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Introduction To Java
Understanding Requirement: Why Java Why Java is important to the Internet

Introduction To Java Virtual Machine

Java Virtual Machine Architecture Class loading process by Class loaders Bootstrap Loader Extension Loader System Loader Relationship between Loaders Role of Just in Time Compiler (JIT) Execution Engine

An Overview Of Java And Buzzwords

Data Types, Variables ad Arrays Operators Control statements Object oriented Paradigms Abstraction The Three OOP Principles (Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism)

Java Classes And OOP Implementation

Class Fundamentals Command Line Arguments Learning static initializer Declaration of Objects Instance Variable Hiding Overloading and Overriding of Methods Up casting Down casting Understanding of Access Controls Private, public and protected Learning Nested and Inner Classes Dynamic method Dispatching Using Abstract Classes Using final to prevent Overriding & Inheritance Garbage Collection

Packages And Interfaces

Defining a Package Understanding CLASSPATH Access Protection Importing Packages Defining and implementing an Interface Abstract classes Vs Interfaces Adapter Classes Anonymous Classes

Exception Handling
Fundamentals of exception handling Types of exceptions Learning exception handlers Try and catch Multiple catch clauses Nested try statements Throw, throws and finally Creating custom exceptions Assertion

String Handling
Learning String Operations Learning Character Extraction Learning String Comparison Understanding of String Buffer Class String builder Class

New in JDK 5/6

Premain Method, Object size Auto boxing, UN boxing Java Compiler API Generics Annotations Vargs Static Import For Each ENUM

Windows Programming
Swing Introduction to JFC Controls Event Delegation Model Event Classes Event Listeners

Applet Applet Basics Architecture and Skelton Simple Applet Display Methods The Html Applet Tag Inter Applet Communication Trusted Applet (Applet with Database)

Multi-threaded Programming
The Java Thread Model Creating a Thread: Extending Thread Implementing Runnable Creating Multiple Threads and Context Switching Synchronization: Methods and Statement Inter-thread Communication Thread Local Dead Lock Thread pool Executer Class Shutdown Hookup Re-entrant Locking

I/O Streams
File Handling Binary Streams Character Streams Data Streams Serialization Scanner Stream Tokenizer Gzip Output Stream Class Data Encryption & Decryption

URL, Inet Address Socket and Server Socket Datagram Socket, URL connection Socket Factories

Reflection API
Determining the class of an Object Getting information about Classs modifiers, fields, methods, constructors and super classes Finding out constant and method declaration belong to an interface Creating an instance of a class whose name is not known until runtime Getting and setting value of an object if the method is unknown until runtime

Invoking a method of an object if the method id unknown until runtime Creating a new array whose size and component type are not know until runtime Invoking Private Members of a class


Collection Framework
The Collection Interfaces(List, Set, Sorted Set) The Collection Classes (Array List, Linked List, Hash Set, Tree Set) Accessing a Collection via an Iterator Working with Maps Working with Comparators, Comparable The Collection Algorithms The Legacy Classes and Interfaces (Enumeration, Vector, Dictionary, Hash table) Date and Time Handling

System Properties & Internationalization

Usage of Property file Define the Locale Resource Bundle Fetching text from Resource Bundle

Remote Method Invocation (RMI)

Distributed Applications RMI Architecture Implementation Call-back Mechanism

Database Programming Using JDBC

JDBC Drivers 4 Ways of Getting Database Connection Statements, Callable statement, prepared statement Metadata, Result Set Metadata, Database Metadata Scrollable & Updatable Result Set Batch Updates Data Source & Connection Pooling Row sets Traction (Commit, Rollback, save point)

Introduction to J2EE Architecture

Single, Two, Three, N Tier Web Components

Business Components Container Types Container Services Java Naming and Directory Interface Java Transaction Service Java Messaging Service Java Authentication &authorization Service

Introduction to UML
User Cases Diagrams

Introduction to XML
Document Type Definition (DTD) XML Parsers (Document Object Module Simple API for XML (SAX) )

Java Servlet
Introduction to Web Programming Advantages of Servlets Servlet Lifecycle Request Dispatching Session Tracking Event Listeners Filters File uploading/downloading Security

Java Server Pages (JSP) & JSTL

JSP Architecture JSP Elements JSP Objects Custom Tags Using tags of JSTL Expression Language Exception Handling in JSP

Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 3.0)

JAVA Persistence API Introduction Architecture Types of EJB

Session Beans
Introduction Static management

Life Cycle Stateless State full

Entity Beans
Introduction Persistence Life Cycle Types Container Managed Persistent (CMP)2.0 Introduction Primary Key Class EJB Methods EJB QL Syntax Clauses Bean Management Persistent (BMP) Introduction Implementation EJB Relationships

Message Drive Beans & JMS

Messaging Overview Messaging Models Point to Point Model Topic Subscriber Model JMS Implementation

Introduction ACID Properties Transaction Requirements Container Managed Transactions Bean Managed Transactions Distributed Transactions Two Phase Commit

J2EE Design Patterns

Why Design Patterns Front Controller Composite View Session Faade Service Locator Data Access Object Value Object

Singleton Pattern, Factory Pattern

Java Mail
Email System and Protocols Architecture Sending Mails Receiving Mails Handling Attachments Replying & Forwarding

Introduction to Web Services

A Conceptual Overview of Web Services Web Services Requirements SOAP WSDL UDDI


Struts 2 Framework
MVC/Model2 Filter Dispatcher Action Result Interceptors /Value Stack, OGNL & Data Transfer Action Context

Working With Struts 2 Actions

Introducing Struts 2 actions Packaging your actions Implementing actions Transferring data onto objects File uploading: a case study

Adding Workflow With Interceptors

Why intercept requests? Interceptors in action Surveying the built-in Struts 2 interceptors Declaring interceptors Building your own interceptors

Data Transfer: OGNL And Type Conversion

Data transfer and type conversion:

OGNL and Struts 2 Built-in type converters Customizing type conversion

Building A View: Tags

An overview of Struts tags Data tags Control tags Miscellaneous tags Using JSTL and other native tags A brief primer for the ONGL expression language

UI Component Tags
Why we need UI component tags Tags, templates, and themes UI Component tag reference

Integrating With Spring And Hibernate/JPA

Why use spring with Struts 2? Adding spring to Struts 2 Why use the Java Persistence API with Struts 2?

Exploring The Validation Framework

Getting familiar with the validation framework Wiring your action for validation Wiring a custom validator Validation framework advanced topics

Understanding Internationalization
The Struts 2 framework and Java i18n A Struts 2 i18n demo Struts 2 i18n: the details Overriding the frameworks default locale determination

SQL Basic
Introduction Select Where Insert Update Delete

SQL Advanced
SQL Order By SQL AND & OR SQL In SQL Between SQL Join SQL Union SQL Create SQL Drop SQL Alter Decode SQL SQL Group By SQL Select Into SQL Create View Creating Index

SQL Functions
Aggregate Functions Scalar Functions

Working with dates Introduction to PL Working with Procedures and Functions Working with Triggers Working with Sequences

Introduction to Mapping Objects to Relational Databases
Serialization 2 XML 2 Object oriented database systems Mapping

Introduction to Hibernate
Hibernate architecture Hibernate configuration Hibernates support for other technologies Installing hibernate A Hello World stand alone application

Creating Persistent Classes

Mapping a basic Java class Mapping a class with binary data Mapping a serializable class

Mapping a class with data/calendar attributes Mapping read only class Mapping classes using versioning/timestamps

Mapping Inheritance With Java Classes

Table per-class hierarchy mapping Table-per-subclass hierarchy mapping Table-per-concrete-class hierarchy mapping Persisting interfaces

Working With Collections

Associations Lazy initializations Mapping maps/sorted maps Mapping set/sorted sets Mapping lists Mapping arrays Mapping a bidirectional association

Using Persistent Objects

Persisting objects Loading data into an object Updating and finding objects

Scalar Queries And Hibernate Query Language

Queries Named queries SQL queries Hibernate query language

Hibernate Caching
Setting up a session factory cache Using the persistent object cache Using the query cache Setting up EH cache

Hibernate Transaction And Locking

Configurations Database support Using transactions The transaction API Transaction example using Oracle Locking

Hibernate And Xdoclet

Introduction to XDoclet Using Xdoclet with hibernate Hibernate XDoclet tags and description

