coho| you dr|nk
|coro| car oe oolr good ard oad lor your rea|lr. lr sra|| arourls, |l car polerl|a||y |oWer your o|ood pressure oy 2 lo 1 rr
lg. 8ul lral prolecl|ve ellecl |s |osl |l you dr|r| loo rucr a|coro| gerera||y rore lrar ore dr|r| a day lor Worer ard rore
lrar lWo a day lor rer. |so, |l you dor'l rorra||y dr|r| a|coro|, you srou|dr'l slarl dr|r||rg as a Way lo |oWer your o|ood
pressure. %rere's rore polerl|a| rarr lrar oerel|l lo dr|r||rg a|coro|.
ll you dr|r| rore lrar roderale arourls ol |l, a|coro| car aclua||y ra|se o|ood pressure oy severa| po|rls. ll car a|so reduce lre
ellecl|veress ol r|gr o|ood pressure red|cal|ors.
O Track your dr|nk|ng patterns. |org W|lr your lood d|ary, |eep ar a|coro| d|ary lo lrac| your lrue dr|r||rg pallerrs. 0re dr|r|
equa|s 12 ources (355 r||||||lers, or rL) ol oeer, 5 ources ol W|re (118 rL) or 1.5 ources ol 80-prool ||quor (15 rL). ll you're
dr|r||rg rore lrar lre suggesled arourls, cul oac|.
O 6ons|der taper|ng off. ll you're a reavy dr|r|er, sudder|y e||r|ral|rg a|| a|coro| car aclua||y lr|gger severe r|gr o|ood pressure
lor severa| days. 3o Wrer you slop dr|r||rg, do |l W|lr lre superv|s|or ol your doclor or laper oll s|oW|y, over ore lo lWo Wee|s.
O 0on't b|nge. 8|rge dr|r||rg rav|rg lour or rore dr|r|s |r a roW car cause |arge ard sudder |rcreases |r o|ood pressure,
|r add|l|or lo olrer rea|lr proo|ers.

. Avo|d tobacco products and secondhand smoke

0r lop ol a|| lre olrer dargers ol sro||rg, lre r|col|re |r looacco producls car ra|se your o|ood pressure oy 10 rr lg or
rore lor up lo ar rour aller you sro|e. 3ro||rg lrrougroul lre day rears your o|ood pressure ray rera|r corslarl|y
You srou|d a|so avo|d secordrard sro|e. lrra||rg sro|e lror olrers a|so puls you al r|s| ol rea|lr proo|ers, |rc|ud|rg
r|gr o|ood pressure ard rearl d|sease.
7. 6ut back on caffe|ne
%re ro|e calle|re p|ays |r o|ood pressure |s sl||| deoalao|e. 0r|r||rg calle|raled oeverages car lerporar||y cause a sp||e |r
your o|ood pressure, oul |l's urc|ear Wrelrer lre ellecl |s lerporary or |org |asl|rg.
%o see |l calle|re ra|ses your o|ood pressure, crec| your pressure W|lr|r 30 r|rules ol dr|r||rg a cup ol collee or arolrer
calle|raled oeverage you regu|ar|y dr|r|. ll your o|ood pressure |rcreases oy l|ve lo 10 po|rls, you ray oe sers|l|ve lo lre
o|ood pressure ra|s|rg ellecls ol calle|re.
#egard|ess ol your sers|l|v|ly lo calle|re's ellecls, doclors recorrerd you dr|r| ro rore lrar 200 r||||grars a day
aooul lre arourl |r lWo cups ol collee.
8. Reduce your stress
3lress or arx|ely car lerporar||y |rcrease o|ood pressure. %a|e sore l|re lo lr|r| aooul Wral causes you lo lee|
slressed, sucr as Wor|, lar||y, l|rarces or |||ress. 0rce you |roW Wral's caus|rg your slress, cors|der roW you car
e||r|rale or reduce slress.
ll you car'l e||r|rale a|| ol your slressors, you car al |easl cope W|lr lrer |r a rea|lr|er Way. %a|e orea|s lor deep-
orealr|rg exerc|ses. 0el a rassage or la|e up yoga or red|lal|or. ll se|l-re|p doesr'l Wor|, see| oul a proless|ora| lor
9. Hon|tor your b|ood pressure at home and make regu|ar doctor's appo|ntments
ll you rave r|gr o|ood pressure, you ray reed lo ror|lor your o|ood pressure al rore. Learr|rg lo se|l-ror|lor your
o|ood pressure W|lr ar upper arr ror|lor car re|p rol|vale you. %a|| lo your doclor aooul rore ror|lor|rg oelore gell|rg
#egu|ar v|s|ls lo your doclor are a|so |||e|y lo oecore a parl ol your rorra| roul|re. %rese v|s|ls W||| re|p |eep laos or
your o|ood pressure.
O have a pr|mary care doctor. Peop|e Wro dor'l rave a pr|rary care doclor l|rd |l rarder lo corlro| lre|r o|ood pressure. ll
you car, v|s|l lre sare rea|lr care lac|||ly or proless|ora| lor a|| ol your rea|lr care reeds.
O V|s|t your doctor regu|ar|y. ll your o|ood pressure |sr'l We|| corlro||ed, or |l you rave olrer red|ca| proo|ers, you r|grl
reed lo v|s|l your doclor every rorlr lo rev|eW your lrealrerl ard ra|e adjuslrerls. ll your o|ood pressure |s urder
corlro|, you r|grl reed lo v|s|l your doclor or|y every s|x lo 12 rorlrs, deperd|rg or olrer cord|l|ors you r|grl rave.
10. Cet support from fam||y and fr|ends
3upporl|ve lar||y ard lr|erds car re|p |rprove your rea|lr. %rey ray ercourage you lo la|e care ol yourse|l, dr|ve you lo
lre doclor's oll|ce or eroar| or ar exerc|se prograr W|lr you lo |eep your o|ood pressure |oW. %a|| lo your lar||y ard
lr|erds aooul lre dargers ol r|gr o|ood pressure.
ll you l|rd you reed supporl oeyord your lar||y ard lr|erds, cors|der jo|r|rg a supporl group. %r|s ray pul you |r loucr
W|lr peop|e Wro car g|ve you ar erol|ora| or rora|e ooosl ard Wro car oller pracl|ca| l|ps lo cope W|lr your cord|l|or.
Fruits and VegetabIes that Lower BIood Pressure
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables has many health benefits. When they are incorporated in our daily
dietary intake, they can help reduce the risk associated with high blood pressure. To know about the
fruits and vegetables that lower blood pressure, read on...