Hibernate And Eclipse

Hibernator Hiber Clipse hibernate synchronizer

Integration Of Struts 2, Hibernate And Spring

Struts and Hibernate Spring and Hibernate Struts, Hibernate and Spring

What Is Spring
Spring modules Understanding dependency injection Applying aspects-oriented programming

Basic Bean Wiring

Containing your beans Creating beans Injecting into bean properties Auto wiring Controlling bean creation

Advanced Bean Wiring

Declaring parent and child beans Applying method injection Injecting non-Spring beans Registering custom property editors

Advising Beans
Introducing AOP Creating classic Spring aspects Creating advice Defining point cuts and advisors Using proxy factory beans Autoproxying

Hitting The Database

Learning Springs data access philosophy Configuring a data source Using JDBC with Spring Working with JDBC templates Using Springs DAO support classes for JDBC Integrating hibernating with Spring Caching

Spring And POJO-Based Remote Services

An overview of Spring remoting Working with RMI Remoting with hessian and burlap Using Springs http Invoker Spring and Web services

Building Contract-First Web Services In Spring

Introducing Spring-WS Defining the contract (first) Handling messages with service endpoints Wiring it all together Consuming Spring-WS web services

Spring And Enterprise Java Beans

Wiring EJBs in Spring Spring and EJB3

Handling Web Requests

Getting started with Spring MVC Mapping requests to controllers Handling requests with controllers Handling exceptions

Integrating With Other Frameworks

Using Spring with Struts Registering the Spring plug-in with Struts Writing Spring ware Struts action Delegating to Spring-configured actions What about Struts 2? Working Spring into web work 2/Struts 2

RH124 Red Hat System Administration Get Started with the GNOME Graphical Desktop
Get started with GNOME and edit text files with gedit

Manage Files Graphically with Nautilus

Access documentation, both locally and online

Get Help in a Graphical Environment

Configure the date and time and configure a printer

Configure Local Services

Understand basic disk concepts and manage system disks

Manage Physical Storage I

Understand logical volume concepts and manage logical volumes

Manage Logical Volumes

Manage CPU, memory, and disk utilization

Monitor System Resources

Manage system software locally and using Red Hat Network (RHN)

Manage System Software

Understand basic shell concepts, execute simple commands, and use basic job control techniques

Get Started with Bash

Use man and info pages and find documentation in /usr/share/doc

Get Help in a Textual Environment

Understand basic network concepts; configure, manage, and test network settings

Establish Network Connectivity

Manage users and groups

Administer Users and Groups

Understand Linux file system hierarchy and pathnames; manage files from the command line

Manage Files from the Command Line

Understand Linux file access mechanisms; manage file access from the GUI and the command line

Secure Linux File Access

Share and connect to a desktop; use SSH and rsync

Administer Remote Systems

Manage services; configure SSH and remote desktops

Configure General Services

Manage file system attributes and swap space

Manage Physical Storage II

Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux and configure the system with firstboot

Install Linux Graphically

Understand basic virtualization concepts; install and manage virtual machines

Manage Virtual Machines

Understand run levels and manage GRUB

Control the Boot Process

Deploy an FTP server and a web server

Deploy File Sharing Services

Manage a firewall; understand SE Linux concepts and manage SE Linux

Secure Network Services

Get a hands-on review of the concepts covered in this course

Comprehensive Review
Create and manage kick start configuration files; perform installations using kick start

RH135 Red Hat System Administration II

Automated Installations of Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Access the command line locally and remotely; gain administrative privileges from the command line

Accessing the Command Line

Use hard links, archives and compression, and vim

Intermediate Command Line Tools

Use regular expressions to search patterns in files and output; redirect and pipe output

Regular Expressions, Pipelines, and I/O Redirection

Configure network settings; troubleshoot network issues

Network Configuration and Troubleshooting

Create and format simple partitions, swap partitions, and encrypted partitions

Managing Simple Partitions and File systems

Implement LVM and LVM snapshots

Managing Flexible Storage with the Logical Volume Manager (LVM)

Implement NFS, CIFS, and autofs

Access Network File Sharing Services; NFS and CIFS

Manage user accounts including password aging

Managing User Accounts

Connect to a central LDAP directory service

Network User Accounts with LDAP

Manage group memberships, file permissions, and access control lists (ACL)

Controlling Access to Files

Activate and deactivate SE Linux; set file contexts; manage SE Linux Booleans ; analyze SE Linux logs

Managing SE Linux
Manage software and query information with yum; configure client-side yum repository files

Installing and Managing Software

Managing services; verify connectivity to a service

Managing Installed Services

Managing logs with rsyslog and logrotate

Analyzing and Storing Logs

Identify and terminate processes, change the priority of a process, and use cronand at to schedule processes

Managing Processes
Understand the boot process and resolve boot problems

System Recovery Techniques

List, load, and remove modules; use kernel arguments

Tuning and Maintaining the Kernel

Automate system administration tasks utilizing Bash scripts and text-based tools

Bash Scripting and Tools

Secure files with GnuPG

File Security with GnuPG

Use yum plugins to manage packages; understand the design of packages; build a simple package

Software Management
Profile running services, then capture and analyze network traffic

Network Monitoring
Configure system to route traffic and customize network parameters with sysctl

Route Network Traffic

Secure network traffic through SSH port forwarding and ip tables filtering/network address translation (NAT)

Secure Network Traffic

Configure an NTP server

NTP Server Configuration

Manage local file system integrity; monitor systems over time and system logging

System Monitoring and Logs

Access centralized storage (iSCSI) and encrypt file systems

Centralized and Secure Storage

Understand SSL certificates and deploy an SSL-encapsulated web service

SSL-encapsulated Web Services

Configure an SMTP server for basic operation (null client, receiving mail, Smart host relay)

Basic SMTP Configuration

Configure a web server with virtual hosts, dynamic content, and authenticated directories

Web Server Additional Configuration

Given a virtualized environment, begin to administrate multiple systems using prerequisite skills

RH255 Red Hat System Administration III

Getting Started with the Classroom Environment
Configure system to use Kerberos to verify credentials and grant privileges via sudo

Enhance User Security

Understand DNS resource records and configure a caching-only name server

Bash Scripting and Tools

Automate system administration tasks utilizing Bash scripts and text-based tools

File Security with GnuPG

Use yum plugins to manage packages; understand the design of packages; build a simple package

Software Management
Profile running services, then capture and analyze network traffic

Network Monitoring
Configure system to route traffic and customize network parameters with sysctl

Route Network Traffic

Secure network traffic through SSH port forwarding and iptables filtering/network address translation (NAT)

Secure Network Traffic

Configure an NTP server

NTP Server Configuration

Manage local file system integrity; monitor systems over time and system logging

System Monitoring and Logs

Access centralized storage (iSCSI) and encrypt file systems

Centralized and Secure Storage

Understand SSL certificates and deploy an SSL-encapsulated web service

SSL-encapsulated Web Services

Configure an SMTP server for basic operation (null client, receiving mail, smart host relay)

Basic SMTP Configuration

Configure a web server with virtual hosts, dynamic content, and authenticated directories

Web Server Additional Configuration

Given a virtualized environment, begin to administrate multiple systems using prerequisite skills

Basic SMTP Configuration

Configure an SMTP server for basic operation (null client, receiving mail, smarthost relay)

File Sharing with NFS

Configure file sharing between hosts with NFS

File Sharing with CIFS

Configure file and print sharing between hosts with CIFS

File Sharing with FTP

Configure file sharing with anonymous FTP

Troubleshooting Boot Process

Understand the boot process and recover unbootable systems with rescue mode

Describe the purpose and functions of various network devices Select the components required to meet a network specification Use the OSI and TCP/IP models and their associated protocols to explain how data flows in a network Describe the purpose and basic operation of the protocols in the OSI and TCP models Determine the path between two hosts across a network Describe the components required for network and Internet communications Identify and correct common network problems at layers 1, 2, 3 and 7 using a layered model approach Differentiate between LAN/WAN operation and features

Select the appropriate media, cables, ports, and connectors to connect switchesto other network devices and hosts Explain the technology and media access control method for Ethernet networks Explain network segmentation and basic traffic management concepts Explain basic switching concepts and the operation of Cisco switches Perform and verify initial switch configuration tasks including remote access management IVerify network status and switch operation using basic utilities (including: ping, traceroute,telnet, SSH, arp, ipconfig), and SHOW & DEBUG commands Differentiate between LAN/WAN operation and features Identify, prescribe, and resolve common switched network media issuesconfiguration issues, auto negotiation, and switch hardware failures Describe enhanced switching technologies (including: VTP, STP, VLAN, PVSTP, 802.1q) Describe how VLANs create logically separate networks and the need forrouting between them Configure, verify, and troubleshoot VLANs Configure, verify, and troubleshoot trunking on Cisco switches Configure, verify, and troubleshoot interVLAN routing Configure, verify, and troubleshoot VTP Configure, verify, and troubleshoot STP operation Interpret the output of various show and debug commands to verify the operationalstatus of a Cisco switched network. Implement basic switch security (including: port security, trunk access, managementvlan other than vlan1, etc.)