High blood pressure is a cause for concern, as it can lead to coronary diseases, strokes, etc. A blood
pressure level of 120/80 mmHg, is considered as normal. Anything above or below, is not healthy for
the human body. If one is suffering from high blood pressure, then it is imperative to work with your
health care provider, to understand the ways it can be controlled or lowered. Most medical
practitioners, advice a combination of medications and lifestyle changes. Lifestyle changes include diet
and exercise. There are many fruits and vegetables that lower blood pressure, some of which are
listed below.

Fruits that Lower Blood Pressure

Fruits have many essential nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, etc. A daily serving of four to five
different fruits is recommended by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to maintain a healthy diet.
Fruits are so versatile in taste and flavor, that they can be easily consumed in forms of salads, soups,
juices, or even eaten in its natural raw state. Let's take a look at some fruits that help lower blood

Prunes Prunes are sweet to taste, and have a sticky, chewy texture. A quarter cupful of prunes
contains 316.6 mg of potassium and only 1.7 mg of sodium. Potassium is essential to maintain blood
pressure and cardiac function as well as prevent atherosclerosis (clotting of blood in the blood
vessels), whereas a low level of sodium can help lower high blood pressure.

Melons Melons are a rich source of potassium and magnesium, which aid in bringing down the blood
pressure. The carotenoids present in the melon, prevent the hardening and narrowing of the walls of
arteries and veins, thereby reducing the chances of constricted flow of blood through them. Both,
watermelon and muskmelon are fruits that help lower blood pressure.

Banana In early 1999, BBC News Health reported medical findings that bananas, which are
potassium-rich and low on sodium, could play a role in controlling blood pressure. They also
mentioned that two bananas a day can help control high blood pressure. One, medium banana usually
has 1 mg of sodium and 422 mg potassium, making it one of the most potent fruits against high blood

9rus Fru9s Citrus fruits are full of vitamin C, phytonutrients and bioflavonoids. The phytonutrients
and bioflavonoids are anti-inflammatory in nature, and prevent blood clot in the blood vessels. The
bioflavonoids, found in the white pith of these fruits, not only help in lowering high blood pressure, but
also help control cholesterol. Grapefruit, lemon, lime, oranges, tangerine, etc., all belong to the citrus

'egetables that Lower Blood Pressure

According to the Archives of Internal Medicine, a diet high in vegetables not only helps to regulate
blood pressure, but also lowers high blood pressure. Daily four to five servings of raw, leafy and
cooked vegetables is essential to maintain normal blood pressure. To get the best out of vegetables,
they should be preferably consumed raw as salads, or steamed, grilled or boiled. Let's find out which
vegetables can help lower blood pressure.

B99er Melon Bitter melon, also known as bitter gourd, is a good source of amino acid called citrulline.
Citrulline is essential to increase the number of nitric monoxide and vitamin C, which helps to
eliminate active oxygen to maintain nitric monoxide longer in the blood vessels. This in turn helps to
lower high blood pressure.

arro9s Carrots are high in beta-carotene and potassium, and help to maintain and regulate normal
blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart diseases. Carrots are best eaten raw, or can even be
juiced with a few herbs like mint or parsley, to maximize their benefits.

Toma9oes Tomatoes are a good source of calcium, potassium, and contain many vital vitamins like A,
C and E. They contain lycopene, an antioxidant, which is known to help lower high blood pressure.
Lycopene prevents LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol from sticking to the blood vessel walls,
which in turn prevents the heart from raising blood pressure.

Flower Vege9able Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are high in glutamic acid, which is the most
common amino acid found in vegetable protein. This acid helps to reduce blood pressure and decrease
the chances of stroke.

Leafy Greens Leafy green vegetables like spinach, lettuce, kale, Swiss chard, Chinese cabbage, etc.
are high in minerals, vitamins and fiber content and low in calories. They also contain a variety of
phytochemicals, beta-carotene, lutein, etc. All these proteins help fight plaque build-up in the blood
vessels, and help lower blood pressure.

Fresh fruits and vegetables that lower blood pressure naturally should be incorporated in the diet, not
only for those suffering from high blood pressure but for all those who seek a happy, healthy life. It is
best to consult a medical practitioner to chalk out a suitable diet plan, to ensure maximum benefit
from fruits and vegetables.

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