Describe the operation and benefits of using private and public IP addressing Explain the operation and benefits of using DHCP and DNS Configure, verify and troubleshoot DHCP and DNS operation on a router Implement static and dynamic addressing services for hosts in a LAN environment Calculate and apply an addressing scheme including VLSM IP addressing to a network Determine the appropriate classless addressing scheme using VLSM and summarizationto satisfy addressing requirements in a LAN/WAN environment Describe IPv6 addresses Identify and correct common problems associated with IP addressing and hostConfigurations

Describe basic routing concepts (including: packet forwarding, router lookup process) Select the appropriate media, cables, ports, and connectors to connect routers toother network devices and hosts Configure, verify, and troubleshoot RIPv2 Connect, configure, and verify operation status of a device interface Verify device configuration and network connectivity using ping, trace route,telnet, SSH or other utilities Manage IOS configuration files. (including: save, edit, upgrade, restore) Manage Cisco IOS Compare and contrast methods of routing and routing protocols Configure, verify, and troubleshoot OSPF Configure, verify, and troubleshoot EIGRP Verify network connectivity (including: using ping, trace route, and telnet or SSH) Troubleshoot routing issues Verify router hardware and software operation using SHOW & DEBUG commands. Implement basic router security


Describe standards associated with wireless media including: IEEE, WI-FI Alliance, ITU/FCC) Identify and describe the purpose of the components in a small wireless network. (Including: SSID, BSS, ESS)

Identify the basic parameters to configure on a wireless network to ensure that devices connect to the correct access point Compare and contrast wireless security features and capabilities of WPA security (including: open, WEP, WPA-1/2)

Describe the purpose and types of ACLs Configure and apply ACLs based on network filtering requirements using CLI Configure and apply an ACL to limit telnet and SSH access to the router using CLI Verify and monitor ACLs in a network environment Troubleshoot ACL issues Explain the basic operation of NAT Configure NAT (Static , Dynamic , Overload )for given network requirements using CLI IMPLEMENT, VERIFY, AND TROUBLESHOOT NAT AND ACLS IN A MEDIUM-SIZE ENTERPRISE BRANCH OFFICE NETWORK Troubleshoot NAT issues


Describe different methods for connecting to a WAN Configure and verify a basic WAN serial connection Configure and verify Frame Relay on Cisco routers Troubleshoot WAN implementation issues Configure and verify a PPP connection between Cisco routers

Lab 1: Build a network Lab 3: Router initial configuration and enable IP Lab 4: Verify initial configuration using setup command Lab 6: Command history and editing features Lab 7: Examine Router Elements Lab 8: Using Cisco Discover Protocol Lab 9: Copy and manipulate configuration files Lab 10: Config passwords/identification/banners Lab 11: Config Router to be a TFTP Server Lab 12: Loading the IOS from ROM, TFTP, or flash Lab 13: Working with an IOS software image Lab 14: Configure IP Addresses Lab 15: Configure IP Host Table Lab 16: Verify IP Addresses Lab 17: Add RIP routing protocol to configuration Lab 18: Add IGRP routing protocol to configuration

Lab 19: Configuring Standard Access-Lists Lab 20: Configuring Extended Access Lists Lab 21: Configuring Frame Relay Lab 22: Monitoring Frame Relay

Use of .net D.N.A architecture (One tier, two tier, three tier, n-tier)

The Common Language Run Time

Clr Architecture and services Intermediate Language Just in time compiler Disassembling the il code

Syntax and Data Type

Language fundamental Data type and control structure Value and ref data type Cts type Conditional operator C# operator Looping syntax Array Structure

OOPs Concepts
Classes Encapsulating attribute Define constructor Define method and their type Overloading methods and constructor Define property and their types Invoking property and methods

Events and Delegates

Understanding delegates Simple delegate Delegate implementation anonymous methods Multicast delegates Generic delegates Understand events System define events Events process cycle

Event handlers User defined events Creating and binding user events

Implementations Inheritance hierarchies Method overloading, overriding and hiding Abstract and seald class Exposing interface Interface polymorphism Class access modifiers Partial class

Array list Stack Queue Hash table

Generics Collection
List Dictionary Stacks Queue

File Handling
System io namespace Stream reader and stream writer File class Directory class Path class Reading and writing a file

Forms and Control

Building windows application Programming forms and control Constructing MDI forms Implementation of MDI child and parents

Exception Handling
Means of bug and exceptions Role of .net exception handling System level exception Application level exception Try and catch block

Finally block Throw exception on request Costume exception

Understanding multithreading process The system threading namespace The thread and the thread start class Thread life cycle Thread safety concepts Thread synchronization Understanding thread pool Understanding role of thread background worker component

Understand object serialization Serialization formats (Binary, Soap formatter and XML serializar)

Assembly And Deployment

Role of .net assembly Building and consume a single/ multi file assembly Private assembly Shared assembly Creating multiple version of a single assembly Removing DLL hell problem

System reflection namespace Core reflection classes Accessing assembly through reflection Method info Member info Property info Browsing and querying members Invoking methods and property and runtime Reflection on shared assembly

Introduction of remoting Remoting architecture and scenario Creating .net remoting object Hosting a remort object Activation type (Singleton, single call) Creating channels

Evaluation of ADO
Difference between ADO and ADO.Net Providers Connected and disconnected architectures

Ado .net Structure

The connection object Command object Dataset object Data reader object Data adapter object

Working with Dataset

Creating tables in dataset Data column, row and table Updating, Inserting and modification in data table Changing data base using command builder Working with command and connection

Command and Connection Classes

Implementation and difference of execute Non-query and execute scalar Executing stored procedure Creating parameter and sql injection

Data Reader
Reading data in connected environment Moving and accessing value of record Execute reader

Data View
Row filter Sorting Update, insert and delete via data view

Data Relation
Creating relations Applying relation on data set

Adding Constraints
Foreign key constraints Unique constraints Define primary key

Introduction of transaction (ACID) Transaction class Commit and rollback actions Implementation of save point

Introduction to ASP.NET
Need of web application Http protocol Static and dynamic page Concept working of lis and browser Difference between asp and

Introduction to Html
Creating simple html page Html tags Hosting a html page Lis virtual directory Request transfer throws Get and Post methods

Server Pages Using ASP.NET

Creating server pages Understanding page life cycle Handling page requesting Http response object Auto event wireup Tracing and debugging page

State Management
Http cookies Cookie creation Scope of cookie and their merits

Http Session
Session clean-up and creation Implementation session setting in web.config file Session state using sql server Session state using state service

Http Application
Understand application life cycle Implementation and use of application object Working with

Query String Methods

Implementation of query string Transfer value through query string Getting value by request object Scope

State Management Using Post Back URL

Context handler Class Is cross post back Page object working Previous page process

View State
Understanding view state Store and retrieve value from view state

State Management Using Hidden Field And Profile

Creating profile Using resources namespace Reading and writing value in profile

Server And Validation Controls

Text box, Combo box, List box and checkbox Validation controls Working with range, regular expression and compare Use control validate property Custom validator control Implementation of client and server side validation

Data Bind Controls

Working with repeater control Working with data list control Working with grid view control Working with form view control Working with details view control Working with navigation control

Navigation Control
Site map Use of site map Binding a site map Tree view Property of tree view

Define a node relation Binding with site map Property of menu view Define an items relation

Types of caching Page fragment caching Caching with http cache policy class Post cache substitution Data caching

Skins Theme and CSS

Creating style sheet Apply style sheet Creating rules Creating element settings Theme folder and skin Handling theme conflict Using CSS in theme Apply dynamic theme

Master Pages
Creating master page Default contents Master page with CSS and table layout Applying master page through configuration file Nested master page Master page and relative path

Exception Handling In Web Application

Code level handling Using try, Catch and finally Page level handling Application level handling Server object exception methods Exception handling in global .ASAX Custom error handling Setting costume error tag

Globalization And Localization

Introduction of multilingual application Understanding culture and UL culture Culture info class Overriding initialize culture

Auto attribute Local and global resources

Web Services
Introduction of web service The SOAP architecture SOAP and web service SOAP essentials Web service attribute WSDL documentations Disco and disco map file Transaction in web service Publishing and consuming a web service

Introduction to Ajax Creating Ajax enabled website Understanding and working with update panel Role of script manager Creating a Ajax enabled web service

Security and Windows

Types of security Define form base security Form authentication class and their methods Declare user into web configuration Apply password formats Window based security IIs setting regarding windows authentication

Concept of passport security Passport url

Login Controls
Creating the data source Configure connection string and membership provider Creating a authentication user Login, login status, login view control Password recovery control Create user control

Introduction of XML XML documentation structure Wff format of XML Parsers dom and sax XML classes Reading and writing XML file

Understanding Lambda Expressions Object Initialization and Anonymous Types Extension methods

Understanding the role of Linq Linq query expression Linq and non generic collection Linq to datasheet Linq to sql

Windows Communication Foundation (W.C.F)

W.C.F project template Composition of W.C.F Building and hosting W.C.F service Building a W.C.F client application

Window Workflow Foundation (W.W.F)

W.F.F assembly, namespace and project Building workflow enable application The WF engine hosting Web service with work flow

.NET 2010
Language and IDE Features
Examine visual studio 2010 code editor UI improvements : from intellisense to zoom, Learn new language features including dynamic language support, Lambda expression improvements, Named and optional parameters in c# 4.0 Parallel computing Add simple parallel support Task parallel library Plinq

Examine variance (covariance and contra variance) and hoe these feature make interface work the way you always thought they should In-process side-by-side execution

Data Enhancements: The Entity Framework (E.D.M)

ASP .net 4.0 dynamic data support Overview of entity framework How to create an entity data module Various techniques for using linq to entities to query data in a sql server data base Overview of ADO .net data services Create and call ADO .net service

ASP .NET Web Forms Improvements (M.V.C 2.0)

Client data control Client templates Client data context ASP .NET AJAX 4.0: New AJAX support for data driven web Visual web designer enhancements ASP .NET core services, web configuration file verification Output caching URL routing Named parameter syntax Deploy web application using new visual studio 2010 features

WPF Overview
Examine the various flavors of WPF application Working with window and application class types

WPF Control and its feature

Survey the core WPF control types Review the WPF control programming model Understand the role of WPF control commands Work with the WPF ink API Use Microsoft expression blend to build user interface WPF Layouts And Style Support

WPF Control Extensions

Design template Custom control Content extension WPF commands

WPF data binding

Code behind MVVM pattern


Query Window
The foundation statements of T_SQL Started with SELECT statement Adding Data with the INSERT statement Changing what you've Got with the UPDATE statement

Inner joins Outer joins Cross joins

The Union The Create Statement

Create database Create table

The Alter Statement

Alter database Alter table

The Drop Statement Constraints

Types of constraints Domain constraints Entity constraints Referential integrity constraints Constraints naming Key constraints Primary key constraints Foreign key constraints Unique constraints Check constraints Default constraints Disabling constraints

Defaults Determining which tables and datatypes Use a given rule or default Triggers for Data integrity Choosing what to use

Adding More To Our Queries

What is a subquery? Building a nested subquery Correlated subqueries How correlated subqueries work Correlated subqueries in the Where clause Dealing with null data- the isnull function derived tables The exists operator Using exists in other ways Mixing data types: cast and convert

Understanding Indexes
How data is accessed in SQL server Creating, altering, and Dropping indexes The create index statement

Simple views Views as filters More complex views Editing views with T-SQL Dropping views

Stored Procedures
Basic syntax Changing stored procedures with Alter Dropping sprocs Handling errors

Begin tran Commit tran Rollback tran Save tran

What is a trigger? With encryption 0

The for/after vs the instead of clause With append Not for replication Using triggers for data integrity rules Dealing with requirements sourced from other tables Using triggers to check the delta of an update using triggers for custom error messages Other common uses of triggers Other triggers issues Triggers can be nested Triggers can be recursive Dropping triggers

Using XML
Retrieving XML by using FOR XML Shredding XML by using OPEN XML Introducing Xquery Using the XML data type

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